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Spider-Man 3


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
I wonder if Aaron Carter will be playing Carnage in Spiderman 4 ... >.> Since they seem so intent on casting trendy ******* as the heroes and villans I know and love from a great comic.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
I would be VERY happy if a Spiderman 4 movie had this plot:


First off if you didn't notice in part 3 Spidey asks new Goblin for help, Spiderman admits he can't defeat them without his help. Another spoiler is that Sandman doesn't die and somewhat befriends Spiderman. So that only leads me to believe that Spiderman will fight several villains in part four and Sandman will show up to save Spiderman.

I think Sandman will be back in Spiderman 4 or 5 to save Spiderman from certain death.

Again if you follow the story lines, we're not going to see some random villains like Vulture or whatever...

Here is what I'm thinking for Spiderman 4 (keep in mind I've written a few scripts) Dr. Conners takes what he's learned from the alien goo (Venom) and uses it to create his serum for Lizard. He becomes Lizard and Spiderman can't stop him... Kraven the hunter learns of Lizard and comes to trap him. Kraven is trying to KILL Lizard, Spiderman doesn't want Lizard dead because that's his friend. So Spiderman has to fight Kraven to save Lizard while at the same time try to save Lizard.

To me that is the only natural storyline for Spiderman 4. There won't be any Electro, Rhino, blah, blah.

I'll bet anyone $100.00 bucks you see Lizard and Kraven in Spiderman 4. I wouldn't be surprised to see someone like Black Cat introduced to help Spiderman but it will be Kraven and Lizard for sure.

Kraven and Lizard go hand and hand... Its possible that Jamison wants to find out who Spiderman is to help his flanking newspaper, so he hires Kraven to capture Spiderman, and Kraven discovers Lizard as well. No matter what... Lizard and Kraven 1,000 % I'll bet anyone including Sam! Larry Kirchner

Massive spoiler tags ftw.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
Because I'm lazy.

Oh, this meteorite just happened to crash right next to Spider-Man and contains Venom's symbiote.
Quietest meteorite landing EVER.

Oh, Sandman just happens to fall into this hole where they're testing microparticlesomesciencecrap.
Hey, there's more silicon in there than should be.

Could just be a bird, it'll fly off.

What if it's not? What if it's something like a snake or a rabbit? This is a highly dangerous experiment we're doing here, someone should go check.

Fine, YOU go look in the hole.

Oh hell no.

Fine, we're doing the **** test.[/quote]


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
Yang, I don't think they're going to be making any more Spiderman movies for a while. Tobey and Kirsten both feel that it's a good time for it to end.

If they end up making any more, it'll be a while from now, and have new actors.


Faster than most vehicles
Aug 6, 2005
The tall grass
Peter and Mary Jane didn't even get married in this one. There's bound to be a fourth, at least.


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
There's probably spoilers in here so skip this if you're likely to complain about spoilers in a thread dedicated to the movie.

I've been waiting forever to put my thoughts about this movie on here.
- They completely crapped on Venom.
- They needed to save Topher Grace for replacing Tobey (The Tears) McGuire. He'd be perfect for the role. They didn't give Topher much to work with in this cluttered movie. There's only one scene of him without Peter Parker in it. Basically the role of Eddie Brock (who should have been a big foil to peter parker) was reduced to 5 one liner scenes.
- Thomas Haden Church sold the character of Flint Marko to me. He was cast perfectly. His acting had got me to feel sorry for his character as one who has good intentions, but just runs into bad luck.
- James Franco was one of the highlights in this movie. He captured his emotions perfectly. Whether he was the tormented Harry Osborne out for revenge on Spider-man or when he was the post amnesia nice guy Harry, he was great to watch. (With the exception of his lazy eye in the scene
where he tells Peter that he is the other man that she said she loved.
- They completely crapped on Venom.
- "How's the pie sir?" "It's soooo goood.." *look back at Peter through the window and wink.* *wait for the car to block his view... QUICK HIDE UNDER THE TABLE* No way would he be fast enough to disappear like that unless he hid under that table. But we will never know.
- Gwen Stacy is sooo fiinnneeee.
- I want to have a huge portrait of Norman Osborne on my wall like Harry has.
- They completely crapped on Venom.
- MJ: "I wish somebody would bonk me on the head."
Harry: "Ok.. *bop*"
What... the hell..
- That butler.... I wanted to dropkick him in the face.
- Me and my 2 friends were the only one's in the theatre who realized that Stan Lee was there during his cameo.
- They completely crapped on Venom.
- Sandman looked amazing, but come on.... Why use the godzilla approach with him? Come up with something more creative now, will ya?
- If Tobey cried that much in under 2 minutes, I'd hate to cut onions with him.
- Kirsten Dunst should never sing outside of this movie.
- They completely crapped on Venom.
- Why was the symbiote just a suit for Peter Parker, but for Brock, it took over his body? Peter parker was not supposed to just wear the symbiote.. that just irked me a bit.
- They completely crapped on Venom.
- And now to my Venom section. Supposedly Venom is a huge villain in the spidey universe along with Green Goblin and Dr. Ock. Why the hell was he only given 20 minutes? I would have been fine if they just introduced him at the end to give everyone completely hyped up for a fourth. But they go ahead and present a minor character that will take the fall in the end in a power ranger-like explosion. Yuck. 20 minute fight scene, and you knock him out in the middle to focus on Sandman? Why even build up Venom in your previews if he's completely useless to the story? The rivalry of Eddie Brock and Peter Parker could have been spread out along the 3 movies and then introduce Venom in the 3rd. Or even throw out Sandman altogether and have Venom as the Central villain. This would have been way better for a 3rd spidey movie.
- Which brings me to my next complaint. TOO MANY VILLAINS/STORIES. Let's count the villains in Spiderman 3 shall we? Goblin, Sandman, Venom, and Emo Peter (inner struggle as a villain I guess, hell, it should be the main villain seeing as it had the most time in the movie.) That's 3-4 villains. Take that Batman & Robin. Spiderman 3 could have easily been saved from being a disappointment if they had just taken out either Sandman or Venom. It would have been classic either way. The fans would have been crazy for a storyline centered around Spidey/Peter vs. Venom/Brock. But than again, the makers knew we would watch it either way, so they'll just take our money instead.
- They completely crapped on Venom.
- They completely crapped on Venom.
- They completely crapped on Venom.
- And Kraven The Hunter... I really wouldn't care to see a movie version of him. I'd rather see Shocker.
- The humor was throwing the movie off for me.
- Peter as The Mask was horrible.
- Gwen Stacy is still hot.
- They completely crapped on Venom.
- And people boo'ed on the American Flag scene. I don't know why.
- Peter didn't even explain WHY he kissed Gwen Stacy.
- There was too much crammed into this movie that they spent less dedication to the flow of the scenes.
- As a huge spiderman fan and as a common movie-goer, I was disappointed either way.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 22, 2003
San Diego, CA
Yang, I don't think they're going to be making any more Spiderman movies for a while. Tobey and Kirsten both feel that it's a good time for it to end.

If they end up making any more, it'll be a while from now, and have new actors.
Spider-Man 4, 5, and 6 are already confirmed.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
- And people boo'ed on the American Flag scene. I don't know why.
Because even corn are ashamed of it, it was that corny. It's almost as overused as red, white and blue on a superhero.

Why was the symbiote just a suit for Peter Parker, but for Brock, it took over his body? Peter parker was not supposed to just wear the symbiote.. that just irked me a bit.
"Don't let it touch you, once it bonds, it's very hard, maybe imposible, to unbond."

"Actually, it's pretty easy. Doesn't even crawl around or anything when it's off. Just like a leather suit. Strange how I'm still affected by it even when I'm not wearing it though."


Smash Champion
Jun 29, 2006
Stuck between a parallel dimension of code and you
Don't let it touch you, once it bonds, it's very hard, maybe imposible, to unbond."

"Actually, it's pretty easy. Doesn't even crawl around or anything when it's off. Just like a leather suit. Strange how I'm still affected by it even when I'm not wearing it though."

owned. but remember, they said that the symbiote suit brings out feelings, mainly aggression, y'know, anger. hate. and brock wanted spiderman/parker dead. so being that the symbiote brings out those feelings even more, it was probably very easy to just take control of brock, he was like a willing subject. notice how as soon as the suit started covering him, and he started feeling the power, he started smiling and whatnot.

so all in all, Brock was very very easy to take over. Peter still had a lot of good in him, so it was probably conflicting with the suit, thus making Peter harder to take over.

Oh, and Mic128, you wanna play pokemon sometime soon? hit me up with a pm with your answer.


Faster than most vehicles
Aug 6, 2005
The tall grass
I don't understand the concept of the symbiote clearly bonding with his regular suit, then him in the clock tower ripping only the symbiote off.

Wouldn't he actually be ripping his suit?

Deleted member

I don't understand the concept of the symbiote clearly bonding with his regular suit, then him in the clock tower ripping only the symbiote off.

Wouldn't he actually be ripping his suit?
Yeah guys, I totally agree. This is where the series really starts to become a bit ridiculous. Once I saw this scene, I was really losing believability fast. Up in till then though.. him becoming super-human by a radioactive spider and swinging through the streets of New York on invisible sky hooks - totally plausible, I mean come on.. - but this.. this is pushing it.

Seriously Raimi, get your act together. This kinda crap doesn't fly round here.


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
Up in till then though.. him becoming super-human by a radioactive spider and swinging through the streets of New York on invisible sky hooks - totally plausible,
He swings on his webs. Did you even watch the movie. Like, Duh.

Deleted member

He swings on his webs. Did you even watch the movie. Like, Duh.
Obviously he swings on his webs. His webs attach to ****. But what is he swinging on when he's going straight down a street? Clearly not a building.

Oh, I know. Spider-Man pays a man to fly in front of him in a helicopter which he webs, so he can swing wherever he wants.

It all makes sense now. Because I was going to say, Spider-Man must have a huge problem in rural areas, what with the no towers n' all.


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
But what is he swinging on when he's going straight down a street? Clearly not a building.

Oh, I know. Spider-Man pays a man to fly in front of him in a helicopter which he webs, so he can swing wherever he wants.
I imagine it to be a plane actually. A helicopter is a bit too small and the rutters might cut the web.

*EDIT* You never specified that the helicopter hovered. You said fly. =]

I think I win this. I didn't even need to take out my pokemon to battle you. Just took you to the Safari zone and threw rocks at your face, straight disrespected you.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
Comeon guys, its not a bird, or a playne...

Anyways, I just imagined that when the symbiote bonded to the suit, the suit was still there. But then after he left it on for so long (left the ole 'biote on the suit), it attached itself to the suit and absorbed it. Sorta like... ate it and took its form.


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
I hope they didn't actually kill the symbiote off. The next spiderman movie should totally revolve around venom, carnage, toxin, and the other symbiotes that venom spawned.


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2007
I still haven't seen it and I'm on edge with excitement waiting to see it.
P.S. I'm not stalking you Eggz. Lol


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
I hope they didn't actually kill the symbiote off. The next spiderman movie should totally revolve around venom, carnage, toxin, and the other symbiotes that venom spawned.
I would actually prefer for the other symbiote villains to be built up to, unlike Venom was. I would enjoy seeing a Vulture/Kraven movie that points to symbiotes here and there, or even a Mysterio movie where he fux with symbiotes/prisons/insane asylums so that Carnage can be built up to.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
I do feel that Venom was severely neglected. While it was awesome to see him live, I wished the movie revolved more around him. I didn't have too much beef with Venom arriving in a small meteor, but Peter being able to "take off" the suit (even if it still affected him) sorta threw me for a loop.

Also, did anyone notice that they never once mention Venom's name? I never heard it. :(


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay

Here is what I'm thinking for Spiderman 4 (keep in mind I've written a few scripts) Dr. Conners takes what he's learned from the alien goo (Venom) and uses it to create his serum for Lizard. He becomes Lizard and Spiderman can't stop him... Kraven the hunter learns of Lizard and comes to trap him. Kraven is trying to KILL Lizard, Spiderman doesn't want Lizard dead because that's his friend. So Spiderman has to fight Kraven to save Lizard while at the same time try to save Lizard.
I like your style.

Due to spoilers, I will hide all my comments

I liked it. There were some serious flaws. No, I don't mean the dance scene and Peter walking on the strutting down the street (people don't seem to get that those parts were cheasy on PURPOSE).

What was with Venom showing up in the last 30 Minutes of the movie, then DYING? Also, they screwed over their own canon. Sandman ACCIDENTALY killing Ben Parker? Anything to add a new villian, I suppose (Don't get me wrong, I liked Sandman in the movie).

Another canon-flaw, when Peter and Harry fight, and Peter throws the pumpkin bomb and it explodes in Harry's face, he gets out with some scrathces and minor deformity on one side of his face. In the first movie, when Green Goblin throws the bomb, it disenigrates the poeple he trew it at from a few feet away. Oh, and Harry dies, but he had it coming. He was a douche in the movie.

I also didn't like how the meteorite that had the symbiote on it just crashed in the park, but it's better than how it was introduced in the comics >_> I wish they did it like the T.V. show, where a space shuttle crashes on the Brooklyn bridge and the symbiote is inside and gets Peter there.

Overall, it was good, but it also seemed a little rushed, with Sandman, Venom, AND Hobgoblin.

I recomend to Spidey fans, and here's hoping for Mysterio/Shocker in the next movie. Or The Lizard, because they made it very clear that Dr. Connors is in the movie-canon and knows Peter is Spiderman. We'll just have to wait and see :(

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Connors doesn't know Peter is Spider-Man. They was evident in the second movie when he was always late for class. I really doubt Connors would have been THAT much of a douche because he was busy saving a kid from dying or something.

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
**** that. They need to make movie based on Maximum Carnage.

**** that game was hard as hell.


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
I thought the movie was good. Given, I never read the comics or anything, so I can't get mad that things were inaccurate or anything.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I don't understand the concept of the symbiote clearly bonding with his regular suit, then him in the clock tower ripping only the symbiote off.

Wouldn't he actually be ripping his suit?
Not necessarily, remember he was irritating the symbiont by banging into the bell, spoiler here:
which is how he got it to come off Brock when he kept hitting the metal poles together.
ends here.


Faster than most vehicles
Aug 6, 2005
The tall grass
But he was naked afterwards.

If he had just got the symbiote off he'd be back in his regular suit.

And hemightbegiant, there was no Hobgoblin in SM3.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
Anyways, I just imagined that when the symbiote bonded to the suit, the suit was still there. But then after he left it on for so long (left the ole 'biote on the suit), it attached itself to the suit and absorbed it. Sorta like... ate it and took its form.

Except that at one point when he's about to go after Sandman he reaches for his red+blue suit then stops, looks at the chest and takes the black suit. He still had the old suit.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Is it possible they did some bad screenplay? They made a few slip ups here and there. Like nerfing GGs bombs from SP1 which was like a 1 hit KO to a slight explosion of fire.


Smash Lord
Aug 2, 2006
Queens, dont ask for meetups yet
I just saw this.

I swear, I was about to cry from the awesomeness from the fight scenes. No joke. **** I love

-I love Emo Peter with all my heart.
-Did anyone notice the American Flag when Spiderman was diving into the final battle? That was the cheesiest thing I had ever seen.
-The Fight scenes were badass. Espiecially the final.
-When Harry got web-tripped in the first battle was TOO funny.
-When Emo-man backhanded Mary, I did a backhanded motion in the theatre. Everyone started dying.

Nothing else. I think Marko's gun going off in his hand killing Ben was really kinda, eh, weird.


Smash Champion
Aug 1, 2005
The Hall of Eternia, Exactly 10 miles west of the
this movie had continuity problems written all over it. did they even try to make a script? or did they know anything with "Spiderman" attached to it would sell big?

I pretty much agree with every complaint here, and I'll add in another one:

Why the **** was everybody such a whiny *****? The obvious, emo Peter, "Struggling with himself" or whatever, was just a ****. I completely hated him and felt they could have cut almost every one of his scenes (The dancing in the jazz club, give me a ****ing break).

Then there Mary Jane. "Oh you dont understand me Peter this is different."

Peter- "But MJ Im spiderman I go through with this everyday.

MJ- Stop bringing Spiderman into this."

Topher Grace as Eddie was a total douche. He deserved what he got. (But way to introdue his alter ego with 20 minutes to go in the movie! WTF were you thinking Raimi???)

The only people I liked in this movie were Sandman and Harry, although Sandman's story was so horribly thoughtout, with continuity problems all over. Both of there character progression I thought was great. For some reason,
my favorite scene in the whole movie was when HArry was talking with the butler. The butler tells him how hard it is to realize the truth, and Harry goes to save Pete.
Dont know why, but that one part really got to me.

I saw Harry dying a mile away. Most obvious part of the movie

OF 'til I OD

More vibes, please.
Oct 21, 2005
Switch FC
To anyone saying Spiderman was emo, you fail epically.

Cut themselves
Act/Are depressed all the time

Peter Parker Transformed:
Killed a man (or at least thought he did) with almost no regrets.
Almost killed his best friend, with no problems killing him.
Made his ex girlfriend jealous and then ***** slapped her.
Put the beatdown on ~3 bouncers at the same time

See the difference?

Secondly, Topher Grace did a good job as Eddie Brock. Granted, he wasn't all muscley or anything, but the Movies are not canonically correct. You can't judge an actor by ONE role.

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
My biggest gripe was Gwen Stacy. Her role in the comics is pivotal. She is probably the most important female character in terms of Peter's development as a hero.

What they did with her in the movie bothered me more then anything else.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
To anyone saying Spiderman was emo, you fail epically.

Cut themselves
Act/Are depressed all the time

Peter Parker Transformed:
Killed a man (or at least thought he did) with almost no regrets.
Almost killed his best friend, with no problems killing him.
Made his ex girlfriend jealous and then ***** slapped her.
Put the beatdown on ~3 bouncers at the same time

See the difference?

Secondly, Topher Grace did a good job as Eddie Brock. Granted, he wasn't all muscley or anything, but the Movies are not canonically correct. You can't judge an actor by ONE role.
Peter did most of that with the help of the symbiote, the only thing he did on his own was kill the guy in Spiderman 1. They could have left Venom for Spiderman 4. Why? Because they put him in too late, gave him a horribly boring fight scene and
killed him off
. I think he'll return but only time will tell.

this movie had continuity problems written all over it. did they even try to make a script? or did they know anything with "Spiderman" attached to it would sell big?

I pretty much agree with every complaint here, and I'll add in another one:

Why the **** was everybody such a whiny *****? The obvious, emo Peter, "Struggling with himself" or whatever, was just a ****. I completely hated him and felt they could have cut almost every one of his scenes (The dancing in the jazz club, give me a ****ing break).

Then there Mary Jane. "Oh you dont understand me Peter this is different."

Peter- "But MJ Im spiderman I go through with this everyday.

MJ- Stop bringing Spiderman into this."

Topher Grace as Eddie was a total douche. He deserved what he got. (But way to introdue his alter ego with 20 minutes to go in the movie! WTF were you thinking Raimi???)

The only people I liked in this movie were Sandman and Harry, although Sandman's story was so horribly thoughtout, with continuity problems all over. Both of there character progression I thought was great. For some reason,
my favorite scene in the whole movie was when HArry was talking with the butler. The butler tells him how hard it is to realize the truth, and Harry goes to save Pete.
Dont know why, but that one part really got to me.

I saw Harry dying a mile away. Most obvious part of the movie
I completely agree with you, I was getting tired of hearing MJ ***** about everything. "You don't know what it feels like, blah blah blah", and Peter, "Spiderman goes through it all the time, blah blah blah". I wish Toby/Peter [it could be a character thing they made him do] would actually speak more lively so I wouldn't feel like turning the movie off. He sounds as bad as he does in the Spiderman games.

My favorites were Sandman and Harry too, at least the get proper screen time and back story, Vemon was just thrown on top like a squirt of ketchup.

I just saw this.

I swear, I was about to cry from the awesomeness from the fight scenes. No joke. **** I love

-I love Emo Peter with all my heart.
-Did anyone notice the American Flag when Spiderman was diving into the final battle? That was the cheesiest thing I had ever seen.
-The Fight scenes were badass. Espiecially the final.
-When Harry got web-tripped in the first battle was TOO funny.
-When Emo-man backhanded Mary, I did a backhanded motion in the theatre. Everyone started dying.
I really didn't enjoy the fight scenes at all, I thought the ones in Spiderman 2 were better, Doc is a badass, and the guy that played him was a great actor. I thought the battles were too frantic and all over the place. When Sandman fought Spidy in the armored truck it was interesting, but when he fought in the sewers it was just boring.
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