Forgive me if I am wrong, but didn't he say he wasn't resigning already? Or is this the same interview?
Could be referencing that interview.
It is best to wait for a full official translation rather than internet users translating it which is prone to errors.
This text
任天堂、社長報酬を5カ月間半減 3期連続赤字で
任天堂は29日、岩田聡社長の報酬を5カ月間半減させると発表した。ゲーム機の販売不振が響き、2014年3月期の営業損益が350億円の赤字になって3 期連続 赤字が見込まれるため。ほかの取締役9人の報酬も2~3割減らす。記者会見で岩田社長は「損失を重くみてけじめをつけた」と述べた。
任天堂は11年8月にも、通期業績が大きく落ち込む見通しになったため社長報酬を半減。昨年7月に3割減に戻したばかりだった。今回の報酬減は2~6月の予定 だが、その後は6月の株主総会後に業績をみて決めるという。
岩田社長は「どのように任天堂を立て直すかしか考えていない」として辞任は否定。「子どもたちへのアプローチが十分ではなかった」と述べ、30日に東京で開く 経営方針説明会で中長期の立て直し策を示すとしている。
いまの任天堂ゲーム機の苦戦は、年間の半分の商いがある年末商戦を終えた13年4~12月期決算でも明らかだ。新型据え置き型「Wii U」の4~12 月の世 界販売は241万台。発売時期の一昨年10~12月に売った306万台にも届かなかった。携帯型「ニンテンドー3DS」も、米国で廉価版「2DS」を投入 して巻 き返しを図ったが、全体では前年の1271万台に届かなかった。
4~12月期の売上高は4991億円で前年同期より8・1%減。全世界で前年を下回った。営業損益は15億円の赤字で、前年より赤字幅は縮小したが、円安によ って利益が80億円膨らんだことに救われたに過ぎない。(神沢和敬)
Is basically saying that that Iwata's salary will be cut by half and 9 others cut by 30% starting on the 29th (yesterday). This is due to the slow sales of the Wii U which did not meet expectations. It's expected that the deficit will continue past March 2014 (being in the red is 35 billion yen). Iwata said "Nintendo sees this deficit and is making the necessary adjustments". In addition, since the deficit will increase, they will cut Iwata's salary by half again in August 11th which will be discussed on June 2nd. Nintendo's achievements will be reviewed at the shareholders and decisions will be made afterward. Iwata denies resignation as Nintendo is being re-organized and says "the approach towards children was not enough (satisfactory)".
and will open in Tokyo on the 30th. It is assumed that a corporate strategy meeting shows a medium-to-long term reorganization measure.
I am stumped. Exactly what will open in Tokyo on the 30th. The shareholders meeting? The corporate strategy meeting? Anyways, that is the farthest I got and it is an extremely rough translation. I think it's best to just wait for an official translation.
新型据え置き型「Wii U」の4~12 月の世 界販売は241万台。
This is what I got from a fairly reliable translator I use for when I am stumped
"World in 4? December of a new style non-portable type "Wii U" .Boundary sale is 2,410,000 sets."
The World in 4 means "between April and December of the Gregorian (World) Calender)."
Not sure if this alluding to a new style of Wii U...
My head hurts...