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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Medea: "No, you aren't worth it..."
Atalanta: "Nor will I?"
Nanoha: "I'm so sorry to hear..."
Fate: "I...I know how that feels, or at least something similar. I didn't have the best mother..."
-Maybe they decide it's enough for the day- :p
Lusamine: "Flowers?"

"He's really not. :V"

"Why the question mark?"

I guess not everyone in your life turns out to be a good person...

Lapis: I should probably stop trying to binge play video games anyway. Not all of my viewers stayed online to watch my play the entire main story of Shovel Warrior in one sitting.

I thought you could use something to brighten up your room a bit...

-to home!-
-which sent him flying away-

Rook: -internally sighs- How is he even alive?

Ingrid: "Well, guess I'll have to do his part as well." -a clone of herself appears besides her to attack Dark Samus with energy blasts-
Weiss: :lol:
Weiss: "This does not justify your behavior, Tohsaka." :glare:
-They got back now-
-The Echo hovered as it sent beams to Ingrid's clone-
Drake: -Pulls gun out-
Rin: "Um... Well, the thing about that is-" -tries to run off-
"Scathach would find that the fortress seems the same, just with some new security measures, although more than a few people are missing, and several other new faces are clearly here as well."

"And Ridley followed up his last attack by grabbing Daisuke and dragging his head against a wall."

"Protectively jumped in the way."

EE-vee! (STOP! She's not a threat!)

(...I'm lost.)

"Doesn't understand why Rin's so panicky right now. Nor does she understand why Sakura and the others are fighting over this one guy, still."
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The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-They got back now-
-The Echo hovered as it sent beams to Ingrid's clone-
Drake: -Pulls gun out-
Rin: "Um... Well, the thing about that is-" -tries to run off-
"Scathach would find that the fortress seems the same, just with some new security measures, although more than a few people are missing, and several other new faces are clearly here as well."

"And Ridley followed up his last attack by grabbing Daisuke and dragging his head against a wall."

"Protectively jumped in the way."

EE-vee! (STOP! She's not a threat!)

(...I'm lost.)

"Doesn't understand why Rin's so panicky right now. Nor does she understand why Sakura and the others are fighting over this one guy, still."
-either that or she was too laser-focused on finding her dragon pupil :p-
-the clone gracefully dances around the beams, mostly as an attempt to infuriate the Phazon being-

D.D.: -tries to punch Ridley's arm to break it, but it's hard to focus his strength-

Rook: -sighs, then warps, reappearing near Ridley in an attempt to kick his face-
Weiss: "D-Don't shoot me!" -normal voice-
-a knight got in Rin's way-

Weiss: "You really thought you could just run from your own Master?"
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Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Pandora: "Go ahead then." -internal smirk-
Byleth: "Y-You can feel divinity?"
-It neato-
-Yeah, so she fell-
Illya: "Erika is you. Well, sort of... It's complicated"
Ereshkigal: "I'm a goddess, why would I not?"
"He's really not. :V"

"Why the question mark?"

I guess not everyone in your life turns out to be a good person...

Lapis: I should probably stop trying to binge play video games anyway. Not all of my viewers stayed online to watch my play the entire main story of Shovel Warrior in one sitting.

I thought you could use something to brighten up your room a bit...
Medea Lily: "She is right..."
Medea: "You're like a cockroach after all, Jason..."

-Because I made a silly mistake- :p
Kiyohime: "Oh, that's understandable. I need to go back to the kitchen too"
Lusamine: "Oh, lillies..."
"Scathach would find that the fortress seems the same, just with some new security measures, although more than a few people are missing, and several other new faces are clearly here as well."

"And Ridley followed up his last attack by grabbing Daisuke and dragging his head against a wall."

"Protectively jumped in the way."

EE-vee! (STOP! She's not a threat!)

(...I'm lost.)

"Doesn't understand why Rin's so panicky right now. Nor does she understand why Sakura and the others are fighting over this one guy, still."
-either that or she was too laser-focused on finding her dragon pupil :p-
-the clone gracefully dances around the beams, mostly as an attempt to infuriate the Phazon being-

D.D.: -tries to punch Ridley's arm to break it, but it's hard to focus his strength-

Rook: -sighs, then warps, reappearing near Ridley in an attempt to kick his face-
Weiss: "D-Don't shoot me!" -normal voice-
-a knight got in Rin's way-

Weiss: "You really thought you could just run from your own Master?"
-What Uni said- :p
-The real Dark Samus is observing from a distance, sending tentacles to attack in her stead-
Drake: "Huh? What's this?"
Rin: "...Yes I did?"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
"Meanwhile, at the Diaz household, Marco and his parents were hosting an end of the school year party. It's proof that, for all his flaws and insecurities, he's not a social outcast at all. His fellow students were happy to attend and they were all clearly enjoying themselves that night, talking with other friends, eating food, cracking jokes about school, etc. Marco would be enjoying himself, too, but...this party is taking place exactly one day after Star's Song Day. In which he learned about Star's supposed crush on him. Nothing about the night left his mind as he only stood around awkwardly, staring vacantly at his friends and peers as they ate food or engaged in friendly conversation and cracked jokes with each other."

"...Finally, his girlfriend Jackie spoke to him, and that's who his stare shifted to next as he finally snapped out of his terrified trance."

Marco: Hey, Jackie, can I ask you something? Why are alllllll these people... acting like everything's normal?

Jackie: 'Cause everything's normal. "Chill as always."

Marco: Not for me it's not...I can't even bring myself to eat a light snack. My stomach's all...blah...

Jackie: Is this all 'cause you're embarrassed of your parents?

"The two looked at Mr. and Mrs. Diaz, who were joining on the festivities themselves...by badly hip-hop dancing to 80s music. In front of every all of Marco's friends and peers "

Marco: ...:glare: That's certainly not helping, but... no. Ugh! Everything's just all super weird with Star... I just want things to be normal.

Jackie: All right, Diaz. You can tell me all about it on the way to the kitchen. There's more food I wanna try.

"Star was coming down the stairs, nervously trying to join the end of the school year party, but immediately panicked and nearly ran when she saw Marco again."

Star: "GASPS" No! You have nothing to worry about, Star Butterfly. Just confront this, and be classy about it..."Ahem" HELLOOOOOOO, friends!

Jackie: "Doesn't know about the whole "Song Day" thing at this point in time" What's up, Star? You having fun?

Star: Oh, yeah. Totally. Hmm...

"Ever the supportive girlfriend, knowing well that Marco values his friendship with Star so much, she decides to let them be for a moment to talk things out. She doesn't try to press for details. She's respectful like that."

Jackie: ...I'll be right back, I'm gonna go see if I can find Janna. You two should talk in the meantime. ;)

"Star and Marco just stood there for a moment before awkwardly and nervously engaging in a conversation. Neither knew how to start off, and both frequently spoke at the same time, accidentally cutting each other off several times."

Star/Marco: So...cool party, huh- So how are you-Oh, sorry-!-No no no no, please! You go first-What'd you say?" Sooo... Um...

Star:...You look well!

Marco: Thanks, heheh...I uh, brushed my hair...

Star:...:lol: Well, great catchin' up!

Marco: Yeah, see you around..."Lightly and awkwardly punches Star's arm"...buddy...!

Star: Ohohoh, you too...pal...!

"Marco just awkwardly stuck his fist out for fist bump. Star made several awkward attempts to catch the fist bump, before finally setting on just grabbing it lightly and putting his hand down. They both look at each other one more time, laughing in the most nervous way possible, before finally panicking and running the heck away from each other, and neither bothered with looking back."

Star: "Just reached the fridge, sighing." Man! Why is this so difficult?!

"On the fridge, Star saw and grabbed a photo of herself and Marco at a beach, both holding a beach ball and looking happy. All she could do when seeing it was sigh yet again. Things aren't normal anymore, and that pains her as much as it annoys her. She opts to call some of her friends, and starts by communicating with her Servant: Medea Lily"

Star: (...Hey Lily...I know you're probably still upset with me for totally blowing my Princess Song...I'm sorry for screwing it up, I really am. I should've had you and Zelda involved with writing i t every step of the way...I just...Things are really awkward here with Marco right now, and I really need another friend to talk to. I'm kinda surprised you're not here yet, actually. I guess your party invitation got lost in interdimensional mail...I hope you're not dealing with anything awkward at your place like I am...)

-either that or she was too laser-focused on finding her dragon pupil :p-
-the clone gracefully dances around the beams, mostly as an attempt to infuriate the Phazon being-

D.D.: -tries to punch Ridley's arm to break it, but it's hard to focus his strength-

Rook: -sighs, then warps, reappearing near Ridley in an attempt to kick his face-
Weiss: "D-Don't shoot me!" -normal voice-
-a knight got in Rin's way-

Weiss: "You really thought you could just run from your own Master?"

-What Uni said- :p
-The real Dark Samus is observing from a distance, sending tentacles to attack in her stead-
Drake: "Huh? What's this?"
Rin: "...Yes I did?"
"Fair enough :p"

"It doesn't take long for Kanna and Scathach to see each other."

"Ridley didn't expect a sudden attack from an enemy he couldn't see until the last second like that, and was hit. All it did was make him flinch and drop the Code Holder, as he then responded with multiple homing fire balls, and another larger fireball that blew up upon hitting a wall."

"Meanwhile, Moon and the others were about to break into Ludo's bedroom."

(...It's nothing bad, I promise. Please don't freak out about it. This isn't Marie. It's Weiss. She's Winter's trainer.)

(Rin? What's really going on here...?)
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The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California

Man on the Internet + Count Bleck?

This is a song that was long, long overdue.

Medea Lily: "She is right..."
Medea: "You're like a cockroach after all, Jason..."

-Because I made a silly mistake- :p
Kiyohime: "Oh, that's understandable. I need to go back to the kitchen too"
Lusamine: "Oh, lillies..."

"A filthy, disgusting, unkillable little pest..."

"I figured it was, but I had to verify lol"

(I wouldn't hesitate to attack someone like him if he dared to give any reason for it.)



...Thanks... "Hugs back"

Lapis: I guess that wraps this session up?

They...seemed like a type of flower you might like.
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-It neato-
-Yeah, so she fell-
Illya: "Erika is you. Well, sort of... It's complicated"
Ereshkigal: "I'm a goddess, why would I not?"
-they proud of themselves-
Azura: "Oh no!" -gets to her- "Are you alright?"
Pandora: "Reincarnation from a different universe?"
Byleth: "I suppose that's fair..."

-but the divinity within is... stronger than Eresh would expect?-

-What Uni said- :p
-The real Dark Samus is observing from a distance, sending tentacles to attack in her stead-
Drake: "Huh? What's this?"
Rin: "...Yes I did?"
"Fair enough :p"

"It doesn't take long for Kanna and Scathach to see each other."

"Ridley didn't expect a sudden attack from an enemy he couldn't see until the last second like that, and was hit. All it did was make him flinch and drop the Code Holder, as he then responded with multiple homing fire balls, and another larger fireball that blew up upon hitting a wall."

"Meanwhile, Moon and the others were about to break into Ludo's bedroom."

(...It's nothing bad, I promise. Please don't freak out about it. This isn't Marie. It's Weiss. She's Winter's trainer.)

(Rin? What's really going on here...?)
Kanna: "S-Scathach-sensei? Is that you?"
-Rook answers by once again warping away to get behind Ridley and perform a dive kick-

-D.D. tries to block everything-

-Ingrid's clone attempts to grab the Echo and blow up in a flash of light-
Weiss: "It's me... Weiss..." -attempts to remove the makeup-
Weiss: "I would like to know what's going on. Now." :glare:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
"Fair enough :p"

"It doesn't take long for Kanna and Scathach to see each other."

"Ridley didn't expect a sudden attack from an enemy he couldn't see until the last second like that, and was hit. All it did was make him flinch and drop the Code Holder, as he then responded with multiple homing fire balls, and another larger fireball that blew up upon hitting a wall."

"Meanwhile, Moon and the others were about to break into Ludo's bedroom."

(...It's nothing bad, I promise. Please don't freak out about it. This isn't Marie. It's Weiss. She's Winter's trainer.)

(Rin? What's really going on here...?)
Kanna: "S-Scathach-sensei? Is that you?"
-Rook answers by once again warping away to get behind Ridley and perform a dive kick-

-D.D. tries to block everything-

-Ingrid's clone attempts to grab the Echo and blow up in a flash of light-
Weiss: "It's me... Weiss..." -attempts to remove the makeup-
Weiss: "I would like to know what's going on. Now." :glare:
Scathach: "Hello. Sorry our training was interrupted"
-The Echo is caught-

-Rulers on tow-
-they proud of themselves-
Azura: "Oh no!" -gets to her- "Are you alright?"
Pandora: "Reincarnation from a different universe?"
Byleth: "I suppose that's fair..."

-but the divinity within is... stronger than Eresh would expect?-
-High fiving-
Erika: "Sorry I messed up..."
Illya: "Well, in Miyu's world, I mean, in our Miyu's world, you never opened the box... So it was fully unbalanced, and she kept on living for millennia under different aliases..."

-Come to think it... Shirou and Miyu showed confusion when they met Pandora, so it had to be the same for theirs? But Erika seems unaware? How?-
Ereshkigal: "So, are you a demigod then?"
"Meanwhile, at the Diaz household, Marco and his parents were hosting an end of the school year party. It's proof that, for all his flaws and insecurities, he's not a social outcast at all. His fellow students were happy to attend and they were all clearly enjoying themselves that night, talking with other friends, eating food, cracking jokes about school, etc. Marco would be enjoying himself, too, but...this party is taking place exactly one day after Star's Song Day. In which he learned about Star's supposed crush on him. Nothing about the night left his mind as he only stood around awkwardly, staring vacantly at his friends and peers as they ate food or engaged in friendly conversation and cracked jokes with each other."

"...Finally, his girlfriend Jackie spoke to him, and that's who his stare shifted to next as he finally snapped out of his terrified trance."

Marco: Hey, Jackie, can I ask you something? Why are alllllll these people... acting like everything's normal?

Jackie: 'Cause everything's normal. "Chill as always."

Marco: Not for me it's not...I can't even bring myself to eat a light snack. My stomach's all...blah...

Jackie: Is this all 'cause you're embarrassed of your parents?

"The two looked at Mr. and Mrs. Diaz, who were joining on the festivities themselves...by badly hip-hop dancing to 80s music. In front of every all of Marco's friends and peers "

Marco: ...:glare: That's certainly not helping, but... no. Ugh! Everything's just all super weird with Star... I just want things to be normal.

Jackie: All right, Diaz. You can tell me all about it on the way to the kitchen. There's more food I wanna try.

"Star was coming down the stairs, nervously trying to join the end of the school year party, but immediately panicked and nearly ran when she saw Marco again."

Star: "GASPS" No! You have nothing to worry about, Star Butterfly. Just confront this, and be classy about it..."Ahem" HELLOOOOOOO, friends!

Jackie: "Doesn't know about the whole "Song Day" thing at this point in time" What's up, Star? You having fun?

Star: Oh, yeah. Totally. Hmm...

"Ever the supportive girlfriend, knowing well that Marco values his friendship with Star so much, she decides to let them be for a moment to talk things out. She doesn't try to press for details. She's respectful like that."

Jackie: ...I'll be right back, I'm gonna go see if I can find Janna. You two should talk in the meantime. ;)

"Star and Marco just stood there for a moment before awkwardly and nervously engaging in a conversation. Neither knew how to start off, and both frequently spoke at the same time, accidentally cutting each other off several times."

Star/Marco: So...cool party, huh- So how are you-Oh, sorry-!-No no no no, please! You go first-What'd you say?" Sooo... Um...

Star:...You look well!

Marco: Thanks, heheh...I uh, brushed my hair...

Star:...:lol: Well, great catchin' up!

Marco: Yeah, see you around..."Lightly and awkwardly punches Star's arm"...buddy...!

Star: Ohohoh, you too...pal...!

"Marco just awkwardly stuck his fist out for fist bump. Star made several awkward attempts to catch the fist bump, before finally setting on just grabbing it lightly and putting his hand down. They both look at each other one more time, laughing in the most nervous way possible, before finally panicking and running the heck away from each other, and neither bothered with looking back."

Star: "Just reached the fridge, sighing." Man! Why is this so difficult?!

"On the fridge, Star saw and grabbed a photo of herself and Marco at a beach, both holding a beach ball and looking happy. All she could do when seeing it was sigh yet again. Things aren't normal anymore, and that pains her as much as it annoys her. She opts to call some of her friends, and starts by communicating with her Servant: Medea Lily"

Star: (...Hey Lily...I know you're probably still upset with me for totally blowing my Princess Song...I'm sorry for screwing it up, I really am. I should've had you and Zelda involved with writing i t every step of the way...I just...Things are really awkward here with Marco right now, and I really need another friend to talk to. I'm kinda surprised you're not here yet, actually. I guess your party invitation got lost in interdimensional mail...I hope you're not dealing with anything awkward at your place like I am...)
-Some seconds pass before she get a mental reply-

Lily: I can't speak for Ms. Zelda, but I'll go...
"A filthy, disgusting, unkillable little pest..."

"I figured it was, but I had to verify lol"

(I wouldn't hesitate to attack someone like if he dare to give any reason for.)



...Thanks... "Hugs back"

Lapis: I guess that wraps this session up?

They...seemed like a type of flower you might like.
Jason: "..." -Sighs- "You're right...I'm not as strong as Heracles, as talented as you or as nimble as Atalanta, heck, I'm not as smart as Asclepius or strong as Caenis. Actually, nevermind the last one, she/he was a b****"
Medea: "That's one of the few things we can agree on at least..."

-She petted him as a result-
Nanoha: "You're welcome..."
Tamamo: "Fine by me"
Lusamine: "They are... Comforting"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
The Evve and Rin stuff were unreplied.

-High fiving-
Erika: "Sorry I messed up..."
Illya: "Well, in Miyu's world, I mean, in our Miyu's world, you never opened the box... So it was fully unbalanced, and she kept on living for millennia under different aliases..."

-Come to think it... Shirou and Miyu showed confusion when they met Pandora, so it had to be the same for theirs? But Erika seems unaware? How?-
Ereshkigal: "So, are you a demigod then?"
Azura: "It's normal when you're just getting started, Erika. No need to apologize."
Pandora: "So... she's me? Actually me?"
Byleth: "I... I've never really looked into it."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Kanna: "S-Scathach-sensei? Is that you?"
-Rook answers by once again warping away to get behind Ridley and perform a dive kick-

-D.D. tries to block everything-

-Ingrid's clone attempts to grab the Echo and blow up in a flash of light-
Weiss: "It's me... Weiss..." -attempts to remove the makeup-
Weiss: "I would like to know what's going on. Now." :glare:
Scathach: "Hello. Sorry our training was interrupted"
-The Echo is caught-

-Rulers on tow-
"It's her alright..."

"This time he narrowly avoids it, and is now expecting more teleport attacks from him."

"Omnitraxus Prime punches down the door. The first thing they see is Ludo's loyal pet Spider and Giant Eagle guards."

"...Who are currently feeding. As the giant eagle is regurgitating chewed up insects into the spider's mouth to feed it."


The rest wasn't replied to, Digi.

-Some seconds pass before she get a mental reply-

Lily: I can't speak for Ms. Zelda, but I'll go...

Jason: "..." -Sighs- "You're right...I'm not as strong as Heracles, as talented as you or as nimble as Atalanta, heck, I'm not as smart as Asclepius or strong as Caenis. Actually, nevermind the last one, she/he was a b****"
Medea: "That's one of the few things we can agree on at least..."

-She petted him as a result-
Nanoha: "You're welcome..."
Tamamo: "Fine by me"
Lusamine: "They are... Comforting"
Star: (Thanks for being here for me, Lily...I might call her and a few other friends over, too, but st remember you were invited anyway. You do go to the same school as me, after all. The party's for students...I might need your help right now, but the party wouldn't be the same without you anyway.)

"Lily doesn't happen to mention Jason to her, does she?"


"That's shocking, honestly..."

"The Luxray smiled contently in response"

(We always have each other's backs, don't we?)

I doubt I'll ever see her again anyway...

"Chat disappointed because this probably means no swimsuits next time? :V"

I'm glad to hear it...

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
(...It's nothing bad, I promise. Please don't freak out about it. This isn't Marie. It's Weiss. She's Winter's trainer.)

(Rin? What's really going on here...?)
Weiss: "It's me... Weiss..." -attempts to remove the makeup-
Weiss: "I would like to know what's going on. Now." :glare:
Drake: "Ho? The Heiress herself?"
Rin: "...I wanted to be the first to give chocolates!"
Star: (Thanks for being here for me, Lily...I might call her and a few other friends over, too, but st remember you were invited anyway. You do go to the same school as me, after all. The party's for students...I might need your help right now, but the party wouldn't be the same without you anyway.)

"Lily doesn't happen to mention Jason to her, does she?"


"That's shocking, honestly..."

"The Luxray smiled contently in response"

(We always have each other's backs, don't we?)

I doubt I'll ever see her again anyway...

"Chat disappointed because this probably means no swimsuits next time? :V"

I'm glad to hear it...
-She is debating on to doing it or not-
-Not so much. Nobody liked Caenis, guy/girl was way too violent and egotistical, even by Jason's standards-

Atalanta: "Always"
Hayate: "Probably for the best then. No reason to keep a toxic relationship"

Tamamo: "Oh, by the way, there's a poll to see what you'd like us to wear next time" :p

-Options are nurse outfits, nun outfits and school uniforms-
-She warmly smiles seeing them, in a way they haven't seen before-
Azura: "It's normal when you're just getting started, Erika. No need to apologize."
Pandora: "So... she's me? Actually me?"
Byleth: "I... I've never really looked into it."
-Elizabeth was mores than ecstastic-
Erika: "Then I can try again"
Kuro: "She is Pandora, yes..."
Ereshkigal: "Really? None of your parents was a god?"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Kanna: "S-Scathach-sensei? Is that you?"
-Rook answers by once again warping away to get behind Ridley and perform a dive kick-

-D.D. tries to block everything-

-Ingrid's clone attempts to grab the Echo and blow up in a flash of light-
Weiss: "It's me... Weiss..." -attempts to remove the makeup-
Weiss: "I would like to know what's going on. Now." :glare:
Scathach: "Hello. Sorry our training was interrupted"
-The Echo is caught-

-Rulers on tow-
Drake: "Ho? The Heiress herself?"
Rin: "...I wanted to be the first to give chocolates!"

"It's been so long..."

(Gonna rewrite what I wrote last time, here.)

"This time he narrowly avoids it, and is now expecting more teleport attacks from him."

"Omnitraxus Prime punches down the door. The first thing they see is Ludo's loyal pet Spider and Giant Eagle guards."

"...Who are currently feeding. As the giant eagle is regurgitating chewed up insects into the spider's mouth to feed it."


(Yeah, it's her. She and Marie, uh, kinda decided to switch places for a day...)

(You have a crush on that guy? ...Actually, it seems like a lot of women have a crush on him.)

-She is debating on to doing it or not-
-Not so much. Nobody liked Caenis, guy/girl was way too violent and egotistical, even by Jason's standards-

Atalanta: "Always"
Hayate: "Probably for the best then. No reason to keep a toxic relationship"

Tamamo: "Oh, by the way, there's a poll to see what you'd like us to wear next time" :p

-Options are nurse outfits, nun outfits and school uniforms-
-She warmly smiles seeing them, in a way they haven't seen before-
"Is tough decision..."

"Everyone has standards, after all."

"Nuzzles Ata."

Not like I'm friendless. I still have some best friends back home. I just wish my friendship with that girl didn't have to end so badly, but it is what it is.

"Thank God maid isn't one of the choices :V"


(I knew Alphys had the right idea.)

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Scathach: "Hello. Sorry our training was interrupted"
-The Echo is caught-

-Rulers on tow-
rake: "Ho? The Heiress herself?"
Rin: "...I wanted to be the first to give chocolates!"
"It's been so long..."

(Gonna rewrite what I wrote last time, here.)

"This time he narrowly avoids it, and is now expecting more teleport attacks from him."

"Omnitraxus Prime punches down the door. The first thing they see is Ludo's loyal pet Spider and Giant Eagle guards."

"...Who are currently feeding. As the giant eagle is regurgitating chewed up insects into the spider's mouth to feed it."


(Yeah, it's her. She and Marie, uh, kinda decided to switch places for a day...)

(You have a crush on that guy? ...Actually, it seems like a lot of women have a crush on him.)
-Kanna did not reply... she simply hugged the Lancer-
-Rook intentionally makes himself teleport all over the place, not necessarily right at Ridley for attacks, all the the purpose of being a nuisance and distraction for D.D. to charge up a lightning punch-

-this happens to the Echo... except the blast is much, much smaller :p

Weiss: "We can take out the makeup if you don't believe me..."
Weiss: "... Isn't he already taken by Artoria?"
Last edited:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-how cute~!-
Azura: "Of course~"
Pandora: "Whoa..."
Byleth: "Neither."
-Hugging him-
Erika: "I'll try my best, auntie. Please watch me over!"
Illya: "But... I don't know, this one seems different, somehow..."
Kuro: "Not faking innocence, but actually having it?"
Illya: "Yes..."
Ereshkigal: "Hmmmm, I wonder what is it then..."
"It's been so long..."

(Gonna rewrite what I wrote last time, here.)

"This time he narrowly avoids it, and is now expecting more teleport attacks from him."

"Omnitraxus Prime punches down the door. The first thing they see is Ludo's loyal pet Spider and Giant Eagle guards."

"...Who are currently feeding. As the giant eagle is regurgitating chewed up insects into the spider's mouth to feed it."


(Yeah, it's her. She and Marie, uh, kinda decided to switch places for a day...)

(You have a crush on that guy? ...Actually, it seems like a lot of women have a crush on him.)
-Kanna did not reply... she simply hugged the Lancer-
-Rook intentionally makes himself teleport all over the place, not necessarily right at Ridley for attacks, all the the purpose of being a nuisance and distraction for D.D. to charge up a lightning punch-

-this happens to the Echo... except the blast is much, much smaller :p

Weiss: "We can take out the makeup if you don't believe me..."
Weiss: "... Isn't he already taken by Artoria?"
-And the Irish witch simply allowed her to do so-
-And ruffled her hair-
-Martha punched the eagle-
-Ingrid should tell something's wrong though, no way the Dark Samus should be defeated with such ease-
Drake: "...Well, that's interesting" :p
Rin: "Well, um... It's just that... He for some reason can attract lots of women, I'm surprised his younger self doesn't here"
Angra: "Oooh, that one's easy. He's married to a fellow harem protag, therefore blocking that ability" :p
"Is tough decision..."

"Everyone has standards, after all."

"Nuzzles Ata."

Not like I'm friendless. I still have some best friends back home. I just wish my friendship with that girl didn't have to end so badly, but it is what it is.

"Thank God maid isn't one of the choices :V"


(I knew Alphys had the right idea.)
-Yeah... Lily arrived soon-
Medea: "You can stay, I suppose. Just don't ever try to step over your boundaries"
Jason: "That's fair..."

-Fate is the closest one to understand that feeling, only with family rather than a friend-
Osakabehime: "Oh, forgot to add an option" -adds maid- :V
Lusamine: "Thank you for this..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Kanna did not reply... she simply hugged the Lancer-
-this happens to the Echo... except the blast is much, much smaller :p

-Rook intentionally makes himself teleport all over the place, not necessarily right at Ridley for attacks, all the the purpose of being a nuisance and distraction for D.D. to charge up a lightning punch-
Weiss: "We can take out the makeup if you don't believe me..."
Weiss: "... Isn't he already taken by Artoria?"

-And the Irish witch simply allowed her to do so-
-And ruffled her hair-
-Martha punched the eagle-
-Ingrid should tell something's wrong though, no way the Dark Samus should be defeated with such ease-
Drake: "...Well, that's interesting" :p
Rin: "Well, um... It's just that... He for some reason can attract lots of women, I'm surprised his younger self doesn't here"
Angra: "Oooh, that one's easy. He's married to a fellow harem protag, therefore blocking that ability" :p

"Ridley got suspicious once he realized that Rook was favoring teleport spam instead of attacks."

Trying to distract me, are you?

"And the spider charged forward...only for Hekapoo to charge at it as well and cut open a portal, which the spider couldn't avoid entering."

"Omnitraxus threw the eagle in the portal as well. Both were sent to the taco restaurant on Earth that Star and Marco like to visit, much to the confusion of both of Ludo's pets."

(Winter and I were in on it, too. We thought it'd be fun light-hearted prank, that's all...)

(...How come they're all choosing today to fight over- Ohhh, right, it's Valentine's Day...That must have something to do with it.)

"Isn't Angra supposed to not be here? :V"

-Yeah... Lily arrived soon-
Medea: "You can stay, I suppose. Just don't ever try to step over your boundaries"
Jason: "That's fair..."

-Fate is the closest one to understand that feeling, only with family rather than a friend-
Osakabehime: "Oh, forgot to add an option" -adds maid- :V
Lusamine: "Thank you for this..."
"Star calls over a few of her other friends sometime after she does, wanting Lily to enjoy the party a little first."

"Lily might have a crush on Marco herself, but at least hers hasn't been publicly outed to an entire kingdom. With that, and the fact that this party doesn't require a date for a dance or anything, she at least could enjoy herself here unlike when she tried to attend the school dance. All of her peers from Echo Creek High are in a good mood and having a good time."

"Otherwise Jason has no business being here..."

"At this point Ata and Heshima probably have the closest and strongest bond out of every trainer and Pokemon in Chaldea. And that's saying something."

"Jenny also had a nasty relative whom she had mentioned to them, specifically a brother, though a difference for her was that she never actually knew him like a brother. She only ever knew him as an enemy instead."

"Good thing Nurse won because of Animaniacs memes, then :V"

Seriously I have legit never understood the whole "maid" thing

Any time. I just wanted to help.

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
"Star calls over a few of her other friends sometime after she does, wanting Lily to enjoy the party a little first."

"Lily might have a crush on Marco herself, but at least hers hasn't been publicly outed to an entire kingdom. With that, and the fact that this party doesn't require a date for a dance or anything, she at least could enjoy herself here unlike when she tried to attend the school dance. All of her peers from Echo Creek High are in a good mood and having a good time."

"Otherwise Jason has no business being here..."

"At this point Ata and Heshima probably have the closest and strongest bond out of every trainer and Pokemon in Chaldea. And that's saying something."

"Jenny also had a nasty relative whom she had mentioned to them, specifically a brother, though a difference for her was that she never actually knew him like a brother. She only ever knew him as an enemy instead."

"Good thing Nurse won because of Animaniacs memes, then :V"

Seriously I have legit never understood the whole "maid" thing

Any time. I just wanted to help.
Medea Lily: -Knocks the door-

-Whoever opens it would see she's not in her usual attire-

-Yeah, albeit he legit will try his best around here... He just can't control being a jerk- :V

-Indeed, it's clear-
-It's much worse for Fate: her creator was not a good person in the slightest-
-Excellent, now they'll ask Kiara if she can lend them hers to copy it- :V

Eh, I'm not into it, but I get why, basically you have a person that must obey you and be nice no matter what as it's ther job to serve. Yeah, it's pretty sick in that perspective.
Lusamine: "I think you've done it big..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Medea Lily: -Knocks the door-

-Whoever opens it would see she's not in her usual attire-

-Yeah, albeit he legit will try his best around here... He just can't control being a jerk- :V

-Indeed, it's clear-
-It's much worse for Fate: her creator was not a good person in the slightest-
-Excellent, now they'll ask Kiara if she can lend them hers to copy it- :V

Eh, I'm not into it, but I get why, basically you have a person that must obey you and be nice no matter what as it's ther job to serve. Yeah, it's pretty sick in that perspective.
Lusamine: "I think you've done it big..."
"It was Marco, since Star's too nervous to stay downstairs with him, and because his parents are too busy hip-hop dancing. :V"

Marco: Oh, hey! Lily! You finally made it! It's good to see you. Come on in. Everything's perfectly normal here! Yep, definitely, absolutely...normal!

"She can tell recent events have left him nerve-wracked, and that he's really struggling to act like everything's normal. Seeing another friend who's not Star is probably what's brightening his mood, at least a little."

Marco; Nice formal outfit, by the way.

Jackie: I second that, Diaz. Makes me wish I wore something more special than my usual attire for this party. You really know how to dress for the occasion, Lily.

"And Chaldea's in no short supply of jerks, unfortunately :V"

"On that note, during the Decepticon invasion, the two agreed to cut loose and lighten up a little more often since both partners take matters very seriously most of the time. They could use the relaxation. This might be a good time for it, once Ata hears back from the Medeas about how their meeting with Jason went, that is."

(I wonder if I should ask her about it...No, I probably shouldn't, it's probably too personal. I wouldn't want to bring up any more bad memories.)

Lapis: I guess I could try that.

Okay, yeah, it's definitely one of more sick..."ahem" phenomenons out there.

That's great news to me...
Last edited:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
By the way, KoP, you must see Jason's battle animations. They're glorious:
"It was Marco, since Star's too nervous to stay downstairs with him, and because his parents are too busy hip-hop dancing. :V"

Marco: Oh, hey! Lily! You finally made it! It's good to see you. Come on in. Everything's perfectly normal here! Yep, definitely, absolutely...normal!

"She can tell recent events have left him nerve-wracked, and that he's really struggling to act like everything's normal. Seeing another friend who's not Star is probably what's brightening his mood, at least a little."

Marco; Nice formal outfit, by the way.

Jackie: I second that, Diaz. Makes me wish I wore something more special than my usual attire for this party. You really know how to dress for the occasion, Lily.

"And Chaldea's in no short supply of jerks, unfortunately :V"

"On that note, during the Decepticon invasion, the two agreed to cut loose and lighten up a little more often since both partners take matters very seriously most of the time. They could use the relaxation. This might be a good time for it, once Ata hears back from the Medeas about how their meeting with Jason went, that is."

(I wonder if I should ask her about it...No, I probably shouldn't, it's probably too personal. I wouldn't want to bring up any more bad memories.)

Lapis: I guess I could try that.

Okay, yeah, it's definitely one of more sick..."ahem" phenomenons out there.

That's great news to me...
Medea Lily: "I wanted to try somthing more casual. You know, my usual dress isn't precisely... Normal, you could say"
Atalanta: I must admit, it sounds better than expected.
-Yeah, but still couldn't help but notice she was the one with more sympathetic eyes. No doubt she had to feel something similar-
Tamamo: "You sure?"
-Seems it's working...-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
By the way, KoP, you must see Jason's battle animations. They're glorious:

Medea Lily: "I wanted to try somthing more casual. You know, my usual dress isn't precisely... Normal, you could say"
Atalanta: I must admit, it sounds better than expected.
-Yeah, but still couldn't help but notice she was the one with more sympathetic eyes. No doubt she had to feel something similar-
Tamamo: "You sure?"
-Seems it's working...-
I heard about some of these on TV Tropes. The fact that the guy is getting abused by his own "allies" in combat? Freaking glorious. :laugh:

Jackie: I get it, but hey, normal isn't always as fun. Your sense of style helps you stand out. And I mean that as a compliment. School got a lot more upbeat and magical when you and Star showed up.

"It really does..."

...I'm sorry to hear that your mother was such a jerk. I really am.

Lapis: Not like Gems normally need to change outfits unless they need to reform anyway.

"Indeed, no one has ever seen Lapis in a different outfit. Not even a baseball uniform since that outcome was averted in this timeline. :V"


"He's confident of it."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
I heard about some of these on TV Tropes. The fact that the guy is getting abused by his own "allies" in combat? Freaking glorious. :laugh:

Jackie: I get it, but hey, normal isn't always as fun. Your sense of style helps you stand out. And I mean that as a compliment. School got a lot more upbeat and magical when you and Star showed up.

"It really does..."

...I'm sorry to hear that your mother was such a jerk. I really am.

Lapis: Not like Gems normally need to change outfits unless they need to reform anyway.

"Indeed, no one has ever seen Lapis in a different outfit. Not even a baseball uniform since that outcome was averted in this timeline. :V"


"He's confident of it."
I know ahue, took a liking to him since then. Also he shines a lot in the most recent story chapter.

Medea Lily: "Thanks, but I also wanted to try something else, if you get what I mean"
-She expected Jason to come out harmed-
Fate: "It's fine, I was adopted by another person recently"
Hayate: "Right, I sometimes forget you're now Commander Harlaown's kid"
Nanoha: "...Hold up, that makes you and Chrono siblings!"
Hayate: "Wait, you didn't consider that?"
Kiyohime: "Come to think it, isn't your outfit some projection? Couldn't you change it to something else?"
-Good, maybe soon it will show more progress-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
I know ahue, took a liking to him since then. Also he shines a lot in the most recent story chapter.

Medea Lily: "Thanks, but I also wanted to try something else, if you get what I mean"
-She expected Jason to come out harmed-
Fate: "It's fine, I was adopted by another person recently"
Hayate: "Right, I sometimes forget you're now Commander Harlaown's kid"
Nanoha: "...Hold up, that makes you and Chrono siblings!"
Hayate: "Wait, you didn't consider that?"
Kiyohime: "Come to think it, isn't your outfit some projection? Couldn't you change it to something else?"
-Good, maybe soon it will show more progress-
Not surprising if he's a recent addition lol.

Jackie: I do. It looks great on you.

Marco: I always appreciate a good hoodie.

"Coat does have a hood, right?"

"Apparently, he wasn't, although the Medeas came close to fully charging up magical attacks before deciding against it."

Well, it sounds like your new family is a little bit bigger than you realized. "Smiling"

Lapis: I can, but usually we have to incubate in our gemstones to really change up our looks. Which we can only do when we get damaged in a way that would be fatal to a human.


"He'll let her enjoy the lily flowers for now, though he considers what other things might give subtle clues to her brain that could remind her of her past and jog her memory."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Not surprising if he's a recent addition lol.

Jackie: I do. It looks great on you.

Marco: I always appreciate a good hoodie.

"Coat does have a hood, right?"

"Apparently, he wasn't, although the Medeas came close to fully charging up magical attacks before deciding against it."

Well, it sounds like your new family is a little bit bigger than you realized. "Smiling"

Lapis: I can, but usually we have to incubate in our gemstones to really change up our looks. Which we can only do when we get damaged in a way that would be fatal to a human.


"He'll let her enjoy the lily flowers for now, though he considers what other things might give subtle clues to her brain that could remind her of her past and jog her memory."
He was implemented August of last year actually, as part of 4th anniversary. Thing is that I had uninstalled FGO for a year because of memory in my phone and admittedly my interest being at an all-time low. But I recently got a new phone with a lot more of space and my interest has gone up again due to a FGO anime currently on the air.

Medea Lily: "Thank you, look" -yep, she puts it on. It makes her look a lot more like the grown Medea when wearing hers-
Atalanta: "How was it, Medea?"
Medea: "Well, nothing can be done about his summoning. So long he doesn't does anything stupid"
Fate: "Hm, my new brother tends to be too busy at work... But my new mother is very kind!"
Kiyohime: "Incubate...?"
-Not jellyfish, for sure- :p


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
He was implemented August of last year actually, as part of 4th anniversary. Thing is that I had uninstalled FGO for a year because of memory in my phone and admittedly my interest being at an all-time low. But I recently got a new phone with a lot more of space and my interest has gone up again due to a FGO anime currently on the air.

Medea Lily: "Thank you, look" -yep, she puts it on. It makes her look a lot more like the grown Medea when wearing hers-
Atalanta: "How was it, Medea?"
Medea: "Well, nothing can be done about his summoning. So long he doesn't does anything stupid"
Fate: "Hm, my new brother tends to be too busy at work... But my new mother is very kind!"
Kiyohime: "Incubate...?"
-Not jellyfish, for sure- :p
Oh lol. I honestly thought he was a much more recent addition. I totally get eventually losing interest in a game you've been playing for a long period of time. I've been there.

Marco: I'm not sure why, but you look even more mature when the hoodies' up...

Jackie: Ditto. It's a good look, Lily. Now, why not enjoy the party? Marco's nachos are still rad. There's also these tiny hot dogs and pizza nuggets that his parents are making, you gotta try their food. It's delicious.

Marco: My parents can be embarrassing, but I gotta admit: I didn't get my cooking talents from nowhere...

Luxray? (How likely is it that he won't?)

See, now that's great!

Lapis: Our bodies are pretty much constructs of hard light. If something happens to it, we retreat into our gemstones to repair the damage and change how we look a bit.


"He immediately listed that idea off the table. :V"

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Oh lol. I honestly thought he was a much more recent addition. I totally get eventually losing interest in a game you've been playing for a long period of time. I've been there.

Marco: I'm not sure why, but you look even more mature when the hoodies' up...

Jackie: Ditto. It's a good look, Lily. Now, why not enjoy the party? Marco's nachos are still rad. There's also these tiny hot dogs and pizza nuggets that his parents are making, you gotta try their food. It's delicious.

Marco: My parents can be embarrassing, but I gotta admit: I didn't get my cooking talents from nowhere...

Luxray? (How likely is it that he won't?)

See, now that's great!

Lapis: Our bodies are pretty much constructs of hard light. If something happens to it, we retreat into our gemstones to repair the damage and change how we look a bit.


"He immediately listed that idea off the table. :V"
The most recent story chapter was like 2 months ago and he got to be the main ally there. It really shows that the guy is inherently still a good guy that wants the best for others, as much trouble as he has expressing it because he's a jerk.

Medea Lily: -To the compliment- "You think so? Thanks!" -smiles a bit red- "Oh, I prefer sweets, but thank you!"
Medea: "Hopefully it stays as such..."
Nanoha: "I think she was gonna meet the Chaldean leaders at some point..."
-Of course, those three kids work for a space military police-
Kiyohime: "Oh, that's what you mean to incubate..."
-Good- :V

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Well, parents decided to do the repainting without me since they had loads of free time...

Kinda sucks to not have been involved despite the fact that I was supposed to be part of it since it was decided, but whatever, I guess...

In other words, I won't get that break.

-Hugging him-
Erika: "I'll try my best, auntie. Please watch me over!"
Illya: "But... I don't know, this one seems different, somehow..."
Kuro: "Not faking innocence, but actually having it?"
Illya: "Yes..."
Ereshkigal: "Hmmmm, I wonder what is it then..."
-hugging back-
Azura: "I will." :)
Pandora: "She... doesn't know?"
Byleth: Should we tell?

Sothis: This deity seems harmless... but maybe not on the very first day.

-And the Irish witch simply allowed her to do so-
-And ruffled her hair-
-Martha punched the eagle-
-Ingrid should tell something's wrong though, no way the Dark Samus should be defeated with such ease-
Drake: "...Well, that's interesting" :p
Rin: "Well, um... It's just that... He for some reason can attract lots of women, I'm surprised his younger self doesn't here"
Angra: "Oooh, that one's easy. He's married to a fellow harem protag, therefore blocking that ability" :p

"Ridley got suspicious once he realized that Rook was favoring teleport spam instead of attacks."

Trying to distract me, are you?

"And the spider charged forward...only for Hekapoo to charge at it as well and cut open a portal, which the spider couldn't avoid entering."

"Omnitraxus threw the eagle in the portal as well. Both were sent to the taco restaurant on Earth that Star and Marco like to visit, much to the confusion of both of Ludo's pets."

(Winter and I were in on it, too. We thought it'd be fun light-hearted prank, that's all...)

(...How come they're all choosing today to fight over- Ohhh, right, it's Valentine's Day...That must have something to do with it.)

"Isn't Angra supposed to not be here? :V"
Kanna: -giggling- "When will we train again?"
Rook: -covering his vision by being right in front of him- "Trying? I'm pretty sure I succeeded." :p

-D.D. gets close and attempts to punch Ridley powerfully-

Ingrid: "... Where's the real one?"
Weiss: "It was just a silly swap Marie and I did."
Weiss: "That... What?"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
The most recent story chapter was like 2 months ago and he got to be the main ally there. It really shows that the guy is inherently still a good guy that wants the best for others, as much trouble as he has expressing it because he's a jerk.

Medea Lily: -To the compliment- "You think so? Thanks!" -smiles a bit red- "Oh, I prefer sweets, but thank you!"
Medea: "Hopefully it stays as such..."
Nanoha: "I think she was gonna meet the Chaldean leaders at some point..."
-Of course, those three kids work for a space military police-
Kiyohime: "Oh, that's what you mean to incubate..."
-Good- :V
Sounds like a pretty good take on the Jerk with a Heart of Gold-type character as far as I'm concerned. :p

Marco: I definitely think so!

Jackie: There's desserts here, too.

Marco: If you had the time, I'd ask you to make some of your incredible pancakes, they'd be a real hit with everyone who goes to our school. But don't worry about that. I wouldn't want to ask you to work on cooking on my own house party.

Jackie: Yeah, girl, just have some fun!


(It will if he has an ounce of intelligence.)

She should, they're good people. And I just gotta say, it's cool to know that there are young heroes like you three protecting worlds like this one!

Lapis: Yeah. That's just how Gems do that kind of stuff.


(None of what I assume were members of her own Pokemon team in that invasion survived...Perhaps I'd due best to not give her any reminders of them...)

Well, parents decided to do the repainting without me since they had loads of free time...

Kinda sucks to not have been involved despite the fact that I was supposed to be part of it since it was decided, but whatever, I guess...

In other words, I won't get that break.
Is there any way you can still be involved with the project of your own accord, or are they just straight up not letting you help repaint?

If it's the latter, that isn't fair to you at all. That actually really sucks.
Last edited:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Well, parents decided to do the repainting without me since they had loads of free time...

Kinda sucks to not have been involved despite the fact that I was supposed to be part of it since it was decided, but whatever, I guess...

In other words, I won't get that break.

-hugging back-
Azura: "I will." :)
Pandora: "She... doesn't know?"
Byleth: Should we tell?

Sothis: This deity seems harmless... but maybe not on the very first day.
Woah, that sucks

-Any onlookers would think they're together- :p
-Erika keeps following her steps-
Illya: "At least it seems so...?"
-Yeah, they have yet to know most of these people...-
Kanna: -giggling- "When will we train again?"
Rook: -covering his vision by being right in front of him- "Trying? I'm pretty sure I succeeded." :p

-D.D. gets close and attempts to punch Ridley powerfully-

Ingrid: "... Where's the real one?"
Weiss: "It was just a silly swap Marie and I did."
Weiss: "That... What?"
Sounds like a pretty good take on the Jerk with a Heart of Gold-type character as far as I'm concerned. :p

Marco: I definitely think so!

Jackie: There's desserts here, too.

Marco: If you had the time, I'd ask you to make some of your incredible pancakes, they'd be a real hit with everyone who goes to our school. But don't worry about that. I wouldn't want to ask you to work on cooking on my own house party.

Jackie: Yeah, girl, just have some fun!


(It will if he has an ounce of intelligence.)

She should, they're good people. And I just gotta say, it's cool to know that there are young heroes like you three protecting worlds like this one!

Lapis: Yeah. That's just how Gems do that kind of stuff.


(None of what I assume were members of her own Pokemon team in that invasion survived...Perhaps I'd due best to not give her any reminders of them...)
It is imo :p

Medea Lily: "Don't worry, I would have fun baking them!"
-Jason came out-
Osakabehime: "But still can't make clothes easy... Oh well, I can sew some, I guess..." -sighs-
-Like no bear plushies...-

"Ridley got suspicious once he realized that Rook was favoring teleport spam instead of attacks."

Trying to distract me, are you?

"And the spider charged forward...only for Hekapoo to charge at it as well and cut open a portal, which the spider couldn't avoid entering."

"Omnitraxus threw the eagle in the portal as well. Both were sent to the taco restaurant on Earth that Star and Marco like to visit, much to the confusion of both of Ludo's pets."

(Winter and I were in on it, too. We thought it'd be fun light-hearted prank, that's all...)

(...How come they're all choosing today to fight over- Ohhh, right, it's Valentine's Day...That must have something to do with it.)

"Isn't Angra supposed to not be here? :V"
Kanna: -giggling- "When will we train again?"
Rook: -covering his vision by being right in front of him- "Trying? I'm pretty sure I succeeded." :p

-D.D. gets close and attempts to punch Ridley powerfully-

Ingrid: "... Where's the real one?"
Weiss: "It was just a silly swap Marie and I did."
Weiss: "That... What?"
Scathach: "Tomorrow, if you are available"
-About to shoot a Phazon Laser at her-
Drake: "...Oh, oooooooooooooooooooh...!" :laugh:
Angra: "Harem protag skill! It means most people of the opposite gender who speak 5 sentences to him have sealed their fates on wanting to be woo'd by him. You know, like the stories that people make of your friend Jaune in the internet when guy couldn't ever do that" :p

-Oh yeah, Weiss remembers there was one time she went to one of those, how were they called? Fanfiction sites under Ruby's insistence... And for some reason the majority of stuff involved Jaune romancing her and her team all at once-

I stablished while Merasmus was around that he got better. :p


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Kanna: -giggling- "When will we train again?"
Rook: -covering his vision by being right in front of him- "Trying? I'm pretty sure I succeeded." :p

-D.D. gets close and attempts to punch Ridley powerfully-

Ingrid: "... Where's the real one?"
Weiss: "It was just a silly swap Marie and I did."
Weiss: "That... What?"
Scathach: "Tomorrow, if you are available"
-About to shoot a Phazon Laser at her-
Drake: "...Oh, oooooooooooooooooooh...!" :laugh:
Angra: "Harem protag skill! It means most people of the opposite gender who speak 5 sentences to him have sealed their fates on wanting to be woo'd by him. You know, like the stories that people make of your friend Jaune in the internet when guy couldn't ever do that" :p

-Oh yeah, Weiss remembers there was one time she went to one of those, how were they called? Fanfiction sites under Ruby's insistence... And for some reason the majority of stuff involved Jaune romancing her and her team all at once-

I stablished while Merasmus was around that he got better. :p
"She'd probably clear her schedule just to make way for training with Scathach anyway. :p"

Did you?

"Already took higher to the air in full anticipation of a sudden attack."

"Meanwhile, Rhombulus immediately confronted and captured Ludo, literally throwing the kappa out of bed."

Rhombulus: Time to rise and die!

"Once Ludo lands, Rhombulus immediately crystalizes the monster's legs, keeping him from escaping."

"Ludo wasn't particularly afraid...because he was still half-asleep and legitimately had no clue what was going on. :V"

(And it's pretty easy to see why they did it, right?)

"Now that Weiss' scar is revealed, they can see that the idea must've come from the fact that they look remarkably similar. To the point where they could twins in an alternate timeline."

...Vulpix...? (...What...?)

"And they do not speak of such fanfiction about themselves. EVER..."

Fair enough lol

It is imo :p

Medea Lily: "Don't worry, I would have fun baking them!"
-Jason came out-
Osakabehime: "But still can't make clothes easy... Oh well, I can sew some, I guess..." -sighs-
-Like no bear plushies...-
Imo as well. :p

Jenny didn't get a reply, but eh, you had a lot of different segments to reply to, so no worries for missing it. I won't have much more to add to the Game Stream segment after this, myself.

Marco: You sure?

Jackie: I'd love to try them.

Luxray...(So this is the Jason you've spoken of...)


Lapis: I mean, yeah, I could always just wear some physical clothes over my generated clothes...


(And I should probably take precautions to prevent her from seeing Undyne's Milotic...)

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Any onlookers would think they're together- :p
-Erika keeps following her steps-
Illya: "At least it seems so...?"
-Yeah, they have yet to know most of these people...-
-and think they look cute :p-
-but trips again?-
Pandora: "Huh... I look cute as a blonde~"
Byleth: "Perhaps I'll share another day, when I feel more comfortable with the people here..."

-unless Eresh makes a lucky guess? :p-

Scathach: "Tomorrow, if you are available"
-About to shoot a Phazon Laser at her-
Drake: "...Oh, oooooooooooooooooooh...!" :laugh:
Angra: "Harem protag skill! It means most people of the opposite gender who speak 5 sentences to him have sealed their fates on wanting to be woo'd by him. You know, like the stories that people make of your friend Jaune in the internet when guy couldn't ever do that" :p

-Oh yeah, Weiss remembers there was one time she went to one of those, how were they called? Fanfiction sites under Ruby's insistence... And for some reason the majority of stuff involved Jaune romancing her and her team all at once-

I stablished while Merasmus was around that he got better. :p
"She'd probably clear her schedule just to make way for training with Scathach anyway. :p"

Did you?

"Already took higher to the air in full anticipation of a sudden attack."

"Meanwhile, Rhombulus immediately confronted and captured Ludo, literally throwing the kappa out of bed."

Rhombulus: Time to rise and die!

"Once Ludo lands, Rhombulus immediately crystalizes the monster's legs, keeping him from escaping."

"Ludo wasn't particularly afraid...because he was still half-asleep and legitimately had no clue what was going on. :V"

(And it's pretty easy to see why they did it, right?)

"Now that Weiss' scar is revealed, they can see that the idea must've come from the fact that they look remarkably similar. To the point where they could twins in an alternate timeline."

...Vulpix...? (...What...?)

"And they do not speak of such fanfiction about themselves. EVER..."

Fair enough lol
Kanna: "Well... I had something planned with Gil... but I don't thibk he'd mind if I delayed it." :)
Ingrid: -attempting to locate the real one before it shoots her-

Rook: :smirk: -teleports around and specifically goes to attack the wings-

D.D.: -stops moving, but keeps the electrical charge on his fists, waiting for the moment Ridley stops flying-
Weiss: "Yeah..."
Weiss: -shudders-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Imo as well. :p

Jenny didn't get a reply, but eh, you had a lot of different segments to reply to, so no worries for missing it. I won't have much more to add to the Game Stream segment after this, myself.

Marco: You sure?

Jackie: I'd love to try them.

Luxray...(So this is the Jason you've spoken of...)


Lapis: I mean, yeah, I could always just wear some physical clothes over my generated clothes...


(And I should probably take precautions to prevent her from seeing Undyne's Milotic...)
Sorry about that one.

Medea Lily: "Just leave it to me!" -goes to the kitchen-
Jason: "Is that a lynx?"
Atalanta: "Sort of..."
Hayate: "Well, someone has to"
Osakabehime: "Isn't that uncomfortable?" <--- Wears 12 kimonos at once
-Probably Elizabeth's Jigglypuff too, and Sakura's Gengar, also Kirby whenever he's around-
-Because Clefable-
"She'd probably clear her schedule just to make way for training with Scathach anyway. :p"

Did you?

"Already took higher to the air in full anticipation of a sudden attack."

"Meanwhile, Rhombulus immediately confronted and captured Ludo, literally throwing the kappa out of bed."

Rhombulus: Time to rise and die!

"Once Ludo lands, Rhombulus immediately crystalizes the monster's legs, keeping him from escaping."

"Ludo wasn't particularly afraid...because he was still half-asleep and legitimately had no clue what was going on. :V"

(And it's pretty easy to see why they did it, right?)

"Now that Weiss' scar is revealed, they can see that the idea must've come from the fact that they look remarkably similar. To the point where they could twins in an alternate timeline."

...Vulpix...? (...What...?)

"And they do not speak of such fanfiction about themselves. EVER..."

Fair enough lol
Kanna: "Well... I had something planned with Gil... but I don't thibk he'd mind if I delayed it." :)
Ingrid: -attempting to locate the real one before it shoots her-

Rook: :smirk: -teleports around and specifically goes to attack the wings-

D.D.: -stops moving, but keeps the electrical charge on his fists, waiting for the moment Ridley stops flying-
Weiss: "Yeah..."
Weiss: -shudders-
Scathach: "Very well, you tell me when then" -ruffled hair-
-Too late-

Amakusa: "There you are, Ludo. Where is the Spellbook and Glossaryck?"
Drake: "Damn, girl. You really got us there, well done!" :p -pats her back-
Angra: "Yeah, so that's the deal with him" :p
-and think they look cute :p-
-but trips again?-
Pandora: "Huh... I look cute as a blonde~"
Byleth: "Perhaps I'll share another day, when I feel more comfortable with the people here..."

-unless Eresh makes a lucky guess? :p-
-Oh, definitely- :p
-Yeah, unlucky kid-
Kuro: "I think this one is more an actual reincarnation rather than pretending to be a child..."
Illya: "I guess? I think you're quite pretty..."
Kuro: "And sexy" :p
Illya: "Don't use that language..."
Magical Ruby: "Oh Illya, you know that word crossed your mind as well!" :V
-Embarrassed Illya-
Ereshkigal: "That's fine. As you can see, it's not like the divine are uncommon here"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Kanna: "Well... I had something planned with Gil... but I don't thibk he'd mind if I delayed it." :)
Ingrid: -attempting to locate the real one before it shoots her-

Rook: :smirk: -teleports around and specifically goes to attack the wings-

D.D.: -stops moving, but keeps the electrical charge on his fists, waiting for the moment Ridley stops flying-
Weiss: "Yeah..."
Weiss: -shudders-
Scathach: "Very well, you tell me when then" -ruffled hair-
-Too late-

Amakusa: "There you are, Ludo. Where is the Spellbook and Glossaryck?"
Drake: "Damn, girl. You really got us there, well done!" :p -pats her back-
Angra: "Yeah, so that's the deal with him" :p
"It speaks volumes of how much this means to her if she's willing to delay more time spent with Gil for it..."

"Strategic stabs and whips of his tail, also spitting two large homing fireballs to keep Rook at bay."

Ludo: "Grunting and groaning, barely awake" Ugh... Who are you...? Please don't take my organs. ...Queen Moon? What are you doing here?

Moon: Give me that! "Snatches the wand out of Ludo's hand"

Ludo: Hey!

Moon: You heard him, Ludo. You know what you've stolen, and we know Glossaryck is with you. Where is he?

Ludo: Glossaryck...? Um, he's....gone. "Seems honest when saying that"

"Well, the jig is up, but Weiss can take satisfaction in having had them fooled for most of the way. :p"

"Sigh of relief" (I figured you would appreciate a harmless prank, Drake.) "Smiles"

(It can't always be this bad...I've never seen women fighting over him until today.)

"The others may be attracted only due to may be the effect of that so-called skill, but does Rin have a genuine crush on EMIYA?"

Sorry about that one.

Medea Lily: "Just leave it to me!" -goes to the kitchen-
Jason: "Is that a lynx?"
Atalanta: "Sort of..."
Hayate: "Well, someone has to"
Osakabehime: "Isn't that uncomfortable?" <--- Wears 12 kimonos at once
-Probably Elizabeth's Jigglypuff too, and Sakura's Gengar, also Kirby whenever he's around-
-Because Clefable-
Hakuna Matata. :p

"Somewhere in the Adult timeline of Hyrule, a man named Alfonzo gave a random thumbs-up of approval."


(At least they're more on top of hero work than I was. I haven't always been the best or most active hero myself...I had to learn a lot of hard lessons...)


Lapis: ...I don't think so? Peridot's tried it before and she says it's pretty comfortable.


"He'll try to keep them out of her sight when she's well enough to walk around again."

"Though he does wonder if some of the other local Alolan native Pokemonwould remind her not of her deceased team or the Ultra Beasts, but of her home region of Alola..."

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Scathach: "Very well, you tell me when then" -ruffled hair-
-Too late-

Amakusa: "There you are, Ludo. Where is the Spellbook and Glossaryck?"
Drake: "Damn, girl. You really got us there, well done!" :p -pats her back-
Angra: "Yeah, so that's the deal with him" :p
"It speaks volumes of how much this means to her if she's willing to delay more time spent with Gil for it..."

"Strategic stabs and whips of his tail, also spitting two large homing fireballs to keep Rook at bay."

Ludo: "Grunting and groaning, barely awake" Ugh... Who are you...? Please don't take my organs. ...Queen Moon? What are you doing here?

Moon: Give me that! "Snatches the wand out of Ludo's hand"

Ludo: Hey!

Moon: You heard him, Ludo. You know what you've stolen, and we know Glossaryck is with you. Where is he?

Ludo: Glossaryck...? Um, he's....gone. "Seems honest when saying that"

"Well, the jig is up, but Weiss can take satisfaction in having had them fooled for most of the way. :p"

"Sigh of relief" (I figured you would appreciate a harmless prank, Drake.) "Smiles"

(It can't always be this bad...I've never seen women fighting over him until today.)

"The others may be attracted only due to may be the effect of that so-called skill, but does Rin have a genuine crush on EMIYA?"
Kanna: "I will~" :3
Ingrid: -attempts to block the blast-

Rook: -just kicks through the fire balls- "That all you got?"
Weiss: "T-Thanks..."
Weiss: "... That's ridiculous..."

h, definitely- :p
-Yeah, unlucky kid-
Kuro: "I think this one is more an actual reincarnation rather than pretending to be a child..."
Illya: "I guess? I think you're quite pretty..."
Kuro: "And sexy" :p
Illya: "Don't use that language..."
Magical Ruby: "Oh Illya, you know that word crossed your mind as well!" :V
-Embarrassed Illya-
Ereshkigal: "That's fine. As you can see, it's not like the divine are uncommon here"
Azura: "Erika?"
Pandora: :laugh:
Byleth: "They aren't?" :eek:

Sothis: -at the same time- They aren't? :surprised:
Last edited:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Hakuna Matata. :p

"Somewhere in the Adult timeline of Hyrule, a man named Alfonzo gave a random thumbs-up of approval."


(At least they're more on top of hero work than I was. I haven't always been the best or most active hero myself...I had to learn a lot of hard lessons...)


Lapis: ...I don't think so? Peridot's tried it before and she says it's pretty comfortable.


"He'll try to keep them out of her sight when she's well enough to walk around again."

"Though he does wonder if some of the other local Alolan native Pokemonwould remind her not of her deceased team or the Ultra Beasts, but of her home region of Alola..."

-Lily seems quite content baking...-
Jason: "Well, I suppose you were always fond of lions anyway"
-Nanoha's stomach growls a bit-
Kiyohime: "It should be too heavy..."
-Probably shouldn't allow her near Jigglypuff or Gengar, because Clefable-
"It speaks volumes of how much this means to her if she's willing to delay more time spent with Gil for it..."

"Strategic stabs and whips of his tail, also spitting two large homing fireballs to keep Rook at bay."

Ludo: "Grunting and groaning, barely awake" Ugh... Who are you...? Please don't take my organs. ...Queen Moon? What are you doing here?

Moon: Give me that! "Snatches the wand out of Ludo's hand"

Ludo: Hey!

Moon: You heard him, Ludo. You know what you've stolen, and we know Glossaryck is with you. Where is he?

Ludo: Glossaryck...? Um, he's....gone. "Seems honest when saying that"

"Well, the jig is up, but Weiss can take satisfaction in having had them fooled for most of the way. :p"

"Sigh of relief" (I figured you would appreciate a harmless prank, Drake.) "Smiles"

(It can't always be this bad...I've never seen women fighting over him until today.)

"The others may be attracted only due to may be the effect of that so-called skill, but does Rin have a genuine crush on EMIYA?"
Kanna: "I will~" :3
Ingrid: -attempts to block the blast-

Rook: -just kicks through the fire balls- "That all you got?"
Weiss: "T-Thanks..."
Weiss: "... That's ridiculous..."
-Scathach missed this kid more than she thought-
-It would usually work... If it wasn't that it's made of Phazon, so even just being near where it's blasted should be damaging-

Martha: "...Where?"
Drake: "How not to? Although in hindsight, should have seen it. Not many can make a fool out of me" :p
Angra: "Valentine's, is it a surprise?" :p

-This Rin hails from the Unlimited Blade Works timeline, so yes- :p
Azura: "Erika?"
Pandora: :laugh:
Byleth: "They aren't?" :eek:

Sothis: -at the same time- They aren't? :surprised:
-I think that's it for them?-
Erika: "Y-Yes?"
Illya: "Stop laughing!" :nervous:
Ereshkigal: "Well... I think so?"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Kanna: "I will~" :3
Ingrid: -attempts to block the blast-

Rook: -just kicks through the fire balls- "That all you got?"
Weiss: "T-Thanks..."
Weiss: "... That's ridiculous..."
-Scathach missed this kid more than she thought-
-It would usually work... If it wasn't that it's made of Phazon, so even just being near where it's blasted should be damaging-

Martha: "...Where?"
Drake: "How not to? Although in hindsight, should have seen it. Not many can make a fool out of me" :p
Angra: "Valentine's, is it a surprise?" :p

-This Rin hails from the Unlimited Blade Works timeline, so yes- :p

"She seemed to be her whole motivation for returning."

"Phazoninfused for breath to obscure his line of sight, before suddenly ramming him."

(Shoot, I forgot to write something for Ludo here. I'll take care of that in the next post...)

"Now a few people can say they have, not just Weiss, but also a Pokemon, as well as Ishtar since she helped her keep the act convincing. :p"

"Weiss' thoughts as of now?"

(I didn't expect a fight to break out on Valentine's Day...)

"But will Rin explain that she really does like him, "Harlem skill" aside?"
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California

-Lily seems quite content baking...-
Jason: "Well, I suppose you were always fond of lions anyway"
-Nanoha's stomach growls a bit-
Kiyohime: "It should be too heavy..."
-Probably shouldn't allow her near Jigglypuff or Gengar, because Clefable-
"Her friends are glad to see it.

"One look at the electric lion should be enough for Jason to tell that this creature is fiercely loyal to Atalanta."

Hungry after that fighr?


Lapis; It's not acording to her. Gems are usually stronger than they look.


"We just went over that :p"

"Still, what about others?"
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