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Social Sonic Says: Ultimate


Smash Rookie
Apr 16, 2015
I'm going to be honest... Not sure what model my Genesis is and I don't have it with me rn. How do I determine it?


I'm so glad that this was a universally shared curse.

welcome home my brothers and sisters

Thank GOD Sonic 3 let you save and you could retry the level again. Who knows if I would've ever figured it out if I had to start from the very beginning.

The Model 1 Genesis is the blocky black one that looks like a square. The Model 2 was designed specifically to connect with the Sega CD and 32X, and with a good instruction manual, you should be able to open up a slot in the side through which you can connect to the original Sega CD model. It's a lighter color and has more rounded edges.

And yeeaaaaah...If I had to start from the very beginning after messing up in Carnival Night, I'd have broken more than a few controllers from rage.

I think the only other time a Sonic level made me that angry was Mystic Cave Zone in Sonic 2, and that's just because I was an idiot and kept either missing the vine and falling in pits, or getting crushed. I'm convinced that Mystic Cave was EVERY Sonic Fan's bane back in the day (other than Oil Ocean and those bfklas;hdf;lkasjdf Seahorses)...
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May 12, 2008
Switch FC
I'll have to inspect it next time I'm back home.

I thought Mystic Cave Zone wasn't so bad. Kind of fun puzzles and stuff.

It's primarily Aquatic Ruin Zone that I wish I could eradicate.

Jun 26, 2008
Rhode Island
Kid Craft 24
i could've sworn i had mentioned before when we were discussing sonic's customs that i said we could get jab reset off stomp from his spin dashes. though sadly we only have stomp on one custom set which includes hammer so can't really maximize damage output.


Smash Rookie
Apr 16, 2015
I don't have much of a reason why...The same reason why my partner mains Ness and Lucas, I guess.

I grew up with and love the Sonic games, and when I tried him in Brawl, I liked his style (and that recovery!). I started as a Kirby player, but then I transitioned to Sanic full-time not long before SSB4 came out.


May 12, 2008
Switch FC
i could've sworn i had mentioned before when we were discussing sonic's customs that i said we could get jab reset off stomp from his spin dashes. though sadly we only have stomp on one custom set which includes hammer so can't really maximize damage output.
It's been brought up before, but no one actually demonstrated it. I wanted to see it.
lets switch up the topic: why do YOU play :4sonic:?
i'll start:
1- it gives me an excuse to play on Ω:porttown: for https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=582&v=9ZLi13Yk358
2- he's a good character so he covers for :4mewtwo:

3- i played :4sonic: colors and it was cool
I play Sonic because he's Sonic.

Funny thing is, there was a premium users giveaway asking the same question, and I was lucky enough to win the contest. Here was my entry, if you're interested.

I've mained Sonic the Hedgehog since Brawl.

I've tried explaining my connection to Sonic before, so let's give this a go.

My parents both played Sonic the Hedgehog and my mother claims she played it a lot when she was pregnant with me… So I like to joke that she effectively ruined me. You know how they say listening to Beethoven or Mozart while pregnant will make the baby smarter? Well, she played Sonic instead and here I am, lol.

I grew up on all kinds of games. Mario, Pokemon, Zelda… But Sonic was the character that always resonated with me. I thought everything about him was cool. His look, his speed (I also blame Sonic for my fascination with super speed… I could watch those CGI scenes of Sonic running up and down things forever), his attitude… I had the toys, games, shows, anything you can think of basically. I was raised with him by my side. Despite being a constant personality in my life, what really solidified my love for Sonic was the game Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles. It was the first game that completely engrossed me at a young age and to this day still completely enthralls me. I barely even have the patience to play Sonic 2 because of how adamant I am about 3&K (but I've already written an essay on why I think that game is brilliant, so I'll save that). I have it all down to muscle memory. I know every nook and cranny of that game purely by beating and exploring it countless times growing up.

Sonic is the kind of character that does the right thing, but can be sarcastic and cool without being a total douche and still be admired by his friends and peers. "Dude with a 'Tude" lol. This definitely had an effect on the kind of person I ended up becoming, I think. Many personality tests cite him as being an ENTP, which I am as well…

Besides Sonic, my all time favorite game was and still is Super Smash Bros. When 64 first came out, I was thrilled and it was yet another game that ultimately ingrained itself into my life (if it's not apparent by me being here right now and still playing this game). I couldn't believe how amazing it was to have mascots fight each other, but also having the feel of a platformer. It's basically the game I always wanted and never knew could happen.

The thing that upset me the most, however, is that despite being a Nintendo fanboy, my personal favorite character was a Sega mascot… I wished so badly that Sonic would somehow get included or that Nintendo would get the rights to him or something. I pretty much fantasized the idea of playing as my favorite character in my favorite game.

I always played Smash 1v1 no items stock only since 64 (after a while my friend and I got bored of items and CPUs and realized how fun it was testing each other's limits).

I didn't discover THE competitive scene until around the announcement of Brawl. I found competitive Melee and was so amazed that this kind of community existed and I wanted to be a part of it. I decided that since the new one was coming out, I'd just learn that one (lol we all know where that story goes).

Anyway, during the time of them announcing new characters for Smash, Sonic of course always stayed in the back of my head. We all remember the Sonic & Tails rumors for Melee, so that was probably the most heart crushing thing ever.

But regardless, Sonic had so many games for Gamecube and the direction he seemed to be going was Nintendo (and look at how things are now lol). I'd check the dojo every day to see who was added… Until one day…

Sonic the Hedgehog was confirmed to be in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

I couldn't believe it. It was the only thing I could think about. It was like my life's fantasy becoming reality and I was just giddy with excitement. It was truly one of the greatest feelings I've ever experienced.

Now, I can't bring myself to main anyone but him. It's too perfect. What better way to break into the competitive scene than with my favorite character of all time? He even fit the mold of characters I grew up enjoying playing in fighting games. Fast characters that have good movement or mix-up options (Talim and Voldo in Soul Calibur, Platinum in Blazblue…) so I literally couldn't have asked for more. Since Sonic in Brawl is the first character and game I really pushed myself to the limit with, I feel most comfortable with those type of characters in all FGs now… (Ibuki in Street Fighter, etc.)

I was still afraid even that he might not return for 3DS and Wii U, and still got excited for him being confirmed again. I'm not even joking. I checked my phone during a break in class, saw him added to the site and jumped out of my chair and screamed.

Everyone stared.

Yes, I'm clearly a huge dork.

I remember even everything leading up to that, I'd have dreams about Sonic being confirmed. It made me anxious that he wasn't confirmed to be back, especially with Megaman being added and them sharing such a similar UpB while being a third party character… I was so concerned he would be replaced. That Nintendo x Sega partnership though made me really hopeful that he'd be back.

So here I am. I think I've shared before how huge not just Sonic, but the Sonic boards are in my life too. The fact that I'm now the moderator for that board too means a lot to me. I'm really passionate about maining Sonic and still can't bring myself to use a secondary in tournament… The struggle.

Ultimately, I stopped viewing Sonic as a character or a mascot. I don't even know if I view him as a hero or anything anymore (perhaps a role model?) but when I see him I don't see a hedgehog or the history of terrible games that they've flooded into his otherwise brilliant catalogue… He's sort of like an extension of myself. He's my spirit animal or some bull**** like that.

But yeah, there's my huge weirdo dork fanboy story. I tried to condense it as much as I could but that's really difficult.



Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2014
New Hampshire
The Model 1 Genesis is the blocky black one that looks like a square. The Model 2 was designed specifically to connect with the Sega CD and 32X, and with a good instruction manual, you should be able to open up a slot in the side through which you can connect to the original Sega CD model. It's a lighter color and has more rounded edges.

And yeeaaaaah...If I had to start from the very beginning after messing up in Carnival Night, I'd have broken more than a few controllers from rage.

I think the only other time a Sonic level made me that angry was Mystic Cave Zone in Sonic 2, and that's just because I was an idiot and kept either missing the vine and falling in pits, or getting crushed. I'm convinced that Mystic Cave was EVERY Sonic Fan's bane back in the day (other than Oil Ocean and those bfklas;hdf;lkasjdf Seahorses)...
Chemical Plant Zone was my bane when I played Sonic 2, kept running through the drink spots too many times and crashing into poor Tails trying to get out of the water, can't remeber how far I got into Sonic 2, all I do remeber is that I never made it to Metropolis Zone, my favorite stage was Casino Night Zone (those bumbers made me go bouncy every time, and kept getting crushed because of all the pretty lights).

Kinda wished I still had the Sega Genesis, I have a score to settle with a few games on that system (Desert Strike, Battletank and Sonic 2).


The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread
It's been brought up before, but no one actually demonstrated it. I wanted to see it.

I play Sonic because he's Sonic.

Funny thing is, there was a premium users giveaway asking the same question, and I was lucky enough to win the contest. Here was my entry, if you're interested.

I've mained Sonic the Hedgehog since Brawl.

I've tried explaining my connection to Sonic before, so let's give this a go.

My parents both played Sonic the Hedgehog and my mother claims she played it a lot when she was pregnant with me… So I like to joke that she effectively ruined me. You know how they say listening to Beethoven or Mozart while pregnant will make the baby smarter? Well, she played Sonic instead and here I am, lol.

I grew up on all kinds of games. Mario, Pokemon, Zelda… But Sonic was the character that always resonated with me. I thought everything about him was cool. His look, his speed (I also blame Sonic for my fascination with super speed… I could watch those CGI scenes of Sonic running up and down things forever), his attitude… I had the toys, games, shows, anything you can think of basically. I was raised with him by my side. Despite being a constant personality in my life, what really solidified my love for Sonic was the game Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles. It was the first game that completely engrossed me at a young age and to this day still completely enthralls me. I barely even have the patience to play Sonic 2 because of how adamant I am about 3&K (but I've already written an essay on why I think that game is brilliant, so I'll save that). I have it all down to muscle memory. I know every nook and cranny of that game purely by beating and exploring it countless times growing up.

Sonic is the kind of character that does the right thing, but can be sarcastic and cool without being a total douche and still be admired by his friends and peers. "Dude with a 'Tude" lol. This definitely had an effect on the kind of person I ended up becoming, I think. Many personality tests cite him as being an ENTP, which I am as well…

Besides Sonic, my all time favorite game was and still is Super Smash Bros. When 64 first came out, I was thrilled and it was yet another game that ultimately ingrained itself into my life (if it's not apparent by me being here right now and still playing this game). I couldn't believe how amazing it was to have mascots fight each other, but also having the feel of a platformer. It's basically the game I always wanted and never knew could happen.

The thing that upset me the most, however, is that despite being a Nintendo fanboy, my personal favorite character was a Sega mascot… I wished so badly that Sonic would somehow get included or that Nintendo would get the rights to him or something. I pretty much fantasized the idea of playing as my favorite character in my favorite game.

I always played Smash 1v1 no items stock only since 64 (after a while my friend and I got bored of items and CPUs and realized how fun it was testing each other's limits).

I didn't discover THE competitive scene until around the announcement of Brawl. I found competitive Melee and was so amazed that this kind of community existed and I wanted to be a part of it. I decided that since the new one was coming out, I'd just learn that one (lol we all know where that story goes).

Anyway, during the time of them announcing new characters for Smash, Sonic of course always stayed in the back of my head. We all remember the Sonic & Tails rumors for Melee, so that was probably the most heart crushing thing ever.

But regardless, Sonic had so many games for Gamecube and the direction he seemed to be going was Nintendo (and look at how things are now lol). I'd check the dojo every day to see who was added… Until one day…

Sonic the Hedgehog was confirmed to be in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

I couldn't believe it. It was the only thing I could think about. It was like my life's fantasy becoming reality and I was just giddy with excitement. It was truly one of the greatest feelings I've ever experienced.

Now, I can't bring myself to main anyone but him. It's too perfect. What better way to break into the competitive scene than with my favorite character of all time? He even fit the mold of characters I grew up enjoying playing in fighting games. Fast characters that have good movement or mix-up options (Talim and Voldo in Soul Calibur, Platinum in Blazblue…) so I literally couldn't have asked for more. Since Sonic in Brawl is the first character and game I really pushed myself to the limit with, I feel most comfortable with those type of characters in all FGs now… (Ibuki in Street Fighter, etc.)

I was still afraid even that he might not return for 3DS and Wii U, and still got excited for him being confirmed again. I'm not even joking. I checked my phone during a break in class, saw him added to the site and jumped out of my chair and screamed.

Everyone stared.

Yes, I'm clearly a huge dork.

I remember even everything leading up to that, I'd have dreams about Sonic being confirmed. It made me anxious that he wasn't confirmed to be back, especially with Megaman being added and them sharing such a similar UpB while being a third party character… I was so concerned he would be replaced. That Nintendo x Sega partnership though made me really hopeful that he'd be back.

So here I am. I think I've shared before how huge not just Sonic, but the Sonic boards are in my life too. The fact that I'm now the moderator for that board too means a lot to me. I'm really passionate about maining Sonic and still can't bring myself to use a secondary in tournament… The struggle.

Ultimately, I stopped viewing Sonic as a character or a mascot. I don't even know if I view him as a hero or anything anymore (perhaps a role model?) but when I see him I don't see a hedgehog or the history of terrible games that they've flooded into his otherwise brilliant catalogue… He's sort of like an extension of myself. He's my spirit animal or some bull**** like that.

But yeah, there's my huge weirdo dork fanboy story. I tried to condense it as much as I could but that's really difficult.

Dude, that was great. I can relate to this very much.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 6, 2014
I main Sonic because when I first played Bawl at my friend's house (I had played Melee before) I hought Sonic looked really cool. I heard of him through Sonic X and Sonic Heroes but he was just a video game character until I got Brawl. Our friend had brought Brawl to our house before and we already had Sonic, Luigi, Marth, and Ness unlocked so I could play him as soon as we got the game. I started really digging his playstyle and he looked really cool so I started playing exclusicely him which pissed off my friends and brothers so much. In friendlies I usually go random or Sonic until I win, but if I ever did a tournament (don't know where to look), I'd play Sonic.

Also, Brawl did its cross promotion thing and I ended up playing and beating all of the main games except for not havin beaten Sonic 06, Unleashed ps3, and Sonic 4, and not having played Shadow, the game gear, game boy, and ds games, and wii u Lost World. I'm not including spinoffs but I really liked all of the main series games except for 06. That also keeps me maining Sonic.

Jason the Yoshi

Watching Me, Wanting Me
Feb 26, 2014
Waiting for Jesus


Smash Rookie
Apr 16, 2015
Chemical Plant Zone was my bane when I played Sonic 2, kept running through the drink spots too many times and crashing into poor Tails trying to get out of the water, can't remeber how far I got into Sonic 2, all I do remeber is that I never made it to Metropolis Zone, my favorite stage was Casino Night Zone (those bumbers made me go bouncy every time, and kept getting crushed because of all the pretty lights).

Kinda wished I still had the Sega Genesis, I have a score to settle with a few games on that system (Desert Strike, Battletank and Sonic 2).
I know a lot of people who share your pain, man. Chemical Plant was a clinching point for several Sonic 2 players; when I was a kid, I hated this level (not as much as Mystic Cave, but still); I kept falling in the water and dying, because as a kid I couldn't jump up the moving platforms.

Ffffs, I think everyone's favorite stage was Casino Night (well, for the most part; I don't know anyone whose favorite wasn't Casino Night, at any rate), which just makes it more mind-boggling that they didn't offer a Casino Night level in Generations; just a pinball minigame. :/

Also, Brawl did its cross promotion thing and I ended up playing and beating all of the main games except for not havin beaten Sonic 06, Unleashed ps3, and Sonic 4, and not having played Shadow, the game gear, game boy, and ds games, and wii u Lost World. I'm not including spinoffs but I really liked all of the main series games except for 06. That also keeps me maining Sonic.
Aha...ha....ha....06 and Unleashed are on my list of Sonic Games to beat; I would have beaten 06 by now, if I didn't use the game as a New Years tradition (I get together with friends and we play it drunk), and Unleashed...I got it on Black Friday last year and haven't touched it since I bought it. I need to bust out my Gamecube version of Shadow to beat THAT, too, come to think of it.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 6, 2014
I know a lot of people who share your pain, man. Chemical Plant was a clinching point for several Sonic 2 players; when I was a kid, I hated this level (not as much as Mystic Cave, but still); I kept falling in the water and dying, because as a kid I couldn't jump up the moving platforms.

Ffffs, I think everyone's favorite stage was Casino Night (well, for the most part; I don't know anyone whose favorite wasn't Casino Night, at any rate), which just makes it more mind-boggling that they didn't offer a Casino Night level in Generations; just a pinball minigame. :/

Aha...ha....ha....06 and Unleashed are on my list of Sonic Games to beat; I would have beaten 06 by now, if I didn't use the game as a New Years tradition (I get together with friends and we play it drunk), and Unleashed...I got it on Black Friday last year and haven't touched it since I bought it. I need to bust out my Gamecube version of Shadow to beat THAT, too, come to think of it.
I beat one version of Unleashed (the wii version) I just haven't beat the PS3/Xbox360 version yet. They're two different games

Sonic Orochi

Smash Ace
Jan 26, 2008
I've bought one of these (similar) recently. It was supposed to be a present for my gf's niece but I'm thinking of buying her another toy instead lol

Sure it has a very bad sound emulation but it's actually pretty fun. Played through Gunstar Heroes and "Turtles in Time wannabe" today during a train ride. Also, it's much "easier" to use one of these in public because it's really cheap and if some nosy kid tries to check it out he just gets bored because it doesn't have any touch controls or "3D grafix".

Also, saw some bike music posted there. This is where it's at.



Smash Cadet
May 31, 2007
Australia - Melbourne
I too suffered the Carnival Night Barrel curse for like the first 10 years of playing Sonic 3. Although I still manage to jump my way through the section by obtaining all 7 emeralds beforehand. I found that I could only force it down low enough with Super Sonic's increased jump hight. Therefore I could never pass the this damn section with Tails alone. I also use to make my brother help me out, as timing your jumps with a second player seemed to work well too. My gawd those days were ridiculous haha.

lets switch up the topic: why do YOU play :4sonic:?
So Sonic has always been my favourite video game series since we got our Sega Megadrive for christmas back when I was 4. I remember being jealous that brother got a Tasmanian Devil game from Santa while I was stuck with this videogame about a Blue Hedgehog (wtf is a hedgehog?) running with a orange fox. But that jealously went very quickly.

Smash Bros is likely my next favourite series. Ever since Smash 64, I've wanted Sonic to be playable, but I always doubted the case, especially because of Sega and Nintendo's rivalry. It wasn't until Snakes reveal in the first Brawl trailer, and the announcement of Mario & Sonic at the olympic games, where I started to gain hope.

I would follow the Brawls Smash Dojo for religiously before it's release, and I can't describe the amount of hype that hit me the day of Sonic's reveal. I was having a pretty ****ty day too, but that reveal instantly changed my mood, which I still find awesome with what an immense amount of excitement can do to a persons state of mind :p

Anyway, since day 1 of Brawl, I've undoubtedly been maining Sonic. Luckily, I find his moveset and playstyle bloody amazing and enjoyable too :D. I didn't care at all that he was considered low tier in Brawl's early days, in fact it made want to master him more. I actually dislike that in Smash 4 he is considered high tier. Recently, a lot of people I run into at tournaments like to remind me that they hate playing against Sonic, whether I win or lose. Can get pretty annoying but ah well that's their problem :p


Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2014
Lost Worlds, good game or nah? Thinking about getting it since I know it is at least not as bad as Sonic Boom and tbh after playing multiplayer SA2 a 3D Sonic game might be in my alley.

Won't affect my decision on buying it, but does it have multiplayer? Probably not and I could google it but I could also just ask here. :p
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Smash Apprentice
Sep 6, 2014
I too suffered the Carnival Night Barrel curse for like the first 10 years of playing Sonic 3. Although I still manage to jump my way through the section by obtaining all 7 emeralds beforehand. I found that I could only force it down low enough with Super Sonic's increased jump hight. Therefore I could never pass the this damn section with Tails alone. I also use to make my brother help me out, as timing your jumps with a second player seemed to work well too. My gawd those days were ridiculous haha.

So Sonic has always been my favourite video game series since we got our Sega Megadrive for christmas back when I was 4. I remember being jealous that brother got a Tasmanian Devil game from Santa while I was stuck with this videogame about a Blue Hedgehog (wtf is a hedgehog?) running with a orange fox. But that jealously went very quickly.

Smash Bros is likely my next favourite series. Ever since Smash 64, I've wanted Sonic to be playable, but I always doubted the case, especially because of Sega and Nintendo's rivalry. It wasn't until Snakes reveal in the first Brawl trailer, and the announcement of Mario & Sonic at the olympic games, where I started to gain hope.

I would follow the Brawls Smash Dojo for religiously before it's release, and I can't describe the amount of hype that hit me the day of Sonic's reveal. I was having a pretty ****ty day too, but that reveal instantly changed my mood, which I still find awesome with what an immense amount of excitement can do to a persons state of mind :p

Anyway, since day 1 of Brawl, I've undoubtedly been maining Sonic. Luckily, I find his moveset and playstyle bloody amazing and enjoyable too :D. I didn't care at all that he was considered low tier in Brawl's early days, in fact it made want to master him more. I actually dislike that in Smash 4 he is considered high tier. Recently, a lot of people I run into at tournaments like to remind me that they hate playing against Sonic, whether I win or lose. Can get pretty annoying but ah well that's their problem :p
Dude, the part where you had a ****ty day that got so much better when Sonic got confirmed for Btawl, that exact thing happened to me when he got confirmed for Smash 4. It's an amazing feeling.


The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread
Lost Worlds, good game or nah? Thinking about getting it since I know it is at least not as bad as Sonic Boom and tbh after playing multiplayer SA2 a 3D Sonic game might be in my alley.

Won't affect my decision on buying it, but does it have multiplayer? Probably not and I could google it but I could also just ask here. :p
Lost World is a game with very mixed opinions. Some love it, others hate it. Me personally, I think it's a good game, I recommend it.
There is multiplayer, player 1 and player 2 control two robot Sonics and play the levels in the game.


Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2014
Lost World is a game with very mixed opinions. Some love it, others hate it. Me personally, I think it's a good game, I recommend it.
There is multiplayer, player 1 and player 2 control two robot Sonics and play the levels in the game.
I'm a pretty easy to please person, I think I would still enjoy it. What are the most common complaints? Again, could read up a review, but I could also just ask the Sonic fans here such as yourself. :p

YAY FOR MULTIPLAYER. Definitely going to invite my friend over to play this if I decide to get it. :3


May 12, 2008
Switch FC
Dude, that was great. I can relate to this very much.
Thanks! I'm glad!
I've bought one of these (similar) recently. It was supposed to be a present for my gf's niece but I'm thinking of buying her another toy instead lol

Sure it has a very bad sound emulation but it's actually pretty fun.
I have the "console" version of this and at first I thought it was really cool but the SOUND makes it near impossible for me to play Sonic on it because it just feels wrong D:
Lost Worlds, good game or nah? Thinking about getting it since I know it is at least not as bad as Sonic Boom and tbh after playing multiplayer SA2 a 3D Sonic game might be in my alley.

Won't affect my decision on buying it, but does it have multiplayer? Probably not and I could google it but I could also just ask here. :p
I really like it.

The mutliplayer exists but... It's just kind of there.



Smash Journeyman
Feb 2, 2014
I've mained Sonic the Hedgehog since Brawl.

I've tried explaining my connection to Sonic before, so let's give this a go.

My parents both played Sonic the Hedgehog and my mother claims she played it a lot when she was pregnant with me… So I like to joke that she effectively ruined me. You know how they say listening to Beethoven or Mozart while pregnant will make the baby smarter? Well, she played Sonic instead and here I am, lol.

I grew up on all kinds of games. Mario, Pokemon, Zelda… But Sonic was the character that always resonated with me. I thought everything about him was cool. His look, his speed (I also blame Sonic for my fascination with super speed… I could watch those CGI scenes of Sonic running up and down things forever), his attitude… I had the toys, games, shows, anything you can think of basically. I was raised with him by my side. Despite being a constant personality in my life, what really solidified my love for Sonic was the game Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles. It was the first game that completely engrossed me at a young age and to this day still completely enthralls me. I barely even have the patience to play Sonic 2 because of how adamant I am about 3&K (but I've already written an essay on why I think that game is brilliant, so I'll save that). I have it all down to muscle memory. I know every nook and cranny of that game purely by beating and exploring it countless times growing up.

Sonic is the kind of character that does the right thing, but can be sarcastic and cool without being a total douche and still be admired by his friends and peers. "Dude with a 'Tude" lol. This definitely had an effect on the kind of person I ended up becoming, I think. Many personality tests cite him as being an ENTP, which I am as well…

Besides Sonic, my all time favorite game was and still is Super Smash Bros. When 64 first came out, I was thrilled and it was yet another game that ultimately ingrained itself into my life (if it's not apparent by me being here right now and still playing this game). I couldn't believe how amazing it was to have mascots fight each other, but also having the feel of a platformer. It's basically the game I always wanted and never knew could happen.

The thing that upset me the most, however, is that despite being a Nintendo fanboy, my personal favorite character was a Sega mascot… I wished so badly that Sonic would somehow get included or that Nintendo would get the rights to him or something. I pretty much fantasized the idea of playing as my favorite character in my favorite game.

I always played Smash 1v1 no items stock only since 64 (after a while my friend and I got bored of items and CPUs and realized how fun it was testing each other's limits).

I didn't discover THE competitive scene until around the announcement of Brawl. I found competitive Melee and was so amazed that this kind of community existed and I wanted to be a part of it. I decided that since the new one was coming out, I'd just learn that one (lol we all know where that story goes).

Anyway, during the time of them announcing new characters for Smash, Sonic of course always stayed in the back of my head. We all remember the Sonic & Tails rumors for Melee, so that was probably the most heart crushing thing ever.

But regardless, Sonic had so many games for Gamecube and the direction he seemed to be going was Nintendo (and look at how things are now lol). I'd check the dojo every day to see who was added… Until one day…

Sonic the Hedgehog was confirmed to be in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

I couldn't believe it. It was the only thing I could think about. It was like my life's fantasy becoming reality and I was just giddy with excitement. It was truly one of the greatest feelings I've ever experienced.

Now, I can't bring myself to main anyone but him. It's too perfect. What better way to break into the competitive scene than with my favorite character of all time? He even fit the mold of characters I grew up enjoying playing in fighting games. Fast characters that have good movement or mix-up options (Talim and Voldo in Soul Calibur, Platinum in Blazblue…) so I literally couldn't have asked for more. Since Sonic in Brawl is the first character and game I really pushed myself to the limit with, I feel most comfortable with those type of characters in all FGs now… (Ibuki in Street Fighter, etc.)

I was still afraid even that he might not return for 3DS and Wii U, and still got excited for him being confirmed again. I'm not even joking. I checked my phone during a break in class, saw him added to the site and jumped out of my chair and screamed.

Everyone stared.

Yes, I'm clearly a huge dork.

I remember even everything leading up to that, I'd have dreams about Sonic being confirmed. It made me anxious that he wasn't confirmed to be back, especially with Megaman being added and them sharing such a similar UpB while being a third party character… I was so concerned he would be replaced. That Nintendo x Sega partnership though made me really hopeful that he'd be back.

So here I am. I think I've shared before how huge not just Sonic, but the Sonic boards are in my life too. The fact that I'm now the moderator for that board too means a lot to me. I'm really passionate about maining Sonic and still can't bring myself to use a secondary in tournament… The struggle.

Ultimately, I stopped viewing Sonic as a character or a mascot. I don't even know if I view him as a hero or anything anymore (perhaps a role model?) but when I see him I don't see a hedgehog or the history of terrible games that they've flooded into his otherwise brilliant catalogue… He's sort of like an extension of myself. He's my spirit animal or some bull**** like that.

But yeah, there's my huge weirdo dork fanboy story. I tried to condense it as much as I could but that's really difficult.

Holy crap I agree and just nostalgia'd so hard.

I think the first Sonic game I actually touched was my cousin's Sonic Adventure on his Dreamcast. He'd come over once every few months and I'd hope he'd have it. (I wouldn't know what I was really doing and I didn't know Sonic that well; I just know I wanted more of him)

Shortly after, my dad and I got a Gamecube and GB Advance and I got SA2B and Sonic Advance around the same time.

SA2B was the staple game of the entire franchise for me because it was what me and my dad always played together and tried to perfect when I was a kid. We tried to figure out everything from the Chao garden, to how to ace every stage (which we ended up leaving to Action Replay lel). (We also did Sonic Heroes, but SA2B was the first one with the best bonding experience).

Geez, I miss those times.... I've grown up and his schedule over time has left no time for us to truly play anything together anymore (We don't live together either so the time we spend together has always been a couple of days max at a time).

Aside from the father-son bonding experience his games provided, Sonic's personality affected me as I was growing up as well, and I came to have a certain bond with his games that I couldn't really get with any other franchise, even Smash, despite loving the hell outta Mewtwo in Melee.

Until Brawl :p

This was the exact image I saw on the cover of a magazine in a Movie Gallery store in, I think, 2007?

I freaked. the. absolute. hell. out.

"WHAT?! No WAY! WHAT GAME IS THIS? WHAT. GAME. IS. THIS?! This seriously cannot be Smash! WHAT!?!?"

Like, I saw the original Brawl trailer, showing off characters like MK and Wario as newcomers, but I wasn't expecting to see this in a million years, regardless of how much I fantasized over it. (I was a kid who had restricted internet access due to dial up, unless I was with my dad, who had DSL, but I still didn't really think of using the internet to stay up to date on news like this)

I wasn't even good with Sonic in Brawl. Hell, I wasn't even good at Smash until I got gud in Project M a couple of years ago (and proceeded to piss off my friends).

Then, fast forward a generation, Sm4sh was confirmed and my friends were like.

"He's a 3rd party character; there's no way he's coming back"
"He's a one-time thing; do you expect SNAKE to return?"
"Mega-man is the 3rd party this time around"
"Yo, I heard Sonic's coming back as an assist trophy :troll:"

While my main argument was
"SEGA and Nintendo have a partnership on the guy right now so they'll likely add him back as promotion"
"Besides, Lost World just released and literally both companies were involved in that"

I did the biggest "IN YOUR FACE!" when he finally got confirmed to be returning and went like "my life is complete"!
until i considered the possibility of Mewtwo returning

I probably rambled on with this but I really wanted to get this off of my chest.

Lost Worlds, good game or nah? Thinking about getting it since I know it is at least not as bad as Sonic Boom and tbh after playing multiplayer SA2 a 3D Sonic game might be in my alley.

Won't affect my decision on buying it, but does it have multiplayer? Probably not and I could google it but I could also just ask here. :p
Yeah, Lost World's not as bad as some people make it. I had fun parkouring the hell outta levels and learning techniques to go faster on my 3DS version. The multiplayer is honestly kinda just there but I had fun with it when the game first released. It has a different formula than what Sonic games are "supposed" to be to the "fanbase". I recommend it!

Speaking of which (I'll inhibit myself before I go on another total fanbase rant), I really don't like how divided our fanbase is overall, and how Sonic games can easily get thrown under the bus for being "different" from what exactly "works", being immediately considered bad just for diverging. (IMO Sonic 06 and Boom were the only 2 truly bad games due to the former being rushed/glitchy, and the latter being incredibly glitchy; their overall quality as video games were bad. I haven't played Boom, though.)

I also hate it when people point fingers at Sonic Team for making Boom when two completely different companies developed both Boom games.
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May 12, 2008
Switch FC
Holy crap I agree and just nostalgia'd so hard.

I think the first Sonic game I actually touched was my cousin's Sonic Adventure on his Dreamcast. He'd come over once every few months and I'd hope he'd have it. (I wouldn't know what I was really doing and I didn't know Sonic that well; I just know I wanted more of him)

Shortly after, my dad and I got a Gamecube and GB Advance and I got SA2B and Sonic Advance around the same time.

SA2B was the staple game of the entire franchise for me because it was what me and my dad always played together and tried to perfect when I was a kid. We tried to figure out everything from the Chao garden, to how to ace every stage (which we ended up leaving to Action Replay lel). (We also did Sonic Heroes, but SA2B was the first one with the best bonding experience).

Geez, I miss those times.... I've grown up and his schedule over time has left no time for us to truly play anything together anymore (We don't live together either so the time we spend together has always been a couple of days max at a time).

Aside from the father-son bonding experience his games provided, Sonic's personality affected me as I was growing up as well, and I came to have a certain bond with his games that I couldn't really get with any other franchise, even Smash, despite loving the hell outta Mewtwo in Melee.

Until Brawl :p

This was the exact image I saw on the cover of a magazine in a Movie Gallery store in, I think, 2007?

I freaked. the. absolute. hell. out.

"WHAT?! No WAY! WHAT GAME IS THIS? WHAT. GAME. IS. THIS?! This seriously cannot be Smash! WHAT!?!?"

Like, I saw the original Brawl trailer, showing off characters like MK and Wario as newcomers, but I wasn't expecting to see this in a million years, regardless of how much I fantasized over it. (I was a kid who had restricted internet access due to dial up, unless I was with my dad, who had DSL, but I still didn't really think of using the internet to stay up to date on news like this)

I wasn't even good with Sonic in Brawl. Hell, I wasn't even good at Smash until I got gud in Project M a couple of years ago (and proceeded to piss off my friends).

Then, fast forward a generation, Sm4sh was confirmed and my friends were like.

"He's a 3rd party character; there's no way he's coming back"
"He's a one-time thing; do you expect SNAKE to return?"
"Mega-man is the 3rd party this time around"
"Yo, I heard Sonic's coming back as an assist trophy :troll:"

While my main argument was
"SEGA and Nintendo have a partnership on the guy right now so they'll likely add him back as promotion"
"Besides, Lost World just released and literally both companies were involved in that"

I did the biggest "IN YOUR FACE!" when he finally got confirmed to be returning and went like "my life is complete"!
until i considered the possibility of Mewtwo returning

I probably rambled on with this but I really wanted to get this off of my chest.
Ah yes, so satisfying.

That's really cool that you had that relationship with your dad. I can relate to that, but definitely not as much. Didn't do that much gaming together because of different taste, but even though my mom and dad loved Sonic I don't think I remember ever actually seeing them play it??


Most recently, I somehow got my dad REALLY into Catherine and we stayed up until like 5 in the morning together to beat it. It was really something.



Smash Cadet
May 31, 2007
Australia - Melbourne
I'm still curious to play Sonic Boom, but I won't buy it till I find it in a bargain bin for $10 or something. I don't want to support such a bad rushed games, despite the Sonic fan in me saying that I need to play every game in the series >.>. Speak with your wallet, as they say.

Also, as others have alluded too - **** Sonic 4.

If they called it anything else, like "New Sonic the Hedgehog" or some ****, I would have been OK with it.

But nooo, they had the nerve to name it as the sequel to one of the greatest platformers in our history, adding a tonne of expectations which it didn't get close to being met. Instead we got a mediocre platformer with the ****test attempt of emulating the physics of the classics.

Sorry, but that game makes me mad. I hate to say it, but it's more of a mess/disappointment than Sonic 06 in my mind. Episode 2 fixed some issues, but definitely not all.


Sep 13, 2014
Angel Island Zone
I'm still curious to play Sonic Boom, but I won't buy it till I find it in a bargain bin for $10 or something. I don't want to support such a bad rushed games, despite the Sonic fan in me saying that I need to play every game in the series >.>. Speak with your wallet, as they say.

Also, as others have alluded too - **** Sonic 4.

If they called it anything else, like "New Sonic the Hedgehog" or some ****, I would have been OK with it.

But nooo, they had the nerve to name it as the sequel to one of the greatest platformers in our history, adding a tonne of expectations which it didn't get close to being met. Instead we got a mediocre platformer with the ****test attempt of emulating the physics of the classics.

Sorry, but that game makes me mad. I hate to say it, but it's more of a mess/disappointment than Sonic 06 in my mind. Episode 2 fixed some issues, but definitely not all.
Heh, "New Sonic The Hedgehog", that would've made more sense.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 6, 2014
Ah yes, so satisfying.

That's really cool that you had that relationship with your dad. I can relate to that, but definitely not as much. Didn't do that much gaming together because of different taste, but even though my mom and dad loved Sonic I don't think I remember ever actually seeing them play it??


Most recently, I somehow got my dad REALLY into Catherine and we stayed up until like 5 in the morning together to beat it. It was really something.

You guys are lucky to have parents that play games. My parents would never play video games even when we tried to get them into games like Smash


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
I followed the DOJO when it still a thing. So I woke up one morning and saw this:


I have, to this day, never felt so awesome.
Not to mention the third-parties were one of the only sources for actual game footage during Brawl's development, so not only did I get a character I wanted very, very badly, but I got to see him beat the hell out of Mario.
Anyone else get to see this reveal pretty much live?
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Jason the Yoshi

Watching Me, Wanting Me
Feb 26, 2014
Waiting for Jesus
I followed the DOJO when it still a thing. So I woke up one morning and saw this:

View attachment 49197

I have, to this day, never felt so awesome.
Not to mention the third-parties were one of the only sources for actual game footage during Brawl's development, so not only did I get a character I wanted very, very badly, but I got to see him beat the hell out of Mario.
Anyone else get to see this reveal pretty much live?
Strangely enough, I wasn't even a Sonic fan back then. All I wanted in Brawl was Legend of Zelda Wind Waker represented in some way.


Smash Master
Dec 24, 2006
Lincolnshire, England.
What do people think of new MK8 DLC? I love my mii being able to be sonic. Also Big Blue>>>>>Mute City. Mute city (and hyrule circuit) were so disappointing.


Jason the Yoshi

Watching Me, Wanting Me
Feb 26, 2014
Waiting for Jesus
What do people think of new MK8 DLC? I love my mii being able to be sonic. Also Big Blue>>>>>Mute City. Mute city (and hyrule circuit) were so disappointing.

I haven't even scanned any of my Amiibos for Mario Kart 8 yet, but I can say that Big Blue is pretty much my favorite Mario Kart track EVER. I also love how they modernized Cheese Land and Ribbon Road. (I hated those tracks in Super Circuit) I'm also finding myself kicking *** with Isabelle a lot when I'm off college duty.

I wish they'd add Sonic to Mario Kart someday, but that sounds like a lost dream.


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
I wish they'd add Sonic to Mario Kart someday, but that sounds like a lost dream.
Part of that might be because Sonic kinda has his own Kart racer series in the Sega All-Star racing games. I believe the developers have even said they considered having Mario as a Wii U version-exclusive character (Like how they have Banjo for Microsoft, and Team Fortress 2 characters for the PC Version) but decided not to for no clear reason. (Or maybe there was one but I just don't remember what it was)


Smash Master
Dec 24, 2006
Lincolnshire, England.
They should go further than that, they should put sonic in with the next dlc pack being a sonic one. They could make such a good stage out of something like green hill zone with loop da loops and such, or sky sanctuary would be awesome. If it ever happened, we'd probably get...Soleanna.



The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread
I'm a pretty easy to please person, I think I would still enjoy it. What are the most common complaints? Again, could read up a review, but I could also just ask the Sonic fans here such as yourself. :p
Some people have issues with the controls, but I think after a little getting used to, it plays great. The game also has some gimmick levels that don't really add anything (Flappy Bird: Sanic edition comes to mind.)


May 12, 2008
Switch FC
What do people think of new MK8 DLC? I love my mii being able to be sonic. Also Big Blue>>>>>Mute City. Mute city (and hyrule circuit) were so disappointing.

I like Isabelle.

And Baby Park.

Best stage ever.

I always thought it'd be funny if Sonic was in MK but just running and no kart.



Jun 7, 2009
Spruce Grove, Alberta
Mario Kart 8 DLC is awesome. I'm gonna be blazing through it when I can when I'm not recovering from my surgery.

Good news for that though! I can spend the good month I'll be healing and off work to train hard in Smash. If anyone here wants to bounce off one another to practice and pick up new techs and stuff, lemme know! I won't be doing much of anything else. And I want to be in the best condition I possibly can be come EVO.


Smash Journeyman
May 4, 2014
Scotland, Glasgow
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