There are so many ways they can do Isaac's reveal, it's crazy! Regardless what it is, we will love it!
For imagination sake, it would be awesome to have all RPG characters sparr it out (Fire Emblem characters, Ness, Lucas, Cloud, Shulk, etc) and all of a sudden, the earth shakes (Earthquake or Gaia) and as they look up to a Mountain Peak where the sun shines, Isaac is there to "Join the Party". Basically like saying, "Hey, you're forgetting another important RPG here!" Roll Isaac's move set and final smash (Please be Judgement) and bam. At the end, Master Hand shows up and Isaac uses his Psynergy to form a hand to face off. Either pound fists or do Rock, Paper, Sissors. I don't know, I just want to see a Psynergy hand face off Master Hand. Come on, Sakurai! You know that would be amazing!