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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Pele: "Hey! HEY!" -pushed from the stage-
Ophanimon: "I doubt it since the insect one is correct" :p
Jeanne: "Her name is Kamui, and we've been getting along greatly since we met. She's currently knocked out from fighting before, but she's really kind and brave!"
Tart: "Awwww, sounds great!"
Jeanne: "Also, she's a dragon" :)
Tart: :O
Suzune: -To Byleth- "Yes. Right from the dead, and seemingly regardless of the era"
Kazumi: "........" -GASP- "We're walking alongside Joan of Arc! Two of her somehow!" :O
Iroha: "You, uh... Didn't notice before? Though it is amazing actually!"
Oriko: "It seems she absorbed the souls ofall magical girls in our world..."
can't say i didn't expect that. -Shrugs-

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think Pele might actually be less annoying than you, BB. :p

-How does the roasted bear turn out?-

Scyther: "(Go figure...)"

Squirtle: "(S-Sorry! I've never heard of Digimon before...)"

I could hardly believe it myself if I hadn't known Jeanne for a while...And it looks like we're almost there.
We just met her though. What if she has a temper as explosive as a volcano? :p
-it turned out very chewy but not bad-
Lilith: "Neither have I..."
Byleth: "Get ready. We could be against anything..."

Peridot: "What, you mean like by adding custom decals or something?"

Sparky: "(You were right, I really needed to use better strategies...And ask for more help.)" 😅

can't argue that fries are a classic side, either, Pap.

-Papyrus crossed his arms, comically angry-
Harley: "I mean literally anything but a trash can lid."
Phosphy: "A nice lesson to learn." :p
Sothis: :chuckle: "But I would be tempted to try your pasta one day."

Musashi: "What did they say?"
Medea: "This" -casts Rule Breaker to manifest in her hand-

-Oh my b-
Martha: "And there's a bit over a dozen here..."
-So she tried to create one from her thoughts-
Shez: "They're in."
Veyle: "Whoa... you have a dagger too? What does yours do?"

-she as in Alear herself-
Alear: "Good for her..."
-hmmmmmm does it work?-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-Both due to the fact that Moon has only recently begun making progress on monster discrimination on Mewni in general, and because Tamamo was still in her giant, feral yokai form by this point in time..-

Don't let her hear that you said that. Not just because of her temper...Well, that's one reason. But the other reason is that that's an accurate description of her personality. :p

-With that, Specter Knight waves at them before heading to the library-

Specter: (She's getting better talking to others. .Not to mention finally being on far better terms with her sister as well.)

-Nope, the only thing that has is that his loyalty and allegiance has shifted to another strong leader following Megatron's demise...-

-A second Sparkless-formed arm of the Combiner is caught by the tractor beam-

Squirtle: "(I can't wait! I bet he's totally awesome!)" :b:

-The Mudkip is still nervous, but believes Ata and Heshima-

-Hmm, let's see, modern movies or older movies...-

Irisviel: "I'm glad we both agree, at least" :p
Illya: "Now that you mention it, she did nag on me for a little..."
-Indeed, which says something given she apparently had Ishtar naked and stabbed a lot when she visited the Underworld-
-So Blackout would drop an EMP bomb at it!-
Atalanta: "Your bet is right" :)
-Your choice- :p
Shez: "They're in."
Veyle: "Whoa... you have a dagger too? What does yours do?"

-she as in Alear herself-
Alear: "Good for her..."
-hmmmmmm does it work?-
Musashi: "Suh-weet~! We'll show the world and employees our greatness~!"
Medea: "It's able to cancel all magic"

Martha: "What about you?"
-Why would it not?- :p
can't say i didn't expect that. -Shrugs-

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think Pele might actually be less annoying than you, BB. :p

-How does the roasted bear turn out?-

-She's had tea and conversation with Marie before, so she might meet Patxi the next time the two new friends hang out-

Scyther: "(Go figure...)"

Squirtle: "(S-Sorry! I've never heard of Digimon before...)"

I could hardly believe it myself if I hadn't known Jeanne for a while...And it looks like we're almost there.
We just met her though. What if she has a temper as explosive as a volcano? :p
-it turned out very chewy but not bad-
Lilith: "Neither have I..."
Byleth: "Get ready. We could be against anything..."
-That made some people around shudder-
Atalanta: "Well, it has protein"
Ophanimon: "Aw that's fine, little ones! Usually we keep to ourselves in our own world. Though some have been lucky enough to have had human partners!"
-Iroha and Kazumi are both awed, while Oriko and Suzune keep their serious demeanor and go on-
-Homura gulps as they advance... Much closer...-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California

Irisviel: "I'm glad we both agree, at least" :p
Illya: "Now that you mention it, she did nag on me for a little..."
-Indeed, which says something given she apparently had Ishtar naked and stabbed a lot when she visited the Underworld-
-So Blackout would drop an EMP bomb at it!-
Atalanta: "Your bet is right" :)
-Your choice- :p
She did? What for?

-Arguments about portals and interdimensional travel?-

-But at the same time, Eresh is nothing short of ashamed of that in the present...-

-Shutting down portions of Thunder Mayhem?-

Vulpix: "(Should I worry since Gyarados are really strong Water-type Pokemon...?)"

-I'm still thinking...-

Harley: "I mean literally anything but a trash can lid."
Phosphy: "A nice lesson to learn." :p
Sothis: :chuckle: "But I would be tempted to try your pasta one day."
Peridot: "Hey, just because I reused it from a Earth disposal receptacle doesn't make it any less awesome or useful as a hoverboard!"

Sparky: "(Does this video game only end when you get the screen that says game over?)"



We just met her though. What if she has a temper as explosive as a volcano? :p
-it turned out very chewy but not bad-
Lilith: "Neither have I..."
Byleth: "Get ready. We could be against anything..."
-That made some people around shudder-
Atalanta: "Well, it has protein"
Ophanimon: "Aw that's fine, little ones! Usually we keep to ourselves in our own world. Though some have been lucky enough to have had human partners!"
-Iroha and Kazumi are both awed, while Oriko and Suzune keep their serious demeanor and go on-
-Homura gulps as they advance... Much closer...-
...Okay, maybe we should look into that possibility later so as to not have to deal with any of her potential anger or put out any fires. Also, since when do you make smart points like that, Wade?

-It's a hearty and healthy meal, even if the meat is a bit tougher to chew, so the hunt was at least worth it-

-Helps that they can now say that they successfully hunted and took down a vicious mewnian bear, now- :p

Vulpix: "(You guys can even have Trainers, too?)" :b:

Squirtle: "(It's starting to sound like Pokemon and Digimon have more and more in common by the minute...)"

Including another version of Gretchen or another witch entirely...

-And that's when they find the original Magical Girl who was cursed into becoming Gretchen?-
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Musashi: "Suh-weet~! We'll show the world and employees our greatness~!"
Medea: "It's able to cancel all magic"

Martha: "What about you?"
-Why would it not?- :p
Shez: "That's the spirit~!" :b:
Veyle: "That's... incredible..."

Alear: "I... had a lot of legends behind my name, so I was praised as a deity for centuries... during my coma."
-that means Ana, Alice, Mary and Miyu can immediately tell?-

Peridot: "Hey, just because I reused it from a Earth disposal receptacle doesn't make it any less awesome or useful as a hoverboard!"

Sparky: "(Does this video game only end when you get the screen that says game over?)"


Harley: "It still looks like trash." :p
Phosphy: "Basically." :p
Sothis: "Aren't I out of orders for today?" :p

-Papyrus lets it slide because SPAGHETTI?-

-That made some people around shudder-
Atalanta: "Well, it has protein"
Ophanimon: "Aw that's fine, little ones! Usually we keep to ourselves in our own world. Though some have been lucky enough to have had human partners!"
-Iroha and Kazumi are both awed, while Oriko and Suzune keep their serious demeanor and go on-
-Homura gulps as they advance... Much closer...-
...Okay, maybe we should look into that possibility later so as to not have to deal with any of her potential anger or put out any fires. Also, since when do you make smart points like that, Wade?

-It's a hearty and healthy meal, even if the meat is a bit tougher to chew, so the hunt was at least worth it-

-Helps that they can now say that they successfully hunted and took down a vicious mewnian bear, now- :p

Vulpix: "(You guys can even have Trainers, too?)" :b:

Squirtle: "(It's starting to sound like Pokemon and Digimon have more and more in common by the minute...)"

Including another version of Gretchen or another witch entirely...

-And that's when they find the original Magical Girl who was cursed into becoming Gretchen?-
Hey! I do good stuff sometimes! :glare:
Blake: "That will be good for us." :)
Lilith: "That is true... they are very similar..."
-Byleth nodded at that-

-what KoP asked-


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
-That sounds really fun- :V
-She'll be sure to take a bath after him-
-He managed to destroy half of the energy clone, while Taiga sweeped a few with her naginata-
Boudica: "It sounds a little tragic..."
Moriarty: "He seems to possess quite the quantity of treasures with plenty of mystic powers and technological prowess. So, it's time we show him who are the lead criminal masterminds here!"

-Fish would see most criminals but Lothor are locked, though he and the rest do see a few are empty-
Lothor: "Sure, just look out for Zeddy"
Kimberly: "...Where is Zedd?!"
Lothor: "Beats me"
Ransik: "Knowing him? The guy must have fled when the attack started and took whatever he could"
Sledge: "Well now, I suppose I can re-start my bounty hunter business"
Lindy: -Through a hologram- "Not really, what all of you are seeing is prison" :p

Mirei: "Why yes. Of course, Kazemon was once tied to a human herself, so she has memories of such"
Kazemon: "I-I mean..." -fidgeting- "It felt really unfair Zoe and most her friends just couldn't measure up..."
Sakura: "He now is Spooky. A fitting name, isn't it?" :)
Alain: "Are these people with you?"
Takeru: "Yeah, they helped free us!"
Alain: "I see, I ought to thank them, then"

Dukemon: "I see. Hm, I haven't taken in mind that they could be present there... Would you tell me, what was your experience with them?"

-It's likely been around since he's been around any normal water sources...-

-Artoria seems to have always been a big fan of baths as well, so not surprising- :p

I-It might be depending on his circumstances... (At least she's not scared of Mr. Fish anymore...)

(Well, mutated or not, they're still a fellow Gyarados. And nothing can change that!) :grin:

If anything, you'll just get nicer cells that this one. If you punks are lucky. :p

Star: "Who the heck is Zedd...?"

Amethyst: "He didn't prank your first birthday cake, right? I doubt he'll prank this one, either." :p

Steven: "Whoa, that's right...You're honoring her name, now!" :b:

Neo: -now fully on board-

Roman: "Alright.... so what's the plan?"

Alear: "That's a good question to ask..."
-I still don't know what to do here-
Ruby: "I still felt like reminding him." :glare: -crosses arms-

Yang: "Heheh. Cute." :p
-hopefully with fresh water :V-

-he's highly aggressive against the enemies, much more so than training dummies or Taiga-

-evil laugh-

[So have...you....fought in the same kind of fights as others here...?]

-she listens in, too curious to not get involved-

-Fish heard a new target.....this "Zedd"-

That name....it makes me mad for some reason....

-he grins, though he's still a bit sad behind the smile-

I hath found them to be rather pleasant in general. Willing to fight alongside me despite knowing not of mineself and showed genuine gratitude for mine part in disposing of foes.

I doth understand there is....internal quarrel between the order in regards of their existence. I wish to be as impartial as I doth can. Mine thoughts on the matter are thou own, m'lord.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Harley: "It still looks like trash." :p
Phosphy: "Basically." :p
Sothis: "Aren't I out of orders for today?" :p

-Papyrus lets it slide because SPAGHETTI?-
Peridot: "It's not trash! It's a repurposed component of a receptacle that stores trash!" :glare:

Sparky: "(I wonder how high of a score I can get...)"


The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Peridot: "It's not trash! It's a repurposed component of a receptacle that stores trash!" :glare:

Sparky: "(I wonder how high of a score I can get...)"

Harley: "Still, you usually look so refined so it really sticks out."
Phpsphy: "I'm sure you'll do well~"
-Sothis is smirking-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Harley: "Still, you usually look so refined so it really sticks out."
Phpsphy: "I'm sure you'll do well~"
-Sothis is smirking-
Peridot: "I always thought my style was more modern sci-fi and interplanetary engineer, myself."


Sparky: "(You really think so?)"

-While Papyrus is deep thoughts about this dilemma-


The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Peridot: "I always thought my style was more modern sci-fi and interplanetary engineer, myself."


Sparky: "(You really think so?)"

-While Papyrus is deep thoughts about this dilemma-

Harley: "Does picking a literal can lid fit any of those things?"
Phosphy: "I'm sure of it."
Sothis: This should get around the limitations~

Byleth: Sothis! We might get in trouble!

Sothis: One more plate won't hurt us. :p


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Harley: "Does picking a literal can lid fit any of those things?"
Phosphy: "I'm sure of it."
Sothis: This should get around the limitations~

Byleth: Sothis! We might get in trouble!

Sothis: One more plate won't hurt us. :p
Peridot: "Well, no, but that still doesn't mean that it's not an effective hoverboard! In fact, instead of letting it become trash, I'm effectively recycling it." :p


Sparky: "(Well, I have to try and get a good score, now!)" -Phosphora's words have given him confidence!-

-Unless Papyrus realizes that it's a trick?-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-It's likely been around since he's been around any normal water sources...-

-Artoria seems to have always been a big fan of baths as well, so not surprising- :p

I-It might be depending on his circumstances... (At least she's not scared of Mr. Fish anymore...)

(Well, mutated or not, they're still a fellow Gyarados. And nothing can change that!) :grin:
Neo: -now fully on board-

Roman: "Alright.... so what's the plan?"
-hopefully with fresh water :V-

-he's highly aggressive against the enemies, much more so than training dummies or Taiga-

-evil laugh-

[So have...you....fought in the same kind of fights as others here...?]

-she listens in, too curious to not get involved-
-Indeed, though she's patient to give him enough time as he wants-
-It makes sense, after all, these are moving energy puppets that are attempting to kill them-
-Though he'd likely be as aggressive if they were living beings-
da Vinci: "Aaaand training's done!"
Natsuki: "Woah..."
Boudica: "Oh, he has joined some..."
Moriarty: "Simply put, we must make a diversion. He may have a side gig aiding those in the kitchen, but doubts are little in that he has his treasures secured"
If anything, you'll just get nicer cells that this one. If you punks are lucky. :p

Star: "Who the heck is Zedd...?"

Seam: "Chaos, you say? Heheheh, now that rings several old bells..."

Amethyst: "He didn't prank your first birthday cake, right? I doubt he'll prank this one, either." :p

Steven: "Whoa, that's right...You're honoring her name, now!" :b:
Alear: "That's a good question to ask..."
-I still don't know what to do here-
Ruby: "I still felt like reminding him." :glare: -crosses arms-

Yang: "Heheh. Cute." :p
-Fish heard a new target.....this "Zedd"-

That name....it makes me mad for some reason....

-he grins, though he's still a bit sad behind the smile-

I hath found them to be rather pleasant in general. Willing to fight alongside me despite knowing not of mineself and showed genuine gratitude for mine part in disposing of foes.

I doth understand there is....internal quarrel between the order in regards of their existence. I wish to be as impartial as I doth can. Mine thoughts on the matter are thou own, m'lord.
Kimberly: "Rita's former boss. Also an intergalactic conqueror, and in a way, the catalyst for which our world went to garbage"
Lindy: "Could you please tell me~?" -maybe the Rulers hear the conversation with Seam via holigrams, dunno-

Kazemon: "Uuuuuuuh, nothing to worry about!"
Mirei: "In a way, look at this as training to achieve it"
-Sakura feels similar, patting him and hoping all will be fine...-
Alain: -To the group- "Thank you for freeing my friends"
Rin: "Are you the Alain-kun they looked for? Then thank goodness!"

Dukemon: "Understood..." -has a thoughtful face, hands on his chin- "I, Dukemon, do appreciate your input. It shall be taken into consideration for future decisions in this regard, and perhaps if a future meet with them is decided to occur"
She did? What for?

-Arguments about portals and interdimensional travel?-

-But at the same time, Eresh is nothing short of ashamed of that in the present...-

-Shutting down portions of Thunder Mayhem?-

Vulpix: "(Should I worry since Gyarados are really strong Water-type Pokemon...?)"

-I'm still thinking...-
Illya: "My magic allows me to just naturally go through worlds, so..."
-Yeah, she can't believe she used to be extreme like that-
-INDEED, Barricade and some cassettes down above shooting at the Sparkless-formed leg-
Atalanta: "No, he doesn't gets into conflict with the Fire-types here"
-Well now, hmmmm...-
-Some cheesy romance movie? Some superhero one?-
Shez: "That's the spirit~!" :b:
Veyle: "That's... incredible..."

Alear: "I... had a lot of legends behind my name, so I was praised as a deity for centuries... during my coma."
-that means Ana, Alice, Mary and Miyu can immediately tell?-
Musashi: "Let's celebrate~!"
-Draco rolled her eyes-
Lily: "Yeah! It's been really useful!"

Martha: "...That...Must have been such a rude awakening"
-The four of them GASP-
Erika: "Woah, I did it~!"
Mary: "Woah as you said..."
...Okay, maybe we should look into that possibility later so as to not have to deal with any of her potential anger or put out any fires. Also, since when do you make smart points like that, Wade?

-It's a hearty and healthy meal, even if the meat is a bit tougher to chew, so the hunt was at least worth it-

-Helps that they can now say that they successfully hunted and took down a vicious mewnian bear, now- :p

Vulpix: "(You guys can even have Trainers, too?)" :b:

Squirtle: "(It's starting to sound like Pokemon and Digimon have more and more in common by the minute...)"

Including another version of Gretchen or another witch entirely...

-And that's when they find the original Magical Girl who was cursed into becoming Gretchen?-
Hey! I do good stuff sometimes! :glare:
Blake: "That will be good for us." :)
Lilith: "That is true... they are very similar..."
-Byleth nodded at that-

-what KoP asked-
Medb: "I can corroborate on that" :p
Scáthach: "Just becuse you bedded him?"
Medb: "Hey, he's also honest to himself, that's good"
Atalanta: "Hm! Say, shall we keep some of its bones to craft something?"
Ophanimon: "We call ours 'Tamers's instead"
Iroha: "...Is...Is that a large Soul Gem?"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Illya: "My magic allows me to just naturally go through worlds, so..."
-Yeah, she can't believe she used to be extreme like that-
-INDEED, Barricade and some cassettes down above shooting at the Sparkless-formed leg-
Atalanta: "No, he doesn't gets into conflict with the Fire-types here"
-Well now, hmmmm...-
-Some cheesy romance movie? Some superhero one?-
Is she merely jealous of your dimensional travel abilities or has she reprimanded you for not using registed Dimensional Scissors?

-Rin's empathy and humanity really gave her a whole new perspective...And made her regretful of the entire oreal-

-All the while Thunder Mayhem's component Decepticons try to figure out what went wrong?-

Vulpix: "(I'm sure he's as kind as you say, then!)"

-Mabel would vote for a romance movie, but the others would probably outvote her on a superhero movie instead- :V

-hopefully with fresh water :V-

[So have...you....fought in the same kind of fights as others here...?]
-Indeed, though she's patient to give him enough time as he wants-

Boudica: "Oh, he has joined some..."
-It'll definitely be fresh water- :V

(Oh, several, actually! Fights with powerful warriors, enemy soldiers, sea monsters...)

Alear: "That's a good question to ask..."
-I still don't know what to do here-
Ruby: "I still felt like reminding him." :glare: -crosses arms-

Yang: "Heheh. Cute." :p
-Fish heard a new target.....this "Zedd"-

That name....it makes me mad for some reason....

-he grins, though he's still a bit sad behind the smile-

I hath found them to be rather pleasant in general. Willing to fight alongside me despite knowing not of mineself and showed genuine gratitude for mine part in disposing of foes.

I doth understand there is....internal quarrel between the order in regards of their existence. I wish to be as impartial as I doth can. Mine thoughts on the matter are thou own, m'lord.
Kimberly: "Rita's former boss. Also an intergalactic conqueror, and in a way, the catalyst for which our world went to garbage"
Lindy: "Could you please tell me~?" -maybe the Rulers hear the conversation with Seam via holigrams, dunno-

Kazemon: "Uuuuuuuh, nothing to worry about!"
Mirei: "In a way, look at this as training to achieve it"
-Sakura feels similar, patting him and hoping all will be fine...-
Alain: -To the group- "Thank you for freeing my friends"
Rin: "Are you the Alain-kun they looked for? Then thank goodness!"
...So the ******* behind almost all of this is still at large... -Fist clenched in anger-

Marco: "And he sounds extremely powerful in his own right..."


-The Rulers listening in makes total sense, since the group showed the Shadow Crystal to them as well-

Seam: "Ever hear of an old jester called "Jevil"?

Susie: "Not that nutcase again..."

-But Arthur would gladly make another perfectly normal birthday cake for Ruby given that it's not only her birthday, but also all the life-threatening events and battles she went through this Halloween?-

-Jenny immediately noticed Sakura and Gengar's, now named Spooky, saddened expressions and understood why they were upset, so she doesn't hesitate to check on them-

...Are...Are you two going to be alright...? :urg:

Pearl: "You've finally reunited with your missing friend!"

Hey! I do good stuff sometimes! :glare:
Blake: "That will be good for us." :)
Lilith: "That is true... they are very similar..."
-Byleth nodded at that-

-what KoP asked-
Medb: "I can corroborate on that" :p
Scáthach: "Just becuse you bedded him?"
Medb: "Hey, he's also honest to himself, that's good"
Atalanta: "Hm! Say, shall we keep some of its bones to craft something?"
Ophanimon: "We call ours 'Tamers's instead"
Iroha: "...Is...Is that a large Soul Gem?"
Maybe, but you're also frequently annoying. :p

-Then Medb-

...I did not need a reminder of that fact. I guess you've got a point about the guy at least being honest, though...Usually.

-Like weapons or tools?-

Mudkip: "(Tamers?)"

Squirtle: "(That's still prety similar...)"

You mean like the things that put you girls under Gretchen's mind control?

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Musashi: "Let's celebrate~!"
-Draco rolled her eyes-
Lily: "Yeah! It's been really useful!"

Martha: "...That...Must have been such a rude awakening"
-The four of them GASP-
Erika: "Woah, I did it~!"
Mary: "Woah as you said..."
Shez: "Hell yeah, girlie!" :b: -orders cook-
Veyle: "I have one too, but all it does is have its power scale with how good its holder is at magic. And I'm very good at that so..."

Alear: "It really was. To be seen as a deity and pampered accordingly, all while I had amnesia so I didn't even know why I was praised like that..."
-that... makes it even more awful, doesn't it?-
Kanna: "...What was that, Erika?"

Peridot: "Well, no, but that still doesn't mean that it's not an effective hoverboard! In fact, instead of letting it become trash, I'm effectively recycling it." :p


Sparky: "(Well, I have to try and get a good score, now!)" -Phosphora's words have given him confidence!-

-Unless Papyrus realizes that it's a trick?-
Harley: "That just means somewhere out there, there's a trash can without its lid."
Byleth: What if he realizes it's a trick to get more food than allowed?

Sothis: We would already be in trouble by now if he realized it. :p

-Byleth internally facepalms-

-Fish heard a new target.....this "Zedd"-

That name....it makes me mad for some reason....

-he grins, though he's still a bit sad behind the smile-
Kimberly: "Rita's former boss. Also an intergalactic conqueror, and in a way, the catalyst for which our world went to garbage"
Lindy: "Could you please tell me~?" -maybe the Rulers hear the conversation with Seam via holigrams, dunno-

Kazemon: "Uuuuuuuh, nothing to worry about!"
Mirei: "In a way, look at this as training to achieve it"
-Sakura feels similar, patting him and hoping all will be fine...-
Alain: -To the group- "Thank you for freeing my friends"
Rin: "Are you the Alain-kun they looked for? Then thank goodness!"

Dukemon: "Understood..." -has a thoughtful face, hands on his chin- "I, Dukemon, do appreciate your input. It shall be taken into consideration for future decisions in this regard, and perhaps if a future meet with them is decided to occur"
...So the ******* behind almost all of this is still at large... -Fist clenched in anger-

Marco: "And he sounds extremely powerful in his own right..."


-The Rulers listening in makes total sense, since the group showed the Shadow Crystal to them as well-

Seam: "Ever hear of an old jester called "Jevil"?

Susie: "Not that nutcase again..."

-But Arthur would gladly make another perfectly normal birthday cake for Ruby given that it's not only her birthday, but also all the life-threatening events and battles she went through this Halloween?-

-Jenny immediately noticed Sakura and Gengar's, now named Spooky, saddened expressions and understood why they were upset, so she doesn't hesitate to check on them-

...Are...Are you two going to be alright...? :urg:

Pearl: "You've finally reunited with your missing friend!"
Veyle: "I'm sure it's nothing my big sister and I can't handle."

Alear: "Just to be safe, maybe it shouldn't be just the two of us, Veyle." :lol:
-I skipped that whole part because there was so much, but I can try chipping in as Palutena and Azura next post :V-
Ruby: -hand on Jenny's shoulder- "I think they just need some time..."

-she listens in, too curious to not get involved-
Moriarty: "Simply put, we must make a diversion. He may have a side gig aiding those in the kitchen, but doubts are little in that he has his treasures secured"
Neo: -bows, as if indicating she can work on that part-

Medb: "I can corroborate on that" :p
Scáthach: "Just becuse you bedded him?"
Medb: "Hey, he's also honest to himself, that's good"
Atalanta: "Hm! Say, shall we keep some of its bones to craft something?"
Ophanimon: "We call ours 'Tamers's instead"
Iroha: "...Is...Is that a large Soul Gem?"
Maybe, but you're also frequently annoying. :p

-Then Medb-

...I did not need a reminder of that fact. I guess you've got a point about the guy at least being honest, though...Usually.

-Like weapons or tools?-

Mudkip: "(Tamers?)"

Squirtle: "(That's still prety similar...)"

You mean like the things that put you girls under Gretchen's mind control?
Come on! Is bedding people all you can think about with her? She was a perfectly capable queen too.

Totally not a biased opinion or anything.

Blake: "I like that idea."
Lilith: "Different words but a similar purpose..."
Byleth: -looking at the magical girls- "Are you ready to break it...? Since you were summoned by her, I can't guarantee you'll survive without her."

-they would rather sacrifice themselves than see this witch destroy more worlds?-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Is she merely jealous of your dimensional travel abilities or has she reprimanded you for not using registed Dimensional Scissors?

-Rin's empathy and humanity really gave her a whole new perspective...And made her regretful of the entire oreal-

-All the while Thunder Mayhem's component Decepticons try to figure out what went wrong?-

Vulpix: "(I'm sure he's as kind as you say, then!)"

-Mabel would vote for a romance movie, but the others would probably outvote her on a superhero movie instead- :V
Illya: "It was about me better having some discretion when using it... I don't have any of those scissors by the way, I use a wand too"
-Yeah, now she really prefers to not recall that. Since even then Ishtar was concerned about her-
-And Ishtar too was so much worse back then, so it says a lot-
Bludgeon: You made us unstable!
Airachnid: Your fault!
Mohawk: You're ruining mine and the boss's fun!
Atalanta: "He is! I can assure you" :)
-That's what makes the most sense, yeah- :V
Shez: "Hell yeah, girlie!" :b: -orders cook-
Veyle: "I have one too, but all it does is have its power scale with how good its holder is at magic. And I'm very good at that so..."

Alear: "It really was. To be seen as a deity and pampered accordingly, all while I had amnesia so I didn't even know why I was praised like that..."
-that... makes it even more awful, doesn't it?-
Kanna: "...What was that, Erika?"
Musashi: "We'll come up with a name with them, I'm sure~"
Medea: "So it's similar, but not quite"

Martha: "I'm sorry... That really added a lot of presure without you understanding why they did that, didn't it?"
Erika: "It's like one of the chests that she can make!" :O
Fate: "She as in...?"
Erika: "Pandora-nee!"
Maybe, but you're also frequently annoying. :p

-Then Medb-

...I did not need a reminder of that fact. I guess you've got a point about the guy at least being honest, though...Usually.

-Like weapons or tools?-

Mudkip: "(Tamers?)"

Squirtle: "(That's still prety similar...)"

You mean like the things that put you girls under Gretchen's mind control?
Come on! Is bedding people all you can think about with her? She was a perfectly capable queen too.

Totally not a biased opinion or anything.

Blake: "I like that idea."
Lilith: "Different words but a similar purpose..."
Byleth: -looking at the magical girls- "Are you ready to break it...? Since you were summoned by her, I can't guarantee you'll survive without her."

-they would rather sacrifice themselves than see this witch destroy more worlds?-
Medb: "Aw thank you~" -it is true that Medb does respect anyone who is honest with themselves and all-
-It's why despite being annoying, no one can outright hate her-
-Atalanta nodded as they chopped the bear-
Ophanimon: Pretty much. I don't have any of my own, given I'm kinda busy and have an important role in my world"
-That might drag comparisons to Legendary and Mythical Pokémon-
Suzune: "I already ended my life right before I could become a witch, this is fine by me"
Tart: "And I allowed my burnt at the stake so I wouldn't become one either, I'm willing to!"
Oriko: "It feels like this is what my life has led me to, I won't waste any opportunity now"
Kazumi: "Well... So long other worlds don't have to suffer any longer... I'm disposed to it!"
Iroha: "It will end the suffering of Madoka-chan and so many others... So I will do it too!"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Musashi: "We'll come up with a name with them, I'm sure~"
Medea: "So it's similar, but not quite"

Martha: "I'm sorry... That really added a lot of presure without you understanding why they did that, didn't it?"
Erika: "It's like one of the chests that she can make!" :O
Fate: "She as in...?"
Erika: "Pandora-nee!"
Shez: "Maybe B and her Servants would come up with one." -texts them to meet up soon-
Veyle: "I don't think our daggers are similar at all... but they're both powerful in their own right."

Alear: "It was... overwhelming..."
Kanna: "Did you just call her Pandora-nee?!"

-now Palu's daughters are very sus?-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Illya: "It was about me better having some discretion when using it... I don't have any of those scissors by the way, I use a wand too"
-Yeah, now she really prefers to not recall that. Since even then Ishtar was concerned about her-
-And Ishtar too was so much worse back then, so it says a lot-
Bludgeon: You made us unstable!
Airachnid: Your fault!
Mohawk: You're ruining mine and the boss's fun!
Atalanta: "He is! I can assure you" :)
-That's what makes the most sense, yeah- :V
That's no surprise. I've heard your wand can talk, but I've been advised to ignore it. :p

-Because of all that and Rin's influence, they seem to be gradually mending their relationship in the present...-

-How will they defeat the Decepticons now?!-

-All of the Pokemon present seem eager to meet Mr. Fish, now...Except for a few who are understandably still worried, but the best way to alleviate those fears would be for them to speak to Mr. Fish himself-

-Mabel is pouty and crossing her arms as a result of the vote-

Harley: "That just means somewhere out there, there's a trash can without its lid."
Byleth: What if he realizes it's a trick to get more food than allowed?

Sothis: We would already be in trouble by now if he realized it. :p

-Byleth internally facepalms-
Peridot: "What if the trash can was damaged or also got repurposed?"

-So Sparky keeps adding more monkeys and towers when he can as he plays more levels-


Come on! Is bedding people all you can think about with her? She was a perfectly capable queen too.

Totally not a biased opinion or anything.

Blake: "I like that idea."
Lilith: "Different words but a similar purpose..."
Byleth: -looking at the magical girls- "Are you ready to break it...? Since you were summoned by her, I can't guarantee you'll survive without her."

-they would rather sacrifice themselves than see this witch destroy more worlds?-
Medb: "Aw thank you~" -it is true that Medb does respect anyone who is honest with themselves and all-
-It's why despite being annoying, no one can outright hate her-
-Atalanta nodded as they chopped the bear-
Ophanimon: Pretty much. I don't have any of my own, given I'm kinda busy and have an important role in my world"
-That might drag comparisons to Legendary and Mythical Pokémon-
Suzune: "I already ended my life right before I could become a witch, this is fine by me"
Tart: "And I allowed my burnt at the stake so I wouldn't become one either, I'm willing to!"
Oriko: "It feels like this is what my life has led me to, I won't waste any opportunity now"
Kazumi: "Well... So long other worlds don't have to suffer any longer... I'm disposed to it!"
Iroha: "It will end the suffering of Madoka-chan and so many others... So I will do it too!"
Well, you are a fully capable fighter and were a legit monarch at one point...

-Still on the stage- A-Alright. is there anyone else left...?

XJ-5: "As a matter of fact, it looks like we've got exactly one last person to introduce!"

// I forgot about Achilles...


-They'd still have enough leftovers to cook more bear for dinner later-

Squirtle: "(So you're a Legendary Digimon?)"

Scyther: "(Not everything about these Digimon are identical to Pokemon...)"

I really hope that's not the case...But we don't know for sure what destroying Gretchen's Soul Gem will do... :urg:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Medb: "Aw thank you~" -it is true that Medb does respect anyone who is honest with themselves and all-
-It's why despite being annoying, no one can outright hate her-
-Atalanta nodded as they chopped the bear-
Ophanimon: Pretty much. I don't have any of my own, given I'm kinda busy and have an important role in my world"
-That might drag comparisons to Legendary and Mythical Pokémon-
Suzune: "I already ended my life right before I could become a witch, this is fine by me"
Tart: "And I allowed my burnt at the stake so I wouldn't become one either, I'm willing to!"
Oriko: "It feels like this is what my life has led me to, I won't waste any opportunity now"
Kazumi: "Well... So long other worlds don't have to suffer any longer... I'm disposed to it!"
Iroha: "It will end the suffering of Madoka-chan and so many others... So I will do it too!"
Well, you are a fully capable fighter and were a legit monarch at one point...

-Still on the stage- A-Alright. is there anyone else left...?

XJ-5: "As a matter of fact, it looks like we've got exactly one last person to introduce!"

// I forgot about Achilles...


-They'd still have enough leftovers to cook more bear for dinner later-

Squirtle: "(So you're a Legendary Digimon?)"

Scyther: "(Not everything about these Digimon are identical to Pokemon...)"

I really hope that's not the case...But we don't know for sure what destroying Gretchen's Soul Gem will do... :urg:
Anytime, girl.

-huh, you did...-
-if they can preserve it...-
Lilith: "Not really, but having comparisons help a lot."
Byleth: "...What about you, Homura?"

Peridot: "What if the trash can was damaged or also got repurposed?"

-So Sparky keeps adding more monkeys and towers when he can as he plays more levels-

Harley: "You're overthinking this." :p
-and doing better...-
Sothis: Uh oh...

Byleth: I warned you.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Harley: "You're overthinking this." :p
-and doing better...-
Sothis: Uh oh...

Byleth: I warned you.
Peridot: "Well, I don't know if the trash can I took this lid from has actually been damaged or been recycled, but..."

-But eventually the Pikachu will either get another game over due to one round being insanely difficult for a new player, or pass out and fall asleep on the chair-


-Walking back to the kitchen with a hand on his forehead-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Peridot: "Well, I don't know if the trash can I took this lid from has actually been damaged or been recycled, but..."

-But eventually the Pikachu will either get another game over due to one round being insanely difficult for a new player, or pass out and fall asleep on the chair-


-Walking back to the kitchen with a hand on his forehead-
Harley: "I'm sure someone here could give something that suits ya a lot more than that. Maybe you could get some kind of UFO-shaped thing or whatever."
-or both :V-
Sothis: You were saying? :smirk:

Byleth: You got lucky, Sothis.


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
-Indeed, though she's patient to give him enough time as he wants-
-It makes sense, after all, these are moving energy puppets that are attempting to kill them-
-Though he'd likely be as aggressive if they were living beings-
da Vinci: "Aaaand training's done!"
Natsuki: "Woah..."
Boudica: "Oh, he has joined some..."
Moriarty: "Simply put, we must make a diversion. He may have a side gig aiding those in the kitchen, but doubts are little in that he has his treasures secured"

Kimberly: "Rita's former boss. Also an intergalactic conqueror, and in a way, the catalyst for which our world went to garbage"

Kazemon: "Uuuuuuuh, nothing to worry about!"
Mirei: "In a way, look at this as training to achieve it"
-Sakura feels similar, patting him and hoping all will be fine...-
Alain: -To the group- "Thank you for freeing my friends"
Rin: "Are you the Alain-kun they looked for? Then thank goodness!"

Dukemon: "Understood..." -has a thoughtful face, hands on his chin- "I, Dukemon, do appreciate your input. It shall be taken into consideration for future decisions in this regard, and perhaps if a future meet with them is decided to occur"

-It'll definitely be fresh water- :V

(Oh, several, actually! Fights with powerful warriors, enemy soldiers, sea monsters...)

...So the ******* behind almost all of this is still at large... -Fist clenched in anger-

Marco: "And he sounds extremely powerful in his own right..."


-But Arthur would gladly make another perfectly normal birthday cake for Ruby given that it's not only her birthday, but also all the life-threatening events and battles she went through this Halloween?-

-Jenny immediately noticed Sakura and Gengar's, now named Spooky, saddened expressions and understood why they were upset, so she doesn't hesitate to check on them-

...Are...Are you two going to be alright...? :urg:

Veyle: "I'm sure it's nothing my big sister and I can't handle."

Alear: "Just to be safe, maybe it shouldn't be just the two of us, Veyle." :lol:
-I skipped that whole part because there was so much, but I can try chipping in as Palutena and Azura next post :V-
Ruby: -hand on Jenny's shoulder- "I think they just need some time..."

Neo: -bows, as if indicating she can work on that part-
(Need to decide a way to continue the Wendigomon plot or how to get the Zwart plot kicked off)


-he's charging up some static electricity and tackles a clone-

That felt.....good.

[E-Even with how dangerous it can be....?]
-thinking back to yesterday's training-

-listens in-


Well ah'm not gonna let you show me up!
Ah'll get it first!

[Yeah....I'll be ok.]
-wipes a single tear-

Very well, m'lord. Art thou needing mine services further?
-Is he able to sense Naga's divine energy within his servant? Or is it dormant enough that it's undetectable for now?-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Harley: "I'm sure someone here could give something that suits ya a lot more than that. Maybe you could get some kind of UFO-shaped thing or whatever."
-or both :V-
Sothis: You were saying? :smirk:

Byleth: You got lucky, Sothis.
Peridot: "But it wouldn't be an unidentified flying object if everyone knows it's a hoverboard..." -Comically missing the point-

-Sparky eventually passes out and gets a game over as a result of not being awake to buy or place more monkeys or towers- :V

nice job finding out a trick around the cafeteria's daily order limit, by the way.

-Sans realized it immediately-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-It'll definitely be fresh water- :V

(Oh, several, actually! Fights with powerful warriors, enemy soldiers, sea monsters...)
Neo: -bows, as if indicating she can work on that part-
(Need to decide a way to continue the Wendigomon plot or how to get the Zwart plot kicked off)


-he's charging up some static electricity and tackles a clone-

That felt.....good.

[E-Even with how dangerous it can be....?]
-thinking back to yesterday's training-

-listens in-
(Well, I am planning to have Barghest return soon...)
-Feels so good to finally be in his element~-
-Succesfully destroying it!-
Taiga: "That's my boy~!"
da Vinci: "I know some people here that can relate~"
Boudica: Yes, he's quite the brave one too" :)
Moriarty: "From what little could have been observed, it appears that his treasures consist of various types of gear, mostly belts, but also some gadgets. Our goal is to take on the very least three of them"
...So the ******* behind almost all of this is still at large... -Fist clenched in anger-

Marco: "And he sounds extremely powerful in his own right..."


-The Rulers listening in makes total sense, since the group showed the Shadow Crystal to them as well-

Seam: "Ever hear of an old jester called "Jevil"?

Susie: "Not that nutcase again..."

-But Arthur would gladly make another perfectly normal birthday cake for Ruby given that it's not only her birthday, but also all the life-threatening events and battles she went through this Halloween?-

-Jenny immediately noticed Sakura and Gengar's, now named Spooky, saddened expressions and understood why they were upset, so she doesn't hesitate to check on them-

...Are...Are you two going to be alright...? :urg:

Pearl: "You've finally reunited with your missing friend!"
Veyle: "I'm sure it's nothing my big sister and I can't handle."

Alear: "Just to be safe, maybe it shouldn't be just the two of us, Veyle." :lol:
-I skipped that whole part because there was so much, but I can try chipping in as Palutena and Azura next post :V-
Ruby: -hand on Jenny's shoulder- "I think they just need some time..."

Well ah'm not gonna let you show me up!
Ah'll get it first!

[Yeah....I'll be ok.]
-wipes a single tear-

Very well, m'lord. Art thou needing mine services further?
-Is he able to sense Naga's divine energy within his servant? Or is it dormant enough that it's undetectable for now?-
Ransik: "I have no idea what he's doing, he just left us here"
Sledge: "Dang, he might be stealing all the spoils!"
-Fair enough-
Lindy: "I may have done so once..."

Kazemon: "No way! It will be me!"
Mirei: Good, they're more focused. "So, you must prevent the Tamers from going out of control"
-Indeed Arthur would-
-Sakura only nodded, happy, but a little solemn-
Alain: "What did happen in that mansion"
Makoto: "A lot..."

Dukemon: "Hmm, do yourself a check" -I'll leave it ambigous- :V
Shez: "Maybe B and her Servants would come up with one." -texts them to meet up soon-
Veyle: "I don't think our daggers are similar at all... but they're both powerful in their own right."

Alear: "It was... overwhelming..."
Kanna: "Did you just call her Pandora-nee?!"

-now Palu's daughters are very sus?-
Musashi: "Yeah, the smart ones should do the brainstorm!"
Medea: "Well, I don't have reason to not trust your word"

Martha: "Did you try to live up to that?"
Erika: "Yeah? Don't you remember she has looked after me sometimes?"
-You bet they are, moreso Miyu-
That's no surprise. I've heard your wand can talk, but I've been advised to ignore it. :p

-Because of all that and Rin's influence, they seem to be gradually mending their relationship in the present...-

-How will they defeat the Decepticons now?!-

-All of the Pokemon present seem eager to meet Mr. Fish, now...Except for a few who are understandably still worried, but the best way to alleviate those fears would be for them to speak to Mr. Fish himself-

-Mabel is pouty and crossing her arms as a result of the vote-
Illya: "Yeah, trust me, that's the most wise choice..."
-Yeah. Despite how Rin is annoyed over the whole summoning-
Bludgeon: Look at how you're hampering us!
Airachnid: The tides will turn over once you submit!
Mohawk: Don't tell the boss what to do!
-She wonders now if she should get him here...-
Amy: "Maybe next time" :p
Well, you are a fully capable fighter and were a legit monarch at one point...

-Still on the stage- A-Alright. is there anyone else left...?

XJ-5: "As a matter of fact, it looks like we've got exactly one last person to introduce!"

// I forgot about Achilles...


-They'd still have enough leftovers to cook more bear for dinner later-

Squirtle: "(So you're a Legendary Digimon?)"

Scyther: "(Not everything about these Digimon are identical to Pokemon...)"

I really hope that's not the case...But we don't know for sure what destroying Gretchen's Soul Gem will do... :urg:
Anytime, girl.

-huh, you did...-
-if they can preserve it...-
Lilith: "Not really, but having comparisons help a lot."
Byleth: "...What about you, Homura?"
-Medb takes a proud stance as always-
-Achilles takes center stage-
-But Atalanta is elsewhere- :V
-They'll probably find a way-
Ophanimon: !That sounds like an impressive title, I'll consider it" :p
-Homura gulps... But nodded-
Martha: "Alright..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Illya: "Yeah, trust me, that's the most wise choice..."
-Yeah. Despite how Rin is annoyed over the whole summoning-
Bludgeon: Look at how you're hampering us!
Airachnid: The tides will turn over once you submit!
Mohawk: Don't tell the boss what to do!
-She wonders now if she should get him here...-
Amy: "Maybe next time" :p
-So that explains most of the High Commission's stances, but not why most of them dislike monsters...-

-But at the very least, Summer Ishtar's presence allowed Rin to fully regain consciousness...-

-And here I thought the Stunticons didn't get along- :V

-It could at least prove that the Gyarados isn't bad and scary like so many are believed to be...-

Mabel: :glare:

(Need to decide a way to continue the Wendigomon plot or how to get the Zwart plot kicked off)


[E-Even with how dangerous it can be....?]
-thinking back to yesterday's training-
(Well, I am planning to have Barghest return soon...)
-Feels so good to finally be in his element~-
Boudica: Yes, he's quite the brave one too" :)
-What are the Totodile's current thoughts?-

(Well, yeah? I'm fully capable of fighting, so as long as I'm healthy enough to stand and swim, I'll always join a fight at a moment's notice!)

-It's notable that rather than speaking with a battle proud or "Blood Knight" attitude, the Gyarados is speaking in a cheerful and optimistic tone instead, indicating that he joins Chaldea's fights because he believes it's the right thing to do-

Veyle: "I'm sure it's nothing my big sister and I can't handle."

Alear: "Just to be safe, maybe it shouldn't be just the two of us, Veyle." :lol:
-I skipped that whole part because there was so much, but I can try chipping in as Palutena and Azura next post :V-
Ruby: -hand on Jenny's shoulder- "I think they just need some time..."

Well ah'm not gonna let you show me up!
Ah'll get it first!

[Yeah....I'll be ok.]
-wipes a single tear-

Very well, m'lord. Art thou needing mine services further?
-Is he able to sense Naga's divine energy within his servant? Or is it dormant enough that it's undetectable for now?-
Ransik: "I have no idea what he's doing, he just left us here"
Sledge: "Dang, he might be stealing all the spoils!"
-Fair enough-
Lindy: "I may have done so once..."

Kazemon: "No way! It will be me!"
Mirei: Good, they're more focused. "So, you must prevent the Tamers from going out of control"
-Indeed Arthur would-
-Sakura only nodded, happy, but a little solemn-
Alain: "What did happen in that mansion"
Makoto: "A lot..."

Dukemon: "Hmm, do yourself a check" -I'll leave it ambigous- :V
WAlright, first thing's first, we need to track him down. Find out if Zedd's escaped the base, or if he's already planning something big to take over this whole empire...

Marco: "Or what's left of it..."

Susie: "Well, we fought him once. And he was about as strong as that salesman dude."

Kris: "Before Spamton got all those upgrades, he was even stronger than him..."

Seam: "But he wasn't just some nobody who happened to get his hands on a Shadow Crystal, either. See, before spade monster known as King rose to power and started talking about this all-powerful Knight, there used to be four kings ruling over my home Dark World. Jevil worked as the court jester, and I worked as the court mage."

-This Jevil...isn't that the name of the jester monster who attacked everyone who had infiltrated Shadaloo, just after M. Bison's final defeat?-

Amethyst: "Ugh, too long of a story right now..."

Steven: "We can fully explain what happened later, but the laboratory behind this attack has been shut down and most of the things attacking the town disappeared after the mansion was destroyed..."

...Alright. Take all the time you need. Both of you. Just know that we're here for you guys. That includes Rin. :)

-Who's likely already visibly worried about how Sakura is taking Spooky's final passing?-

Anytime, girl.

-huh, you did...-
-if they can preserve it...-
Lilith: "Not really, but having comparisons help a lot."
Byleth: "...What about you, Homura?"
-Medb takes a proud stance as always-
-Achilles takes center stage-
-But Atalanta is elsewhere- :V
-They'll probably find a way-
Ophanimon: !That sounds like an impressive title, I'll consider it" :p
-Homura gulps... But nodded-
Martha: "Alright..."
-And Heshima doesn't realize he's here either since he's still facepalming at Artemis teasing and trolling Apollo- :V

XJ-5: "Already taking center stage! I like your style, big guy!"

-Ice Dust?- :V

Squirtle: "(This just gets more confusing by the minute...N-No offense!)" :lol:

I'll scout ahead. Switching to nightvision in case any other threats show up....
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-listens in-
Moriarty: "From what little could have been observed, it appears that his treasures consist of various types of gear, mostly belts, but also some gadgets. Our goal is to take on the very least three of them"
Roman: "Only three?"


Well ah'm not gonna let you show me up!
Ah'll get it first!

[Yeah....I'll be ok.]
-wipes a single tear-
Ransik: "I have no idea what he's doing, he just left us here"
Sledge: "Dang, he might be stealing all the spoils!"
-Fair enough-
Lindy: "I may have done so once..."

Kazemon: "No way! It will be me!"
Mirei: Good, they're more focused. "So, you must prevent the Tamers from going out of control"
-Indeed Arthur would-
-Sakura only nodded, happy, but a little solemn-
Alain: "What did happen in that mansion"
Makoto: "A lot..."

Dukemon: "Hmm, do yourself a check" -I'll leave it ambigous- :V
WAlright, first thing's first, we need to track him down. Find out if Zedd's escaped the base, or if he's already planning something big to take over this whole empire...

Marco: "Or what's left of it..."

Susie: "Well, we fought him once. And he was about as strong as that salesman dude."

Kris: "Before Spamton got all those upgrades, he was even stronger than him..."

Seam: "But he wasn't just some nobody who happened to get his hands on a Shadow Crystal, either. See, before spade monster known as King rose to power and started talking about this all-powerful Knight, there used to be four kings ruling over my home Dark World. Jevil worked as the court jester, and I worked as the court mage."

-This Jevil...isn't that the name of the jester monster who attacked everyone who had infiltrated Shadaloo, just after M. Bison's final defeat?-

Amethyst: "Ugh, too long of a story right now..."

Steven: "We can fully explain what happened later, but the laboratory behind this attack has been shut down and most of the things attacking the town disappeared after the mansion was destroyed..."

...Alright. Take all the time you need. Both of you. Just know that we're here for you guys. That includes Rin. :)

-Who's likely already visibly worried about how Sakura is taking Spooky's final passing?-
Veyle: "And how do we do that...?"
Palu: -shows up- "Sorry for being late. I had important mother duties. So... what did I miss?"
Azura: "...Sakura?"

-Medb takes a proud stance as always-
-Achilles takes center stage-
-But Atalanta is elsewhere- :V
-They'll probably find a way-
Ophanimon: !That sounds like an impressive title, I'll consider it" :p
-Homura gulps... But nodded-
Martha: "Alright..."
-And Heshima doesn't realize he's here either since he's still facepalming at Artemis teasing and trolling Apollo- :V

XJ-5: "Already taking center stage! I like your style, big guy!"

-Ice Dust?- :V

Squirtle: "(This just gets more confusing by the minute...N-No offense!)" :lol:

I'll scout ahead. Switching to nightvision in case any other threats show up....
Shez: "Hey, this is the cool fast dude."
Blake: "Hmmmm... What about Ice Dust?"
Lilith: "I'm confused as well..."
Byleth: "A smart move... I'll come along in case there are surprises."

Peridot: "But it wouldn't be an unidentified flying object if everyone knows it's a hoverboard..." -Comically missing the point-

-Sparky eventually passes out and gets a game over as a result of not being awake to buy or place more monkeys or towers- :V

nice job finding out a trick around the cafeteria's daily order limit, by the way.

-Sans realized it immediately-
Harley: "...You get what I mean, girl..."
Phopshy: Awwwww....
Sothis: "Keep it down. Otherwise, others might use it." :p

Musashi: "Yeah, the smart ones should do the brainstorm!"
Medea: "Well, I don't have reason to not trust your word"

Martha: "Did you try to live up to that?"
Erika: "Yeah? Don't you remember she has looked after me sometimes?"
-You bet they are, moreso Miyu-
Shez: "Are you saying we're not smart." >:V
Veyle: "What about you, Lily?"

Alear: "I just tried to be myself... and I tried to make any allies I made treat me as more of an equal..."
Kanna: "...That is true but to call her as if she were a sibling..."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-So that explains most of the High Commission's stances, but not why most of them dislike monsters...-

-But at the very least, Summer Ishtar's presence allowed Rin to fully regain consciousness...-

-And here I thought the Stunticons didn't get along- :V

-It could at least prove that the Gyarados isn't bad and scary like so many are believed to be...-

Mabel: :glare:
da Vinci: "Now, do you know why they dislike monsters so much?"
-Yeah, she's glad to not hear her voice inside her head any longer-
-At least most agreed they hated Motormaster, these three are clearly more volatile, and it's doubtful Tarantulas would have made things better-
-Yeah, so maybe she could give Boudica a call, or Undyne if he's with Moana-
Amy: "So what super hero movies are there now?"
Shez: "Are you saying we're not smart." >:V
Veyle: "What about you, Lily?"

Alear: "I just tried to be myself... and I tried to make any allies I made treat me as more of an equal..."
Kanna: "...That is true but to call her as if she were a sibling..."
Musashi: "Well... Yang and Byleth are just smarter?" 😅
Lily: "Mine is a super healing magecraft that is called Pain Breaker!"

Martha: "Did it work?" -at least here in Chaldea she wouldn't need to worry on that-
Erika: "What's wrong with that?"
Alice: "Hmmmmmmm...."
-And Heshima doesn't realize he's here either since he's still facepalming at Artemis teasing and trolling Apollo- :V

XJ-5: "Already taking center stage! I like your style, big guy!"

-Ice Dust?- :V

Squirtle: "(This just gets more confusing by the minute...N-No offense!)" :lol:

I'll scout ahead. Switching to nightvision in case any other threats show up....
Shez: "Hey, this is the cool fast dude."
Blake: "Hmmmm... What about Ice Dust?"
Lilith: "I'm confused as well..."
Byleth: "A smart move... I'll come along in case there are surprises."
Achilles: "'Sup? I'm Achilles. Yes, the Achilles. You can count on me for anything. I may be a Shielder, but I have lots of things!" :p
Atalanta: "Alright, it would better preserve it"
Ophanimon: "It's fine, we just have to agree I'm awesome" :p -patted the tiny turtle Pokémon-
-And thus... They would finally be able to see the GIANT Soul Gem, Kriemhild Gretchen's true form-


-And inside the jewel, they could see a girl-

-For as large and devastating that the witch is, and the various types of magical girls they've seen around from the Incubators's version of Earth, they expected the girl that became Kriemhild Gretchen to be of some grandiose presence and even more unique in appearance amongst her peers-

-Instead... They see the most stereotypical magical girl they have ever laid eyes on. The picture of a normal teenage girl that would be inferred to be pure and kind-hearted from first glance alone that would rather be friends with everyone, and who could easily have been the main character of an early magical girl show back when they were less action focused-

Martha: "...Are you Madoka Kaname?"
-The girl inside, having a solemn expresion... Nodded-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
da Vinci: "Now, do you know why they dislike monsters so much?"
-Yeah, she's glad to not hear her voice inside her head any longer-
-At least most agreed they hated Motormaster, these three are clearly more volatile, and it's doubtful Tarantulas would have made things better-
-Yeah, so maybe she could give Boudica a call, or Undyne if he's with Moana-
Amy: "So what super hero movies are there now?"
No. Just as I said before, I'm not even certain reasons they have for being prejudiced against or believing monsters to be inherently corrupt and evil. If anything, they should have less reason to believe that when they themselves hardly resemble mewmans...


-She's even completely independent from Ishtar again, having only inherited some of her powers-

-And Cyclonus would have actively fought against them as well, albeit for different reasons than Airachnid is...-

-I'll say he's with Moana this time, the two spending some time at either a lake or pool-

Dipper: "Let's see, it's mostly Marvel and DC superhero movies that are out right now..."

Harley: "...You get what I mean, girl..."
Phopshy: Awwwww....
Sothis: "Keep it down. Otherwise, others might use it." :p
Peridot: "...Ohhh, I get it! You mean like a disc-shaped spacecraft! Yeah, Homeworld used to use those designs for their dropships and warships all the time! A classic design, even if technologically outclassed by Era II's standards."

-This Pikachu's adorable...-

or the kitchen staff might catch on and prevent anyone from using it. -Winked again as part of the joke-

Shez: "Hey, this is the cool fast dude."
Blake: "Hmmmm... What about Ice Dust?"
Lilith: "I'm confused as well..."
Byleth: "A smart move... I'll come along in case there are surprises."
Achilles: "'Sup? I'm Achilles. Yes, the Achilles. You can count on me for anything. I may be a Shielder, but I have lots of things!" :p
Atalanta: "Alright, it would better preserve it"
Ophanimon: "It's fine, we just have to agree I'm awesome" :p -patted the tiny turtle Pokémon-
-And thus... They would finally be able to see the GIANT Soul Gem, Kriemhild Gretchen's true form-

View attachment 392765

-And inside the jewel, they could see a girl-

-For as large and devastating that the witch is, and the various types of magical girls they've seen around from the Incubators's version of Earth, they expected the girl that became Kriemhild Gretchen to be of some grandiose presence and even more unique in appearance amongst her peers-

-Instead... They see the most stereotypical magical girl they have ever laid eyes on. The picture of a normal teenage girl that would be inferred to be pure and kind-hearted from first glance alone that would rather be friends with everyone, and who could easily have been the main character of an early magical girl show back when they were less action focused-
View attachment 392766
Martha: "...Are you Madoka Kaname?"
-The girl inside, having a solemn expresion... Nodded-
Steven: "You're a Shielder?!" :surprised:

Marco: "Considering that this Achilles, I'm pretty sure that he's not exaggerating that he knows tons of other weapons and fighting techniques!"


-If they can apply the effects of Ice Dust without damaging the rest of the cyclops bear, at least...-

W-We really need to better explain what Digimon are...At l-least as well as we currently understand them.

-The Squirtle appreciates it, shaking his tail and closing his eyes with a cheerful smile-

Are...you alright? Are you able to talk...?

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Achilles: "'Sup? I'm Achilles. Yes, the Achilles. You can count on me for anything. I may be a Shielder, but I have lots of things!" :p
Atalanta: "Alright, it would better preserve it"
Ophanimon: "It's fine, we just have to agree I'm awesome" :p -patted the tiny turtle Pokémon-
-And thus... They would finally be able to see the GIANT Soul Gem, Kriemhild Gretchen's true form-

-And inside the jewel, they could see a girl-

-For as large and devastating that the witch is, and the various types of magical girls they've seen around from the Incubators's version of Earth, they expected the girl that became Kriemhild Gretchen to be of some grandiose presence and even more unique in appearance amongst her peers-

-Instead... They see the most stereotypical magical girl they have ever laid eyes on. The picture of a normal teenage girl that would be inferred to be pure and kind-hearted from first glance alone that would rather be friends with everyone, and who could easily have been the main character of an early magical girl show back when they were less action focused-

Martha: "...Are you Madoka Kaname?"
-The girl inside, having a solemn expresion... Nodded-
Steven: "You're a Shielder?!" :surprised:

Marco: "Considering that this Achilles, I'm pretty sure that he's not exaggerating that he knows tons of other weapons and fighting techniques!"


-If they can apply the effects of Ice Dust without damaging the rest of the cyclops bear, at least...-

W-We really need to better explain what Digimon are...At l-least as well as we currently understand them.

-The Squirtle appreciates it, shaking his tail and closing his eyes with a cheerful smile-

Are...you alright? Are you able to talk...?
Shez: "Awesome to properly meet you, Achilles." :p
Blake: "I've never done this before though..."
Lilith: "I would like that..."
Byleth: "Madoka... what's on your mind?"

Musashi: "Well... Yang and Byleth are just smarter?" 😅
Lily: "Mine is a super healing magecraft that is called Pain Breaker!"

Martha: "Did it work?" -at least here in Chaldea she wouldn't need to worry on that-
Erika: "What's wrong with that?"
Alice: "Hmmmmmmm...."
Shez: "Okay, that one's fair."
Veyle: "Whoa... sounds like what Micaiah can do."

Alear: "For some people, yes. For others, not so much..."
Kanna: "It just feels strange because I never heard it before, I guess..."

Peridot: "...Ohhh, I get it! You mean like a disc-shaped spacecraft! Yeah, Homeworld used to use those designs for their dropships and warships all the time! A classic design, even if technologically outclassed by Era II's standards."

-This Pikachu's adorable...-

or the kitchen staff might catch on and prevent anyone from using it. -Winked again as part of the joke-
Harley: "But a trash can lid isn't?"
Sothis: "Precisely." :p

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
No. Just as I said before, I'm not even certain reasons they have for being prejudiced against or believing monsters to be inherently corrupt and evil. If anything, they should have less reason to believe that when they themselves hardly resemble mewmans...


-She's even completely independent from Ishtar again, having only inherited some of her powers-

-And Cyclonus would have actively fought against them as well, albeit for different reasons than Airachnid is...-

-I'll say he's with Moana this time, the two spending some time at either a lake or pool-

Dipper: "Let's see, it's mostly Marvel and DC superhero movies that are out right now..."
Illya: "I remember Tamamo-san pointed that out once..."
-Yeah, and she couldn't be happier like that!-
-And Steeljaw also was reluctant while working with them, if less altruistic than Cyclonus-
-So Boudica was like this on the side-
Amy: "Fron the time I've spent on Earth, it seems to always be those two, unless you're in Japan"
Shez: "Okay, that one's fair."
Veyle: "Whoa... sounds like what Micaiah can do."

Alear: "For some people, yes. For others, not so much..."
Kanna: "It just feels strange because I never heard it before, I guess..."
Musashi: "See? I just know how things are"
Lily: "That's one of the Emblems, right?"

Martha: "It must be pressuring, being looked up by many that see you that grandiose..."
Erika: "Huh, and here I thought it was too obvious..."
Steven: "You're a Shielder?!" :surprised:

Marco: "Considering that this Achilles, I'm pretty sure that he's not exaggerating that he knows tons of other weapons and fighting techniques!"


-If they can apply the effects of Ice Dust without damaging the rest of the cyclops bear, at least...-

W-We really need to better explain what Digimon are...At l-least as well as we currently understand them.

-The Squirtle appreciates it, shaking his tail and closing his eyes with a cheerful smile-

Are...you alright? Are you able to talk...?
Shez: "Awesome to properly meet you, Achilles." :p
Blake: "I've never done this before though..."
Lilith: "I would like that..."
Byleth: "Madoka... what's on your mind?"
Achilles: "Don't any of you get surprised if I suddenly become the top guy around here" :p
Atalanta: "You won't know how you'll do if you don't first try either..."
Ophanimon: "It's alright. You can take your time with understanding" :)
Iroha: "Madoka-chan... You remember others, right?"
Madoka: "........" -nodded, then Byleth and Jenny- ".......I have killed so many. Billions gone thanks to me... I don't get it. I never wanted to hurt anyone, and yet..."
Homura: "K-Kaname-san..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Illya: "I remember Tamamo-san pointed that out once..."
-Yeah, and she couldn't be happier like that!-
-And Steeljaw also was reluctant while working with them, if less altruistic than Cyclonus-
-So Boudica was like this on the side-
Amy: "Fron the time I've spent on Earth, it seems to always be those two, unless you're in Japan"
The Caster who's turned into a giant magical fox?

-Well, aside from Ishtar's "armors" only qualifying as such by few parts of them made out of metal and having some magic defense enchantments- :V

-Due to the fact that he was merely trying to survive, and thus following orders so as to not be executed or experimented on by the ones who were actually trying to revive Unicron-

-Considering that, he certainly wouldn't have been thrilled to be made into joining a Combiner with the rest of the rest of these insane or power-hungry bots-

-Why does so much official art give several of them more revealing impractical swimwear lmao-

-As for Undyne, she's wearing an orange tank top and a matching pair of orange swim trunks-

Dipper: "Oh yeah, they've got their own set of superhero franchises over there. I'm personally still waiting to see if they'll ever bring back Golden Bat."

Mabel: "I've never really read those old comics, but didn't that one TV series have a character who looks weirdly similar to Lapis?"

Dipper: "Eh, it's probably just a coincidence."

Harley: "But a trash can lid isn't?"
Sothis: "Precisely." :p
Peridot: "Why can't it just be a cool hoverboard?!"

-He's laying curled up asleep on the desk chair as of now-

-Tough as he is and confident as he acts, he's still a Pikachu and he still needs rest-

maybe i could keep quiet...if ya let me get a cut by ordering some extra ketchup.

Shez: "Awesome to properly meet you, Achilles." :p
Blake: "I've never done this before though..."
Lilith: "I would like that..."
Byleth: "Madoka... what's on your mind?"
Achilles: "Don't any of you get surprised if I suddenly become the top guy around here" :p
Atalanta: "You won't know how you'll do if you don't first try either..."
Ophanimon: "It's alright. You can take your time with understanding" :)
Iroha: "Madoka-chan... You remember others, right?"
Madoka: "........" -nodded, then Byleth and Jenny- ".......I have killed so many. Billions gone thanks to me... I don't get it. I never wanted to hurt anyone, and yet..."
Homura: "K-Kaname-san..."
-Undyne jumps on the stage upon hearing that claim, with enough force to leave to leave a dent in the stage and shake the area around it-

Is that a challenge?! :p


-Would Blake be able to apply the Ice Dust without shooting bullets of it??-

-It helps that Lilith is still learning what Pokemon are as well...Or, maybe not since they're a whole other type of class of creatures and trying to learn about both Pokemon and Digimon at the same time would be confusing- :V

This wasn't your fault, it's pretty clear that Magical Girls from your universe turning into a Witch means they aren't exactly themselves anymore...

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Musashi: "See? I just know how things are"
Lily: "That's one of the Emblems, right?"

Martha: "It must be pressuring, being looked up by many that see you that grandiose..."
Erika: "Huh, and here I thought it was too obvious..."
Shez: "Well, shall we go wait for them."
Veyle: "Indeed. She has the ability to heal and cure all ailments for all allies... but it comes at the cost of putting its user on the verge of death."

Alear: "It really was. It was also annoying..."
Kanna: "Maybe I wasn't there whenever you did it before...?"

Peridot: "Why can't it just be a cool hoverboard?!"

-He's laying curled up asleep on the desk chair as of now-

-Tough as he is and confident as he acts, he's still a Pikachu and he still needs rest-

maybe i could keep quiet...if ya let me get a cut by ordering some extra ketchup.
Harley: "Whatever, I guess. If ya like that thing, I can't force ya."
Phosphy: That's so cute~!
Sothis: "Hmmmm, I could think about it." :p

Achilles: "Don't any of you get surprised if I suddenly become the top guy around here" :p
Atalanta: "You won't know how you'll do if you don't first try either..."
Ophanimon: "It's alright. You can take your time with understanding" :)
Iroha: "Madoka-chan... You remember others, right?"
Madoka: "........" -nodded, then Byleth and Jenny- ".......I have killed so many. Billions gone thanks to me... I don't get it. I never wanted to hurt anyone, and yet..."
Homura: "K-Kaname-san..."
Is that a challenge?! :p

-Would Blake be able to apply the Ice Dust without shooting bullets of it??-

-It helps that Lilith is still learning what Pokemon are as well...Or, maybe not since they're a whole other type of class of creatures and trying to learn about both Pokemon and Digimon at the same time would be confusing- :V

This wasn't your fault, it's pretty clear that Magical Girls from your universe turning into a Witch means they aren't exactly themselves anymore...
Shez: -rushed to get between Achilles and Undyne- "Clearly, he's challenging me, girl." :p
-not the first time-

Blake: "..."
Lilith: "I do think learning both Pokemon and Digimon at the same time could be overwhelming... but knowing there are similarities can help." :)
Byleth: "...What would you be willing to do to end this suffering?"

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
The Caster who's turned into a giant magical fox?

-Well, aside from Ishtar's "armors" only qualifying as such by few parts of them made out of metal and having some magic defense enchantments- :V

-Due to the fact that he was merely trying to survive, and thus following orders so as to not be executed or experimented on by the ones who were actually trying to revive Unicron-

-Considering that, he certainly wouldn't have been thrilled to be made into joining a Combiner with the rest of the rest of these insane or power-hungry bots-

-Why does so much official art give several of them more revealing impractical swimwear lmao-

-As for Undyne, she's wearing an orange tank top and a matching pair of orange swim trunks-

Dipper: "Oh yeah, they've got their own set of superhero franchises over there. I'm personally still waiting to see if they'll ever bring back Golden Bat."

Mabel: "I've never really read those old comics, but didn't that one TV series have a character who looks weirdly similar to Lapis?"

Dipper: "Eh, it's probably just a coincidence."
Illya: "Yeah, that is she..."
-Yeah, and she'd rather not get any of her actual clothes destroyed- :V
-Indeed, so he was also shooting with a wrist-installed gun-
Shadow Striker: "And they wanted you to be part of that thing?"
Steeljaw: "As you see, I had nothing to lose from getting captured by you lot"

Boudica: -Drinking from a coconut- Ah~ So nice to finally not having to cook for all those gluttons any longer... Moreso Nero.
Amy: "And one of the most famous is Ultraman. It's amazing what they still are willing to do with rubber and spandex costumes along practical effects!"
Shez: "Well, shall we go wait for them."
Veyle: "Indeed. She has the ability to heal and cure all ailments for all allies... but it comes at the cost of putting its user on the verge of death."

Alear: "It really was. It was also annoying..."
Kanna: "Maybe I wasn't there whenever you did it before...?"
Musashi: "Sure! Hey, are you coming?"
Draco: "You dragged me here..."
Lily: "...That...Doesn't happens with me..."
MEdea: "It's likely even more potent"

Martha: "On the least, that's unlikely to happen here. Gods walk amongst us like regular people, as well as alien mechanoids or dragons"
Erika: "Oh well" -casts blades like Pandora tooooo-
-Undyne jumps on the stage upon hearing that claim, with enough force to leave to leave a dent in the stage and shake the area around it-

Is that a challenge?! :p


-Would Blake be able to apply the Ice Dust without shooting bullets of it??-

-It helps that Lilith is still learning what Pokemon are as well...Or, maybe not since they're a whole other type of class of creatures and trying to learn about both Pokemon and Digimon at the same time would be confusing- :V

This wasn't your fault, it's pretty clear that Magical Girls from your universe turning into a Witch means they aren't exactly themselves anymore...
Shez: -rushed to get between Achilles and Undyne- "Clearly, he's challenging me, girl." :p
-not the first time-

Blake: "..."
Lilith: "I do think learning both Pokemon and Digimon at the same time could be overwhelming... but knowing there are similarities can help." :)
Byleth: "...What would you be willing to do to end this suffering?"
Achilles: "Huh, so we got some challengers" :p
Luvia: "Do not ruin the stage!"
-So, would it work?-
Ophanimon: "Aww, sorry if I overwhelmed you a little, dear!"
Madoka: "...I really can't control my body anymore. The souls of countless magical girls were dragged on by my witch form to make their suffering perpetual...If destroying me means that they don't have to carry that burden any more..."
Homura: "K-Kaname-san..."
Madoka: "Homura-chan...You did so much for me yet I ended like this. I'm so sorry..."
Homura: "N-No, I failed you...I failed you more times than I can count..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Illya: "Yeah, that is she..."
-Yeah, and she'd rather not get any of her actual clothes destroyed- :V
-Indeed, so he was also shooting with a wrist-installed gun-
Shadow Striker: "And they wanted you to be part of that thing?"
Steeljaw: "As you see, I had nothing to lose from getting captured by you lot"

Boudica: -Drinking from a coconut- Ah~ So nice to finally not having to cook for all those gluttons any longer... Moreso Nero.
Amy: "And one of the most famous is Ultraman. It's amazing what they still are willing to do with rubber and spandex costumes along practical effects!"
And how did they react?

-Some of them fell totally awkwardly silent because they realized Tamamo had a point, others argued that they were created by Glossaryck and count as a separate type of species- :V

-Yet more reasons why she doesn't get along with Ishtar- :V

This cult won't be a thorn in our side for much longer...

-Has Nero taken the chefs' strike as badly as the other gluttons or is she obliviously cheerful as usual?-

-And yeah, it's easier to enjoy a day off without having to worry about having to just make an insane amount of meals for multiple people again- :V

Mabel: "Practical effects beat CGI effects! I mostly say that because some of them used to scare me." :)

Dipper: "She mostly means stop-motion effects..."

Harley: "Whatever, I guess. If ya like that thing, I can't force ya."
Phosphy: That's so cute~!
Sothis: "Hmmmm, I could think about it." :p
Peridot: "I just think it's effective as a hoverboard thanks to my terrokinetic abilities. Plus it conserves materials for the base's computers!"

-Much like in the SSB series, he's even saying "Piiiiiik..." as he snores-

-Wouldn't Sans have access to free ketchup anyway since he's a member of the kitchen staff?- :V

Shez: -rushed to get between Achilles and Undyne- "Clearly, he's challenging me, girl." :p
-not the first time-

Blake: "..."
Lilith: "I do think learning both Pokemon and Digimon at the same time could be overwhelming... but knowing there are similarities can help." :)
Byleth: "...What would you be willing to do to end this suffering?"
Achilles: "Huh, so we got some challengers" :p
Luvia: "Do not ruin the stage!"
-So, would it work?-
Ophanimon: "Aww, sorry if I overwhelmed you a little, dear!"
Madoka: "...I really can't control my body anymore. The souls of countless magical girls were dragged on by my witch form to make their suffering perpetual...If destroying me means that they don't have to carry that burden any more..."
Homura: "K-Kaname-san..."
Madoka: "Homura-chan...You did so much for me yet I ended like this. I'm so sorry..."
Homura: "N-No, I failed you...I failed you more times than I can count..."
Claptrap: "Too late for that!"

I take any claims like that as a challenge! You think you're already the best, Achilles? You'll have to beat several powerful warriors here including myself first to prove it! :p

-What Digi asked?-

I-I think I can agree with that!

(...I feel awful for them...) :urg:

-Staying silent for now so that Homura and Madoka can talk-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Musashi: "Sure! Hey, are you coming?"
Draco: "You dragged me here..."
Lily: "...That...Doesn't happens with me..."
MEdea: "It's likely even more potent"

Martha: "On the least, that's unlikely to happen here. Gods walk amongst us like regular people, as well as alien mechanoids or dragons"
Erika: "Oh well" -casts blades like Pandora tooooo-
Shez: "Come on, it'll be fun~"
Veyle: "Can hers work on everyone at once?"

Alear: "That sounds comforting, actually..."
Kanna: "Whoa..."

Peridot: "I just think it's effective as a hoverboard thanks to my terrokinetic abilities. Plus it conserves materials for the base's computers!"

-Much like in the SSB series, he's even saying "Piiiiiik..." as he snores-

-Wouldn't Sans have access to free ketchup anyway since he's a member of the kitchen staff?- :V
Phosphy: "Fair enough, I guess."
Phosphy: I think I should let him rest...
Sothis: "Though being a chef yourself, you should have no trouble acquiring such a bottle."

Achilles: "Huh, so we got some challengers" :p
Luvia: "Do not ruin the stage!"
-So, would it work?-
Ophanimon: "Aww, sorry if I overwhelmed you a little, dear!"
Madoka: "...I really can't control my body anymore. The souls of countless magical girls were dragged on by my witch form to make their suffering perpetual...If destroying me means that they don't have to carry that burden any more..."
Homura: "K-Kaname-san..."
Madoka: "Homura-chan...You did so much for me yet I ended like this. I'm so sorry..."
Homura: "N-No, I failed you...I failed you more times than I can count..."
Claptrap: "Too late for that!"

I take any claims like that as a challenge! You think you're already the best, Achilles? You'll have to beat several powerful warriors here including myself first to prove it! :p

-What Digi asked?-

I-I think I can agree with that!

(...I feel awful for them...) :urg:

-Staying silent for now so that Homura and Madoka can talk-
Shez: "You sure you can keep up with him? I've seen him fight and he's no joke." :p
-maybe on the fifth time-

Blake: "That... was harder than I thought. I owe Weiss an apology."
Lilith: "It's... alright. I suppose such a thing is bound to happen with so many new people."
-so does Byleth-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Phosphy: "Fair enough, I guess."
Phosphy: I think I should let him rest...
Sothis: "Though being a chef yourself, you should have no trouble acquiring such a bottle."
-Why was Phosphora the one who said that?- :p


-Yeah, Sparky needs it...-

there's a limit on how much or how often we can take free condiment and kitchen supplies so that we don't run low on stock. even Chaldea having low food stock is rare and usually temporary.

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
And how did they react?

-Some of them fell totally awkwardly silent because they realized Tamamo had a point, others argued that they were created by Glossaryck and count as a separate type of species- :V

-Yet more reasons why she doesn't get along with Ishtar- :V

This cult won't be a thorn in our side for much longer...

-Has Nero taken the chefs' strike as badly as the other gluttons or is she obliviously cheerful as usual?-

-And yeah, it's easier to enjoy a day off without having to worry about having to just make an insane amount of meals for multiple people again- :V

Mabel: "Practical effects beat CGI effects! I mostly say that because some of them used to scare me." :)

Dipper: "She mostly means stop-motion effects..."
Merlin: "Hekapoo was like 'Erm, akshually! Since we were created by Glossaryck, we are a different race'. She groaned after that" :p
-Yeah, from her brattiness, to how much she spends money, to how much prideful she is...-
-No, she doesn't realizes the irony-
-Devastator also managed to land various shots on Thunder Mayhem's chest now, damaging Mohawk-
-It's Nero, so... The latter, pretty much- :V

-So she just has a deep breath, as she observes her partner Pokémon enjoy a swim-
Amy: "Don't worry, they scared Chrono too!"
Chrono:-Blush- "What?!"
Shez: "Come on, it'll be fun~"
Veyle: "Can hers work on everyone at once?"

Alear: "That sounds comforting, actually..."
Kanna: "Whoa..."
Draco: "I. Don't, Care"
Musashi: "Aw come on, you can unleash some violence!"
Medea: "All those around her, at least"

Martha: "I hope you find friends around here" :)
Gil: "Seems you truly are a 1:1 to her..."
Erika: "Amazing~!" :D
Claptrap: "Too late for that!"

I take any claims like that as a challenge! You think you're already the best, Achilles? You'll have to beat several powerful warriors here including myself first to prove it! :p

-What Digi asked?-

I-I think I can agree with that!

(...I feel awful for them...) :urg:

-Staying silent for now so that Homura and Madoka can talk-
Shez: "You sure you can keep up with him? I've seen him fight and he's no joke." :p
-maybe on the fifth time-

Blake: "That... was harder than I thought. I owe Weiss an apology."
Lilith: "It's... alright. I suppose such a thing is bound to happen with so many new people."
-so does Byleth-
Achilles: "I'm sure I can take on you both together" :p
Martha: "...Please not now"
Atalanta: "I'm sure she'll understand"
Ophanimon: "I'm so excited to meet some of your kin though. Many of you are adorable~!"
Madoka: "But I ended bringing our friends and you back just to suffer..."
Homura: "I...You didn't on purpose..."
Madoka: "Even so, I should haven'tlistened to Kyubey..."
Homura: "He tricked all of us! You...You couldn't have known. I was so useless to revent it..."
Madoka: -Shooks- "You traveled back so many times and coped with all of that suffering. I should really thank you..."
Iroha: "...Madoka-chan...You really want this to end, right?"
Madoka: -Nodded-
Suzune: "I would very much be in the same post as her"
Homura: "This... Really needs to end..."
Tart: "I just hope that you can find peace"
Kazumi: "So, this is the Witch's true form then?"
Oriko: "We'll have to destroy it"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Merlin: "Hekapoo was like 'Erm, akshually! Since we were created by Glossaryck, we are a different race'. She groaned after that" :p
-Yeah, from her brattiness, to how much she spends money, to how much prideful she is...-
-No, she doesn't realizes the irony-
-Devastator also managed to land various shots on Thunder Mayhem's chest now, damaging Mohawk-
-It's Nero, so... The latter, pretty much- :V

-So she just has a deep breath, as she observes her partner Pokémon enjoy a swim-
Amy: "Don't worry, they scared Chrono too!"
Chrono:-Blush- "What?!"
I see her attitude hasn't changed in last 300 years. :p

-They do still care about each other, they're just too proud to admit that- :V

-If they aren't any more Sparkless on the field and no more Angolmois missiles still airborne, then Aquamarine tries to capture the entirety of Thunder Mayhem in her tractor beam-

-Both serpent Pokemon are swimming around the large pool, occasionally jumping in the air-

Dipper: "Wait, really?"

Mabel: "I knew other people had to be afraid of those old-timey special effects! They're unnatural!"

Shez: "You sure you can keep up with him? I've seen him fight and he's no joke." :p
-maybe on the fifth time-

Blake: "That... was harder than I thought. I owe Weiss an apology."
Lilith: "It's... alright. I suppose such a thing is bound to happen with so many new people."
-so does Byleth-
Achilles: "I'm sure I can take on you both together" :p
Martha: "...Please not now"
Atalanta: "I'm sure she'll understand"
Ophanimon: "I'm so excited to meet some of your kin though. Many of you are adorable~!"
Madoka: "But I ended bringing our friends and you back just to suffer..."
Homura: "I...You didn't on purpose..."
Madoka: "Even so, I should haven'tlistened to Kyubey..."
Homura: "He tricked all of us! You...You couldn't have known. I was so useless to revent it..."
Madoka: -Shooks- "You traveled back so many times and coped with all of that suffering. I should really thank you..."
Iroha: "...Madoka-chan...You really want this to end, right?"
Madoka: -Nodded-
Suzune: "I would very much be in the same post as her"
Homura: "This... Really needs to end..."
Tart: "I just hope that you can find peace"
Kazumi: "So, this is the Witch's true form then?"
Oriko: "We'll have to destroy it"
Who said right now? There's tons of people who get hurt in crossfire, here! We can reserve a proper battle at the training grounds for later! Doesn't mean I'm not still about to take a challenge when I hear one!

-With how close they are? Weiss would totally understand-

-...She might crack a lighthearted joke about it or be like "I told you so", though- :p

Vulpix: "(You really think so?)" :b:

Girafarig: "(Aw, shucks...)" 😅

Squirtle: "(I'd still rather be known for being cool...)" -Crosses arms, mildly grumpy-

(Kyubey? He's probably one of those so-called "Incubators"...)

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Why was Phosphora the one who said that?- :p


-Yeah, Sparky needs it...-

there's a limit on how much or how often we can take free condiment and kitchen supplies so that we don't run low on stock. even Chaldea having low food stock is rare and usually temporary.
Okay, true story, I spent the last 20 posts accidentally writing her name instead of Harley's but always managed to notice and change it before sending... until this one. I don't know why it happens, it just does.
-she gets a blanket-
Sothis: "Fair enough, I suppose..."

Draco: "I. Don't, Care"
Musashi: "Aw come on, you can unleash some violence!"
Medea: "All those around her, at least"

Martha: "I hope you find friends around here" :)
Gil: "Seems you truly are a 1:1 to her..."
Erika: "Amazing~!" :D
Shez: "Maybe even kill some humans?"
Veyle: "But only within a certain range..."

Alear: "I think I've found one already." :)
Kanna: "You... like being her?"

Achilles: "I'm sure I can take on you both together" :p
Martha: "...Please not now"
Atalanta: "I'm sure she'll understand"
Ophanimon: "I'm so excited to meet some of your kin though. Many of you are adorable~!"
Madoka: "But I ended bringing our friends and you back just to suffer..."
Homura: "I...You didn't on purpose..."
Madoka: "Even so, I should haven'tlistened to Kyubey..."
Homura: "He tricked all of us! You...You couldn't have known. I was so useless to revent it..."
Madoka: -Shooks- "You traveled back so many times and coped with all of that suffering. I should really thank you..."
Iroha: "...Madoka-chan...You really want this to end, right?"
Madoka: -Nodded-
Suzune: "I would very much be in the same post as her"
Homura: "This... Really needs to end..."
Tart: "I just hope that you can find peace"
Kazumi: "So, this is the Witch's true form then?"
Oriko: "We'll have to destroy it"
Who said right now? There's tons of people who get hurt in crossfire, here! We can reserve a proper battle at the training grounds for later! Doesn't mean I'm not still about to take a challenge when I hear one!

-With how close they are? Weiss would totally understand-

-...She might crack a lighthearted joke about it or be like "I told you so", though- :p

Vulpix: "(You really think so?)" :b:

Girafarig: "(Aw, shucks...)" 😅

Squirtle: "(I'd still rather be known for being cool...)" -Crosses arms, mildly grumpy-

(Kyubey? He's probably one of those so-called "Incubators"...)
Shez: "Think you can take both of us? Alright, bet!" :p
Blake: "I dread the 'I told you so' moment."
Lilith: "Adorable?" -blushed a bit-
Byleth: I think Homura should do it...

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
I see her attitude hasn't changed in last 300 years. :p

-They do still care about each other, they're just too proud to admit that- :V

-If they aren't any more Sparkless on the field and no more Angolmois missiles still airborne, then Aquamarine tries to capture the entirety of Thunder Mayhem in her tractor beam-

-Both serpent Pokemon are swimming around the large pool, occasionally jumping in the air-

Dipper: "Wait, really?"

Mabel: "I knew other people had to be afraid of those old-timey special effects! They're unnatural!"
Merlin: "Seems not" :p
Medea: "At least they haven't interfered much with our monster friends... Much"
-Yeah, that's pretty accurate to say- :V -Either way, they go back to their lives-
-It would be difficult to. The leg formed by Airachnid, however...-
Boudica: So cute. :)
Amy: "We found some that the Admiral used to watch and watched them. He trembled so much that night" :p
Chrono: "A-Aaaah...."
Shez: "Maybe even kill some humans?"
Veyle: "But only within a certain range..."

Alear: "I think I've found one already." :)
Kanna: "You... like being her?"
Draco: "........" 🤔
Medea: "Correct, speaking of, I think she did get a partner in those Emblems"

Martha: "...Thank you, I'll be honored" :)
Erika: "I mean, why not?" :p
Most kids: "..................."
Who said right now? There's tons of people who get hurt in crossfire, here! We can reserve a proper battle at the training grounds for later! Doesn't mean I'm not still about to take a challenge when I hear one!

-With how close they are? Weiss would totally understand-

-...She might crack a lighthearted joke about it or be like "I told you so", though- :p

Vulpix: "(You really think so?)" :b:

Girafarig: "(Aw, shucks...)" 😅

Squirtle: "(I'd still rather be known for being cool...)" -Crosses arms, mildly grumpy-

(Kyubey? He's probably one of those so-called "Incubators"...)
Shez: "Think you can take both of us? Alright, bet!" :p
Blake: "I dread the 'I told you so' moment."
Lilith: "Adorable?" -blushed a bit-
Byleth: I think Homura should do it...
Achilles: "Nice" :p
Luvia/Jeanne/Scáthach/Martha: And the paperwork piles up....
Atalanta: "...She can give some harsh glares" last year
Ophanimon: "Yes, I really think so~" -patted the Vulpix-
Tart: "Then... Has the time come?"
Madoka: "Yes, and..." -writtled- "H-Hurry please..."
Martha: "...What's wrong?"
Madoka: "I told you I can't control my body... You've spent long enough in my barrier I... I am starting to summon more magical girls against my will!!"
Homura: "Kaname-san!"
Iroha: "Madoka-chan!"
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Merlin: "Seems not" :p
Medea: "At least they haven't interfered much with our monster friends... Much"
-Yeah, that's pretty accurate to say- :V -Either way, they go back to their lives-
-It would be difficult to. The leg formed by Airachnid, however...-
Boudica: So cute. :)
Amy: "We found some that the Admiral used to watch and watched them. He trembled so much that night" :p
Chrono: "A-Aaaah...."
Have conditions truly not improved for monsters in the present...?

-And Ishtar is being that unintentionally embarrassing older sibling going on about how proud she is of Ereshkigal for making friends now?- :V

-The problem is. they need her to keep the others busy...-

-Floating partly above water, fanning herself with her tail fin- (I missed swimming in wide spaces of water~)

(I missed swimming outside of small tanks like where that shopkeeper kept me.. )

Mabel: "Huh. That is not the picture I got of kid-you, Chrono..."

Okay, true story, I spent the last 20 posts accidentally writing her name instead of Harley's but always managed to notice and change it before sending... until this one. I don't know why it happens, it just does.
-she gets a blanket-
Sothis: "Fair enough, I suppose..."
Maybe it's because they're both shortened nicknames that end with a "y"?

-Sparky isn't woken up-

sides', making ketchup instead ic just hyping a bottle is a pain.

Shez: "Think you can take both of us? Alright, bet!" :p
Blake: "I dread the 'I told you so' moment."
Lilith: "Adorable?" -blushed a bit-
Byleth: I think Homura should do it...
Merlin: "Seems not" :p
Medea: "At least they haven't interfered much with our monster friends... Much"
-Yeah, that's pretty accurate to say- :V -Either way, they go back to their lives-
-It would be

Achilles: "Nice" :p
Luvia/Jeanne/Scáthach/Martha: And the paperwork piles up....
Atalanta: "...She can give some harsh glares" last year
Ophanimon: "Yes, I really think so~" -patted the Vulpix-
Tart: "Then... Has the time come?"
Madoka: "Yes, and..." -writtled- "H-Hurry please..."
Martha: "...What's wrong?"
Madoka: "I told you I can't control my body... You've spent long enough in my barrier I... I am starting to summon more magical girls against my will!!"
Homura: "Kaname-san!"
Iroha: "Madoka-chan!"
You're on!

Oh, Undyne... :p

-I think your reply here is unfinished, Digi?-

-The Vulpix waggles her five tails and smiles in response?-

A-Alright, we're got to do something! And fast!
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