There are alot of players that want to make Smash 4 as big(perhaps bigger) than melee and I'm one of them. However alot of players, especially new players believe that becoming good means picking the most likely high tier character, picking final destination round after round, and stalling and camping for dear life.
There is new arguing that the system for smash 4 rewards defensive play. But there is also a lot of room for aggressiveness and pressure. I believe that online "For-Glory" mode has breed the new influx of players to be extremely campy just by simply only allowing final destination stages. Furthermore not all of the FD stages are the same, so have walls, so have higher ceilings than others
Went to a tournament yesterday and I happened to be in the middle of a convo between two players at the tournament that went something like this
Player1: Are custom moves legal?
Player2: Yes
Player1: Well you have to tell me which ones you use
Player2: How come?
Player1: Because if you don't tell me, you're a d***head. custom moves changes the match up
Player2: That doesn't make any sense, you're playing in tournament, you should be ready for any match up
Player1: Well if you don't tell me, you're a d**khead because that changes a characters playstyle, and I'm just going to time you out
Player2: That's cool with me, thats how i play anyway
*facepalm*This isn't healthy for competitive smash lol. The idea of timing someone out is absurd and we should not condone it what so ever if we want competitive smash for smash 4 to grow.
I believe a solution to this is changing what we consider to be neutral or legal stages in smash. We shouldn't necessarily turn Smash 4 into Melee 2.0. I think picking stages that aren't stagnate help reduce the use of camping and stalling in Smash four. The mechanics that made Corneria a banned stage in melee no longer exist in Smash 4. Picking FD round after round doesn't put every character on an even playing field.
I understand that the melee system of stage selection isn't broken, but this isn't melee, its Smash 4. It doesn't have to follow the exact same formula. Designing a new system of stage selection for Smash 4 can help the vast majority of characters becoming tournament viable.