Mega Charizard X... awesome. Fire/Dragon as well(about time).
Now just give us a Water/Dragon Mega Gyarados already.
This also boosts my hopes up for PT returning, or at the very least, the Charizard portion of it. On the other hand, it ruined a Final Smash idea I had for a regular-style Brawl Pokemon Trainer(has the same Pokemon, but all 3 have unique FS). Charizard could go Mega. Well... doesn't work with two.

Squirtle stuck with the original Brawl FS. And Ivysaur would have some other kind.(or Squirtle's had the other two do some combo in the same sense as Ike or Link while Ivy went with the essential Beam Spam. Makes sense, since Triple Finish is essentially a Solar Beam on steroids).