Smash Master
Okay, I'm really getting tired of the vast majority of the olimar community just immediately writing off Rainbow Cruise. After being CP'd rainbow cruise from my good ole crew, I would venture to say that RC is one of the better olimar stages. lol wutz? hE jus sed dat RC iz gud 4 lolimarz? YES. I'll give my look on RC here, and I want to hear what you guys think on it being a legit stage for olimar.
First, you start out on the boat. <3 the boat. It HAS tether-able edges if you REALLY need it. It has platforms in the middle and we all know what platforms can do. usmash through the first one, uair through the second. Good stuff. Also it was a wall, perfect for a short fsmash lock. Not quite as good as the stuff you can pull on Corneria, but it can still be abuse to rack up some damage. Additionally you have a curved area.... meaning your grabs get funkier, and your fsmash/dsmash have incredibly disjointed range. You can also stand on the right area, which is a bit higher than the rest of the stage, and camp with fsmashes and pikmin toss (if you really want... just giving advantages here). If anything this stage disadvantages a few characters recovering from the left because of how easy it can be to get trapped under the boat (not an issue for olimar).
Disadvantage on this part: None, it's really just like another stage.
Now you move onto the part that seems to scare people, the left side of the stage. Yes... it is a moving stage. I still think olimar has lots of fun tricksies here. I'd like to point out, that the left wall is so small it's practically a walk off ledge. This means.... from the **** you've racked up on the boat, you're perfectly set up for an EARLY bthrow kill. Not just bthrow.... but if you're on a platform and you're being approached from below, the sweet spot on your dsmash is greatly increased, and will almost always shoot your opponent towards the left wall. your jump and double jump should be enough to maneuver around this area enough.... but if you need the extra boost, there are platforms EVERYWHERE. Do I need to pull up the thread, but shrink explained the advantages of using platforms to cancel all lag on your tether. Use this to your advantage. You have opportunity for lagless landing on top off a huge ranged attack virtually everywhere on this side. You can also use the platforms to your advantage by you uair, which has amazing priority mind you. Uair everywhere, it's TOO good. You can also use your nair to set people up for a kill.... nair through the bottom of a platform and it should allow you to maneuver safely, if not set you up for a fair/bair, uair or anything else really (depends on percent and DI.... I'll leave that to you to decide
Disadvantages: No tetherable edges except at the bottom part of the left side. Not really a huge factor as your opponent will be continuously avoiding the sick grab range for a bthrow kill and your barrage of Uairs and tether cancels. pretty much anything in your arsenal call ****.
Now you move on to the top left, and this is really the only part that calls danger. This is where you will be killed, if anywhere, due to bs. For the most part in this area you should just MOVE, and do hit and run tactics. Don't get fancy here, you can't afford it. This is the area where you get disappearing platforms. If you happen to tether and your tether is out during any part of the disappearing animation the game will **** with you can count it as a missed tether and you will just plummet to your death. I advise not using your tether at all on this section (tethering is safe when the swinging platform disappears). The changing angle also affects some of your moves: fsmash and pikmin toss become useless (if not incredibly risky), grabbing and tilt are your best option here.
Disadvantages: Pretty much everything. You have the room to move, but the swinging platform is the main area of realestate, and if you miss it you're dead. It's TOO easy for your opponent to hit you if you miss landing, and you don't have anything to tether too. You're best option is to play on the falling blocks until your opponent leaves the swinging platform and allows you to get on. If you move around and just avoid your opponent (easy to do on this stage I might add) you should be fine on this area.
Then comes another olimar **** area. LAND HO! At last! There's room for our feet on the oh so comfy ground. There's not much to worry in the terms of gimping here... it's mostly like a walk off ledge. This part is just too good for olimar though. If this were its own stage, I would CP this in a heartbeat. Here's why. First of all, your ceiling..... is TOO low. usmash will kill at 1/2 % you normally need to KO someone. Referring back to asob (I think that's who did it) pikmin KO chart, you can pull off a DDD kill around 60% or jiggs around 30%. This is just random speculation (and in no way a fact) based on his chart and the really low ceiling, but you get my point. Early early early ko's from usmash. Also you get platforms galore, if you're not usmashing, uairing, and tether cancel whoring this area you must be using those curved angles on the ground for extra fsmash /grab range. Also, with the abundance of platforms and curved edges you can really shine your aerial game. Fairs and Nairs will dominate this area (along with previously discussed aerials). I'll just add the right side of the stage here since it lasts less than 8 seconds. basically you don't have to worried about getting gimped here just because the boat will be under you. if anything you might want to try uthrow/usmash/uair or anything you can do to shoot your opponent up in the air.
*Note: I will be making a vid TONITE of a probably known AT on this section of the stage.... very situational, but I'm waiting to test it on pirate ship as well to see how good it is before posting it. I will add it here (after making a new thread) so you can get the full flavor of rapesauce.
So, that's just my look on rainbow cruise. Really, it's not everything, there is plenty more to discuss, but I'm just tired of almost EVERY olimar complaining about it, when in reality it's a decent stage. Like I said, i would CP it occasionally. I wouldn't just pick it at your next tournament however. It takes a bit of practice to get familiar with everything. Once you're familiar with the stage olimar gets VERY deadly.
For those who didn't want to read my entire post:
Moral of the story? Save your CP for japes, frigate, delfino, or whichever stage you do the worst on.
EDIT: your opinions?
First, you start out on the boat. <3 the boat. It HAS tether-able edges if you REALLY need it. It has platforms in the middle and we all know what platforms can do. usmash through the first one, uair through the second. Good stuff. Also it was a wall, perfect for a short fsmash lock. Not quite as good as the stuff you can pull on Corneria, but it can still be abuse to rack up some damage. Additionally you have a curved area.... meaning your grabs get funkier, and your fsmash/dsmash have incredibly disjointed range. You can also stand on the right area, which is a bit higher than the rest of the stage, and camp with fsmashes and pikmin toss (if you really want... just giving advantages here). If anything this stage disadvantages a few characters recovering from the left because of how easy it can be to get trapped under the boat (not an issue for olimar).
Disadvantage on this part: None, it's really just like another stage.
Now you move onto the part that seems to scare people, the left side of the stage. Yes... it is a moving stage. I still think olimar has lots of fun tricksies here. I'd like to point out, that the left wall is so small it's practically a walk off ledge. This means.... from the **** you've racked up on the boat, you're perfectly set up for an EARLY bthrow kill. Not just bthrow.... but if you're on a platform and you're being approached from below, the sweet spot on your dsmash is greatly increased, and will almost always shoot your opponent towards the left wall. your jump and double jump should be enough to maneuver around this area enough.... but if you need the extra boost, there are platforms EVERYWHERE. Do I need to pull up the thread, but shrink explained the advantages of using platforms to cancel all lag on your tether. Use this to your advantage. You have opportunity for lagless landing on top off a huge ranged attack virtually everywhere on this side. You can also use the platforms to your advantage by you uair, which has amazing priority mind you. Uair everywhere, it's TOO good. You can also use your nair to set people up for a kill.... nair through the bottom of a platform and it should allow you to maneuver safely, if not set you up for a fair/bair, uair or anything else really (depends on percent and DI.... I'll leave that to you to decide
Disadvantages: No tetherable edges except at the bottom part of the left side. Not really a huge factor as your opponent will be continuously avoiding the sick grab range for a bthrow kill and your barrage of Uairs and tether cancels. pretty much anything in your arsenal call ****.
Now you move on to the top left, and this is really the only part that calls danger. This is where you will be killed, if anywhere, due to bs. For the most part in this area you should just MOVE, and do hit and run tactics. Don't get fancy here, you can't afford it. This is the area where you get disappearing platforms. If you happen to tether and your tether is out during any part of the disappearing animation the game will **** with you can count it as a missed tether and you will just plummet to your death. I advise not using your tether at all on this section (tethering is safe when the swinging platform disappears). The changing angle also affects some of your moves: fsmash and pikmin toss become useless (if not incredibly risky), grabbing and tilt are your best option here.
Disadvantages: Pretty much everything. You have the room to move, but the swinging platform is the main area of realestate, and if you miss it you're dead. It's TOO easy for your opponent to hit you if you miss landing, and you don't have anything to tether too. You're best option is to play on the falling blocks until your opponent leaves the swinging platform and allows you to get on. If you move around and just avoid your opponent (easy to do on this stage I might add) you should be fine on this area.
Then comes another olimar **** area. LAND HO! At last! There's room for our feet on the oh so comfy ground. There's not much to worry in the terms of gimping here... it's mostly like a walk off ledge. This part is just too good for olimar though. If this were its own stage, I would CP this in a heartbeat. Here's why. First of all, your ceiling..... is TOO low. usmash will kill at 1/2 % you normally need to KO someone. Referring back to asob (I think that's who did it) pikmin KO chart, you can pull off a DDD kill around 60% or jiggs around 30%. This is just random speculation (and in no way a fact) based on his chart and the really low ceiling, but you get my point. Early early early ko's from usmash. Also you get platforms galore, if you're not usmashing, uairing, and tether cancel whoring this area you must be using those curved angles on the ground for extra fsmash /grab range. Also, with the abundance of platforms and curved edges you can really shine your aerial game. Fairs and Nairs will dominate this area (along with previously discussed aerials). I'll just add the right side of the stage here since it lasts less than 8 seconds. basically you don't have to worried about getting gimped here just because the boat will be under you. if anything you might want to try uthrow/usmash/uair or anything you can do to shoot your opponent up in the air.
*Note: I will be making a vid TONITE of a probably known AT on this section of the stage.... very situational, but I'm waiting to test it on pirate ship as well to see how good it is before posting it. I will add it here (after making a new thread) so you can get the full flavor of rapesauce.
So, that's just my look on rainbow cruise. Really, it's not everything, there is plenty more to discuss, but I'm just tired of almost EVERY olimar complaining about it, when in reality it's a decent stage. Like I said, i would CP it occasionally. I wouldn't just pick it at your next tournament however. It takes a bit of practice to get familiar with everything. Once you're familiar with the stage olimar gets VERY deadly.
For those who didn't want to read my entire post:
Moral of the story? Save your CP for japes, frigate, delfino, or whichever stage you do the worst on.
EDIT: your opinions?