Everyone who plays Sonic claims to be the best Sonic in their region, lol.
I guess that can be said with like, every Smash player though.
I don't even
drink coffee.
I pulled this off multiple times against Zee (unfortunately not on YouTube yet).
It can literally pass right through with no downsides if you do it right.
I'm sure if it becomes a habit that you recover low, they can adjust the timing and put you in a bad spot, but it's certainly easier to condition them than it is you in that situation, imo. Most Villagers just sort of try to play God and pre-emptively charge it. Sonic isn't afraid.
It's not that strict, really. Especially in comparison to say, ISDJ (Instant Spin Dash Jump).
Coincidentally, I just so happened to release a video breaking down Spinshot right
I'd expect more from the best Sonic in AZ