Look, Im being cautious, but I will definately renew my faith in the good ol hedgehog again if they just do one thing:
Bring back the classic SEEEEEEGAAAAAAAA yell at the beginning of each game
Man I remember when I first discovered Sonic.
I was at LA Fitness and my mom was working out. I was stuck in the daycare center and in there was a genesis (? can't remember well anymore) and in it was sonic adventure 2. **** I remember the good ol days. There was such a long line to wait to go on the **** game, but the first time I played with him I was instantly in love. I would draw nothing but sonic in kindergarden, and I obsessed over getting sonic adventure 2 battle for the gamecube when I saw it. Man then they had to ruin it with '06. I remember playing a demo for it and played it for only 1 minute, but I remembered it differently. I was like ZOMG A NEW ZONIC GAME!!!1111!!!1!!! I thought the graphics were great and the level design was right, but when I actually played the WHOLE game when I bought it, I thought "this game is a piece of monkey crap. Horrible loading times, crappy levels, horrible control with silver, crappy storyline, etc." I swear I felt like just killing myself after thinking it was a good game. Yeah right. I swear I wish I could just burn all those discs in a bonfire. When I saw the trailer for the secret rings... well I really didn't care. It existed and that was that, but when they showed the trailer for unleashed, I remembered that the craze for sonic came back on. One of my friends even had countless pictures of sonic on his computer. He even started identifying himself by that and even mained sonic in brawl for a while........ yeah not anymore though...
Anyways, unleashed, I saw footage and thought it was ok.... until I saw what they did to sonic with the **** werehog.... I mean how can you even be a werehog if you are a hedgehog already. Just call it the monster or something, because there was no bite of any type, and there was no full moon, so it cannot be a werehog. Stupid name really. I was seriously lost all faith in the series by then. Then they decided to do something with a **** sword, which I think was called "Sonic and the Tank"... lol. Now I really hope that this renews my faith in sonic really. I just want the old SEGAAAAAAA to be back and that this adds some new/old thing that makes it memorable for being great.
EDIT: I just remembred, for some reason, I thought they would actually add some character actually called needle mouse or something lol XD