Man I would let some puppies be to get the words Golden Sun on screen tomorrow.
Banjo, I'd be fine with, hopefully with smore Microsoft announcements/partnership. I know a lot of people would be excited, but I never loved those games.
Erdrick... man I'm not going to lie that would be disappointing. Why pay Square for a series half the world doesn't care about when you could just build your own JRPG brand and satisfy your fans instead? Unless they had to take Erdrick to get Cloud back, which kind of seems like something Squenix would do, and we know Cloud was a struggle to get the rights for and almost didn't happen. Also, work with 2 songs from an old stingy racist or have Motoi Sakuraba do even more for Smash with his own compositions? Cmon now.
I'm very much hoping there's something more weird than just those two going on tomorrow because if that's it, my hype is at an all-time low. See me for GS4, leaks for Banjo/Erdrick being wrong, more than 2 fighters announced and a season 2 of Smash Ultimate DLC announced.