It's all good everyone. In fact, it's not bad at all when people go and request sigs from multiple places. I deal with it on ZeldaUniverse all the time. Just don't push me to get it perfect when you plan on using another persons sig.
The best sigs I make are the ones where I choose what it looks like. It's really hard for me when they give me a full list of the exact details of how they want it. It restricts me, and no offense, you guys don't always know what looks good. I used to be very good at making exactly what they imagine, but thats when I had tons of time to do it. I'm very busy.
UltimateLink, yeah, you can have 2 sigs at once. I've seen people do it. I'd request somewhere else first and then come back.
I really appreciate those who let me be creative. It's less stressful on my part and I get to use my tutorials to make it look awesome. The sig I made for Ellio 2 b was straight from a tutorial. I had lots of fun, and guess what? I learned a TON of new things to do with everyones sigs. ^_^
Anyways, keep requests coming! I'm feeling very humble, I just might let the month long thing wait a week. I'm off school, no homework, and no plans except for Thanksgiving night and Black Friday. So, let me decide later if I want to do that. In the meantime, keep requests coming! I'll be pushing them out a lot faster now that school is out! :D