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SOVA, ITS 2010! Step ya Melee game up baby! <3


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2005
Virginia Beach, VA
Hey guys, what's going on? It's been a while since I've been an active poster on the boards, but I think that's all about to change. I've been away from the smash scene mostly to learn guitar and play Rockband with some friends, but I recently made the mistake of trying to show them the movie Training Day.

They are devout Christians.

It was awkward, to say the least... >.> I don't think we'll be hanging out very often anymore.

Anyway, who wants to come over for some friendlies sometime soon?

edit - sorry about not making it to the tourney, Riku. I was out of town. =\


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2005
Virginia Beach, VA
don't worry no one showed ether.
That freaking sucks. Let's throw another one, then. On a Sunday. I'm guaranteed to show.

ether! Havent heard from u in a while. i lol'd at ur sig. Kadaj! this saturday, i plan on getting into losers finals!
Hey man, how's that Roy? What's going on this saturday?


I'm off Tuesday next week guaranteed. Yea, it's a while away, but we should grab some friendlies if possible.
I have to work until 8pm on Tuesday, so you'd have to come pretty late. I'm off on Sundays and Mondays, though... is either one of them good? If not, then you can come over, but only for like, 2 hours maybe. =\


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2005
Virginia Beach, VA
Lol, looking back at it now, it was pretty funny, but when it happened, it was AWKWARD hahaha. Like, I spent 20 minutes prepping them, saying it's got a lot of swearing and shooting, but five minutes into it, I realize everyone else is trying to not pay attention to the movie. Wow. It was somewhat of a letdown, actually, that I couldn't talk about anything serious with these guys; like, if the convo isn't about Kung Fu Panda, then it's off limits. :(


Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2005
no clue what that movie is, but i've been on the receiving end of non-christians wanting to show me films i did not want to see quite a few times..don't see why that would shatter your relationship per se...though it would be hella awkward.

Most Christians i know are more bothered by sexual scenes in movies than by swearing or shooting anyways, but then I don't know how full of cursing that movie is. I would definitely be bothered by constant pointless cursing in a film...or at least be oblivious to why someone would want to watch it. Also, finding excuses to leave a room can be awkward after 20 times or so, but usually people eventually learn to avoid things that are provocative. I mean if you've only done that once; i would see it as a non-issue. Just my 2 cents.

And talking about serious things has never been off-limits as far as i know. Watching certain films may be, but talking should be fine I would think. Unless you merely mean that talking about serious issues will cause huge arguments, which is always true when you discuss serious things with those who disagree completely with you.


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2005
Virginia Beach, VA
There's no sex in Training Day, but in the first five minutes alone, there's quite a bit of swearing. I let one of the three know a day in advance that I wanted him to see it. And right before we watched, I warned of the swearing and violence. I told them to stop me right then if they didn't want to see it. What I don't understand is why they didn't tell me to stop...they were like, "no, it's okay!" Five minutes later, they're tuning it out. I feel like such a bad guy now ;_;


Smash Champion
May 1, 2007
**** Triangle, NC
"Devout" is such a loaded word. I consider myself "devoted" to Christianity, but I have no trouble watching a movie with swearing and (zomg) sex. Watching it doesn't mean you are partaking in or necessarily supporting "immoral" behavior, so what's the big deal?

If Training Day was not their cup of tea for a movie, then fine, I get it. I don't prefer films with too much violence myself (Saving Private Ryan definitely made me "uncomfortable"). But for me it has no connection with my spiritual beliefs. I just prefer to laugh and learn rather than cry inside.

Although, I found the Sopranos hilarious.


Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2005
there is a lot of variety in what people think among Christians. I won't watch sex scenes in films. It would seem kind of pointless to decry pornography and then watch such. I think a lot of Christians hold similar views to these:

1. Watching such supports the actors/producers in their behavior

2. Sex is a private act meant for the marriage bed alone and shouldn't be viewed by others. Jewish culture as a whole would have agreed with this point, and Jesus called men to an even higher standard when he said that even to look on a woman with lust makes you guilty of sin (basically desiring sin is also a sin). However, I think Jesus was talking to married men, since he makes the specific point about calling it adultery. Nevertheless, I don't think much evidence would suggest Jesus thinks that unmarried men should be able to watch porn.

Though honestly I no longer worry as much about supporting such.

Nowadays I watch a bit more in films than I used to. But i remember the days before I changed my mind about such things; in those days i probably would have been pretty shocked to go to the movies with most of you. But I basically decided that I needed to make judgments whether movies had some overall point that meant it was worth the violence and swearing. I mean the real world is going to have violence and swearing, so I figured it isn't worthwhile for Christians to totally detach from society. That said, there are still a lot of movies I won't watch. Those that I consider completely pointless violence that isn't even meant to honestly portray warfare or isn't necessary to the story.

It's kinda funny that even though I watch more these days; I don't really know if i believe myself when I say I'm not supporting others in sinful behavior. I never actually found any arguments that suggested that it wasn't true. I just decided to view it as one of those moot points that my support will make no difference in. I mean pornography is the largest industry. I don't think Christians can change that.

I guess I'm saying that I view it as indirect support, different than supporting pornography directly. I mean, whether it be politics, or religion, or even academic spending, not all the money you give to others will be spent in ways you approve. I'm just trying to be realistic.

anyways, i'm rambling, just because of the memories.

Ether, I think you did as much as was necessary. You can't know exactly how sensitive people are until you ask or probe them. They should have been honest. Also, they may had the mentality that they could take it. But taking it doesn't mean it is any less painful. Maybe they hoped you couldn't notice. also, maybe they didn't trust you to be able to honor their wishes without going into childish ad hominem attacks on their beliefs and how stupid they are.

it bothers me a lot when people constantly use my Lord's name lightly. Nevertheless, I have learned to ignore it. I mean I even asked my friends directly to stop when I was younger, and learned that it was beyond their abilities.

i'm a cynic, so the next time a friend asked me if it bothered him, i answered truthfully and said that it did. He said, "oh, then I'll stop"...to which I replied, "you won't be able to"

kind of a ******* answer, but people talk in the same way that they hear around themselves. Yes, you can resist such urges, but even I will often think of the most common phrase that I have heard for a similar situation and have to hold myself back from using vulgar language or my lord's name in vain.

But I'm digressing again; back on topic. Christians don't want to make waves more than necessary. I made so many waves between 18-21, I typically just ignore people or walk out now rather than actually discuss things. It's a pain to have to get into discussions like these regularly. Regardless, it's their duty to tell you when something bothers them.

However, they may think like I did with one of my best friends, "We've known each other this long, and he still doesn't even know me even that well?"

/rant off

ps - if i was vague, i watch pretty much anything..blocking my eyes for things I think inappropriate. But I do probe my friends carefully before going to the movies with them. I would never go to the movies with them without looking it up online first. I guess the worst thing I saw for sex/violence recently was "the watchmen." Looking down for that long in front of nonchristian friends is kind of awkward to be honest. But there are parts of the movie that I enjoyed. The main character was about as cynical about the world as me, so it amused me in that sense.

So it's fitting that I end with his quote, though I wonder if I'm warning/berating myself:

"Never Compromise"


The Young Lion
Oct 1, 2007
Newport News, Virginia.
Wow thats alot kp. I respect you for being so dedicated to your belief system. As to u Theo. I on the other hand am really apathetic about the whole swearing and etc since come on we all have been through some form of public education and have gone through that whole 4 years or more hearing that stuff that makes us feel very uncomfotable. (sp) we have to deal with stuff like that because lets all be honest some people wont change there behavior even if it offends other people.ignorance.


The Young Lion
Oct 1, 2007
Newport News, Virginia.
double post: sorry, if the ignorant people bother u just leave. I kinda know how the respect the religion thing is i have many friends not of the Christian faith so If i say or do something that might challenge or be againist his/her religion or beliefs i try to avoid it like i wouldnt take kp to see american pie or take theo to watch rambo 27.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
it bothers me a lot when people constantly use my Lord's name lightly. Nevertheless, I have learned to ignore it. I mean I even asked my friends directly to stop when I was younger, and learned that it was beyond their abilities.

i'm a cynic, so the next time a friend asked me if it bothered him, i answered truthfully and said that it did. He said, "oh, then I'll stop"...to which I replied, "you won't be able to"

kind of a ******* answer, but people talk in the same way that they hear around themselves. Yes, you can resist such urges, but even I will often think of the most common phrase that I have heard for a similar situation and have to hold myself back from using vulgar language or my lord's name in vain.
Please, stay AWAY from Kiwiii @_@

Btw...thank you for that. I know it's cheesy to say this, but it's quite brave for someone to delve into that discussion....especially when it can be such a tired one regarding such a sensitive subject. I'm not trying to say it's "the same thing" at all, but as far as it being a pain to discuss strongly held beliefs, I felt the same way about being Straightedge for so long...

gah, I'm way too sleepy to continue without sounding stupid...

Dobee - *****'s gotta have his POPS son!!!

I love Reese's Puffs :)


Smash Champion
May 1, 2007
**** Triangle, NC
1. Watching such supports the actors/producers in their behavior
Your entire post is based on this assumption. Watching a film with **** (i.e. Derailed) does not mean that I support ****. Watching Oedipus Rex does not mean that I support the Oedipus complex, murder, self-mutilation, human prophesy, mythological idolotry, pride, etc. Watching actors on stage does not support what they are portraying. The behavior of the actors and directors themselves is to tell a story, teach a lesson, or express an idea.

2. Sex is a private act meant for the marriage bed alone and shouldn't be viewed by others. Jewish culture as a whole would have agreed with this point, and Jesus called men to an even higher standard when he said that even to look on a woman with lust makes you guilty of sin (basically desiring sin is also a sin). However, I think Jesus was talking to married men, since he makes the specific point about calling it adultery. Nevertheless, I don't think much evidence would suggest Jesus thinks that unmarried men should be able to watch porn.
One major goal of Christianity is to walk with and among non-believers. It is our job to relate to them and meet them on their level where they are, not the other way around. In order to associate well with non-believers, we need knowledge of worldly things. Only, to keep us from falling into the temptation of sin revealed to us, we have the grace of God. This is the nature of the world whether or not you watch movies.

If the goal of Christianity were to follow a set of rules, we would be without grace because grace is a free gift that we cannot earn.

Now, am I saying that to do things like missionary work you need to watch racy or raunchy movies? No, but I am saying that any effort to maintain a certain innocence or ignorance of worldly things is futile and detractive of an attempt to understand the world around us.

I definitely agree with how you describe sex. It is one thing if a director candidly films people in their homes engaging in intercourse or decides to shoot a porno. However, the actors in a sex scene of a movie are artistically emulating a real, human act. If viewers are too sensitive, then it is their right not to watch. But I cannot settle with a claim that Christian doctrine preaches against watching, say, Shakespeare.


Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2005
I met kiwi before toasty. For the most part I enjoyed her company. I kind of liked her because she made smash exciting. Though I do think it interfered with my focus on the game. I never understood how people can talk and play.

Anyways, I do have some level of tolerance. After all, I'm old. But Kiwi doesn't play anymore, does she?

to theo: I really think such discussion would be better in person, but I will only take issue with one thing you said.

"Now, am I saying that to do things like missionary work you need to watch racy or raunchy movies? No, but I am saying that any effort to maintain a certain innocence or ignorance of worldly things is futile and detractive of an attempt to understand the world around us."

There is one case where the bible tells us to maintain ignorance (the occult), and therefore I don't think that we can use your above argument to argue that all things are acceptable to believers. We have to make a determination as to whether gaining worldly knowledge would interfere with what God expects of us.

edit: it kind of bothers me that I can't reference the verse I'm thinking. I remember it because I once made the argument that knowledge in itself is always good, but I found scripture didn't agree with me.

Honestly I don't think I learned anything from movies that I didn't already know just from high school and college though.

1. Sex scenes happen in the shower room...(or behind buildings, on the docks, or even the privacy of their rooms...
2. Drugs are done behind shady buildings and on docks
3. Breakups occur outside after hours with lots of screaming and yelling.


Smash Champion
May 1, 2007
**** Triangle, NC
I met kiwi before toasty. For the most part I enjoyed her company. I kind of liked her because she made smash exciting. Though I do think it interfered with my focus on the game. I never understood how people can talk and play.

Anyways, I do have some level of tolerance. After all, I'm old. But Kiwi doesn't play anymore, does she?

to theo: I really think such discussion would be better in person, but I will only take issue with one thing you said.

"Now, am I saying that to do things like missionary work you need to watch racy or raunchy movies? No, but I am saying that any effort to maintain a certain innocence or ignorance of worldly things is futile and detractive of an attempt to understand the world around us."

There is one case where the bible tells us to maintain ignorance (the occult), and therefore I don't think that we can use your above argument to argue that all things are acceptable to believers. We have to make a determination as to whether gaining worldly knowledge would interfere with what God expects of us.

Honestly I don't think I learned anything from movies that I didn't already know just from high school and college though.

1. Sex scenes happen in the shower room...(or behind buildings, on the docks, or even the privacy of their rooms...
2. Drugs are done behind shady buildings and on docks
3. Breakups occur outside after hours with lots of screaming and yelling.
You are right that we should discuss in person. I didn't mean that movies are a prime source of educational material. I merely meant the motive behind avoiding them is inherently flawed. But of course, selective viewing should be employed. But I feel that's purely personal and not one of the ten commandments.

Are you coming on Saturday?

I like Cake but pie is way better!
This sounds sooo bad.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
I never understood how people can talk and play.
It's not hard. Shaden and I have random conversations when we play. And our main goal is trying to get the other to laugh. Re re combos happen after that. We're just obnoxious like that.

In friendlies loosen up a bit. Joke around and just have fun while getting in good practice.

Edit: LMAO Good **** you two.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
souf part of VA
I don't talk much in smash because I'm horrible at multitasking. Smash is multitasking enough for me.

Also, Ether: I get off work around 8pm on Sunday, but am sure i have to work Monday. Maybe Sunday for a couple hours? This is assuming my g/f is not gonna want to hang out, because she is the social priority >_>

Yep, looks like all those jokes to Kitsune about being p***y-whipped are coming back around u_u


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
souf part of VA
we have to deal with stuff like that because lets all be honest some people wont change there behavior even if it offends other people.ignorance.
"political correctness is the notion that it is perfectly possible to grab a turd bare-handed without getting **** on your fingers"


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2005
Virginia Beach, VA
i Don't Talk Much In Smash Because I'm Horrible At Multitasking. Smash Is Multitasking Enough For Me.

Also, Ether: I Get Off Work Around 8pm On Sunday, But Am Sure I Have To Work Monday. Maybe Sunday For A Couple Hours? This Is Assuming My g/f Is Not Gonna Want To Hang Out, Because She Is The Social Priority >_>



When Did This Happen?! That Is Awesome Man.

KP and IV make so many good points, and I've gone through these same thoughts in my head.

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