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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
And because I know the game mechanics better now, the next time Jenny fights an ARMS battle, be it a rematch with Brass or Coyle, or a full-on ARMS League participation, I'll have a better idea of how she should fight. :p

The champ's one of the five I'm rooting for, admittedly. Ribbon Girl's my main, so she takes priority. Byte and Barq are shaping up to be my second favorites (I doubt many others here support the clockwork robocop duo for Smash, though).
It's impossible to not love the champ, honestly :p

....unless you're Dr. Coyle I guess...

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
(I might not watch this anime for real, but I've become familiar with a certain meme from it. Aqua apparently has a reputation as a goddess similar to Ishtar's, and that must be referenced at some point :p).

I feel...terrible for this kid...


"Moon has flown out of the castle by now."

A problem? Heh, no. You're a pest. Nothing more.

"Their bitter, long-standing hatred of Samus outweighs their animosity for each other. They've got more to gain by working as allies at this point than not."


Pearl: That should allow us to remain largely undetected even if we're caught off-guard...

...Yeah, I think I'm gonna be one of those who really requires that.

"She's not sugarcoating it, she knows how bad her anxieties are."
Cliches can be good, girl. Look at me, I'm literally the definition of plot armor and my movies are still good!
-and Link also tries the Stasis Rune-
Ingrid: "And yet you let yourself be a dopperganger's pawn."
Ren: "Only when the time comes."
Why you think I've called her Mesopotamian Aqua? :p




Oskabehime: "..." :lol:

-Kazuma thinks it'd be a good idea because it would allow him to get rich, become famous and meet pretty girls-

-So it's quickly stablished too that he's not a bad person, but far from a saint- :p
-They see a horse that frees from the stasis much quicker than expected-
-Indeed, how to waste what the other could offer in help bring that bounty hunter down?-
Ahim: "I think us too..." -they still angered at what happened to Marvelous-
"Shaking debris and pebbles off her face."

(That's it, you're dead!)


Aquamarine: Hmm, never mind, perhaps you're the smart one out of the two of you. "Pointing at Thundercracker."

"And give Mimi a distraction needed to pelt Kama with rubees."

"Will Rin ever learn the basics of technology? :p"

"Winter has finished her meal by now."
It's that or becoming... Whatever Shockwave would want. -He doesn't wants to think about it, Shockwave is that infamous-
-Kama tried to intercept them with arm beams-

That's your answer

Rin: "Are you satisfied?"
Sothis: I wonder what would've happened if Seiros found such a method...

-Camilla hugs and pats-
Kanna: "Gil-kun~!" :b:
Nitocris: "There are certain limitations, though... We are confined to a specific class that dictates our abilities"
Fou: "..." -Attitude fully changes to cute mascot-
Gil: "Hi Kanna, what are you doing?"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Nitocris: "There are certain limitations, though... We are confined to a specific class that dictates our abilities"
Fou: "..." -Attitude fully changes to cute mascot-
Gil: "Hi Kanna, what are you doing?"
Byleth: "Interesting..."
-because boobs?-
Kanna: "I wanna show you something~!" -bouncy-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Byleth: "Interesting..."
-because boobs?-
Kanna: "I wanna show you something~!" -bouncy-
Nitocris: "Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, Berserker. Those are the seven standard classes"
-In a nutshell-
Gil: "What is it? You look so excited~!"

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Sothis: "Standard?"
Kanna: "My dragonstone was enhanced!" :b:
Nitocris: "Correct, those are the most common ones that most Heroic Spirits qualify for, but there are special circumstances that would allow others to achieve additional classes. Rulers, Avengers, Shielders, Alter Egos, Foreigners..."
-Fou purrs-
Gil: "Huh? That means it made you stronger then?"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Nitocris: "Correct, those are the most common ones that most Heroic Spirits qualify for, but there are special circumstances that would allow others to achieve additional classes. Rulers, Avengers, Shielders, Alter Egos, Foreigners..."
-Fou purrs-
Gil: "Huh? That means it made you stronger then?"
Sothis: "Foreigners?"
-it cute-
Kanna: "Stronger and faster~!" :awesome:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Sothis: "Foreigners?"
-it cute-
Kanna: "Stronger and faster~!" :awesome:
Nitocris: "Oh, yes. I suppose their name isn't the most obvious compared to others... They are those who wield power drawn from outside human boundaries.
Entities from different dimensions that are foreign to human comprehension"
-Very much so-
-What she thinks?-
Gil: "Now I really wanna see~!"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Nitocris: "Oh, yes. I suppose their name isn't the most obvious compared to others... They are those who wield power drawn from outside human boundaries.
Entities from different dimensions that are foreign to human comprehension"
-Very much so-
-What she thinks?-
Gil: "Now I really wanna see~!"
Sothis: "Huh... Interesting..."

Byleth: That sounds like us.

Sothis: I was thinking the sae thing.
-that he cute-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
It's impossible to not love the champ, honestly :p

....unless you're Dr. Coyle I guess...
Troubled backstory, after all...

(Speaking of, Coyle's another one of those five. Kid Cobra's the last one. Would be quite pleased if it were any of them.)

Cliches can be good, girl. Look at me, I'm literally the definition of plot armor and my movies are still good!
-and Link also tries the Stasis Rune-
Ingrid: "And yet you let yourself be a dopperganger's pawn."
Ren: "Only when the time comes."
Why you think I've called her Mesopotamian Aqua? :p

Oskabehime: "..." :lol:

-Kazuma thinks it'd be a good idea because it would allow him to get rich, become famous and meet pretty girls-

-So it's quickly stablished too that he's not a bad person, but far from a saint- :p
-They see a horse that frees from the stasis much quicker than expected-
-Indeed, how to waste what the other could offer in help bring that bounty hunter down?-
Ahim: "I think us too..." -they still angered at what happened to Marvelous-
This explains a lot. :p

...I actually feel really bad for Ishtar/Rin on the left side of the first image, but Aqua's expression just looks comical.

"Alphys can somewhat relate...But at least she settled on a single, loving relationship rather than keep pining after countless girls and guys that she thinks are attractive."


The hell?

I don't much care for her, you're right about that. But why be at each other's throats when we can team up to eliminate our mutual arch-enemy?

Buff Frog: I know nothing of your unique power, Chaldean, but the time for it may come very soon if you take journey to castle.

"Buff Frog made his presence known, having been spying on the distant Butterfly Castle from a tree, which he now hops down from. To the most of the group, he'd probably immediately rouse suspicion...Ahim, however, would recognize him."

It's that or becoming... Whatever Shockwave would want. -He doesn't wants to think about it, Shockwave is that infamous-
-Kama tried to intercept them with arm beams-

That's your answer

Rin: "Are you satisfied?"


Aquamarine: Good. Just trust me, this will all be worth it in the end.

"Her rubees are destroyed."

That explains a lot. And it was glorious. :laugh:

(It was delightful!)
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Oskabehime: "..." :lol:

-Kazuma thinks it'd be a good idea because it would allow him to get rich, become famous and meet pretty girls-

-So it's quickly stablished too that he's not a bad person, but far from a saint- :p
-They see a horse that frees from the stasis much quicker than expected-
-Indeed, how to waste what the other could offer in help bring that bounty hunter down?-
Ahim: "I think us too..." -they still angered at what happened to Marvelous-
"Alphys can somewhat relate...But at least she settled on a single, loving relationship rather than keep pining after countless girls and guys that she thinks are attractive."


The hell?

I don't much care for her, you're right about that. But why be at each other's throats when we can team up to eliminate our mutual arch-enemy?

Buff Frog: I know nothing of your unique power, Chaldean, but the time for it may come very soon if you take journey to castle.

"Buff Frog made his presence known, having been spying on the distant Butterfly Castle from a tree, which he now hops down from. To the most of the group, he'd probably immediately rouse suspicion...Ahim, however, would recognize him."
I like his style.
Link: -braces for impact with Daruk's protection spell-
Ingrid: "That's fair enough. And I imagine you'll settle things after that arch-enemy is dead?" -using the conversation to lower his attention-
Qrow: -hand on his weapon's handle- "Who are you?"

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Sothis: "Huh... Interesting..."

Byleth: That sounds like us.

Sothis: I was thinking the sae thing.
-that he cute-
-Nitocris sipped in some tea-
-How cute tho?-
-Many training dummies-

Aquamarine: Good. Just trust me, this will all be worth it in the end.

"Her rubees are destroyed."

That explains a lot. And it was glorious. :laugh:

(It was delightful!)
-It tanks it-
Now, do tell me of Starscream's coordinates.

The dumb jerk has put us about 20km from here at the south.
-And she threw daggers at her-
You're welcome. :p

Rin: "So that's a yes~"
This explains a lot. :p

...I actually feel really bad for Ishtar/Rin on the left side of the first image, but Aqua's expression just looks comical.

"Alphys can somewhat relate...But at least she settled on a single, loving relationship rather than keep pining after countless girls and guys that she thinks are attractive."


The hell?

I don't much care for her, you're right about that. But why be at each other's throats when we can team up to eliminate our mutual arch-enemy?

Buff Frog: I know nothing of your unique power, Chaldean, but the time for it may come very soon if you take journey to castle.

"Buff Frog made his presence known, having been spying on the distant Butterfly Castle from a tree, which he now hops down from. To the most of the group, he'd probably immediately rouse suspicion...Ahim, however, would recognize him."
I like his style.
Link: -braces for impact with Daruk's protection spell-
Ingrid: "That's fair enough. And I imagine you'll settle things after that arch-enemy is dead?" -using the conversation to lower his attention-
Qrow: -hand on his weapon's handle- "Who are you?"
-Upon accepting, Aqua gives him various cards, he's allowed to choose to bring one thing with him as a sort of cheat item to make things easier for him-

-But she's also hurrying him up while eating chips and looking disinterested, even saying a NEET like him wouldn't get to do much anyway-

-He is again understandably upset-
-And yes, it hits Link, but alas he used the protection-
-Guifei is made by the others to try to follow Ridley-
Ahim: "Hold up! He's a friend to Star!"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-It tanks it-
Now, do tell me of Starscream's coordinates.

The dumb jerk has put us about 20km from here at the south.
-And she threw daggers at her-
You're welcome. :p

Rin: "So that's a yes~"


Aquamarine: What do you plan on doing about your less than competent leader?

"O'Chunks pulled a chunk of the ground itself out and threw it in the way, not just to block it, but also to hit Kama with it."

Rin is definitely tsundere. :p

(It sure is!)

Aww. Have I been doing a good job so far?

I like his style.
Link: -braces for impact with Daruk's protection spell-
Ingrid: "That's fair enough. And I imagine you'll settle things after that arch-enemy is dead?" -using the conversation to lower his attention-
Qrow: -hand on his weapon's handle- "Who are you?"
-Upon accepting, Aqua gives him various cards, he's allowed to choose to bring one thing with him as a sort of cheat item to make things easier for him-

-But she's also hurrying him up while eating chips and looking disinterested, even saying a NEET like him wouldn't get to do much anyway-

-He is again understandably upset-
-And yes, it hits Link, but alas he used the protection-
-Guifei is made by the others to try to follow Ridley-
Ahim: "Hold up! He's a friend to Star!"
He's not being treated very well for someone who just died thinking he was about to save someone else's life...

Who goes there? We don't have time for you.

What does it matter to you?

"Suspicious enough that he's now paying more attention to Ingrid rather than less."

"Marco had no choice but to retreat into the sewers, taking Lily with him to keep her safe."

"Alas, he couldn't save King River, who was infected with phazon, unconscious, and captured by Ludo's forces."

Buff Frog: Is true. Ahim de Famille, no? You are another one of Star's friends! Star and friends have helped me before, particularly with babysitting my tadpoles.

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC


Aquamarine: What do you plan on doing about your less than competent leader?

"O'Chunks pulled a chunk of the ground itself out and threw it in the way, not just to block it, but also to hit Kama with it."

Rin is definitely tsundere. :p

(It sure is!)

Aww. Have I been doing a good job so far?
-He is hit-
Subjugate his forces to our side. The likes of Soundwave are too valuable as potential soldiers to our mission. As for Starscream himself, however, single minded as he is, we can't risk his potential betraying of us, I suggest him to be disposed, and his body be melted for parts.

-Evil as they were, Starscream and Thundercracker wince at that. They hate Starscream too, but having the corpse of someone used like that is disgusting by them-
-She made her vajra intercept it-
She's amongst the most famous ones for a reason. :p

Rin: "I'd say you're not bad..." Even if a machine, I just will never understand how she works...

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Nitocris sipped in some tea-
-How cute tho?-
-Many training dummies-
-so did Byleth-
-was Gil able to keep track of Kanna?-

-Upon accepting, Aqua gives him various cards, he's allowed to choose to bring one thing with him as a sort of cheat item to make things easier for him-

-But she's also hurrying him up while eating chips and looking disinterested, even saying a NEET like him wouldn't get to do much anyway-

-He is again understandably upset-
-And yes, it hits Link, but alas he used the protection-
-Guifei is made by the others to try to follow Ridley-
Ahim: "Hold up! He's a friend to Star!"
He's not being treated very well for someone who just died thinking he was about to save someone else's life...

Who goes there? We don't have time for you.

What does it matter to you?

"Suspicious enough that he's now paying more attention to Ingrid rather than less."

"Marco had no choice but to retreat into the sewers, taking Lily with him to keep her safe."

"Alas, he couldn't save King River, who was infected with phazon, unconscious, and captured by Ludo's forces."

Buff Frog: Is true. Ahim de Famille, no? You are another one of Star's friends! Star and friends have helped me before, particularly with babysitting my tadpoles.
World's pretty unfair at times, so whatever
-the impact towards the protection spell caused an opening for Link to attack the horse-
Ingrid: "Can't a pretty girl be curious~?"
Qrow: -lets go of his weapon's handle- "Oh, alright then. Got anything that can help us?"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-He is hit-
Subjugate his forces to our side. The likes of Soundwave are too valuable as potential soldiers to our mission. As for Starscream himself, however, single minded as he is, we can't risk his potential betraying of us, I suggest him to be disposed, and his body be melted for parts.

-Evil as they were, Starscream and Thundercracker wince at that. They hate Starscream too, but having the corpse of someone used like that is disgusting by them-
-She made her vajra intercept it-
She's amongst the most famous ones for a reason. :p

Rin: "I'd say you're not bad..." Even if a machine, I just will never understand how she works...
"She aims another Magical Leaf + several Razor Leaves at his neck."

Aquamarine: What say you? "Referring to Thundercracker and Skywarp again."

"Given how Homeworld's system runs, where all traitors or "off-colors" are typically shattered without a second thought, Aquamarine has little to no problem with the idea, herself."

"Destroying the chunk in the process."

"Mimi hovered above Kama to rain rubees down on her."

I can definitely see why. :p

"To be fair, Jenny is pretty advanced even compared to some of the tech Rin is normally around, especially tech that doesn't integrate magic in any capacity."

Yes! I knew I could be a good and responsible pet owner!

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
He's not being treated very well for someone who just died thinking he was about to save someone else's life...

Who goes there? We don't have time for you.

What does it matter to you?

"Suspicious enough that he's now paying more attention to Ingrid rather than less."

"Marco had no choice but to retreat into the sewers, taking Lily with him to keep her safe."

"Alas, he couldn't save King River, who was infected with phazon, unconscious, and captured by Ludo's forces."

Buff Frog: Is true. Ahim de Famille, no? You are another one of Star's friends! Star and friends have helped me before, particularly with babysitting my tadpoles.
World's pretty unfair at times, so whatever
-the impact towards the protection spell caused an opening for Link to attack the horse-
Ingrid: "Can't a pretty girl be curious~?"
Qrow: -lets go of his weapon's handle- "Oh, alright then. Got anything that can help us?"
-However, Kazuma realized a loophole... He asked if he could really bring anything to his new life, the disinterested Aqua affirming it-

-...So he points at her saying he chooses her-
-The horse grunts in pain, but doesn't seems much as affected as one would expect-
-Lily still KO'd-
Jeanne: "Perhaps some information?"
-so did Byleth-
-was Gil able to keep track of Kanna?-
Nitocris: "Any other question?"
-What does Hinoka think of it?-
-Indeed he's doing so-
"She aims another Magical Leaf + several Razor Leaves at his neck."

Aquamarine: What say you? "Referring to Thundercracker and Skywarp again."

"Given how Homeworld's system runs, where all traitors or "off-colors" are typically shattered without a second thought, Aquamarine has little to no problem with the idea, herself."

"Destroying the chunk in the process."

"Mimi hovered above Kama to rain rubees down on her."

I can definitely see why. :p

"To be fair, Jenny is pretty advanced even compared to some of the tech Rin is normally around, especially tech that doesn't integrate magic in any capacity."

Yes! I knew I could be a good and responsible pet owner!
-It does some cracks on the ruby-

At least no one likes Screamers to oppose to offing his Spark...
-While Kamui's child body hovered above her and tried to shoot arrows behind her-
She also one of my favorite characters, so any excuse to use her is good in my book.

Rin: "You were trying to prove that?"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California

World's pretty unfair at times, so whatever
-the impact towards the protection spell caused an opening for Link to attack the horse-
Ingrid: "Can't a pretty girl be curious~?"
Qrow: -lets go of his weapon's handle- "Oh, alright then. Got anything that can help us?"
-However, Kazuma realized a loophole... He asked if he could really bring anything to his new life, the disinterested Aqua affirming it-

-...So he points at her saying he chooses her-
-The horse grunts in pain, but doesn't seems much as affected as one would expect-
-Lily still KO'd-
Jeanne: "Perhaps some information?"
...Well, that's a twist!

"Nastasia approaches it calmly and tries to brainwash it into switching sides with her glasses."

This is why Space Pirates prefer to not take prisoners...Well, one of many reasons.

Marco: C'mon, Lily...You gotta be okay...

"He found the vial of pure magic she has, it having fallen out of her pocket during the skirmish with the Space Pirates."

...You wouldn't happen to know where Star and Queen Moon are right now, would you?

Buff Frog: Star and friend Lily went to Butterfly Castle along with fellow named Rook.

Pearl: Ingrid and the others would have likely met up with them by now...

...That is very helpful information. Thank you, Mr...what's your name again?

Buff Frog: Yvgeny Bulgolyubov. But please, call me "Buff Frog". I am much more used to nickname by now.

-It does some cracks on the ruby-

At least no one likes Screamers to oppose to offing his Spark...
-While Kamui's child body hovered above her and tried to shoot arrows behind her-
She also one of my favorite characters, so any excuse to use her is good in my book.

Rin: "You were trying to prove that?"
"She pushes it with her vines to knock it down to the ground, or least try to do that."

Aquamarine: Were he a Gem, the Diamond Authority would've shattered him centuries ago.


"Kama's, you mean."

"Mimi's rubee shield protected her!"

She seems pretty great, I'll say. Glad to see her getting more use here. :p

Wouldn't have been the first time I wanted a pet. But I've seen how awesome and cute Pokemon are, and it's kinda made me want a Pokemon of my own...That's actually why Weiss let me help take care of Winter for a day. That way I can learn how to be Pokemon trainer!

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-However, Kazuma realized a loophole... He asked if he could really bring anything to his new life, the disinterested Aqua affirming it-

-...So he points at her saying he chooses her-
-The horse grunts in pain, but doesn't seems much as affected as one would expect-
-Lily still KO'd-
Jeanne: "Perhaps some information?"
...Well, that's a twist!

"Nastasia approaches it calmly and tries to brainwash it into switching sides with her glasses."

This is why Space Pirates prefer to not take prisoners...Well, one of many reasons.

Marco: C'mon, Lily...You gotta be okay...

"He found the vial of pure magic she has, it having fallen out of her pocket during the skirmish with the Space Pirates."

...You wouldn't happen to know where Star and Queen Moon are right now, would you?

Buff Frog: Star and friend Lily went to Butterfly Castle along with fellow named Rook.

Pearl: Ingrid and the others would have likely met up with them by now...

...That is very helpful information. Thank you, Mr...what's your name again?

Buff Frog: Yvgeny Bulgolyubov. But please, call me "Buff Frog". I am much more used to nickname by now.
-does this work?-
Ingrid: "You're so boring..." -using the distraction to break the claw Ridley was holding her with-
Ruby: "Thanks, Buff Frog!"

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Sothis: "Does this work with beings from other worlds?"
-she can tell Fou's a perv :V-
-but be can tell she's faster?-
Nitocris: "Hm? Well... It is not impossible. However, you'd have to either find a way to make an artificial Saint Graph, something considered almost impossible, or be recorded in the Throne of Heroes"
-Her thoughts?- :V
-And is impressed-
...Well, that's a twist!

"Nastasia approaches it calmly and tries to brainwash it into switching sides with her glasses."

This is why Space Pirates prefer to not take prisoners...Well, one of many reasons.

Marco: C'mon, Lily...You gotta be okay...

"He found the vial of pure magic she has, it having fallen out of her pocket during the skirmish with the Space Pirates."

...You wouldn't happen to know where Star and Queen Moon are right now, would you?

Buff Frog: Star and friend Lily went to Butterfly Castle along with fellow named Rook.

Pearl: Ingrid and the others would have likely met up with them by now...

...That is very helpful information. Thank you, Mr...what's your name again?

Buff Frog: Yvgeny Bulgolyubov. But please, call me "Buff Frog". I am much more used to nickname by now.
-does this work?-
Ingrid: "You're so boring..." -using the distraction to break the claw Ridley was holding her with-
Ruby: "Thanks, Buff Frog!"
-Aqua at first be like "fine" but then realizes what he said and says "WHAT"-

-Another goddess then descended from the Heavens to say Kazuma's request has been accepted, as the two are enveloped in pillars of light that lift them off the ground-
-It seems to have a strong mental resistance...-
-This is no common horse-
-Does Marco decide to use it?-
Ahim: "I wish blessing for you and your children"
"She pushes it with her vines to knock it down to the ground, or least try to do that."

Aquamarine: Were he a Gem, the Diamond Authority would've shattered him centuries ago.


"Kama's, you mean."

"Mimi's rubee shield protected her!"

She seems pretty great, I'll say. Glad to see her getting more use here. :p

Wouldn't have been the first time I wanted a pet. But I've seen how awesome and cute Pokemon are, and it's kinda made me want a Pokemon of my own...That's actually why Weiss let me help take care of Winter for a day. That way I can learn how to be Pokemon trainer!
-Try being the keyword- :p
-Thundercracker proceeds to tell him of Starscream coordinates-
-But it had cracks and almost shattered-
Watch Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works on either Crunchyroll or Netflix to see how great she is. , well, at least to an extent because of the original visual novel

Rin: "Huh, I see where you come from... I don't have any need myself, taking care of her is good enough for me~"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Nitocris: "Hm? Well... It is not impossible. However, you'd have to either find a way to make an artificial Saint Graph, something considered almost impossible, or be recorded in the Throne of Heroes"
-Her thoughts?- :V
-And is impressed-
Sothis: "Throne of Heroes..."
Hinoka: Perverted furball...
-seems her Dragon Fang abilities are no longer weakened when she stays human...-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-does this work?-
Ingrid: "You're so boring..." -using the distraction to break the claw Ridley was holding her with-
Ruby: "Thanks, Buff Frog!"
-Aqua at first be like "fine" but then realizes what he said and says "WHAT"-

-Another goddess then descended from the Heavens to say Kazuma's request has been accepted, as the two are enveloped in pillars of light that lift them off the ground-
-It seems to have a strong mental resistance...-
-This is no common horse-
-Does Marco decide to use it?-
Ahim: "I wish blessing for you and your children"
Oh my God, she totally deserved it! "Cackle"

Did that witch create this thing?!

"Bones go flying at it."

"He screamed in pain before dropping her."

"...And he immediately divebombed her afterwards intending to impale Ingrid with his tail."

"Marco decides to use it, hoping to revive Lily..."

Buff Frog: Thank you, Miss Ahim. And you are most welcome, red-hooded girl. "Hasn't been introduced to anyone other than Ahim, here :V"

-Try being the keyword- :p
-Thundercracker proceeds to tell him of Starscream coordinates-
-But it had cracks and almost shattered-
Watch Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works on either Crunchyroll or Netflix to see how great she is. , well, at least to an extent because of the original visual novel

Rin: "Huh, I see where you come from... I don't have any need myself, taking care of her is good enough for me~"


"The shield is "made" of rubees that hover around her in a perfect sphere, so any hit to one rubee is enough to break up an opening for attack."

I'll definitely give it a watch someday.

I can see why. She's as cute as she is sweet~. "Scratching Winter's chin, who seemed content with it."

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Aqua at first be like "fine" but then realizes what he said and says "WHAT"-

-Another goddess then descended from the Heavens to say Kazuma's request has been accepted, as the two are enveloped in pillars of light that lift them off the ground-
-It seems to have a strong mental resistance...-
-This is no common horse-
-Does Marco decide to use it?-
Ahim: "I wish blessing for you and your children"
Oh my God, she totally deserved it! "Cackle"

Did that witch create this thing?!

"Bones go flying at it."

"He screamed in pain before dropping her."

"...And he immediately divebombed her afterwards intending to impale Ingrid with his tail."

"Marco decides to use it, hoping to revive Lily..."

Buff Frog: Thank you, Miss Ahim. And you are most welcome, red-hooded girl. "Hasn't been introduced to anyone other than Ahim, here :V"
This should be fun :p
-Wolf feels wrong attacking a horse, so he takes a support role for this fight-
-Ingrid caused a powerful blast from her palms-

-whether it misses or not, she doesn't care; her intent is to use its recoil to avoid Ridley's attacks-
-and her friends too? :p-

Ruby: "Thanks~!" :b:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Sothis: "Throne of Heroes..."
Hinoka: Perverted furball...
-seems her Dragon Fang abilities are no longer weakened when she stays human...-
Nitocris: "Though there are circumstances where non-Heroic Spirits could become Servants... Divine Spirits usually are too powerful for them to be summoned as Servants, but we have some deities here due to specific situations, wether they intentionally hijacked the summoning of another, such as Lady Artemis, fusing with a human soul to serve as a host, such as Lady Ishtar, or being too weak like Ladies Euryale and Stheno"
-Fou is resting with quite a pleased smile-
Gil: "Hmmm, I wanna see more of what can you do!"


"The shield is "made" of rubees that hover around her in a perfect sphere, so any hit to one rubee is enough to break up an opening for attack."

I'll definitely give it a watch someday.

I can see why. She's as cute as she is sweet~. "Scratching Winter's chin, who seemed content with it."
-Shockwave is preparing himself to go-
-Which Kama pleasantly used to launch her vajra straight at Mimi-

Rin: "It's almost like having a second younger sibling~"
Oh my God, she totally deserved it! "Cackle"

Did that witch create this thing?!

"Bones go flying at it."

"He screamed in pain before dropping her."

"...And he immediately divebombed her afterwards intending to impale Ingrid with his tail."

"Marco decides to use it, hoping to revive Lily..."

Buff Frog: Thank you, Miss Ahim. And you are most welcome, red-hooded girl. "Hasn't been introduced to anyone other than Ahim, here :V"
This should be fun :p
-Wolf feels wrong attacking a horse, so he takes a support role for this fight-
-Ingrid caused a powerful blast from her palms-

-whether it misses or not, she doesn't care; her intent is to use its recoil to avoid Ridley's attacks-
-and her friends too? :p-

Ruby: "Thanks~!" :b:
-Aqua is comically crying and saying that this is not fair, while Kazuma is cackling and mocking how she's now gonna be used by the guy she mocked-
-The Servants would assist, were they not in their current state-
Lily: -Slowly opening her eyes-
Gai: "It's a pleasure!" -offers hand-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
This should be fun :p
-Wolf feels wrong attacking a horse, so he takes a support role for this fight-
-Ingrid caused a powerful blast from her palms-

-whether it misses or not, she doesn't care; her intent is to use its recoil to avoid Ridley's attacks-
-and her friends too? :p-

Ruby: "Thanks~!" :b:
-Aqua is comically crying and saying that this is not fair, while Kazuma is cackling and mocking how she's now gonna be used by the guy she mocked-
-The Servants would assist, were they not in their current state-
Lily: -Slowly opening her eyes-
Gai: "It's a pleasure!" -offers hand-
I mean, with how she heartlessly made fun of an innocent kid who just died trying to do a good deed, she was kind of asking for it.

"Few who know Wolf's history would blame him. After all, Wolf not only has a connection to animals due to being able to speak to them in wolf-form, but also grew up taking care of horses, not to mention having a close bond with Epona, his own horse..."

Let us handle this one, ladies and gentlemen. You need rest... "Referring to the Servants"

"He just hides in the darkness flying at hide speeds, fully prepared to ambush Ingrid."

"Lily would see not Star, but a very worried Marco."

"It's possible that Ahim may have introduced Buff Frog to the other Gokaigers at some point, but it's up to Digi. :p"

Buff Frog: Ah, pleasure is mine! "Shook hands with Gai"

-Shockwave is preparing himself to go-
-Which Kama pleasantly used to launch her vajra straight at Mimi-

Rin: "It's almost like having a second younger sibling~"
"She's launched into a wall and falls on her side!"


"What shall Aquamarine do?"

"And unfortunately, Mimi was hit..."

I don't watch much anime, but Fate has caught my interest thanks to you and these threads.

(Aww...Weiss named me after her big sis, after all!) "Gave Rin a nuzzle."

Well, that's a sweet way to look at it! I wonder if the other trainers feel that way about their Pokemon, too...
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Nitocris: "Though there are circumstances where non-Heroic Spirits could become Servants... Divine Spirits usually are too powerful for them to be summoned as Servants, but we have some deities here due to specific situations, wether they intentionally hijacked the summoning of another, such as Lady Artemis, fusing with a human soul to serve as a host, such as Lady Ishtar, or being too weak like Ladies Euryale and Stheno"
-Fou is resting with quite a pleased smile-
Gil: "Hmmm, I wanna see more of what can you do!"
Sothis: So I could use Byleth... No, that feels wrong... "Do the hosts remain their... their selves?"
Kanna: "You do~?" :b:

-Aqua is comically crying and saying that this is not fair, while Kazuma is cackling and mocking how she's now gonna be used by the guy she mocked-
-The Servants would assist, were they not in their current state-
Lily: -Slowly opening her eyes-
Gai: "It's a pleasure!" -offers hand-
I mean, with how she heartlessly made fun of an innocent kid who just died trying to do a good deed, she was kind of asking for it.

"Few who know Wolf's history would blame him. After all, Wolf not only has a connection to animals due to being able to speak to them in wolf-form, but also grew up taking care of horses, not to mention having a close bond with Epona, his own horse..."

Let us handle this one, ladies and gentlemen. You need rest... "Referring to the Servants"

"He just hides in the darkness flying at hide speeds, fully prepared to ambush Ingrid."

"Lily would see not Star, but a very worried Marco."

"It's possible that Ahim may have introduced Buff Frog to the other Gokaigers at some point, but it's up to Digi. :p"

Buff Frog: Ah, pleasure is mine! "Shook hands with Gai"
-how Osakabe?-
Link: "We'll handle it."
-Ingrid keeps an eye around her-
Yang: "You look pretty tough. Would it be too much asking you to come along?" :p

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
"She's launched into a wall and falls on her side!"


"What shall Aquamarine do?"

"And unfortunately, Mimi was hit..."

I don't watch much anime, but Fate has caught my interest thanks to you and these threads.

(Aww...Weiss named me after her big sis, after all!) "Gave Rin a nuzzle."

Well, that's a sweet way to look at it! I wonder if the other trainers feel that way about their Pokemon, too...
-Another attempt at rock throw-
-Make sure the new lackeys obey her or they shall be repurposed as spare parts for Gem ships-
-Allowing her to take on more hits-
Understandable. Just take in mind, the original Fate/stay night visual novel is meant to be three separate routes, so the Unlimited Blade Works anime is solely based on Rin's.

Rin: "It probably varies" -such as Boudica seeing Mr. Fish as her son-
I mean, with how she heartlessly made fun of an innocent kid who just died trying to do a good deed, she was kind of asking for it.

"Few who know Wolf's history would blame him. After all, Wolf not only has a connection to animals due to being able to speak to them in wolf-form, but also grew up taking care of horses, not to mention having a close bond with Epona, his own horse..."

Let us handle this one, ladies and gentlemen. You need rest... "Referring to the Servants"

"He just hides in the darkness flying at hide speeds, fully prepared to ambush Ingrid."

"Lily would see not Star, but a very worried Marco."

"It's possible that Ahim may have introduced Buff Frog to the other Gokaigers at some point, but it's up to Digi. :p"

Buff Frog: Ah, pleasure is mine! "Shook hands with Gai"
-how Osakabe?-
Link: "We'll handle it."
-Ingrid keeps an eye around her-
Yang: "You look pretty tough. Would it be too much asking you to come along?" :p
Osakabehime: Why this feels like something I'd do in his place?

-And thus they disappear into light, now reappearing in what looks like your typical JRPG starting town-
???: "They'll need it for when we experiment on them again"

-Said a magic wolf-themed knight Sans and the Huntsmen fought-
Lily: "...M-Marco?!" -a bit red her crush was her first sight-
-Considering I just had Gai do that, I'll say he wasn't introduced to them- :p
Sothis: So I could use Byleth... No, that feels wrong... "Do the hosts remain their... their selves?"
Kanna: "You do~?" :b:
Nitocris: "That depends on the willingness of the inhabiting deity, so far most give liberties to their hosts, but could take over at any moment" -only Ishtar and Ereshkigal are in full possession-
Sakura: "So this is why he's our mascot..."
Gil: "Yep, how about a testing?"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-how Osakabe?-
Link: "We'll handle it."
-Ingrid keeps an eye around her-
Yang: "You look pretty tough. Would it be too much asking you to come along?" :p

Osakabehime: Why this feels like something I'd do in his place?

-And thus they disappear into light, now reappearing in what looks like your typical JRPG starting town-
???: "They'll need it for when we experiment on them again"

-Said a magic wolf-themed knight Sans and the Huntsmen fought-
Lily: "...M-Marco?!" -a bit red her crush was her first sight-
-Considering I just had Gai do that, I'll say he wasn't introduced to them- :p
"Is Osakabe finding this character "GASP" relatable...?"

This place looks awesome! "Sparkly eyes"


"Doesn't hesitate to send entire waves of bones at him, from both the floor and the ceiling."

"Ridley is nowhere in sight...Doesn't mean he's not there."

Marco: Yeah, it's me...Are you okay, Lily? I-It looked like you used up a lot of energy by healing that warrior of radioactive poisoning..."Still worried about Lily."

Buff Frog: Ha, of course! That was plan anyway. Word of Butterfly castle takeover has spread life wildfire, and Star and others have still yet to return. I must come to their aid! If you, too, are coming to their aid, then I am happy to assist.

-Another attempt at rock throw-
-Make sure the new lackeys obey her or they shall be repurposed as spare parts for Gem ships-
-Allowing her to take on more hits-
Understandable. Just take in mind, the original Fate/stay night visual novel is meant to be three separate routes, so the Unlimited Blade Works anime is solely based on Rin's.

Rin: "It probably varies" -such as Boudica seeing Mr. Fish as her son-
"This time she uses Vine Whip to send it flying back at the golem like a giant baseball."

"Aquamarine has no qualms with doing as such if they were to turncoat."

"Right up until O'Chunks did a spin attack on Kama."

But which route is the canon one?

Hmm...Yeah, you're probably right.

"And she sees her as his mom in-turn."

"How about some of the other trainers?"
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Nitocris: "That depends on the willingness of the inhabiting deity, so far most give liberties to their hosts, but could take over at any moment" -only Ishtar and Ereshkigal are in full possession-
Sakura: "So this is why he's our mascot..."
Gil: "Yep, how about a testing?"
-Sothis sighed in relief-
Phosphora: "Yep~" :p
Kanna: "A test?"

Osakabehime: Why this feels like something I'd do in his place?

-And thus they disappear into light, now reappearing in what looks like your typical JRPG starting town-
???: "They'll need it for when we experiment on them again"

-Said a magic wolf-themed knight Sans and the Huntsmen fought-
Lily: "...M-Marco?!" -a bit red her crush was her first sight-
-Considering I just had Gai do that, I'll say he wasn't introduced to them- :p
"Is Osakabe finding this character "GASP" relatable...?"

This place looks awesome! "Sparkly eyes"


"Doesn't hesitate to send entire waves of bones at him, from both the floor and the ceiling."

"Ridley is nowhere in sight...Doesn't mean he's not there."

Marco: Yeah, it's me...Are you okay, Lily? I-It looked like you used up a lot of energy by healing that warrior of radioactive poisoning..."Still worried about Lily."

Buff Frog: Ha, of course! That was plan anyway. Word of Butterfly castle takeover has spread life wildfire, and Star and others have still yet to return. I must come to their aid! If you, too, are coming to their aid, then I am happy to assist.
Generic, you mean :p
Link: -Master Sword out!-
-Ingrid is well-aware of that, not dropping her guard nor her watch as she tries to land-
Nora: "Then let's go and kick some butt!" :b:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
"Is Osakabe finding this character "GASP" relatable...?"

This place looks awesome! "Sparkly eyes"


"Doesn't hesitate to send entire waves of bones at him, from both the floor and the ceiling."

"Ridley is nowhere in sight...Doesn't mean he's not there."

Marco: Yeah, it's me...Are you okay, Lily? I-It looked like you used up a lot of energy by healing that warrior of radioactive poisoning..."Still worried about Lily."

Buff Frog: Ha, of course! That was plan anyway. Word of Butterfly castle takeover has spread life wildfire, and Star and others have still yet to return. I must come to their aid! If you, too, are coming to their aid, then I am happy to assist.
Generic, you mean :p
Link: -Master Sword out!-
-Ingrid is well-aware of that, not dropping her guard nor her watch as she tries to land-
Nora: "Then let's go and kick some butt!" :b:
-To her own surprise-

-Kazuma looks content as he admires the place he's been sent to, Aqua is clearly in a state of despair-
-Koragg used his shield to protect himself from them-
Lily: "I don't know... I feel dizzy... Wait, where's Star...?"
Jeanne: "Your cooperation is appreciated"
"This time she uses Vine Whip to send it flying back at the golem like a giant baseball."

"Aquamarine has no qualms with doing as such if they were to turncoat."

"Right up until O'Chunks did a spin attack on Kama."

But which route is the canon one?

Hmm...Yeah, you're probably right.

"And she sees her as his mom in-turn."

"How about some of the other trainers?"
-Which causes plenty of damage-
-Thundercracker seems obedient even if begrudgingly, while Skywarp, well, same but more frustrated-
All of them. Fate goes by the multiverse route, so officially all routes are canon bu in separate worlds.

Rin: "Now is there anything else you want to do, Winter~?"

-I need to think about them- :p
-Sothis sighed in relief-
Phosphora: "Yep~" :p
Kanna: "A test?"
Nitocris: "It's like a kind of shared partnership, in a way..."
Sakura: "He is so... Cute~" -petted him-
Gil: "Indeed~" -Gate of Babylon opening-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Sothis: "Sounds interesting..."
-happy Fou because boobs-
Kanna: "H-Huh?!"
Nitocris: "We Servants depend on a mana source, most common way to get one is by contracting with another person to provide us with mana for susteinance, a Master"
Rin: "...Hold up, can't that incubus see through him?"

Merlin: -Right now watching some mecha anime along kiddos and waifu-
Gil: "I want to test it myself" -some weapons coming out the gate-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Nitocris: "We Servants depend on a mana source, most common way to get one is by contracting with another person to provide us with mana for susteinance, a Master"
Rin: "...Hold up, can't that incubus see through him?"

Merlin: -Right now watching some mecha anime along kiddos and waifu-
Gil: "I want to test it myself" -some weapons coming out the gate-
Sothis: "But clearly, there are other ways if there's so many of you here."

Hinoka: "...Perverted magus..."
Kanna: "P-Promise you won't hurt me?"

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Sothis: "But clearly, there are other ways if there's so many of you here."

Hinoka: "...Perverted magus..."
Kanna: "P-Promise you won't hurt me?"
Nitocris: "Correct, we depend mostly on the Counter-Force for our mana source, but we have emergency ones"
-Yeah, he being wholesome for once-

Rin: "L-Let's throw him out of here!"

Sakura: "Come on, it's not fault of this adorable little thing"
Gil: "Of course I won't go full force, but I wouldn't suggest this if I didn't recognise your strength"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Nitocris: "Correct, we depend mostly on the Counter-Force for our mana source, but we have emergency ones"
-Yeah, he being wholesome for once-

Rin: "L-Let's throw him out of here!"

Sakura: "Come on, it's not fault of this adorable little thing"
Gil: "Of course I won't go full force, but I wouldn't suggest this if I didn't recognise your strength"
Byleth: "Counter-Force?"
Hinoka: "Does it matter if it means that dude is watching ys?!"
Kanna: -smiles, blushing- "G-Gil-kun~" Embarrass
Last edited:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Byleth: "Counter-Force?"
Hinoka: "Does it matter if it means that dude is watching ys?!"
Kanna: -smiles, blushing- "G-Gil-kun~" Embarrass
Nitocris: "The Counter-Force, it's like a defensive program made by the planet's soul that allows the summoning of us to protect it and humanity"
Rin: "Hinoka-san is right!"

Sakura: "But look, he's so cute..."

Medusa: Should I tell them he's busy watching cartoons with others now? Hmmm, no. <--- Friendly terms with Palutena so she knows they busy now
Gil: "Because this is our first time sparring, I won't take advantage of that opening" :p

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Nitocris: "The Counter-Force, it's like a defensive program made by the planet's soul that allows the summoning of us to protect it and humanity"
Rin: "Hinoka-san is right!"

Sakura: "But look, he's so cute..."

Medusa: Should I tell them he's busy watching cartoons with others now? Hmmm, no. <--- Friendly terms with Palutena so she knows they busy now
Gil: "Because this is our first time sparring, I won't take advantage of that opening" :p
-Sothis is captivayed-

-Pandora knows too, but she'd pretend he's looking by posing :V-
Kanna: "Oh... sorry..." :lol:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Generic, you mean :p
Link: -Master Sword out!-
-Ingrid is well-aware of that, not dropping her guard nor her watch as she tries to land-
Nora: "Then let's go and kick some butt!" :b:
-To her own surprise-

-Kazuma looks content as he admires the place he's been sent to, Aqua is clearly in a state of despair-
-Koragg used his shield to protect himself from them-
Lily: "I don't know... I feel dizzy... Wait, where's Star...?"
Jeanne: "Your cooperation is appreciated"
As expected.

"Gaster Blasters appear behind Koragg!"

"He could be anywhere..."

Marco: ...The bounty hunter took her..."Sounds even more worried with that knowledge."

Buff Frog: You may say names on way to castle. We have no further time to waste. Let us move!

"In other words, he's saying they can introduce themselves while heading towards Butterfly Castle instead of saying there names while all just standing here."

-Which causes plenty of damage-
-Thundercracker seems obedient even if begrudgingly, while Skywarp, well, same but more frustrated-
All of them. Fate goes by the multiverse route, so officially all routes are canon bu in separate worlds.

Rin: "Now is there anything else you want to do, Winter~?"

-I need to think about them- :p
"Follows up with more Magical Leaves!"

Aquamarine: This should go smoothly! Much more than when I had Topaz working for me.

"Yeah, O'Chunks can't hit that."

Okay, that's fair!

(I could go for a bath.)

"Also fair :p"
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