You know, I didn't read a word past the first post of this page. Honestly I don't even have the energy to wade through these character suggestion topics anymore. Ever since Snake got in, in addition to the onslaught of Daisy, Waluigi, Boshi, as well as the neverending tide of Pokemon, fans all clambouring to see their insignificant, unimportant characters highlighted Smash Bros, motivated solely by their admirable, but fanatical devotion to THEIR character, rather than any semblence of logic dictating what actually would make any sort of sense both in terms of character personality and believability, but also in terms of money and copyrights, we have the Cloud fans and the Megaman fans and the Sonic fans, and yes even the Sora fans all joining the metaphorical battle to defend the honor and posterity of their respective golden calves.
All of this for what? For them to be forced into a game with which they have no association? What link is there between Sora and Mario? Sora and Link? Sora and Pikachu? None. They are all video game characters. Well, if we're throwing in Sora, then let's throw in MY favorite character, Prince Alexander of Kings Quest IV! Or MY favorite character, Gimli from the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers! Or MY favorite character Barbie, from the various Barbie psuedo video games! The list continues. The only link (pun intended) between Mario and Pikachu is that they are owned by the same company, and when it comes down to it, that is the only link that matters. Sure, Nintendo caved for Snake. Great, let's just throw in everybody and their friend. Let's take characters like Sora and Cloud OUT of the environments which made them wonderful characters, out of the hands of the writers which made them amazing characters, and out of the control of those who actually know how to use them, and stuff them into a game which has nothing to do with them just so that we can make all the little fanboys, who have no concept of characterization, theme, or anything else that goes into writing and/or creating a video game, and simply wants to see THEIR character worshiped by all the way they worship said character, can be happy.
Don't get me wrong, I love Sora. I love Kingdom Hearts. You know what makes Kingdom Hearts a good game, what makes Sora, Riku, and the rest great characters? Them being contained within the Kingdom Hearts world, in the hands of those who created these characters and know how they are most effectively used. Take that away and you lose everything that makes them what they are.
I appologize for my rant, I'm just tired of the constant parade of lip service topics all meant to highlight opinions which, no offense, just don't hold much water when they are examined critically.
So, do I think Sora's got a prayer? No. Do I think he should have a prayer? **** no. Do I think you have a right to disagree with me? Yes. Will you be right if you do? No.
End Rant. Goodnight.