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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Amethyst: ...I want to beat her, too.

Star: Physically, Glossaryck! Where are you physically?

Glossaryck: Oh, on the ground.

Star: UGH! We don't have time for this! Just take me hand! I'll get you out of there!

Glossaryck: The spying spell doesn't work that way, you know.

Angelica: "That's it?"
-The Phazon lifeform then is visible through the spell-

Medea Lily: "O-Oh no!"
-So Abby looks if it's on the menu-
-Kamui looks at the child-
Pit: :nervous:
By us, they're cuter than me!
-She looks worried-
Elizabeth: "J-Just say yes or no, please..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-by asking Broly for help?-
Angelica: "That's it?"
"Some kind of help, for sure. Telling her how they beat her, training, even just advice, anything that would help her beat Jasper. Amethyst just seems hellbent on defeating her personally, for some reason."

-The Phazon lifeform then is visible through the spell-

Medea Lily: "O-Oh no!"

-So Abby looks if it's on the menu-
"Star just closed her eyes as her cheeks glowed brightly...and as she pressed her hand against the All-seeing Eye's portal...she breached it. Her hand was reaching right out to Glossaryck, at his location."

Glossaryck: Hmm. I've never seen that before...

"I'll just say yes because why not."

Deleted member

"Some kind of help, for sure. Telling her how they beat her, training, even just advice, anything that would help her beat Jasper. Amethyst just seems hellbent on defeating her personally, for some reason."
-since Broly's method is to beat something until dead and relies on sheer power, he's not the best one to ask :p-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
"Some kind of help, for sure. Telling her how they beat her, training, even just advice, anything that would help her beat Jasper. Amethyst just seems hellbent on defeating her personally, for some reason."

"Star just closed her eyes as her cheeks glowed brightly...and as she pressed her hand against the All-seeing Eye's portal...she breached it. Her hand was reaching right out to Glossaryck, at his location."

Glossaryck: Hmm. I've never seen that before...

"I'll just say yes because why not."
Angelica: "What is it?"
-And then Dark Samus grabbed her wrist-
-Then she'll order that!-
Palu: "And I couldn't be more proud." :)
Kamui: "Oh, Erika..." -hugs- "You're such a sweet little girl."
Pit: "I... don't know?"
Ana: "By the way, if you're here, who's looking your domain now?"

Oh, we ordered some Light Spirits under our service to do so.
Erika: "I just want Mama to always be happy"
Elizabeth: "O-Ooooh..." -Very disappointed-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Ana: "By the way, if you're here, who's looking your domain now?"

Oh, we ordered some Light Spirits under our service to do so.
Erika: "I just want Mama to always be happy"
Elizabeth: "O-Ooooh..." -Very disappointed-
Palu: "Clever girls."
Kamui: "A-Always?"
Pit: -not getting that she dissappoint-
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Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Come to think of it, shouldn't Abby and Oui be contracted to Ingrid?
Palu: "Clever girls."
Kamui: "A-Always?"
Pit: -not getting that she dissappoint-
Theiatena: "Especially for using this just as an excuse to stalk one of your heroes"

-The three Golden Goddesses blushed-
Erika: "Yes..."
Elizabeth: "I... I've been meaning to tell you something..."

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Come to think of it, shouldn't Abby and Oui be contracted to Ingrid?

Theiatena: "Especially for using this just as an excuse to stalk one of your heroes"

-The three Golden Goddesses blushed-
Erika: "Yes..."
Elizabeth: "I... I've been meaning to tell you something..."
Did we ever do that?
Palu: "Well, two in one's case." -knows all three of them's secret second crush, but only implies that she knows one for shenanigans-
Kamui: "... Could you ask your father to make me some ice cream?" :lol:
Pit: "Huh?"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-since Broly's method is to beat something until dead and relies on sheer power, he's not the best one to ask :p-
Angelica: "What is it?"
Amethyst: How'd you do it? Just through your power? Did you find out any of her weak points? I need to know what it takes to finish her off!

Steven: Amethyst, I'm really not sure his abilities or strategy would work for you...

Amethyst: ..."Sighs heavily" I just...need to beat her.

Angelica: "What is it?"
-And then Dark Samus grabbed her wrist-
-Then she'll order that!-
Marco: Wah!

Star: Glossaryck! There's no time! Help me out! Get over here, grab my hand!

Glossaryck: I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do about this. I belong to the book. And the book belongs to Ludo, now. He stole it, and it is no longer your possession.

"Star concentrated further...that barrier she used to keep everyone away from her when she tried to free Marco from Toffee's cage? She cast that again ,just now, freezing Dark Samus in place and keeping her away from Star."



Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Amethyst: How'd you do it? Just through your power? Did you find out any of her weak points? I need to know what it takes to finish her off!

Steven: Amethyst, I'm really not sure his abilities or strategy would work for you...

Amethyst: ..."Sighs heavily" I just...need to beat her.

Marco: Wah!

Star: Glossaryck! There's no time! Help me out! Get over here, grab my hand!

Glossaryck: I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do about this. I belong to the book. And the book belongs to Ludo, now. He stole it, and it is no longer your possession.

"Star concentrated further...that barrier she used to keep everyone away from her when she tried to free Marco from Toffee's cage? She cast that again ,just now, freezing Dark Samus in place and keeping her away from Star."
Angelica: "It was mostly power..."

-It won't keep her away from long, though...-
-The child drools-
Did we ever do that?
Palu: "Well, two in one's case." -knows all three of them's secret second crush, but only implies that she knows one for shenanigans-
Kamui: "... Could you ask your father to make me some ice cream?" :lol:
Pit: "Huh?"
Nope, we haven't.
Erika: "For sure then!"

Shirou: "I'm at earshot..."
Elizabeth: "Something very, very important that I need to tell you..." -Shy right now-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-It won't keep her away from long, though...-
-The child drools-
Amethyst went unreplied.


Star: Come on, Glossaryck, I can almost reach you. Come on...! We don't have any more time! I'm using so much of my power for this, it won't hold long!

Glossaryck: Yes, you are surprisingly close.

"The princess was quite saddened and worried..."

Star: ...Glossaryck, don't you want to come with me? I thought we were... friends.

Glossaryck: Friends? Well, that's such a simple concept.

"That's when the saddened Star's cheeks stopped glowing. The barrier weakened and the portal started closing."

Glossaryck: You should really know that your spell is starting to collapse.


The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Nope, we haven't.
Erika: "For sure then!"

Shirou: "I'm at earshot..."
Elizabeth: "Something very, very important that I need to tell you..." -Shy right now-
Ingrid: -relaxing on the beach-

I get why Abby, but why Oui?
-do they know of their respective second crush?-
Kamui: "I know." :p
Pit: "What is it?" :confused:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Amethyst went unreplied.


Star: Come on, Glossaryck, I can almost reach you. Come on...! We don't have any more time! I'm using so much of my power for this, it won't hold long!

Glossaryck: Yes, you are surprisingly close.

"The princess was quite saddened and worried..."

Star: ...Glossaryck, don't you want to come with me? I thought we were... friends.

Glossaryck: Friends? Well, that's such a simple concept.

"That's when the saddened Star's cheeks stopped glowing. The barrier weakened and the portal started closing."

Glossaryck: You should really know that your spell is starting to collapse.

Waiting for Goldie.
-Dark Samus was now and she pushed Star's arm off, breaking at least a finger-
-And starts to eat-
Ingrid: -relaxing on the beach-

I get why Abby, but why Oui?
-do they know of their respective second crush?-
Kamui: "I know." :p
Pit: "What is it?" :confused:
Because they good fwens. :V

Yukari: -Napping on the beach-
-It's impossible not to- :p
Shirou: "Give me some time then..."
Elizabeth: "I... I um..." -Very nervous-

Deleted member

Amethyst: How'd you do it? Just through your power? Did you find out any of her weak points? I need to know what it takes to finish her off!

Steven: Amethyst, I'm really not sure his abilities or strategy would work for you...

Amethyst: ..."Sighs heavily" I just...need to beat her.
Broly: "The rock is weaker than me....all there is to it...."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Dark Samus was now and she pushed Star's arm off, breaking at least a finger-
-And starts to eat-
Star: Agh! Glossaryck...please...I need you...!

Glossaryck: Well, maybe this is what you need.

"The portal finally closed on the tearful Star, not hurting both physically and emotionally...but much more so emotionally."


"It's good french toast."

Broly: "The rock is weaker than me....all there is to it...."
Waiting for Goldie.
Amethyst: Ugh...so that means I'm definitely weaker than her...it's hopeless...I'm hopeless.

"Peridot was walking nearby, along with Altera and Lapis, and overheard the conversation."

Peridot: Huh? Oh, hey Amethyst. Who are you proclaiming to be stronger than you?

Amethyst: Jasper, duh...

Peridot: ...What's this about?

Steven: Amethyst found out she's supposed to be just like Jasper. Then Jasper took her down in a fight and now she's obsessed with getting a rematch. ...To prove she's good enough.

Peridot: Yo, Amethyst, Arms, Big A! Don't start comparing yourself to her! You're way better than her! It's a fact. I mean, seriously, Amethyst and Jasper are two completely different Quartzes. Sure, you're both from Earth, but-

"Hold on a minute; did Peridot just say that Jasper came from Earth?"

Deleted member

Star: Agh! Glossaryck...please...I need you...!

Glossaryck: Well, maybe this is what you need.

"The portal finally closed on the tearful Star, not hurting both physically and emotionally...but much more so emotionally."


"It's good french toast."

Amethyst: Ugh...so that means I'm definitely weaker than her...it's hopeless...I'm hopeless.

"Peridot was walking nearby, along with Altera and Lapis, and overheard the conversation."

Peridot: Huh? Oh, hey Amethyst. Who are you proclaiming to be stronger than you?

Amethyst: Jasper, duh...

Peridot: ...What's this about?

Steven: Amethyst found out she's supposed to be just like Jasper. Then Jasper took her down in a fight and now she's obsessed with getting a rematch. ...To prove she's good enough.

Peridot: Yo, Amethyst, Arms, Big A! Don't start comparing yourself to her! You're way better than her! It's a fact. I mean, seriously, Amethyst and Jasper are two completely different Quartzes. Sure, you're both from Earth, but-

"Hold on a minute; did Peridot just say that Jasper came from Earth?"
-I just realized that Amethyst is one of the main Gems, so Broly should have recognized her power already instead of instantly assuming she was an enemy considering he's been around them for some time now-

....while you can never reach my level, you still can be made stronger. Just like Goldilocks.
-he's referring to Yang, who he trained for a while-
Last edited by a moderator:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-did Yukari do something from all the drawing? :V-
Palu: :smirk:
Kamui: :)
Pit: "Are you okay?"
-She washed it off- :p
Theiatena: "You don't make it at all subtle..."

Mary: "Who is my aunties in love with?"
- I C E C R E A M -
Elizabeth: "I am! Just... This is difficult..."
Star: Agh! Glossaryck...please...I need you...!

Glossaryck: Well, maybe this is what you need.

"The portal finally closed on the tearful Star, not hurting both physically and emotionally...but much more so emotionally."


"It's good french toast."

Amethyst: Ugh...so that means I'm definitely weaker than her...it's hopeless...I'm hopeless.

"Peridot was walking nearby, along with Altera and Lapis, and overheard the conversation."

Peridot: Huh? Oh, hey Amethyst. Who are you proclaiming to be stronger than you?

Amethyst: Jasper, duh...

Peridot: ...What's this about?

Steven: Amethyst found out she's supposed to be just like Jasper. Then Jasper took her down in a fight and now she's obsessed with getting a rematch. ...To prove she's good enough.

Peridot: Yo, Amethyst, Arms, Big A! Don't start comparing yourself to her! You're way better than her! It's a fact. I mean, seriously, Amethyst and Jasper are two completely different Quartzes. Sure, you're both from Earth, but-

"Hold on a minute; did Peridot just say that Jasper came from Earth?"
-I just realized that Amethyst is one of the main Gems, so Broly should have recognized her power already instead of instantly assuming she was an enemy considering he's been around them for some time now-

....while you can never reach my level, you still can be made stronger. Just like Goldilocks.
-he's referring to Yang, who he trained for a while-
Medea Lily: "S-Star..." -Hugs-
-Her eyes were full of bright joy now-
Angelica: "If you need to train with us... Wait, Earth?"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-I just realized that Amethyst is one of the main Gems, so Broly should have recognized her power already instead of instantly assuming she was an enemy considering he's been around them for some time now-

....while you can never reach my level, you still can be made stronger. Just like Goldilocks.
-he's referring to Yang, who he trained for a while-
"The energy was still similar to that of Jasper's, both being quartzes, but was indeed recognizable as that of an ally's: Amethyst's."

Amethyst: Maybe...I just don't know how I'm gonna get there at this rate...Wait, Peri...what'd you just say?

"Peridot just said that Jasper is from Earth...And that, for reasons she hasn't yet explained, Amethyst should actually be stronger than her. Does this new information catch their interest?"

Medea Lily: "S-Star..." -Hugs-
-Her eyes were full of bright joy now-
"Marco put his hand on Star's shoulder."

Marco: Are you gonna be okay?

Star: ...Yeah. It's not the finger that I'm upset about...


"French toast is usually very good, far as I'm concerned lol"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-while everyone is like "wait, she's from Earth?", Broly is like "....what is Earth?"-

-since he's never been there; Second Coming never happened-
Steven: It's the planet we're on right now. Basel used to be almost exactly like it.. Humans like me all inhabit it.

"So Jasper didn't originate from the far more alien world that many other Gems came from, but rather this simple Earth. Besides that, for all Amethyst's failure against Jasper in combat, Peridot claims that Amethyst should be even stronger than Jasper is."
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
....while you can never reach my level, you still can be made stronger. Just like Goldilocks.
-he's referring to Yang, who he trained for a while-
-Yang suddenly felt proud-

-She washed it off- :p
Theiatena: "You don't make it at all subtle..."

Mary: "Who is my aunties in love with?"
- I C E C R E A M -
Elizabeth: "I am! Just... This is difficult..."
Palu: "More heroes."
-Y E S-
Pit: "What is it?"

Deleted member

"The energy was still similar to that of Jasper's, both being quartzes, but was indeed recognizable as that of an ally's: Amethyst's."

Amethyst: Maybe...I just don't know how I'm gonna get there at this rate...Wait, Peri...what'd you just say?

"Peridot just said that Jasper is from Earth...And that, for reasons she hasn't yet explained, Amethyst should actually be stronger than her. Does this new information catch their interest?"
-the fact she can be stronger than Jasper?-
-you can bet this gets his interest-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-the fact she can be stronger than Jasper?-
-you can bet this gets his interest-
Amethyst: Jasper and I...We're both... from Earth?

Peridot: Well sure! You're from the Prime Kindergarten in Facet Five! Jasper's from the Beta Kindergarten in Facet Nine! Have you seen that place? It's a complete mess!

Amethyst: No, I haven't seen that place before! I haven't even heard of it...

"Broly wonders what a Gem Kindergarten is, too?"
Last edited:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-the fact she can be stronger than Jasper?-
-you can bet this gets his interest-
Amethyst: Jasper and I...We're both... from Earth?

Peridot: Well sure! You're from the Prime Kindergarten in Facet Five! Jasper's from the Beta Kindergarten in Facet Nine! Have you seen that place? It's a complete mess!

Amethyst: No, I haven't seen that place before! I haven't even heard of it...

"Broly wonders what a Gem Kindergarten is, too?"
Angelica: "Interesting... Maybe we should test that..."
"Marco put his hand on Star's shoulder."

Marco: Are you gonna be okay?

Star: ...Yeah. It's not the finger that I'm upset about...


"French toast is usually very good, far as I'm concerned lol"
Medea Lily: "Glossaryck..."
-Trust me, they are- :p

Oui: -Giggles- How cute she can be, doesn't she? -Proud surrogate older sister-
Palu: "More heroes."
-Y E S-
Pit: "What is it?"
-Right now she's besides Ingrid resting-
Ana: "I'm not surprised"

Theiatena: "Nor do I, they all radiate excessive testosterone and pheromones that has them attract many women"
-Which is given to dwagon-
Elizabeth: "I..." -Gulps- "I really, really like... I like you!"

Deleted member

Amethyst: Jasper and I...We're both... from Earth?

Peridot: Well sure! You're from the Prime Kindergarten in Facet Five! Jasper's from the Beta Kindergarten in Facet Nine! Have you seen that place? It's a complete mess!

Amethyst: No, I haven't seen that place before! I haven't even heard of it...

"Broly wonders what a Gem Kindergarten is, too?"
-nah :V-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Right now she's besides Ingrid resting-
Ana: "I'm not surprised"

Theiatena: "Nor do I, they all radiate excessive testosterone and pheromones that has them attract many women"
-Which is given to dwagon-
Elizabeth: "I..." -Gulps- "I really, really like... I like you!"
Ingrid: We fight a lot, but honestly... I wouldn't ask for a better friend if I could...
Palu: "Indeed they do."
-who happily eats it-
Pit: "I think you're a really great friend too, Liz. Don't see why this was so hard..."
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Angelica: "Interesting... Maybe we should test that..."
Peridot: Oh, well maybe you should! So you can see how the other half was made. Poorly! "Laughs" But seriously, let's go. You'll get a kick out of this, Amethyst.

"Still, if Broly's interested in how Amethyst could possibly be stronger than Jasper, it seems the answer lies in Jasper's point of origin. Perhaps they should all go to the place Peridot's talking about."

KingofPhantoms KingofPhantoms
Hey Meta Knight, I think your ship is talking to you. :V
"The knight was scratching his head, flabbergasted that his ship was suddenly sentient and capable of speech."

Medea Lily: "Glossaryck..."
-Trust me, they are- :p

Oui: -Giggles- How cute she can be, doesn't she? -Proud surrogate older sister-
Marco: ...You tried, Star. It's time to let your mom take care of the rest.

Star: ...You're right, Marco. ...Let's get outta here, guys.

"Quite obvious that she's proud."
Last edited:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Abigail: We fight a lot, but honestly... I wouldn't ask for a better friend if I could...
Palu: "Indeed they do."
-who happily eats it-
Pit: "I think you're a really great friend too, Liz. Don't see why this was so hard..."
Why is Abigail thinking about Yukari?
Theiatena: "How did Kyu call it? Oh right, Harem Protagonist skill"
-Tastes of chocolate-
Elizabeth: "N-No, I meant in that I really, really, really, really like you..."
Peridot: Oh, well maybe you should! So you can see how the other half was made. Poorly! "Laughs" But seriously, let's go. You'll get a kick out of this, Amethyst.

"Still, if Broly's interested in how Amethyst could possibly be stronger than Jasper, it seems the answer lies in Jasper's point of origin. Perhaps they should all go to the place Peridot's talking about."

Marco: ...You tried, Star. It's time to let your mom take care of the rest.

Star: ...You're right, Marco. ...Let's get outta here, guys.

"Quite obvious that she's proud."
-Angelica for sure is interested-
Medea Lily: -Heals her finger-
-Yeah, she never thought she'd like being an older sister-

Deleted member

Peridot: Oh, well maybe you should! So you can see how the other half was made. Poorly! "Laughs" But seriously, let's go. You'll get a kick out of this, Amethyst.

"Still, if Broly's interested in how Amethyst could possibly be stronger than Jasper, it seems the answer lies in Jasper's point of origin. Perhaps they should all go to the place Peridot's talking about."

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Why is Abigail thinking about Yukari?
Theiatena: "How did Kyu call it? Oh right, Harem Protagonist skill"
-Tastes of chocolate-
Elizabeth: "N-No, I meant in that I really, really, really, really like you..."
Palu: "Huh?"
Kamui: -happy-
Pit: "Yeah, and I really, really, really, really like having a friend like you."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Palu: "Huh?"
Kamui: -happy-
Pit: "Yeah, and I really, really, really, really like having a friend like you."
-Of course, after all, she tried to free her from Isis before-
Theiatena: "That's how she says the people who naturally can attract various people are"
Elizabeth: "W-What I mean is that... I want to be your girlfriend!"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Of course, after all, she tried to free her from Isis before-
Theiatena: "That's how she says the people who naturally can attract various people are"
Elizabeth: "W-What I mean is that... I want to be your girlfriend!"
Ingrid: -looks at her, smiling- No pranks this time. You deserve to rest... for once. :V
Palu: "Very strange..."
Pit: "But... you're a girl, and you're my friend. That's what a girlfriend is, right?" :)

(I'm having too much fun with this :laugh:)

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Ingrid: -looks at her, smiling- No pranks this time. You deserve to rest... for once. :V
Palu: "Very strange..."
Pit: "But... you're a girl, and you're my friend. That's what a girlfriend is, right?" :)

(I'm having too much fun with this :laugh:)
-Yeah... But only once- :V
Trust me, some of your group seem to have it.
-Shirou and Erika feel happy she is happy-
Elizabeth: "No! I girlfriend is someone with who you do lovey-dovey stuff..."

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