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SOS2! May 15th/16th. Burlington, NC. Be there or be...a weenie.

Mar 12, 2010
Charlotte, NC
whole apartment plays brawl?
what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
Ive been playing ssb since the day the first game came out, but I never, never knew there was a tournament scene because i just played with my roomate since we were 8 only. then one day my ex gf Connie caught wind of a play n trade tournament and i enterd, and won, since then ive been winning every match, but I need to test some skill on the pro's. My roomates and friends and even 2 neighbors are all getting into brawl, and we all went from partying and such to...playing brawl....its....heaven man lol
Mar 12, 2010
Charlotte, NC
im not too familiar with landmarks as of yet lol just moved but if your whole apartment plays brawl you should get them to come as well dude
agreed, my apartment complex even has a home theater set up in the country club, with stadium seating, i could even rent that **** out and host tournaments, why not you know?
I feel ya on the whole not knowing your way around, im a new yorker, i have been here for a couple years now and i still get confused lol


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2009
Burlington, NC
If your here I want to play you Kadaj, I really wanted to at Billfest but never got the chance.

We did team in friendlies against stingers and some other guy and all I did was kept killing you. I'm such a terrible partner lol.
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