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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Kirby: "They had to help fight the war, too?"

-Meta Knight just patiently listens to the story-

-But still did fairly well destroying the walls of magic-based bones Papyrus sent at him...-

-She makes a mental note to ask them if they can upgrade their Scrolls later?-
Byleth: "Indeed they had. All of them."
-he's proud of that a little bit-
-she does-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-She's clearly a good friend of theirs, and despite her laziness, she's so kindhearted that it's clear why-

Plus, she's a helpful ally. The only thing that ticks her off more than most humans are people deliberately trying to obliderate entire planets and thus all of it's natural life immediately.

-XJ-4 and XJ-8 join the fight, blocking some of the hits and countering with direct punches-

Oh, I bet they have no idea wh at to do about surprise allies! The cavalry's gonna save the day!

And as friendly as she was tough!

-Literal catnaps it is- :p

Tetra: "I still don't think this is helping the mission much."

Steven: "Okay, whew, so everyone's still alright! And telepathic communications aren't affected here. I think we're good!"

-Sieg would find a note that reads: "GL LABS ID 54 LOG 67

I haven't told anyone yet, but I think this place is haunted. There are like, these strange woaning sounds all the time. Like a moan but also like woah, you know. So Woaning. And there was this painting that I kept staring at, that I think was changing. "-
Kamui and Kanna: :laugh:
Emblem Chrom: "So she is on your side solely because you have similar goals..."

Emblem Corrin: "You became more like him..."
Shez: "I wonder if I'm there... I like to defy expectations." :p

Ingrid: "You are not, it seems... and I see nothing regarding Sothis in there either. How fortunate."

-Coyle's punches would bit the XJs to try and break them-
Byleth: "Anytime, little girl." :)

-it's something Mary would like!-
Azura: "It helps Twilight know them, so it'll be a benefit to his mission in a sense."
Ruby: "Let's move forward then!" :grin:
Tiki: "Also more sweets" :p
Lily: "Yeah... And she likes the Pokémon"

Sieg: "Yes... In more ways than one, unfortunately"
Kaito: "What about me?" :p
Mary: "It's the oil paint set I've been wanting for long~!"
-On to sleeeep-
Sieg: "So there's this sentient painting it seems"
Atalanta: "Like little Mary?"
Sieg: "But probably murderous..."
-Mary sneezes in being initially murderous-
-Different species of dragons exist- :V

Linebeck: "Let me guess, that so-called "Lich" creature?"

And in spite of all that, he's now working with the enemy?!

Pichu: "(It's like a magic lightning axe!)"
Medea: "...Do we know lightning dragons though?"
Lily: "Er..."
Cú: "Just thinking about that guy is upsetting..."
Shockwave: "The only logical way I see it is that he was forced into the role, nevertheless in the footage he appears to be enjoying himself, so I can conclude they must let him loose when they want"
Atalanta: "That's a good way to put it"
Azura: "Olivia!" :)
Palu: "Even more extreme. I'd say Juri is a better comparison." :p
Shez: "Maybe treating her as younger than she is isn't the best..."
Olivia: "Oh Azura!" :D -went to hug, too excited for her bashfulness to act up... Until the hug would end that is-
Morrigan: "Okay, hold up there. I'm not that savage! I've only ever killed twice, and those were a pyromaniac alien that tried to burn my world, and a demon who tried to kill us and others to build a new messiah"
Lilith: "Please don't remind me of the latter..."
Morrigan: "Come on, you enjoyed seeing me kick his ass when that super hero world merged with ours again"
Lilith: "Nah, that time felt soooooo much more boring than the previous three, though it was funny to see you have the hots for a skeleton"
Morrigan: "Hey, he was hot"
Lilith: "Literally"
Kiara: "...What are they talking about?"
Kama: "Like if I knew!"
Arcueid: "Why not?" :p


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Medea: "...Do we know lightning dragons though?"
Lily: "Er..."
Cú: "Just thinking about that guy is upsetting..."
Shockwave: "The only logical way I see it is that he was forced into the role, nevertheless in the footage he appears to be enjoying himself, so I can conclude they must let him loose when they want"
Atalanta: "That's a good way to put it"
-So Farosh?- :V

Linebeck: "I've never had the misfortune of seeing this undead being in-person..."

Hmm...if that's true, what's the likelihood that we could sway him back into the ranks of the Decepticons?

Pichu: "(This is so cooooool!)" :b:

Kamui and Kanna: :laugh:
Emblem Chrom: "So she is on your side solely because you have similar goals..."

Emblem Corrin: "You became more like him..."
Shez: "I wonder if I'm there... I like to defy expectations." :p

Ingrid: "You are not, it seems... and I see nothing regarding Sothis in there either. How fortunate."

-Coyle's punches would bit the XJs to try and break them-
Byleth: "Anytime, little girl." :)

-it's something Mary would like!-
Azura: "It helps Twilight know them, so it'll be a benefit to his mission in a sense."
Ruby: "Let's move forward then!" :grin:
Tiki: "Also more sweets" :p
Lily: "Yeah... And she likes the Pokémon"

Sieg: "Yes... In more ways than one, unfortunately"
Kaito: "What about me?" :p
Mary: "It's the oil paint set I've been wanting for long~!"
-On to sleeeep-
Sieg: "So there's this sentient painting it seems"
Atalanta: "Like little Mary?"
Sieg: "But probably murderous..."
-Mary sneezes in being initially murderous-
-Kamui considers that fair enough for her old fwen?-

Marco: "She even has one, herself. He's basically a wrestler cat with fire powers."

Queen knew about Sothis in advance, though. How is that possible?!

-There's probably a hidden file on Sothis that Byleth shared some info with the Rulers for- :V

(Just keep looking for your cards and don't steal anything else that doesn't belong to you.) :glare:

-So Coyle's using Lokjaws to try and remove some of the XJ's arms...-

Mabel: "Awwwwwww, that's sweet~!" :b:

-Sans approves- :p

-Dreaming of each other's pasts again or just plain sleeping until morning?-

TLink: "A thief!"

-If Ruby and the others wanted to inform their Servant friends where they were, as a reminder, the root cellar turns out to be an incredibly dark, dreary laboratory of a basement, with tons of metal doors to other rooms, some of which are broken-

-Major oof...-

-Heshima turns to look at the painting of the infant he saw before with concern, on guard...The painting doesn't appear to change after about 20 seconds or so, at leastn ow while anyone is looking at it-


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
-Right before the oni could process it no less, leading to a little "Eh?" amidst it-

-He even has a framed one over a desk while he heals-

Ratbat: Heh, there we go!

-Oh no doubt, all that's left is to present him to the rest-
-Yeah, they definitely underestimated him?-

...Y-You wouldn't mind if I was your Trainer? (I don't know how good of a Trainer I'd be...But no one else let this poor Bidoof have a proper life before...)
Juri: "Damn. That looked nostalgic." :p
-Juri gets the idea she can treat the fight like fighting Zangief or Haggar.....but she's about to learn the spinning piledriver is practically the only similarity as the fish charges at her with head down and fingers out like bull horns, making a sort of vroom noise-


[You would....want me....?]

-Seibah in particular would welcome him with open arms if only because L I O N-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Olivia: "Oh Azura!" :D -went to hug, too excited for her bashfulness to act up... Until the hug would end that is-
Morrigan: "Okay, hold up there. I'm not that savage! I've only ever killed twice, and those were a pyromaniac alien that tried to burn my world, and a demon who tried to kill us and others to build a new messiah"
Lilith: "Please don't remind me of the latter..."
Morrigan: "Come on, you enjoyed seeing me kick his ass when that super hero world merged with ours again"
Lilith: "Nah, that time felt soooooo much more boring than the previous three, though it was funny to see you have the hots for a skeleton"
Morrigan: "Hey, he was hot"
Lilith: "Literally"
Kiara: "...What are they talking about?"
Kama: "Like if I knew!"
Arcueid: "Why not?" :p
Azura: "It's nice to see you again." :)
-was also present, slashing stuff- UDON would like to have a word with you, sweetie. Also hi~ It's been a few hours, right? Or maybe months? Who knows how the chronology works here when a funny holiday feels like forever.

Palu: "...Anyway, being murderous is pretty much the only trait of her that you don't have. Otherwise, you're just as much of a thrillseeker."
Shez: "Because it's rude?"

-Draco actually sides with Shez?-

Kirby: "...Oh no..." :urg: -Wondering if all of them made it...-

-As is Erika?-

-Current thoughts?-
Byleth: "The worst part is that not all students were on the same side... There were times where I..."
-indeed she do be, cheering for him-
Weiss: I need my technology to be cutting-edge. I should see if a water-resistant Scroll is possible.

Tiki: "Also more sweets" :p
Lily: "Yeah... And she likes the Pokémon"

Sieg: "Yes... In more ways than one, unfortunately"
Kaito: "What about me?" :p
Mary: "It's the oil paint set I've been wanting for long~!"
-On to sleeeep-
Sieg: "So there's this sentient painting it seems"
Atalanta: "Like little Mary?"
Sieg: "But probably murderous..."
-Mary sneezes in being initially murderous-
-Kamui considers that fair enough for her old fwen?-

Marco: "She even has one, herself. He's basically a wrestler cat with fire powers."

Queen knew about Sothis in advance, though. How is that possible?!

-There's probably a hidden file on Sothis that Byleth shared some info with the Rulers for- :V

(Just keep looking for your cards and don't steal anything else that doesn't belong to you.) :glare:

-So Coyle's using Lokjaws to try and remove some of the XJ's arms...-

Mabel: "Awwwwwww, that's sweet~!" :b:

-Sans approves- :p

-Dreaming of each other's pasts again or just plain sleeping until morning?-

TLink: "A thief!"

-If Ruby and the others wanted to inform their Servant friends where they were, as a reminder, the root cellar turns out to be an incredibly dark, dreary laboratory of a basement, with tons of metal doors to other rooms, some of which are broken-

-Major oof...-

-Heshima turns to look at the painting of the infant he saw before with concern, on guard...The painting doesn't appear to change after about 20 seconds or so, at leastn ow while anyone is looking at it-
Kamui: :rolleyes:

Kanna: "Sweets sound yummy~" :b:
Emblem Chrom: "...Now I've heard everything..."

Emblem Corrin: "Unfortunately? How so?"
Sothis: "I would not worry. My true power cannot be grasped with mere log files."

Ingrid: "Even in this vessel of yours?"

Sothis: "Care to find out after this?" :smirk:

Ingrid: "N-No! I'm good! But thanks for offering!"

-Ingrid is usually a bit of a fighting nut, only disagreeing if she thinks her advantage is too overwhelming... but that kind of response implies the opposite... at least concerning Sothis's full power-

-would Coyle's idea work?-
Byleth: "Merry Christmas, Mary." :)
-just sleep-
Kanna: "Someone should help her!"
-so like Mary :V-

Weiss: -tries to light up their surroundings further with Dust- "Alright, what have we here?"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Juri gets the idea she can treat the fight like fighting Zangief or Haggar.....but she's about to learn the spinning piledriver is practically the only similarity as the fish charges at her with head down and fingers out like bull horns, making a sort of vroom noise-
-so he's actually Abigail? :V-

Juri: "Whoa!" -tries to jump over him!-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "The worst part is that not all students were on the same side... There were times where I..."
-indeed she do be, cheering for him-
Weiss: I need my technology to be cutting-edge. I should see if a water-resistant Scroll is possible.
Meta Knight: "If the memories are too painful to talk about, you do not need to." -Fully sympathetic tone-


-Dipper and Mabel are doing the same, while Undyne continues to cheer for Papyrus-

-If there are waterproof cellphones, which are highly similar to but less advanced than Scrolls, then a waterproof Scroll is almost certainly possible-
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-bad move, as he then swings his arms up as he's above her, hitting her with the "horns"-
-yes, he hurt her only with his fingers-
-and because platform fighter, that sent her flying-

Meta Knight: "If the memories are too painful to talk about, you do not need to." -Fully sympathetic tone-


-Dipper and Mabel are doing the same, while Undyne continues to cheer for Papyrus-

-If there are waterproof cellphones, which are highly similar to but less advanced than Scrolls, then a waterproof Scroll is almost certainly possible-
Byleth: "Thanks..."
-are the twins cheering for different fighters?-
-heck yeah it is!-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-Yeah, they definitely underestimated him?-

...Y-You wouldn't mind if I was your Trainer? (I don't know how good of a Trainer I'd be...But no one else let this poor Bidoof have a proper life before...)
Juri: "Damn. That looked nostalgic." :p
-Juri gets the idea she can treat the fight like fighting Zangief or Haggar.....but she's about to learn the spinning piledriver is practically the only similarity as the fish charges at her with head down and fingers out like bull horns, making a sort of vroom noise-


[You would....want me....?]

-Seibah in particular would welcome him with open arms if only because L I O N-
-so he's actually Abigail? :V-

Juri: "Whoa!" -tries to jump over him!-
-bad move, as he then swings his arms up as he's above her, hitting her with the "horns"-
-yes, he hurt her only with his fingers-
-While Shuten was dizzy and trying to recover-

-It's a good reminder to not give up...-

Ratbat: "(I don't doubt she does)"

-And Iri already had a very positive impression of him because motherly instincts-
-So Farosh?- :V

Linebeck: "I've never had the misfortune of seeing this undead being in-person..."

Hmm...if that's true, what's the likelihood that we could sway him back into the ranks of the Decepticons?

Pichu: "(This is so cooooool!)" :b:
Lily: "Not really..."
Medea: "Then we can still use this..."
-Also can't ask Alear or Veyle for scales-
Cú: "For the best, that thing was eerie..."
Shockwave: "Hm, he is a simpleton..."
-She even erects a barrier to protect herself from a few attacks-
Azura: "It's nice to see you again." :)
-was also present, slashing stuff- UDON would like to have a word with you, sweetie. Also hi~ It's been a few hours, right? Or maybe months? Who knows how the chronology works here when a funny holiday feels like forever.

Palu: "...Anyway, being murderous is pretty much the only trait of her that you don't have. Otherwise, you're just as much of a thrillseeker."
Shez: "Because it's rude?"

-Draco actually sides with Shez?-
Olivia: "I know~!
Kiara: "Aaaah"
Morrigan: "I'm going to ignore you and your usual ramblings..."
Draco: "More like, disrespectful!"
Musashi: "And you aren't?"
-Kamui considers that fair enough for her old fwen?-

Marco: "She even has one, herself. He's basically a wrestler cat with fire powers."

Queen knew about Sothis in advance, though. How is that possible?!

-There's probably a hidden file on Sothis that Byleth shared some info with the Rulers for- :V

(Just keep looking for your cards and don't steal anything else that doesn't belong to you.) :glare:

-So Coyle's using Lokjaws to try and remove some of the XJ's arms...-

Mabel: "Awwwwwww, that's sweet~!" :b:

-Sans approves- :p

-Dreaming of each other's pasts again or just plain sleeping until morning?-

TLink: "A thief!"

-If Ruby and the others wanted to inform their Servant friends where they were, as a reminder, the root cellar turns out to be an incredibly dark, dreary laboratory of a basement, with tons of metal doors to other rooms, some of which are broken-

-Major oof...-

-Heshima turns to look at the painting of the infant he saw before with concern, on guard...The painting doesn't appear to change after about 20 seconds or so, at leastn ow while anyone is looking at it-
Kamui: :rolleyes:

Kanna: "Sweets sound yummy~" :b:
Emblem Chrom: "...Now I've heard everything..."

Emblem Corrin: "Unfortunately? How so?"
Sothis: "I would not worry. My true power cannot be grasped with mere log files."

Ingrid: "Even in this vessel of yours?"

Sothis: "Care to find out after this?" :smirk:

Ingrid: "N-No! I'm good! But thanks for offering!"

-Ingrid is usually a bit of a fighting nut, only disagreeing if she thinks her advantage is too overwhelming... but that kind of response implies the opposite... at least concerning Sothis's full power-

-would Coyle's idea work?-
Byleth: "Merry Christmas, Mary." :)
-just sleep-
Kanna: "Someone should help her!"
-so like Mary :V-

Weiss: -tries to light up their surroundings further with Dust- "Alright, what have we here?"
Shirou: "Don't spoil her too much, Tiki-san..."
Tiki: "Sorry" :p
Lily: "He's really good with kids though!"

Sieg: "Unfortunately, his personality started to take over me too"
Kaito: "I'm a little interested, but not suicidal" :p
Shiki: "Oh, you have a limit?!"
Kaito: "I've seen and managed to do plenty of things, that's all" :p
-Everyone be like "The faster we do this, the faster we kick this guy off"-
-Mary hugged Byleth!-
-Yeah, just slep-
-Yor jumps and says she can't forgive it as she goes to apprehend the criminal!-
Takeru: "I see doors..."

Sieg: "...There it is..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "Thanks..."
-are the twins cheering for different fighters?-
-heck yeah it is!-
Kirby: "...I'm...really sorry if I asked too much about your friends and this war, Byleth..." :urg:

-While they certainly consider Papyrus a friend, Ephraim is one of their new Emblem partners, so they're both cheering for him-

-Weiss is probably more confident that a waterproof Scroll can be made, now, but she'll probably wait to ask until after spending a few hours at the hot springs- :V

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Kirby: "...I'm...really sorry if I asked too much about your friends and this war, Byleth..." :urg:

-While they certainly consider Papyrus a friend, Ephraim is one of their new Emblem partners, so they're both cheering for him-

-Weiss is probably more confident that a waterproof Scroll can be made, now, but she'll probably wait to ask until after spending a few hours at the hot springs- :V
Byleth: "Don't... worry about it..."
-that's fair enough-

Ephraim: "Seems the crowd knows what they want."
-indeed she will-

Olivia: "I know~!
Kiara: "Aaaah"
Morrigan: "I'm going to ignore you and your usual ramblings..."
Draco: "More like, disrespectful!"
Musashi: "And you aren't?"
Azura: "So what happened with you since we last met?"
Just like old times~!
Shez: "Yeaaaaaaah, maybe try not to be a jerk if you don't want us to be jerks."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Juri gets the idea she can treat the fight like fighting Zangief or Haggar.....but she's about to learn the spinning piledriver is practically the only similarity as the fish charges at her with head down and fingers out like bull horns, making a sort of vroom noise-

[You would....want me....?]
-and because platform fighter, that sent her flying-
-While Shuten was dizzy and trying to recover-

Ratbat: "(I don't doubt she does)"
-Is this fight taking place where other members would be seeing it it?-

...Yeah. Yeah, I really would be happy to take you in. :)

Lily: "Not really..."
Medea: "Then we can still use this..."
-Also can't ask Alear or Veyle for scales-
Cú: "For the best, that thing was eerie..."
Shockwave: "Hm, he is a simpleton..."
-She even erects a barrier to protect herself from a few attacks-
-Since they both seem unable to turn into their Dragon forms anymore...-

Linebeck: "From the description of him, he sounds like he'd have fit right in on the Ghost Ship."

Sounds convincing him to rejoin our side should be a simple task!

Pikachu: "(Is that a magic barrier?)"

Byleth: "Don't... worry about it..."
-that's fair enough-

Ephraim: "Seems the crowd knows what they want."
-indeed she will-
Kirby: "Are you okay...?"


-About how long have they been at the springs as of now?-

Kamui: :rolleyes:

Kanna: "Sweets sound yummy~" :b:
Emblem Chrom: "...Now I've heard everything..."

Emblem Corrin: "Unfortunately? How so?"
Sothis: "I would not worry. My true power cannot be grasped with mere log files."

Ingrid: "Even in this vessel of yours?"

Sothis: "Care to find out after this?" :smirk:

Ingrid: "N-No! I'm good! But thanks for offering!"

-Ingrid is usually a bit of a fighting nut, only disagreeing if she thinks her advantage is too overwhelming... but that kind of response implies the opposite... at least concerning Sothis's full power-

-would Coyle's idea work?-
Byleth: "Merry Christmas, Mary." :)
-just sleep-
Kanna: "Someone should help her!"
-so like Mary :V-

Weiss: -tries to light up their surroundings further with Dust- "Alright, what have we here?"
Shirou: "Don't spoil her too much, Tiki-san..."
Tiki: "Sorry" :p
Lily: "He's really good with kids though!"

Sieg: "Unfortunately, his personality started to take over me too"
Kaito: "I'm a little interested, but not suicidal" :p
Shiki: "Oh, you have a limit?!"
Kaito: "I've seen and managed to do plenty of things, that's all" :p
-Everyone be like "The faster we do this, the faster we kick this guy off"-
-Mary hugged Byleth!-
-Yeah, just slep-
-Yor jumps and says she can't forgive it as she goes to apprehend the criminal!-
Takeru: "I see doors..."

Sieg: "...There it is..."
-Tiki is basically that one aunt who brings their nieces/nephews a lot of gifts- :p

Star: "He's actually way friendlier than Virid ever has been." :p

(...Hang on a minute, did Ingrid just sound...afraid?)

(Or at the very least worried...) -Thinking to himself- (Sothis could potentially be even more powerful than her...)

-Snorts in anger- (We can't recover your cards fast enough...)

-It would've, had XJ-5 not morphed into a buzzsaw form to try and damage Coyle's own ARMS-

-It wouldn't be enough to destroy them, but it'd be damaging enough to either loosen the Lokjaws' grips or force Coyle to let go of them to avoid more serious damage-

-The XJs, Dipper and Mabel were all moved at the sight-

-And feel fully rested upon waking up the next morning?-

Tetra: "Annnnnnnnnd that thief no longer stands a chance." :p

-That along with the flashlights helps illuminat the basement better, and it seems like there's nothing else in the entrance room besides five metal doors, excluding hte one they entered from-

Steven: "Most of the handles seem busted..."

Amethyst: "Well, we broke open one door. What's a few more?" :p

Steven: "Something tells me causing too much noise down here is a bad idea..."

It...doesn't look like it's changing. At least so far. Maybe we should look behind the frame? Sometimes there's clues or hidden doorways or levers behind paintings.

-Pearl does just that-

Pearl: "...There's nothing here. Let's move onto the next room..."

-Once Pearl puts the painting back into place, however, everyone would see that the painting of the infant has suddenly morphed into a nightmarish expression with dust and oil pouring out of it's eyes, and it's overall appearance looking almost zombie-like-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-While Shuten was dizzy and trying to recover-
-Is this fight taking place where other members would be seeing it it?-
-probably? would Martha make a show out of it to show Juri a lesson?-

Kirby: "Are you okay...?"


-About how long have they been at the springs as of now?-
Byleth: "I'm fine..."
Ephraim: "And great fighters. Come on, let's keep this going!"
-long enough?-

Shirou: "Don't spoil her too much, Tiki-san..."
Tiki: "Sorry" :p
Lily: "He's really good with kids though!"

Sieg: "Unfortunately, his personality started to take over me too"
Kaito: "I'm a little interested, but not suicidal" :p
Shiki: "Oh, you have a limit?!"
Kaito: "I've seen and managed to do plenty of things, that's all" :p
-Everyone be like "The faster we do this, the faster we kick this guy off"-
-Mary hugged Byleth!-
-Yeah, just slep-
-Yor jumps and says she can't forgive it as she goes to apprehend the criminal!-
Takeru: "I see doors..."

Sieg: "...There it is..."
-Tiki is basically that one aunt who brings their nieces/nephews a lot of gifts- :p

Star: "He's actually way friendlier than Virid ever has been." :p

(...Hang on a minute, did Ingrid just sound...afraid?)

(Or at the very least worried...) -Thinking to himself- (Sothis could potentially be even more powerful than her...)

-Snorts in anger- (We can't recover your cards fast enough...)

-It would've, had XJ-5 not morphed into a buzzsaw form to try and damage Coyle's own ARMS-

-It wouldn't be enough to destroy them, but it'd be damaging enough to either loosen the Lokjaws' grips or force Coyle to let go of them to avoid more serious damage-

-The XJs, Dipper and Mabel were all moved at the sight-

-And feel fully rested upon waking up the next morning?-

Tetra: "Annnnnnnnnd that thief no longer stands a chance." :p

-That along with the flashlights helps illuminat the basement better, and it seems like there's nothing else in the entrance room besides five metal doors, excluding hte one they entered from-

Steven: "Most of the handles seem busted..."

Amethyst: "Well, we broke open one door. What's a few more?" :p

Steven: "Something tells me causing too much noise down here is a bad idea..."

It...doesn't look like it's changing. At least so far. Maybe we should look behind the frame? Sometimes there's clues or hidden doorways or levers behind paintings.

-Pearl does just that-

Pearl: "...There's nothing here. Let's move onto the next room..."

-Once Pearl puts the painting back into place, however, everyone would see that the painting of the infant has suddenly morphed into a nightmarish expression with dust and oil pouring out of it's eyes, and it's overall appearance looking almost zombie-like-
-she's like me FR-

Kanna: "I don't mind it." :)
Emblem Robin: "Now that sounds hilarious."

Emblem Corrin: "It did? How is it now?"
Ingrid: "Though collaborating with you once more would be great."

Sothis: "Then be more active with Chaldea's affairs." :p

-Blake sure does-
Kanna: "Let's go, Yor!"
Yang: "Oh come on, Steven. That's just a movie thing. This is the real world; we're screwed either way because if there's something in this floor, they probably already know we're here."
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "I'm fine..."
Ephraim: "And great fighters. Come on, let's keep this going!"
-long enough?-
-The Star Warriors are visibly doubting it, and Kirby and Bandana Dee in particular look saddened and sympathetic-


-Double daggers slash attack-


-Sitting near the edge of the springs right now, yawning- (I think I've spent enough time in the springs for today.)

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-The Star Warriors are visibly doubting it, and Kirby and Bandana Dee in particular look saddened and sympathetic-


-Double daggers slash attack-


-Sitting near the edge of the springs right now, yawning- (I think I've spent enough time in the springs for today.)
Byleth: ".......You really don't have to worry. I... I knew it was inevitable back then..."
-which Ephraim attempted to dodge but he's not the fastest guy around-

Ephraim: "As am I." But it's starting to be a lot...
Weiss: "Fair enough." -pats her-


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
-and because platform fighter, that sent her flying-
-While Shuten was dizzy and trying to recover-

-It's a good reminder to not give up...-

Ratbat: "(I don't doubt she does)"

-And Iri already had a very positive impression of him because motherly instincts-
-Is this fight taking place where other members would be seeing it it?-

...Yeah. Yeah, I really would be happy to take you in. :)

-probably? would Martha make a show out of it to show Juri a lesson?-
-she goes flying into a wall-

-indeed, even when things look their bleakest-

-she runs around in circles excited-

-for now, the lion sleeps tonight :V-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-Is this fight taking place where other members would be seeing it it?-

...Yeah. Yeah, I really would be happy to take you in. :)
-probably? would Martha make a show out of it to show Juri a lesson?-
-she goes flying into a wall-

-indeed, even when things look their bleakest-

-she runs around in circles excited-

-for now, the lion sleeps tonight :V-
-Oh she absolutely is doing so-
Martha: "Well, well now, I do see he has capacities~" -may be a little wanting to a spar match with it now-

Shirou: "Say, what would you like to do there? There's a bunch of beaches after all"

Ratbat: "(You're welcome to our large group then, little one!)"

-And so would she besides him-
-This is the start of a lasting friendship-
Azura: "So what happened with you since we last met?"
Just like old times~!
Shez: "Yeaaaaaaah, maybe try not to be a jerk if you don't want us to be jerks."
Olivia: "I was going to ask the sa-!" -then realizes how forward she was with her hug- "Aaaaaaahhh, s-sorry! I shouldn't have done that!"
Morrigan: "How did you even get this guy here?"
-Everyone be like "no clue"-
Draco: "But you're all beneath me..."
Musashi: "Hypocrite much?"
-Since they both seem unable to turn into their Dragon forms anymore...-

Linebeck: "From the description of him, he sounds like he'd have fit right in on the Ghost Ship."

Sounds convincing him to rejoin our side should be a simple task!

Pikachu: "(Is that a magic barrier?)"
-Nor do they want to, so they'd be limited to scales from Sieg, Kiyohime, Kamui, Tiki and Kanna-
-Corrin is a Charizard yeah but he's not Dragon type- :p
Cú: "The name fits a place he'd be into"
Shockwave: "Offering him infinite energy"
Atalanta: "Yes, it would protect her from incoming fire"
-Tiki is basically that one aunt who brings their nieces/nephews a lot of gifts- :p

Star: "He's actually way friendlier than Virid ever has been." :p

(...Hang on a minute, did Ingrid just sound...afraid?)

(Or at the very least worried...) -Thinking to himself- (Sothis could potentially be even more powerful than her...)

-Snorts in anger- (We can't recover your cards fast enough...)

-It would've, had XJ-5 not morphed into a buzzsaw form to try and damage Coyle's own ARMS-

-It wouldn't be enough to destroy them, but it'd be damaging enough to either loosen the Lokjaws' grips or force Coyle to let go of them to avoid more serious damage-

-The XJs, Dipper and Mabel were all moved at the sight-

-And feel fully rested upon waking up the next morning?-

Tetra: "Annnnnnnnnd that thief no longer stands a chance." :p

-That along with the flashlights helps illuminat the basement better, and it seems like there's nothing else in the entrance room besides five metal doors, excluding hte one they entered from-

Steven: "Most of the handles seem busted..."

Amethyst: "Well, we broke open one door. What's a few more?" :p

Steven: "Something tells me causing too much noise down here is a bad idea..."

It...doesn't look like it's changing. At least so far. Maybe we should look behind the frame? Sometimes there's clues or hidden doorways or levers behind paintings.

-Pearl does just that-

Pearl: "...There's nothing here. Let's move onto the next room..."

-Once Pearl puts the painting back into place, however, everyone would see that the painting of the infant has suddenly morphed into a nightmarish expression with dust and oil pouring out of it's eyes, and it's overall appearance looking almost zombie-like-
-she's like me FR-

Kanna: "I don't mind it." :)
Emblem Robin: "Now that sounds hilarious."

Emblem Corrin: "It did? How is it now?"
Ingrid: "Though collaborating with you once more would be great."

Sothis: "Then be more active with Chaldea's affairs." :p

-Blake sure does-
Kanna: "Let's go, Yor!"
Yang: "Oh come on, Steven. That's just a movie thing. This is the real world; we're screwed either way because if there's something in this floor, they probably already know we're here."
Tiki: "See? She's into it" :p -pats the kid-
Lily: "He's also pretty entertaining..."

Sieg: "I'm better now, though a lot had to happen... Well, technically I'm not even the original Sieg"
Kaito: "Oh, is that what you think?" :p
-So do the Dokis and the other present Santas-
-Good for the twins that Poppy wasn't another GIFfanny-
-So does Atalantaaaaaa-
-Yor indeed pretty much crushes the thief without killing him in seconds-
Takeru: "...I can't go against that logic"

Sieg: "...I say one of us makes sure it doesn't tries to kill us"
Mordred: "Deal"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: ".......You really don't have to worry. I... I knew it was inevitable back then..."
-which Ephraim attempted to dodge but he's not the fastest guy around-

Ephraim: "As am I." But it's starting to be a lot...
Weiss: "Fair enough." -pats her-
Kirby: "I'm still sorry for asking..."

-Papyrus might eventually tire out like both he himself and Sans in their boss fights in Undertale, but not as soon since he's trained a LOT since then-

-Smiled cheerfully at that before climbing out of the springs-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Nor do they want to, so they'd be limited to scales from Sieg, Kiyohime, Kamui, Tiki and Kanna-
-Corrin is a Charizard yeah but he's not Dragon type- :p
Cú: "The name fits a place he'd be into"
Shockwave: "Offering him infinite energy"
Atalanta: "Yes, it would protect her from incoming fire"
-Almost of which presumably have different effects-

-And to this day, no even remotely understands how Charizard doesn't qualify as a dragon, not even Pokemon experts- :p

Linebeck: "If not become it's new captain..."

Which is exactly what the Grid itself has!

Pikachu: "(Some Pokemon know moves like that, but this one looks even more effective!)"

-probably? would Martha make a show out of it to show Juri a lesson?-
-she goes flying into a wall-

-she runs around in circles excited-
-Oh she absolutely is doing so-
Martha: "Well, well now, I do see he has capacities~" -may be a little wanting to a spar match with it now-

Ratbat: "(You're welcome to our large group then, little one!)"
-Of course it was Martha- :p

-Couldn't help but giggle at the sight-

-she's like me FR-

Kanna: "I don't mind it." :)
Emblem Robin: "Now that sounds hilarious."

Emblem Corrin: "It did? How is it now?"
Ingrid: "Though collaborating with you once more would be great."

Sothis: "Then be more active with Chaldea's affairs." :p

-Blake sure does-
Kanna: "Let's go, Yor!"
Yang: "Oh come on, Steven. That's just a movie thing. This is the real world; we're screwed either way because if there's something in this floor, they probably already know we're here."
Tiki: "See? She's into it" :p -pats the kid-
Lily: "He's also pretty entertaining..."

Sieg: "I'm better now, though a lot had to happen... Well, technically I'm not even the original Sieg"
Kaito: "Oh, is that what you think?" :p
-So do the Dokis and the other present Santas-
-Good for the twins that Poppy wasn't another GIFfanny-
-So does Atalantaaaaaa-
-Yor indeed pretty much crushes the thief without killing him in seconds-
Takeru: "...I can't go against that logic"

Sieg: "...I say one of us makes sure it doesn't tries to kill us"
Mordred: "Deal"
-Kanna's probably wise enough to not let the spoiling get to her head-

We'll definitely have to introduce all you guys to the other Pokemon later. :p

You are such a hypocrite. :glare:

-Fair trade for Ingrid?- :V

(I suspect everyone else who's had to work with you here has had the same opinion....)

Dipper: "Looks like were worried for nothing after all." :)

-They stretching out of their beds?-

Tetra: "Told you." :p

Steven: "...You're right. I guess I'm just worried that it's gonna put us in more immediate danger, but I guess that might not make much of a difference as long as we're prepared to fight whatever's down here..."

I volunteer. This is a classic horror trope, but sometimes chanbging paintings turn out to be harmless.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-she goes flying into a wall-
-Oh she absolutely is doing so-
Martha: "Well, well now, I do see he has capacities~" -may be a little wanting to a spar match with it now-
-Of course it was Martha- :p
Juri: "Did not expect that... Ouch..." -tries to get up-

Olivia: "I was going to ask the sa-!" -then realizes how forward she was with her hug- "Aaaaaaahhh, s-sorry! I shouldn't have done that!"
Morrigan: "How did you even get this guy here?"
-Everyone be like "no clue"-
Draco: "But you're all beneath me..."
Musashi: "Hypocrite much?"
Azura: "Don't worry about it. I really don't mind that from you." :)
-sounds about right to Morrigan?-
Sothis: "Me? Beneath you? Oh, that shows how little you know of me." :laugh:

Kirby: "I'm still sorry for asking..."

-Papyrus might eventually tire out like both he himself and Sans in their boss fights in Undertale, but not as soon since he's trained a LOT since then-

-Smiled cheerfully at that before climbing out of the springs-
Byleth: "You couldn't have known..."
-and shaking her fur?-

Tiki: "See? She's into it" :p -pats the kid-
Lily: "He's also pretty entertaining..."

Sieg: "I'm better now, though a lot had to happen... Well, technically I'm not even the original Sieg"
Kaito: "Oh, is that what you think?" :p
-So do the Dokis and the other present Santas-
-Good for the twins that Poppy wasn't another GIFfanny-
-So does Atalantaaaaaa-
-Yor indeed pretty much crushes the thief without killing him in seconds-
Takeru: "...I can't go against that logic"

Sieg: "...I say one of us makes sure it doesn't tries to kill us"
Mordred: "Deal"
-Kanna's probably wise enough to not let the spoiling get to her head-

We'll definitely have to introduce all you guys to the other Pokemon later. :p

You are such a hypocrite. :glare:

-Fair trade for Ingrid?- :V

(I suspect everyone else who's had to work with you here has had the same opinion....)

Dipper: "Looks like were worried for nothing after all." :)

-They stretching out of their beds?-

Tetra: "Told you." :p

Steven: "...You're right. I guess I'm just worried that it's gonna put us in more immediate danger, but I guess that might not make much of a difference as long as we're prepared to fight whatever's down here..."

I volunteer. This is a classic horror trope, but sometimes chanbging paintings turn out to be harmless.
-wise? no :V-

-driven to prove her worth to Mama? yes-
Emblem Robin: "I'll keep it in mind then."

Emblem Corrin: "You're not?"
Ingrid: "I'll... think about it."

Sothis: "That means no."

Ingrid: "..."

Byleth: "I'm glad I got to join on these festivities... Part of me wishes Sothis could tag along though."
-Blake is for sure-
Kanna: "Again, I wish I was that cool..."
-just realized it'd have been more in character for Nora to say that but **** it, too lazy to change-

Ruby: "I hope Qrow's handling things well on his side..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "You couldn't have known..."
-and shaking her fur?-
Meta Knight: "We may not have even known them, but I can still say with confidence that their memories and honor won't be forgotten.

If by no one else, you're still here to remember them, after all. And I take it you were still far from the only survivor amongst your ranks."

-Which Papyrus tries to deflect using one of the daggers like a baseball bat-

-That she does, though she tries to keep enough distance to not splash Weiss or Camilla-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Meta Knight: "We may not have even known them, but I can still say with confidence that their memories and honor won't be forgotten.

If by no one else, you're still here to remember them, after all. And I take it you were still far from the only survivor amongst your ranks."

-Which Papyrus tries to deflect using one of the daggers like a baseball bat-

-That she does, though she tries to keep enough distance to not splash Weiss or Camilla-
Byleth: "No one died on my side."
-it just broke the dagger further-
Camilla: "Isn't she adorable~?" -giggling-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "No one died on my side."
-it just broke the dagger further-
Camilla: "Isn't she adorable~?" -giggling-
-I actually forgot that Byleth specified that instead of some of the students not surviving the war, so retcon the that last sentence-

Dedede: "...Did any of 'em...survive?" -Even Dedede was more withdrawn and sympathetic knowing what Byleth had to do to survive that war-



-Winter wasn't within range to really hear Camilla's comment, so does Weiss respond to her instead?-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-I actually forgot that Byleth specified that instead of some of the students not surviving the war, so retcon the that last sentence-

Dedede: "...Did any of 'em...survive?" -Even Dedede was more withdrawn and sympathetic knowing what Byleth had to do to survive that war-



-Winter wasn't within range to really hear Camilla's comment, so does Weiss respond to her instead?-
Byleth: "Can we not talk about that..."
-Ephraim shoulder bashes-
Weiss: "I know right~? An adorable ball of fluffiness~"

Camilla: "Absolutely~!"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "Can we not talk about that..."
-Ephraim shoulder bashes-
Weiss: "I know right~? An adorable ball of fluffiness~"

Camilla: "Absolutely~!"
Dedede: "...Understood. Got it..." -Just solemnly nods once-

-Wario sneezed-

-Papyrus is hit and launched!-

-No wonder why Weiss took her in as her Pokemon- :p

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Dedede: "...Understood. Got it..." -Just solemnly nods once-

-Wario sneezed-

-Papyrus is hit and launched!-

-No wonder why Weiss took her in as her Pokemon- :p
-so they move on from the conversation?-
Ephraim: -tries to follow with a jumping strike-
-oh, absolutely-

-and the ice theme also fits her so well~-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Azura: "Don't worry about it. I really don't mind that from you." :)
-sounds about right to Morrigan?-
Sothis: "Me? Beneath you? Oh, that shows how little you know of me." :laugh:
Olivia: "Oh, phew... So, how is life?"
Morrigan: "...Sounds quite familiar"
Kiara: "So you know each other?"
Morrigan: "Unfortunately"
Draco: "...In eventuality"
-Almost of which presumably have different effects-

-And to this day, no even remotely understands how Charizard doesn't qualify as a dragon, not even Pokemon experts- :p

Linebeck: "If not become it's new captain..."

Which is exactly what the Grid itself has!

Pikachu: "(Some Pokemon know moves like that, but this one looks even more effective!)"
-So it's agreed they shall buy some...-

-No kidding- :V
Cú: "After taking it over"
Shockwave: "How adequate"
Atalanta: "Well, it's pretty small..."
-Kanna's probably wise enough to not let the spoiling get to her head-

We'll definitely have to introduce all you guys to the other Pokemon later. :p

You are such a hypocrite. :glare:

-Fair trade for Ingrid?- :V

(I suspect everyone else who's had to work with you here has had the same opinion....)

Dipper: "Looks like were worried for nothing after all." :)

-They stretching out of their beds?-

Tetra: "Told you." :p

Steven: "...You're right. I guess I'm just worried that it's gonna put us in more immediate danger, but I guess that might not make much of a difference as long as we're prepared to fight whatever's down here..."

I volunteer. This is a classic horror trope, but sometimes chanbging paintings turn out to be harmless.
-wise? no :V-

-driven to prove her worth to Mama? yes-
Emblem Robin: "I'll keep it in mind then."

Emblem Corrin: "You're not?"
Ingrid: "I'll... think about it."

Sothis: "That means no."

Ingrid: "..."

Byleth: "I'm glad I got to join on these festivities... Part of me wishes Sothis could tag along though."
-Blake is for sure-
Kanna: "Again, I wish I was that cool..."
-just realized it'd have been more in character for Nora to say that but **** it, too lazy to change-

Ruby: "I hope Qrow's handling things well on his side..."
-Mama is so awesome she loves her the most of all after all-
Lily: "For now, what can we do?"

Sieg: "Well, I was created by the original Sieg as a sort of... Terminal"
Kaito: "Well now, how kind" :p
-Everyone sighs-
Shiki: "Where do we go now?"
Monika: "Oh yeah, that Goddess doesn't has a body of her own..."
-So is Atalanta the same way a cat would-
-It embarrasses her tho that she did all that-
-Well now- :p
Takeru: "That's your uncle, right?"

Mordred: "Well, you're of metal, so less chances to be torn apart"
Rin: "Be careful"
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Olivia: "Oh, phew... So, how is life?"
Morrigan: "...Sounds quite familiar"
Kiara: "So you know each other?"
Morrigan: "Unfrotunately"
Draco: "...In eventuality"
Azura: "Quite chaotic, to be honest..."
Oh come on, girl! Don't act like that. We had fun in those fights, didn't we?

-as annoyed about his personality as she is... she can't deny he knows his way around a good fight?-
Sothis: "But still, it's amusing to realize that you might actually be one of the weaker people within this group, even though you are exceedingly powerful in your own right." :p


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-So it's agreed they shall buy some...-

-No kidding- :V
Cú: "After taking it over"
Shockwave: "How adequate"
Atalanta: "Well, it's pretty small..."
-Enough for a few potions and spells, or at least the former-

-That's the life story of Charizards- :V

Linebeck: "How did you defeat that creature again?"

-The other Decepticons are confident of it too or not so much?-

-Is it still effectively blocking the drones' laser attacks?-

-so they move on from the conversation?-
Ephraim: -tries to follow with a jumping strike-
-oh, absolutely-

-and the ice theme also fits her so well~-
Meta Knight: "Perhaps we should move on from the current subject."

-That, however, Papyrus manages to block, using his remaining intact dagger-

-Weiss uses a variety of Dust for both combat and utilities, but the theme still fits with how Weiss does have some "icy" aspects to her personality, plus she originated from a kingdom surrounded by snow and has a snowflake as part of her own logo-

-Helps that Winter herself does know a few moves that aren't ice-based as well, so her moveset's not totally limited even if ice is her expertise-

-wise? no :V-

-driven to prove her worth to Mama? yes-
Emblem Robin: "I'll keep it in mind then."

Emblem Corrin: "You're not?"
Ingrid: "I'll... think about it."

Sothis: "That means no."

Ingrid: "..."

Byleth: "I'm glad I got to join on these festivities... Part of me wishes Sothis could tag along though."
-Blake is for sure-
Kanna: "Again, I wish I was that cool..."
-just realized it'd have been more in character for Nora to say that but **** it, too lazy to change-

Ruby: "I hope Qrow's handling things well on his side..."
-Mama is so awesome she loves her the most of all after all-
Lily: "For now, what can we do?"
-It embarrasses her tho that she did all that-

Sieg: "Well, I was created by the original Sieg as a sort of... Terminal"
Kaito: "Well now, how kind" :p
-Everyone sighs-
Shiki: "Where do we go now?"
Monika: "Oh yeah, that Goddess doesn't has a body of her own..."
-So is Atalanta the same way a cat would-
-Well now- :p
Takeru: "That's your uncle, right?"

Mordred: "Well, you're of metal, so less chances to be torn apart"
Rin: "Be careful"
-It's clear that even as she grows up, she still looks up to her parents a great deal-


Marco: "I guess just prepare to fight the Alliance..."

-Ingrid tries to refute this point?-

-Also how Yukari and the photographer?-

Hmm, if I were the bad guys in charge here, where would I be right now? 🤔

-Jenny tries to block it, and even with all the damage she's taken, she still blocks every punch without faltering-


Dipper: "Is there any way you two can coexist independently...?"


-They're definitely cats- :p

-The honorary sisters chat as they wake up?-

Tetra: "Why on Earth would she be embarrassed by thwarting a theft?"

-It still kinda fits for Yang, to be fair-

Same to all of you. I'll keep an eye on that painting, the rest of you keep looking for clues!

-The rest of the Servants' group would soon find a room with several identical dolls on shelves, as well as an odd pile of doll hands and pieces on a table-
Last edited:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Azura: "Quite chaotic, to be honest..."
Oh come on, girl! Don't act like that. We had fun in those fights, didn't we?

-as annoyed about his personality as she is... she can't deny he knows his way around a good fight?-
Sothis: "But still, it's amusing to realize that you might actually be one of the weaker people within this group, even though you are exceedingly powerful in your own right." :p
Olivia: "W-Well, Tiki told me that you're not human any longer..."
Morrigan: "I suppose your unprectibality was something to puzzle my mind around"
Draco: "........................................................................................................................."
Arcueid: "Not wrong" :p
Guifei: "Totally~"
Either this is unreplied or, if I remember the episode correctly, I think you typed the Spy X Family stuff way above with the Emblem stuff, Digi.
-Enough for a few potions and spells, or at least the former-

-That's the life story of Charizards- :V

Linebeck: "How did you defeat that creature again?"

-The other Decepticons are confident of it too or not so much?-

-Is it still effectively blocking the drones' laser attacks?-
-Indeed, so they purchase those-
-...Actually remind me how it happened- 😅
-Not really, on one side some don't like Blitzwing with how much of a brute he can be-
-Absolutely, as she prepares another spell-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Mama is so awesome she loves her the most of all after all-
Lily: "For now, what can we do?"
-It embarrasses her tho that she did all that-

Sieg: "Well, I was created by the original Sieg as a sort of... Terminal"
Kaito: "Well now, how kind" :p
-Everyone sighs-
Shiki: "Where do we go now?"
Monika: "Oh yeah, that Goddess doesn't has a body of her own..."
-So is Atalanta the same way a cat would-
-Well now- :p
Takeru: "That's your uncle, right?"

Mordred: "Well, you're of metal, so less chances to be torn apart"
Rin: "Be careful"
-It's clear that even as she grows up, she still looks up to her parents a great deal-


Marco: "I guess just prepare to fight the Alliance..."

-Ingrid tries to refute this point?-

-Also how Yukari and the photographer?-

Hmm, if I were the bad guys in charge here, where would I be right now? 🤔

-Jenny tries to block it, and even with all the damage she's taken, she still blocks every punch without faltering-


Dipper: "Is there any way you two can coexist independently...?"


-They're definitely cats- :p

-The honorary sisters chat as they wake up?-

Either this is unreplied or, if I remember the episode correctly, I think you typed the Spy X Family stuff way above with the Emblem stuff, Digi.

-It still kinda fits for Yang, to be fair-

Same to all of you. I'll keep an eye on that painting, the rest of you keep looking for clues!

-The rest of the Servants' group would soon find a room with several identical dolls on shelves, as well as an odd pile of doll hands and pieces on a table-
-and Kanna's friends could see that too... but being fair, dragons are awesome :V-

Kanna: "We have so many Dragonstones~! And they all do different things~!" :b:
Emblem Chrom: "Sounds good to me."

Emblem Corrin: "...I'm confused..."
Ingrid: "...Let us move on to stopping the threats now."

-Sothis was very smug-

-Coyle got the Hedlok to try and snatch into one of the other XJs-
Byleth: "She's tried people known for doing things with the dead." -referring to Tamamo and Nitocris- "That... did not work."
Blake: "Slept well?" :)
Azura: "It's cute how shy she is about this..."
Ruby: "Yeah, and he's the coolest!" :b:

Meta Knight: "Perhaps we should move on from the current subject."

-That, however, Papyrus manages to block, using his remaining intact dagger-

-Weiss uses a variety of Dust for both combat and utilities, but the theme still fits with how Weiss does have some "icy" aspects to her personality, plus she originated from a kingdom surrounded by snow and has a snowflake as part of her own logo-

-Helps that Winter herself does know a few moves that aren't ice-based as well, so her moveset's not totally limited even if ice is her expertise-
Byleth: "Agreed..."
Ephraim: "Ready to fold yet?"
-and her name is literally white snow :V-

-Weiss and Camilla eventually leave too-

Olivia: "W-Well, Tiki told me that you're not human any longer..."
Morrigan: "I suppose your unprectibality was something to puzzle my mind around"
Draco: "........................................................................................................................."
Arcueid: "Not wrong" :p
Guifei: "Totally~"
Azura: "It's... complicated to explain..."
See? I have good qualities~
Sothis: "But not the weakest. Someone like you could probably eat Musashi for breakfast." :p


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
My post has since been updated.

-Indeed, so they purchase those-
-...Actually remind me how it happened- 😅
-Not really, on one side some don't like Blitzwing with how much of a brute he can be-
-Absolutely, as she prepares another spell-
-They buy anything else too or nah?-

-Beerus erased the main Lich out of existence and and another version of him got destroyed by Ford courtesy of the Quantum Destabilizer- :p

-In fact, it could be argued that most of Chaldea's members don't get along with him very well for that very reason-

-The Pokemon watch to see what kind of spell it is-

Byleth: "Agreed..."
Ephraim: "Ready to fold yet?"
-and her name is literally white snow :V-

-Weiss and Camilla eventually leave too-
-Kirby's wondering how to lighten the mood or at least cheer Byleth up, now-



-Needless to say, it's indeed fitting that she has an Ice-type Pokemon- :V

-No doubt drying up first and foremost-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Kirby's wondering how to lighten the mood or at least cheer Byleth up, now-



-Needless to say, it's indeed fitting that she has an Ice-type Pokemon- :V

-No doubt drying up first and foremost-
-it is truly necessary?-
Ephraim: "So I'm not a friend to you then? Got it."

Eirika: That's a mean trick, Ephraim...
-of course they would dry up-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-it is truly necessary?-
Ephraim: "So I'm not a friend to you then? Got it."

Eirika: That's a mean trick, Ephraim...
-of course they would dry up-
-Even thinking it might not be, he's still wondering what subject they could bring up to lighten the mood, at least-



(This estate's hot springs are quite lovely.) :)

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-It's clear that even as she grows up, she still looks up to her parents a great deal-


Marco: "I guess just prepare to fight the Alliance..."

-Ingrid tries to refute this point?-

-Also how Yukari and the photographer?-

Hmm, if I were the bad guys in charge here, where would I be right now? 🤔

-Jenny tries to block it, and even with all the damage she's taken, she still blocks every punch without faltering-


Dipper: "Is there any way you two can coexist independently...?"


-They're definitely cats- :p

-The honorary sisters chat as they wake up?-

Tetra: "Why on Earth would she be embarrassed by thwarting a theft?"

-It still kinda fits for Yang, to be fair-

Same to all of you. I'll keep an eye on that painting, the rest of you keep looking for clues!

-The rest of the Servants' group would soon find a room with several identical dolls on shelves, as well as an odd pile of doll hands and pieces on a table-
-and Kanna's friends could see that too... but being fair, dragons are awesome :V-

Kanna: "We have so many Dragonstones~! And they all do different things~!" :b:
Emblem Chrom: "Sounds good to me."

Emblem Corrin: "...I'm confused..."
Ingrid: "...Let us move on to stopping the threats now."

-Sothis was very smug-

-Coyle got the Hedlok to try and snatch into one of the other XJs-
Byleth: "She's tried people known for doing things with the dead." -referring to Tamamo and Nitocris- "That... did not work."
Blake: "Slept well?" :)
Azura: "It's cute how shy she is about this..."
Ruby: "Yeah, and he's the coolest!" :b:
Irisviel: "Wait, is that true?"
Shirou: "Like different effects"
Lily: "Alright, then we shall!"

Sieg: "Well, I guess it's a little like you?"
Kaito: "Knowing this kind of people, powering up in a throne"

-For now, Yukari sits with some tea-
Sayori: "Awwww, that's such a shame..."
Atalanta: "I did" :)
Tiki: "Because she jumped and did flips barely any people should?" :p
-What would they do then?-

Rin: "...This place is really making me fear for my sanity more and more..."
Azura: "It's... complicated to explain..."
See? I have good qualities~
Sothis: "But not the weakest. Someone like you could probably eat Musashi for breakfast." :p
Olivia: "She said you became a spirit who returned as an ageless being... It sounds incredible"
Morrigan; "Debatable" :p
Kiara: "How did you meet?"
Morrigan: "Our worlds fused. 4 times"
Musashi: "Hahaha, that may be a good point..."
Draco: "She's one of many..."
-They buy anything else too or nah?-

-Beerus erased the main Lich out of existence and and another version of him got destroyed by Ford courtesy of the Quantum Destabilizer- :p

-In fact, it could be argued that most of Chaldea's members don't get along with him very well for that very reason-

-The Pokemon watch to see what kind of spell it is-
-Some eyes and fangs as well as feathers-
-Aaaaah- :p
Cú: "We literally needed divine interference... Not of our usual I mean"
-Yeah, though at least the worst he tends to do is pranks-
-A binding spell that traps some drones in yellow magic cubes-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Some eyes and fangs as well as feathers-
-Aaaaah- :p
Cú: "We literally needed divine interference... Not of our usual I mean"
-Yeah, though at least the worst he tends to do is pranks-
-A binding spell that traps some drones in yellow magic cubes-
-The shopkeeper's like "Excellent choices!"-

Linebeck: "What on Earth qualifies as your "usual" divine intervention?!"

-If mostly probably because he knows he'll be in deep trouble if he tries anything lethal- :V

-The Pokemon are shocked (pun not intended :V) that such a spell is even possible-

-and Kanna's friends could see that too... but being fair, dragons are awesome :V-

Kanna: "We have so many Dragonstones~! And they all do different things~!" :b:
Emblem Chrom: "Sounds good to me."

Emblem Corrin: "...I'm confused..."
Ingrid: "...Let us move on to stopping the threats now."

-Sothis was very smug-

-Coyle got the Hedlok to try and snatch into one of the other XJs-
Byleth: "She's tried people known for doing things with the dead." -referring to Tamamo and Nitocris- "That... did not work."
Blake: "Slept well?" :)
Azura: "It's cute how shy she is about this..."
Ruby: "Yeah, and he's the coolest!" :b:
Irisviel: "Wait, is that true?"
Shirou: "Like different effects"
Lily: "Alright, then we shall!"

Sieg: "Well, I guess it's a little like you?"
Kaito: "Knowing this kind of people, powering up in a throne"

-For now, Yukari sits with some tea-
Sayori: "Awwww, that's such a shame..."
Atalanta: "I did" :)
Tiki: "Because she jumped and did flips barely any people should?" :p
-What would they do then?-

Rin: "...This place is really making me fear for my sanity more and more..."
-No arguing that- :V

-Some of them probably thought that their only real effects were to prevent the cursed blood from taking effect and them from turning into feral dragons...-

Star:" Heck yeah, the Alliance won't know what hit 'em!"

-She'd catch XJ-5, who tried to use her buzzsaw form to free herself-

(She's...not wrong...) -Referring to what Sothis said-

I say we look there first, then! Surely they're either gathering strength or plotting something! Or both!

Mabel: "That doesn't mean other methods couldn't work!"

-Seems Artemis made the right call- :p

TLink: "Really? ...Then again, I guess most civillians aren't super trained fighters..."

Amethyst: "Yeah, Qrow is pretty cool...But he's still drunk most of the time, though." :p

-The non-Servants group would next another room with a few hallway turns, leading to a wider room...but it contains nothing except for a table with a single unlit black candle placed atop it-

Pearl :"It looks like there's something shining inside these loose doll parts, but they're melted together, so whatever is, I'm not sure it can retrieved without breaking it..."
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Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
-Oh she absolutely is doing so-
Martha: "Well, well now, I do see he has capacities~" -may be a little wanting to a spar match with it now-

Shirou: "Say, what would you like to do there? There's a bunch of beaches after all"

Ratbat: "(You're welcome to our large group then, little one!)"

-And so would she besides him-
-This is the start of a lasting friendship-
-Of course it was Martha- :p

-Couldn't help but giggle at the sight-
Juri: "Did not expect that... Ouch..." -tries to get up-
-looming over her, taunting by flexing the pecs-

[....building a sand castle sounds fun.]

-crying tears of joy, feeling wanted-

-and this is where this one will end for a while until you're ready to come back to the Frimon doing things-

-meanwhile.....the mysterious figure from before appears before Mirei- -if this were an anime, you wouldn't see them directly-
???: ".....you're sure this "Chaldea" will be a safe group for the hatchling to be with? What if that thing shows up?"

-and in the background are a certain butterfly and frog duo assisting Mirei's partners with Farm stuff to explain where they went off to :V-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Even thinking it might not be, he's still wondering what subject they could bring up to lighten the mood, at least-



(This estate's hot springs are quite lovely.) :)
-hmmmmmmm, what indeed?-
-that was enough for Ephraim to land a good blow?-
Weiss: "We should give our compliments to Lilith." :)

Olivia: "She said you became a spirit who returned as an ageless being... It sounds incredible"
Morrigan; "Debatable" :p
Kiara: "How did you meet?"
Morrigan: "Our worlds fused. 4 times"
Musashi: "Hahaha, that may be a good point..."
Draco: "She's one of many..."
Azura: "The way it occurred is... less than glamourous. However, I can't complain about the benefits." :)
You forgot three other times, girlie. But yeah, Marvel vs. Capcom happens a lot.
Sothis: "And in terms of physical prowess, you would also be far higher than Byleth or Shez. They just happen to make up for this with some frankly unfair abilities and weaponry. I may or may not be responsible for one of them." :p

Irisviel: "Wait, is that true?"
Shirou: "Like different effects"
Lily: "Alright, then we shall!"

Sieg: "Well, I guess it's a little like you?"
Kaito: "Knowing this kind of people, powering up in a throne"

-For now, Yukari sits with some tea-
Sayori: "Awwww, that's such a shame..."
Atalanta: "I did" :)
Tiki: "Because she jumped and did flips barely any people should?" :p
-What would they do then?-

Rin: "...This place is really making me fear for my sanity more and more..."
-No arguing that- :V

-Some of them probably thought that their only real effects were to prevent the cursed blood from taking effect and them from turning into feral dragons...-

Star:" Heck yeah, the Alliance won't know what hit 'em!"

-She'd catch XJ-5, who tried to use her buzzsaw form to free herself-

(She's...not wrong...) -Referring to what Sothis said-

I say we look there first, then! Surely they're either gathering strength or plotting something! Or both!

Mabel: "That doesn't mean other methods couldn't work!"

-Seems Artemis made the right call- :p

TLink: "Really? ...Then again, I guess most civillians aren't super trained fighters..."

Amethyst: "Yeah, Qrow is pretty cool...But he's still drunk most of the time, though." :p

-The non-Servants group would next another room with a few hallway turns, leading to a wider room...but it contains nothing except for a table with a single unlit black candle placed atop it-

Pearl :"It looks like there's something shining inside these loose doll parts, but they're melted together, so whatever is, I'm not sure it can retrieved without breaking it..."
Kanna: "Auntie Azura thought it'd be fun for them to be different since we also use Dragonstones in battle." :)
-they sure as hell won't!-

Emblem Corrin: "I... I don't think it is. We Emblems are merely personifications of someone's legends and feats, which grow stronger when forging bonds with whoever wears our rings or bracelets.

We may take on their names, abilities, weapons and memories, but this distinction means we're individuals in our own right rather than extensions of who we imitate, with our own unique lives. I know and remember things Kamui would have no idea of due to my time in Elyos."
Alear: "Sounds about right..."

-but the Hedlok was even better at hacking machines than minds due to it being a machine itself-
Sothis: "I suppose I could try to reverse-engineer the summoning system that Servants go through, and try to craft a body of my own with it..."

-they didn't expect someone from a medieval-like world to sound to knowledgeable about highly-advanced tech like that?-
Blake: "...Hopefully Artemis isn't causing trouble."
Azura: "Indeed, but it does not change how cute it is."
Yang: "Even drunk, he's still really skilled."

Weiss: "...Do you think lighting the candle will do anything?"
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