How are you normally AZ but played at Xanadu?
I live in MD but I attend school in Arizona; every semester break I normally go back over to MD.
Why did you use a Wiimote and sticked with it?
Long story short: my gamecube controllers and games were all stolen from my home the day before I purchased a wii and a copy of brawl; wiimote was all I had to work with, so I learned to cope with it, been using it ever since.
How long have you been playing Smash?
smash in general? or like, competitively? I've played brawl for about 5-6 years competitively. I played melee for a short while before brawl's release, but not competitively, mostly items and FFAs.
When did you pick up Sonic?
The first day I got brawl. Went straight to classic mode and played until I unlocked Sonic.
How do you manage to play with a Wiimote so good? Did you customize your controls on it? What are the perks and issues with using a Wiimote versus a controller?
Wiichuck just feels natural to me now that I've been using it for so many years. I do use custom controls also, only like 3 minor adjustments though (Up and Down on Dpad are changed to Usmash/Jump). The only real downside to using wiichuck imo is the lack of Cstick. The button layout for wiichuck makes technical things (imo) easier to perform, like wavedashing, multishining, and most other techs that require long-ranged thumb motions on the GCC. I'm still capable of using a GCC of course, I just can't be as reactive with it or play at a technical level equevelant to my wiichuck.
What's Sonics best and worst MUs?
I can't honestly
fully answer the question, since I haven't played every MU at top level. But from what I've gathered so far these are sonic's more difficult MUs:
Donkey Kong
I can't really speak on behalf of Sonic's better MUs, but just assume that every MU not listed is either 50/50 or slightly in sonic's favor.
What's the best tips for starting out sonics?
Dash dance bait a lot. Punishing rolls, spot dodges, shields, techs, and whiffed attacks are sonic's strong points.
What's the best tips for beating Sonic, and what's his worst/best stages?
beating Sonic? Trades, tech chases, and punishing landings/recovery.
Stages for Sonic are dependent on what MU you're playing. but most of the time you'll want a stage with decent open space, like PS2. Personally, my favorite stages as sonic are WarioWare, Smashville and Yoshi's Island; least favorite being Lylat and Yoshi's Story.