Ladies and gents!
Today is the day for the Symphonic Reunion!!!!!
Most likely the Remake versions of the FFVII tracks that we know and love will be featured, alongside a new trailer, much like KH last year.
Sadly, there is no livestream. We'll have to rely on a sneaky dude to record it.
E3 has started already with some very great news, if you've been keeping up with the leaks.
Apparently Sakurai's video had a very sneaky detail with the Smash Ball. Probs the new modern day lie detector.

Maybe it means the next fighter is already done and is focusing on challenger 3. We might get a reveal now. But EVO is also possible.
For now, the safe bet is it's going to be Banjo as DLC Pack 2. And if that is the case, my theory on Banjo being Brave might come to fruition.
And thus, we'll be back kinda at square 1, but at least with some new devs since august.
If I were to pinpoint, we would have 3 main candidates for the spot: Erdrick/Luminary, Sephiroth, Sora.
What would your forecast be?
I hope you guys enjoy E3! Because let me tell you: It's going to be a blast!!! A smashing time! ;P