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SOVA, ITS 2010! Step ya Melee game up baby! <3


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
souf part of VA
I might be free for a bit on Tuesday before I go out and get plastered if anyone wants to smash for a few hours. I'll let ya know.


Smash Cadet
Jul 11, 2008
Sova is as a smash region soo lame. Our best smasher goes M.I.A for ever. We have smash fest were 3 people show up, and they all come in the same car. The last tournament here was god knows when. Everyone says they want to get better at the game but still no one has time to play. Or they just don't want to make the drive. Props to D0n for trying to step it up and host a tourny here, but ODU fails with it's new person in charge. Toasty come back and host a Sova revival tournament now. Please?

I'm going to look into finding a venue to host tournys but then again I don't know if it will be worth it to see the same people there as I see everyday. Sounds like fun right? Maybe I'm just complaining and am too lazy to make the commitment to do anything about it, but then I think about it and feel that there is no need because we all are too cheap/busy to actually attend anything here.

As for VT I am so down, I really want to play other people then the same old same old. Cstick props for holding fest, and I enjoy them, but honestly its just that me oro? and malco were the only people last time. If you host, I'll find a way there and play.

I'm just sad that Sova is falling apart and after *pound* 4 It only got me hyped to play much more and get better. Oh well, toasty leaving hurt us more than I could ever imagine, as I can't ever see anyone here hosting a tourny and getting people from WV and NY to come down to play. Even with a good majority of the people who said they would come didn't it was still the ?biggest tourny in sova?

I just feel this has become a more social oriented thread then a smash thread. Ex: CNU dorm rooms? Flutes and parties? Rhan telling S-man to pick him up? I just don't get it lol, toasty posted some **** *** falcon video and no one cared hahaha. CNU host a tournament or a fest in that one room because I went to one of those and that's what kept me interested in smash at the time. Do itttttt

OR Toasty come back and get the area back together =[


Smash Champion
May 1, 2007
**** Triangle, NC
Sova is as a smash region soo lame. Our best smasher goes M.I.A for ever. We have smash fest were 3 people show up, and they all come in the same car. The last tournament here was god knows when. Everyone says they want to get better at the game but still no one has time to play. Or they just don't want to make the drive. Props to D0n for trying to step it up and host a tourny here, but ODU fails with it's new person in charge. Toasty come back and host a Sova revival tournament now. Please?

I'm going to look into finding a venue to host tournys but then again I don't know if it will be worth it to see the same people there as I see everyday. Sounds like fun right? Maybe I'm just complaining and am too lazy to make the commitment to do anything about it, but then I think about it and feel that there is no need because we all are too cheap/busy to actually attend anything here.

As for VT I am so down, I really want to play other people then the same old same old. Cstick props for holding fest, and I enjoy them, but honestly its just that me oro? and malco were the only people last time. If you host, I'll find a way there and play.

I'm just sad that Sova is falling apart and after *pound* 4 It only got me hyped to play much more and get better. Oh well, toasty leaving hurt us more than I could ever imagine, as I can't ever see anyone here hosting a tourny and getting people from WV and NY to come down to play. Even with a good majority of the people who said they would come didn't it was still the ?biggest tourny in sova?

I just feel this has become a more social oriented thread then a smash thread. Ex: CNU dorm rooms? Flutes and parties? Rhan telling S-man to pick him up? I just don't get it lol, toasty posted some **** *** falcon video and no one cared hahaha. CNU host a tournament or a fest in that one room because I went to one of those and that's what kept me interested in smash at the time. Do itttttt

OR Toasty come back and get the area back together =[
**** you flutes are ******.

but i know what u mean lol.

This is why all of you should come to NC. The community here has exploded mainly due to DJ's very consistent hosting, but then again, it was pretty active before then.

Dr PP is also RAAAPEEE


Smash Cadet
Jul 11, 2008
I understand that IV but then again, doesn't that have its place somewhere else? I mean personal life is personal life and I think of yall as my friends foreal, but that shouldn't mean we should stop talking about smash. If it wasn't for smash I would have never met my closest friends I have now (two of whom just moved away), and I can kinda see the same things from stars. But KF doesn't use this as a place to talk about our lives, we have phone numbers or facebooks to talk about that on.

And I'm sorry, some of us aren't smart enough to go to Duke, although we are smart enough to read you! OHHHHH burn. Lets have a crew battle because I made one remark about you! Haha


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
:/ i think people just have to make decisions for their bests interests for life, not smash. if they coincide, great. but it's not really fair to fault people for taking long term interests over smash


Smash Cadet
Jul 11, 2008
:/ i think people just have to make decisions for their bests interests for life, not smash. if they coincide, great. but it's not really fair to fault people for taking long term interests over smash

I don't remember if i said smash comes before RL or not, and am too lazy to read what I did say but if I did I apologize. That's not what my purpose of the post was at all. What I was just stating out loud was how I feel about the region. It was more of a self realization out loud then it was a cheat to anyone in particular. I've always had mad faith in the region but I've been let down so I just noticed it in a drunk state.

If anyone feels directly cheated by the post I made don't. It was more of a documentation of how I felt about the region than a cheat.

DJRome- $MM at Herb 3 if I can make it out?


Smash Cadet
Jul 11, 2008
Lol nah I'm not targeting you at all. Just haven't played you and I love playing new players with a bit of pressure. I like to think that's how I perform my best! 1-5$ is fine for me, and I'm sure you know who I play from IV!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2008
jwolf, toastys falcon vid he posted was way good.

and any news on don finding a venue?


Smash Ace
Jul 27, 2003
Norfolk, VA
Sova is as a smash region soo lame. Our best smasher goes M.I.A for ever. We have smash fest were 3 people show up, and they all come in the same car. The last tournament here was god knows when. Everyone says they want to get better at the game but still no one has time to play. Or they just don't want to make the drive. Props to D0n for trying to step it up and host a tourny here, but ODU fails with it's new person in charge. Toasty come back and host a Sova revival tournament now. Please?

I'm going to look into finding a venue to host tournys but then again I don't know if it will be worth it to see the same people there as I see everyday. Sounds like fun right? Maybe I'm just complaining and am too lazy to make the commitment to do anything about it, but then I think about it and feel that there is no need because we all are too cheap/busy to actually attend anything here.

As for VT I am so down, I really want to play other people then the same old same old. Cstick props for holding fest, and I enjoy them, but honestly its just that me oro? and malco were the only people last time. If you host, I'll find a way there and play.

I'm just sad that Sova is falling apart and after *pound* 4 It only got me hyped to play much more and get better. Oh well, toasty leaving hurt us more than I could ever imagine, as I can't ever see anyone here hosting a tourny and getting people from WV and NY to come down to play. Even with a good majority of the people who said they would come didn't it was still the ?biggest tourny in sova?

I just feel this has become a more social oriented thread then a smash thread. Ex: CNU dorm rooms? Flutes and parties? Rhan telling S-man to pick him up? I just don't get it lol, toasty posted some **** *** falcon video and no one cared hahaha. CNU host a tournament or a fest in that one room because I went to one of those and that's what kept me interested in smash at the time. Do itttttt

OR Toasty come back and get the area back together =[

Yea JWolf I know where you're comin from on a lot of this.

As far as my own excuses for not showing up to the latest fests.. for one I still feel a bit cheated from Pound pools and overall playing badly against players I know I coulda beaten in my prime. Ask me about each individual match next fest I make it to.

Real life has been kicking my butt a bit also as I'm hunting for yet another place to live currently, my 5th spot in SOVA in living here about 3 years now; might decide to move to Portsmouth to be closer to work. My (old) place I held a couple of smashfests at was perfect IMO: room for three setups, recording setup, and easy access to a pizza joint, and I was planning to hold a lot more fests but can't really happen now as I should be moving in a few days; that fact in itself has me bummed out.

I don't want to talk for Vince as we've been out of touch but imagine he's still going through tough times at the moment.

Toasty the SOVA talisman needs to return! After he's officially turned himself into Mr. Moneybags that is ;-)


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
Even with a good majority of the people who said they would come didn't it was still the ?biggest tourny in sova?
Sad truth:
SoVa ROM 1 was the biggest SoVa tournament up to that time with 41 entrants in singles.
SoVa ROM 2 is the biggest SoVa tourney to date with a whopping addition of: 7 people. 48 entrants in singles.
I just don't get it lol, toasty posted some **** *** falcon video and no one cared hahaha.
*throws arms up in the air as the international sign language for "MOTHERF*CKING FINALLY!"*
OR Toasty come back and get the area back together =[
hahaha XD the sentiment also makes me sad, though. I'm far more passionate about the community than most people could/should be (XD) and I've made some personal sacrifices to make certain things happen for the betterment of the community that many wouldn't [but I don't put RL before Smash]. Now my efforts have been "exported" and I had a tiny hand in making Pound 4 go smoothly, I'm hired as staff for Apex (and have a couple duties that are kicking my *** at the moment since I'm trying to juggle that and running a business...thank GOD I don't have a legit personal life down here!), and then I'll be one of the names in the title for Tipped Off 6 haha....

But yeah I remember talking about this with Eric V [a TO from the SRK community] at the lock-in at Hi-Score Gaming and I hear this in my head all the time and couldn't agree with him more:
"I bleed for the scene."

Personally, the community has helped me cope with IRL problems more than I'd like to admit. I'd probably be some depressed Halo player who might have barely scraped through college if I didn't find the Smash community haha

Back to SoVa ROM2...I wonder if people realized what I had started to do....anyone notice the SRK people who attended? What happened was I started getting into SF4 a while before I left and I attended a RanBat as well as hosted a mini-fest at my place. I was on the SRK forums and I had tried, with moderate success, to enlighten them, a community that might as well call us Brawl and themselves Melee, about the depth of our game that we love.

They even stopped their friendlies to watch all the finals matches.

Bridging the gap? Maybe? That ****'s considered ****ing impossible!!!



my bad.

Toasty the SOVA talisman needs to return! After he's officially turned himself into Mr. Moneybags that is ;-)
lmfao <3


I have a box that I have marked "Apex" and I've got 3 dollars saved up so far.

How bout you?

If anyone has the ability to go to Florida in June for something ****ing INCREDIBLE with a bajillion sponsors that could help legitimize Melee on an even grander scale than before...you should check this out [esp because there will also be....DAIGO AND JUSTIN WONNNNNG!...meaning a bunch of other Games, Anime, Music, and Manga...............and it's an Expo >_>....]


Wish I could go but I think I'm going to a wedding, that I CANNOT miss, a week after this so I can't take so much time off ;__;

D0N, and any other awesome would-be TOs...........good luck.

I hope you guys find a venue.

Honestly though, I would find a way to hit up the Anime Club at ODU and talk to them about reserving rooms or whatever for us to have Smash events XD!!!!

Dunno if it's that easy but I know it used to be haha...

Just a thought.

Otherwise you'll just have to go OG status and host a tourney in your house. **** a circuit breaker, son! Who cares about comfort! IT'S SMASH!

*recalls the Man Mountain at O-NO's "March of the Side Tourneys"*



Smash Ace
Jul 27, 2003
Norfolk, VA
Just want to add on that I do want to go to HERB3 and do plan on it.

Also... if anyone else is in a similar situation seriously looking for a new place, whether it be temporary or for a couple years, gimme a call and we can talk about it - 757 639 1563. Smash housemates are better to have than boring housemates ;-)


Smash Champion
May 1, 2007
**** Triangle, NC
I would go through and multiquote but that process is long and tiresome

@JWolf: I wasnt ever disagreeing with you. I was more just trying to compare NC and SoVA and try to say that consistent hosting gets people into the scene more and can kind of build it from the bottom up. I remember O-NO telling me this a while back when I first joined. Also, saying that "everyone should move to NC" didnt mean come to a particular college. I wasnt talking about school at all, rather I was just talking about for smash ;) . Buuut if I had meant school, then by no means would I be trying to be a jerk. I actually think, and DJ and I have discussed this (he disagrees), that NC schools are easier to get in to than VA schools.
Also, me and DJ have a lot of convos, so I think I actually did tell him about u and your maining FOX
:D :D

@Doug: Cheated in pools as in having a really tough pool?? Tell me about it...

@The Toast Master: Man, I dont think anyone could come close to showing as much fervor for the smash community as you. I checked out that event that Plank is helping with a few weeks ago and I personally would really like to go. It's especially convenient cuz its over break, so if I'm saved up, then I might hitch a ride with someone else who's going around here. Or drive? But I havent done distance driving like that ever. If my parents let me go? **** it, Im in college, son. I have to still get used to that.
About Sova Rom2: this tourney was really epic for me. With all of those OOSers I (as well as the rest of stars) met people from up and down the coast who AMAZED me. It was the first tourney I had been to where I could watch "youtube videos" in real time. Watching JMan play against SMan? Get outta here...
Actually, for that, Shaeman told me that "he had to play against some guy named JMan" and I was like "Dude, he plays with Mew2king, probably the best fox right now" and he was like "****." I think he was demoralized affter that, but nevertheless it was a very motivating experience for all of Stars.
Alsoo, I was VERY encouraged to finally see Tope LOSE!! I mean, I had seen it on videos, but never with my own eyes. Man, I love me some tope and his rapetrain, but...well... I think all of sova knows what I mean.

Anyway, I think sova should just adopt the spirit of the thread title and someone host consistently. Is every 3 weeks asking for too much? IDK, im not living in there right now, but I will be in a few months (****** everyone :) ), so be prepared by then!


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
jwolf, toastys falcon vid he posted was way good.

and any news on don finding a venue?
No. Unless your house is available, I give up for now. I had a few new people interested to. Maybe 10...

Everyone Else: I had a post similar to Jwolf, but then the internet stopped working and it went away... Long story short

1. No one has really stepped up to fill Toasty's TO shoes. H4X started with the brawl part, but the melee part is mostly fests from what ive seen. Success showed with what people tried to throw. Ether: Star chips, H4X: Smash Cab.

2. When Hakuson posted, I am the only one who welcomed him. Everyone else (the frequent posters) ignored him. This is what happened when I first came here...

I wanna practice in brawl, I dont really know anyone though. Anyone wanna invite a newcomer to practice? Im not a bad house guest and I wanna work on my DK.
we love new players in SoVA, just stay active on this thread and youll know when new tourneys and fests are going down.

i may be hosting a tourney/fest/practice session the weekend of the 30th. ill get details on it later. just know there will be brawl, melee and street fighter 3.

anyone that wants to money match in powerstone 2 (2v2 teams) is welcome to come get mopped also ^.^
Cool, thanks for the warm welcome. I was in the tournament sunday, I tied for 9th. I think I did ok for my first tourney and I saw some really skilled players there that I could learn from.
This is what happened when kadaj saw me at my 2nd tourney:

Kadaj: Who's that
Toasty: That's D0N
Kadaj: Is he good?
Toasty: (Looks at me uncomfortably, then back at Kadaj)...yes

I was standing right there. Im not trying to call out kadaj, im just saying this seems like the attitude of most people. You guys fail to impress.


Smash Hero
Jan 18, 2007
Throw that P***y at me? B***h I think Im Babe Ruth
Lol I asked because i had never seen you before lol

I always ask that about any smasher that I dont know, I played friendlies with you too

<3 D0N

also the only reason I check this thread is because I look at my User CP and see that someone I usually talk to or play has posted other than that I dont bother because no one seems to care about smash in SoVA

aside from a select few


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
Lol I asked because i had never seen you before lol

I always ask that about any smasher that I dont know, I played friendlies with you too

<3 D0N
Everyone competetive is curious lol, but you... I was RIGHT THERE! And yes, you did play when I asked. The point I was trying to get across was people are more focused on having competition than having an actual scence. But if you have no scene, the only competition you will ever get is OoS.


Smash Ace
Jul 27, 2003
Norfolk, VA
Crystalnite - It was a tough pool, but it had more to do with Plainkk attempting to DQ me over the loudspeaker during one pools set, a player pausing the game multiple times in a different set, and the rules actually changing during a set which would have clinched me 3rd spot had those rules not been changed. I talked to Plainkk about it afterwards but he was very busy and unyielding. More details I'll reveal at the next smashfest in due course. Regardless to say I had a lot of beer that night.


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
im sure you remember where his skill cap was at
This is what im getting at. The scene needs numbers more than skill right now. It's good that you try to help people get better, but a scene does not necesarily mean a skillful scene. It just means a group, one that hopefully has fun playing with each other. Skill can come later.

We need people like you to help with improvement, but we also need people like Toasty to help with numbers. My example of what you asked and when you asked it was just to show I think most people are focused on the skill aspect and not enough on numbers.

If you want to look further into that little convo I posted between you and Toasty, you could say that optomistically he saw me and mostly thought "I wonder how I can keep him around the scene and make him feel welcome" and you thought "Does this guy have what it takes? If not, time to take him to boot camp." Both are good and needed for a successful scene imo.

If you don't check this thread unless certain people post, that's fine. As Jwolf said, its mostly social now anyway. Really dissapointing to see everyone (again, the frequent posters) ignore the new guy.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
souf part of VA
yea, you got robbed, Doug. But whatever. Plank set himself up to do good since I'm sure he had some input on who he got pooled with and who he played in the brackets. He d!cked everyone IMO.

Also, if that housemate thing is still open in a few months when ODU time comes around, lemme know. I may be interested; just can't right now.

Jwolf - dude, phuck it. Most of SoVA that plays now is obviously the only three to four people who feel like playing for real and really getting better. That's all you need. Forget the 'get the scene better' stuff. Now, just worry about getting yourself better, lol. If other peeps don't show up, then well, they don't show up. Although this does not apply to Ether, who needs to show up.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2008
yo don, im not sure if my house could hold both brawl and melee at the same time. if you have 10 people, i have at least 4 more. i have room for about 5 set ups. it depends on how big this is gunna be.

this is quite possible though, lets just see how many people are interested...


Smash Champion
Jan 15, 2008
On the Runway
I know what you mean lol

But I love trying too help improve ppl, I bet none of you know how much I had Uki over my house trying to get him better not to be mean but im sure you remember where his skill cap was at
My god...Uki...>.<

Don't get me wrong, he's a great guy and he always wanted to improve...Man, he was over Kadajs more than I was at the time...We need more people like this in SoVA honestly. It's disappointing to have to go OoT for every smash tourney that's held..


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
yo don, im not sure if my house could hold both brawl and melee at the same time. if you have 10 people, i have at least 4 more. i have room for about 5 set ups. it depends on how big this is gunna be.

this is quite possible though, lets just see how many people are interested...
Ill do just brawl this time around (Sorry Jwolf). Just text me if you think it can work.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
@ JWolf's post a page back: STARS would be showing up to events but the main driver has officially gotten his license suspended and doesn't plan to pour anymore time and money (Or at least not as much) towards smash. Plus it also sucks balls that the other two main members CAN DRIVE but choose not to. So while I made sacrfices for my pals they don't make them for each other. Theo's our other consistant driver but he doesn't even live in the area anymore.


Smash Champion
May 1, 2007
**** Triangle, NC
yo, ill drive when i get back sonnnnn. Were gonna bring the ****

edit: in case u dont know, exam week for me is first week in may, sooo after that...


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2005
Burke, VA
lol...man besides the crappy housemates back then, itd be soooo sweet for all the new(ish) players to have seen the house we were playing in freshman year

and for the record, while i really do want to get better at this game (ive played longer than a lot of you have and have relatively little to show for it) ive also been planning on finally buckling down and start studying like i used to before 10th/11th grade (which explains why im at ODU >_>)

also, ride johns. massive. massive ride johns. it seems the only person near enough to me to drive is doug and even then its out of the way for him =\ just wish taking the bus didnt triplify the time to get to any one venue...


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
Kadaj: Who's that
Toasty: That's D0N
Kadaj: Is he good?
Toasty: (Looks at me uncomfortably, then back at Kadaj)...yes
eeeeek >_<
but we also need people like Toasty to help with numbers.
For anyone who wants to make the scene grow, meet new people, and/or have larger turnouts at fests/tourneys, take a page outta my playbook:

There is a reason that regions create threads called "Player Finders"

CStick made one and, occasionally, did a great job of updating things and keeping them organized.

This is a FANTASTIC asset for anyone trying to organize ANYTHING. [But so is paying attention/respect to the few new players who dare post in the SoVa thread >_>]

Oh right...what did I do with that finder?

When I was trying to host my ROM events:

[excluding those I talk to regularly, of course]

I even talked to people like Kitsune King and CDot who had retired and got [read: begged] them to come to the tourney. Even if they didn't enter [they entered teams, though!], I just wanted people there. I wanted people to have fun with a **** load of strangers and not-so-familiar faces, or even old faces!

It's how I got into it and I've loved every minute of it [except my crazily hyped Epic Madness Vol. 3, at my house, that drew 75 people over 2 days.........................but only 13 entrants into the actual tourney, 7 of whom aren't even from SoVa >_>]

But I digress.

I remember the first time I went to a huge fest.

but I don't have time to tell that story cuz I'm gonna make it epic and trace my steps and multiquote the **** out of everything...so...we'll see about this when I get home from work XD

Main Points:


I started typing this over an hour ago so my thoughts are probably all over the place...sorry.
yea, you got robbed, Doug. But whatever. Plank set himself up to do good since I'm sure he had some input on who he got pooled with and who he played in the brackets. He d!cked everyone IMO..
Honestly, I checked it out, and if you look at who he faced in pools/brackets, who they beat in pools/brackets, and who HE beat in pools/brackets, you'd have a different opinion.

I don't have time to cite all the stuff about pools but regarding brackets:
You can say "lol Marth vs. Sheik" all you want but I would have lost SO much money on I.B. and HBK losing to him in brackets!!! That's CRAZY. Also crazy: 1st Seed Sw;ftbass losing to 3rd seed Luigi Ka-Master.

It really does check out, though, from what I've looked into.


also...thanks for the kind words, everyone...it's actually really nice to know that my work went both noticed and appreciated.





Smash Cadet
Jul 11, 2008
So I was reading through old sova tournys for memories and I thought this convo was hilarious.

If the system/game/controllers are available, I will MM anyone in Goldeneye64 Licensed To Kill - Pistols. Facility/Archives/Complex/Stack/Basement/Bunker/Temple...uhhh crap I forgot what other levels were good >_> No Radar
that's like batman's fave game. play him in that haha.
whaaaat yessssssssssssssssssssssssss

tell him to bring a setup tomorrow!!!!
he ran away remember? haha if you find him then umm....you tell him =P

Lol mashi where you at?!?!?


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
Get ****ed up Colts. The one Super Bowl game I DON'T throw down on... the team I root for wins.... Could of had a good 150 in my pocket right now...


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2007
Colts are Garbage.

Kadaj, everytime its like I just cant get over there. We need to plan ahead or some ****, I'm going to get over there this week even if it kills me.
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