craftstar, HOW????
im not meaning to offend you, but r offering no solid support to back ur statement up. the pic looks like he's wearing little armor. and, look at his shoulder blade; it seems to contian some kind of crystal. now, we know that zealots dont carry khaydrin crystals on theri sodleirs, so that cant be.
also, if u ever lost a game as the protoss, look closely at the warp blade. its is part of a arm "psychic-strenghtening" device that further intensifies the blade to the point that a warrior's very mind is dealing damage to the enemy. this pic shows no arm-strengthener. also, if u look at Zeratul's wallpaper(get it from blizzards compedium URL for SC) , u see that the blade is coming from an enhancer located near the wrist and is almost half the size of the zealot's enhancer
true, u may argue that he is a hero unit an therefore has his own cutsom-made enhancer, but realize that the dark templar are not to resourceful or abundant in resources of manpower or the minerals that compose the enhancers because theyre a nomadic ppl. what i believ is that power comes through age; this has been demonstrated if u look at the very back of ur BROOD WAR instructions manual that shows how old the heroes r. with the exception of artanis (which is about 200 and some odd-years old), this proves my theory on the protoss hero-heirachy
also, did any of you guys really look at that zealot pic (not the art i am discussing)? it kinda looks so..........undetailed. do any of you see any non-blurred lines? the figure is a little wide, also, dont you think? sure, the backround looks awesome, but everything si blurry-ish........of course, this may just be the result of a bad-scan, but then what would such a bad scan be doing on blizzard's homepage?