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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Tiki: "She was... Though I haven't ever been in her world"
Kiara: I... I should have expected that....
Kama: -To Palutena- "What are you doing with her?"
Draco: "...Not right now" -has yet to make a counter strategy-
Azura: "Now that you mention it... this does ring a bell... She had beautiful white wings, right?"
Palu: "They followed me because I'm cool." :p
Shez: "Huh. You seemed to be having fun last time though... then again, it probably stopped being fun when you couldn't kill me." :p


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Cú: "I know that, so better tip-toe when you see them"
Shuten: -Nearby-
-Currently, they have managed to amass enough Energon through the Space Bridge and harvesting resources to last a while longer-
Fate: "...If she's still sorry, really, it's alright!"
-After said classic transition sound, they're now at the same restaurant Medea, Ata, Blake and Artemis visited recently-

Linebeck: "And just be quiet in general, likely..."

-Aquamarine is currently overseeing their progress, while also directly helping Shockwave with his projects using her own scientific knowledge and utilizing her wand to move heavier and bulkier items-

Pikaechu: "(It's okay, sis, she said it's alright since you didn't know.)"

Pichu: "(O-Okay...Thank you.)" -Relieved as well as grateful-

-the whip managed to strike them too because she can bend it however-
Eirika: "Still, if you have enough people to afford some of them a break..."
-but this one looks even nicer due to the open sky-
-So Byleth is a Firebender?- :V

Oh, that's not usually a problem, at least. People get organized or sent as teams for specific missions depending on their specialties all the time!

-Compared to the metallic and enclosed city of Basel...-

Kamui: "T-Thank you!" :)
Emblem Robin: "How very curious... Would it be too much to ask to study them?"

Emblem Corrin: "I'm not sure. She could have taken so many paths and decisions that it's hard to tell..."
Ingrid: "That's very good to know. Think you can break through these firewalls safely or is the idea of a digital boundary too conceptual for you?"

-Coyle shot a beam-
Byleth: "As you wish." :)
Azura: :facepalm:
Ruby: "Let's just go while we can!"
Kiara: -Nods- She's been doing wonderfully in these last few days.
Lily: "Like observing her for a while, you mean?"

Sieg: "That's fair enough... You could be from different worlds for all I know"
Ran: "I believe I should be able to handle it"
Chen: "Sounds awesome though!"

Yukari: "They also got their own important matters"
Tsukasa: "That I'm aware of. After all, Kaito is also there, and he doesn't teamworks with no reason"
Artemis: "Oooh, so that must make it extra special"
Natsuki: Phew, crisis averted...
-And thus Christmas pretty much went on, normal-
-Then he asks what her parenting methods are like, she says she will strike first to be victorious-
-He's losing faith in the operation-
Arisa: "Hard to blame him"
Tiki: "Even a toddler could see it" :p
Takeru: "Agreed, let's go now!"

Makoto: "...Is this really just your usual?"
Mordred: "Yep" :p
-A major improvement from how she was when Lilith first told her the truth...-

As long as there's no mad scientist experiments involved, which I don't remotely expect from you guys, then, well, I just gotta hear it from Moana herself.

(I have no issue with simply being observed for simple research.)

Alright! She says she's cool with it!

-The Milotic nodded-

-Which Jenny not only dodges, but tried to return fire by firing one of her own laser beams-

-But destroying an entire world...?-


Moon: "It does. I don't know if I'll ever managed to bake pies as well as hers, but baking always brings back fond memories I had of spending time with her when I was little." :)

Tetra: "This entire mission is failing more every minute..." :facepalm:

Amethyst: "Pretty sure this thing's blocking our only known way back!" -Struck the Woormy Charles a few more times, this time an upgrade for her whips that gives the tip of them each three spiked spheres-

-her strikes from the now spiked whips ultimately destroy the Woormy Charles, causing it to collapse into a much smaller size, effectively dying as it's Soul seems to be released. While there's no visible evidence of a Soul or spirit departing it, Ren can detect that the charred, formerly tall and lumbering mutant doll is no longer has the energy of a Soul within it-

Way too often, and that's not even counting for just the missions I help Chaldea with...

-Notably, there's another pedestal for a Doll like the one Atalanta has in the room they're currently in. Upon observing it, Ata can immediately tell that this pedestal appears to act as a switch of some kind, much like the one RWBY's group found, and placing a Doll on it is likely what causes it to activate-
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Kiara: -Nods- She's been doing wonderfully in these last few days.
Lily: "Like observing her for a while, you mean?"

Sieg: "That's fair enough... You could be from different worlds for all I know"
Ran: "I believe I should be able to handle it"
Chen: "Sounds awesome though!"

Yukari: "They also got their own important matters"
Tsukasa: "That I'm aware of. After all, Kaito is also there, and he doesn't teamworks with no reason"
Artemis: "Oooh, so that must make it extra special"
Natsuki: Phew, crisis averted...
-And thus Christmas pretty much went on, normal-
-Then he asks what her parenting methods are like, she says she will strike first to be victorious-
-He's losing faith in the operation-
Arisa: "Hard to blame him"
Tiki: "Even a toddler could see it" :p
Takeru: "Agreed, let's go now!"

Makoto: "...Is this really just your usual?"
Mordred: "Yep" :p
-A major improvement from how she was when Lilith first told her the truth...-

As long as there's no mad scientist experiments involved, which I don't remotely expect from you guys, then, well, I just gotta hear it from Moana herself.

(I have no issue with simply being observed for simple research.)

Alright! She says she's cool with it!

-The Milotic nodded-

-Which Jenny not only dodges, but tried to return fire by firing one of her own laser beams-

-But destroying an entire world...?-


Moon: "It does. I don't know if I'll ever managed to bake pies as well as hers, but baking always brings back fond memories I had of spending time with her when I was little." :)

Tetra: "This entire mission is failing more every minute..." :facepalm:

Amethyst: "Pretty sure this thing's blocking our only known way back!" -Struck the Woormy Charles a few more times, this time an upgrade for her whips that gives the tip of them each three spiked spheres-

-her strikes from the now spiked whips ultimately destroy the Woormy Charles, causing it to collapse into a much smaller size, effectively dying as it's Soul seems to be released. While there's no visible evidence of a Soul or spirit departing it, Ren can detect that the charred, formerly tall and lumbering mutant doll is no longer has the energy of a Soul within it-

Way too often, and that's not even counting for just the missions I help Chaldea with...

-Notably, there's another pedestal for a Doll like the one Atalanta has in the room they're currently in. Upon observing it, Ata can immediately tell that this pedestal appears to act as a switch of some kind, much like the one RWBY's group found, and placing a Doll on it is likely what causes it to activate-
-no doubt thanks to Kiara-
Robin: "Wonderful!" :)

Emblem Corrin: "Exactly! Like how the two Byleths clearly are as well."
Ingrid: "Good to hear! Have fun, you two~"

Coyle: "Stop dodging! You're delaying your inevitable dismantlement!"
-what a wonderful time~-
Blake: "That is so sweet." :)
Azura: "What a mess of a family..."
Ren: "Huh... you got its soul out..."

So Byleth is a Firebender?- :V

Oh, that's not usually a problem, at least. People get organized or sent as teams for specific missions depending on their specialties all the time!

-Compared to the metallic and enclosed city of Basel...-
-the whip struck the fireball, KoP :V-
Eirika: "Oh, that's a relief."
-this feels so much more like a home...-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-the whip struck the fireball, KoP :V-
Eirika: "Oh, that's a relief."
-this feels so much more like a home...-
-I was pretty sure that was the case, but I wanted to make the joke anyway- :V

Gotta let people rest up from spent energy, injuries and ailments, too. We'd be a pretty ineffective organization if most of us didn't get at least enough time to rest between missions.

-And while it might be too early for anyone to consider it a home yet compared to Basel and the fortress...It's certainly more like a lot of the homes and areas almost everyone here once had-


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
...As a matter of fact, there are some particularly bad troublemakers we know of out there.

-Mash and Ratbat have always had a close bond, but the fact that he evolved through High Friendship proves it-
Lilith: "Do we really need to be violent in my domain...?"

-and happy dragon woman would pat him lots-
Jeanne: "I'm still baffled about this myself..."

Ratbat: "(...As a matter of fact, she is!)"

Shirou: "Well... Rarely, honestly..."

Taiga: "There then~" -starts patting the small Digimon-
-makes a flex by puffing out the chest-
-this signifies it wants to be led to these troublemakers-
-quite an odd fellow in that he doesn't seem like he'd be a hero, but he has made it a purpose to stop bad people from doing bad things-

-the Bidoof is wide-eyed as it is proof of Chaldea valuing Pokémon partners-

[Think things will ever settle down?]

-just a pair of happy dum-dums-

-purring, calmed down now-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Jeanne: "I'm still baffled about this myself..."
-makes a flex by puffing out the chest-
-this signifies it wants to be led to these troublemakers-
-quite an odd fellow in that he doesn't seem like he'd be a hero, but he has made it a purpose to stop bad people from doing bad things-
Lilith: "He wants to know who is troubling..."

-just a pair of happy dum-dums-
-Kamui would then hug him-

-I was pretty sure that was the case, but I wanted to make the joke anyway- :V

Gotta let people rest up from spent energy, injuries and ailments, too. We'd be a pretty ineffective organization if most of us didn't get at least enough time to rest between missions.

-And while it might be too early for anyone to consider it a home yet compared to Basel and the fortress...It's certainly more like a lot of the homes and areas almost everyone here once had-
-also, we know Byleth bends time already :V-

Byleth: "Have you not had enough?"
Eirika: "That is true. I'm glad the ones managing this place are considerate enough."
-at the very least, no one would complain about it being a backup base in case Basel is in trouble again-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-also, we know Byleth bends time already :V-

Byleth: "Have you not had enough?"
Eirika: "That is true. I'm glad the ones managing this place are considerate enough."
-at the very least, no one would complain about it being a backup base in case Basel is in trouble again-
-Timebenders would be a new one- :V

Meta Knight: "Like I said...I'm.never one to give up a fight so easily." -Flew around in a zigzagging path before landing, at which point he stabs.the ground with Galaxia again, this time creating another giant Mach Tornado-

Oh, they totally are.

...Well, all exxept one of them. But she still takes on extra paperwork, so we don't complain much.


-And even those who might not want to stay here would probably want to live somewhere with a similar town and/or environment or wouldn't mind visiting it-

-makes a flex by puffing out the chest-
-this signifies it wants to be led to these troublemakers-
-quite an odd fellow in that he doesn't seem like he'd be a hero, but he has made it a purpose to stop bad people from doing bad things-

-the Bidoof is wide-eyed as it is proof of Chaldea valuing Pokémon partners-

[Think things will ever settle down?]

-just a pair of happy dum-dums-

-purring, calmed down now-
Lilith: "He wants to know who is troubling..."
Azura: "I'm... not even surprised."
Palutena: "They managed to realize its beauties." :)
Shez: "See, Draco? She just does that with everyone she's friends with." :p
Martha: "...Well, that is something we often do..."
Jeanne: "And need to sometimes keep some in line..."

Ratbat: This one seems really shy, like something happened to her even before being kidnapped...
-Gaster will specify what their current enemies are like and what they're up to if the Rulers do not-

-Can Ratbat guess that she might have been treated poorly by her previous Trainer?-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-makes a flex by puffing out the chest-
-this signifies it wants to be led to these troublemakers-
-quite an odd fellow in that he doesn't seem like he'd be a hero, but he has made it a purpose to stop bad people from doing bad things-

-the Bidoof is wide-eyed as it is proof of Chaldea valuing Pokémon partners-

[Think things will ever settle down?]

-just a pair of happy dum-dums-

-purring, calmed down now-
Lilith: "He wants to know who is troubling..."
Jeanne: "..." -to the others- "Should we?"
Scáthach/Lucia/Martha: 🤔

Ratbat: "(And I'm sure people here would treat you well regardless)"

Shirou: "...I wish I had an easy answer for that"

Taiga: "See? You're gonna do your best now~!"
Azura: "Now that you mention it... this does ring a bell... She had beautiful white wings, right?"
Palu: "They followed me because I'm cool." :p
Shez: "Huh. You seemed to be having fun last time though... then again, it probably stopped being fun when you couldn't kill me." :p
Tiki: "Oh, that's right in her human-like form, though where she comes from, they call humans as beorc"
Morrigan: "She's kinda fun, I won't lie about that~" :p
Kama: "...Mine!"-pout-
Morrigan: "...Oh, so that's how you tamed that Beast"
Draco: "Tsk, I will figure out a way some day"
-After said classic transition sound, they're now at the same restaurant Medea, Ata, Blake and Artemis visited recently-

Linebeck: "And just be quiet in general, likely..."

-Aquamarine is currently overseeing their progress, while also directly helping Shockwave with his projects using her own scientific knowledge and utilizing her wand to move heavier and bulkier items-

Pikaechu: "(It's okay, sis, she said it's alright since you didn't know.)"

Pichu: "(O-Okay...Thank you.)" -Relieved as well as grateful-
-Meaning they're very much going to have a great time-
Cú: "Smart move" :p
-And Octane is still possessed by Starscream, with people around still unaware of it as the Triple Changer behaves normally-
Atalanta: "They're thankful for your comprehension"
Fate: "I see..."
-A major improvement from how she was when Lilith first told her the truth...-

As long as there's no mad scientist experiments involved, which I don't remotely expect from you guys, then, well, I just gotta hear it from Moana herself.

(I have no issue with simply being observed for simple research.)

Alright! She says she's cool with it!

-The Milotic nodded-

-Which Jenny not only dodges, but tried to return fire by firing one of her own laser beams-

-But destroying an entire world...?-


Moon: "It does. I don't know if I'll ever managed to bake pies as well as hers, but baking always brings back fond memories I had of spending time with her when I was little." :)

Tetra: "This entire mission is failing more every minute..." :facepalm:

Amethyst: "Pretty sure this thing's blocking our only known way back!" -Struck the Woormy Charles a few more times, this time an upgrade for her whips that gives the tip of them each three spiked spheres-

-her strikes from the now spiked whips ultimately destroy the Woormy Charles, causing it to collapse into a much smaller size, effectively dying as it's Soul seems to be released. While there's no visible evidence of a Soul or spirit departing it, Ren can detect that the charred, formerly tall and lumbering mutant doll is no longer has the energy of a Soul within it-

Way too often, and that's not even counting for just the missions I help Chaldea with...

-Notably, there's another pedestal for a Doll like the one Atalanta has in the room they're currently in. Upon observing it, Ata can immediately tell that this pedestal appears to act as a switch of some kind, much like the one RWBY's group found, and placing a Doll on it is likely what causes it to activate-
-no doubt thanks to Kiara-
Robin: "Wonderful!" :)

Emblem Corrin: "Exactly! Like how the two Byleths clearly are as well."
Ingrid: "Good to hear! Have fun, you two~"

Coyle: "Stop dodging! You're delaying your inevitable dismantlement!"
-what a wonderful time~-
Blake: "That is so sweet." :)
Azura: "What a mess of a family..."
Ren: "Huh... you got its soul out..."
-Her thoughts on how Kiara has been helping her?-
Lily: "I wish you good luck then!"

Sieg: "I see... It makes me wonder about the mes from other timelines..."
-And so to help with the boundaries between the Grid and this world they go-

Yukari: "So you know that thief, huh?"
Tsukasa: "He's an odd acquaintance" -snaps pic- "Plus it could be killing two birds with a stone with what this Alliance seems to be up to"
-And after all was said and done-
Poppy: "It was a wonder to meet you~!"
Sayori: "I'm really glad to have met you too~!"
Artemis: "Awww, I'm sure she'd love to hear that~!"
Hayate: "It's fun though" :p -'Loid' proposes to go out to have them do what an upper-class family is expected to do-
-Takeru doing a brief silent prayer for it-

Atalanta: "...I really hope the little one is safe after this..." -knows she must place the doll there-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Timebenders would be a new one- :V

Meta Knight: "Like I said...I'm.never one to give up a fight so easily." -Flew around in a zigzagging path before landing, at which point he stabs.the ground with Galaxia again, this time creating another giant Mach Tornado-

Oh, they totally are.

...Well, all exxept one of them. But she still takes on extra paperwork, so we don't complain much.


-And even those who might not want to stay here would probably want to live somewhere with a similar town and/or environment or wouldn't mind visiting it-
Byleth: I really don't like when a fight drags on... -tries to shoot a light arrow from Failnaught, aiming for the helmet-
Eirika: "One of you never rests? That's concerning..."
-pretty much-

-Lilith is unintentionally spoiling Chaldea-

Tiki: "Oh, that's right in her human-like form, though where she comes from, they call humans as beorc"
Morrigan: "She's kinda fun, I won't lie about that~" :p
Kama: "...Mine!"-pout-
Morrigan: "...Oh, so that's how you tamed that Beast"
Draco: "Tsk, I will figure out a way some day"
Azura: "Beorc... Yes, I think I've seen her, actually. I even got a new outfit during my visit." -which she is currently wearing-
Palu: "You sound so jealous, Kama." :laugh:
Shez: "I could always tell you, if you want." :p

-Draco wants the pride of figuring it out herself?-


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
Lilith: "He wants to know who is troubling..."

-Kamui would then hug him-
-Gaster will specify what their current enemies are like and what they're up to if the Rulers do not-

-Can Ratbat guess that she might have been treated poorly by her previous Trainer?-

Jeanne: "..." -to the others- "Should we?"
Scáthach/Lucia/Martha: 🤔

Ratbat: "(And I'm sure people here would treat you well regardless)"

Shirou: "...I wish I had an easy answer for that"

Taiga: "See? You're gonna do your best now~!"
-almost seems TOO cruel to send the fish their way :V-
-but at least this tells them where its moralities lie, even if otherwise it feels otherworldly and foreign-

[You think so? Everyone's been so reassuring....]
-seems calmer by that-

-she may not have raised him like a number of Trainers have with their Pokémon, but their bond is undeniable; and coming from a formerly wild Charizard, that means A LOT given their prideful, standoffish natures-

-the chicken contemplates life-

-happy smol lion head-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Meaning they're very much going to have a great time-
Cú: "Smart move" :p
-And Octane is still possessed by Starscream, with people around still unaware of it as the Triple Changer behaves normally-
Atalanta: "They're thankful for your comprehension"
Fate: "I see..."
-What food will they order?-

Linebeck: "But at least I don't have to worry about them stealing from my ship....Supposedly."

-Shuten overhearing them?

-He's even mananged to keep his ego in check: no point in bragging if it's only going to blow his cover-

Pichu: "(So...you have lightning magic?)"

Byleth: I really don't like when a fight drags on... -tries to shoot a light arrow from Failnaught, aiming for the helmet-
Eirika: "One of you never rests? That's concerning..."
-pretty much-

-Lilith is unintentionally spoiling Chaldea-
-Since Meta Knight usually stands still for the duration of the larger Mach Tornado attack to recover, the arrow strikes, hitting his helmet and launching him back a good distance-

She's...odd, putting it lightly.

-With several other members likely already getting used to the luxuries here, in addition to it just being in a more natural environment, and without any constant threats like the Grimm, either-

-no doubt thanks to Kiara-
Robin: "Wonderful!" :)

Emblem Corrin: "Exactly! Like how the two Byleths clearly are as well."
Ingrid: "Good to hear! Have fun, you two~"

Coyle: "Stop dodging! You're delaying your inevitable dismantlement!"
-what a wonderful time~-
Blake: "That is so sweet." :)
Azura: "What a mess of a family..."
Ren: "Huh... you got its soul out..."
-Her thoughts on how Kiara has been helping her?-
Lily: "I wish you good luck then!"

Sieg: "I see... It makes me wonder about the mes from other timelines..."
-And so to help with the boundaries between the Grid and this world they go-

Yukari: "So you know that thief, huh?"
Tsukasa: "He's an odd acquaintance" -snaps pic- "Plus it could be killing two birds with a stone with what this Alliance seems to be up to"
-And after all was said and done-
Poppy: "It was a wonder to meet you~!"
Sayori: "I'm really glad to have met you too~!"
Artemis: "Awww, I'm sure she'd love to hear that~!"
Hayate: "It's fun though" :p -'Loid' proposes to go out to have them do what an upper-class family is expected to do-
-Takeru doing a brief silent prayer for it-

Atalanta: "...I really hope the little one is safe after this..." -knows she must place the doll there-
-What Digi asked?-

You're gonna need to study more than just her to get a better understanding of Pokemon, though. There are tones of other species of them with tons of other elemental and battle types. Moana herself even used to look like a large fish before she evolved into a serpent!

-How does it go?-

For all your arrogance about being the strongest fighter there is, you're not as tough as you think. You may have gotten away with some of your schemes before, but you've never actually defeated me! And the only reason you even got away with your schemes are because of your Hedloks and other minions!

-The fact that Kaito is an acquaintance of a someone who's willing to destroy entire worlds just for supposedly being a problem isn't exactly reassuring...-

Same to you, Poppy. Thanks for saving the day out there!

River: "Knowing Queen Comet? She very much would, Moon-pie." -Put a comforting hand on Moon's shoulder-

Moon: ;) (I know she would....I just wish she was still here. She would have known what to do in these circumstances with Eclipsa and monsters and everything...)

Tetra: "That's totally not going to backfire." :rolleyes:

Steven: "Okay, so it's spirit can finally pass on..."

Amethyst: "Sorry, Steve-O..."

Steven: "It's okay, Amethyst. Whoever was in there will be in a better place now." -Put a reassuring hand on Amethyst's shoulder to let her know that he's okay, much to his adoptive big sis' relief-

-Placing the Doll on the pedestal would...activate an electric barrier that blocks the same door they came from-

-Somehow, they can get the impression that this electric gate will be important later, if nothing else than perhaps to block another Specimen from entering the area. Thankfully, they're not actually trapped as the Doll can simply be removed from the pedestal again at any time. There's no mechanism or spell that prevents it from being picked back up-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-almost seems TOO cruel to send the fish their way :V-
-but at least this tells them where its moralities lie, even if otherwise it feels otherworldly and foreign-

[You think so? Everyone's been so reassuring....]
-seems calmer by that-

-she may not have raised him like a number of Trainers have with their Pokémon, but their bond is undeniable; and coming from a formerly wild Charizard, that means A LOT given their prideful, standoffish natures-

-the chicken contemplates life-

-happy smol lion head-
-So it's not like they're not really taking it out of consideration-

Ratbat: "(Yeah, almost everyone here is really kind!)"

-Seems it wasn't as taken for granted as when he a Torchic...-

Taiga: "Awwww, you're see we'll be the best of friends~"
-What food will they order?-

Linebeck: "But at least I don't have to worry about them stealing from my ship....Supposedly."

-Shuten overhearing them?

-He's even mananged to keep his ego in check: no point in bragging if it's only going to blow his cover-

Pichu: "(So...you have lightning magic?)"
-Mayhaps some burgers because why not-
Cú: "Perhaps if you're lucky"
-And Kaito-
-Indeed, helps he has Octance blackmailed too-
Fate: -Got it translated- "Correct"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Gaster will specify what their current enemies are like and what they're up to if the Rulers do not-
Jeanne: "..." -to the others- "Should we?"
Scáthach/Lucia/Martha: 🤔
-almost seems TOO cruel to send the fish their way :V-
-but at least this tells them where its moralities lie, even if otherwise it feels otherworldly and foreign-
-good question... as Lilith pats the fishbunjin-

-she may not have raised him like a number of Trainers have with their Pokémon, but their bond is undeniable; and coming from a formerly wild Charizard, that means A LOT given their prideful, standoffish natures-
Kamui: "Who's a good lizard?" :)

-Since Meta Knight usually stands still for the duration of the larger Mach Tornado attack to recover, the arrow strikes, hitting his helmet and launching him back a good distance-

She's...odd, putting it lightly.

-With several other members likely already getting used to the luxuries here, in addition to it just being in a more natural environment, and without any constant threats like the Grimm, either-
-cracking it further?-
Eirika: "That sounds concerning..."
-it's... very nice...-

-Her thoughts on how Kiara has been helping her?-
Lily: "I wish you good luck then!"

Sieg: "I see... It makes me wonder about the mes from other timelines..."
-And so to help with the boundaries between the Grid and this world they go-

Yukari: "So you know that thief, huh?"
Tsukasa: "He's an odd acquaintance" -snaps pic- "Plus it could be killing two birds with a stone with what this Alliance seems to be up to"
-And after all was said and done-
Poppy: "It was a wonder to meet you~!"
Sayori: "I'm really glad to have met you too~!"
Artemis: "Awww, I'm sure she'd love to hear that~!"
Hayate: "It's fun though" :p -'Loid' proposes to go out to have them do what an upper-class family is expected to do-
-Takeru doing a brief silent prayer for it-

Atalanta: "...I really hope the little one is safe after this..." -knows she must place the doll there-
-What Digi asked?-

You're gonna need to study more than just her to get a better understanding of Pokemon, though. There are tones of other species of them with tons of other elemental and battle types. Moana herself even used to look like a large fish before she evolved into a serpent!

-How does it go?-

For all your arrogance about being the strongest fighter there is, you're not as tough as you think. You may have gotten away with some of your schemes before, but you've never actually defeated me! And the only reason you even got away with your schemes are because of your Hedloks and other minions!

-The fact that Kaito is an acquaintance of a someone who's willing to destroy entire worlds just for supposedly being a problem isn't exactly reassuring...-

Same to you, Poppy. Thanks for saving the day out there!

River: "Knowing Queen Comet? She very much would, Moon-pie." -Put a comforting hand on Moon's shoulder-

Moon: ;) (I know she would....I just wish she was still here. She would have known what to do in these circumstances with Eclipsa and monsters and everything...)

Tetra: "That's totally not going to backfire." :rolleyes:

Steven: "Okay, so it's spirit can finally pass on..."

Amethyst: "Sorry, Steve-O..."

Steven: "It's okay, Amethyst. Whoever was in there will be in a better place now." -Put a reassuring hand on Amethyst's shoulder to let her know that he's okay, much to his adoptive big sis' relief-

-Placing the Doll on the pedestal would...activate an electric barrier that blocks the same door they came from-

-Somehow, they can get the impression that this electric gate will be important later, if nothing else than perhaps to block another Specimen from entering the area. Thankfully, they're not actually trapped as the Doll can simply be removed from the pedestal again at any time. There's no mechanism or spell that prevents it from being picked back up-
Kamui: I've had a much clearer mind since attending our sessions... I can do this! :)
Emblem Robin: "How interesting..." -writing notes-

Emblem Corrin: "Oh, that would be interesting to know."
Dr. Coyle: "There is no wrong path to strength. If I were honest and only stuck to what I was given, I would not even have ARMS! What you call 'dishonor' and 'cheating', I call 'unorthodox' and 'experimenting'. But with this power I have? I could crush you like the ant you are without any of my Cell!"

Sothis: -approaching Ingrid- "Are you not familiar enough with the Grid to get inside?"

Ingrid: "I am. However, this ability is pointless in this situation. The intentions here are to break the connections between this supercomputer and the Grid as safely as possible. And for that, I figured either setting a boundary between the two or breaking the boundaries of this machine would be our best bet."

Sothis: "I see. But have you ever thought that perhaps she would have her own mechanism for that?"

Ingrid: "I... hadn't thought of that..."

Sothis: "She studied this Grid enough for this supercomputer to function as intended. Clearly, she has found her own safe way to shut things down without breaking everything apart. If she's half the scientist she claims to be, she would test things safely."

Ingrid: "....You know, that makes a lot of sense. However, I did not expect a mercenary not acquainted with technology to point this out."

Sothis: "You are not speaking to that mercenary. Right now, I am Sothis."

-for a brief moment, Ingrid's usual display of overconfidence switched to one of sheer respect, even doing a quick bow-

Ingrid: "I should have realized your presence sooner... My apologies."

Sothis: "No worries. I like to blend in." :p
Byleth: "How long do you plan on visiting?"
Blake: -keeping an eye on Ata so she doesn't lose control over the APPLE PIES-
Azura: "Definitely not." :p
Ruby: "Alright, let's keep on moving, shall we? It's only a matter of time before something tries to get us killed again."
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-almost seems TOO cruel to send the fish their way :V-
-but at least this tells them where its moralities lie, even if otherwise it feels otherworldly and foreign-

[You think so? Everyone's been so reassuring....]
-seems calmer by that-

-she may not have raised him like a number of Trainers have with their Pokémon, but their bond is undeniable; and coming from a formerly wild Charizard, that means A LOT given their prideful, standoffish natures-

-the chicken contemplates life-

-happy smol lion head-
-good question... as Lilith pats the fishbunjin-
Jeanne: "..." -to the others- "Should we?"
Scáthach/Lucia/Martha: 🤔

Ratbat: "(And I'm sure people here would treat you well regardless)"
-So it's not like they're not really taking it out of consideration-

Ratbat: "(Yeah, almost everyone here is really kind!)"
If Fishbunjin truly wishes to help take down those threatening entire worlds and the lives within them, then I believe we should. We need all the help we can get right now...

See? E-Every Pokemon here has found a caring Trainer. ;)

-Mayhaps some burgers because why not-
Cú: "Perhaps if you're lucky"
-And Kaito-
-Indeed, helps he has Octance blackmailed too-
Fate: -Got it translated- "Correct"
-Burger time!-

-Not to be confused with the arcade game- :V

-Will they bump into each other?-

-And with there being no known cases of Sparks surviving, as far as all the Decepticons are aware, Starscream is dead and can't cause any further trouble for anyone-

Pichu: "(My brother and I can control and generate electricity, but none of it's magic-based like your powers!)"

-cracking it further?-
Eirika: "That sounds concerning..."
-it's... very nice...-
-Cracking the mask/helmet further, but that last hit may have been enough to defeat Meta Knight regardless...-

That's also something you guys don't know the half of, but trust me that it's probably for the best that you don't know in this case...

-Time will tell whether Chaldea, or at least most of them, decide to stay here, Basel, or elsewhere-


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
-So it's not like they're not really taking it out of consideration-

Ratbat: "(Yeah, almost everyone here is really kind!)"

-Seems it wasn't as taken for granted as when he a Torchic...-

Taiga: "Awwww, you're see we'll be the best of friends~"

-good question... as Lilith pats the fishbunjin-

Kamui: "Who's a good lizard?" :)
If Fishbunjin truly wishes to help take down those threatening entire worlds and the lives within them, then I believe we should. We need all the help we can get right now...

See? E-Every Pokemon here has found a caring Trainer. ;)
-just letting her pat, showing no sign of displeasure-

-this fills the Bidoof with confidence-

-times were simpler back then....then again he was more ignorant to the world back then too-


-internally glad things aren't that mushy with him-

Forever and ever?

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-So it's not like they're not really taking it out of consideration-
If Fishbunjin truly wishes to help take down those threatening entire worlds and the lives within them, then I believe we should. We need all the help we can get right now...
-just letting her pat, showing no sign of displeasure-
Lilith: "Let's see what it can do."

Kamui: "Oh, absolutely!" -patting more-

-Cracking the mask/helmet further, but that last hit may have been enough to defeat Meta Knight regardless...-

That's also something you guys don't know the half of, but trust me that it's probably for the best that you don't know in this case...

-Time will tell whether Chaldea, or at least most of them, decide to stay here, Basel, or elsewhere-
-does he call the fight off?-
Eirika: "...I'll trust your word."
-basically, yeah-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-does he call the fight off?-
Eirika: "...I'll trust your word."
-basically, yeah-
Meta Knight: "...Being a spar...rather than a fight for the fate of a world...I think now is an opportune time to conede defeat."


Dipper: "Good call." :ohwell:

Mabel": "Mhhm..." -Nods in agreement-

(Is swimming allowed in these hot spring pools?)

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-good question... as Lilith pats the fishbunjin-

Kamui: "Who's a good lizard?" :)
-just letting her pat, showing no sign of displeasure-

-this fills the Bidoof with confidence-

-times were simpler back then....then again he was more ignorant to the world back then too-


-internally glad things aren't that mushy with him-

Forever and ever?
Lilith: "Let's see what it can do."

Kamui: "Oh, absolutely!" -patting more-
Jeanne: "It seems to like Lilith..."

Ratbat: "(Like Alphys there are many! So take no worry!)" No doubt she had to have problems before coming here... Maybe had an abusive trainer...

-True, one just doesn't knows too of reality during that part of life-

Taiga: "Awwww~ Sure! Forever and ever~"
Azura: "Beorc... Yes, I think I've seen her, actually. I even got a new outfit during my visit." -which she is currently wearing-
Palu: "You sound so jealous, Kama." :laugh:
Shez: "I could always tell you, if you want." :p

-Draco wants the pride of figuring it out herself?-
Tiki: "Wait, you have? That's not what I expected"
Kama: "...I-I am not!"
Lilith: "I can see it" :p
Draco: "...I'll just look at it myself"
-Burger time!-

-Not to be confused with the arcade game- :V

-Will they bump into each other?-

-And with there being no known cases of Sparks surviving, as far as all the Decepticons are aware, Starscream is dead and can't cause any further trouble for anyone-

Pichu: "(My brother and I can control and generate electricity, but none of it's magic-based like your powers!)"
-They want borgar a lot- :V
-Kaito and Shuten or any with Linebeck?-
-Indeed, his ashes were even thrown away, not even bothered to give him anything after out of spite-
Atalanta: "They say they can control electricity too, but not magic"
Fate: "Oh, interesting"
-What Digi asked?-

You're gonna need to study more than just her to get a better understanding of Pokemon, though. There are tones of other species of them with tons of other elemental and battle types. Moana herself even used to look like a large fish before she evolved into a serpent!

-How does it go?-

For all your arrogance about being the strongest fighter there is, you're not as tough as you think. You may have gotten away with some of your schemes before, but you've never actually defeated me! And the only reason you even got away with your schemes are because of your Hedloks and other minions!

-The fact that Kaito is an acquaintance of a someone who's willing to destroy entire worlds just for supposedly being a problem isn't exactly reassuring...-

Same to you, Poppy. Thanks for saving the day out there!

River: "Knowing Queen Comet? She very much would, Moon-pie." -Put a comforting hand on Moon's shoulder-

Moon: ;) (I know she would....I just wish she was still here. She would have known what to do in these circumstances with Eclipsa and monsters and everything...)

Tetra: "That's totally not going to backfire." :rolleyes:

Steven: "Okay, so it's spirit can finally pass on..."

Amethyst: "Sorry, Steve-O..."

Steven: "It's okay, Amethyst. Whoever was in there will be in a better place now." -Put a reassuring hand on Amethyst's shoulder to let her know that he's okay, much to his adoptive big sis' relief-

-Placing the Doll on the pedestal would...activate an electric barrier that blocks the same door they came from-

-Somehow, they can get the impression that this electric gate will be important later, if nothing else than perhaps to block another Specimen from entering the area. Thankfully, they're not actually trapped as the Doll can simply be removed from the pedestal again at any time. There's no mechanism or spell that prevents it from being picked back up-
Kamui: I've had a much clearer mind since attending our sessions... I can do this! :)
Emblem Robin: "How interesting..." -writing notes-

Emblem Corrin: "Oh, that would be interesting to know."
Dr. Coyle: "There is no wrong path to strength. If I were honest and only stuck to what I was given, I would not even have ARMS! What you call 'dishonor' and 'cheating', I call 'unorthodox' and 'experimenting'. But with this power I have? I could crush you like the ant you are without any of my Cell!"

Sothis: -approaching Ingrid- "Are you not familiar enough with the Grid to get inside?"

Ingrid: "I am. However, this ability is pointless in this situation. The intentions here are to break the connections between this supercomputer and the Grid as safely as possible. And for that, I figured either setting a boundary between the two or breaking the boundaries of this machine would be our best bet."

Sothis: "I see. But have you ever thought that perhaps she would have her own mechanism for that?"

Ingrid: "I... hadn't thought of that..."

Sothis: "She studied this Grid enough for this supercomputer to function as intended. Clearly, she has found her own safe way to shut things down without breaking everything apart. If she's half the scientist she claims to be, she would test things safely."

Ingrid: "....You know, that makes a lot of sense. However, I did not expect a mercenary not acquainted with technology to point this out."

Sothis: "You are not speaking to that mercenary. Right now, I am Sothis."

-for a brief moment, Ingrid's usual display of overconfidence switched to one of sheer respect, even doing a quick bow-

Ingrid: "I should have realized your presence sooner... My apologies."

Sothis: "No worries. I like to blend in." :p
Byleth: "How long do you plan on visiting?"
Blake: -keeping an eye on Ata so she doesn't lose control over the APPLE PIES-
Azura: "Definitely not." :p
Ruby: "Alright, let's keep on moving, shall we? It's only a matter of time before something tries to get us killed again."
-Yeah... She just needs to focus on her self-control... And still have emotional support and a Dragonstone-
Lily: "And there are some others like a large bat or a martial artist bird"

Sieg: "That reminds me, I have yet to tell you a little about me..."
Shiki: "...Did her tone change?"
Kaito: "For a bit she did" -shot a copy-

Yukari: "And you allow that thief to run amock?"
Tsukasa: "He's just too much of a trouble to handle" -snaps picture- "Still, props for thinking he'll ever beat me"
Yukari: "Now you're boasting?"
Tsukasa: "Am I?" -all of the pictures were really blurry-
Poppy: "Actually I need to go off now, I will be picked up!"
-Even after all those years, Moon believes as such...-
-Atalanta would be finishing the pie now-
-And so they're out, Anya wants to hold hands with Yor to what she agrees to, it reminds Yor of when
Takeru: "Right, let's keep on"

Rin: "...Are we trapped?"
Sakura: -Temporarily takes the doll off, then again- "Seems not necessarily"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Meta Knight: "...Being a spar...rather than a fight for the fate of a world...I think now is an opportune time to conede defeat."


Dipper: "Good call." :ohwell:

Mabel": "Mhhm..." -Nods in agreement-

(Is swimming allowed in these hot spring pools?)
-they've never seen Meta Knight give up before?-
-how is the fight going between Ephraim and Papyrus?-
Weiss: "We should have asked Lilith..."

Camilla: "Ask her what?"

-Weiss translates-

Camilla: "Oh, you can go ahead and do that." :)

Tiki: "Wait, you have? That's not what I expected"
Kama: "...I-I am not!"
Lilith: "I can see it" :p
Draco: "...I'll just look at it myself"
Azura: "I needed a bit of a break while Kamui was enjoying some time of her own... which may or may not have been a result of my own coercing because she worked so hard..."
Palutena: "Denial is a cute look on you." :p
Shez: "Oh, you want to figure it out on your own? I actually really respect that." :)


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-just letting her pat, showing no sign of displeasure-

-this fills the Bidoof with confidence-
Lilith: "Let's see what it can do."
Jeanne: "It seems to like Lilith..."

Ratbat: "(Like Alphys there are many! So take no worry!)" No doubt she had to have problems before coming here... Maybe had an abusive trainer...
You did mention being good with animals...Although, given it's stature and intelligence, ishbunjin may qualifiy as an animal more in the same vein that humans do.

-But at the very least, hearing from him and Alphys seems to have built up her hope that she can find a home and a Trainer here as well...-

-They want borgar a lot- :V
-Kaito and Shuten or any with Linebeck?-
-Indeed, his ashes were even thrown away, not even bothered to give him anything after out of spite-
Atalanta: "They say they can control electricity too, but not magic"
Fate: "Oh, interesting"
-Fortunately, the restaurant has incredible burgers!-

-Kaito and Shuten, and tbh I only realized a few minutes ago that I forgot to write dialogue for Linebeck there lol-

Linebeck: "Luck is admittedly not one of my stronger suits..."

-Relatable because Lancer?- :V

-Not unlike what was the case with Drakkon...-

-So that's why these Pokemon are curious...-

-they've never seen Meta Knight give up before?-
-how is the fight going between Ephraim and Papyrus?-
Weiss: "We should have asked Lilith..."

Camilla: "Ask her what?"

-Weiss translates-

Camilla: "Oh, you can go ahead and do that." :)
Kirby: "Meta Knight, I don't think I've ever seen you give up a fight before!"

Meta Knight: "Hmph, for a friendly battle, overexerting myself is not a necessity."

-Dedede is shocked, too, but suspects more it's because his mask is badly damaged-

-Papyrus takes the occasional hit from a kick or feint, but is still successfully blocking Ephraim's attacks more often than not-

(Then that answers that! Thanks, Camilla!) :b:

-She goes swimming for a few minutes-

Kamui: I've had a much clearer mind since attending our sessions... I can do this! :)
Emblem Robin: "How interesting..." -writing notes-

Emblem Corrin: "Oh, that would be interesting to know."
Dr. Coyle: "There is no wrong path to strength. If I were honest and only stuck to what I was given, I would not even have ARMS! What you call 'dishonor' and 'cheating', I call 'unorthodox' and 'experimenting'. But with this power I have? I could crush you like the ant you are without any of my Cell!"

Sothis: -approaching Ingrid- "Are you not familiar enough with the Grid to get inside?"

Ingrid: "I am. However, this ability is pointless in this situation. The intentions here are to break the connections between this supercomputer and the Grid as safely as possible. And for that, I figured either setting a boundary between the two or breaking the boundaries of this machine would be our best bet."

Sothis: "I see. But have you ever thought that perhaps she would have her own mechanism for that?"

Ingrid: "I... hadn't thought of that..."

Sothis: "She studied this Grid enough for this supercomputer to function as intended. Clearly, she has found her own safe way to shut things down without breaking everything apart. If she's half the scientist she claims to be, she would test things safely."

Ingrid: "....You know, that makes a lot of sense. However, I did not expect a mercenary not acquainted with technology to point this out."

Sothis: "You are not speaking to that mercenary. Right now, I am Sothis."

-for a brief moment, Ingrid's usual display of overconfidence switched to one of sheer respect, even doing a quick bow-

Ingrid: "I should have realized your presence sooner... My apologies."

Sothis: "No worries. I like to blend in." :p
Byleth: "How long do you plan on visiting?"
Blake: -keeping an eye on Ata so she doesn't lose control over the APPLE PIES-
Azura: "Definitely not." :p
Ruby: "Alright, let's keep on moving, shall we? It's only a matter of time before something tries to get us killed again."
-Yeah... She just needs to focus on her self-control... And still have emotional support and a Dragonstone-
Lily: "And there are some others like a large bat or a martial artist bird"

Sieg: "That reminds me, I have yet to tell you a little about me..."
Shiki: "...Did her tone change?"
Kaito: "For a bit she did" -shot a copy-

Yukari: "And you allow that thief to run amock?"
Tsukasa: "He's just too much of a trouble to handle" -snaps picture- "Still, props for thinking he'll ever beat me"
Yukari: "Now you're boasting?"
Tsukasa: "Am I?" -all of the pictures were really blurry-
Poppy: "Actually I need to go off now, I will be picked up!"
-Even after all those years, Moon believes as such...-
-Atalanta would be finishing the pie now-
-And so they're out, Anya wants to hold hands with Yor to what she agrees to, it reminds Yor of when
Takeru: "Right, let's keep on"

Rin: "...Are we trapped?"
Sakura: -Temporarily takes the doll off, then again- "Seems not necessarily"
-And so far, she's gotten all of that back since being more or less acquitted-

Star: "Or a lynx with electrical powers."

Marco: "Or a wolf with natural stone armor and earth-bending powers."

Save it. I've dealt with far tougher villains than you...

-Riding his bike across the area and setting several Copies aflame with the trail of fire left by said bicycle's rocket boosters-

Is that unusual?


Huh, who's picking you up?

Mabel "Yeah, we just found your game cartridge among the gifts we were giving out! How are you going to get bakc home?"

-She tries to stay professional now, being queen and their host and all as she doesn't want to burden them with her own troubles...Although Star figures they wouldn't mind since they all shared life stories over yesterday's dinner-

-Did she eat it using a fork and knife or did she just devour it facefirst while holding the entire pie in her hands?- :V

Unfinished, Digi.

Steven: "Okay, it looks like the only other rooms we haven't been to in this wing are the tea room and root cellar..."

Amethyst: -Trying to open the locked door to the root cellar with all her strength...which is also made of extremely heavily reinforced steel- "And the door to this root cellar or whatever won't budge!"

If this is still anything like a horror movie, something tells me that electric fence is somehow gonna be important later...
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Kirby: "Meta Knight, I don't think I've ever seen you give up a fight before!"

Meta Knight: "Hmph, for a friendly battle, overexerting myself is not a necessity."

-Dedede is shocked, too, but suspects more it's because his mask is badly damaged-

-Papyrus takes the occasional hit from a kick or feint, but is still successfully blocking Ephraim's attacks more often than not-

(Then that answers that! Thanks, Camilla!) :b:

-She goes swimming for a few minutes-
Byleth: "It was a good fight." -offers a handshake-
-and Ephraim seemed just the same-

-they're surprisingly equals-
Camilla: How ADORABLE~! :b:

-Yeah... She just needs to focus on her self-control... And still have emotional support and a Dragonstone-
Lily: "And there are some others like a large bat or a martial artist bird"

Sieg: "That reminds me, I have yet to tell you a little about me..."
Shiki: "...Did her tone change?"
Kaito: "For a bit she did" -shot a copy-

Yukari: "And you allow that thief to run amock?"
Tsukasa: "He's just too much of a trouble to handle" -snaps picture- "Still, props for thinking he'll ever beat me"
Yukari: "Now you're boasting?"
Tsukasa: "Am I?" -all of the pictures were really blurry-
Poppy: "Actually I need to go off now, I will be picked up!"
-Even after all those years, Moon believes as such...-
-Atalanta would be finishing the pie now-
-And so they're out, Anya wants to hold hands with Yor to what she agrees to, it reminds Yor of when
Takeru: "Right, let's keep on"

Rin: "...Are we trapped?"
Sakura: -Temporarily takes the doll off, then again- "Seems not necessarily"
-And so far, she's gotten all of that back since being more or less acquitted-

Star: "Or a lynx with electrical powers."

Marco: "Or a wolf with natural stone armor and earth-bending powers."

-Riding his bike across the area and setting several Copies aflame with the trail of fire left by said bicycle's rocket boosters-

Is that unusual?


Huh, who's picking you up?

Mabel "Yeah, we just found your game cartridge among the gifts we were giving out! How are you going to get bakc home?"

-She tries to stay professional now, being queen and their host and all as she doesn't want to burden them with her own troubles...Although Star figures they wouldn't mind since they all shared life stories over yesterday's dinner-

-Did she eat it using a fork and knife or did she just devour it facefirst while holding the entire pie in her hands?- :V

Unfinished, Digi.

Steven: "Okay, it looks like the only other rooms we haven't been to in this wing are the tea room and root cellar..."

Amethyst: -Trying to open the locked door to the root cellar with all her strength...which is also made of extremely heavily reinforced steel- "And the door to this root cellar or whatever won't budge!"

If this is still anything like a horror movie, something tells me that electric fence is somehow gonna be important later...
Kamui: -looks at the many Dragonstones Tiki and Azura gave her- Did I truly need so many though...? At least they have different effects...
Emblem Robin: "So they can truly be anything..."

Emblem Corrin: "What's there to know about you?"
Sothis: "I shall be on my way. Do your best, Ingrid."

Ingrid: "I will." -clears her throat and returns to her usual air of overconfident- "You should expect nothing less than greatness from me!"

Coyle: "Your ignorable is laughable!" :laugh: -MORE BEAMS-
Byleth: "I see... I wish you the best in your adventures then." -replied before the other two-
Blake: "Not even any leftovers..."
-what KoP said-
Jaune: "I could use some tea..." :urg:
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Coyle unreplied, KoP-

Byleth: "It was a good fight." -offers a handshake-
-and Ephraim seemed just the same-

-they're surprisingly equals-
Camilla: How ADORABLE~! :b:
-Which Meta Knight accepts-

Meta Knight: "You truly are a powerful warrior. You earned this victory."

-Papyrus might be a Cloudcuckoolander, but he's surprisingly comptent as a fighter-

-He ain't Undyne's apprentice for nothing-


-Even just seeing the ice fox go swimming is an adorable sight-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC

-Which Meta Knight accepts-

Meta Knight: "You truly are a powerful warrior. You earned this victory."

-Papyrus might be a Cloudcuckoolander, but he's surprisingly comptent as a fighter-

-He ain't Undyne's apprentice for nothing-


-Even just seeing the ice fox go swimming is an adorable sight-
And thus mine is properly replied as well

Byleth: "Thank you, but don't sell yourself short. It's not often that someone drives me to push so much on their own."
Eirika: "Your apprentice is quite skilled, I'll admit."
-and she seemed so happy too!-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
And thus mine is properly replied as well

Byleth: "Thank you, but don't sell yourself short. It's not often that someone drives me to push so much on their own."
Eirika: "Your apprentice is quite skilled, I'll admit."
-and she seemed so happy too!-
Meta Knight: "Oh, I'm well aware of my own skills, but I'm also well aware of my own limits..

I've already defeated many talented and powerful warriors in our own galaxy, but I myself have been bested time and time again by others whose strength exceeds my own." -Looked towards Kirby upon saying that-

-Kirby himself is surprised, but while understanding that he's defeated Meta Knight many times, remains humble-

Hell yeah he is! No apprentice of mine is gonna end up not being a total badass!


-That's because she is- :p

-Being able to swim in a pool while also relaxing in warm spring waters makes a trip to a hot spring doubly worthwhile for her-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Meta Knight: "Oh, I'm well aware of my own skills, but I'm also well aware of my own limits..

I've already defeated many talented and powerful warriors in our own galaxy, but I myself have been bested time and time again by others whose strength exceeds my own." -Looked towards Kirby upon saying that-

-Kirby himself is surprised, but while understanding that he's defeated Meta Knight many times, remains humble-

Hell yeah he is! No apprentice of mine is gonna end up not being a total badass!


-That's because she is- :p

-Being able to swim in a pool while also relaxing in warm spring waters makes a trip to a hot spring doubly worthwhile for her-
Byleth: "A very wise warrior, you are."
Camilla: "She's so adorable~!"

Jeanne: "It seems to like Lilith..."
You did mention being good with animals...Although, given it's stature and intelligence, ishbunjin may qualifiy as an animal more in the same vein that humans do.
Lilith: "Either way, he's such a cutie~" -pats him more-
Last edited:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Azura: "I needed a bit of a break while Kamui was enjoying some time of her own... which may or may not have been a result of my own coercing because she worked so hard..."
Palutena: "Denial is a cute look on you." :p
Shez: "Oh, you want to figure it out on your own? I actually really respect that." :)
Tiki: "That sounds like something very Kamui" :p
Kama: "Denial?!"
Kiara: "Anyone can see it..."
Morrigan: "Cuter than I thought" :p
Draco: "Hmph, you'll eventually be begging for your life"
-Fortunately, the restaurant has incredible burgers!-

-Kaito and Shuten, and tbh I only realized a few minutes ago that I forgot to write dialogue for Linebeck there lol-

Linebeck: "Luck is admittedly not one of my stronger suits..."

-Relatable because Lancer?- :V

-Not unlike what was the case with Drakkon...-

-So that's why these Pokemon are curious...-
-So they would indulge in thaaaaaaaat-
Cú: "Heh, sounds familiar to me..."
-Of course though, he still very much has in mind to get a new body...-
Fate: "So... What are they doing here?"
-And so far, she's gotten all of that back since being more or less acquitted-

Star: "Or a lynx with electrical powers."

Marco: "Or a wolf with natural stone armor and earth-bending powers."

Save it. I've dealt with far tougher villains than you...

-Riding his bike across the area and setting several Copies aflame with the trail of fire left by said bicycle's rocket boosters-

Is that unusual?


Huh, who's picking you up?

Mabel "Yeah, we just found your game cartridge among the gifts we were giving out! How are you going to get bakc home?"

-She tries to stay professional now, being queen and their host and all as she doesn't want to burden them with her own troubles...Although Star figures they wouldn't mind since they all shared life stories over yesterday's dinner-

-Did she eat it using a fork and knife or did she just devour it facefirst while holding the entire pie in her hands?- :V

Unfinished, Digi.

Steven: "Okay, it looks like the only other rooms we haven't been to in this wing are the tea room and root cellar..."

Amethyst: -Trying to open the locked door to the root cellar with all her strength...which is also made of extremely heavily reinforced steel- "And the door to this root cellar or whatever won't budge!"

If this is still anything like a horror movie, something tells me that electric fence is somehow gonna be important later...
Kamui: -looks at the many Dragonstones Tiki and Azura gave her- Did I truly need so many though...? At least they have different effects...
Emblem Robin: "So they can truly be anything..."

Emblem Corrin: "What's there to know about you?"
Sothis: "I shall be on my way. Do your best, Ingrid."

Ingrid: "I will." -clears her throat and returns to her usual air of overconfident- "You should expect nothing less than greatness from me!"

Coyle: "Your ignorable is laughable!" :laugh: -MORE BEAMS-
Byleth: "I see... I wish you the best in your adventures then." -replied before the other two-
Blake: "Not even any leftovers..."
-what KoP said-
Jaune: "I could use some tea..." :urg:
-So maybe she can do a few different things in her dragon breaths...-
Lily: "Yeah, there's even a tiny fox with ice powers"

Siege: "Hmmm...So, I'm a homunculus"
Shiki: "Now that's more familiar..."

Yukari: -Takes one of his photos- "I see this world is also rejecting your presence"
Tsukasa: "It's the usual wherever I go. For now, your organization doesn't seems to be doing badly"
Poppy: "Thank you, it was sweet! We'll remain in contact, yes?"
Monika: "I can't say no"
Poppy: -To the rest- "Oh you will see soon"
-The latter, and as Blake said, nothing left-
Atalanta: "You have my thanks"
-And so they're out, Anya wants to hold hands with Yor to what she agrees to, it reminds Yor of when Yuri was little and they did the same... But her grip was so strong she broke his arm, thoughts Anya read and then went to hide from, Yor wondering why-
Tiki: "It really won't go as planned" :p
Takeru: "Maybe if more of us attack it?"

Sieg: "It's still a wonder how though..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-So they would indulge in thaaaaaaaat-
Cú: "Heh, sounds familiar to me..."
-Of course though, he still very much has in mind to get a new body...-
Fate: "So... What are they doing here?"
-Along with some french fries and coleslaw?-


Linebeck: "You did mention not having the best luck with women..."

-Only his bad luck goes beyond that?-

-He needs a replica, no, an improved version of his original model!-

Pichu: "(We were curious about other people who have lightning powers!)" :)

Byleth: "A very wise warrior, you are."
Camilla: "She's so adorable~!"
Meta Knight: "Knowledge is a necessity for a warrior. When you live and train as a warrior for so long, you've bound to learn much over the years..."

-Which once more, Papyrus blocks with one dagger before trying to counterattack with the other-

(Everyone here seems to think so...) 😅

-Sometimes she takes pride in being cute, but for the most part she doesn't get why everyone thinks she and the other Pokemon are cute to begin with- :V

Kamui: -looks at the many Dragonstones Tiki and Azura gave her- Did I truly need so many though...? At least they have different effects...
Emblem Robin: "So they can truly be anything..."

Emblem Corrin: "What's there to know about you?"
Sothis: "I shall be on my way. Do your best, Ingrid."

Ingrid: "I will." -clears her throat and returns to her usual air of overconfident- "You should expect nothing less than greatness from me!"

Coyle: "Your ignorable is laughable!" :laugh: -MORE BEAMS-
Byleth: "I see... I wish you the best in your adventures then." -replied before the other two-
Blake: "Not even any leftovers..."
-what KoP said-
Jaune: "I could use some tea..." :urg:
-So maybe she can do a few different things in her dragon breaths...-
Lily: "Yeah, there's even a tiny fox with ice powers"

Siege: "Hmmm...So, I'm a homunculus"
Shiki: "Now that's more familiar..."

Yukari: -Takes one of his photos- "I see this world is also rejecting your presence"
Tsukasa: "It's the usual wherever I go. For now, your organization doesn't seems to be doing badly"
Poppy: "Thank you, it was sweet! We'll remain in contact, yes?"
Monika: "I can't say no"
Poppy: -To the rest- "Oh you will see soon"
-The latter, and as Blake said, nothing left-
Atalanta: "You have my thanks"
-And so they're out, Anya wants to hold hands with Yor to what she agrees to, it reminds Yor of when Yuri was little and they did the same... But her grip was so strong she broke his arm, thoughts Anya read and then went to hide from, Yor wondering why-
Tiki: "It really won't go as planned" :p
Takeru: "Maybe if more of us attack it?"

Sieg: "It's still a wonder how though..."
-Plus, they all serve as backups in case whichever one she's currently using get damaged or broken again...-

Star: "And a ghost who fused with a tree stump."

Marco: "And I'm pretty sure that other small fox can develop different elemental powers depending on how it's raised or fed or something..."

Patxi? Oh yeah, he's an Eevee. They've got several different Pokemon types they can evolve into!

-Dodged with a backflip-

Is it? Even with your Hedloks and Cell army, you haven't even defeated me once. I've been disamntled and drained of all my battery power by far tougher supervillains where I come from before. And both with and without help, I eventually took them down, too!

(That sounds more like Ingrid, alright.)

(As long as she knows what she's doing here, I've got no complaints!) -Often brags and boasts about his own skills as a ninja-

-Will Yukari ask why he's taking photos of the place or has she already figured out the reason?-

We'd be happy to! -In response to Poppy asking if they can stay in contact-

-Mabel is confused, while Dipper looks around for any sign of someone who might be here to pick up Poppy-

-After everything Chaldea's members have been through and all the trouble they've gone through for Mewni, Moon doesn't take major issue with it...Though it helps that she's also used to such table manner from River's side of the family at family reunions- :V

Moon: "You're very welcome, Atalanta." :)

Tetra: "..." -Facepalms again-

TLink: "This whole plan is already a disaster..."

Medli: "I'm still confident that they'll figure things out!"

Steven: "Hmm...That might just work, but what if we accidentally damage the foundation of the facility?"

Pearl: "So which path do we take next? There's two more doors here, and splitting up further is almost certainly too risky of a move..."

I'm not exactly partial to immediately going to the wing of the mansion that apparently has a clown room in it...
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-just letting her pat, showing no sign of displeasure-

-this fills the Bidoof with confidence-

-times were simpler back then....then again he was more ignorant to the world back then too-


-internally glad things aren't that mushy with him-

Forever and ever?
Lilith: "Either way, he's such a cutie~" -pats him more-
Jeanne: "It seems to like Lilith..."

Ratbat: "(Like Alphys there are many! So take no worry!)" No doubt she had to have problems before coming here... Maybe had an abusive trainer...

-True, one just doesn't knows too of reality during that part of life-
And it seems willing to lend a hand if there's trouble afoot...

-But at the very least, hearing from him and Alphys seems to have built up her hope that she can find a home and a Trainer here as well...-

-Ratbat's thoughts?-


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
Lilith: "Let's see what it can do."

Kamui: "Oh, absolutely!" -patting more-
Jeanne: "It seems to like Lilith..."

Ratbat: "(Like Alphys there are many! So take no worry!)" No doubt she had to have problems before coming here... Maybe had an abusive trainer...

-True, one just doesn't knows too of reality during that part of life-

Taiga: "Awwww~ Sure! Forever and ever~"
You did mention being good with animals...Although, given it's stature and intelligence, ishbunjin may qualifiy as an animal more in the same vein that humans do.

-But at the very least, hearing from him and Alphys seems to have built up her hope that she can find a home and a Trainer here as well...-
Lilith: "Either way, he's such a cutie~" -pats him more-
And it seems willing to lend a hand if there's trouble afoot...

-But at the very least, hearing from him and Alphys seems to have built up her hope that she can find a home and a Trainer here as well...-

-Ratbat's thoughts?-
-think when Perry does his platypus noises-

-she doesn't quote realize yet that her future Trainer is standing right by her-

-lizard noises-

-but still good times, right?-

-is Lily upset over the PolyStation?-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Tiki: "That sounds like something very Kamui" :p
Kama: "Denial?!"
Kiara: "Anyone can see it..."
Morrigan: "Cuter than I thought" :p
Draco: "Hmph, you'll eventually be begging for your life"
Azura: "I know, right?" -chuckling a bit at that-
Palu: :laugh:
Shez: "Whatever you say, girl." :p

Meta Knight: "Knowledge is a necessity for a warrior. When you live and train as a warrior for so long, you've bound to learn much over the years..."

-Which once more, Papyrus blocks with one dagger before trying to counterattack with the other-

(Everyone here seems to think so...) 😅

-Sometimes she takes pride in being cute, but for the most part she doesn't get why everyone thinks she and the other Pokemon are cute to begin with- :V
Byleth: "Very wise and very true words. I've learned a lot both from my father and from fighting in the frontlines."
-eventually, Ephraim's own training lance broke-

Ephraim: "Darn..."
Camilla: "Because you are~!"

-So maybe she can do a few different things in her dragon breaths...-
Lily: "Yeah, there's even a tiny fox with ice powers"

Siege: "Hmmm...So, I'm a homunculus"
Shiki: "Now that's more familiar..."

Yukari: -Takes one of his photos- "I see this world is also rejecting your presence"
Tsukasa: "It's the usual wherever I go. For now, your organization doesn't seems to be doing badly"
Poppy: "Thank you, it was sweet! We'll remain in contact, yes?"
Monika: "I can't say no"
Poppy: -To the rest- "Oh you will see soon"
-The latter, and as Blake said, nothing left-
Atalanta: "You have my thanks"
-And so they're out, Anya wants to hold hands with Yor to what she agrees to, it reminds Yor of when Yuri was little and they did the same... But her grip was so strong she broke his arm, thoughts Anya read and then went to hide from, Yor wondering why-
Tiki: "It really won't go as planned" :p
Takeru: "Maybe if more of us attack it?"

Sieg: "It's still a wonder how though..."
-Plus, they all serve as backups in case whichever one she's currently using get damaged or broken again...-

Star: "And a ghost who fused with a tree stump."

Marco: "And I'm pretty sure that other small fox can develop different elemental powers depending on how it's raised or fed or something..."

Patxi? Oh yeah, he's an Eevee. They've got several different Pokemon types they can evolve into!

-Dodged with a backflip-

Is it? Even with your Hedloks and Cell army, you haven't even defeated me once. I've been disamntled and drained of all my battery power by far tougher supervillains where I come from before. And both with and without help, I eventually took them down, too!

(That sounds more like Ingrid, alright.)

(As long as she knows what she's doing here, I've got no complaints!) -Often brags and boasts about his own skills as a ninja-

-Will Yukari ask why he's taking photos of the place or has she already figured out the reason?-

-After everything Chaldea's members have been through and all the trouble they've gone through for Mewni, Moon doesn't take major issue with it...Though it helps that she's also used to such table manner from River's side of the family at family reunions- :V

Moon: "You're very welcome, Atalanta." :)

Tetra: "..." -Facepalms again-

TLink: "This whole plan is already a disaster..."

Medli: "I'm still confident that they'll figure things out!"

Steven: "Hmm...That might just work, but what if we accidentally damage the foundation of the facility?"

Pearl: "So which path do we take next? There's two more doors here, and splitting up further is almost certainly too risky of a move..."

I'm not exactly partial to immediately going to the wing of the mansion that apparently has a clown room in it...
Kamui: Though given what happens when the one I use breaks... perhaps too many backups is better than none...
Emblem Robin: "Evolution, you say? I'm more intrigued the more you talk about them."

Kamui: "So you're... some kind of golem?"
Dr. Coyle: "This new power of the Grid will change EVERYTHING!" -vanished and reappears behind Jenny in a flash-

Ingrid: Sothis had a brilliant idea. There has to be a failsafe switch somewhere! -looking in the files-
Blake: "Really wish she hadn't eaten all of it. Leftovers would've been nice..."
Azura: "They have a lot of work to do..."
Nora: "Maybe this would unlock a new room, actually." :p

And it seems willing to lend a hand if there's trouble afoot...
-think when Perry does his platypus noises-
Lilith: "Shall we see how strong you are?"

-lizard noises-
-dragon noises- :b:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "Very wise and very true words. I've learned a lot both from my father and from fighting in the frontlines."
-eventually, Ephraim's own training lance broke-

Ephraim: "Darn..."
Camilla: "Because you are~!"
After reading your post, I just realized that I forgot to reply to the Christmas stuff at all, so uh, that's fixed now lmao

Meta Knight: "Given your reputation as a legendary hero in your world, that you've rarely even nearly reached your limit as a warrior does not surprise me, either."


(Well, thank you.) :)

-It's telling that even some of the grouchier members of Chaldea to be kinder when Winter's around due to how cute, as well how kind she herself is-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Lilith: "Either way, he's such a cutie~" -pats him more-
And it seems willing to lend a hand if there's trouble afoot...

-But at the very least, hearing from him and Alphys seems to have built up her hope that she can find a home and a Trainer here as well...-

-Ratbat's thoughts?-
-think when Perry does his platypus noises-

-she doesn't quote realize yet that her future Trainer is standing right by her-

-lizard noises-

-but still good times, right?-

-is Lily upset over the PolyStation?-
Luvia: "...Hmmmm, should we allow this?"
Martha: "...Well... Ummm...."
Jeanne: "He seems fine..."

Ratbat: "(...Would you be looking for a new trainer?)"

-Yeah, undeniable, now he's basically an adult...-

Lily: "I... I really hope the kids don't get sad over this...."
-Along with some french fries and coleslaw?-


Linebeck: "You did mention not having the best luck with women..."

-Only his bad luck goes beyond that?-

-He needs a replica, no, an improved version of his original model!-

Pichu: "(We were curious about other people who have lightning powers!)" :)
-It's a combo that they wouldn't miss-
Cú: "It ain't only thatm honestly"
-Yes! Screw being the same as Thundercracker and Skywarp's, those two losers have to learn they're beneath him!-
Fate: -Also got it translated- "I see... Well, I can't show something big in this corridor"
Azura: "I know, right?" -chuckling a bit at that-
Palu: :laugh:
Shez: "Whatever you say, girl." :p
Tiki: "Good for you" :p "Back to Olivia though"
Merlin: "I agree she can be a cutie" :p
Kama: "You shut up!"
Merlin: "Not our only tsundere Beast either" :p
Lilith: "...Ooooh, an incubus!"
Morrigan: "My, and an actually handsome one~"
Draco: "Hmph!"
Tiamat: "...We'll be sure she becomes better-mannered"
-Plus, they all serve as backups in case whichever one she's currently using get damaged or broken again...-

Star: "And a ghost who fused with a tree stump."

Marco: "And I'm pretty sure that other small fox can develop different elemental powers depending on how it's raised or fed or something..."

Patxi? Oh yeah, he's an Eevee. They've got several different Pokemon types they can evolve into!

-Dodged with a backflip-

Is it? Even with your Hedloks and Cell army, you haven't even defeated me once. I've been disamntled and drained of all my battery power by far tougher supervillains where I come from before. And both with and without help, I eventually took them down, too!

(That sounds more like Ingrid, alright.)

(As long as she knows what she's doing here, I've got no complaints!) -Often brags and boasts about his own skills as a ninja-

-Will Yukari ask why he's taking photos of the place or has she already figured out the reason?-

-After everything Chaldea's members have been through and all the trouble they've gone through for Mewni, Moon doesn't take major issue with it...Though it helps that she's also used to such table manner from River's side of the family at family reunions- :V

Moon: "You're very welcome, Atalanta." :)

Tetra: "..." -Facepalms again-

TLink: "This whole plan is already a disaster..."

Medli: "I'm still confident that they'll figure things out!"

Steven: "Hmm...That might just work, but what if we accidentally damage the foundation of the facility?"

Pearl: "So which path do we take next? There's two more doors here, and splitting up further is almost certainly too risky of a move..."

I'm not exactly partial to immediately going to the wing of the mansion that apparently has a clown room in it...
Kamui: Though given what happens when the one I use breaks... perhaps too many backups is better than none...
Emblem Robin: "Evolution, you say? I'm more intrigued the more you talk about them."

Kamui: "So you're... some kind of golem?"
Dr. Coyle: "This new power of the Grid will change EVERYTHING!" -vanished and reappears behind Jenny in a flash-

Ingrid: Sothis had a brilliant idea. There has to be a failsafe switch somewhere! -looking in the files-
Blake: "Really wish she hadn't eaten all of it. Leftovers would've been nice..."
Azura: "They have a lot of work to do..."
Nora: "Maybe this would unlock a new room, actually." :p
-Yeah... For herself and maybe Kanna just in case...-
Lily: "Well, they like... Tend to change to a more stronger form"

Sieg: "Well, um... I suppose... In a way"
-What would Ingrid find?-

Yukari: "Is that necessary, by the way?"
Tsukasa: "My business, not yours"
Yukari: "Very well" -gaps a table in front of herself and a chair- "I'll keep observing you, Tsukasa Kadoya..."
Tsukasa: "A full name basis is tiresome, don't you think, Gap Yokai?"
None replied to Poppy LOL
Atalanta: "...My apologies for that"
-Next he gets them to the opera since it's something families of the upper class tend to enjoy. Anya dozed off and Yor is confused-
Alice: "...Sure of that?"
Takeru: "Hopefully..."

Arthur: "Well, someone has to..." -tight grip on Excalibur-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-think when Perry does his platypus noises-

-she doesn't quote realize yet that her future Trainer is standing right by her-
Lilith: "Shall we see how strong you are?"
Luvia: "...Hmmmm, should we allow this?"
Martha: "...Well... Ummm...."
Jeanne: "He seems fine..."

Ratbat: "(...Would you be looking for a new trainer?)"
🎵 -He's a semi-aquatic, egg-laying mammal of action- 🎵

It might be worth a shot...

-Even if Alphys still feels like she wouldn't be competent enough as a Trainer for any Pokemon yet...-

-How does the Bidoof respond to Ratbat's question?-

-It's a combo that they wouldn't miss-
Cú: "It ain't only thatm honestly"
-Yes! Screw being the same as Thundercracker and Skywarp's, those two losers have to learn they're beneath him!-
Fate: -Also got it translated- "I see... Well, I can't show something big in this corridor"
-If Mewni didn't know fries and coleslaw before, Star introduced them as Earth foods- :p

Linebeck: "...No wonder it sounded familiar."

-And that he's the only Cybertronian worthy of leading the Decepticons!-

Squirtle: "(There are training grounds here, right? Maybe you could test some of your powers there.)"

Kamui: Though given what happens when the one I use breaks... perhaps too many backups is better than none...
Emblem Robin: "Evolution, you say? I'm more intrigued the more you talk about them."

Kamui: "So you're... some kind of golem?"
Dr. Coyle: "This new power of the Grid will change EVERYTHING!" -vanished and reappears behind Jenny in a flash-

Ingrid: Sothis had a brilliant idea. There has to be a failsafe switch somewhere! -looking in the files-
Blake: "Really wish she hadn't eaten all of it. Leftovers would've been nice..."
Azura: "They have a lot of work to do..."
Nora: "Maybe this would unlock a new room, actually." :p
-Yeah... For herself and maybe Kanna just in case...-
Lily: "Well, they like... Tend to change to a more stronger form"

Sieg: "Well, um... I suppose... In a way"
-What would Ingrid find?-

Yukari: "Is that necessary, by the way?"
Tsukasa: "My business, not yours"
Yukari: "Very well" -gaps a table in front of herself and a chair- "I'll keep observing you, Tsukasa Kadoya..."
Tsukasa: "A full name basis is tiresome, don't you think, Gap Yokai?"
None replied to Poppy LOL
Atalanta: "...My apologies for that"
-Next he gets them to the opera since it's something families of the upper class tend to enjoy. Anya dozed off and Yor is confused-
Alice: "...Sure of that?"
Takeru: "Hopefully..."

Arthur: "Well, someone has to..." -tight grip on Excalibur-
-Definitely for Kanna well-

It's less like how animals and other species evolved over centuries and more like the Pokemon changing and growing into an older and strong form in a matter of seconds.

-Jenny tried to turn around to block whatever attack Coyle threw, but would fail-

-What Digi asked?-

-Yukari surprised that he knows who she is? Unless she introduced herself and I forgot-

I admittedly only realized that late and fixed my reply 40 minutes ago or so, but I'll repost my edit here.

We'd be happy to! -In response to Poppy asking if they can stay in contact-

-Mabel is confused, while Dipper looks around for any sign of someone who might be here to pick up Poppy-

Moon: I can just ask that some more pies be brought out."

Medli: "Well, they may still have difficulties at first..."

Steven: "It probably would...Alright! Let's do it! Let's just be careful not to make the ceiling collapse..."

-Before anyone attacks the door to the root cellar, the ceiling crawling doll clicks in Morse Code "Danger. Worse things down there", which Takeru would no doubt instantly translate-

Garnet: "And since we don't know what rooms contain clues, we can't afford to let fear get the best of us right now."

Alright, fine! Clown room it is! Let's just hope this isn't another horror movie situation...

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Luvia: "...Hmmmm, should we allow this?"
Martha: "...Well... Ummm...."
Jeanne: "He seems fine..."
🎵 -He's a semi-aquatic, egg-laying mammal of action- 🎵

Lilith: "Well, it is my domain. If I think he's a sweetie, then I'll try and make space for him." :)

After reading your post, I just realized that I forgot to reply to the Christmas stuff at all, so uh, that's fixed now lmao

Meta Knight: "Given your reputation as a legendary hero in your world, that you've rarely even nearly reached your limit as a warrior does not surprise me, either."


(Well, thank you.) :)

-It's telling that even some of the grouchier members of Chaldea to be kinder when Winter's around due to how cute, as well how kind she herself is-
Byleth: "Only one person managed to... and she happens to be an ally of Chaldea now." -referring to Shez-
Ephraim: "Not a bad idea..." -he'll try but won't be as used with it-
-Camilla is patting her~-

Tiki: "Good for you" :p "Back to Olivia though"
Merlin: "I agree she can be a cutie" :p
Kama: "You shut up!"
Merlin: "Not our only tsundere Beast either" :p
Lilith: "...Ooooh, an incubus!"
Morrigan: "My, and an actually handsome one~"
Draco: "Hmph!"
Tiamat: "...We'll be sure she becomes better-mannered"
Azura: "What about her?"
Palu: "What can I say? I know good people." :p

-it's a miracle she herself isn't very... "active" when surrounded by a Beast III and an incubus-
Sothis: "As a good mother should." :p

-Yeah... For herself and maybe Kanna just in case...-
Lily: "Well, they like... Tend to change to a more stronger form"

Sieg: "Well, um... I suppose... In a way"
-What would Ingrid find?-

Yukari: "Is that necessary, by the way?"
Tsukasa: "My business, not yours"
Yukari: "Very well" -gaps a table in front of herself and a chair- "I'll keep observing you, Tsukasa Kadoya..."
Tsukasa: "A full name basis is tiresome, don't you think, Gap Yokai?"
None replied to Poppy LOL
Atalanta: "...My apologies for that"
-Next he gets them to the opera since it's something families of the upper class tend to enjoy. Anya dozed off and Yor is confused-
Alice: "...Sure of that?"
Takeru: "Hopefully..."

Arthur: "Well, someone has to..." -tight grip on Excalibur-
-Definitely for Kanna well-

It's less like how animals and other species evolved over centuries and more like the Pokemon changing and growing into an older and strong form in a matter of seconds.

-Jenny tried to turn around to block whatever attack Coyle threw, but would fail-

-What Digi asked?-

-Yukari surprised that he knows who she is? Unless she introduced herself and I forgot-

I admittedly only realized that late and fixed my reply 40 minutes ago or so, but I'll repost my edit here.

We'd be happy to! -In response to Poppy asking if they can stay in contact-

-Mabel is confused, while Dipper looks around for any sign of someone who might be here to pick up Poppy-

Moon: I can just ask that some more pies be brought out."

Medli: "Well, they may still have difficulties at first..."

Steven: "It probably would...Alright! Let's do it! Let's just be careful not to make the ceiling collapse..."

-Before anyone attacks the door to the root cellar, the ceiling crawling doll clicks in Morse Code "Danger. Worse things down there", which Takeru would no doubt instantly translate-

Garnet: "And since we don't know what rooms contain clues, we can't afford to let fear get the best of us right now."

Alright, fine! Clown room it is! Let's just hope this isn't another horror movie situation...
-that was her thought... but then she learned Kanna already had like, four of them since Azura had planned ahead after Kamui's last rampage-
Emblem Robin: "Like how a dragon can transform...?" -he's getting it, except the evolution is not reversible-

Emblem Corrin: "That's incredible..." :surprised:
-it was a classic ORAORAORAORAORAORA, except she laughed maniacally instead-

Ingrid: "There's... a lot of firewalls. That just proves Sothis was on to something." -wonders how Ran and Chen are doing-
Byleth: "If there's a way to keep in touch, I really won't mind." :)

Sothis: -in Byleth's head- Neither would I.
Blake: "That would be nice..."
Azura: "I don't have a high amount of faith for now."
Jaune: "Then that means we're going the right direction... right?"


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
Lilith: "Shall we see how strong you are?"

-dragon noises- :b:
Luvia: "...Hmmmm, should we allow this?"
Martha: "...Well... Ummm...."
Jeanne: "He seems fine..."

Ratbat: "(...Would you be looking for a new trainer?)"

-Yeah, undeniable, now he's basically an adult...-

Lily: "I... I really hope the kids don't get sad over this...."
🎵 -He's a semi-aquatic, egg-laying mammal of action- 🎵

It might be worth a shot...

-Even if Alphys still feels like she wouldn't be competent enough as a Trainer for any Pokemon yet...-

-How does the Bidoof respond to Ratbat's question?-
-also lol on Perry's theme- -someone should bring him into the rp :V-

-not sure how to continue the Kamui/Corrin thing lol-

[If there's someone willing to take me, yeah....]

-He'd drink if he were human :V-

-there's probably someone within Chaldea that can fix it, right?-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
🎵 -He's a semi-aquatic, egg-laying mammal of action- 🎵

It might be worth a shot...

-Even if Alphys still feels like she wouldn't be competent enough as a Trainer for any Pokemon yet...-

-How does the Bidoof respond to Ratbat's question?-

Lilith: "Well, it is my domain. If I think he's a sweetie, then I'll try and make space for him." :)
-also lol on Perry's theme- -someone should bring him into the rp :V-

-not sure how to continue the Kamui/Corrin thing lol-

[If there's someone willing to take me, yeah....]

-He'd drink if he were human :V-

-there's probably someone within Chaldea that can fix it, right?-
Scáthach: "In the end, the choice might as well be hers..."
-And no one would know he's an actual secret agent of course- :V

Ratbat: "(There might be, closer than you may expect)"

Shirou: "I know things haven't been easy since... Always, but I think it'd be worse to just give up"

Lily: "Maybe some can fix it... At least the little one is happy though?"
-If Mewni didn't know fries and coleslaw before, Star introduced them as Earth foods- :p

Linebeck: "...No wonder it sounded familiar."

-And that he's the only Cybertronian worthy of leading the Decepticons!-

Squirtle: "(There are training grounds here, right? Maybe you could test some of your powers there.)"
-Sounds like a very Star thing to do- :p -So they did-
Cú: "Yeah, Lady Luck barely smiles to me in general. But hey, better to not stand around and just mop"
Octane: Are you seriously gloating inside my head again?
Starscream: Silence! I must focus!
Atalanta: -Translated again- "I was going there"
Azura: "What about her?"
Palu: "What can I say? I know good people." :p

-it's a miracle she herself isn't very... "active" when surrounded by a Beast III and an incubus-
Sothis: "As a good mother should." :p
Tiki: "She said she'd be glad to meet you again some day, and could even schedule it!"
Morrigan: "I suppose you must have a busy life at nights then" :p
Merlin: "It helps her relax after days of work" :p
Draco: "You are not mine..." And mine better be rotting in Hell!
Tiamat: "Doesn't excuse your behavior, young lady"
Draco: "Young?"
Tiamat: "...In comparison"
-Definitely for Kanna well-

It's less like how animals and other species evolved over centuries and more like the Pokemon changing and growing into an older and strong form in a matter of seconds.

-Jenny tried to turn around to block whatever attack Coyle threw, but would fail-

-What Digi asked?-

-Yukari surprised that he knows who she is? Unless she introduced herself and I forgot-

I admittedly only realized that late and fixed my reply 40 minutes ago or so, but I'll repost my edit here.

We'd be happy to! -In response to Poppy asking if they can stay in contact-

-Mabel is confused, while Dipper looks around for any sign of someone who might be here to pick up Poppy-

Moon: I can just ask that some more pies be brought out."

Medli: "Well, they may still have difficulties at first..."

Steven: "It probably would...Alright! Let's do it! Let's just be careful not to make the ceiling collapse..."

-Before anyone attacks the door to the root cellar, the ceiling crawling doll clicks in Morse Code "Danger. Worse things down there", which Takeru would no doubt instantly translate-

Garnet: "And since we don't know what rooms contain clues, we can't afford to let fear get the best of us right now."

Alright, fine! Clown room it is! Let's just hope this isn't another horror movie situation...
-that was her thought... but then she learned Kanna already had like, four of them since Azura had planned ahead after Kamui's last rampage-
Emblem Robin: "Like how a dragon can transform...?" -he's getting it, except the evolution is not reversible-

Emblem Corrin: "That's incredible..." :surprised:
-it was a classic ORAORAORAORAORAORA, except she laughed maniacally instead-

Ingrid: "There's... a lot of firewalls. That just proves Sothis was on to something." -wonders how Ran and Chen are doing-
Byleth: "If there's a way to keep in touch, I really won't mind." :)

Sothis: -in Byleth's head- Neither would I.
Blake: "That would be nice..."
Azura: "I don't have a high amount of faith for now."
Jaune: "Then that means we're going the right direction... right?"
-Good for her... Still, Kanna very much loves her Mama no question! So maybe they could meet again in soon!-
Lily: "Yes... They can't change back though"

Sieg: "So, I was made to serve a family that created multiple like me, but the tube I was created in happened to break and... I couldn't help but try to survive"
Chen: "We're not doing bad here!" -trying to close the Boundaries between the Grid and the computer-
Ran: At least I think so!

-Nope, but not because she intoduced herself or anything, simply she expected him to have heard about her the same way she has of him-
Tsukasa: "How you got Marvelous there though?"
Yukari: "One of his crewmates owed someone here a favor"
Poppy: "Here you go! This is my number!" -gives it noted-
Sayori: "Oooh, thanks~!"
Atalanta: "...You have more?" 👀
-Then they go to a museum, Anya was being loud while Yor was admiring a painting of a guillotine-
Takeru: "The little one is giving us a warning about that place..."

-Mordred opened the door to the Clown room-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California

Lilith: "Well, it is my domain. If I think he's a sweetie, then I'll try and make space for him." :)
-also lol on Perry's theme- -someone should bring him into the rp :V-

[If there's someone willing to take me, yeah....]
Scáthach: "In the end, the choice might as well be hers..."
-And no one would know he's an actual secret agent of course- :V

Ratbat: "(There might be, closer than you may expect)"
We'll leave the final call to you then Lilith.

-And no one would recognize him without the hat- :V

-Bidoof's response to that?-

-Sounds like a very Star thing to do- :p -So they did-
Cú: "Yeah, Lady Luck barely smiles to me in general. But hey, better to not stand around and just mop"
Octane: Are you seriously gloating inside my head again?
Starscream: Silence! I must focus!
Atalanta: -Translated again- "I was going there"
-And that exact same full meal arrives a few minutes later!-

Linebeck: "Ah, that's the spirit. I haven't let any signs of bad luck keep me from searching for and claiming treasure across the seas!"

-How gloating qualify as focusing?- :V

-Wait, did Atalanta say that or did Fate?-

Byleth: "Only one person managed to... and she happens to be an ally of Chaldea now." -referring to Shez-
Ephraim: "Not a bad idea..." -he'll try but won't be as used with it-
-Camilla is patting her~-
Kirby: "She is?! Is she a friend of yours?!" :surprised:

-I don't think they've met Shez yet...-

-Which effectively gives Papyrus the upper hand in the fight, even without using magic and telekinetic-based attacks-

-She stopped swimming for a moment to receive said headpats, which being a canine, she found comforting, smiling and waggling her fluffy tails-

-that was her thought... but then she learned Kanna already had like, four of them since Azura had planned ahead after Kamui's last rampage-
Emblem Robin: "Like how a dragon can transform...?" -he's getting it, except the evolution is not reversible-

Emblem Corrin: "That's incredible..." :surprised:
-it was a classic ORAORAORAORAORAORA, except she laughed maniacally instead-

Ingrid: "There's... a lot of firewalls. That just proves Sothis was on to something." -wonders how Ran and Chen are doing-
Byleth: "If there's a way to keep in touch, I really won't mind." :)

Sothis: -in Byleth's head- Neither would I.
Blake: "That would be nice..."
Azura: "I don't have a high amount of faith for now."
Jaune: "Then that means we're going the right direction... right?"
-Good for her... Still, Kanna very much loves her Mama no question! So maybe they could meet again in soon!-
Lily: "Yes... They can't change back though"

Sieg: "So, I was made to serve a family that created multiple like me, but the tube I was created in happened to break and... I couldn't help but try to survive"
Chen: "We're not doing bad here!" -trying to close the Boundaries between the Grid and the computer-
Ran: At least I think so!

-Nope, but not because she intoduced herself or anything, simply she expected him to have heard about her the same way she has of him-
Tsukasa: "How you got Marvelous there though?"
Yukari: "One of his crewmates owed someone here a favor"
Poppy: "Here you go! This is my number!" -gives it noted-
Sayori: "Oooh, thanks~!"
Atalanta: "...You have more?" 👀
-Then they go to a museum, Anya was being loud while Yor was admiring a painting of a guillotine-
Takeru: "The little one is giving us a warning about that place..."

-Mordred opened the door to the Clown room-
-And like Kamui herself just said, too many backups is definitely better than none-

-And no doubt Kamui would want to go check on her once the therapy session was done-

Evolution's a one way trip for Pokemon. It's kinda similar to changing into a dragon form, but the reason they can't change back is because it really is like they grew up in a matter of seconds.

-Badly damaging Jenny over the several seconds she got punched by the cybernetic ARMS...but is Max Brass still conscious and able to cut Coyle's combo attack short?-

-So there's more than a few people he knows, here...-

Same here! Ooh, here's mine, too! -Gives a note of her own cellphone number to Poppy-

Moon: "I don't get to bake every day, but I always try to keep plenty of fresh apple pies in stock for the week." :p

Star: "I have no complaints." :p

Tetra: "Well, at least they actually seem to be enjoying their visit there."

TLink: "But Anya's probably not conducting proper "high class" manners..."

Specimen 14: "We can't really know for sure unless we go down there."

Amethyst: "I still don't totally trust you...But ugh, you're probably not wrong. Too bad Kiyohime can't be here right now..."

-Mordred would see a party-styled room with pale yellow brick wallpaper and red carpeting with polka dots of varying sizes and multiple different colors, and...what looks like a rather unsettling statue of a clown placed inside a metal cage-


Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-And that exact same full meal arrives a few minutes later!-

Linebeck: "Ah, that's the spirit. I haven't let any signs of bad luck keep me from searching for and claiming treasure across the seas!"

-How gloating qualify as focusing?- :V

-Wait, did Atalanta say that or did Fate?-
-Lily has sparkly eyes as Medea just smiles-
Cú: "Heh, now isn't that the spirit?"
Octane: So what's the oh so great plan, wise leader?
Starscream: Simple enough, I'll have to enter Shockwave's laboratory and possess any of his machinery to build a new body, and you will provide the fuel for it all!
Octane: That's... Smarter than I expected, but do you really think he doesn't has that nightmare place secured?
Starscream: You think I don't have that in mind?
-I meant Fate-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-also lol on Perry's theme- -someone should bring him into the rp :V-
Scáthach: "In the end, the choice might as well be hers..."
-And no one would know he's an actual secret agent of course- :V
We'll leave the final call to you then Lilith.

-And no one would recognize him without the hat- :V
Lilith: "I don't see why not." :)

-not sure how to continue the Kamui/Corrin thing lol-
-same... but he's a good boi :V-

Tiki: "She said she'd be glad to meet you again some day, and could even schedule it!"
Morrigan: "I suppose you must have a busy life at nights then" :p
Merlin: "It helps her relax after days of work" :p
Draco: "You are not mine..." And mine better be rotting in Hell!
Tiamat: "Doesn't excuse your behavior, young lady"
Draco: "Young?"
Tiamat: "...In comparison"
Azura: "How wonderful." :)
Palu: "I'm... not really that active..."
Shez: "Yeah. Just because you wanna kill humanity doesn't mean you gotta be rude about it." :p

Kirby: "She is?! Is she a friend of yours?!" :surprised:

-I don't think they've met Shez yet...-

-Which effectively gives Papyrus the upper hand in the fight, even without using magic and telekinetic-based attacks-

-She stopped swimming for a moment to receive said headpats, which being a canine, she found comforting, smiling and waggling her fluffy tails-
Byleth: "A very close one, actually."

-don't think so, no...-
-pretty much, yeah...-
Camilla: "How precious~" :)

-Good for her... Still, Kanna very much loves her Mama no question! So maybe they could meet again in soon!-
Lily: "Yes... They can't change back though"

Sieg: "So, I was made to serve a family that created multiple like me, but the tube I was created in happened to break and... I couldn't help but try to survive"
Chen: "We're not doing bad here!" -trying to close the Boundaries between the Grid and the computer-
Ran: At least I think so!

-Nope, but not because she intoduced herself or anything, simply she expected him to have heard about her the same way she has of him-
Tsukasa: "How you got Marvelous there though?"
Yukari: "One of his crewmates owed someone here a favor"
Poppy: "Here you go! This is my number!" -gives it noted-
Sayori: "Oooh, thanks~!"
Atalanta: "...You have more?" 👀
-Then they go to a museum, Anya was being loud while Yor was admiring a painting of a guillotine-
Takeru: "The little one is giving us a warning about that place..."

-Mordred opened the door to the Clown room-
-And like Kamui herself just said, too many backups is definitely better than none-

-And no doubt Kamui would want to go check on her once the therapy session was done-

Evolution's a one way trip for Pokemon. It's kinda similar to changing into a dragon form, but the reason they can't change back is because it really is like they grew up in a matter of seconds.

-Badly damaging Jenny over the several seconds she got punched by the cybernetic ARMS...but is Max Brass still conscious and able to cut Coyle's combo attack short?-

-So there's more than a few people he knows, here...-

Same here! Ooh, here's mine, too! -Gives a note of her own cellphone number to Poppy-

Moon: "I don't get to bake every day, but I always try to keep plenty of fresh apple pies in stock for the week." :p

Star: "I have no complaints." :p

Tetra: "Well, at least they actually seem to be enjoying their visit there."

TLink: "But Anya's probably not conducting proper "high class" manners..."

Specimen 14: "We can't really know for sure unless we go down there."

Amethyst: "I still don't totally trust you...But ugh, you're probably not wrong. Too bad Kiyohime can't be here right now..."

-Mordred would see a party-styled room with pale yellow brick wallpaper and red carpeting with polka dots of varying sizes and multiple different colors, and...what looks like a rather unsettling statue of a clown placed inside a metal cage-
-Kanna playing with friends~!-
Emblem Robin: "Still, it's incredible..."

Emblem Corrin: "All on your own... That sounds terrible..."
Ingrid: "Good. Good." -trying to break through the security systems in the computer... which became easy once she realized all passwords were "ARMS"-

-Max tried to stop Coyle but he got blasted by Hedlok-
Byleth: "It will work even if you're in your cartridge?"
Blake: "You might want to hide your stash until we're gone." :smirk:
Azura: "She's trying her best."
Yang: "Well, let's actually go down then." :p

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-And like Kamui herself just said, too many backups is definitely better than none-

-And no doubt Kamui would want to go check on her once the therapy session was done-

Evolution's a one way trip for Pokemon. It's kinda similar to changing into a dragon form, but the reason they can't change back is because it really is like they grew up in a matter of seconds.

-Badly damaging Jenny over the several seconds she got punched by the cybernetic ARMS...but is Max Brass still conscious and able to cut Coyle's combo attack short?-

-So there's more than a few people he knows, here...-

Same here! Ooh, here's mine, too! -Gives a note of her own cellphone number to Poppy-

Moon: "I don't get to bake every day, but I always try to keep plenty of fresh apple pies in stock for the week." :p

Star: "I have no complaints." :p

Tetra: "Well, at least they actually seem to be enjoying their visit there."

TLink: "But Anya's probably not conducting proper "high class" manners..."

Specimen 14: "We can't really know for sure unless we go down there."

Amethyst: "I still don't totally trust you...But ugh, you're probably not wrong. Too bad Kiyohime can't be here right now..."

-Mordred would see a party-styled room with pale yellow brick wallpaper and red carpeting with polka dots of varying sizes and multiple different colors, and...what looks like a rather unsettling statue of a clown placed inside a metal cage-

-Kanna playing with friends~!-
Emblem Robin: "Still, it's incredible..."

Emblem Corrin: "All on your own... That sounds terrible..."
Ingrid: "Good. Good." -trying to break through the security systems in the computer... which became easy once she realized all passwords were "ARMS"-

-Max tried to stop Coyle but he got blasted by Hedlok-
Byleth: "It will work even if you're in your cartridge?"
Blake: "You might want to hide your stash until we're gone." :smirk:
Azura: "She's trying her best."
Yang: "Well, let's actually go down then." :p
-When then Mama arrives?-
Lily: "Like one was a bat, that then became a bigger bat, and then a bat the size of a person!"

Sieg: "I actually got some help. But wanting to find out what I wanted to be, is something I wanted to do on my own..."
Sitonai: "I am not surprised that's the password, ugh!" -slashed an evil Rider-

Yukari: "Old acquaintance too?"
Tsukasa: "Little bit, at least he knows how to cooperate when he needs to"
Poppy: "Thank you! And don't worry, I'm out of it most of the time! Just keep it in mind I may be at work"
Yuri: "Be sure to save all patients you can" :)
Atalanta: "...Fresh apples?" 👀
-Anya gets to the museum's kids place and is drawing her family with crayons doong awesome things while her parents take a brief break-
Jack: "Oooh, she's having fun..."
Takeru: "...Be really careful about that"

Mordred: "So, given how this place is, I expect that thing to move and burst out that cage..."
Azura: "How wonderful." :)
Palu: "I'm... not really that active..."
Shez: "Yeah. Just because you wanna kill humanity doesn't mean you gotta be rude about it." :p
Tiki: "She even wants you to meet her son!"
Merlin: "If you say so" :p
Morrigan/Lilith: "Heh" :p
Kama: "Hmph!"
Kiara: They don't seem evil, just... Annoying.
Draco: "I'll do as I want..."
Tiamat: "Not with that sharp tongue, young lady"
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