I haven't been around in here because I admire the perseverance you guys are showing, but we went through all these motions last time. Trying to organize a movement, catch the attention of those with sway, affect change. I remember rallying fans across sites and creating promotional material for Isaac. Pretty sure one of you still has the "Isaac for Smash" banner I made back then as your sig. It's a noble endeavour, and it speaks to the fanbase, but we were already given a platform through which to have our voice heard. It was given attention a grassroots campaign really has little shot of achieving, and was a guaranteed conduit to the development team.
Yes, we showed up on the ballot in full force and did tremendously given out situation, but that was the best shot to prove our mettle. And that we did, clearly they know that there is demand for Isaac. They wouldn't have brought him back if not for us. They heard us, they know popularity exists, and they gave us a consolation prize for it. The thing you're trying to impress upon them is something of which they're already aware. To that end, to have a campaign succeed, you'd a) need to achieve levels of demand greater than the ballot, which given the grassroots nature of what you're attempting compared to an official, Direct-promoted ballot, will be a herculean task. And b) you'd need to impress this upon Nintendo.
People do seem more tuned into Isaac now than in the past, so if you wanted to strike while the iron is hot, I wouldn't blame you. I see people going "Oh no, Isaac didn't make it?!" who I didn't even know knew about Isaac, and it's like... but where were you prior to last week though? But, at the same time, I've been down this road before, and I remain skeptical towards its effectiveness. So were you to go through with this, I would not be a suitable figurehead. That's why I've not much contributed. I don't want to rain on the good intentions of the activism.
However, if you are intent on moving ahead with this, I do have some advice. Don't focus on Felix or Matthew, that's basically starting from square one. People don't know them too well, people know Isaac. Don't share the campaign with another character. Not only is that asking more from the developers, but it muddies the goal and will splinter the movement unless everyone within wants all those characters equally. Imagine you get one but not another, and suddenly a huge chunk of the movement is gone. Keep in mind that Nintendo makes the decisions and commissions the products, directing your focus on Camelot won't be as effective. Have unified branding, don't go around with different hashtags. Look at what past successful campaigns did. Get people who can speak other languages and reside on other sites, all the fans needs to be unified and galvanized. You'll need mouthpieces, and forums aren't conducive to that, that's more a Youtube thing. Create videos to spread. Take targeted actions, a large wave will get more attention than a constant drizzle. Which requires forethought and planning. Which requires a base of operations. So you can vote on what to do first, but I'd go make a discord, decide on your branding (make it simple) and proliferate it across different platforms online. I know
inquired about me making the discord, but not only am I not overly familiar with discord, but I think the movement would be in better hands with those more proactive and optimistic than myself.
Good luck.