Fanfic idea for Isaac's reveal trailer:
CG movie starts off with Pokemon Trainer and his Ivysaur in a forest fighting in a battle with a wild Squirtle.
"Ivysaur, Razor Leaf!"
Squirtle get's hit and is knocked out. Pokemon Trainer pulls out a pokeball.
"Alright! Pokeball go!"
Pokemon Trainer captures Squirtle.
"Good job, Ivysaur! Return!"
Pokemon trainer returns Ivysaur to his Pokeball. Pokemon Trainer turns around ready to leave, then suddenly, he hears a bush rustling.
"Another Pokemon? Charizard, I choose you. Blow 'em out!"
Charizard is summoned and uses his wings to blow out the creature hiding in the bush. Out comes some brown creature. It's Flint, a djinn!
"Whoa, what is that?"
Pokemon Trainer takes out his Pokedex.
"Species unknown."
"Whoa, I've gotta catch it. Go Charizard!"
Charizard let's out a roar, and begins chasing Flint. Flint jumps up in the air scared, turns tail, and begins running. Charizard unleashes some fire balls with Flint running left and right to dodge them. Eventually Flint exits the forest and enters an open field wherein a blond swordsman with a yellow scarf stands, his back turned to him. Charizard enters the open field, and Flint, in fear, runs up the leg of the swordsman, who then turns around and BAM!
Isaac challenges you to battle!
*Shows game-play footage of Isaac vs PkMn Trainer's Charizard.*
CG trailer ends with Isaac using Gaia. Text on the bottom of the screen says "It's Super Effective!" and Charizard falls. Isaac high fives Flint. The end.