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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)


Deleted member

-In any case, the Fallen Angel Digimon realizes why it is moving-

LadyDevimon: "Oh, it's counterpart is so close they're trying to reunite!"
Carmilla: "I need you to tell the others something before I lose control here"
-and then become an awakened Spirit like Ranamon?-


The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Kyu: "Well, lookie here~"
-She is adapting her endurance absorbed from both the protection and endurance to resist-
-He saw it coming and blocked with his leg-
Kyu, greetings! We really must thank you, you've matched us perfectly!

(Actually completely the opposite, and the fairy will meet her doom for it! But I must wait for that...)
Pan: "Hey, Kyu~ How you doing~?"
-he's landing more hits-

-Melt notices the cracks?-
Jaune: "A-Are you alright?"
-that means he still got kicked on his leg though-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Peridot: I need to find out what it is at once!

you can say that again.
Altera: "Then let's keep watching" :p
Robin Hood: "Finally, some time to relax"
Kyu, greetings! We really must thank you, you've matched us perfectly!

(Actually completely the opposite, and the fairy will meet her doom for it! But I must wait for that...)
Pan: "Hey, Kyu~ How you doing~?"
Kyu: "Oh, so great! And I know, I'm a genius~ That's why I came to give you guys a gift"
-and then become an awakened Spirit like Ranamon?-

-The moment that both Spirits of Winds managed to get to each other... Yes-
Carmilla: "Tell them I need to escape from this girl..."
-he's landing more hits-

-Melt notices the cracks?-
Jaune: "A-Are you alright?"
-that means he still got kicked on his leg though-
-Not yet, too much into a blood rush right now-
No, I'm not because you aren't...
-But it didn't stop him-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Kyu: "Oh, so great! And I know, I'm a genius~ That's why I came to give you guys a gift"
Pan: "A gift?" :3

-Not yet, too much into a blood rush right now-
No, I'm not because you aren't...
-But it didn't stop him-
-so she soaks more hits until it breaks-
Jaune: "H-Huh?"
-still made him fall though-

-Hinoka legs are stonk :V-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Had a Hunger Games sim going, sorry for my absence!


-he's a Saiyan, so a lot-
"Eventually, the fireworks show concludes."


"Papyrus exhausted himself making more food for Broly, and for the rest of Chaldea."

...IT WAS WORTH IT TO FEED EXCELLENT FOOD TO MY FRIENDS! "Comically collapses to the ground."

Kyu: "Oh, so great! And I know, I'm a genius~ That's why I came to give you guys a gift"

Pan: "Hey, Kyu~ How you doing~?"
A gift? Whatever for?

Altera: "Then let's keep watching" :p
Robin Hood: "Finally, some time to relax"
"They do!"

and you just proved you could say it again. heheh.

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Pan: "A gift?" :3
A gift? Whatever for?
Kyu: "For the very lucky couple's first succesful date, so here, I brought you this plushie~"

-She unveils what looks like a doll with a head stylized like a wrapped candy-

-And the fairy has no idea of what it truly is...-
-so she soaks more hits until it breaks-
Jaune: "H-Huh?"
-still made him fall though-

-Hinoka legs are stonk :V-
Melt: "Wait what?"
I just really want to make you feel better now, I can't help but liking to see people happy...
-And that, surprised him-
-and they become JOHN CENA-

-did she ever tell Ranamon her name?-
-The union of the spirits created what looked to be a purple haired woman with insect wings on her back...-

Hmmmm~ -Strirring herself up- It's been so long since I've had a body. -Giggles- Those stupid 3 angels did a good thing for once.
-Eeyup, yes she did-
"They do!"

and you just proved you could say it again. heheh.
-Lonk had to do stuff as a child again!-
Robin Hood: "I'm in a rare good mood" :p
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Kyu: "For the very lucky couple's first succesful date, so here, I brought you this plushie~"

-She unveils what looks like a doll with a head stylized like a wrapped candy-

-And the fairy has no idea of what it truly is...-

-Lonk had to do stuff as a child again!-
Robin Hood: "I'm in a rare good mood" :p
A plush toy just for us...?


Peridot: "Gasps" Unthinkable! He's manipulated the laws of time even further and returning to the past! The Soul Temple will be a true, full test of his entire character!


it ain't hard to see why.

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Peridot: "Gasps" Unthinkable! He's manipulated the laws of time even further and returning to the past! The Soul Temple will be a true, full test of his entire character!


it ain't hard to see why.
Altera: "It's become one of my favorite arcs"
Medb: "Even I can stay a night without men just for something like this"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Altera: "It's become one of my favorite arcs"
Medb: "Even I can stay a night without men just for something like this"
Peridot: I need to see the rest of this entire arc from beginning to end! RIGHT NOW!

Now that's the biggest surprise of this entire vacation.

looks like Medb's statement just left you...flabbergastered.

"Ba dum tss"
Last edited:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Peridot: I need to see the rest of this entire arc from beginning to end! RIGHT NOW!

Now that's the biggest surprise of this entire vacation.

looks like Medb's statement just left you...flabbergastered.

"Ba dum tss"
Altera: "Just saying, we have time" :p
Medb: "H-Hey! I can do more than just sex, you know?"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Altera: "Just saying, we have time" :p
Medb: "H-Hey! I can do more than just sex, you know?"
Peridot: True, but I cant hardly contain my feelings of excitement and my desire to know what happens next! It's a highly emotional technical problem! This series is so enticing!

Name five things.

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Peridot: True, but I cant hardly contain my feelings of excitement and my desire to know what happens next! It's a highly emotional technical problem! This series is so enticing!

Name five things.
Altera: "Aaaand he arrived via song"
Medb: "I'm good at making chocolate syrup"

Deleted member

-The union of the spirits created what looked to be a purple haired woman with insect wings on her back...-

Hmmmm~ -Strirring herself up- It's been so long since I've had a body. -Giggles- Those stupid 3 angels did a good thing for once.
-Eeyup, yes she did-
-and then the scantily clad winged girls saw each other :V-

-she's not sure who to tell to help-
-and she's unsure if she should ask Liz once she's herself again-

Deleted member

"Eventually, the fireworks show concludes."


"Papyrus exhausted himself making more food for Broly, and for the rest of Chaldea."

...IT WAS WORTH IT TO FEED EXCELLENT FOOD TO MY FRIENDS! "Comically collapses to the ground."
-the two serpents still leaning on each other-


The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Kyu: "For the very lucky couple's first succesful date, so here, I brought you this plushie~"

-She unveils what looks like a doll with a head stylized like a wrapped candy-

-And the fairy has no idea of what it truly is...-
Pan: "It's... cute, I guess...?"

Melt: "Wait what?"
I just really want to make you feel better now, I can't help but liking to see people happy...
-And that, surprised him-
-then she gets punched-
Palu/Din/Nayru: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~ -want to hug her so badly now-

Jaune: "Well... maybe if you manage to make that fairy stop bugging me, I wouldn't be so bummed out..."

Palu: Kyu's methods are anything but orthodox. I'm surprised Venus still keeps her around, honestly.
Hinoka: "Blocking a strike with your own body? Big mistake there. Try dodging next time." -offers her hand to help him get back up-


Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-and then the scantily clad winged girls saw each other :V-

-she's not sure who to tell to help-
-and she's unsure if she should ask Liz once she's herself again-
Kazemon: "Oh, hi~"

Angewomon: "... Let's catch her!"

LadyDevimon: "Agreed"

Kazemon: "Oh, catch me? What for~?"

LadyDevimon: "Something tells me that letting you out would cause nothing but trouble"

Kazemon: "Oh, I see, then I guess I will go with you"

Angewomon: "I know that tone, you aren't!"

Kazemon: "You guessed right~ Brezzo Petalo!" -She instantly shot small tornadoes to the angel and fallen angel, of course, not to the extent of damaging them due to the difference in level power, but it still threw them away while she was flying off- "Ciao~"

-The Fairy Digimon is going right now towards the beach where Chaldea is-

(I'm gonna stick to the Japanese names for her attacks solely for the obligatory Italian :p)
-Maybe she should ask her then...-
A plush toy just for us...?
Pan: "It's... cute, I guess...?"
Kyu: "Yeah, I know. It shall be a sign of the new love you've found for one another~"
-then she gets punched-
Palu/Din/Nayru: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~ -want to hug her so badly now-

Jaune: "Well... maybe if you manage to make that fairy stop bugging me, I wouldn't be so bummed out..."

Palu: Kyu's methods are anything but orthodox. I'm surprised Venus still keeps her around, honestly.
Hinoka: "Blocking a strike with your own body? Big mistake there. Try dodging next time." -offers her hand to help him get back up-
-And the protection works again, however, it has only one use left...-
-She's gonna suffer the consequences of her actions soon, trust me- :p

I... I shall try my best at doing it. I'm so going to tell Theiatena on this.
Shirou: -Takes it- "Didn't thought your legs were that strong..."
Peridot: Here we go...


that's one thing. you sure you heard him right? he asked for a list of five things.
-And there she sees "insert bootleg name for Nabooru here"-
Medb: "I was getting there! I am also a good strategist"
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Kyu: "Yeah, I know. It shall be a sign of the new love you've found for one another~"
Pan: "That's... oddly sweet of you."

-And the protection works again, however, it has only one use left...-
-She's gonna suffer the consequences of her actions soon, trust me- :p

I... I shall try my best at doing it. I'm so going to tell Theiatena on this.
Shirou: -Takes it- "Didn't thought your legs were that strong..."
-punched again-
Jaune: "Y-You will?" -there was hope in his eyes-
Hinoka: "Still a bad idea to block with your own body in general."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-The Fairy Digimon made her way into the beach, running from Angewomon and LadyDevimon-

Kazemon: -Giggles- "Those two were a bunch of suckers" :p
-punched again-
Jaune: "Y-You will?" -there was hope in his eyes-
Hinoka: "Still a bad idea to block with your own body in general."
Yeah, you seem to really dislike her... And being fair, she can be really annoying.
Shirou: "You're right... I'll think better next time"

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-The Fairy Digimon walks around the beach and sees what kind of people are around-

Kazemon: Huh? Am I in the Digital World or not? Most here don't look human...

Euryale: "Medusa!"

-Stheno and Euryale were walking to her-

Stheno: "Hey Medusa, what are you doing?"

Kazemon: "Huh? You're speaking to me?"

Euryale: "Who else? What's with that costume? It's not Halloween yet"

-The Digimon could have easily said that they confused her for someone else, but rather than that, a smirk formed in her lips-

Kazemon: "OooohI was just trying to cosplay a sexy fairy, sisters~" :p

Euryale: "For what reason?"

Kazemon: "Do you think this figure should be hidden from the world?" :p
Daruk: "Finally learned to dodge, eh?"
Jaune: "Thank you..."
Hinoka: "Now let's start over." -fist bump-
Melt: "You're pesistent"
-She hugs briefly-
Shirou: -Accepts it smirking-

Erika: "Those two will become good friends..."

Deleted member

Kazemon: "Oh, hi~"

Angewomon: "... Let's catch her!"

LadyDevimon: "Agreed"

Kazemon: "Oh, catch me? What for~?"

LadyDevimon: "Something tells me that letting you out would cause nothing but trouble"

Kazemon: "Oh, I see, then I guess I will go with you"

Angewomon: "I know that tone, you aren't!"

Kazemon: "You guessed right~ Brezzo Petalo!" -She instantly shot small tornadoes to the angel and fallen angel, of course, not to the extent of damaging them due t the difference in level power, but it still threw them away while she was flying off- "Ciao~"

-The Fairy Digimon is going right now towards the beach where Chaldea is-

(I'm gonna stick to the Japanese names for her attacks solely for the obligatory Italian :p)
-Maybe she should ask her then...-
....who do I tell?
-senses the approaching Kazemon-

It can't be....! Not....her of all places!

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
....who do I tell?
-senses the approaching Kazemon-

It can't be....! Not....her of all places!
Carmilla: "Any Caster"

-Then she sees the following scene happen-
-The Fairy Digimon walks around the beach and sees what kind of people are around-

Kazemon: Huh? Am I in the Digital World or not? Most here don't look human...

Euryale: "Medusa!"

-Stheno and Euryale were walking to her-

Stheno: "Hey Medusa, what are you doing?"

Kazemon: "Huh? You're speaking to me?"

Euryale: "Who else? What's with that costume? It's not Halloween yet"

-The Digimon could have easily said that they confused her for someone else, but rather than that, a smirk formed in her lips-

Kazemon: "OooohI was just trying to cosplay a sexy fairy, sisters~" :p

Euryale: "For what reason?"

Kazemon: "Do you think this figure should be hidden from the world?" :p
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Unreplied, Digi

Daruk: "Gorons are tough! They should never give up!"

-he hugs back-
Kamui: "I have no doubt on that."
Waiting for KoP
Melt: "Then I'll be the first to make one!" -Kick flurry-
On the meanwhile...
Erika: "I like that"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
(I wouldn't want to have seen it otherwise.)

-yes...but at least it was all eaten :V-
"Text color failed, though since this post only has dialogue from one character, it doesn't matter too much."

(Neither would I.)


"Chef Papyrus is proud!"

huh. it's not every day that my brother manages to actually overwork himself.

Kyu: "Yeah, I know. It shall be a sign of the new love you've found for one another~"
Kyu: "Yeah, I know. It shall be a sign of the new love you've found for one another~"

Agreed with that, sweetheart! (Perhaps it's too sweet of Kyu...something is amiss, I can sense it...!)

-And there she sees "insert bootleg name for Nabooru here"-
Medb: "I was getting there! I am also a good strategist"
"Were Lonk an adult, she could see her being another compatible partner for him. :V"


not bad, not bad. after all, power don't mean much when you don't know how to use it. or work together.

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Time to update the Digimon Database:

Level: Hybrid (equivalent to Champion)
Type: Fairy Digimon
Attribute: Variable
Field: Nature Spirits, Virus Busters, Wind Guardians

A troublemaker, manipulative and seductive, albeit not ill-intentioned, has a penchant for seeing people getting embarrassed. Once her spirit was joint with a girl called Zoe Orimoto, who used her abilities to save the Digital World along others, but now, she has been freed thanks to a mistake of the Three Great Angels that rule her world. And she's more than happy to use that freedom as she pleases; be it pranking, sex, stuffing her mouth with food, or whatever comes to her mind at the moment. Her physical resemblance to Medusa is noticeable.

"A Digimon that possesses power over Wind which bears the might of one of the legendary Ten Warriors. It freely manipulates the atmosphere to display mirages to its opponents, and specializes in attacks that generate "Kamaitachi" made from vacuums. However, it is more proficient in information warfare than in actual combat ability. Although it has an innocent personality brimming with curiosity, and is a gossipy, talkative troublemaker, because it has no ill will for the person, it isn't really hated. It is thoroughly optimistic, and is the possessor of a strong heart that cuts its way through small difficulties with a smile. Its Special Moves are performing a handstand and unleashing a whirlwind kick (Tornado Gamba), and rushing toward the opponent, then dispatching a back-flip kick after a barrage of kicks (Roseo Temporale)." -Digimon Reference Book entry

Tamer: None

Level: Hybrid (equivalent to Ultimate)
Type: Bird Man Digimon
Attribute: Variable
Field: Wind Guardians

"A Digimon that possesses power over Wind which bears the might of one of the legendary Ten Warriors. At a glance, it looks like a composed adult woman, but although it perplexes its opponents with its languid behavior, it actually has an impish personality that loves to capriciously embarrass people. It does things like purposefully telling its opponent unhappy fortunes or startling them. In battle, it seldom takes the initiative and helps out, but although you don't see its efforts, it will sometimes risk the possibility of getting into trouble. Once it feels so inclined, it glides freely through the sky, manipulating the wind and knocking out the opponent with a secret Mesopotamian spell. Its Special Moves are cutting the opponent and the atmosphere around it to pieces with the claws on its hands and feet (Gilgamesh Slicer), and flying up into the air and hurling the feathers of its hair and wings as pointed arrows (Wind of Pain)." -Digimon Reference Book entry

Now a bunch of PokéDex ones:

#094 Gengar
Shadow Pokémon
Type: Ghost/Poison
Ability: Cursed Body
Height: 4'11" (1.5m)
Weight: 89.3 lbs (40.5kg)
Region: Kanto
Gender: Male

A kind-hearted and playful mischief maker, though it's in his nature to scare, it's all in good fun and games. He found the Dark Sakura Matou in a ruined world, and quickly befriended her due to her like of scary things and his playful innocence. When she was defeated, the freed Sakura Matou promised to take care of him, becoming her trusted companion ever since. Only fights when his Trainer and her loved ones are in danger, and while not liking to cause conflict, he won't hold back if needing to fight.

"Under a full moon, this Pokémon likes to mimic the shadows of people and laugh at their fright." -Red and Blue entry
"A Gengar is close by if you feel a sudden chill. It may be trying to lay a curse on you." -Yellow, Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee entry
"It is said to emerge from darkness to steal the lives of those who become lost in mountains." -FireRed entry
"On the night of the full moon, if shadows move on their own and laugh, it must be Gengar's doing." -LeafGreen entry

Trainer: Sakura Matou
Nickname: None

#094 Mega Gengar
Shadow Pokémon
Type: Ghost/Poison
Ability: Shadow Tag
Height: 4'07" (1.4m)
Weight: 89.3lbs (40.5kg)
Region: Kanto/Kalos

"Gengar's relationships are warped. It has no interest in opponents unless it perceives them as prey." -Sun entry
"The energy of Mega Evolution awakened it. It sinks into another dimension, where it keeps a patient watch for its chance to attack." -Moon entry
"It can pass through other dimensions and can appear anywhere. It caused a stir one time when it stuck just one leg out of a wall." -Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee entry

#152 Chikorita
Leaf Pokémon
Type: Grass
Ability: Overgrow
Height: 2'11" (0.9m)
Weight: 14.1 lbs. (6.4 kg)
Region: Johto
Gender: Female

A childish wild Pokémon that was found by her stealing of a Corrupted Gemstone. She was quickly taken in by Irisviel after her motherly instincts told her to not leave the creature alone, and the Chikorita in return has developed a strong loyalty to her.

"A sweet aroma gently wafts from the leaf on its head. It is docile and loves to soak up the sun's rays." -Gold and HeartGold entry
"Its pleasantly aromatic leaves have the ability to check the humidity and temperature." -Silver and SoulSilver entry
"It loves to bask in the sunlight. It uses the leaf on its head to seek out warm places." -Crystal entry

Trainer: Irisviel Von Einzbern
Nickname: Justeaze

#XD001 Shadow Lugia
Diving Pokémon
Type: Psychic/Flying (Shadow)
Ability: Pressure
Height: 17'01" (5.2m)
Weight: 476.2lbs (216.0kg)
Region: Johto
Gender: None

The ultimate Shadow Pokémon, product of experimentation by the criminal organization Cipher, this Lugia was captured and corrupted to be turned into the first of a series of Pokémon that would be unable to be purified and thus remain as heartless tools used for theft, killing, and overtakes. It was found to be residing in an ocean, seemingly escaping its captors by unknown means, and was deemed only a god would be strong enough to contain it, thus ending in the hands of Artemis.

There's no official PokéDex entry for this Pokémon

Trainer: Artemis
Nickname: None, affectionately referred as Luggy by its trainer.
-intense rivalry-
-makes me wonder how she reacted to Medusa-
-She was about to attack her until she saw she had no wings- :p

Kazemon: "What are you doing here, you ugly fish?" :glare:
Pan: "That's... oddly sweet of you."
Agreed with that, sweetheart! (Perhaps it's too sweet of Kyu...something is amiss, I can sense it...!).
-Like some dark magic radiating from this plushie...-

Kyu: "Hey, I can be a good girl when I want" :p
"Were Lonk an adult, she could see her being another compatible partner for him. :V"


not bad, not bad. after all, power don't mean much when you don't know how to use it. or work together.
-Somehow I'm not surprised- :V
Medb: "Of course, how you think my kingdom remain stable during my rule?"

-That's a fair enough point, not to mention in myths she won plenty of wars-
-he grabs the leg-
Jaune: "Hm?"
Kamui: "Me too." :)
Melt: "Huh?"
Let's go get you something nice to eat~!
Erika: "I hope all my aunties are getting along with him..."

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Like some dark magic radiating from this plushie...-

Kyu: "Hey, I can be a good girl when I want" :p
Pandora: -doubtful-

Melt: "Huh?"
Let's go get you something nice to eat~!
Erika: "I hope all my aunties are getting along with him..."
-she'll be the one paying too? :V-
Kamui: "I have no doubt they will."

Deleted member

"Text color failed, though since this post only has dialogue from one character, it doesn't matter too much."

(Neither would I.)


"Chef Papyrus is proud!"

huh. it's not every day that my brother manages to actually overwork himself.
-they stay like this for a while-

(Almost makes you want to not be lazy? :p)

-She was about to attack her until she saw she had no wings- :p

Kazemon: "What are you doing here, you ugly fish?" :glare:
-that must have been awkward-

The more important question is what are YOU doing here, winged hussy?!
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