Oh hey, wow. Look at this.
Sakurai said:
The problem is Sonic. What to do... I suppose if we’re going to all this trouble, perhaps we should make him playable.
Why would it be a problem? Obviously it has nothing to do with Sonic being rushed to be playable in the demo, since I don't remember any complaints about Sonic being glitchy or feeling unfinished. "All this trouble" likely refers to the demo being playable at E for All. So if Sonic is a starter, what could possibly be the problem with putting him there? This pretty much axes your whole theory.
Someone's probably going to say "that's one character though! The rest of the demo roster could be the starting roster!"
Well, no.
Kirby, Snake, Zelda, and Dedede all have legitimate reasons for not being in the demo that you need to think about.
Kirby's hats. That's a lot of programming to do, and probably wasn't finished at the time of E for All. You could end up swallowing Sonic and getting a Samus hat.
Snake is a third-party character along with Sonic and probably unlockable for that. Sonic is major hype for this game, and was the most-requested third-party character, which is an explanation for him being in the demo.
For Zelda, Sheik obviously. Sakurai seems to be making it a point not to reveal anything about Sheik's inclusion. He hasn't shown us Zelda's special moves or her Final Smash, both of which could easily include Sheik.
And Dedede wasn't revealed yet. One could bring up Norfair, but Norfair is a stage, and Dedede is a character.
Completely different.
Those four characters have legitimate reasons for being left out. As for the other four, Sakurai specifically said that the roster would be limited; it
is a demo after all. He's not going to give us the actual game (obviously minus all the other game modes).
Sorry if what I said has already been brought up. No way in
hell am I going through 20 pages to see if anyone's posted this already.