Lol Thankyou Blackbelt.
What facts am I supposed to be determining? Using lag to my advantage? Listen to yourself. LAG CANNOT BE USED TO AN ADVANTAGE ROFL! Lag is a state where you can't put any input, meaning you cant move, attack, dodge whatever. So how do you plan on using this to your advantage?
I'm a Sonic main.... lol.
I am asking you to tell me why he is high tier, and u arent telling me.
Listen to the following:
Sonic is Low Tier. Although his superior run speed enable him to punish mistake fairly effectively, he cannot actively play offensively due to his lack of priority on the majority of his moves. His kill moves also pose a problem as they have significant lag on startup and even still, do not have the sheer knockback to compensate for that. Sonic has a terrific recovery. Sonic has a high aerial top speed, but this is brought to nothing as he has very poor aerial acceleration, which means he cannot change direction in the air quickly. This causes a level of commitment with non-beneficial attacks to occur, unless a retreat though a dodge is possible. Sonics only has two or three reliable kill moves, which are reduced significantly when spammed too much.
His roll is grabable and stopped easily by many characters tilts and projectiles also. This is the last I will say on this topic mainly because.
1. You are so grossly misinformed no amount of basic conversation, intelligent or not would be able to sway you.
2. You are not mature enough to take other peoples (especially those with a large wealth of knowledge such as Tenki) thoughts and consider them. Your pigheadedness will always cause your own opinions, however misguided they may be, to take priority over those of others.
3. Until I see your Sonic in action, I have no reason to believe that you have any skill at Sonic/Brawl/Video Games/Anything else remotely related to the following areas.
4. Along side your giant collection of misinformation you also have a knack of arguing a point without providing any tangible evidence. Your arguments so far have been theorycrafting and in reality, nothing useful has even been said. On the basis of your communication skills, I have been led to believe that you are either not very old or just not very mature in your thoughts. And although young people can be great gamers and great posters, you seem to be neither.