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Sora: A new perspective on why he might make it

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Grizz Lee

Smash Apprentice
Feb 15, 2006
I think not. Although he does look the part, and act the part. Sorry, not gonna cut it.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Wow, alot of stuff went down well I was gone. . . did someone give me those 3-5 Official cited sites yet?


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
^ You need to stop posting, Buenavista is an offical site. They say I'm right, an offical statement from Disney says I'm right. Sqaure has no comment. Sora belongs to Disney nuff said. =\


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
^ Well, Aiser, for one, you always need more then ONE official site cited. 2, your official site cited sounded short and it just seemed like they just slapped the Disney name on it like Hyper-Link said. 3, All Im asking is for 3-5 OFFICIAL sites cited. . . If it's a greatly known fact then there should be more officical sites on it. And lastly, just because you can't find the number that Im asking for does not give you the right to tell my to do anything. You cant find it then too bad for you. . . DON'T TELL ME TO STOP ASKING.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
Black/Light said:
^ Well, Aiser, for one, you always need more then ONE official site cited. 2, your official site cited sounded short and it just seemed like they just slapped the Disney name on it like Hyper-Link said. 3, All Im asking is for 3-5 OFFICIAL sites cited. . . If it's a greatly known fact then there should be more officical sites on it. And lastly, just because you can't find the number that Im asking for does not give you the right to tell my to do anything. You cant find it then too bad for you. . . DON'T TELL ME TO STOP ASKING.
ANd amazing how you ignore the offical site I linked you too? Beunavista doesn't lie seeing how They're an offical company with affiliation with Disney, lieing = Sued. =\ Please think things out.

artsy friend said:
I wasn't going to get involved in this but you people are royally pissing me off. First off, if its on an official site, its OFFICIAL, you nit.
Stop with your **** whining for citations, this isn't a high school english paper.

Secondly, Disney Interactive owns the rights to Sora, Riku, and Kairi, as well as other Kingdom hearts characters. If you really want proof of this, why don't you read the back of your Kingdom hearts game case? Disney is a corporate *****, and I can say this because unlike probably 99.9 percent of you, I (not aesir, I'm his friend who doesn't feel the need to have an account on this forum) am actually IN the industry and actually know about copyright issues and all of that fun stuff, as I've been in college for it and so on and so forth.

You see, there is this terrible thing...that happens to us as animators and character designers. Though we may be doing something we love, we are in truth having our souls stripped away from us. For example, I'll use Nightmare Before christmas. Tim burton was a good man. What's this?! DISNEY OWNS THE RIGHTS TO IT?! Why is this? It certainly doesn't seem like a Disney film!! How could this BE!?

Simple. Tim Burton was under contract with Disney during the time he began working on Nightmare Before christmas. Since he worked on it during the time of the contract, when it was finished Disney said 'Well you were on contract wiht us, so technincally, anything you make while on that contract belongs to us." Thus disney profitted from his heart's labor.

Its the same with the characters made especially for Kingdom Hearts. Since Disney and Square were partnered on this project, combining their two genres, a linking genre of characters had to be made to fit the game. This is where Sora, Riku, Kairi, and so on come into the picture. The character designer indeed did character designs for squaresoft, however, they were contracted by Disney, so therefore, Disney owns the rights to those characters.

It doesn't matter if they look like something else, or whatever. A contract is a contract.

Now if you people had actually done your research you wouldn't be sitting there saying LOLZ LINK ME TO MORE THAN THREE SITEZ LOLZ. You'd know right off the bat. So maybe before you start bickering about sources, you'll stop being lazy and go do a little research yourselves.
This is from a friend who's major is character design much like what Soras creator is. She knows what she's talking about..=\


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
I personally don't care if he's in it or not, I kinda don't want him in it because its Disney support and I hate Disney..=\


Smash Cadet
Jun 12, 2006
The only reason I can think of that he wouldn't be in IMO is because of advertising. Putting Sora in Brawl would cause people to possibly buy KH 1+2 for PS2. Although I could be completely wrong, based on that Solid Snake made it in anyways.

I personally would love for Sora to be in the game. I could see him fitting in well with all of the Smash Bros. characters. IMO, he's kiddie, but at the same time, he's not (if you've beaten both KH games, you'd know what I'm talking about). This two-facedness, I think, would help him fit in almost perfectly with the rest of the cast. Also, it'd be pretty easy to make a moveset for him. Keyblade moves for A, Summons and Magic for the B-buttons. Done.
-Lord Sturm


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Wow Aiser. . . Should I be tooken down by this? You don't seem to understand my stand in this agruement, which is that I THINK Sora is S/N. You seem to think Im saying I KNOW he is. (I don't have to prove something I claim to think unless I claim to know it as a fact.)

All Im asking is that you, the person saying that YOU KNOW hes Disney, show me more then 1 example of proof. Tell your friend that I know this isn't highschool (So happy Im out!!) but the rules still apply. More then one cited source is ALLWAYS needed to state something as fact.

I find it funny that you even keep replying to me if you in noway intented on giving 3-5 official sites. But you wont do that and I have no reason to prove something I don't know or claim to know as fact so I guess WE (you and I) are at a stalemate in our lil agruement. (Your friend sounds like she has anger problams, lol, no one forced her to read this.)

But it seems that everyone has moved on well I was gone soooo. . . I think Sora has a chance nomatter who owns him. (^_^)


Smash Ace
Oct 27, 2005
holding it
Hyper-Link said:
This is still what gets me

"Developed by SQUARESOFT.
Characters from FINAL FANTASY video game series: © 1990, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002 SQUARE CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. FINAL FANTASY and the SQUARESOFT logo are registered trademarks of Square Co., Ltd. "PlayStation" and the "PS" Family logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Entertainment Software Association."

The all rights reserved and characters from Final fantasy...... Even is Disney did own property rights for Kingdom hearts(Which they don't), individual characters can still be liscensed through loopholes and whatnot.

And besides, Disney themselves said Nintendo is like the Disney of Video games, they've been around longer than everyone, they have many beloved household names, and they make family oriented games
Nin is NOT, I repeat NOT the Disney of gaming. Disney puts up a cutesy front, but really are the Microsoft of movies, entertainment, and themeparks. I have a friend who worked for Disney who now can no longer go there AT ALL. They literally sprinkle fairy dust on the costume actors at the start of each day. I've heard people who've had that job describe working for Disney as the closest thing to being in a cult. Okay, rant over.

I posted the copyright thing a few pages back, which contradicts what Aiser's friend says, but as for everything else she says, she makes very good points. (But I can't get onto Buena Vista, unfortunately.) With Disney's pirateer methods, I wouldn't be surprised if they have some sort of stranglehold or lock on the rights, and just because the artist who created the char designs works for SE, that proves nothing unless you can show me his entire contract with SE (but that doesn't mean I'm asking for proof). And Hyper-Link, if Disney owns Sora, they're going to ask for Miyamoto's and Iwata's firstborns before they'll let Sora be in SSBB without ridiculously massive royalty payments. I also can't think of any reason Disney would want Sora in SSBB, because I don't see how they'd benefit.

Btw, I used to live in Chicago until about six years ago, but I only finished elementary school, I did high school in FL.


Sep 5, 2001
I wouldn't like the idea of Sora in Brawl.

The only 3rd Party Characters that I think deserve consideration are Sonic and Megaman. And Geno if you count third party.



Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
I posted the copyright thing a few pages back, which contradicts what Aiser's friend says, but as for everything else she says, she makes very good points. (But I can't get onto Buena Vista, unfortunately.) With Disney's pirateer methods, I wouldn't be surprised if they have some sort of stranglehold or lock on the rights, and just because the artist who created the char designs works for SE, that proves nothing unless you can show me his entire contract with SE (but that doesn't mean I'm asking for proof). And Hyper-Link, if Disney owns Sora, they're going to ask for Miyamoto's and Iwata's firstborns before they'll let Sora be in SSBB without ridiculously massive royalty payments. I also can't think of any reason Disney would want Sora in SSBB, because I don't see how they'd benefit.
If you go a few pages back you'll see the site, one sec. Also can you point out what she's wrong about? because she tends to know what she's talking about 99% of the time about this stuff.

http://buenavistagames.go.com/product/kingdomHeartsPS2.html clearly that says 4 new disney characters.

black/light said:
All Im asking is that you, the person saying that YOU KNOW hes Disney, show me more then 1 example of proof. Tell your friend that I know this isn't highschool (So happy Im out!!) but the rules still apply. More then one cited source is ALLWAYS needed to state something as fact.
You're niave high school meansnothing in life, nothing at all.

I've asked you numerious times for anything at all that proves your point but you hide behind the same thing "I need to 3-5 sources" Guess what? you're not in high school anymroe get over it. I show you again.

http://buenavistagames.go.com/product/kingdomHeartsPS2.html Buena vista says I'm right, an offical company. Please just accept it because right now you're really looking like a fool.


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2005
The Village Hidden in The Wind: Chicago
Well isn't that particular website biats since it's the disney website.? I'm pretty sure going to the squaresoft website would say something cmompletely different. And ya Disney probably would ask for a lot of royalties for Sora's inclusion.... It just would be worth it, the only 3rd party that would'nt be a moneywhore about inclusion is Yji Naka, since he's a fan of Nintendo, and he widely supports the Wii)I.E. Soic games on the GBA, DS, Wii, letting Sega Genesis games be fully downloadable unto it


Smash Rookie
Jun 20, 2006
Uh oh. Now you've gone and done it. I had to make an account just to smack you all with a smart stick.

<Is Aesir's friend in the Industry in case you can't guess ;D >

Alright. You want another source than the one he provided you? Here ya go.


There's a paragraph down below describing NEW DISNEY CHARACTERS...... And awn is a very official accredited site known to animators and designers world wide. =3

Also, since when were you the one who made the rule YOU HAVE TO HAVE SO MANY SOURCES OR IT ISNT TRUE? You aren't the god of the internet. Considering the official sites ALL SAY...that disney owns these characters, that's more than enough. That's like saying, The moon isn't really there because I need more than three to five things saying its there even though I'm looking at it right now, I JUST don't KNOW if its THERE until I have THIS PROOF....


And for the other person...who said Sora is a final fantasy character? Are you tripping? Exactly WHAT final fantasy game was he in? =P Just cause the same Character designer made him doesn't mean he's automatically in a FF Game.

Also for the source nazi, citation debates aren't one-sided, so since you don't participate, you automatically fail, because the proof here is 2 to nothing, and last time I looked, having nothing was an automatic lose.

If I didn't send my copy of KH2 to Aesir then I would be scanning it and highlighting the important stuff. And since google images isn't being very friendly and only giving my japanese ones, I'll have to do it later.

Also, for those of you too lazy to read through that, here's the paragraph talking about Disney's new characters.

The game features more than 100 Disney characters, and also introduces new characters such as Roxas, members of Organization XIII and the Nobodies, all designed by Square Enix's Tetsuya Nomura, director and character designer of the Kingdom Hearts series. Nomura is best known for his creations in Final Fantasy VII, VIII, X and X-2. New Disney additions to the sequel include Chicken Little and Stitch, from Disney's Lilo and Stitch, well as one of Disney's favorite villains, Pete.

Nomura was contracted to work with Disney on these new characters, and since contracts are binding, they belong to Disney.

The end.

Also, why the heck are you talking about Sora being in Smash brawl? He doesn't belong there, hahaha.

Oh....and there were -three- Kingdom hearts games. =|


And for the record, I'm not 'siding' with Disney. I hate the cooporation with a passion. Ohhhh the stories I could tell...bwahhaha.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Aiser said:
You're niave high school meansnothing in life, nothing at all.

I've asked you numerious times for anything at all that proves your point but you hide behind the same thing "I need to 3-5 sources" Guess what? you're not in high school anymroe get over it. I show you again.

http://buenavistagames.go.com/product/kingdomHeartsPS2.html Buena vista says I'm right, an offical company. Please just accept it because right now you're really looking like a fool.

Wow. . . Do people read full post any more? I said I THINK( again I THINK) Sora is S/E. I NEVER claimed it for fact. You are claiming a FACT and Im asking for more then one from of proof. THAT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME HERE. The only reason Im asking for more then one official site is because so many people can't agree on it.

And it's common knowledge that the net has alot of BS in it. ( Google "Aids in women" or something and the very first site is a fake passed off as real.) Thats why you need more then one OFFICIAL site stating something. It's not "Highshool" stuff, it's just basic agrument knowledge. You say somethings true then prove it to some degree with fact based records. And you better believe that whenever I agrue something as FACT Im going to do this. ( This gos to you and your friend "Daoshi" )

And to Daoshi "Also, since when were you the one who made the rule YOU HAVE TO HAVE SO MANY SOURCES OR IT ISNT TRUE? " I never made up that rule. . . Like I said above, thats just what you do when agrueing that somethings a fact. I never said it was true or false, Im just asking for more proof. I could yell as much as I want that all Polar bears are left handed but I would sound like a lieing nOOb if I didn't post more then one site saying Im right. ( They are but Im not looking for that info now.)
(Wow, you come out slinging like you were held down and forced read this lol. )

To the both of you I NEVER SAID ANYTHING WAS FACT SO WHY WOULD I PROVE SOMETHING I DON'T KNOW?!?! Im just asking for more proof on your cliam. This is not a I KNOW THIS FOR FACT on both sides agrument it's a (You)I KNOW THIS FOR FACT. . .(Me) Oh, well show me it's fact.

Like I said, I have no need to show you ANYTHING because Im not stating anything as fact. Im pretty sure you and your ever powerful ( How ever old.) mind can see the difference between "I think" and "I know".

And I find it odd and REALY funny that you even keep replying to me if you think that saying " Be happy with my 1 site and STF^" is going to do anything. I asked for 3-5 official sites saying this and if you wont give me this then you have no need in keeping this up. (If I ask for a muffin don't give me 1-3 a muffin with ants on it as say " Be happy". Give me the whole muffin or keep it.)


Smash Rookie
Jun 20, 2006
Fail x 3.

The proof was given, if you don't accept it, it only makes you look dumb.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
This is getting annoying, you ask for proof I show you. there arnt' 5 offical websites. Square says nothing trying to find soemthing legal on that site is impossible. Disney and DIsney interactives websites are just htings to buy ****. (**** you corporations lol) furthermore if you bothered looking your self you would have found sources. Even if you have the game the evidence is there.

back of the box Sora and Co were created for KH1, COM, and KH2. back of the case

C) Disney: developed by sqaure.

that proves they belong to Disney, all final fantasy characters belong to sqaure.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
^ please, explain how I "fail". I wasn't trying to make any point but that I was not stateing any facts so I need not show you 2 any proof. (I seem to have gotten that point across.)

And read that last line of my post. . .

Edit- And if you can't find that number of sites then thats why I said STALEMATE. One site might be enuff for you but I need more then that. . .


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
Really really annoyed right now...

lets recap..

evidence A: a picture with Disneys copyright, its weak but proves the point

evidence B: Offical statement on KH1 from a third party site however its still an offical statement.

evidence C: Offical site the right hand of Disney interactive

evidence D: http://members.cox.net/dkaraferias/scan0001.jpg

On the box copyright Disney: Developed by sqaure. thus original KH characters belong to Disney.


evidence 5: http://members.cox.net/dkaraferias/scan0002.jpg
back of Kh1 further proves my point..=\


Smash Rookie
Jun 20, 2006
The definition of Stalemate is when no further actions can be taken. However, we can take a plethora of actions to prove our reasoning while you cannot even take one to prove yours. =) That is why you fail.


Smash Ace
Oct 27, 2005
holding it
Daoshi, I'm nitpicking, but that paragraph doesn't explicitly state that Sora and company are owned by Disney, only that it features Disney chars and new chars, as in, not before seen.

Aiser, I have the KH1 box right in front of me, and the Square copyrights only go back to 2001, so there could be discrepancies or changes in the ownership contracts. The KH2 box says the FF chars are owned by Square, so that could have some credence. This is what your artsy friend was wrong about, the game case doesn't have any Disney copyrights on char designs. And the picture proves nothing: knowing Disney, they would have something in the contract that would let them use the KH characters without any mumbo jumbo, so the picture could have been done by anyone, Disney copyrighted that individual piece of art, and does what they want with it. Nothing says that it had anything to do with the original artist's contracts with Disney or Square. But here's a question that might help (or hurt): what's the difference between a license and a copyright?

I just wanted to state that 1) I'm not trying to argue that Sora is owned by Square or Disney, just that I can't see any solid, conclusive proof (I can't get onto Buena Vista, sorry), and 2) I don't even remember how I got pulled into this debate. But either way I wouldn't put my money on Sora for inclusion in SSBB.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
What're you blind? seriously look again.
http://buenavistagames.go.com/product/kingdomHeartsPS2.html Buena Vista.... OFFICAL SITE. Can't view it right? not anymore...


http://members.cox.net/dkaraferias/scan0001.jpg Scroll down to the bottem


http://members.cox.net/dkaraferias/scan0002.jpg Scroll down again

(C) 2002 Disney. Tarzan owned by egar rice productions, and used by premissions (C) 2002 egar rice productions and disney enterprise inc, all rights reserved. Developed by sqaure.

Again stop playing the ignorance card. =\

edit: License = 1 a : permission to act b : freedom of action
2 a : a permission granted by competent authority to engage in a business or occupation or in an activity otherwise unlawful b : a document, plate, or tag evidencing a license granted
3 a : freedom that allows or is used with irresponsibility b : disregard for standards of personal conduct : LICENTIOUSNESS
4 : deviation from fact, form, or rule by an artist or writer for the sake of the effect gained

Copyright = : the exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish, and sell the matter and form (as of a literary, musical, or artistic work)

Copy right = ownership.


Smash Rookie
Jun 20, 2006
It doesn't need to say "characters blah balh balh...." It says in white text (c) Disney Interactive. Then it says that Final Fantasy Characters are owned by Square. FOR THE LAST TIME.... Sora and company are not final fantasy characters, they were never in any Final Fantasy games, and unless Disney does another collab with them, never will be, unless they purchase the rights. I'm itchy and a hopping spider just tried to attack me so I'm not in the mood to debate this crap.


Smash Ace
Oct 27, 2005
holding it
I never said Sora and the like are FF chars, that was somebody else. My point, which I seem to be the only one trying to make it, is that the copyright does not specifically state that Disney owns Sora. They can own KH without owning Sora. Nin will own SSBB without owning Snake. Like I said, I'm not trying to prove Sora's owned by either party, so don't jump down my browser's throat. I'm just saying that nothing has been found yet that says Sora specifically is owned by Disney (except maybe the Buena Vista site, which I can't access, unfortunately). I'm not playing the ignorance card, I'm playing the nitpicker's card :p.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
blaksheap82 said:
I never said Sora and the like are FF chars, that was somebody else. My point, which I seem to be the only one trying to make it, is that the copyright does not specifically state that Disney owns Sora. They can own KH without owning Sora. Nin will own SSBB without owning Snake. Like I said, I'm not trying to prove Sora's owned by either party, so don't jump down my browser's throat. I'm just saying that nothing has been found yet that says Sora specifically is owned by Disney (except maybe the Buena Vista site, which I can't access, unfortunately). I'm not playing the ignorance card, I'm playing the nitpicker's card :p.
I spicifically made aprint screeen showing you this..=x

http://members.cox.net/dkaraferias/stuff.jpg you should be able to access that. I appologize if I seem on edge just been stressed out with other things.

The copy right makes no note on Sora being owned by sqaure only ff characters are mentioned and since only ff, Kh and diseny characters are in this game. when soemthing says (C) Disney: developed by sqaure. it basically means every character in the game belongs to disney minus the FF characters.


Smash Ace
Oct 27, 2005
holding it
Yeah, it definitely looks that way with that copyright. I probably came across incorrectly, also. If I really had to just make a guess, I would have said Sora was owned by Disney, for all the reasons we've been bashing them for the past five pages, at least. But like I said, I don't really care one way or the other regarding whether Sora's in SSBB, so I'm out of this debate (for now, I guess).


Smash Lord
Jun 3, 2006
Adding Sora might cause a copyright nightmare, because of Disney Interactive working with Square-Enix. Eventhough, Nintendo used to use Disney characters for their playing cards back then, and Square helped Nintendo develop Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars and that Mario Basketball DS title. If Sora was the only one being added, then people might ask something like "Where's Mickey Mouse and Cloud Strife?"

I know there is a Kingdom Hearts for GBA, but that was the bridge between the first and second Kingdom Hearts titles, which is kind of like Metroid Prime 1 between Metroid 1 and 2. If Sony's PSP was released before Disney Interactive and Square-Enix were about to start developing the GBA version, they would have developed it for the PSP.

I agree that Sora is extremely popular, even SEGA created a character for their Sonic X anime, Christopher Thorndyke, who looks similar to Sora, but a bit younger.

I doubt Sora would enter, because Cloud Strife is the most popular Square-Enix character.

Click here for my last words on this topic.
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
Man,this is a very,very sad topic.

Why are people being so diplimatic on the subject?? be more positive and atleast try to point out why that he would be a prime choice beyond the finantual skirmishes.

Even though his chances are very slim, would still love to have him in the game.
Even though ths topic has been tagged with copyright tags,but we really don't know that much in between the ownership of hence specific character.Maybe someone should send an E-mail to Square-Enix asking about the rights like McFox did about Geno.Copyright tags can be easily slaped on pictures with ease,but we need to know once and for all.

know people are gonna call me an idiot for not accepting the fact due to the evidence,but hey,none of use were on the contract.:p


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2006
Ballarat, Australia
i got a feeling that i might get flamed now... o well... i dont know why u people are even considereing sora. he is nearly 100% not nintendo except for 1 unpopular 3rd party portable game. if you get a person that has never played any PS games they wouldnt know about sora or played any of his games. sure he may be popular but he is not significant to nintendo at all. all he would really do is advertise the playstation to nintendo characters if he got in even though i think its impossible. i dont think any 3rd party characters that hav had an unpopular portable sequal stand a chance, even if they are sora.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
I'm not sure if Disney would lend Sora to Nintendo, but it's a better idea than having Mickey Mouse in Brawl :ohwell: I'm nuetrel now, I guess. I really love Kingdom Hearts, but I guess it would be ok to see Sora in BRawl.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
Man,this is a very,very sad topic.

Why are people being so diplimatic on the subject?? be more positive and atleast try to point out why that he would be a prime choice beyond the finantual skirmishes.

Even though his chances are very slim, would still love to have him in the game.
Even though ths topic has been tagged with copyright tags,but we really don't know that much in between the ownership of hence specific character.Maybe someone should send an E-mail to Square-Enix asking about the rights like McFox did about Geno.Copyright tags can be easily slaped on pictures with ease,but we need to know once and for all.

know people are gonna call me an idiot for not accepting the fact due to the evidence,but hey,none of use were on the contract.:p
Lol it was more then just a copyright tag, an offical site said the characters belonged to Disney.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
SamuraiPanda said:
When Sakurai redesigned Pit, he said that he kept in mind what is "popular" today but he meant popular in the Japanese perspective. Pit looks like he could be out of a Final Fantasy game (kinda), because the whole "young teen" look is the rage in Japan. So this establishes that Sakurai DOES keep in mind what is popular, but mostly in a Japanese perspective.
Because he sticks to the traditional Nintendo Catch Phrase "Screw the fans outside of Japan"

I say no purely because he is owned by Disney and they are evil and eat babies.


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2006
On the blue planet next to the sun, can't miss it!
Sora's a likely character only cuz...

1. He's from a popular series
2. He's the only character from square with a solid statchure (I only say this because 1.Cloud changes way to often, Sepiroth's too powerful and is a generic villan and all the other final fantasy characters are just totally generic.)


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2006
Ending your game.
He DOES stand out, after all. It's not every day you see someone getting owned by a giant key.

I'm afraid that the fanboys would be shouting at the top of their lungs whether he makes it in or not.
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