That's really what I predict happening first. GS1/2 remake on Switch as one title, full voice acting, Isaac and Felix are no longer mute, and maybe rework the dialogue a bit.
The main thing I'm unsure of is how they'd handle Felix. I've considered a couple things such as playing through the game as Isaac or Felix, where you get to see Felix's perspective of the events of GS1 and Isaac's of GS2, and maybe Alex is a guest character before Sheba joins. Or maybe they just auto switch to Felix as normal.
See I can see that happening,
Remake the first two games into one, just like how it was supposed to be. British VA.
When units have swords they show (Like dark dawn) throw in the helms too.
I can tell you this, without a doubt the game will sell (IF IT IS DONE RIGHT)
Not like how they killed Chibi Robo
Nintendo can sell Golden Sun.
After Octopath people want JRPGS with a fun cast, look at people when they talked about it, they said it reminds them of Golden Sun.
Isaac gets in Smash people will be even more interested in the series.
Smash got people into FE
Smash got people Earthbound
Smash got people into Kid Icuras
Look at Bayonetta, (Nintendo's newest princess)
yes she had a cult following but with smash, people wanted to know more!
There is no reason for Isaac not to be in Smash besides him being too complex to be a fighter.
Golden Sun can be remade, with a hard mode, full voice acting, go sprite or 3d, make classes a little better, the ****ing summons dont you tell me you dont want to see judgment rain down, online arena, etc, etc, etc
Take a look at Nintendo's main cast
The X means prob will never come back
The ? means unknown
The 3 is 3rd party
I forgot to mark pac-man
The Mario cast even if they are not in a main game, they are in spin offs, they can always be used
DK with tropical freeze doing so well for the Wii U and the Switch I can see another DK game one day
Metroid stayed relevant due to smash. Other M was a bomb and the prime series was left in the dark. With Return to Samus and Prime 4 coming back due to demand
Star Fox as a pilot I LOVE flying games, I wish I could work with Nintendo to craft a GOOD flying starfox game, however, as it stands, the series does not have a market with Zero. (The Wii U did too much dmg to some IPs)
FE - Aint going nowhere, Heroes is making them too munch $
Pokemon - aint going nowhere
Ice Climbers, Game and Watch, Rob, Duck Hunt- Don't see it, it's Nes classic they are smash characters now
Kirby aint going nowhere
Zelda aint going nowhere
Pit- idk, it's up in arms at this point, his game did super well and I can see a switch game coming after smash
Wii fit - Unless I see Switch fit, she aint coming back
Lil Mac - Arms? Idk, I don't see a punch out game, Mac is in his new fighting world
AC - aint going nowhere
Xeno - idk, it has a market, I don't like the games but people do, xeno 2 is getting DLC
Bayo - Nintendo's bad girl. With Bayo 3 coming I can see her being around for a bit longer.
Splatoon - Nintendo's very successful new IP
Wario - rip wario land, we will only get wariowear and mario party
Earthbound is dead 3 was the last one, producer wants it that way, watch the mother 2 earth documentry
F Zero - Lol
With Isaac, I don't see why not he can't fit into the market for Nintendo with a new GS
Tenis is fun and all but camalot can do so much more, heck give it to another company to work on.
Idk, I see a market for GS, with Octopath doing so damn well.
It's cast is great, the story is great, combat is flash and fun
It fits so well.