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Sunrise, Sunset - Isaac for Smash Ultimate #GoldenSunday


Smash Apprentice
Aug 10, 2018
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Smash Cadet
Sep 15, 2018
My main question, is the list of stages in the back the one we saw in that direct, or does it have a few additions we can already see?


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
I'm glad we're getting more information about the stages. This could give us some clues on who could possibly be in the game.
This could shed some light on Isaac and Geno chances, plus also if Mute City is being hold off for Black Shadow reveal, then
hopefully they'll reveal him in the next direct.
Keep this in mind.
Dark Samus is paired with Brinstar Depths in the background. And that was revealed in the direct WITH dark Samus.

Black Shadow being revealed with Mute City [Melee] as a possibility isn't that unlikely given the circumstances.
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Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2018
Sol Sanctum and Venus Lighthouse are easy picks. Not to say they’re bad picks, but very obvious picks. Honestly though, Golden Sun is filled to the brim with interesting set pieces they could choose from.

That being said, yeah. If Isaac gets in his stage will either be Sol Sanctum or Venus Lighthouse. If I had to choose, however, it’d be Venus Lighthouse.

Sol Sanctum lacks a lot of the qualities of a stage imo. In game it’s only memorable portion is the Elemental Star Chamber (which could easily be made into its own stage without the Sol Sanctum part). The rest of the dungeon is extremely standard affair, which is fine. It’s the first dungeon after all, but aside from the Fire as **** ost, Sol Sanctum never resonated much with me.

Venus Lighthouse on the other hand... Has everything that a good stage needs. IMO the best music track in the game, a sense of finality (even though it is technically the mid way point of the overarching narrative), great puzzles and a great set piece. I just hope they’d go beyond with regard to the stage. If it’s just the Aerie, with the exception of looking cooler, it’d be no different than the new Breath of the Wild stage. I’d like the Venus Lighthouse stage take us through portions of the Lighthouse before reaching the Aerie. There’s so much more to work with than Sol Sanctum.
Sakurai often likes to pick early-game locales, probably for the sake of familiarity to all players, even those who didn't completely finish the game in question. Though in some cases, like Mother 3, he also uses the most iconic/important locale. I think since Venus Lighthouse has more of a unique gimmick and Sakurai will have picked Isaac because of voters who are most likely already familiar with the game, he'll go that direction.

I'm glad we're getting more information about the stages. This could give us some clues on who could possibly be in the game.
This could shed some light on Isaac and Geno chances, plus also if Mute City is being hold off for Black Shadow reveal, then
hopefully they'll reveal him in the next direct.
Between you and me Saer, I think a Black Shadow echo would spell good things for Ninten. They're both not all too popular but could be included to add easy representation for a smaller franchise. Ninten would already have a perfect stage in Magicant to represent him, too.

Or maybe Black Shadow has decent Japanese popularity and was included because of all the people wanting him to replace Falcondorf. Who knows?


Smash Cadet
Sep 14, 2018
May have been discussed before, but now knowing that Vergeben has actual sources... do you think his defending Golden Sun and why people love it is a potential hint? He did also say that even if he had ALL the information that he probably wouldn't leak all of it. He may be wanting to keep some huge reveals like that as something special.
I would hope it does, but it sounds like he might just be a fan.


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2015
103 stages "theory" isn't dead yet.
Because it doesn't make sense, lets say there are 108 stages, but back in the Smash Direct they say 103 stages, because they revealed 103 stages. So can infer 108 wasn't said because only 103 is revealed.
But apparently the Corocoro issue doesn't reveal what exactly those 5 other stages are, then why put the 108 number? If they could reveal there are 5 more stages after 103 yet keep them unrevealed why not have said that in the Smash Direct? Especially when apparently Sakurai reiterates the 103 number in Famitsu.

So I don't think the possibility should be discounted that this is an error on their part.


Banned via Warnings
Apr 25, 2015
The moon
May have been discussed before, but now knowing that Vergeben has actual sources... do you think his defending Golden Sun and why people love it is a potential hint? He did also say that even if he had ALL the information that he probably wouldn't leak all of it. He may be wanting to keep some huge reveals like that as something special.
If i'm not mistaken. He didn't say K rool prior to his reveal. Right? If so, that suggests there's information left that he's unfamiliar with. If Isaac's in the game. I would imagine that's under a lock and key. Same for Geno. And probably the same as K rool was. That's the kind of information you batten down all the hatches to contrain till an official reveal, cause that's pure fan service. I mean at best, the only sort of information on Geno that could have trickled down would be something vague like "Oh, Square's getting another character" This could be a tease, maybe he heard something akin too "A nintendo series thought dead is getting a character" or something very vague to that effect.

Or it could be nothing and he's just a fan like us.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2018
Switch FC
Keep this in mind.
Dark Samus is paired with Brinstar Depths in the background. And that was revealed in the direct WITH dark Samus.

Black Shadow being revealed with Mute City [Melee] as a possibility isn't that unlikely given the circumstances.
That's actually true, I'm starting to believe a little bit more that we might get Black Shadow.
I'm hoping we do get him, F-Zero needs another rep (Also game too).

Sakurai often likes to pick early-game locales, probably for the sake of familiarity to all players, even those who didn't completely finish the game in question. Though in some cases, like Mother 3, he also uses the most iconic/important locale. I think since Venus Lighthouse has more of a unique gimmick and Sakurai will have picked Isaac because of voters who are most likely already familiar with the game, he'll go that direction.

Between you and me Saer, I think a Black Shadow echo would spell good things for Ninten. They're both not all too popular but could be included to add easy representation for a smaller franchise. Ninten would already have a perfect stage in Magicant to represent him, too.

Or maybe Black Shadow has decent Japanese popularity and was included because of all the people wanting him to replace Falcondorf. Who knows?
I hope that's the case, Ninten and Black Shadow are like counterparts to Ness and Captain Falcon. Also don't you think having 4 stages from Mother seem like a lot with only having 2 reps for the series, and like you said Magicant is from Mother 1 so maybe there could be a possibly that Ninten might end up joining as an echo fighter. Maybe I'm over analyzing things a lot but it really seems like we could get Ninten and Black Shadow.

Also btw I showed this leak to my group in the server, and one of them said it might be an error.
What do you guys think?
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Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2018
That's actually true, I'm starting to believe a little bit more that we might get Black Shadow.
I'm hoping we do get him, F-Zero needs another rep (Also game too).

I hope that's the case, Ninten and Black Shadow are like counterparts to Ness and Captain Falcon. Also don't you think having 4 stages from Mother seem like a lot with only having 2 reps for the series, and like you said Magicant is from Mother 1 so maybe there could be a possibly that Ninten might end up joining as an echo fighter. Maybe I'm over analyzing things a lot but it really seems like we could get Ninten and Black Shadow.

Also btw I showed this leak to one my group in the server, and one of them said it might be an error.
What do you guys think?
They've put in a lot of additional fanservice for EarthBound in this game already. Every stage, Paula/Poo, Kumatora/Boney, PSI sound effects, it seems like Sakurai has a real soft spot for the series and could feasibly include Ninten because of that since EarthBound Beginnings was finally released not too long ago.

I will admit that until CoroCoro clarifies, it's easy to see why someone could not even notice that an "8" was typed instead of a "3". Every other piece of info in this issue is apparently the same as info sent out in August, but 108 as a whole does fit the stage select screen. I'm 50/50 on it.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
Honestly it brings me some joy that supporters of the "no more stages" theory have been reduced to arguing about typos.

Regardless of what else happens after this.

Are typos common in corocoro? I don't really remember them being common from my time following Pokemon leaks.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
Are typos common in corocoro? I don't really remember them being common from my time following Pokemon leaks.
No. They aren’t. CoroCoro is a respected Japanese magazine, and it’s highly likely “108 stages” is new info straight from Nintendo.

Also, 108 is literally in big text. No way that didn’t get checked and rechecked in editing.

108 stages is highly likely to be legit.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2018
Switch FC
They've put in a lot of additional fanservice for EarthBound in this game already. Every stage, Paula/Poo, Kumatora/Boney, PSI sound effects, it seems like Sakurai has a real soft spot for the series and could feasibly include Ninten because of that since EarthBound Beginnings was finally released not too long ago.

I will admit that until CoroCoro clarifies, it's easy to see why someone could not even notice that an "8" was typed instead of a "3". Every other piece of info in this issue is apparently the same as info sent out in August, but 108 as a whole does fit the stage select screen. I'm 50/50 on it.
That's right, Sakurai really wants everyone to stay true to their franchise this time around. Ninten could have a shot, but it's really hard to say. On one hand Sakurai could add Ninten as an echo just for us fans, but on the other he might not think he's important (which I hope that's not the case, but I won't be upset if he did). All we can do is wait and see.

(If you ask me, I do think Ninten is a 40% chance)

Mr Gentleman

Smash Journeyman
Feb 9, 2014
Hey how the Isaac peeps holding up? Feels like everyone was thrown in a panic because of THE BOX. But this new info of 108 stages is breathing some hope back into people luckily.

Oh hey while I'm here throw me in as a supporter. I may have never played golden sun. But you guys deserve it and I'm sure Isaac will make a wonderful addition to the cast!


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2018
Hey how the Isaac peeps holding up? Feels like everyone was thrown in a panic because of THE BOX. But this new info of 108 stages is breathing some hope back into people luckily.

Oh hey while I'm here throw me in as a supporter. I may have never played golden sun. But you guys deserve it and I'm sure Isaac will make a wonderful addition to the cast!
We've been having a lot of positive chatter since the news broke, and it's felt good to have the supporters revitalized with optimism again. I've checked in with the Geno thread a few times tonight and it seems like there's that same feeling of relief. It's refreshing.

Now if we can just squash that "108 is a typo" theory, that'd be real nice.

That's right, Sakurai really wants everyone to stay true to their franchise this time around. Ninten could have a shot, but it's really hard to say. On one hand Sakurai could add Ninten as an echo just for us fans, but on the other he might not think he's important (which I hope that's not the case, but I won't be upset if he did). All we can do is wait and see.

(If you ask me, I do think Ninten is a 40% chance)
Totally dependent on how loose he is with echoes in my mind. They could just be reserved for those that were popular enough but not able to get their own full movesets, or maybe he's feeling liberal with adding bonus content to make the game feel that much bigger.

I'll say 25% chance for now.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2018
Switch FC
Hey how the Isaac peeps holding up? Feels like everyone was thrown in a panic because of THE BOX. But this new info of 108 stages is breathing some hope back into people luckily.

Oh hey while I'm here throw me in as a supporter. I may have never played golden sun. But you guys deserve it and I'm sure Isaac will make a wonderful addition to the cast!
I'm feeling decent, I hope you Geno fans are doing well too.
I never believed the "box theory," but I'm glad this info did killed the "103 stages" argument.
It's looking pretty good for the both of us.


Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2018
No. They aren’t. CoroCoro is a respected Japanese magazine, and it’s highly likely “108 stages” is new info straight from Nintendo.

Also, 108 is literally in big text. No way that didn’t get checked and rechecked in editing.

108 stages is highly likely to be legit.
This. SO MUCH this.
I don't see Famitsu or CoroCoro literally going like "ok this looks fine" after one review before printing (it's never one singular review btw, they review it plenty of times before sending it out) and making such a mistake on something so big and clear to the eye with info that was clearly provided by nintendo and not something they had to guess. Plus I'm pretty sure Nintendo would keep an eye in how content is being reported by, specially, big sources like this type of magazines. It's not a small website or journalist or whatever, lol.
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Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
Okay so we're looking at 5 more stages...

How many of these would we expect to be returning stages from past games?
I'm not expecting any more old stages. It would be really really weird to hold back an old stage to be revealed as one of the final five stages when they just gave us a huge info dump of old stages back in the August direct.

Only way I could it see it happening is if they weren't finished development on the stage in time (maybe Orbital Gate Assault) but I'd still say that's unlikely.

I think they're all new.

108 stages is good for characters from new series but I'd say it's also good for Elma, since it would be strange if she got in without a stage, and now she can bring a Xenoblade X stage with her.

Mr Gentleman

Smash Journeyman
Feb 9, 2014
Glad to hear you guys have been up in spirit! New characters expecially from new franchises to get new stages so this really helps you guys. Also I'm more willing to think this info is true because of vergeben mentioning minecraft.

And corocoro is one of those places that can leak stuff.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 15, 2018
With all this talk about echoes, I'd love for every character (that's plausible) to have an echo at some point.
Possibilities at a glance for those that don't have an Echo yet (fully and totally serious choices):
Mario (Shadow Mario)
DK (Funky/Cartoon DK :p)
Link (???)
Yoshi (Boshi?)
Kirby (???)
Fox (Dad Fox)
Pikachu (Raichu)
Luigi (Wah)
Ness (Ninten)
C. Falcon (The Evil Bad Guy from the Anime I can't remember the name of)
Jigglypuff (Wiggly)
Bowser (Dry Bowser?)
Ice Climbers (???)
Sheik (Impa)
Zelda (Hilda)
Dr. Mario (Dr. Luigi :p)
Pichu (Plusle/Minun)
Falco (Hawko (ok I'm just making something up here, I got nothin')
Young Link (???)
Ganondorf (Ganon [Pig Ganon])
Mewtwo (Mew?)
Mr. G&W (The Console :p)
Meta Knight (Galacta)
ZSS (???)
Wario (Classic Wario [Wario Land])
Snake (Big Boss [Snake]/Big Boss [MGS3])
Ike (I dunno FE Chars)
Pokemon Trainer (Blue/Geovani/Gold/Silver/You get the point)
Diddy (???)
Lucas (Claus)
Sonic (Shadow)
King Dedede (King Dedede wearing a false moustache :p)
Olimar (Alph)
Lucario (Meloetta?)
R.O.B. (The guy from Gyromite)
Toon Link (Tetra?)
Wolf (I dunno Stair fax characters)
Villager (Rover)
Mega Man (Anime Megaman/Box Art Megaman :p)
Wii Fit Trainer (Boxing Sandbag)
Rosalina & Luma (???)
Little Mac (Insert good punchout character here)
Greninja (Ryu Hayabusa :p)
Mii Fighter (Miitopia Mii)
Palutena (???)
Pac-Man (The Misses)
Robin (Reflet :p)
Shulk (A Shulk that's not really feeling it :p)
Bowser Jr. (Baby Bowser :p)
Duck Hunt (???)
Ryu (Ken)
Cloud (The Sun :p)
Corrin (A Generic Spear :p)
Bayonetta (???)
Inkling (Octorok :p)
Ridley (Meta Ridley?)
Kink K. Rool (Cartoon K Rool :p)
Isabelle (Nook)


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
I’d been a bit down on Isaac’s chances the past couple of days with the recent Isabelle trailer holding the 103 stages (not that she needed one as AC is pretty well repped stage wise) and the whole box theory.

Regardless of how much I did doubt them, those theories were still there. And they had pushed me into a bit of pessimism. If this doesn’t get redacted, Isaac suddenly has a much better chance. He’s in a unique position where I don’t see his inclusion without a corresponding stage as a new series (Rhythm Heaven and other franchises would be a similar position). So the stages to me will be the life or death of his chances for Smash...

Glad to see some optimism, and really, I have a hard time believing Ken and one newcomer could all we possibly have left. I’m preparing for it all the same, but it’s definitely not what I want from this game at this point in my own selfish way.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
This is just my own speculation but I feel like these 5 stages could be attached to a newcomer.

Incineroar - Alola stage
Elma - Xenoblade X stage
Isaac - Venus Lighthouse
Geno - Super Mario RPG stage
Banjo & Kazooie - Spiral Mountain

Of course that's just my personal prediction and it only relates to newcomers that would have a stage. (Bandana Dee or Dixie probably wouldn't have stages)

I could see them deciding to give Rob a home stage though.

I think the Minecraft content is going to be an assist trophy and/or be part of Spirits mode. (like Monster Hunter)
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Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
This is just my own speculation but I feel like these 5 stages could be attached to a newcomer.

Incineroar - Alola stage
Elma - Xenoblade X stage
Isaac - Venus Lighthouse
Geno - Super Mario RPG stage
Banjo & Kazooie - Spiral Mountain

Of course that's just my personal prediction and it only relates to newcomers that would have a stage. (Bandana Dee or Dixie probably wouldn't have stages)

I could see them deciding to give Rob a home stage though.

I think the Minecraft content is going to be an assist trophy and/or be part of Spirits mode. (like Monster Hunter)
As much as I want 5 unique newcomers, that does still seem like a lot to me. I think Minecraft is very possibly one based on Vergeben (and cause I’d rather have a stage than a playable steve). Poke Floats 2 could very well also come without a playable Pokémon rep for all we know (I think it would make sense given the popularity of that stage). That would leave three, and I’d say at least one of those would end up belonging to a new franchise. Outside of third parties, Golden Sun and Rhythm Heaven are probably the most likely choices there...

So we still do have hope, for now, and that’s the important takeaway. I just can’t believe in 5 more unique newcomers... that’s just... way too good to be true.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2011
United Kingdom
This is just my own speculation but I feel like these 5 stages could be attached to a newcomer.

Incineroar - Alola stage
Elma - Xenoblade X stage
Isaac - Venus Lighthouse
Geno - Super Mario RPG stage
Banjo & Kazooie - Spiral Mountain

Of course that's just my personal prediction and it only relates to newcomers that would have a stage. (Bandana Dee or Dixie probably wouldn't have stages)

I could see them deciding to give Rob a home stage though.

I think the Minecraft content is going to be an assist trophy and/or be part of Spirits mode. (like Monster Hunter)
Minecraft could easily have a stage in a similar vein to the Mario Maker stage due to its building mechanics

But I am actually finding myself agree with all of this.

Putting all five newcomers like that does make me think some of them will be highly requested DLC. Especially as Smash will no doubt have it and Sakurai has been all about that Smash Ballot

It gives me hope :)


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
Minecraft could easily have a stage in a similar vein to the Mario Maker stage due to its building mechanics

But I am actually finding myself agree with all of this.

Putting all five newcomers like that does make me think some of them will be highly requested DLC. Especially as Smash will no doubt have it and Sakurai has been all about that Smash Ballot

It gives me hope :)
Well my thoughts on that are kinda riding on Banjo & Kazooie getting in. If they're playable then I could see them getting the stage and Minecraft being relegated to an assist trophy and Spirits/Adventure mode content. (similar to Monster Hunter being a Capcom franchise presumably getting the same fate)
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Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2018
This is just my own speculation but I feel like these 5 stages could be attached to a newcomer.

Incineroar - Alola stage
Elma - Xenoblade X stage
Isaac - Venus Lighthouse
Geno - Super Mario RPG stage
Banjo & Kazooie - Spiral Mountain

Of course that's just my personal prediction and it only relates to newcomers that would have a stage. (Bandana Dee or Dixie probably wouldn't have stages)

I could see them deciding to give Rob a home stage though.

I think the Minecraft content is going to be an assist trophy and/or be part of Spirit's mode. (like Monster Hunter)
We could also get another promotional stage of a recent game. Such as for Yoshi's Crafted World since the gap between Smash and Yoshi releases is pretty similar, the Woolly World stage is mysteriously gone, and I'm not convinced that there are 5 newcomers left.

The bit about Minecraft makes me realize that the Ender Dragon would be a perfect Spirits Mode battle. It could easily go the Monster Hunter route of using a boss arena in place of a full stage, while also including an AT of its own. Maybe B&K's stage would take the place of that full stage for Microsoft's content.


Smash Cadet
Jul 15, 2014

Guys, who's the 3rd char on the left? I was thinking Robin, but the poses and that...silvery part on the right of the head don't match.
Could it be a Wolf alt?
I'm scrolling through all artworks and still haven't found anyone with a silver chain or whatever that is next to their white hair...

Edit: Thinking it could be female Robin in the Elfire pose, we haven't seen her artwork after all.
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Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2018

Guys, who's the 3rd char on the left? I was thinking Robin, but the poses and that...silvery part on the right of the head don't match.
Could it be a Wolf alt?
I'm scrolling through all artworks and still haven't found anyone with a silver chain or whatever that is next to their white hair...

Edit: Thinking it could be female Robin in the Elfire pose, we haven't seen her artwork after all.
That's Wolf. His render pose is a bit odd overall, but that's him.


Smash Ace
Sep 1, 2015

Guys, who's the 3rd char on the left? I was thinking Robin, but the poses and that...silvery part on the right of the head don't match.
Could it be a Wolf alt?
I'm scrolling through all artworks and still haven't found anyone with a silver chain or whatever that is next to their white hair...

Edit: Thinking it could be female Robin in the Elfire pose, we haven't seen her artwork after all.
its wolf one of my friends speaked to me about how wolf is perfect... I think I can see him even behind walls now sadly
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Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
If nothing else it makes me think we're probably due for two stage reveals in October. Whether they bring newcomers with them is something we'll just have to wait and see.

(and the remaining three will show up in the final Smash direct)
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Smash Cadet
Jul 15, 2014
That's Wolf. His render pose is a bit odd overall, but that's him.
Darn. Thought i had something.

Just noticed it's the exact lineup used for the Squad Strike reveal in the Direct. Sorry for making a fuss guys.
But what about the tourney lineup? That's different from the direct, but i can't make out everyone.
Yes, i'm reaching here, but i just want something to slip through the cracks and fuse with the stage count reveal to kill that box thing once and for all.
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Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2011
United Kingdom
Darn. Thought i had something.

Just noticed it's the exact lineup used for the Squad Strike reveal in the Direct. Sorry for making a fuss guys.
But what about the tourney lineup? That's different from the direct, but i can't make out everyone.
Yes, i'm reaching here, but i just want something to slip through the cracks and fuse with the stage count reveal to kill that box thing once and for all.
The box thing? That holds no credit. Especially when the Everyone Is Here banner art keeps changing the positions of characters. They can do the same here


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2014
I think Mute City Melee might return.

Anything else is up for debate.

*Though, we don't know where the Random Stage selection is. So that might be on there.*
Late to reply once again. Lol

I thought the Random Stage Select was the very first square on the top left, isn't it?


Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2018
Darn. Thought i had something.

Just noticed it's the exact lineup used for the Squad Strike reveal in the Direct. Sorry for making a fuss guys.
But what about the tourney lineup? That's different from the direct, but i can't make out everyone.
Yes, i'm reaching here, but i just want something to slip through the cracks and fuse with the stage count reveal to kill that box thing once and for all.
To be honest, I can see the box thing coming true. But I can also see some big names being on the back (so Geno, Banjo, or any high demand pick like Isaac or Bandana Dee) of the box as larger images framing whatever text that is likely there. I'm just starting to think Sakurai probably wants to beat the leakers to revealing the characters before something does get through in actual images and such. I could easily see the last direct being focused on modes or even just a tribute from 64 to Ultimate as this one could be followed by a reboot.

So there's still hope for Isaac, Gen 7, Geno, Banjo, Shantae, etc. even with the box theory on base content. And even if not, these characters have a good shot for DLC (1st DLC could be free?) as they (so far) haven't been used elsewhere like Ashley, Waluigi, or Takamaru. It'd probably put a dent in Rex or Springman's odds though if the DLC is covering leftover top ballot picks.

Don't give up hope on your characters (well unless they are flattened in chance like Takamaru), but I also suggest trying to remain realistic that not every fan favorite will make it in so there's always the possibility that some of your picks won't make it.
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Smash Cadet
Jul 15, 2014
The box thing? That holds no credit. Especially when the Everyone Is Here banner art keeps changing the positions of characters. They can do the same here
Well, thing is, there's only two possible numbers IF they really intend to put all characters on the box's sides in rows - 72 and 80. Everything else is not divisible by a high enough number (aka. 5-6 per row) to make sense with the box layout.
Sure, it could and, IMO, should be handled differently, like the Original 8 being on the back of the box - but that would probably still leave us at 80. Which is a lot to reveal with even more characters then in the first 3 months (i'd love it, ofc).

A thing that irks me about all of this is:

I've looked at the smashdown reveal again and Mii fighters weren't present.
There were 67 characters.
Now add K.Rool and Isabelle and we have 69 and the need for 3 more to make it really fall into place for that mode.
And that doesn't add up with the box stuff.
I think i need a break. :)


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2018
Late to reply once again. Lol

I thought the Random Stage Select was the very first square on the top left, isn't it?
Oh, good on me for forgetting that was there. Makes sense in an 11x10 box if we're going to have 108 stages and a probable DLC button.

Nice to see there won't be a ton of clutter at the bottom like in Wii U, which had Random, Extra, Normal, and Custom tabs. It was pretty impractical to navigate.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2018
Didn't Sakurai state in the smash direct that there were a few more echoes to be shown off later?

Edit: Or was he talking about all fighters in general?
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Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
Didn't Sakurai state in the smash direct that there were a few more echoes to be shown off later?

Edit: Or was he talking about all fighters in general?
Few more characters, not specifically Echo fighters. I think people confused that because it came right after the Echo section.

He was just saying that every fighter would be revealed. The a few part just barely falls into range with King K Rool, Isabelle, and the probable two of the box theory holds... four is basically the minimum with which you would use a few in my mind, and I think it could range from that to around 10ish while fitting in with “a few.” Not that I expect that many, but I always thought the complete pessimism of it has to be the bottom limit of a few was always odd


Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2018
Didn't Sakurai state in the smash direct that there were a few more echoes to be shown off later?

Edit: Or was he talking about all fighters in general?
Just rewatched, it was in general as he says he plans on revealing all fighters and has a few more to show off. Could mean 3, could mean 7 though.
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