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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Camilla: "Oh, absolutely, girlfriend~" -likewise-
Palutena: "...." -looking at Lilith- "You weren't kidding about the fighting nut part..."
-because this is about music, one of the other Servants suggests an electric guitar for Draco?-
Emblem Tiki: "I shall!"
-And thus the two royals come out to hang out while chatting-
Medb: "I'll say, this copy of yours in this Bracelet is quite intriguing to fuse with"
Lilith: "Yeah, she's always about that or looking for what man to sleep with... Okay, I'm like that too in the latter part, but she risks herself too much on the former part!"
Morrigan: "Hey, it's always exciting to face new challenges" :p
Draco: "...I thought you were meaning something to eat!"
Arcueid: "Seems someone wasn't paying attention" :p
Tiki: "Aaaand, there!"
Martha: "Huh, we won"
-enters a pouncing stance once more-

Not that I'm judging, I'm just....a little surprised considering you made me as a boy....
....also no offense, but I don't want to be in the same room seeing and hearing things all night.

-just ask Cyrus :V-

-and he might come in new varieties.... :V-
I HEARD THAT! Just for those insults, I will be making a cameo appearance in the below Halloween arc!

-So only less familiar threatening ghosts or giant monsters...Not like Alphys realizes that yet, so she's worried about how she might react to ghosts in general due to the ongoing invasion- :V

(...I hope she doesn't get scared by Napstablook or Aya, either...)
OH NO! YOU ****ING DON'T! That thing has already taken too long as is!
Digital Hazard Digital Hazard The Stoopid Unikorn The Stoopid Unikorn KingofPhantoms KingofPhantoms

-another of the displaced victim of Dark Samus is roaming around munching on any food it can find-
-unlike Bidoof, he isn't so easily spooked-

-For some reason I imagined that one page where Goku and Vegeta get on fighting stances-
-Taiga has kendo sword ready to strike!-

Monika: "Well, honestly I never minded whatever gender, I went with boy as that was the default demographic dating sims tend to go for... And yeah, that's why I was concerened..."

-Given Aya has a physical form it sounds difficult for her to... However, she better not get to the prison cells in the ship-
-After all, Z'Skayr is still contained in a cell (though Wildrider keeps annoying him)-

Robin Hood: "Well now, someone's got to clean this mess and I refuse to be that..." -will end doing it anyway-
-Ooooh boy- :V -For now they got to clean the mess he left, as the place if flooded in juice-
Mirei: "Huh... That ended unexpectedly"

-Of course, the medical staff was looking for the Big Jaw Pokémon-
Shamal: "Totodile! Where are you?"
-I guess she didn't recall that then- :V

Star: "...Except Glossaryck might not be...totally gone? Not like I've found many clues to how in the past several months.."

Linebeck: "...Erm, thanks, I suppose. You chefs here in general seem to know what you're doing much more than most chefs where I'm from."

-Aquamarine immediately tried to catch Cyclonus and any nearby traitorous Decepticons in her tractor beam-

Pichu: "(Well, we miss home...But everyone here has been really nice.)"

Pikachu: "(And the doctors and nurses have taken really good care of us!)" :)

Mabel: "Casual wear is just another step in spending a normal, off the clock day!"
-She didn't- :V

Lily: "If so, then we really can't do anything about him..."
EMIYA: "We must make sure everyone here gets a good meal after all"
-Cyclonus was very quick to evade in his jet mode, while Steeljaw, the one responsible for the clawing, kept attacking while transformed into his offroad vehicle mode-
Bumblebee: "Well, I don't see any of you three in bad health, so they must know what they're doing!"
Chrono: "...I suppose"
Amy: "They're right" :p
-counters with an explosive quake of his own!-

No, thank-a you....if you hadn't shown up, I would-a still be dealing with those other ones....

-he keeps a pained grin in an attempt to not worry her-
[I'll be fine....just a flesh wound. ....ghost flesh, anyway.]
[Don't worry about me, it's not much....]
[....ok, maybe it's more than I thought.]
-Unless Medusa or the Autobots have the means to grab Spamton from a very long distance or have beams that can instantly strike a long distance target, Spamton is already way too far away for any of their attacks to land-

Ugh, shut up! Seriously, did I sound anything like this back when I was in my anti-human phase?

Star: "The very fact that you're aware that you're a Beast should tell you that your goals are messed up, lady! Erm...people!"

XJ-7: "...Right. You don't seem to speak English. Plus there that's helmet robot on your head..." -Wondering if Helix is fully in control of himself like Coyle is whenever she uses a Hedlok-

HOLY [[cungadero]], IF IT ISN'T MY OLD PAL KRIS !! YOU'RE BEEN [[busy dethroning tyrants]], HAVEN'T YOU ??

Susie: "The hell is the freak?! Kris, you've seen this giant robot guy before...?"

Kris: "H-How did you...become...that...?"

-The young Bureau agents would notice that Kris both sounds quite uncharacteristically terrified-

Actually That Was A Memory Bank Error. Lord Zedd Himself Transformed Himself Into A Form Of Much Greater Height And Weight And Destroyed It Himself. Informants From My Loyal Subjects Have Informed Me That Koyanskaya Herself Temporarily Used His Megazord The Last They Located It

Dipper: -Whispering to some of the others- "At least they're considerate enough to cook their own food instead of asking the kitchen staff to overwork for a mountain of food they probably don't need..."

Mabel: -Also whispering- "No offense, but there's a lot of people who do the exact opposite..."

-The Silver Zebesian hisses at them, firing more laser beams while also launching another aerial kick at either of them, even as more blood pours out of it's gut wound and seaps through it's armor-

Tetra: "That doesn't mean we should stay here and do nothing!"

-Being one to frequently venture out on dangerous missions on her own or without telling any grown-ups, Medli is already trying to think of an alternative route for her and the others to get out-

-Neither Tiki nor Peppino might have been able to reliably defeat or scare the creature off without the other's help, given everything it took just to so much as temporarily weaken and drive it off-

Amethyst: "Okay, do you have any idea what the heck that monster was?!"

Specimen 14: "Sure as hell wasn't a possessed doll, even if it sort of looked like one..."

Steven: "Oh c-crud, it actually hurt you! Don't worry, Gengar, I might be able to heal it.."
-Medusa will definitely try beams but they might not reach Spamton-
Viridi: "What a fitting title, because you're about to take a massive L, girl." :p

Arlon: "Good one, Mistress Viridi."

Viridi: "Thank you, Arlon."

-I will leave the answer to that ambiguous-

-besides, someone's been hanging out in Coyle's room since the scientist's connection to the Grid was shut down and was getting bored-

Ingrid: And here I thought shutting down the connection would make the fight shorter, not longer. Perhaps I need to take direct action? -about to hack-
Shez: -heard the whispers and jokingly looked at Musashi-
-Kamui tries to stab and pin the Zebesian with a good ol' side B, aiming for the current wound it has-
Kanna: ".......If things take a turn and more people are needed, do you promise to let us out and help?"
Jaune: "....That thing can cut through souls? That's... very bad for us."

Nora: "That's like, our one good defense made useless... We REALLY gotta be careful now."
-I vote for eliminating this section and just continue it below out of redundancy-
-Both quakes neutralize each other, allowing the triceratops Autobot to breath large amounts of fire that Koyanskaya was forced to shield, and the Emblem-bearing Scáthach took advantage to shoot using Aymr right at her eye, succesfully hitting it and forcing the Beast to yell as more pillars of magma erupted from her mixing Fire and Rock-type abilities-

Nanoha: "...What's going on here?"
Fate: "State your purpose!"

Sitonai: "Ah in that c- WO-WOAH!" -the queakes were felt all throughout the tower
Musashi: "......What?"
-With Jeanne aiming to block the lasers to allow Kamui to do so-
Mata Hari: "Fine then, only if they need more"
da Vinci: "So we'll be watching over you all" :p
Tiki: "You're quite the impressive fighter despite holding no weapon"
Sakura: "Hold on, I had a potion with me in case happened to you"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-And while Winter herself does as well, as evidenced by how she remains in good shape to keep battling as well, rarely talks about how she used to hunt for bugs or scavenge for simple fruits, both of which are a normal part of a wild fox's diet-

-She's so used to eating high quality food here and has enjoyed such a variety of it that she might actually dislike bugs and some wild fruits if she tried them again, despite being an omnivorous species-


Dipper: "It sounded like Claude didn't even know yet...Well, either that or was surprised that I forgot your guys' Byleth was a male with blue hair."

-And I actually couldn't think of anyone else besides Kamui, so I guess Undyne works- :V
-damn, Weiss changed her :V-
Claude: "A little of both, honestly." -surprise arrow show-
-I guess she does lmao-

-And thus the two royals come out to hang out while chatting-
Medb: "I'll say, this copy of yours in this Bracelet is quite intriguing to fuse with"
Lilith: "Yeah, she's always about that or looking for what man to sleep with... Okay, I'm like that too in the latter part, but she risks herself too much on the former part!"
Morrigan: "Hey, it's always exciting to face new challenges" :p
Draco: "...I thought you were meaning something to eat!"
Arcueid: "Seems someone wasn't paying attention" :p
Tiki: "Aaaand, there!"
Martha: "Huh, we won"
Camilla: "How does it feel to fly on your own, without any mount?"
Dark Pit: "Yeah, but it sounds like you're unhealthy about it."
Byleth: "Nothing wrong with doing both." :p
Emblem Tiki: "Whoa! You did it!" :b:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-She didn't- :V

Lily: "If so, then we really can't do anything about him..."
EMIYA: "We must make sure everyone here gets a good meal after all"
-Cyclonus was very quick to evade in his jet mode, while Steeljaw, the one responsible for the clawing, kept attacking while transformed into his offroad vehicle mode-
Bumblebee: "Well, I don't see any of you three in bad health, so they must know what they're doing!"
Chrono: "...I suppose"
Amy: "They're right" :p
Star: "At least not until we find any more clues..."

-They're getting off topic from analyzing STar's successful attempts to Dip Down...-

Linebeck: "Well, I suppose I can't complain about any of the food I've had."

Catch those traitorous bots! -Flying after Cyclonus, despite being considerably slower than, well, a literal jet-

Pichu: "(Yeah, a lot of them even knew healing spells!)"

-The restaurant isn't particularly busy, so they're able to get a table right away-

-damn, Weiss changed her :V-
Claude: "A little of both, honestly." -surprise arrow show-
-I guess she does lmao-
-It's a combination of getting to enjoy kitchen staff's incredible food and being spoiled by Weiss and Rin and their more luxurious lifestyles- :V

-Dipper expected him to take a shot at some point while they were all talking, so he manages to duck it on time before retaliating with some sword beams-

And this here's the training center! I come here a lot, as you can probably guess. :p

Girafarig: "(Whoa, a place to practice battles?)" :b:

Pikachu: "(I can think of several Pokemon who'd want to stay here just for that place!)"

-yeah, she may actually want to challenge Gengar in spite of being at a severe disadvantage, just like in Bidoof's Big Stand-

-the others mentioned....not sure; might have to refresh me-
OH NO! YOU ****ING DON'T! That thing has already taken too long as is!
-Given Aya has a physical form it sounds difficult for her to... However, she better not get to the prison cells in the ship-
-After all, Z'Skayr is still contained in a cell (though Wildrider keeps annoying him)-

Robin Hood: "Well now, someone's got to clean this mess and I refuse to be that..." -will end doing it anyway-
-Ooooh boy- :V -For now they got to clean the mess he left, as the place if flooded in juice-
Mirei: "Huh... That ended unexpectedly"
(I f orgot that Z'Skayr is still a prisoner on the ship...)

(...I really hope the Snatcher doesn't show up, either...)

-To be fair, I was actually considering having Merasmus briefly show up any way. The dialogue and stuff I have planned for him is gonna remain unchanged- :V

-Medusa will definitely try beams but they might not reach Spamton-
Viridi: "What a fitting title, because you're about to take a massive L, girl." :p

Arlon: "Good one, Mistress Viridi."

Viridi: "Thank you, Arlon."

-I will leave the answer to that ambiguous-

-besides, someone's been hanging out in Coyle's room since the scientist's connection to the Grid was shut down and was getting bored-

Ingrid: And here I thought shutting down the connection would make the fight shorter, not longer. Perhaps I need to take direct action? -about to hack-
Shez: -heard the whispers and jokingly looked at Musashi-
-Kamui tries to stab and pin the Zebesian with a good ol' side B, aiming for the current wound it has-
Kanna: ".......If things take a turn and more people are needed, do you promise to let us out and help?"
Jaune: "....That thing can cut through souls? That's... very bad for us."

Nora: "That's like, our one good defense made useless... We REALLY gotta be careful now."
-I vote for eliminating this section and just continue it below out of redundancy-
-Both quakes neutralize each other, allowing the triceratops Autobot to breath large amounts of fire that Koyanskaya was forced to shield, and the Emblem-bearing Scáthach took advantage to shoot using Aymr right at her eye, succesfully hitting it and forcing the Beast to yell as more pillars of magma erupted from her mixing Fire and Rock-type abilities-

Nanoha: "...What's going on here?"
Fate: "State your purpose!"

Sitonai: "Ah in that c- WO-WOAH!" -the queakes were felt all throughout the tower
Musashi: "......What?"
-With Jeanne aiming to block the lasers to allow Kamui to do so-
Mata Hari: "Fine then, only if they need more"
da Vinci: "So we'll be watching over you all" :p
Tiki: "You're quite the impressive fighter despite holding no weapon"
Sakura: "Hold on, I had a potion with me in case happened to you"
-will wait until Digi responds for the counter-quake-

-the makeshift duo aren't fully aware of their situation, are they....?-

[Don't worry about me, it's not much....]
[....ok, maybe it's more than I thought.]
-I vote for that as well- :p

-My characters all wanted to try and attack, but the quake threw them all off balance at best even if both quakes cancelled each other out-

-Only Undyne remained grounded enough to successfully do anything, and that was to send a storm of water construct spears, both regular and golden, at Koyanskaya-


-A few seconds later, Spamton's expression and tone alike both turned downright despondent and full of dread, the yellow and pink colors in his glasses turned into visible TV static, and his Electroninc Speech Impediment disappeared entirel-

...Am I still...not big enough...?

-What will Ingrid do?-

XJ-7: "...Let's defeat that Hedlok and find out." -Aims an extended punch at the Hedlok directly instead-

Whoa Was That Zedd's Megazord Itself?

Dipper: -Innocently whistling-

Mabel: -Starts drawing in a kid's menu despite being a teenager-

-Jeanne is able to block the lasers, and Kamui is able to trap the Silver Zebesian, which screeches at them both before trying to fire a few more lasers at it out of spite-

Tetra: "I'm really sick of having to stay put and not take action when there's urgent and dangerous matters at hand..." -Recalling when King Daphnes sealed her within Hyrule Castle in an effort to prevent Ganondorf from finding her and the Triforce of Wisdom-

-Not every fighter needs a weapon, but Tiki also fought extremely well with her fire breath and...more unorthodox literal watermelon waepon-

(Where did that ghost even come from...?)

-For the very brief amount of time that the Frenzy was here before being destroyed, Ren could sense that it was enraged, and in particular angry at them and considering them intruders-

Steven: "If it's not enough, I can try to heal Gengar's injury as well. I...can't promise it'll work, but my healing spit tends to work more often when I know someone's in serious danger."

-As weird as healing spit sounds, everyone who knows Steven at this point knows that it's apparently his equivalent of the healing tears power his mother had. As a hybrid human/Gem, his inherited the same power, but only a weaker and changed version of it-
Last edited:


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
Viridi: "What a fitting title, because you're about to take a massive L, girl." :p

Arlon: "Good one, Mistress Viridi."

Viridi: "Thank you, Arlon."

Kanna: ".......If things take a turn and more people are needed, do you promise to let us out and help?"
Jaune: "....That thing can cut through souls? That's... very bad for us."

Nora: "That's like, our one good defense made useless... We REALLY gotta be careful now."

(...Actually, I wonder if she'd want to battle any fellow Pokemon as practice or training first.)

(She's probably more familiar with just battling Pokemon, and it'd be a good start to her training. Or at the very least a much safer one...)

-The kitchen staff even had to keep him out of the food supplies at one point, wond.-
-For some reason I imagined that one page where Goku and Vegeta get on fighting stances-
-Taiga has kendo sword ready to strike!-

Monika: "Well, honestly I never minded whatever gender, I went with boy as that was the default demographic dating sims tend to go for... And yeah, that's why I was concerened..."

-Given Aya has a physical form it sounds difficult for her to... However, she better not get to the prison cells in the ship-
-After all, Z'Skayr is still contained in a cell (though Wildrider keeps annoying him)-

Robin Hood: "Well now, someone's got to clean this mess and I refuse to be that..." -will end doing it anyway-
-Ooooh boy- :V -For now they got to clean the mess he left, as the place if flooded in juice-
Mirei: "Huh... That ended unexpectedly"

-Of course, the medical staff was looking for the Big Jaw Pokémon-
Shamal: "Totodile! Where are you?"

-Both quakes neutralize each other, allowing the triceratops Autobot to breath large amounts of fire that Koyanskaya was forced to shield, and the Emblem-bearing Scáthach took advantage to shoot using Aymr right at her eye, succesfully hitting it and forcing the Beast to yell as more pillars of magma erupted from her mixing Fire and Rock-type abilities-

Mata Hari: "Fine then, only if they need more"
da Vinci: "So we'll be watching over you all" :p
Tiki: "You're quite the impressive fighter despite holding no weapon"
Sakura: "Hold on, I had a potion with me in case happened to you"
(I f orgot that Z'Skayr is still a prisoner on the ship...)

(...I really hope the Snatcher doesn't show up, either...)

-My characters all wanted to try and attack, but the quake threw them all off balance at best even if both quakes cancelled each other out-

-Only Undyne remained grounded enough to successfully do anything, and that was to send a storm of water construct spears, both regular and golden, at Koyanskaya-

Tetra: "I'm really sick of having to stay put and not take action when there's urgent and dangerous matters at hand..." -Recalling when King Daphnes sealed her within Hyrule Castle in an effort to prevent Ganondorf from finding her and the Triforce of Wisdom-

-Not every fighter needs a weapon, but Tiki also fought extremely well with her fire breath and...more unorthodox literal watermelon waepon-

(Where did that ghost even come from...?)

-For the very brief amount of time that the Frenzy was here before being destroyed, Ren could sense that it was enraged, and in particular angry at them and considering them intruders-

Steven: "If it's not enough, I can try to heal Gengar's injury as well. I...can't promise it'll work, but my healing spit tends to work more often when I know someone's in serious danger."

-As weird as healing spit sounds, everyone who knows Steven at this point knows that it's apparently his equivalent of the healing tears power his mother had. As a hybrid human/Gem, his inherited the same power, but only a weaker and changed version of it-
-with a thunderous breep, he chucked SPIKED dumbbells at Koyanskaya at much higher speed than before-
-that also explode-

Thanks-a....just some good ol' Italian blood in-a my veins....

[Whatever....you all find necessary....]
-he's definitely in pain but he's being overdramatic like he's perishing just to attempt to slightly lighten the mood-

(Oh ****, Ghostfreak's here?!)

-unfortunately, she'd get trounced since she doesn't have any experience-
-but for now she nom the curry-

-currently trying to gnaw on things he might think is food-
-.... pray he doesn't encounter Neo and her sundae-colored head :V-

-ah yes, the scene Japan loves so much of the two-

-he trying to eye for an opening-

....so how is this going to work?

....I don't know what just happened, but I decided I don't care.
Where's your alcohol?

It broke you that much? 🤣
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-It's a combination of getting to enjoy kitchen staff's incredible food and being spoiled by Weiss and Rin and their more luxurious lifestyles- :V

-Dipper expected him to take a shot at some point while they were all talking, so he manages to duck it on time before retaliating with some sword beams-

And this here's the training center! I come here a lot, as you can probably guess. :p

Girafarig: "(Whoa, a place to practice battles?)" :b:

Pikachu: "(I can think of several Pokemon who'd want to stay here just for that place!)"
-good for her :V-

-though she might still enjoy wild fruits since Weiss makes it an active point to use natural ingredients when needed-
Claude: "That's some nice reflexes, kid.""

-but that's also when Engaing ends- :V
Lilith: Awwwww~ How sweet of her~

-To be fair, I was actually considering having Merasmus briefly show up any way. The dialogue and stuff I have planned for him is gonna remain unchanged- :V
-still doesn't stop me from making that fourth-wall breaking reply with Deadpool :V

-with a thunderous breep, he chucked SPIKED dumbbells at Koyanskaya at much higher speed than before-
-that also explode-
-Both quakes neutralize each other, allowing the triceratops Autobot to breath large amounts of fire that Koyanskaya was forced to shield, and the Emblem-bearing Scáthach took advantage to shoot using Aymr right at her eye, succesfully hitting it and forcing the Beast to yell as more pillars of magma erupted from her mixing Fire and Rock-type abilities-

Nanoha: "...What's going on here?"
Fate: "State your purpose!"

Sitonai: "Ah in that c- WO-WOAH!" -the queakes were felt all throughout the tower
Musashi: "......What?"
-With Jeanne aiming to block the lasers to allow Kamui to do so-
Mata Hari: "Fine then, only if they need more"
da Vinci: "So we'll be watching over you all" :p
Tiki: "You're quite the impressive fighter despite holding no weapon"
Sakura: "Hold on, I had a potion with me in case happened to you"
-My characters all wanted to try and attack, but the quake threw them all off balance at best even if both quakes cancelled each other out-

-Only Undyne remained grounded enough to successfully do anything, and that was to send a storm of water construct spears, both regular and golden, at Koyanskaya-


-A few seconds later, Spamton's expression and tone alike both turned downright despondent and full of dread, the yellow and pink colors in his glasses turned into visible TV static, and his Electroninc Speech Impediment disappeared entirel-

...Am I still...not big enough...?

-What will Ingrid do?-

XJ-7: "...Let's defeat that Hedlok and find out." -Aims an extended punch at the Hedlok directly instead-

Whoa Was That Zedd's Megazord Itself?

Dipper: -Innocently whistling-

Mabel: -Starts drawing in a kid's menu despite being a teenager-

-Jeanne is able to block the lasers, and Kamui is able to trap the Silver Zebesian, which screeches at them both before trying to fire a few more lasers at it out of spite-

Tetra: "I'm really sick of having to stay put and not take action when there's urgent and dangerous matters at hand..." -Recalling when King Daphnes sealed her within Hyrule Castle in an effort to prevent Ganondorf from finding her and the Triforce of Wisdom-

-Not every fighter needs a weapon, but Tiki also fought extremely well with her fire breath and...more unorthodox literal watermelon waepon-

(Where did that ghost even come from...?)

-For the very brief amount of time that the Frenzy was here before being destroyed, Ren could sense that it was enraged, and in particular angry at them and considering them intruders-

Steven: "If it's not enough, I can try to heal Gengar's injury as well. I...can't promise it'll work, but my healing spit tends to work more often when I know someone's in serious danger."

-As weird as healing spit sounds, everyone who knows Steven at this point knows that it's apparently his equivalent of the healing tears power his mother had. As a hybrid human/Gem, his inherited the same power, but only a weaker and changed version of it-
[Whatever....you all find necessary....]
-he's definitely in pain but he's being overdramatic like he's perishing just to attempt to slightly lighten the mood-
Alear: -getting back up-

Veyle: "A-Alear! You're still a bit wounded..."

Alear: "I won't stop until that thing is down."

Veyle: "You should get your injuries tended to, at least..." 😟

Alear: -sees Veyle's concern- "...Alright... For you, I will." :)

-what Ingrid will do is simple; she starts by shutting down Hedlok remotely right at XJ-5 punched it, then went for Coyle's robot body-

Ingrid: -hacking through communications to speak to Coyle. but is on speakerphone so the others heard to- "Hello there~"

Coyle: "That voice... it's you! The one who-"

Ingrid: "Handed you a Dex on a silver platter? Sorry, that's the wrong Ingrid. She's been dead for a while now~ I'm the one who's displeased with your abuse of the Grid and the fact that you've forsaken your humanity. Truly a shameful display..."

Coyle: "What are you talking about? Becoming this has been nothing but an improvement! I am no longer held back by emotions!"

Ingrid: "Or so you think... yet I have seen you feeling and be driven by emotions. Clearly you did not succeed there."

Coyle: "HOW DARE YOU?!"

Ingrid: "Thank you for proving my point~"
Shez: "Nothing, girlie." :p
-Kamui was quick to do a flip kick to try and disarm it first which isn't a thing in Smash but like, why not make it more versatile-
Kanna: "..." -hugs Tetra-
Ren: "It saw us as intruders and acted accordingly..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-good for her :V-

-though she might still enjoy wild fruits since Weiss makes it an active point to use natural ingredients when needed-
Claude: "That's some nice reflexes, kid.""

-but that's also when Engaing ends- :V
Lilith: Awwwww~ How sweet of her~
-Oh, defintiely, she still loves berries like all Pokemon do after all, and those grow in the wild more than anywhere else-

-Plus, being an animal-like creature she really needs a healthy diet, so whether as plain fruits or as ingredients in recipes for larger meals, she still enjoys wild fruits that actually have good flavors-


Dipper: "Heh, thanks!" -Then Engage and it's effects end- "...Aw man..." :urg:

-Undyne might be tough and a total badass, but she still has a soft side- :p

-How Phosphora though?-

-unfortunately, she'd get trounced since she doesn't have any experience-
-but for now she nom the curry-
(Considering that she's still young and that her pathetic excuse of a Trainer barely cared about her, I'm really not sure how well she can fight yet...But everyone starts somewhere. I know she can become a strong and capable fighter with good training and experience!)

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Oh, defintiely, she still loves berries like all Pokemon do after all, and those grow in the wild more than anywhere else-

-Plus, being an animal-like creature she really needs a healthy diet, so whether as plain fruits or as ingredients in recipes for larger meals, she still enjoys wild fruits that actually have good flavors-


Dipper: "Heh, thanks!" -Then Engage and it's effects end- "...Aw man..." :urg:

-Undyne might be tough and a total badass, but she still has a soft side- :p

-How Phosphora though?-
-Weiss is proud of her-
Claude: "Well, how good are you on your own now."
-she's squeeing!-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Weiss is proud of her-
Claude: "Well, how good are you on your own now."
-she's squeeing!-
-She's spoiled and loves high quality food, but she's still no poorly-mannered or inconsiderate glutton- :V

-Does Dipper still have the ability to use any of Erika or Ephraim's weapons?-

Girafarig: "(Huh? What's that...?)" -Heard the squeeing- :V

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-She's spoiled and loves high quality food, but she's still no poorly-mannered or inconsiderate glutton- :V

-Does Dipper still have the ability to use any of Erika or Ephraim's weapons?-

Girafarig: "(Huh? What's that...?)" -Heard the squeeing- :V
-Weiss is so proud of her~-
-nope, that's gone :V-
Phosphy: Wait, did they hear me?


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Weiss is so proud of her~-
-nope, that's gone :V-
Phosphy: Wait, did they hear me?
-For being well-mannered and healthy as a Schnee should?-

-Dipper is visibly nervous now and is internally trying to think up a plan or strategy-

-The three Pokemon in Undyne's group are all blankly staring at her in confusion now-

-Undyne is as well, but has known about Pokemon and been a Trainer of one long enough to realize it has to do with these Pokemon being cute- :V

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Camilla: "How does it feel to fly on your own, without any mount?"
Dark Pit: "Yeah, but it sounds like you're unhealthy about it."
Byleth: "Nothing wrong with doing both." :p
Emblem Tiki: "Whoa! You did it!" :b:
Medb: "It's a little off at first, but now I enjoy the extra free movement it provides~"
Morrigan: "I'm not unhealthy, I just need it to live"
Draco: "You'd be dirtying the intruments..."
Tiki: "Nice... Let's change game"
Martha: "Aw come on!"
Star: "At least not until we find any more clues..."

-They're getting off topic from analyzing STar's successful attempts to Dip Down...-

Linebeck: "Well, I suppose I can't complain about any of the food I've had."

Catch those traitorous bots! -Flying after Cyclonus, despite being considerably slower than, well, a literal jet-

Pichu: "(Yeah, a lot of them even knew healing spells!)"

-The restaurant isn't particularly busy, so they're able to get a table right away-
Lily: "And how are we gonna do that...?"
Natsuki: "I'll take that as a good sign" :p
-Of course the others try to shoot at Steeljaw, but he proves quick in his alternate mode-
Bumblebee: "Which I'm sure helped you plenty"
-And thus it's time to look at the menu!-
(I f orgot that Z'Skayr is still a prisoner on the ship...)

(...I really hope the Snatcher doesn't show up, either...)

-To be fair, I was actually considering having Merasmus briefly show up any way. The dialogue and stuff I have planned for him is gonna remain unchanged- :V
(Oh ****, Ghostfreak's here?!)

-unfortunately, she'd get trounced since she doesn't have any experience-
-but for now she nom the curry-

-currently trying to gnaw on things he might think is food-
-.... pray he doesn't encounter Neo and her sundae-colored head :V-

-ah yes, the scene Japan loves so much of the two-

-he trying to eye for an opening-

....so how is this going to work?

....I don't know what just happened, but I decided I don't care.
Where's your alcohol?

It broke you that much? 🤣
-still doesn't stop me from making that fourth-wall breaking reply with Deadpool :V
(Eeyup. Long story short, I brought him up for Halloween as an antagonist 3 years ago and he's been imprisoned in the ship since)
-And the curry is still quite delicious~!-

-That would be hilarious- :V
Shamal: "Hmmm, where could the little one have gone?" -walking and searching-

-It's difficult, she looks quite tuned to not leave spots open...-

Monika: "...Maybe right next to our room?"

Mirei: "It was quite the sight... Strange they couldn't finish him off"
-I vote for that as well- :p

-My characters all wanted to try and attack, but the quake threw them all off balance at best even if both quakes cancelled each other out-

-Only Undyne remained grounded enough to successfully do anything, and that was to send a storm of water construct spears, both regular and golden, at Koyanskaya-


-A few seconds later, Spamton's expression and tone alike both turned downright despondent and full of dread, the yellow and pink colors in his glasses turned into visible TV static, and his Electroninc Speech Impediment disappeared entirel-

...Am I still...not big enough...?

-What will Ingrid do?-

XJ-7: "...Let's defeat that Hedlok and find out." -Aims an extended punch at the Hedlok directly instead-

Whoa Was That Zedd's Megazord Itself?

Dipper: -Innocently whistling-

Mabel: -Starts drawing in a kid's menu despite being a teenager-

-Jeanne is able to block the lasers, and Kamui is able to trap the Silver Zebesian, which screeches at them both before trying to fire a few more lasers at it out of spite-

Tetra: "I'm really sick of having to stay put and not take action when there's urgent and dangerous matters at hand..." -Recalling when King Daphnes sealed her within Hyrule Castle in an effort to prevent Ganondorf from finding her and the Triforce of Wisdom-

-Not every fighter needs a weapon, but Tiki also fought extremely well with her fire breath and...more unorthodox literal watermelon waepon-

(Where did that ghost even come from...?)

-For the very brief amount of time that the Frenzy was here before being destroyed, Ren could sense that it was enraged, and in particular angry at them and considering them intruders-

Steven: "If it's not enough, I can try to heal Gengar's injury as well. I...can't promise it'll work, but my healing spit tends to work more often when I know someone's in serious danger."

-As weird as healing spit sounds, everyone who knows Steven at this point knows that it's apparently his equivalent of the healing tears power his mother had. As a hybrid human/Gem, his inherited the same power, but only a weaker and changed version of it-
-with a thunderous breep, he chucked SPIKED dumbbells at Koyanskaya at much higher speed than before-
-that also explode-

Thanks-a....just some good ol' Italian blood in-a my veins....

[Whatever....you all find necessary....]
-he's definitely in pain but he's being overdramatic like he's perishing just to attempt to slightly lighten the mood-
Alear: -getting back up-

Veyle: "A-Alear! You're still a bit wounded..."

Alear: "I won't stop until that thing is down."

Veyle: "You should get your injuries tended to, at least..." 😟

Alear: -sees Veyle's concern- "...Alright... For you, I will." :)

-what Ingrid will do is simple; she starts by shutting down Hedlok remotely right at XJ-5 punched it, then went for Coyle's robot body-

Ingrid: -hacking through communications to speak to Coyle. but is on speakerphone so the others heard to- "Hello there~"

Coyle: "That voice... it's you! The one who-"

Ingrid: "Handed you a Dex on a silver platter? Sorry, that's the wrong Ingrid. She's been dead for a while now~ I'm the one who's displeased with your abuse of the Grid and the fact that you've forsaken your humanity. Truly a shameful display..."

Coyle: "What are you talking about? Becoming this has been nothing but an improvement! I am no longer held back by emotions!"

Ingrid: "Or so you think... yet I have seen you feeling and be driven by emotions. Clearly you did not succeed there."

Coyle: "HOW DARE YOU?!"

Ingrid: "Thank you for proving my point~"
Shez: "Nothing, girlie." :p
-Kamui was quick to do a flip kick to try and disarm it first which isn't a thing in Smash but like, why not make it more versatile-
Kanna: "..." -hugs Tetra-
Ren: "It saw us as intruders and acted accordingly..."
-Koyanskaya tried to create a barrier with magecraft, alas, it shattered by the dumbbells and made her get hit by that-
-Additionally, the five dinosaur Cybertronians are currently biting one of her tails each, and she tried to throw them away, but the stegosaurus sent a heat laser at her face from his scales-

Nanoha: "...S-Sorry, but...We haven't heard about you..."
Fate: "But given your clear involvement in these events, we are in the right to detain you by law"
Hayate: "Or you can make things easy and give yourself in"

Charlotte: "Whatever it is, we likely must find it"
Draco: "Tsk, you know what? I don't care what you give me"
-Proceeded by Jeanne trying to stab an arm!-
Nanoha: "...I know the way you feel..."

Tiki: "I can tell you must have gone through a lot of expriences, though I dare not ask given some might not be pleasant"
Takeru: "In a way, it isn't wrong..."
Sakura: Even now, he's trying to lighten the mood... -tries to apply the potion-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-For being well-mannered and healthy as a Schnee should?-

-Dipper is visibly nervous now and is internally trying to think up a plan or strategy-

-The three Pokemon in Undyne's group are all blankly staring at her in confusion now-

-Undyne is as well, but has known about Pokemon and been a Trainer of one long enough to realize it has to do with these Pokemon being cute- :V
-pretty much, yeah-
-while trying to take cover?-
Phosphy: "Um...." :lol:

Medb: "It's a little off at first, but now I enjoy the extra free movement it provides~"
Morrigan: "I'm not unhealthy, I just need it to live"
Draco: "You'd be dirtying the intruments..."
Tiki: "Nice... Let's change game"
Martha: "Aw come on!"
Camilla: "It's incredible, right?" :)
Dark Pit: "...That sounds unhealthy."
Shez: "Guess that's true. So what do you wanna hold first? A guitar or a spatula?"
Emblem Tiki: "This looked fun..."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Camilla: "It's incredible, right?" :)
Dark Pit: "...That sounds unhealthy."
Shez: "Guess that's true. So what do you wanna hold first? A guitar or a spatula?"
Emblem Tiki: "This looked fun..."
Medb: "I see why those that can do it tend to favor it over walking~"
Morrigan: "..." -pouts-
Lilith: "She's in part not wrong actually... Seeeee, we're abnormal for succubi"
Musashi: "...I'm hungry"
Guifei: "I can play while you eat~"
Tiki: "But I'm sure there's more fun games"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Lily: "And how are we gonna do that...?"
Natsuki: "I'll take that as a good sign" :p
-Of course the others try to shoot at Steeljaw, but he proves quick in his alternate mode-
Bumblebee: "Which I'm sure helped you plenty"
-And thus it's time to look at the menu!-
Star: "This being a Glossaryck-related thing, I...have no clue yet." :glare:

Linebeck: "Tsk, it's just well-made food, you've earned whatever high money you're paid here." -Assumes they're well paid, at least-

-While Aquamarine tries to catch any ex-Decepticon she can see with her wand's tractor beam-

Squirtle: "(You kidding? It's like we were never injured!)"

-Tons of quality but not super expensive meals and sides that are common for USA restaurants-

-pretty much, yeah-
-while trying to take cover?-
Phosphy: "Um...." :lol:
-That being said, Winter's eating the pizza a bit messily, due to it not being one of the easiest meals to eat without getting grease and sometimes sauce on one's face-

-She's not even realizing it, either, as otherwise she'd be upset about failing to have proper table manners-


-If there even was any in the training grounds-

Girafarig: "(...Umm, who is that, Undyne?)"

That's Phosphora. She's part of the big scientist and robot team who rescued a bunch of you guys. :p

-still doesn't stop me from making that fourth-wall breaking reply with Deadpool :V
(Oh ****, Ghostfreak's here?!)

-unfortunately, she'd get trounced since she doesn't have any experience-
-but for now she nom the curry-

-currently trying to gnaw on things he might think is food-
-.... pray he doesn't encounter Neo and her sundae-colored head :V-
(Eeyup. Long story short, I brought him up for Halloween as an antagonist 3 years ago and he's been imprisoned in the ship since)
-And the curry is still quite delicious~!-

-That would be hilarious- :V
Shamal: "Hmmm, where could the little one have gone?" -walking and searching-
-True, but Deadpool probably won't see him while he's here, fortunately for the assassin-

-And yeah, Neo would probably pretty ticked off about that- :V

-While worried for Burrito's safety here, Alphys is at least relieved that she's getting a truly good meal for once-

-It was more like 2 years ago I think, but nonetheless, Z'Skayr's a major threat but current prisoner among the Bureau for now-

-with a thunderous breep, he chucked SPIKED dumbbells at Koyanskaya at much higher speed than before-
-that also explode-

Thanks-a....just some good ol' Italian blood in-a my veins....

[Whatever....you all find necessary....]
-he's definitely in pain but he's being overdramatic like he's perishing just to attempt to slightly lighten the mood-

(Oh ****, Ghostfreak's here?!)
Alear: -getting back up-

Veyle: "A-Alear! You're still a bit wounded..."

Alear: "I won't stop until that thing is down."

Veyle: "You should get your injuries tended to, at least..." 😟

Alear: -sees Veyle's concern- "...Alright... For you, I will." :)

-what Ingrid will do is simple; she starts by shutting down Hedlok remotely right at XJ-5 punched it, then went for Coyle's robot body-

Ingrid: -hacking through communications to speak to Coyle. but is on speakerphone so the others heard to- "Hello there~"

Coyle: "That voice... it's you! The one who-"

Ingrid: "Handed you a Dex on a silver platter? Sorry, that's the wrong Ingrid. She's been dead for a while now~ I'm the one who's displeased with your abuse of the Grid and the fact that you've forsaken your humanity. Truly a shameful display..."

Coyle: "What are you talking about? Becoming this has been nothing but an improvement! I am no longer held back by emotions!"

Ingrid: "Or so you think... yet I have seen you feeling and be driven by emotions. Clearly you did not succeed there."

Coyle: "HOW DARE YOU?!"

Ingrid: "Thank you for proving my point~"
Shez: "Nothing, girlie." :p
-Kamui was quick to do a flip kick to try and disarm it first which isn't a thing in Smash but like, why not make it more versatile-
Kanna: "..." -hugs Tetra-
Ren: "It saw us as intruders and acted accordingly..."
-Koyanskaya tried to create a barrier with magecraft, alas, it shattered by the dumbbells and made her get hit by that-
-Additionally, the five dinosaur Cybertronians are currently biting one of her tails each, and she tried to throw them away, but the stegosaurus sent a heat laser at her face from his scales-

Nanoha: "...S-Sorry, but...We haven't heard about you..."
Fate: "But given your clear involvement in these events, we are in the right to detain you by law"
Hayate: "Or you can make things easy and give yourself in"

Charlotte: "Whatever it is, we likely must find it"
Draco: "Tsk, you know what? I don't care what you give me"
-Proceeded by Jeanne trying to stab an arm!-
Nanoha: "...I know the way you feel..."

Tiki: "I can tell you must have gone through a lot of expriences, though I dare not ask given some might not be pleasant"
Takeru: "In a way, it isn't wrong..."
Sakura: Even now, he's trying to lighten the mood... -tries to apply the potion-
Star: "Need a healing spell? Lily and I have got ya covered!"

-While Undyne struck her with a giant axe, and the various Pokemon all used their strongest elemental attacks, aiming whenever Koyanskaya was trapped or stunned by Fishbunjin's attacks-

-The other XJs all heard that entire conversation as a result-

-...And all nine of them, even the infant XJ-1, gradually started to laugh at Coyle-

YOU'RE [[massaccering]] MY [[guts]] HERE, KID !! NOT EVEN SOME [[kamehameha]] COURTESTY OF A [[magical BFG]] WOULD BE ENOUGH TO ARREST THIS [[iron giant]] OF A SALESMAN, NOW !!

Susie: "Kay. How about we just bite your giant metal face clean off your mech, then?" -Grits teeth in an enraged expression, drawing her axe-

-The waiter or waitrress be like "Rude.."?- :V

-If it doesn't die from having any of it's vitals wounded, the Silver Zebesian still dies from severe blood loss a few seconds later-

Tetra: -To Nanoha- "Somehow I doubt that..." -To Kanna- "...What are you doing, kid? I'm mad, not upset..." -Again, hypocrite to call Kanna a kid since she's around the same age-

-The creatures here are even bringing back bad memories of one of his experiences in particular AKA the Fake Peppino chase?-

Steven: "Wait a minute, if it saw us as intruders, then...how come it didn't it come after us earlier...?" -Genuinely perplexed-

-The potion would be able to heal most of the wound, at least. Frenzys deal about a third of the player's health IIRC-
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Medb: "I see why those that can do it tend to favor it over walking~"
Morrigan: "..." -pouts-
Lilith: "She's in part not wrong actually... Seeeee, we're abnormal for succubi"
Musashi: "...I'm hungry"
Guifei: "I can play while you eat~"
Tiki: "But I'm sure there's more fun games"
Camilla: "It's so convenient~"
Palu: "How so?"
Shez: "You're always hungry, Mushi." :p
Emblem Tiki: "That's not wrong..."

-That being said, Winter's eating the pizza a bit messily, due to it not being one of the easiest meals to eat without getting grease and sometimes sauce on one's face-

-She's not even realizing it, either, as otherwise she'd be upset about failing to have proper table manners-


-If there even was any in the training grounds-

Girafarig: "(...Umm, who is that, Undyne?)"

That's Phosphora. She's part of the big scientist and robot team who rescued a bunch of you guys. :p
-it's also harder when you're a quadruped :V-
-let's say there is-
Phosphy: "Heck yeah I am! Glad you cuties are safe now~"

-Koyanskaya tried to create a barrier with magecraft, alas, it shattered by the dumbbells and made her get hit by that-
-Additionally, the five dinosaur Cybertronians are currently biting one of her tails each, and she tried to throw them away, but the stegosaurus sent a heat laser at her face from his scales-

Nanoha: "...S-Sorry, but...We haven't heard about you..."
Fate: "But given your clear involvement in these events, we are in the right to detain you by law"
Hayate: "Or you can make things easy and give yourself in"

Charlotte: "Whatever it is, we likely must find it"
Draco: "Tsk, you know what? I don't care what you give me"
-Proceeded by Jeanne trying to stab an arm!-
Nanoha: "...I know the way you feel..."

Tiki: "I can tell you must have gone through a lot of expriences, though I dare not ask given some might not be pleasant"
Takeru: "In a way, it isn't wrong..."
Sakura: Even now, he's trying to lighten the mood... -tries to apply the potion-
Star: "Need a healing spell? Lily and I have got ya covered!"

-While Undyne struck her with a giant axe, and the various Pokemon all used their strongest elemental attacks, aiming whenever Koyanskaya was trapped or stunned by Fishbunjin's attacks-

-The other XJs all heard that entire conversation as a result-

-...And all nine of them, even the infant XJ-1, gradually started to laugh at Coyle-

YOU'RE [[massaccering]] MY [[guts]] HERE, KID !! NOT EVEN SOME [[kamehameha]] COURTESTY OF A [[magical BFG]] WOULD BE ENOUGH TO ARREST THIS [[iron giant]] OF A SALESMAN, NOW !!

Susie: "Kay. How about we just bite your giant metal face clean off your mech, then?" -Grits teeth in an enraged expression, drawing her axe-

-The waiter or waitrress be like "Rude.."?- :V

-If it doesn't die from having any of it's vitals wounded, the Silver Zebesian still dies from severe blood loss a few seconds later-

Tetra: -To Nanoha- "Somehow I doubt that..." -To Kanna- "...What are you doing, kid? I'm mad, not upset..." -Again, hypocrite to call Kanna a kid since she's around the same age-

-The creatures here are even bringing back bad memories of one of his experiences in particular AKA the Fake Peppino chase?-

Steven: "Wait a minute, if it saw us as intruders, then...how come it didn't it come after us earlier...?" -Genuinely perplexed-

-The potion would be able to heal most of the wound, at least. Frenzys deal about a third of the player's health IIRC-
Alear: "I suppose some healing would help..."

-Veyle blasted Koyan with dark magic-

Ingrid: "However, despite how funny this exchange was, your tampering with the Grid is no laughing matter and as such, must be handled seriously. And what better way to punish you than with irony~?" -prevents Coyle from controlling her body by shutting down some parameters- "She's all yours, Max~"
-they order stuff for her?-
Kamui: -pants, exhausted from that fight already-
Kanna: "...Aren't we of similar age...? And a hug can't hurt no matter what, right?"
Ren: "It likely didn't have as good of an opportunity as it did now, I assume."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-it's also harder when you're a quadruped :V-
-let's say there is-
Phosphy: "Heck yeah I am! Glad you cuties are safe now~"
-Exactly, having no opposable thumbs and a face covered in fur makes eating stuff like pizza more difficult by default- :V

-Then Dipper does that, also drawing a backup weapon since unlike me, Dipper would've definitely remembered that he'd only have Erika and Ephraim's weapons when using Engage- :V

Pikachu: "(Whoa, we...haven't even gotten to talk to most of the scientists here yet...)" -Awed, and the same can be said about Girafarig-

Squirtle: "(Cuties? We're cool not cute...)"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Exactly, having no opposable thumbs and a face covered in fur makes eating stuff like pizza more difficult by default- :V

-Then Dipper does that, also drawing a backup weapon since unlike me, Dipper would've definitely remembered that he'd only have Erika and Ephraim's weapons when using Engage- :V

Pikachu: "(Whoa, we...haven't even gotten to talk to most of the scientists here yet...)" -Awed, and the same can be said about Girafarig-

Squirtle: "(Cuties? We're cool not cute...)"
Weiss: -holding a laugh...-
-yeah, Dipper would've planned ahead and had a backup of his own lol-

-especially since he could've still used that backup while Engaged too-
Phosphy: "You can be both, little turtle dude. Look at me~" -posing-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Star: "This being a Glossaryck-related thing, I...have no clue yet." :glare:

Linebeck: "Tsk, it's just well-made food, you've earned whatever high money you're paid here." -Assumes they're well paid, at least-

-While Aquamarine tries to catch any ex-Decepticon she can see with her wand's tractor beam-

Squirtle: "(You kidding? It's like we were never injured!)"

-Tons of quality but not super expensive meals and sides that are common for USA restaurants-
Lily: "Okay... So we have few leads on how it was done..."
Natsuki: "Well, I've just been recently hired, but it better be"
-She managed to get Tarantulas now who just mutters "Oh slag..."-
Bumblebee: "Even better! I heard they're pretty good at their job... Even the one that's a little problemantic" -BB-
Amy: "Maybe some meat would do you good"
Chrono: "It has protein"
Camilla: "It's so convenient~"
Palu: "How so?"
Shez: "You're always hungry, Mushi." :p
Emblem Tiki: "That's not wrong..."
Medb: "I may get used to it when we're in the battlefield~"
Lilith: "We don't really need to sleep with men to stay alive"
Morrigan: "Yep, our bodies make a secretion that's necessary for us to live depending on how excited we are~"
Lilith: "It just so happens sleeping with guys excites us a lot, we're still succubi and all" :p
Morrigan: "Also,how is it not exciting to win a well-earned battle and see who's the stronger~?" :p
Kiara: "...So boredom is legitimately life threatning for you?"
Morrigan/Lilith: "Sure is!"
Musashi: "...Is it a bad thing?" 😅
Martha: "What other game to play then?"
Tiki: "Let me see..."


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
Alear: -getting back up-

Veyle: "A-Alear! You're still a bit wounded..."

Alear: "I won't stop until that thing is down."

Veyle: "You should get your injuries tended to, at least..." 😟

Alear: -sees Veyle's concern- "...Alright... For you, I will." :)

Kanna: "..." -hugs Tetra-
Ren: "It saw us as intruders and acted accordingly..."

(Considering that she's still young and that her pathetic excuse of a Trainer barely cared about her, I'm really not sure how well she can fight yet...But everyone starts somewhere. I know she can become a strong and capable fighter with good training and experience!)

(Eeyup. Long story short, I brought him up for Halloween as an antagonist 3 years ago and he's been imprisoned in the ship since)
-And the curry is still quite delicious~!-

-That would be hilarious- :V
Shamal: "Hmmm, where could the little one have gone?" -walking and searching-

-It's difficult, she looks quite tuned to not leave spots open...-

Monika: "...Maybe right next to our room?"

Mirei: "It was quite the sight... Strange they couldn't finish him off"

-Koyanskaya tried to create a barrier with magecraft, alas, it shattered by the dumbbells and made her get hit by that-
-Additionally, the five dinosaur Cybertronians are currently biting one of her tails each, and she tried to throw them away, but the stegosaurus sent a heat laser at her face from his scales-

Nanoha: "...I know the way you feel..."

Tiki: "I can tell you must have gone through a lot of expriences, though I dare not ask given some might not be pleasant"
Takeru: "In a way, it isn't wrong..."
Sakura: Even now, he's trying to lighten the mood... -tries to apply the potion-
-And yeah, Neo would probably pretty ticked off about that- :V

-While worried for Burrito's safety here, Alphys is at least relieved that she's getting a truly good meal for once-

-It was more like 2 years ago I think, but nonetheless, Z'Skayr's a major threat but current prisoner among the Bureau for now-

Star: "Need a healing spell? Lily and I have got ya covered!"

-While Undyne struck her with a giant axe, and the various Pokemon all used their strongest elemental attacks, aiming whenever Koyanskaya was trapped or stunned by Fishbunjin's attacks-

Tetra: -To Nanoha- "Somehow I doubt that..." -To Kanna- "...What are you doing, kid? I'm mad, not upset..." -Again, hypocrite to call Kanna a kid since she's around the same age-

-The creatures here are even bringing back bad memories of one of his experiences in particular AKA the Fake Peppino chase?-

Steven: "Wait a minute, if it saw us as intruders, then...how come it didn't it come after us earlier...?" -Genuinely perplexed-

-The potion would be able to heal most of the wound, at least. Frenzys deal about a third of the player's health IIRC-
-he approaches as much faster speed than before-
-remember speed was an issue earlier? It isn't now :V-

-flashbacks that leave him staring off like when you start up the game (but without the jumpscare from earlier)-

-Sakura and Steven doing their healing, but does it work?-

-she finishes the curry and gives a small belch-
[....pardon me.]
-then the small sneeze-

(Might have to do something with him being present at some point lol)

-wandering without a care; just a happy go lucky croc-

-circles.....already showing prowess as a potential warrior-

Who stays there?

My guess is he'll be a recurring gag.
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The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
These ones are long overdue. I'm not sure whether they would be better placed in the EnemyDex as reformed antagonists or in the ChaldeaDex as just allies at this point, admittedly, but other than that...

ChaldeaDex/EnemyDex entry:
Darkner #4

Class: Rider
Gender: Female
Height/Weight: 265cm/??kg
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Origin: Modern Era, the Dark World
Debut: Deltarune, Chapter 2
Likes: Battery acid, making Lightners happy, helping Noelle, battery acid pie, potassium, being worshipped as royalty, and drinking battery acid
Dislikes: Insolence, being tricked, Berdly being annoying, any sort of "destroy the world" schemes
Line: "Kris. I Just Want To Make Everyone Smile. And If I Become An Evil Villain To Accomplish That...Is That Bad? It's Okay. You Do Not Need To Answer. You Would Be Wrong"
Comment: Her visor screen frequently displays words reflecting her mood, or whether she's speaking truthfully or lying. It also frequently displays "LMAO".

Ruler of Cyber World: Queen is a Darkner from a long ago era, a powerful robotic monarch and the manifestation of an average town's library computer, who mysteriously disappeared along with countless other Darkners for years, long ago, until one day, an entity known as The Knight created a Dark Fountain in the computer lab of the town's library, which in-turn created a second Dark World known as the Cyber World and brought Queen and her subjects back into their Darkner forms.

Inspired by The Knight's designs, Queen sought to expand her new kingdom's advanced empire by creating more Dark Fountains, a conquest she arrogantly believed would bring joy to Lightners everywhere and solve their problems solely through her knowledge of their materialistic desires. To make her plans a reality, she tried to recruit the aid of a teenage reindeer monster student named Noelle, a frequent user of the library computer. Queen instinctively wished to help her with the emotional issues surrounding her family, but also believed in Noelle's own emotional strength, and that she was strong enough to create a Dark Fountain.

Her wish was once to rule the Dark World and help all Lightners at any cost, in particular young Noelle, but after Noelle called her controlling and cruel methods out and learning about The Roaring from Ralsei, she's since had a change of heart and now simply wishes for Noelle and her friends to have the ability to make their own choices and thus find what makes them happy.

Strength: A+
Endurance: A+
Mana: A
Luck: B
Noble Phantasm: A

Class Skills
Magic Resistance: Rank A. Protection from magic effects.
Riding: Rank A. The ability to master any mount.

Personal Skills
Calculating: Rank A. The ability to determine the probability of almost anything.
Charisma: Rank A+. The natural talent to command others.
Battery Acid Connoisseur: Rank A+. The ability for a robot or android to safely drink battery acid.
Internet Database: Rank EX: The natural ability to easily access and store information recorded across all of the internet using one's computer-based mind.
Observation: Rank B. The ability to study and potentially understand the background of individuals.
Combat Programs: Rank A+. The ability to convert computer programs into magic-based attack spells.
Natural Born Genius: Rank A. A skill that shows one who has unparalleled natural knowledge. Allows the use of most skills excluding those inherent to the body or to particular heroes at proficiency.

Noble Phantasms
Control Wires: Attack of the Killer Queen. Rank A. Anti-Unit type.
A device that takes that form of a human-sized electrical cord, but serves the purpose of capturing and brainwashing Queen's subjects and enemies into fighting for her army. Queen employs them across the Cyber World to capture certain species of Darkners to turn them into Werewires, a monster capable of firing bolts of electricity. Later models of the device are even capable of brainstorming Lightners, but not fully, as those it captures can still free themselves if the wire is loose or damaged.
Giga Queen: Knock You Down! Rank A+. Anti-Enemy type.
Queen's personal mech, a gargantuan Megazord-like mech designed in Queen's own likeness. Heavily armored yet shockingly agile, the mech posses great strength and is armed with zany weapons such as giant baseball launchers, rocket fists and a battery acid laser cannon. Mixed with Queen's own magic, the mech can also summon Ferris Wheels as pe9jectilea and even very temporarily clone itself. The mech's fighting moves are also apparently partly based on the NES Punch-Out! It's no less feared for it.

Attribute: Earth

Traits: Humanoid, Beast, Mechanical, Weak to Enuma Elish, Immune to Pigify

Notes: Cares about her subjects as much as she cares about being revered as a royalty, which she cares about a lot. The exceptions are Noelle and Kris, whom she genuinely wishes to help, but after the former stood up for herself, she realized her methods were overly controlling and going too far, and has since aligned herself with the Delta Warriors, as well as Chaldea and the Time Space Administration Bureau. May or may not be Lancer's biological mother, as she and the King of Spades have affectionate pet names for one and other, but her own comments on on whether or not she's even related to Lancer only muddle the question further. Her sense of humor is largely based around modern internet culture..

ChaldeaDex/EnemyDex entry:
Darkner #5
Tasque Manager

Class: Lancer
Gender: Female
Height/Weight: 262cm/??kg
Alignment: Lawful Good
Origin: Modern Era, the Dark World
Debut: Deltarune, Chapter 2
Likes: Order, singing, organization, cats, and surprisingly enough, dogs as well
Dislikes: Chaos, disorganization, treason
Line: "Processes! Services! Performance! Details!"
Comment: Despite also serving as her and Queen's minions, Tasque Manager considers her Tasques to be pets and cares for them deeply. She's even an animal person in general as she's been known to help lost dogs reunite with their owners.

Head of Queen's Palace Staff. Tasque Manager is a cybernetic cat Darkner who's as skilled of a warrior and tactication as she is as an organizer and computer program manager, the physical manifestation of a standard computer Task Manager program, specifically that of Hometown's primary library computer. That same computer happens to be the royal Darkner known as Queen, the ruler of the Cyber World, and as such, Tasque Manager's superior.

As both the top General and second-in-command of Queen's army as well as being Queen's top maid and head of her royal staff, whenever Tasque Manager isn't sternly fighting Cyber World's enemies and commanding and leading Queen's army in battle or defending her palace, she's instead happily organizing furniture and decor and managing Swatchlings in their cleaning and guest serving duties within that same building, and vice-versa. Fiercely loyal to Queen along with her fellow program Darkners who were part of her system as a computer, Tasque Manager may question her leader's methods at times, but believes in her goals and aids her in both maintaining her palace and carrying out her plans faithfully.

Her wish is to keep her home kingdom in order, both through good etiquette and manners and by keeping everything from crucial everyday supplies and weapons to house decorations organized.

Strength: A
Endurance: A
Agility: A++
Mana: A+
Luck: A
Noble Phantasm: B

Class Skills
Magic Resistance: Rank B+. Protection from magic effects.

Personal Skills
Charisma: Rank A. The natural talent to command others.
Creature Organizer: Rank A+. The ability to command and care for beast-like monsters.
Military Tactics: Rank A. A talent to strategize military movements.
Dungeon Puzzlemaster: Rank A. The ability to design and construct large-acale puzzles.
Housework: Rank EX. A superior skill in doing simple chores.
Presence Concealment: Rank B. The ability to hide one’s presence.

Noble Phantasms
Electro-Whip: Order, Order! Rank A+: Anti-enemy type.
Tasque's Manager weapon of choice, an spike-tipped whip outfitted with a magical electricity generator. In addition to simply being able to strike her foes with the whip whether it's charged or uncharged, it's also capable of firing magic electric bullets from it. At full charge, it can fire them in almost every direction, creating a confusing storm of electric bullets. In addition, Tasque Manager also posses the ability to connect the whip to a magic barrier she can create, one divded into four equal areas labelled "A", "B", "C" and "D", a combination attack Tasque Manger employs either as a method to try and teach order to those she finds disorganized or uncotub, or as trap to stall or capture her opponents.

Attribute: Earth

Traits: Humanoid, Beast, Mechanical, Weak to Enuma Elish

Notes: Outside of their professional relationship, the more casual Queen apparently considers Tasque Manager to be her best friend. Her experience as a member of the Alliance has taught her that Queen's methods were destructive and the Cyber World was allied with the wrong people, but also that the Alliance itself lacks her boss' at least noble motivation of helping Lightners, convincing her to aid Chaldea in stopping them both prior to Queen herself switching sides as well. It's implied that she's familiar with Jevil, as she's aware of what the Devilsknife and Jevilstail are and detests them. She also has a strong dislike of chaos, a concept Jevil seems to be obsessed with. Might secretly have a crush on Swatch, Queen's head butler, but don't tell anyone!

...their profiles are done!

Lily: "Okay... So we have few leads on how it was done..."
Natsuki: "Well, I've just been recently hired, but it better be"
-She managed to get Tarantulas now who just mutters "Oh slag..."-
Bumblebee: "Even better! I heard they're pretty good at their job... Even the one that's a little problemantic" -BB-
Amy: "Maybe some meat would do you good"
Chrono: "It has protein"
Star: "Oh shoot, right, Dipping Down!" :surprised:

-Do any of the other kitchen staff members confirm whether or not they're paid well?-

Going somewhere? -Said coldly-

Pikachu: "(They totally are! Wait, do you mean...?)"

Squirtle: "(Oh, yeah, that one lady...is a little weird.)"

Pichu: "(I don't even know what a "BB-Chan" is...)"

Mabel: "Simple, but practical!"

Dipper: "There's still a lot of different options on the menu with different meats as part of the main course, though."

Weiss: -holding a laugh...-
-yeah, Dipper would've planned ahead and had a backup of his own lol-

-especially since he could've still used that backup while Engaged too-
Phosphy: "You can be both, little turtle dude. Look at me~" -posing-
(Hmm? What's so funny?) -Genuinely oblivious to all the tomato sauce on her face-

-But the ability to use sword beams from a distance + Dipper rarely getting within melee range made it unnecessary to wield both, so the next time Dipper Engages, he might only use it to either dual wield or that's too difficult, to replace any of Erika or Ephraim's weapons if he gets disarmed of them again-

-For now, however, he's thinking about the best strategy to approach Claude since he now actually does have to land a melee strike again since he currently can't use the weapon that can shoot sword beams-

Squirtle: "(...I guess Pokemon do tend to strike poses before or in the middle of battles...)" 🤔
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Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Star: "Need a healing spell? Lily and I have got ya covered!"

-While Undyne struck her with a giant axe, and the various Pokemon all used their strongest elemental attacks, aiming whenever Koyanskaya was trapped or stunned by Fishbunjin's attacks-

-The other XJs all heard that entire conversation as a result-

-...And all nine of them, even the infant XJ-1, gradually started to laugh at Coyle-

YOU'RE [[massaccering]] MY [[guts]] HERE, KID !! NOT EVEN SOME [[kamehameha]] COURTESTY OF A [[magical BFG]] WOULD BE ENOUGH TO ARREST THIS [[iron giant]] OF A SALESMAN, NOW !!

Susie: "Kay. How about we just bite your giant metal face clean off your mech, then?" -Grits teeth in an enraged expression, drawing her axe-

-The waiter or waitrress be like "Rude.."?- :V

-If it doesn't die from having any of it's vitals wounded, the Silver Zebesian still dies from severe blood loss a few seconds later-

Tetra: -To Nanoha- "Somehow I doubt that..." -To Kanna- "...What are you doing, kid? I'm mad, not upset..." -Again, hypocrite to call Kanna a kid since she's around the same age-

-The creatures here are even bringing back bad memories of one of his experiences in particular AKA the Fake Peppino chase?-

Steven: "Wait a minute, if it saw us as intruders, then...how come it didn't it come after us earlier...?" -Genuinely perplexed-

-The potion would be able to heal most of the wound, at least. Frenzys deal about a third of the player's health IIRC-
Alear: "I suppose some healing would help..."

-Veyle blasted Koyan with dark magic-

Ingrid: "However, despite how funny this exchange was, your tampering with the Grid is no laughing matter and as such, must be handled seriously. And what better way to punish you than with irony~?" -prevents Coyle from controlling her body by shutting down some parameters- "She's all yours, Max~"
-they order stuff for her?-
Kamui: -pants, exhausted from that fight already-
Kanna: "...Aren't we of similar age...? And a hug can't hurt no matter what, right?"
Ren: "It likely didn't have as good of an opportunity as it did now, I assume."
-he approaches as much faster speed than before-
-remember speed was an issue earlier? It isn't now :V-

-flashbacks that leave him staring off like when you start up the game (but without the jumpscare from earlier)-

-Sakura and Steven doing their healing, but does it work?-
-Lily would attempt to heal, while Koyanskaya tried to use Flying-type moves to create whrilwinds all around her to throw people off!-

Fate: "If you don't lay down, we'll have to use force then..." -electricity flowing around her-

Charlotte didn't get replied
-The waitress be like such, so they order her some basic meal-
Jeanne: -Panting- "One less..."
Nanoha: "I would have done it before if Kanna-chan didn't first..."
-Tiki on her side, quickly spits a fire ball on some-
Mordred: "Maybe it just didn't see us before?"
-What Goldie asked-
-True, but Deadpool probably won't see him while he's here, fortunately for the assassin-

-And yeah, Neo would probably pretty ticked off about that- :V

-While worried for Burrito's safety here, Alphys is at least relieved that she's getting a truly good meal for once-

-It was more like 2 years ago I think, but nonetheless, Z'Skayr's a major threat but current prisoner among the Bureau for now-
-she finishes the curry and gives a small belch-
[....pardon me.]
-then the small sneeze-

(Might have to do something with him being present at some point lol)

-wandering without a care; just a happy go lucky croc-

-circles.....already showing prowess as a potential warrior-

Who stays there?

My guess is he'll be a recurring gag.
Mash: "It's fine, you're well-mannered to apologize" :) -then the sneeze- "Ah, bless!"
(Yeah, I've been thinking on that a bit. For what is worth, he also brought Viktor during the attack, so he's also imprisoned)

-His nose would pick up the smell of something really tasty quite close-

Taiga: He's smart enough to look for an opening rather than just rushing in, good!

Luvia: "At the moment, some petty thief who we have an enemy in common"

Angewomon: "You know what? I'd like to see that" :p
These ones are long overdue. I'm not sure whether they would be better placed in the EnemyDex as reformed antagonists or in the ChaldeaDex as just allies at this point, admittedly, but other than that...

ChaldeaDex/EnemyDex entry:
Darkner #4

Class: Rider
Gender: Female
Height/Weight: 265cm/??kg
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Origin: Modern Era, the Dark World
Debut: Deltarune, Chapter 2
Likes: Battery acid, making Lightners happy, helping Noelle, battery acid pie, potassium, being worshipped as royalty, and drinking battery acid
Dislikes: Insolence, being tricked, Berdly being annoying, any sort of "destroy the world" schemes
Line: "Kris. I Just Want To Make Everyone Smile. And If I Become An Evil Villain To Accomplish That...Is That Bad? It's Okay. You Do Not Need To Answer. You Would Be Wrong"
Comment: Her visor screen frequently displays words reflecting her mood, or whether she's speaking truthfully or lying. It also frequently displays "LMAO".

Ruler of Cyber World: Queen is a Darkner from a long ago era, a powerful robotic monarch and the manifestation of an average town's library computer, who mysteriously disappeared along with countless other Darkners for years, long ago, until one day, an entity known as The Knight created a Dark Fountain in the computer lab of the town's library, which in-turn created a second Dark World known as the Cyber World and brought Queen and her subjects back into their Darkner forms.

Inspired by The Knight's designs, Queen sought to expand her new kingdom's advanced empire by creating more Dark Fountains, a conquest she arrogantly believed would bring joy to Lightners everywhere and solve their problems solely through her knowledge of their materialistic desires. To make her plans a reality, she tried to recruit the aid of a teenage reindeer monster student named Noelle, a frequent user of the library computer. Queen instinctively wished to help her with the emotional issues surrounding her family, but also believed in Noelle's own emotional strength, and that she was strong enough to create a Dark Fountain.

Her wish was once to rule the Dark World and help all Lightners at any cost, in particular young Noelle, but after Noelle called her controlling and cruel methods out and learning about The Roaring from Ralsei, she's since had a change of heart and now simply wishes for Noelle and her friends to have the ability to make their own choices and thus find what makes them happy.

Strength: A+
Endurance: A+
Mana: A
Luck: B
Noble Phantasm: A

Class Skills
Magic Resistance: Rank A. Protection from magic effects.
Riding: Rank A. The ability to master any mount.

Personal Skills
Calculating: Rank A. The ability to determine the probability of almost anything.
Charisma: Rank A+. The natural talent to command others.
Battery Acid Connoisseur: Rank A+. The ability for a robot or android to safely drink battery acid.
Internet Database: Rank EX: The natural ability to easily access and store information recorded across all of the internet using one's computer-based mind.
Observation: Rank B. The ability to study and potentially understand the background of individuals.
Combat Programs: Rank A+. The ability to convert computer programs into magic-based attack spells.
Natural Born Genius: Rank A. A skill that shows one who has unparalleled natural knowledge. Allows the use of most skills excluding those inherent to the body or to particular heroes at proficiency.

Noble Phantasms
Control Wires: Attack of the Killer Queen. Rank A. Anti-Unit type.
A device that takes that form of a human-sized electrical cord, but serves the purpose of capturing and brainwashing Queen's subjects and enemies into fighting for her army. Queen employs them across the Cyber World to capture certain species of Darkners to turn them into Werewires, a monster capable of firing bolts of electricity. Later models of the device are even capable of brainstorming Lightners, but not fully, as those it captures can still free themselves if the wire is loose or damaged.
Giga Queen: Knock You Down! Rank A+. Anti-Enemy type.
Queen's personal mech, a gargantuan Megazord-like mech designed in Queen's own likeness. Heavily armored yet shockingly agile, the mech posses great strength and is armed with zany weapons such as giant baseball launchers, rocket fists and a battery acid laser cannon. Mixed with Queen's own magic, the mech can also summon Ferris Wheels as pe9jectilea and even very temporarily clone itself. The mech's fighting moves are also apparently partly based on the NES Punch-Out! It's no less feared for it.

Attribute: Earth

Traits: Humanoid, Beast, Mechanical, Weak to Enuma Elish, Immune to Pigify

Notes: Cares about her subjects as much as she cares about being revered as a royalty, which she cares about a lot. The exceptions are Noelle and Kris, whom she genuinely wishes to help, but after the former stood up for herself, she realized her methods were overly controlling and going too far, and has since aligned herself with the Delta Warriors, as well as Chaldea and the Time Space Administration Bureau. May or may not be Lancer's biological mother, as she and the King of Spades have affectionate pet names for one and other, but her own comments on on whether or not she's even related to Lancer only muddle the question further. Her sense of humor is largely based around modern internet culture..

ChaldeaDex/EnemyDex entry:
Darkner #5
Tasque Manager

Class: Lancer
Gender: Female
Height/Weight: 262cm/??kg
Alignment: Lawful Good
Origin: Modern Era, the Dark World
Debut: Deltarune, Chapter 2
Likes: Order, singing, organization, cats, and surprisingly enough, dogs as well
Dislikes: Chaos, disorganization, treason
Line: "Processes! Services! Performance! Details!"
Comment: Despite also serving as her and Queen's minions, Tasque Manager considers her Tasques to be pets and cares for them deeply. She's even an animal person in general as she's been known to help lost puppies.

Head of Queen's Palace Staff. Tasque Manager is a cybernetic cat Darkner who's as skilled of a warrior and tactication as she is as an organizer and computer program manager, the physical manifestation of a standard computer Task Manager program, specifically that of Hometown's primary library computer. That same computer happens to be the royal Darkner known as Queen, the ruler of the Cyber World, and as such, Tasque Manager's superior.

As both the top General and second-in-command of Queen's army as well as being Queen's top maid and head of her royal staff, whenever Tasque Manager isn't sternly fighting Cyber World's enemies and commanding and leading Queen's army in battle or defending her palace, she's instead happily organizing furniture and decor and managing Swatchlings in their cleaning and guest serving duties within that same building, and vice-versa. Fiercely loyal to Queen along with her fellow program Darkners who were part of her system as a computer, Tasque Manager may question her leader's methods at times, but believes in her goals and aids her in both maintaining her palace and carrying out her plans faithfully.

Her wish is to keep her home kingdom in order, both through good etiquette and manners and by keeping everything from crucial everyday supplies and weapons to house decorations organized.

Strength: A
Endurance: A
Agility: A++
Mana: A+
Luck: A
Noble Phantasm: B

Class Skills
Magic Resistance: Rank B+. Protection from magic effects.

Personal Skills
Charisma: Rank A. The natural talent to command others.
Creature Organizer: Rank A+. The ability to command and care for beast-like monsters.
Military Tactics: Rank A. A talent to strategize military movements.
Dungeon Puzzlemaster: Rank A. The ability to design and construct large-acale puzzles.
Housework: Rank EX. A superior skill in doing simple chores.
Presence Concealment: Rank B. The ability to hide one’s presence.

Noble Phantasms
Electro-Whip: Order, Order! Rank A+: Anti-enemy type.
Tasque's Manager weapon of choice, an spike-tipped whip outfitted with a magical electricity generator. In addition to simply being able to strike her foes with the whip whether it's charged or uncharged, it's also capable of firing magic electric bullets from it. At full charge, it can fire them in almost every direction, creating a confusing storm of electric bullets. In addition, Tasque Manager also posses the ability to connect the whip to a magic barrier she can create, one divded into four equal areas labelled "A", "B", "C" and "D", a combination attack Tasque Manger employs either as a method to try and teach order to those she finds disorganized or uncotub, or as trap to stall or capture her opponents.

Attribute: Earth

Traits: Humanoid, Beast, Mechanical Weak to Enuma Elish

Notes: Outside of their professional relationship, the more casual Queen apparently considers Tasque Manager to be her best friend. Her experience as a member of the Alliance has taught her that Queen's methods were destructive and the Cyber World was allied with the wrong people, but also that the Alliance itself lacks her boss' at least noble motivation of helping Lightners, and aided Chaldea in stopping them both prior to Queen herself switching sides as well. It's implied that she's familiar with Jevil, as she's aware of what the Devilsknife and Jevilstail are and detests them. She also has a strong dislike of chaos, a concept Jevil seems to be obsessed with. Might secretly have a crush on Swatch, Queen's head butler, but don't tell anyone!

...their profiles are done!

Star: "Oh shoot, right, Dipping Down!" :surprised:

-Do any of the other kitchen staff members confirm whether or not they're paid well?-

Going somewhere? -Said coldly-

Pikachu: "(They totally are! Wait, do you mean...?)"

Squirtle: "(Oh, yeah, that one lady...is a little weird.)"

Pichu: "(I don't even know what a "BB-Chan" is...)"

Mabel: "Simple, but practical!"

Dipper: "There's still a lot of different options on the menu with different meats as part of the main course, though."
Well this reminds me I'm also long overdue to make Yuuno and Lindy. With how long has Halloween been going, I might as well do Morrigan, Lilith and Takeru LOL

Lily: "Yes, let's not get off-topic"
Robin Hood: "Well, can't say we're bad in cash at least..." -moreso one of his skills literally dragging riches to him-
Tarantulas: "Guess not... Yeeeeet~"
-She's eccentric, yet they can't deny she was an effective nurse-
Amy: "I'd like the better one they got on the menu!"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Well this reminds me I'm also long overdue to make Yuuno and Lindy. With how long has Halloween been going, I might as well do Morrigan, Lilith and Takeru LOL

Lily: "Yes, let's not get off-topic"
Robin Hood: "Well, can't say we're bad in cash at least..." -moreso one of his skills literally dragging riches to him-
Tarantulas: "Guess not... Yeeeeet~"
-She's eccentric, yet they can't deny she was an effective nurse-
Amy: "I'd like the better one they got on the menu!"
And Makoto as well? Either way, yeah, most of the other Bureau members are really overdue as well. :p

Star: "Okay, so the next time I Dipped Down was during my evaluation, and Tamamo's test was specifically about whether or not I could successfully Dip Down..."


Linebeck: "..." -Raised eyebrow...until he recalls hearing about the gluttons- "Ohhh, right, there are quite a few people here who can and do eat ten times what any human can..."

... -Already looking around the area to see what kind of ambush the traitors are setting up-

Pikachu: "(She still really helped everyone recover. She may be kind of odd, but she still knows what she's doing.)"

-There's steak, porkchops, chicken sandwiches...-

-she finishes the curry and gives a small belch-
[....pardon me.]
-then the small sneeze-

-wandering without a care; just a happy go lucky croc-

(Might have to do something with him being present at some point lol)
Mash: "It's fine, you're well-mannered to apologize" :) -then the sneeze- "Ah, bless!"
(Yeah, I've been thinking on that a bit. For what is worth, he also brought Viktor during the attack, so he's also imprisoned)

-His nose would pick up the smell of something really tasty quite close-
A-And gesundheit! Are you okay, Burrito...?

-What food would that be?-

(Merasmus helped the rest of their allies escape, though.)

Alear: "I suppose some healing would help..."

-Veyle blasted Koyan with dark magic-

Ingrid: "However, despite how funny this exchange was, your tampering with the Grid is no laughing matter and as such, must be handled seriously. And what better way to punish you than with irony~?" -prevents Coyle from controlling her body by shutting down some parameters- "She's all yours, Max~"
-they order stuff for her?-
Kamui: -pants, exhausted from that fight already-
Kanna: "...Aren't we of similar age...? And a hug can't hurt no matter what, right?"
Ren: "It likely didn't have as good of an opportunity as it did now, I assume."
-Lily would attempt to heal, while Koyanskaya tried to use Flying-type moves to create whrilwinds all around her to throw people off!-

Fate: "If you don't lay down, we'll have to use force then..." -electricity flowing around her-

Charlotte didn't get replied
-The waitress be like such, so they order her some basic meal-
Jeanne: -Panting- "One less..."
Nanoha: "I would have done it before if Kanna-chan didn't first..."
-Tiki on her side, quickly spits a fire ball on some-
Mordred: "Maybe it just didn't see us before?"
-What Goldie asked-
-he approaches as much faster speed than before-
-remember speed was an issue earlier? It isn't now :V-

-flashbacks that leave him staring off like when you start up the game (but without the jumpscare from earlier)-

-Sakura and Steven doing their healing, but does it work?-
-Star does the same, and while her knowledge of healing spells isn't as good as Lily's, it's still helping speed the healing process up-

-This time, everyone except Pines twins and Star and her friends were launched away by the whirlwinds-

-Still low on power, but also smug- Being a robot isn't all it's cracked up to be...

CAN THAT [[magic military force]] BRING DOWN [[200 ft tall]] GIGA ROBOT ??

-While Noelle and Berdly look nervous, but took battle stances regardless, while Ralsei remains silent and Susie looks pissed-

-Kris, however, looks visibly terrified, and even slowly takes severla steps back while shaking-

Let's follow the source of it using these might tanks!

-Draco will appreciate that they ordered her food anyway- :p

-The Silver Zebesians and Talon IV Space Pirates have all been slain, and the hostages have been brought to safety-

-However, the lone Ki-hunter is still flying off with the stolen gold-

Tetra: "I'm still the only one around here who's led a crew! And hugs aren't helping us save that town..."

TLink: -Put a reassuring hand on Tetra's shoulder-

-I didn't mean that there were any other Specimens actually currently attacking them, Digi, just that the ones Peppino's seen so far were bring back bad memories for him-

-...That being said, Tiki probably would've still seen several ghosts attacking the town not far off, so if her fire breath has magic properties to defeat them, she likely would've attacked even somewhat distant hostile creatures anyway- :p

Steven: "Maybe...If it was a ghost, then it could've been anywhere here before it finally found us."

Pearl: "Or tracked us down..."

Specimen 14: "I'd hope that Specimen was unique, but considering how quickly it went down and that we've only seen two apparently unique Specimens here so far, I doubt it was the only one..."

-It does work, as the potion heals up most of Gengar's wound, but not entirely due to the severity of it-

-However, Steven then quite literally just spits into his hand, then places it on Gengar's wound. Said spit is visibly sparkling with magic effects, made more apparent when the spit actually completely finishes healing and closing up whatever's left of the wound-
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The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Medb: "I may get used to it when we're in the battlefield~"
Lilith: "We don't really need to sleep with men to stay alive"
Morrigan: "Yep, our bodies make a secretion that's necessary for us to live depending on how excited we are~"
Lilith: "It just so happens sleeping with guys excites us a lot, we're still succubi and all" :p
Morrigan: "Also,how is it not exciting to win a well-earned battle and see who's the stronger~?" :p
Kiara: "...So boredom is legitimately life threatning for you?"
Morrigan/Lilith: "Sure is!"
Musashi: "...Is it a bad thing?" 😅
Martha: "What other game to play then?"
Tiki: "Let me see..."
Camilla: "Perhaps we could fly together as we destroy our enemies." :p
Dark Pit: "Well, that explains the fighting nut tendencies, I guess." :p
Shez: "I'm not always the one making food for you so I don't mind it." :p
-so many games...-

(Hmm? What's so funny?) -Genuinely oblivious to all the tomato sauce on her face-

-But the ability to use sword beams from a distance + Dipper rarely getting within melee range made it unnecessary to wield both, so the next time Dipper Engages, he might only use it to either dual wield or that's too difficult, to replace any of Erika or Ephraim's weapons if he gets disarmed of them again-

-For now, however, he's thinking about the best strategy to approach Claude since he now actually does have to land a melee strike again since he currently can't use the weapon that can shoot sword beams-

Squirtle: "(...I guess Pokemon do tend to strike poses before or in the middle of battles...)" 🤔
Weiss: "You're wearing the pizza now." :p
-all while Dimitri and Edelgard are still around-
-and this lady looks cool too?-

-he approaches as much faster speed than before-
-remember speed was an issue earlier? It isn't now :V-
-Lily would attempt to heal, while Koyanskaya tried to use Flying-type moves to create whrilwinds all around her to throw people off!-

Fate: "If you don't lay down, we'll have to use force then..." -electricity flowing around her-

Charlotte didn't get replied
-The waitress be like such, so they order her some basic meal-
Jeanne: -Panting- "One less..."
Nanoha: "I would have done it before if Kanna-chan didn't first..."
-Tiki on her side, quickly spits a fire ball on some-
Mordred: "Maybe it just didn't see us before?"
-What Goldie asked-
-Star does the same, and while her knowledge of healing spells isn't as good as Lily's, it's still helping speed the healing process up-

-This time, everyone except Pines twins and Star and her friends were launched away by the whirlwinds-

-Still low on power, but also smug- Being a robot isn't all it's cracked up to be...

CAN THAT [[magic military force]] BRING DOWN [[200 ft tall]] GIGA ROBOT ??

-While Noelle and Berdly look nervous, but took battle stances regardless, while Ralsei remains silent and Susie looks pissed-

-Kris, however, looks visibly terrified, and even slowly takes severla steps back while shaking-

Let's follow the source of it using these might tanks!

-Draco will appreciate that they ordered her food anyway- :p

-The Silver Zebesians and Talon IV Space Pirates have all been slain, and the hostages have been brought to safety-

-However, the lone Ki-hunter is still flying off with the stolen gold-

Tetra: "I'm still the only one around here who's led a crew! And hugs aren't helping us save that town..."

TLink: -Put a reassuring hand on Tetra's shoulder-

-I didn't mean that there were any other Specimens actually currently attacking them, Digi, just that the ones Peppino's seen so far were bring back bad memories for him-

-...That being said, Tiki probably would've still seen several ghosts attacking the town not far off, so if her fire breath has magic properties to defeat them, she likely would've attacked even somewhat distant hostile creatures anyway- :p

Steven: "Maybe...If it was a ghost, then it could've been anywhere here before it finally found us."

Pearl: "Or tracked us down..."

Specimen 14: "I'd hope that Specimen was unique, but considering how quickly it went down and that we've only seen two apparently unique Specimens here so far, I doubt it was the only one..."

-It does work, as the potion heals up most of Gengar's wound, but not entirely due to the severity of it-

-However, Steven then quite literally just spits into his hand, then places it on Gengar's wound. Said spit is visibly sparkling with magic effects, made more apparent when the spit actually completely finishes healing and closing up whatever's left of the wound-
Alear: "Thank you..."

Viridi: -sees Fishbunjin- Incredible...

Coyle: No way... how did she break in?!

Ingrid: "Oh, by the way, ARMS is not a good password." :p

Coyle: "..................."
-Shez could probably see if Draco's grateful-
-Atalanta sees it and shoort it?-
Kanna: -looking to see if Mata Hari and da Vinci are gone while hugging-
Jaune: "Great.. just another way for us to die, huh..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Weiss: "You're wearing the pizza now." :p
-all while Dimitri and Edelgard are still around-
-and this lady looks cool too?-
(Huh?) -Confused enough by hearing that to look around, trying to see if there's any mirror nearby-


Dipper: (I'm not sure if defeating all three of them is even an option...At least not until I can use Engage again.)

Girafarig: "(You seem really cool, too!)" :b:

Pikachu: "(Were you really one of the scientists who saved tons of us?)" :surprised:


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
-Lily would attempt to heal, while Koyanskaya tried to use Flying-type moves to create whrilwinds all around her to throw people off!-

Nanoha: "I would have done it before if Kanna-chan didn't first..."
-Tiki on her side, quickly spits a fire ball on some-
Mordred: "Maybe it just didn't see us before?"
-What Goldie asked-

Mash: "It's fine, you're well-mannered to apologize" :) -then the sneeze- "Ah, bless!"
(Yeah, I've been thinking on that a bit. For what is worth, he also brought Viktor during the attack, so he's also imprisoned)

-His nose would pick up the smell of something really tasty quite close-

Taiga: He's smart enough to look for an opening rather than just rushing in, good!

Luvia: "At the moment, some petty thief who we have an enemy in common"

Angewomon: "You know what? I'd like to see that" :p

A-And gesundheit! Are you okay, Burrito...?

-What food would that be?-

(Merasmus helped the rest of their allies escape, though.)

-Star does the same, and while her knowledge of healing spells isn't as good as Lily's, it's still helping speed the healing process up-

-This time, everyone except Pines twins and Star and her friends were launched away by the whirlwinds-

Tetra: "I'm still the only one around here who's led a crew! And hugs aren't helping us save that town..."

TLink: -Put a reassuring hand on Tetra's shoulder-

-I didn't mean that there were any other Specimens actually currently attacking them, Digi, just that the ones Peppino's seen so far were bring back bad memories for him-

-...That being said, Tiki probably would've still seen several ghosts attacking the town not far off, so if her fire breath has magic properties to defeat them, she likely would've attacked even somewhat distant hostile creatures anyway- :p

Steven: "Maybe...If it was a ghost, then it could've been anywhere here before it finally found us."

Pearl: "Or tracked us down..."

Specimen 14: "I'd hope that Specimen was unique, but considering how quickly it went down and that we've only seen two apparently unique Specimens here so far, I doubt it was the only one..."

-It does work, as the potion heals up most of Gengar's wound, but not entirely due to the severity of it-

-However, Steven then quite literally just spits into his hand, then places it on Gengar's wound. Said spit is visibly sparkling with magic effects, made more apparent when the spit actually completely finishes healing and closing up whatever's left of the wound-
Alear: "Thank you..."

Viridi: -sees Fishbunjin- Incredible...

Kanna: -looking to see if Mata Hari and da Vinci are gone while hugging-
Jaune: "Great.. just another way for us to die, huh..."

-unaffected by the whirlwind as he leaps up to shoulder check her on the nose-
-should be at least broken :V-

-yeah they're very Fake Peppino-esque, the one opponent he had to ESCAPE rather than defeat....at least when he's not pissed off to point of no return-

-but to be fair, Fake Peppino would probably get under a lot of people's skin-

....and sometimes over it!
-talking to no one since he's just busy attempting to cook pizza....if you could even call it pizza-

[Phew....thanks. I owe you my not-death.]
-recovered and feeling good as new!-

[Yeah, I'm ok.]
-little do either know that Burrito's sneeze comes from Pokérus as at some point before she arrived, she caught it and now permanently has a random sneeze from it though not contagious-
-and in fact, it means she will get more benefits from training-

-catching a whiff-
[Oh, yum yum~....that must be something good, I guarantee!]

(Thought about making him talk like TMNT 87's Leatherhead, but not sure if I'll commit :V)

-he attempts a feint to the left before attacking from the right!-

I see. Sounds like a temporary roommate.

-somehow found a can of Sapporo in Mirei's domain and is drinking-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
(Huh?) -Confused enough by hearing that to look around, trying to see if there's any mirror nearby-


Dipper: (I'm not sure if defeating all three of them is even an option...At least not until I can use Engage again.)

Girafarig: "(You seem really cool, too!)" :b:

Pikachu: "(Were you really one of the scientists who saved tons of us?)" :surprised:
-Weiss shows her one-
-but maybe he can avoid them?-
Phosphora: "Well, I'm a scientist, and I remember doing a few rescue operation. Maybe I'm one of them?" :p


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Weiss shows her one-
-but maybe he can avoid them?-
Phosphora: "Well, I'm a scientist, and I remember doing a few rescue operation. Maybe I'm one of them?" :p
-And upon seeing the grease and tomato sauce on her muzzle, she's startled-



Dipper: (Not exactly the most graceful strategy...But a reasonable one in a one Vs. three fight...)

Girafarig: "(Maybe?)" :confused:

Pikachu: "(I think she's making a joke.)" :p

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-And upon seeing the grease and tomato sauce on her muzzle, she's startled-



Dipper: (Not exactly the most graceful strategy...But a reasonable one in a one Vs. three fight...)

Girafarig: "(Maybe?)" :confused:

Pikachu: "(I think she's making a joke.)" :p
Weiss: -giggling at that-
-yeah, but how will he do it-
Phosphora: "You get it!" -pats the Pika-

-the Pokemon can feel electricity on the woman?-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
And Makoto as well? Either way, yeah, most of the other Bureau members are really overdue as well. :p

Star: "Okay, so the next time I Dipped Down was during my evaluation, and Tamamo's test was specifically about whether or not I could successfully Dip Down..."


Linebeck: "..." -Raised eyebrow...until he recalls hearing about the gluttons- "Ohhh, right, there are quite a few people here who can and do eat ten times what any human can..."

... -Already looking around the area to see what kind of ambush the traitors are setting up-

Pikachu: "(She still really helped everyone recover. She may be kind of odd, but she still knows what she's doing.)"

-There's steak, porkchops, chicken sandwiches...-
Maybe, I dunno. Also the problem with that is that I don't feel I have used Chrono, the Wolkenritter or Alph much. And Amy, well, I literally have nothing since she's a support character who serves as an officer and eventually she and Chrono marry because childhood friends and that's about it.

Lily: "And how well did you go about that then?"
Robin Hood: "More like 20 times..."
-Let's see, Mohawk, Cyclonus, Tarantulas, Airachnid and Steeljaw are all accounted here... But where's Bludgeon?-
Bumblebee: "I guess she keeps her job for a reason"
Amy: "Ooooh, maybe the porkchops are good!"
Chrono: "...Perhaps"
A-And gesundheit! Are you okay, Burrito...?

-What food would that be?-

(Merasmus helped the rest of their allies escape, though.)
[Yeah, I'm ok.]
-little do either know that Burrito's sneeze comes from Pokérus as at some point before she arrived, she caught it and now permanently has a random sneeze from it though not contagious-
-and in fact, it means she will get more benefits from training-

-catching a whiff-
[Oh, yum yum~....that must be something good, I guarantee!]

(Thought about making him talk like TMNT 87's Leatherhead, but not sure if I'll commit :V)

-he attempts a feint to the left before attacking from the right!-

I see. Sounds like a temporary roommate.

-somehow found a can of Sapporo in Mirei's domain and is drinking-
-Huh, good for her!-
Mash: "Alright, but don't hesitate to tell anyone if you feel ill"

-It seems to come from a door down the hall, which luckily for the tiny Pokémon, wouldn't be locked!-
(It does sound fun :p)

-Sure enough, Taiga was taken by surprise at first-

Luvia: "Essentially... Though we'd have to remain observant with how clash-prone he is"

-While Mirei tries to look at any info on the Citramon-
Mirei: "Strange, there's some data tracing back to the World of D.A.T.S."
LadyDevimon: "The world where Yggdrasill was punched so hard by a teenager that he ended going into hibernation in every world and that led to the corruption of Bagramon and consequently the birth of Quartzmon?"
Mirei: "You studied history well"
Camilla: "Perhaps we could fly together as we destroy our enemies." :p
Dark Pit: "Well, that explains the fighting nut tendencies, I guess." :p
Shez: "I'm not always the one making food for you so I don't mind it." :p
-so many games...-
Medb: "And compete on who takes down the most?" :p
Lilith: "She's just overtly annoying about it" :p
Morrigan: "Hey!"
Arcueid: "Alright! We can talk about what instruments we could play on the while!"
-Draco rolled her eyes-
Musashi: "I'm sure Yang could have am electric guitar!"
Guifei: "How come?"
Musashi: "You play a Biwa, and they're both guitars, so it should be easy to adjust!"
Guifei: "You use katanas, why not use rapiers? They're both swords"
Musashi: "...Uh...I see your point"
-They end playing Super Marie Festivity!-
-Star does the same, and while her knowledge of healing spells isn't as good as Lily's, it's still helping speed the healing process up-

-This time, everyone except Pines twins and Star and her friends were launched away by the whirlwinds-

-Still low on power, but also smug- Being a robot isn't all it's cracked up to be...

CAN THAT [[magic military force]] BRING DOWN [[200 ft tall]] GIGA ROBOT ??

-While Noelle and Berdly look nervous, but took battle stances regardless, while Ralsei remains silent and Susie looks pissed-

-Kris, however, looks visibly terrified, and even slowly takes severla steps back while shaking-

Let's follow the source of it using these might tanks!

-Draco will appreciate that they ordered her food anyway- :p

-The Silver Zebesians and Talon IV Space Pirates have all been slain, and the hostages have been brought to safety-

-However, the lone Ki-hunter is still flying off with the stolen gold-

Tetra: "I'm still the only one around here who's led a crew! And hugs aren't helping us save that town..."

TLink: -Put a reassuring hand on Tetra's shoulder-

-I didn't mean that there were any other Specimens actually currently attacking them, Digi, just that the ones Peppino's seen so far were bring back bad memories for him-

-...That being said, Tiki probably would've still seen several ghosts attacking the town not far off, so if her fire breath has magic properties to defeat them, she likely would've attacked even somewhat distant hostile creatures anyway- :p

Steven: "Maybe...If it was a ghost, then it could've been anywhere here before it finally found us."

Pearl: "Or tracked us down..."

Specimen 14: "I'd hope that Specimen was unique, but considering how quickly it went down and that we've only seen two apparently unique Specimens here so far, I doubt it was the only one..."

-It does work, as the potion heals up most of Gengar's wound, but not entirely due to the severity of it-

-However, Steven then quite literally just spits into his hand, then places it on Gengar's wound. Said spit is visibly sparkling with magic effects, made more apparent when the spit actually completely finishes healing and closing up whatever's left of the wound-
Alear: "Thank you..."

Viridi: -sees Fishbunjin- Incredible...

Coyle: No way... how did she break in?!

Ingrid: "Oh, by the way, ARMS is not a good password." :p

Coyle: "..................."
-Shez could probably see if Draco's grateful-
-Atalanta sees it and shoort it?-
Kanna: -looking to see if Mata Hari and da Vinci are gone while hugging-
Jaune: "Great.. just another way for us to die, huh..."
-unaffected by the whirlwind as he leaps up to shoulder check her on the nose-
-should be at least broken :V-

-yeah they're very Fake Peppino-esque, the one opponent he had to ESCAPE rather than defeat....at least when he's not pissed off to point of no return-

-but to be fair, Fake Peppino would probably get under a lot of people's skin-

....and sometimes over it!
-talking to no one since he's just busy attempting to cook pizza....if you could even call it pizza-

[Phew....thanks. I owe you my not-death.]
-recovered and feeling good as new!-
-Indeed it is now- :V
-The dinosaur Cybertronians also are unaffected, and thus they very much tackle Koyanskaya down-

Fate: "Please, just one more warning. Stand down..."
Nanoha: "...Hey, what's wrong?"

Charlotte: "Full-steam ahead!"
-She's in full tsun mode, so not yet-
da Vinci: "Unless the creatures arrived here, we have no reason t-" -IT'S THEN THAT SPECIMENS BREAK THE MANSIONS WINDOWS TO BARGE IN-

-...Fair enough lol, but well, Tiki is a Divine Dragon, and the way dragon breath works in FE is that it does the same damage as magic-
Sakura: "Thank you" :)

Sieg: "Hmmmm, so things keep getting harder..."

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Medb: "And compete on who takes down the most?" :p
Lilith: "She's just overtly annoying about it" :p
Morrigan: "Hey!"
Arcueid: "Alright! We can talk about what instruments we could play on the while!"
-Draco rolled her eyes-
Musashi: "I'm sure Yang could have am electric guitar!"
Guifei: "How come?"
Musashi: "You play a Biwa, and they're both guitars, so it should be easy to adjust!"
Guifei: "You use katanas, why not use rapiers? They're both swords"
Musashi: "...Uh...I see your point"
-They end playing Super Marie Festivity!-
Camilla: "Sure, why not?" :p
Dark Pit: :laugh:
Shez: "I could take the guitar." :p

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Camilla: "Sure, why not?" :p
Dark Pit: :laugh:
Shez: "I could take the guitar." :p
Medb: "I warn you though, I'm quite good~"
Lilith: "So are there any more of those specters around?"
Arcueid: "Oh, I wanna play the drums!"
-Oh frick yes, the madness begins!-
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Maybe, I dunno. Also the problem with that is that I don't feel I have used Chrono, the Wolkenritter or Alph much. And Amy, well, I literally have nothing since she's a support character who serves as an officer and eventually she and Chrono marry because childhood friends and that's about it.

Lily: "And how well did you go about that then?"
Robin Hood: "More like 20 times..."
-Let's see, Mohawk, Cyclonus, Tarantulas, Airachnid and Steeljaw are all accounted here... But where's Bludgeon?-
Bumblebee: "I guess she keeps her job for a reason"
Amy: "Ooooh, maybe the porkchops are good!"
Chrono: "...Perhaps"
I get Chrono and Amy, but I think the Wolkemritter have been relevant enough

Star: "I wasn't sure I could Dip Down again at first...but then Tamamo reminded me that passing my evaluation and being allowed to stay on Earth depended on it and encouraged me to try."

Linebeck: "...After being here for about a week, I can see that's not exaggerating."

Alright, all but one of the traitors are here! Where's that brute called Bludgeon?

Squirtle: "(Her doctor's bedside manners could use some work...)"

-This is all way more mundane and seemingly inconsequential compared to what Chrono's used to?-

Weiss: -giggling at that-
-yeah, but how will he do it-
Phosphora: "You get it!" -pats the Pika-

-the Pokemon can feel electricity on the woman?-
(I-I thought I was using proper eating manners! How is my face a total mess?!)

-He briefly looks around the corner of some debris, trying to see if any of the Emblems are visible, hopefully without noticing him-

Pikachu: "(Were those electric charges? Wait, that's right, Undyne said your name! You're Phosphora, right?)"

[Yeah, I'm ok.]
-little do either know that Burrito's sneeze comes from Pokérus as at some point before she arrived, she caught it and now permanently has a random sneeze from it though not contagious-
-and in fact, it means she will get more benefits from training-

-catching a whiff-
[Oh, yum yum~....that must be something good, I guarantee!]

(Thought about making him talk like TMNT 87's Leatherhead, but not sure if I'll commit :V)
-Huh, good for her!-
Mash: "Alright, but don't hesitate to tell anyone if you feel ill"

-It seems to come from a door down the hall, which luckily for the tiny Pokémon, wouldn't be locked!-
(It does sound fun :p)
-They'll need one of the doctors to diagnose it, though she'll be relieved that it does nothing worse than cause random sneezes-

-Food, glorious food...-

Alear: "Thank you..."

Viridi: -sees Fishbunjin- Incredible...

Coyle: No way... how did she break in?!

Ingrid: "Oh, by the way, ARMS is not a good password." :p

Coyle: "..................."
-Shez could probably see if Draco's grateful-
-Atalanta sees it and shoort it?-
Kanna: -looking to see if Mata Hari and da Vinci are gone while hugging-
Jaune: "Great.. just another way for us to die, huh..."
-Indeed it is now- :V
-The dinosaur Cybertronians also are unaffected, and thus they very much tackle Koyanskaya down-

Fate: "Please, just one more warning. Stand down..."
Nanoha: "...Hey, what's wrong?"

Charlotte: "Full-steam ahead!"
-She's in full tsun mode, so not yet-
da Vinci: "Unless the creatures arrived here, we have no reason t-" -IT'S THEN THAT SPECIMENS BREAK THE MANSIONS WINDOWS TO BARGE IN-

-...Fair enough lol, but well, Tiki is a Divine Dragon, and the way dragon breath works in FE is that it does the same damage as magic-
Sakura: "Thank you" :)

Sieg: "Hmmmm, so things keep getting harder..."
-unaffected by the whirlwind as he leaps up to shoulder check her on the nose-
-should be at least broken :V-

-yeah they're very Fake Peppino-esque, the one opponent he had to ESCAPE rather than defeat....at least when he's not pissed off to point of no return-

-but to be fair, Fake Peppino would probably get under a lot of people's skin-

....and sometimes over it!
-talking to no one since he's just busy attempting to cook pizza....if you could even call it pizza-

[Phew....thanks. I owe you my not-death.]
-recovered and feeling good as new!-

[Yeah, I'm ok.]
-little do either know that Burrito's sneeze comes from Pokérus as at some point before she arrived, she caught it and now permanently has a random sneeze from it though not contagious-
-and in fact, it means she will get more benefits from training-
Still think you've got us outmatched...?


Kris: "Th-The puppet..."

Susie: "Kris? Hey, man, what's wrong...?" -Immediately went from looking angry at Spamton to looking concerned for Kris upon seeing how uncharacteristically afraid he is-

XJ-6: "...That can't seriously be your password..."

-She's still one of the much angrier tsunderes around here, to say the least- :V

-This being Atalanta, the arrow(s) hit the Ki-hunter dead on, even impaling it against a tree that was half a mile away and causing it to drop the gold the instant it was shot-

-Toon Link gasped in shock, while Tetra separated from the hug and immediately drew a flintlock pistol she still carried on a sash-

Tetra: "Look alive! This place is under attack!"

-It's probably technically not pizza- :V

-In that case, the ghosts are definitely either slain or freed from their curses, allowing them to pass on-

Steven: "Whew, my power worked...And hey, don't mention it, I'm just glad you're okay now." :)

Penny: "This entire mansion gets more dangerous by the minute..."

Penny and I can try to scan for signs of ghosts in the rest of the facility with infared vision.

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
I get Chrono and Amy, but I think the Wolkemritter have been relevant enough

Star: "I wasn't sure I could Dip Down again at first...but then Tamamo reminded me that passing my evaluation and being allowed to stay on Earth depended on it and encouraged me to try."

Linebeck: "...After being here for about a week, I can see that's not exaggerating."

Alright, all but one of the traitors are here! Where's that brute called Bludgeon?

Squirtle: "(Her doctor's bedside manners could use some work...)"

-This is all way more mundane and seemingly inconsequential compared to what Chrono's used to?-
Maybe, I've used Shamal plenty, Vita here and there, and Zafira about as accurate as canon LOL, but Signum... Yeeeaaah...

Lily: "And that's what you strived for the most at the time..."
Robin Hood: "No kidding, tsk..."
Tarantulas: "He's as he calls it, preparing the ritual~"
Bumblebee: "Well, at least she's not grouchy?"
-Yeah, that sums it up-
Last edited:


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
-Huh, good for her!-
Mash: "Alright, but don't hesitate to tell anyone if you feel ill"

-It seems to come from a door down the hall, which luckily for the tiny Pokémon, wouldn't be locked!-
(It does sound fun :p)

-Sure enough, Taiga was taken by surprise at first-

Luvia: "Essentially... Though we'd have to remain observant with how clash-prone he is"

-While Mirei tries to look at any info on the Citramon-
Mirei: "Strange, there's some data tracing back to the World of D.A.T.S."
LadyDevimon: "The world where Yggdrasill was punched so hard by a teenager that he ended going into hibernation in every world and that led to the corruption of Bagramon and consequently the birth of Quartzmon?"
Mirei: "You studied history well"

-Indeed it is now- :V
-The dinosaur Cybertronians also are unaffected, and thus they very much tackle Koyanskaya down-

da Vinci: "Unless the creatures arrived here, we have no reason t-" -IT'S THEN THAT SPECIMENS BREAK THE MANSIONS WINDOWS TO BARGE IN-

-...Fair enough lol, but well, Tiki is a Divine Dragon, and the way dragon breath works in FE is that it does the same damage as magic-
Sakura: "Thank you" :)

Sieg: "Hmmmm, so things keep getting harder..."

-They'll need one of the doctors to diagnose it, though she'll be relieved that it does nothing worse than cause random sneezes-

-Food, glorious food...-

Still think you've got us outmatched...?

-Toon Link gasped in shock, while Tetra separated from the hug and immediately drew a flintlock pistol she still carried on a sash-

Tetra: "Look alive! This place is under attack!"

-It's probably technically not pizza- :V

-In that case, the ghosts are definitely either slain or freed from their curses, allowing them to pass on-

Steven: "Whew, my power worked...And hey, don't mention it, I'm just glad you're okay now." :)

Penny: "This entire mansion gets more dangerous by the minute..."

Penny and I can try to scan for signs of ghosts in the rest of the facility with infared vision.

-she gives a small smile-

-peers inside with his snout to sniff out the food....-
(Changing the color a little; does this fit him better? Fish's color probably is best but I want to avoid double dipping if I don't have to)

-this time he swipes at her legs in an attempt to take her down-
-he's trying to be careful to hit her with the paw instead of his claws-

He'll just have to chill.
-....really. Did he really just make a lame ice pun...?-

Not every world. Didn't you say you once interacted with a universe that among other things was dealing with a civil war between that being's subjects over defending the human world versus destroying it?

-is Koyanskaya blinded by fury and pain now? :V-

.....holy macaroni, you have some-a range.....

(Probably don't want to know what he used as crust :V)
(Like Peppino before, I'm only using Fake Peppino as a gag. But unlike Peppino, I have no plans on bringing Fake Peppino into this scenario. Though I wouldn't be opposed to maybe having him show up some other time if you all want me to lol)

-but now he has to be more cautious; it's become all too apparent he is NOT immune to things just because he's a ghost himself-
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-unaffected by the whirlwind as he leaps up to shoulder check her on the nose-
-should be at least broken :V-
-Indeed it is now- :V
-The dinosaur Cybertronians also are unaffected, and thus they very much tackle Koyanskaya down-

Fate: "Please, just one more warning. Stand down..."
Nanoha: "...Hey, what's wrong?"

Charlotte: "Full-steam ahead!"
-She's in full tsun mode, so not yet-
da Vinci: "Unless the creatures arrived here, we have no reason t-" -IT'S THEN THAT SPECIMENS BREAK THE MANSIONS WINDOWS TO BARGE IN-

-...Fair enough lol, but well, Tiki is a Divine Dragon, and the way dragon breath works in FE is that it does the same damage as magic-
Sakura: "Thank you" :)

Sieg: "Hmmmm, so things keep getting harder..."
Still think you've got us outmatched...?


Kris: "Th-The puppet..."

Susie: "Kris? Hey, man, what's wrong...?" -Immediately went from looking angry at Spamton to looking concerned for Kris upon seeing how uncharacteristically afraid he is-

XJ-6: "...That can't seriously be your password..."

-She's still one of the much angrier tsunderes around here, to say the least- :V

-This being Atalanta, the arrow(s) hit the Ki-hunter dead on, even impaling it against a tree that was half a mile away and causing it to drop the gold the instant it was shot-

-Toon Link gasped in shock, while Tetra separated from the hug and immediately drew a flintlock pistol she still carried on a sash-

Tetra: "Look alive! This place is under attack!"

-It's probably technically not pizza- :V

-In that case, the ghosts are definitely either slain or freed from their curses, allowing them to pass on-

Steven: "Whew, my power worked...And hey, don't mention it, I'm just glad you're okay now." :)

Penny: "This entire mansion gets more dangerous by the minute..."

Penny and I can try to scan for signs of ghosts in the rest of the facility with infared vision.
-did the healing work though?-

Ingrid: "Easiest hacking job ever~"

Max Brass: "I'm not even surprised. She's rather... obsessed with ARMS."
-that's not enough for Shez to be cautious around Draco though :V-
Kamui: "Whoa... that was a good shot..."
Kanna: -looks at Suzuka- "Sorry in advance if there's any damages to your house."
Ruby: "That would be really good, Jenny."

Medb: "I warn you though, I'm quite good~"
Lilith: "So are there any more of those specters around?"
Arcueid: "Oh, I wanna play the drums!"
-Oh frick yes, the madness begins!-
Camilla: "As am I~"
Palutena: "I think I sense more?"
Byleth: "..." -thinking of her options-
-poor they lmao-

(I-I thought I was using proper eating manners! How is my face a total mess?!)

-He briefly looks around the corner of some debris, trying to see if any of the Emblems are visible, hopefully without noticing him-

Pikachu: "(Were those electric charges? Wait, that's right, Undyne said your name! You're Phosphora, right?)"
Weiss: -giggling- "No need to worry about it." :p
-they're looking around for him-
Phosphora: "Guilty~ It's a pleasure to meet cuties like you." :)

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Still think you've got us outmatched...?


Kris: "Th-The puppet..."

Susie: "Kris? Hey, man, what's wrong...?" -Immediately went from looking angry at Spamton to looking concerned for Kris upon seeing how uncharacteristically afraid he is-

XJ-6: "...That can't seriously be your password..."

-She's still one of the much angrier tsunderes around here, to say the least- :V

-This being Atalanta, the arrow(s) hit the Ki-hunter dead on, even impaling it against a tree that was half a mile away and causing it to drop the gold the instant it was shot-

-Toon Link gasped in shock, while Tetra separated from the hug and immediately drew a flintlock pistol she still carried on a sash-

Tetra: "Look alive! This place is under attack!"

-It's probably technically not pizza- :V

-In that case, the ghosts are definitely either slain or freed from their curses, allowing them to pass on-

Steven: "Whew, my power worked...And hey, don't mention it, I'm just glad you're okay now." :)

Penny: "This entire mansion gets more dangerous by the minute..."

Penny and I can try to scan for signs of ghosts in the rest of the facility with infared vision.
-did the healing work though?-

Ingrid: "Easiest hacking job ever~"

Max Brass: "I'm not even surprised. She's rather... obsessed with ARMS."
-that's not enough for Shez to be cautious around Draco though :V-
Kamui: "Whoa... that was a good shot..."
Kanna: -looks at Suzuka- "Sorry in advance if there's any damages to your house."
Ruby: "That would be really good, Jenny."
-is Koyanskaya blinded by fury and pain now? :V-

.....holy macaroni, you have some-a range.....

(Probably don't want to know what he used as crust :V)
(Like Peppino before, I'm only using Fake Peppino as a gag. But unlike Peppino, I have no plans on bringing Fake Peppino into this scenario. Though I wouldn't be opposed to maybe having him show up some other time if you all want me to lol)

-but now he has to be more cautious; it's become all too apparent he is NOT immune to things just because he's a ghost himself-
-If she wasn't already an amalgam of vengeful souls, now she is furiosu too, sending more pillars of magma at them-

Nanoha: "...What happened between you two?"
Musashi: "I'll take anything that has noodles~!"
Jeanne: "I can guess who did it"
Atalanta: -Scoffs lightly despite being out of sight of Jeanne-
da Vinci: "...Weeeell, it seems we have no choice now"
Suzuka: "...It's alright"
Alisa: "Durnit..."
-All the Servants and Magical Girls were quick to transform into their regular outfits (Jack is wearing a white dress) and went to ATTACK MOOKS-
Tiki: "It's what 2000 years of practice has allowed me to get" :p
Sakura: "Be more careful now, please..."
Arthur: "Please do so"
-They'll need one of the doctors to diagnose it, though she'll be relieved that it does nothing worse than cause random sneezes-

-Food, glorious food...-
-she gives a small smile-

-peers inside with his snout to sniff out the food....-
(Changing the color a little; does this fit him better? Fish's color probably is best but I want to avoid double dipping if I don't have to)

-this time he swipes at her legs in an attempt to take her down-
-he's trying to be careful to hit her with the paw instead of his claws-

He'll just have to chill.
-....really. Did he really just make a lame ice pun...?-

Not every world. Didn't you say you once interacted with a universe that among other things was dealing with a civil war between that being's subjects over defending the human world versus destroying it?
-Having people that care about her makes the Bidoof feel... Nice-

-I think it'd be better to avoid double dipping myself-
-Soon he would sniff something sweet being made!-

-Given she was fighting like in a kendo match, she didn't see it coming, so it worked!-

Monika: "...Did you really just...?"
Sayori: -Chuckle- "That was a good one~!"

Mirei: "Correct, though the timestream from world to world tends to vary plenty... Not to mention in said world, Yggdrasill was infected"
Camilla: "As am I~"
Palutena: "I think I sense more?"
Byleth: "..." -thinking of her options-
-poor they lmao-
Medb: "Then we're totally on~"
-Soon Scáthach would happen to glance at them, and she stared silently for a bit-
Scáthach: "..."
Medb: "Oh, it's you. Why are you staring?"
Scáthach: "I didn't know you had friends"
Medb: "Huh?!"
-And... Not mere mooks, but something much stronger coming near-
Arcueid: "I think Byleth could be a good singer!"
-No kidding- :p
Martha: "What's up with these tiles?!"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Maybe, I've used Shamal plenty, Vita a here and there, and Zafira about as accurate as canon LOL, but Signum... Yeeeaaah...

Lily: "And that's what you strived for the most at the time..."
Robin Hood: "No kidding, tsk..."
Tarantulas: "He's as he calls it, preparing the ritual~"
Bumblebee: "Well, at least she's not grouchy?"
-Yeah, that sums it up-
I recall Signum showing up several times and participating in a fair share of fights, so I think it may be less that Signum hasn't been used at all and more that it's just been a while since she was last around.

Star: "And thanks to her encouragement and the idea of having to leave Earth, and Marco...I managed to Dip Down again. I cast this huge fireworks spell as a...well, relatively safe demonstration of strong magic that can be used by Dipping Down." :lol:


Clumps! Go track that insane robot down and shut him down before he can complete that so-called ritual!

Pikachu: "(I guess that's a plus.)" :ohwell:

Squirtle: "(So what's your guys' deal? We've...never really seen giant robots before, either. Were you built here?)"

-Chrono's current thoughts?-

Weiss: -giggling- "No need to worry about it." :p
-they're looking around for him-
Phosphora: "Guilty~ It's a pleasure to meet cuties like you." :)
-Sigh- (At least Patxi and our friends aren't here to see this...)

-Doubtful they'd consider it a big deal since she's one of the very few Pokemon here who's this concerned about her manners-


-He must be hiding behind some of the crates or shields here...-

Pikachu: "(Atalanta mentioned you! Do you really have electric powers?)"

-she gives a small smile-

-peers inside with his snout to sniff out the food....-
(Changing the color a little; does this fit him better? Fish's color probably is best but I want to avoid double dipping if I don't have to)
-Having people that care about her makes the Bidoof feel... Nice-

-I think it'd be better to avoid double dipping myself-
-Soon he would sniff something sweet being made!-
-What are Burrito's thoughts?-

(Same, I've only double dipped like twice and even then, I changed the colors for one character later and in both cases one of the characters who shared the text color with another were Pokemon.)
-Totodile goes to investigate it?-

-did the healing work though?-

Ingrid: "Easiest hacking job ever~"

Max Brass: "I'm not even surprised. She's rather... obsessed with ARMS."
-that's not enough for Shez to be cautious around Draco though :V-
Kamui: "Whoa... that was a good shot..."
Kanna: -looks at Suzuka- "Sorry in advance if there's any damages to your house."
Ruby: "That would be really good, Jenny."
-If she wasn't already an amalgam of vengeful souls, now she is furiosu too, sending more pillars of magma at them-

Nanoha: "...What happened between you two?"
Musashi: "I'll take anything that has noodles~!"
Jeanne: "I can guess who did it"
Atalanta: -Scoffs lightly despite being out of sight of Jeanne-
da Vinci: "...Weeeell, it seems we have no choice now"
Suzuka: "...It's alright"
Alisa: "Durnit..."
-All the Servants and Magical Girls were quick to transform into their regular outfits (Jack is wearing a white dress) and went to ATTACK MOOKS-
Tiki: "It's what 2000 years of practice has allowed me to get" :p
Sakura: "Be more careful now, please..."
Arthur: "Please do so"
-is Koyanskaya blinded by fury and pain now? :V-

.....holy macaroni, you have some-a range.....

(Probably don't want to know what he used as crust :V)
(Like Peppino before, I'm only using Fake Peppino as a gag. But unlike Peppino, I have no plans on bringing Fake Peppino into this scenario. Though I wouldn't be opposed to maybe having him show up some other time if you all want me to lol)

-but now he has to be more cautious; it's become all too apparent he is NOT immune to things just because he's a ghost himself-
-It most likely did, allowing Alear to return to battle-

Marco: "Giant pillars of lava at 6 O'Clock!"

-Undyne and Moana had to back away and run about the area to avooid it-


Kris: "I never wanted your crummy deal! You were just some nutjob out for power!" (Even if I can tell he's desperate to escape whatever's controlling him...)

Even more than I thought. You might be an insane and mad for glory as an ARMS fighter, Dr. Coyle, but at the end of the day, you're really no better than all the other typical villains I have to deal with...So arrogant and confident of themselves and their goals that they make obvious mistakes they could have avoided, don't even consider the possibility of actually losing to the good guys, then have no idea what to do when their plans start falling apart...

-Which is a lot of the main food here?-

-Those two might not get along...

...but they did collectivelly just save several innocent villagera and tourists and the town itself from a Space Pirate attack. And stop the theft of a large sum of money by that same faction-

Medli: "My apologies as well. We will do our best to defend your home!"

-Toon Link, Tetra and Medli don't have any time or the ability to quickly change like the ones who rely more on magic, so they go join the fight against the Specimen army in their pajamas-

-Not like Toon Link in particular isn't used to adventuring in his PJ since the Second Quest is a thing- :V

-Peppino be like "2000 YEARS?!"?-

(Fake Peppino's always hilarious when he's not being Nightmare Fuel, but it'd be cool to see Peppino himself show up again in general, imo.) :p

What do you say, Penny? :p

Penny: "I say that I am confident that we've got this!" -High-fives Jenny, who proudly returns it-

-The characters eventually make their way back to the GL Labs facility. On their way there, they'd encoutner another Woormy Charles (the tall partly charred doll monster) in a hallway, then Jenny and Penny spot another Frenzy in one of the lab offices while looking for the missing Doll, itself strangely no longer in the room where Atalanta last left it-

-Thankfully, the Woormy Charles was easy to destroy with their overwhelming numers, while the Frenzy was destroyed quickly and before it could land an attack this time since they knew of this one's presence ahead of time-

Steven: "Well, that confirms that that shadow ghost wasn't unique..."
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Sigh- (At least Patxi and our friends aren't here to see this...)

-Doubtful they'd consider it a big deal since she's one of the very few Pokemon here who's this concerned about her manners-


-He must be hiding behind some of the crates or shields here...-

Pikachu: "(Atalanta mentioned you! Do you really have electric powers?)"
Weiss: "It's totally fine, Winter. This happens all the time with domestic animals."
-they break it-

-it's not the one he's behind-
Phosphora: "If I do?" -snaps her finger, creating a spark- "Zappy!" :p

Medb: "Then we're totally on~"
-Soon Scáthach would happen to glance at them, and she stared silently for a bit-
Scáthach: "..."
Medb: "Oh, it's you. Why are you staring?"
Scáthach: "I didn't know you had friends"
Medb: "Huh?!"
-And... Not mere mooks, but something much stronger coming near-
Arcueid: "I think Byleth could be a good singer!"
-No kidding- :p
Martha: "What's up with these tiles?!"
Camilla: "That's a bit rude." :p
Palu: "I think we've reached a boss fight now..."
Byleth: "M-Me? A singer?"
Emblem Tiki: "So colorful..."

-is Koyanskaya blinded by fury and pain now? :V-
-If she wasn't already an amalgam of vengeful souls, now she is furiosu too, sending more pillars of magma at them-

Nanoha: "...What happened between you two?"
Musashi: "I'll take anything that has noodles~!"
Jeanne: "I can guess who did it"
Atalanta: -Scoffs lightly despite being out of sight of Jeanne-
da Vinci: "...Weeeell, it seems we have no choice now"
Suzuka: "...It's alright"
Alisa: "Durnit..."
-All the Servants and Magical Girls were quick to transform into their regular outfits (Jack is wearing a white dress) and went to ATTACK MOOKS-
Tiki: "It's what 2000 years of practice has allowed me to get" :p
Sakura: "Be more careful now, please..."
Arthur: "Please do so"
-It most likely did, allowing Alear to return to battle-

Marco: "Giant pillars of lava at 6 O'Clock!"

-Undyne and Moana had to back away and run about the area to avooid it-


Kris: "I never wanted your crummy deal! You were just some nutjob out for power!" (Even if I can tell he's desperate to escape whatever's controlling him...)

Even more than I thought. You might be an insane and mad for glory as an ARMS fighter, Dr. Coyle, but at the end of the day, you're really no better than all the other typical villains I have to deal with...So arrogant and confident of themselves and their goals that they make obvious mistakes they could have avoided, don't even consider the possibility of actually losing to the good guys, then have no idea what to do when their plans start falling apart...

-Which is a lot of the main food here?-

-Those two might not get along...

...but they did collectivelly just save several innocent villagera and tourists and the town itself from a Space Pirate attack. And stop the theft of a large sum of money by that same faction-

Medli: "My apologies as well. We will do our best to defend your home!"

-Toon Link, Tetra and Medli don't have any time or the ability to quickly change like the ones who rely more on magic, so they go join the fight against the Specimen army in their pajamas-

-Not like Toon Link in particular isn't used to adventuring in his PJ since the Second Quest is a thing- :V

-Peppino be like "2000 YEARS?!"?-

(Fake Peppino's always hilarious when he's not being Nightmare Fuel, but it'd be cool to see Peppino himself show up again in general, imo.) :p

What do you say, Penny? :p

Penny: "I say that I am confident that we've got this!" -High-fives Jenny, who proudly returns it-

-The characters eventually make their way back to the GL Labs facility. On their way there, they'd encoutner another Woormy Charles (the tall partly charred doll monster) in a hallway, then Jenny and Penny spot another Frenzy in one of the lab offices while looking for the missing Doll, itself strangely no longer in the room where Atalanta last left it-

-Thankfully, the Woormy Charles was easy to destroy with their overwhelming numers, while the Frenzy was destroyed quickly and before it could land an attack this time since they knew of this one's presence ahead of time-

Steven: "Well, that confirms that that shadow ghost wasn't unique..."
-but now he has to be more cautious; it's become all too apparent he is NOT immune to things just because he's a ghost himself-
Phosphora: "Uh oh!" -starts flying up and shoots lightning at Koyanskaya-

Max Brass: -charging grenade ARMS- "You've lost your way, Coyle. You did long ago, actually. But this? This makes you beyond saving."
Shez: "Don't you wanna try something new, girl?"
Kamui: "I'll have to thank them later." :)
Kanna: -removed her dragon onesie to reveal more conventional PJs under them- "Might as well take this off so it doesn't get too dirty..."

Azura: "You had two layers of pajamas?"

Kanna: "I like the dragon suit, alright?"
Jaune: "Can we get news that don't make things worse next time...?" :urg:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Weiss: "It's totally fine, Winter. This happens all the time with domestic animals."
-they break it-

-it's not the one he's behind-
Phosphora: "If I do?" -snaps her finger, creating a spark- "Zappy!" :p
(It does?)

-Ruby and Yang can probably confirm it because of how long they've owned Zwei?-

Dipper: (Edelgard and Dimitri are weak to specific weapons, and the sword beams are a good counter to Claude's arrows...But I can't have any of Erika's weapons until I can use Engage again. Looks like I'll have to keep dodging their attacks for a while...)

Squirtle: "(That's not all you can do, right?)" -Not especially impressed, but also oblivious-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
(It does?)

-Ruby and Yang can probably confirm it because of how long they've owned Zwei?-

Dipper: (Edelgard and Dimitri are weak to specific weapons, and the sword beams are a good counter to Claude's arrows...But I can't have any of Erika's weapons until I can use Engage again. Looks like I'll have to keep dodging their attacks for a while...)

Squirtle: "(That's not all you can do, right?)" -Not especially impressed, but also oblivious-
Yang: "Oh yeah, that's totally a normal thing. No need to worry." :p
-it really seems like it, huh...-

-but to Engage again, he has to fight.. or at least dodge attacks-
Phosphy: "Zip!" -suddenly behind the Pokemon- "I can do so much, honestly." :p
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