Count me in as well. Bomberman was and still at this day stands as one of my favorite video game series. Also, its getting a new game in the Switch? Time to go check that out!
Super Bomberman R is great fun, and is everything that it needed to be for a big comeback, I feel. That said, it isn't a perfect game -
Yomi's Biggest Fan
sums up the game's issues well.
Funished with Super Bomberman R's story. There some things that I've liked and things I hope are fixed in a possible sequel (given it had the best launch sales of any Bomberman game in Japan).
For starters, the Gem system is broken. You need up to 5,000 of them if you want any of the unlockable fighters. The worst part is that you get the most of them in Story Mode and you get 300 at most per round depending on lives left and the power-ups you get. I hope we get some less obnoxious for the next game.
Then there's the level design. The camera would bode well for the levels if it were far less angeled and gave you more freedom. Levels with a lot of blocks can make things too tight and the ones with infinite spawning enemies are a nightmare to get through (especially if they are "Get the Keys" missions). Also, it wouldn't hurt to add a bit more color. Bomberman is known for being a colorful franchise and the Unity engine makes the levels look dull.
And if I want to be honest, the voice acting just needs more improvement. Sure they were going for a cheesy Saturday morning approach, but that type of voice acting isn't passable with today's standards. Even moments that were meant to be sad or serious were ruining because of this "forced cheesiness".
Lastky, there's the boss fights themselves. You can barely deal hits on the more active ones without losing too many lives. The final boss is far too claustrophobic where you can die many times because of his hands or projectiles. Hell, even the Bomber vs Bomber matches are a pain because of how smart the AI is. Don't get me started on the damn Fort Walker and how hard it a to maneuver around it's massive body
Super Bomberman R is alright, but far from the best Bomberman game of all time. Even when compared to the original four games. A 6/10 seems like the best score I can give it. Apologies for the wall of text.
I don't really term experiences with games with a number, but I think I'd give it a little higher personally, as the multi-player is very good (even if the League system in online play is ludicrously harsh, much like the in-game Gem currency is). That said, you've summed up the few issues that I've had with the game perfectly fairly.
The Bomber vs. Bomber bosses, in particular, all too often devolve into spamming a lot of bombs in the hope of tripping up the too-perfect AI, and you're likely to lose a bunch of lives yourself in the process.

I thought the bigger bosses in the open arenas were much more fun - though you're right about the Fort Walker, it's a little too big!
The lack of colour isn't down to the engine, since there are multi-player arenas that are plenty colourful. That's just a poor art-direction choice. They need to address it in a sequel, for sure.
As for the voice-acting, it's not that the acting is bad - on the contrary, the casting and acting are good, and I really like the voice-work for White in particular - it's that the direction doesn't put it in the best light because of the early-1990s dubbed anime shown on Saturday mornings feel that they strongly went for. In and of itself that's no bad thing, as it works with the series' aesthetic, but you're right, it does put a damper on the more serious moments. Which is kind of a shame, because actual TV shows that had those traits in the 1990s (I'm thinking of stuff like Noozles, here, if you know it) managed their serious moments better. I think they just took that schtick a bit too far and would do fine with just toning it down next time.
Still, the SNES got five Super Bomberman games - with any luck, it won't be any great stretch for the Switch to get a second later on, if Super Bomberman R does well.