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Some obvious Yoshi things....

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Smash Cadet
Aug 15, 2005
These are just things I personally use when I play as Yoshi, and I want to make sure everyone on the Yoshi Board knows them.

1) BAir leads to USmash and FSmash at low-mid percentages. This can set up potential gimps at some percents, and is just good for damage.

2)Pivot Grab is your best friend. Seriously, this thing is probably the most useful Pivot Grab in the whole game! I usally never do my standing grab because this thing is so beastly. If this isn't built into your game, get some.

3)Eggs. They are your projectile. Use them like any other character uses there projectiles, spam 'n spacing. I see a lot of Yoshi players ignoring this because they don't know how to properly use it.

4)UAir is your best kill move on non-heavyweights. This thing can kill at REALLY low percents. You can get one in on most oppenents after a grab release, or a UTilt sets its up at high percents, as long as your oppenent is not suspecting it.

5)Yoshi can spike too. :chuckle: DAir and FAir have spikes, and at high percents there are just as good as anyone elses...just remember, don't use them unless you know your gonna get the spike in, since they will probably gimp you if you fail ;(

6)Grab Release... I see Yoshi players that just try to chaingrab with this, FAIL. This thing sets up a lot. An Egg, a USmash, a UAir(sometimes)... All in all, this thing is possibly Yoshi's best weapon with his awesome Pivot Grab and Dash Grab...



Smash Cadet
Mar 24, 2008
Yep, all pretty common tactics for most Yoshi mains.

I do nearly all of that, but I see myself neglecting Yoshi's dair spike and pivot grab the most. Yeah I know what was I thinking...

To me a fair spike is much less risky and even easier to land sometimes (especially after grab release by the edge).

What about his NAir? Its pretty good when edge-guarding or shffing.


Smash Cadet
Aug 15, 2005
Yep, all pretty common tactics for most Yoshi mains.

I do nearly all of that, but I see myself neglecting Yoshi's dair spike and pivot grab the most. Yeah I know what was I thinking...

To me a fair spike is much less risky and even easier to land sometimes (especially after grab release by the edge).

What about his NAir? Its pretty good when edge-guarding or shffing.

Though NAir is a great gimp and OTS kill, I just put the very basics to playing a competitive Yoshi. For in depth Yoshi info, people can check the character guide. This is just a heads up for all Yoshi players. Thanks for the positive response though. :bee:
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