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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "Is that all?"
Eirika: "That's easy to say until you see a Corrupted of someone dear to you... The idea of taking the life of someone you cherish, even in that state, is truly terrifying..."
-she could-

Weiss: "I never have." :)
Meta Knight: "Not yet..." -Get back up and made a few horizontal slashes-

...I can't imagine that would be easy, no...

(I'm glad to hear it.) :)

-at the very least it doesn't seem hostile-
Lilth: "You are so odd and curious... I truly wish I could at least understand your speech enough to know your name."
-Does the creature understand Lilith, at least?-


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
-Ratbat might work!-

-And given the sheer flexing, yeah, that makes more sense- :V
-he's a Crobat now, right?-

-maximum overflex-

Lilth: "You are so odd and curious... I truly wish I could at least understand your speech enough to know your name."
-Does the creature understand Lilith, at least?-
-strikes a pose which she somehow translates as "Ultra Fishbunjin 3000"-

-yes; understands her quite clearly in fact, even if its responses don't come off as if it does-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-unamused chicken-


Kamui: "Awwww, Corrin~ Of course~" -gives her two of her five-
Shirou: "Phew, so thankfully they will last"

-Hmm, let's see, who should they see first...-

-Unless they all just flex themselves out of the area- :V
-While Gaster informs the Rulers of this strange creature's arrival-

-or out of existence-

Digital Hazard Digital Hazard
-The bat Pokémon was flapping his wings around, when suddenly it looked at the new arrival in confusion-

Scáthach/Martha/Jeanne/Luvia: "...The...What?"
Azura: "I was wondering where you were..."
Palu: "You have nothing to worry about." :p
Shez: "Damn, you eat fast, girl." :p
Tiki: "I was back in my world, actually
Morrigan: "Are those Beast III?"
Kiara/Kama: "Oooh?"
Draco: "Hmph!"
Arcueid: "She doesn't wanan admit she loved it" :p
-And along with that, it likely brings back some more positive memories as a result-

Linebeck: "Ah, right, you have advanced pictographs here."

-Before all three take a sip of their respective drinks-

-Mash wondering what or do they unveil they dress they custom made for her?-

-They must have been among the creatures that were rescued from Phaaze...-
-Yeah, pretty good old times....-
Cú: "They're called pictures" :p
-Gulping it down in one goooooo-
-They unveil it!-
Monika/Sayori: "Ta-dah~!"
Mash: "I.... I don't know what to say!"
Monika: "Good luck out there, dear" :)
Mash: "Thanks" :)
And now I will cut down this segment which I've been meaning to do so for a while in full honesty
Fate: "So... These were the rescued ones from that planet?"
Atalanta: "Evidently"
(Come to think of it, has Cu found out these two formed a contract yet? ...I should probably tell him.) :p

We can keep quiet if need be.

-Missing hte point, and starts whispering-


Marco: "Are your spirits just kinda dormant until you get summoned to help?"

Not before we bring you to justice!

-Switches out her current melee weapons for a flamethrower and ice beam cannon-

-How can Ingrid bypass them...?-

-All four Pokemon who are present stand their ground, and launch ranged attacks of Water-type and Fire-types-

-So the majority still work to deliver Christmas presents to the children and food to all those in need...But Natsuki is still dumbfounded by the fact that Monika s saved her life? Putting her own life at risk in the process?-

-Are Martha and Kamui as close, though?-

Moon: "I also tend to bake apple pies often, myself." :p

Tetra: "I still think Twilight and Yor are gonna fall for each other anyhow, but that might not make much of a difference when they find out that one's a high-ranking spy and the other's a deadly assassin..."

-Weiss and the rest of the group would mostly see several creates of varying sizes, but none taller than any of them. They didn't see much else until they rounded a turn at the end of the room, leading to a small hallway that goes to a short left path with a dead end-

-At said dead end, they find a small key reflecting light on the ground, along with a particularly badly damaged and seemingly lifeless Doll slumped in the corner. It has the head of a typical baby doll that's fully intact, but with black eyes, and it's body is completely charred black, while it's limbs have melted into some kind of orange mush-

But it doesn't seem like there are any Specimens here. What does a clown have to do with dolls?

-The Servants' group enters a hallway, where they run into some Husks, the same deformed, hostile doll-like creatures that RWBY's group encountered in the North Hall-
-Undyne totally would lmao-
Harley: -with Kiara because fellow therapist, internally facepalms at Papyrus's reply-
Emblem Chrom: "Not as cramped as you'd think. Being spirits means we don't really need space all that much."

Emblem Robin: "And yes, we are mostly dormant, but we still get awareness of our surroundings."

-no, the skill refill the Engage meter when eating leftovers 🤓 -

Emblem Celica: "I still wouldn't be able to taste it..."
Max Brass: "Yeah! We'll stop you!" -HAMMER ARMS-

Ingrid: "These are actually very easy firewalls... the problem is there are so many of them. Not a bad idea, actually."
-she absolutely must be-
-they're good friends, but not actual bestie status like with Jeanne-

Blake: "That sounds nice." :)
Kanna: "Maybe they would even work together?"
Weiss: "...Let's get that key and leave."
-Yeah, pretty much, and now I can't think of what else to add here-
Kiara: "...A little bit more, please"
Lily: "Do you not have bedrooms of your own then?"

-I forgor-
Jeanne: "Oh, a shame, frankly. I was hoping it would work"
-Even as she walks down along the rest, Natsuki really is-
Sitonai: "So it must be lagging a lot!" -blocked with her sword-
-Still really close tho, so I don't see why not-
Atalanta: "......I want to see"
Nanoha: "They are from opposing governments..."
-The rest in the team with RWBY would fully agree-

Rin: "EEP!" -shot an arrow at one in reflex!-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Yeah, pretty good old times....-
Cú: "They're called pictures" :p
-Gulping it down in one goooooo-
-They unveil it!-
Monika/Sayori: "Ta-dah~!"
Mash: "I.... I don't know what to say!"
Monika: "Good luck out there, dear" :)
Mash: "Thanks" :)
And now I will cut down this segment which I've been meaning to do so for a while in full honesty
Fate: "So... These were the rescued ones from that planet?"
Atalanta: "Evidently"
-Thoughts of the two Medeas?-

Linebeck: "Right, pictures..."

Ahhhhh, refreshing!

Tbh I was running out of ideas for it myself

Pichu: "(Yeah, the scary monster planet...)"

-Undyne totally would lmao-
Harley: -with Kiara because fellow therapist, internally facepalms at Papyrus's reply-
Emblem Chrom: "Not as cramped as you'd think. Being spirits means we don't really need space all that much."

Emblem Robin: "And yes, we are mostly dormant, but we still get awareness of our surroundings."

-no, the skill refill the Engage meter when eating leftovers 🤓 -

Emblem Celica: "I still wouldn't be able to taste it..."
Max Brass: "Yeah! We'll stop you!" -HAMMER ARMS-

Ingrid: "These are actually very easy firewalls... the problem is there are so many of them. Not a bad idea, actually."
-she absolutely must be-
-they're good friends, but not actual bestie status like with Jeanne-

Blake: "That sounds nice." :)
Kanna: "Maybe they would even work together?"
Weiss: "...Let's get that key and leave."
-Yeah, pretty much, and now I can't think of what else to add here-
Kiara: "...A little bit more, please"
Lily: "Do you not have bedrooms of your own then?"

-I forgor-
Jeanne: "Oh, a shame, frankly. I was hoping it would work"
-Even as she walks down along the rest, Natsuki really is-
Sitonai: "So it must be lagging a lot!" -blocked with her sword-
-Still really close tho, so I don't see why not-
Atalanta: "......I want to see"
Nanoha: "They are from opposing governments..."
-The rest in the team with RWBY would fully agree-

Rin: "EEP!" -shot an arrow at one in reflex!-
-Neither can I- :p

-Even quieter- GOT IT!

Star: "I guess certain types of spirits don't need them...?"

-Jenny tries to freeze Coyle or the barrier!-

So how do you destroy them? Computer fire walls can't be extinguished wiht water, right?

-Would anyone be able to tell that something's still bugging her?-

-Both are fair points, plus Kamui and Martha are both among the Rulers as well-

Moon: "Manifred, you heard them. Please tell the staff to serve up some of the apple pies next." :p

Manifred: "Of course, your highness." -Bows before heading to the kitchen-

TLink: "It makes me wonder if something could make them unite..."

Amethyst: "I second that." -Uses her shapeshifting powers to stretch her arm out and retrieve the key from a safe distance-

-Even that, however, wakes up the evidently not lifeless charred Doll, which not only gets up, but also stretches out it's limbs, neck and torse, turning a monster taller than anyone else here:

-And despite being tall and lumber, the mutant Doll sprints fast, and it's presence is accompanied by everyone seeing a faint TV static distortion, though thankfully not nearly enough to obscure their vision-

-The Husk is instantly killed, and while Atalanta might be horrified at first, even she would notice that the Husks attacked them unprovoked first-
Last edited:


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
-Eeyup, he evolved in a recent arc-

-Krabs will never catch him when they shift into maximum overflex- :V
-ah, neat-

-they should have gotten the turbo-

Shirou: "Phew, so thankfully they will last"


-The bat Pokémon was flapping his wings around, when suddenly it looked at the new arrival in confusion-

Scáthach/Martha/Jeanne/Luvia: "...The...What?"
-so anyways....what now?-

-the not-Kaiba Corp tower is knocked over!-

[Woah....a Crobat....]

-in all the misadventures Chaldea has had....somehow this is one of the oddest things they've heard of-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-ah, neat-

-they should have gotten the turbo-
-It'll be explained later, but long story short, he got rescued from a villain who temporarily erased everyone's memories of him-

-But alas, they did not- :V

-The bat Pokémon was flapping his wings around, when suddenly it looked at the new arrival in confusion-

Scáthach/Martha/Jeanne/Luvia: "...The...What?"
[Woah....a Crobat....]

-in all the misadventures Chaldea has had....somehow this is one of the oddest things they've heard of-
Yup, Chaldea's one and only!

-Letting either Mash or Ratbat himself introduce him by name-

We're as confused as you are. Not only do we have no idea what this lifeform is...we also don't have the slightest clue as to how it arrived in this secured dimension.

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-Thoughts of the two Medeas?-

Linebeck: "Right, pictures..."

Ahhhhh, refreshing!

Tbh I was running out of ideas for it myself

Pichu: "(Yeah, the scary monster planet...)"
Medea: "...You'll snap pictures of Moon and Star's reactions, will you?"
Lily: "Ho would I not?"
-Cú thus gives him pictures of Juri, Moriarty, Neo and Shuten-
Rin: "That gives a good spike~"
Fate: "Which means they've been recovering well"
Atalanta: "Correct!"
-so anyways....what now?-

-the not-Kaiba Corp tower is knocked over!-

[Woah....a Crobat....]

-in all the misadventures Chaldea has had....somehow this is one of the oddest things they've heard of-
Yup, Chaldea's one and only!

-Letting either Mash or Ratbat himself introduce him by name-

We're as confused as you are. Not only do we have no idea what this lifeform is...we also don't have the slightest clue as to how it arrived in this secured dimension.
-Firebrand having a bit of a better mood?-

-Taiga and Lily yell "Nooooooooo!" in slow motion as they get to try to stop the fall-

Ratbat: "(You're a... Bidoof, right?)"

Luvia: "And you say it resembles... A platypus?"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-nom nom-
Shirou: "Phew, so thankfully they will last"
-will they? :V-

-Does the creature understand Lilith, at least?-
-strikes a pose which she somehow translates as "Ultra Fishbunjin 3000"-

-yes; understands her quite clearly in fact, even if its responses don't come off as if it does-
Lilith: "...Can I call you Fishbun?"

Meta Knight: "Not yet..." -Get back up and made a few horizontal slashes-

...I can't imagine that would be easy, no...

(I'm glad to hear it.) :)
-Byleth attempted to dodge a few of them-
Eirika: "I've seen a lot of people struggling, others who mustered the courage for it and then felt broken afterwards..."
Weiss: -pats her a lot-

Tiki: "I was back in my world, actually
Morrigan: "Are those Beast III?"
Kiara/Kama: "Oooh?"
Draco: "Hmph!"
Arcueid: "She doesn't wanan admit she loved it" :p
Azura: "Oh, you were?"
Palu: "You heard of them?"
Shez: "My thoughts exactly." :p

-Yeah, pretty much, and now I can't think of what else to add here-
Kiara: "...A little bit more, please"
Lily: "Do you not have bedrooms of your own then?"

-I forgor-
Jeanne: "Oh, a shame, frankly. I was hoping it would work"
-Even as she walks down along the rest, Natsuki really is-
Sitonai: "So it must be lagging a lot!" -blocked with her sword-
-Still really close tho, so I don't see why not-
Atalanta: "......I want to see"
Nanoha: "They are from opposing governments..."
-The rest in the team with RWBY would fully agree-

Rin: "EEP!" -shot an arrow at one in reflex!-
-Neither can I- :p

-Even quieter- GOT IT!

Star: "I guess certain types of spirits don't need them...?"

-Jenny tries to freeze Coyle or the barrier!-

So how do you destroy them? Computer fire walls can't be extinguished wiht water, right?

-Would anyone be able to tell that something's still bugging her?-

-Both are fair points, plus Kamui and Martha are both among the Rulers as well-

Moon: "Manifred, you heard them. Please tell the staff to serve up some of the apple pies next." :p

Manifred: "Of course, your highness." -Bows before heading to the kitchen-

TLink: "It makes me wonder if something could make them unite..."

Amethyst: "I second that." -Uses her shapeshifting powers to stretch her arm out and retrieve the key from a safe distance-

-Even that, however, wakes up the evidently not lifeless charred Doll, which not only gets up, but also stretches out it's limbs, neck and torse, turning a monster taller than anyone else here:

-And despite being tall and lumber, the mutant Doll sprints fast, and it's presence is accompanied by everyone seeing a faint TV static distortion, though thankfully not nearly enough to obscure their vision-

-The Husk is instantly killed, and while Atalanta might be horrified at first, even she would notice that the Husks attacked them unprovoked first-
Kamui: Okay, that was funny...
Emblem Robin: "Not really, no..."

Emblem Celica: "I'm sorry... Perhaps you'll have to enjoy more to make up for it." :p
-it works on the barrier... but it's still a barrier so Coyle is still protected...-

Ingrid: "It's just a matter of trying to break through them with powerful viruses... but it's so deeply connected to the Grid that this has a risk of its own... Perhaps I could ask Yukari?"

Alear: -taking down some mooks with her bare fists-
Byleth: "Natsuki?"

Blake: "It seems tasty..."
Azura: "It's... not impossible." -thinking of her bonds with Kamui-
Ruby: "Who wants to get in the Ruby Express again?"


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
-It'll be explained later, but long story short, he got rescued from a villain who temporarily erased everyone's memories of him-

-But alas, they did not- :V

Yup, Chaldea's one and only!

-Letting either Mash or Ratbat himself introduce him by name-

We're as confused as you are. Not only do we have no idea what this lifeform is...we also don't have the slightest clue as to how it arrived in this secured dimension.
-Firebrand having a bit of a better mood?-

-Taiga and Lily yell "Nooooooooo!" in slow motion as they get to try to stop the fall-

Ratbat: "(You're a... Bidoof, right?)"

Luvia: "And you say it resembles... A platypus?"
-will they? :V-

Lilith: "...Can I call you Fishbun?"
-ah, neat-

[Yes, that's me...just a little Bidoof.]

-Firebrand is indeed in a better mood due to cookies-

-do they succeed in saving the console?-

-brings hand down toward the ground as if emphasizing something small-
-then brings hands to up at its chest to emphasize itself-

Translation: "Fishbun are what the small ones are called. I am Fishbunjin."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Medea: "...You'll snap pictures of Moon and Star's reactions, will you?"
Lily: "Ho would I not?"
-Cú thus gives him pictures of Juri, Moriarty, Neo and Shuten-
Rin: "That gives a good spike~"
Fate: "Which means they've been recovering well"
Atalanta: "Correct!"
-That'll be glorious- :laugh:

Linebeck:: "...Hold on, I think he's mentioned these people before."

That much I wouldn't know, either. This engine oil's top of the line, though! :b:

Pichu: "(Yep, we're all healed up!)"

Pikachu: "(Thanks to all the doctors and nurses here!)"

-Byleth attempted to dodge a few of them-
Eirika: "I've seen a lot of people struggling, others who mustered the courage for it and then felt broken afterwards..."
Weiss: -pats her a lot-
-Even if they miss, Meta Knight still backs up, keeping his distance for now-

Like putting down a zombie...

-Who continues to relax in the spring-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Firebrand having a bit of a better mood?-

-Taiga and Lily yell "Nooooooooo!" in slow motion as they get to try to stop the fall-

Ratbat: "(You're a... Bidoof, right?)"

Luvia: "And you say it resembles... A platypus?"
Lilith: "...Can I call you Fishbun?"
[Yes, that's me...just a little Bidoof.]

-brings hand down toward the ground as if emphasizing something small-
-then brings hands to up at its chest to emphasize itself-

Translation: "Fishbun are what the small ones are called. I am Fishbunjin."
She's one of the Pokemon who were rescued from Phaaze.

And a blue-furred muscular one with a bipedal body, at that.


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
She's one of the Pokemon who were rescued from Phaaze.

And a blue-furred muscular one with a bipedal body, at that.
[Nice to meet you....]

-actually, I don't think it has fur; I think it's just smooth skin based on how the wiki describes Fishbuns-
-judging by how shiny their bodies seem to be, maybe there's a slime coat like on all types of fish-
-I dunno, closest creature I think would make sense in this context is something like Mudkip-
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Even if they miss, Meta Knight still backs up, keeping his distance for now-

Like putting down a zombie...

-Who continues to relax in the spring-
Byleth: This is getting annoying. He's lasted for quite a while with evasion alone.
Emblem Eirika: "Exactly like that!"
-how niiiiice-

-brings hand down toward the ground as if emphasizing something small-
-then brings hands to up at its chest to emphasize itself-

Translation: "Fishbun are what the small ones are called. I am Fishbunjin."
And a blue-furred muscular one with a bipedal body, at that.
Lilith: "Oh, I think I understood that! You communicate through body movement rather than any spoken tongue. What an incredible dialect, Fishbunjin!

My name is Lilith, and while my outfit isn't exactly giving it away, I am the owner of this castle you landed on."
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: This is getting annoying. He's lasted for quite a while with evasion alone.
Emblem Eirika: "Exactly like that!"
-how niiiiice-
-He was the champion of the Smash tournaments for at least one era for a reason...-


I'm curious, but I gather that bringing up these "Corrupted" is probably bringing back bad memories as well...

-Papyrus is too far away to overhear the conversation and is still battling Ephraim, still standing his ground-

-And how Weiss?-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-will they? :V-
-ah, neat-

[Yes, that's me...just a little Bidoof.]

-Firebrand is indeed in a better mood due to cookies-

-do they succeed in saving the console?-

-brings hand down toward the ground as if emphasizing something small-
-then brings hands to up at its chest to emphasize itself-

Translation: "Fishbun are what the small ones are called. I am Fishbunjin."
She's one of the Pokemon who were rescued from Phaaze.

And a blue-furred muscular one with a bipedal body, at that.
Ratbat: "(Are you lost?)" -then Alphys- "(Ah, so one of those that parasite kidnapped...)"

Shirou: "There we go, a little smile" :)

-Nope, they don't- :V

Luvia: "...Now we've heard of everything"
Martha: "Are you certain of this description?"

-Neither can I- :p

-Even quieter- GOT IT!

Star: "I guess certain types of spirits don't need them...?"

-Jenny tries to freeze Coyle or the barrier!-

So how do you destroy them? Computer fire walls can't be extinguished wiht water, right?

-Would anyone be able to tell that something's still bugging her?-

-Both are fair points, plus Kamui and Martha are both among the Rulers as well-

Moon: "Manifred, you heard them. Please tell the staff to serve up some of the apple pies next." :p

Manifred: "Of course, your highness." -Bows before heading to the kitchen-

TLink: "It makes me wonder if something could make them unite..."

Amethyst: "I second that." -Uses her shapeshifting powers to stretch her arm out and retrieve the key from a safe distance-

-Even that, however, wakes up the evidently not lifeless charred Doll, which not only gets up, but also stretches out it's limbs, neck and torse, turning a monster taller than anyone else here:

-And despite being tall and lumber, the mutant Doll sprints fast, and it's presence is accompanied by everyone seeing a faint TV static distortion, though thankfully not nearly enough to obscure their vision-

-The Husk is instantly killed, and while Atalanta might be horrified at first, even she would notice that the Husks attacked them unprovoked first-
Kamui: Okay, that was funny...
Emblem Robin: "Not really, no..."

Emblem Celica: "I'm sorry... Perhaps you'll have to enjoy more to make up for it." :p
-it works on the barrier... but it's still a barrier so Coyle is still protected...-

Ingrid: "It's just a matter of trying to break through them with powerful viruses... but it's so deeply connected to the Grid that this has a risk of its own... Perhaps I could ask Yukari?"

Alear: -taking down some mooks with her bare fists-
Byleth: "Natsuki?"

Blake: "It seems tasty..."
Azura: "It's... not impossible." -thinking of her bonds with Kamui-
Ruby: "Who wants to get in the Ruby Express again?"
Kiara: "Well, it's appreciated" :)
Lily: "Awwwww, you sound like you'd deserve some...."

Jeanne: -Chuckles- "I can tell we'll become the best of friends" :)
Sitonai: "I don't know who, but if she can do anything, that'd be helpful!"
Shiki: "The yokai is annoying, but powerful" -cuts one-
Natsuki: "Uh... What?"
-Atalanta a little impatient-
Tiki: "Maybe for little Anya's sake"
Takeru: "...I second that!"

Atalanta: "...W-Wha-?"
Rin: "No time to think!"
Azura: "Oh, you were?"
Palu: "You heard of them?"
Shez: "My thoughts exactly." :p
Tiki: "Yes, more specifically I somewhere in in Ferox territory"
Morrigan: "We're succubi, it'd be natural we'd hear of the Beast of Desire"
Lilith: "And woah, there's two of them!"
Kiara: "Oh my..."
Kama: "Hmph!"
-Eventually finishing them-
-That'll be glorious- :laugh:

Linebeck:: "...Hold on, I think he's mentioned these people before."

That much I wouldn't know, either. This engine oil's top of the line, though! :b:

Pichu: "(Yep, we're all healed up!)"

Pikachu: "(Thanks to all the doctors and nurses here!)"
-You bet, both giggling at the idea-
Cú: "Then I'm reinforcing it" :p
Sakura: "You're enjoying it your way, that's what matters~"
Fate: "................"
Atalanta: "They say they're better now thanks to the medics"
Fate: "Ah, splendid!"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-You bet, both giggling at the idea-
Cú: "Then I'm reinforcing it" :p
Sakura: "You're enjoying it your way, that's what matters~"
Fate: "................"
Atalanta: "They say they're better now thanks to the medics"
Fate: "Ah, splendid!"
-Yeah, they'll be shocked-

-Especially Star- :p

Linebeck: "So let me guess, this one's the so-called master thief and crime lord, and this one is his assassin bodyguard and apprentice?" -Pointing at the pictures of Moriarty and Neo, respectively-

And that's good enough for me! :p -Proudly sipping some engine oil-

-Atalanta would then tell her that they wanted to meet some of the other members around the ship?-

Lilith: "Oh, I think I understood that! You communicate through body movement rather than any spoken tongue. What an incredible dialect, Fishbunjin!

My name is Lilith, and while my outfit isn't exactly giving it away, I am the owner of this castle you landed on."
Ratbat: "(Are you lost?)" -then Alphys- "(Ah, so one of those that parasite kidnapped...)"

Luvia: "...Now we've heard of everything"
Martha: "Are you certain of this description?"
[Nice to meet you....]

-actually, I don't think it has fur; I think it's just smooth skin based on how the wiki describes Fishbuns-
-judging by how shiny their bodies seem to be, maybe there's a slime coat like on all types of fish-
-I dunno, closest creature I think would make sense in this context is something like Mudkip-
... -Solemnly nods at Ratbat's question-

If you have time, you should see for yourselves. I had trouble believing my own eyes at first as well...

Kamui: Okay, that was funny...
Emblem Robin: "Not really, no..."

Emblem Celica: "I'm sorry... Perhaps you'll have to enjoy more to make up for it." :p
-it works on the barrier... but it's still a barrier so Coyle is still protected...-

Ingrid: "It's just a matter of trying to break through them with powerful viruses... but it's so deeply connected to the Grid that this has a risk of its own... Perhaps I could ask Yukari?"

Alear: -taking down some mooks with her bare fists-
Byleth: "Natsuki?"

Blake: "It seems tasty..."
Azura: "It's... not impossible." -thinking of her bonds with Kamui-
Ruby: "Who wants to get in the Ruby Express again?"
Kiara: "Well, it's appreciated" :)
Lily: "Awwwww, you sound like you'd deserve some...."

Jeanne: -Chuckles- "I can tell we'll become the best of friends" :)
Sitonai: "I don't know who, but if she can do anything, that'd be helpful!"
Shiki: "The yokai is annoying, but powerful" -cuts one-
Natsuki: "Uh... What?"
-Atalanta a little impatient-
Tiki: "Maybe for little Anya's sake"
Takeru: "...I second that!"

Atalanta: "...W-Wha-?"
Rin: "No time to think!"

-Same old goofy, but ultimately friendly Papyrus- :p


Star: "Yeah, everyone deserves a proper room!" :urg:

That should buy everyone some time, at least...

Ooh, the mysterious super powerful Yokai lady mentioned in the Chaldeadex? Brilliant idea! -Sending magic spade projectiles at some of the copies-

Nothing bad, it's just that for the past half hour, you've seemed a little...on edge?

-The apple pie is served less than a minute later, and sure enough, the it turns out to be amazing!-

Medli: "If anyone can unite them, it's Anya."

Steven: "Count me in!" :crazy:

(I think count all of us in!) -Although she does at least try to freeze the tall doll before Ruby uses her Semblance, hoping to buy them more time to escape-

-Guarding stance- (Either the spirits trapped inside these dolls have been corrupted...or they aren't spirits of children at all.)

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Firebrand is indeed in a better mood due to cookies-
Shirou: "There we go, a little smile" :)
Kamui: "Are you talking about me or Firebrand?" :)

-He was the champion of the Smash tournaments for at least one era for a reason...-


I'm curious, but I gather that bringing up these "Corrupted" is probably bringing back bad memories as well...

-Papyrus is too far away to overhear the conversation and is still battling Ephraim, still standing his ground-

-And how Weiss?-
-Byleth has rarely struggled this much on a 1v1...-
Emblem Eirika: "Not for me... but there are people that were left traumatized by them... It's a terrible thing that hopefully, we've managed to get rid of."

-while Ephraim keeps up the pressure-
-relaxing in the warm waters-

Tiki: "Yes, more specifically I somewhere in in Ferox territory"
Morrigan: "We're succubi, it'd be natural we'd hear of the Beast of Desire"
Lilith: "And woah, there's two of them!"
Kiara: "Oh my..."
Kama: "Hmph!"
-Eventually finishing them-
Azura: "Taking a nap?" :p
Palu: "You knew of Beast III but not that there were two of them?"
-Draco had trouble hiding her smile from enjoying them?-

-actually, I don't think it has fur; I think it's just smooth skin based on how the wiki describes Fishbuns-
-judging by how shiny their bodies seem to be, maybe there's a slime coat like on all types of fish-
-I dunno, closest creature I think would make sense in this context is something like Mudkip-
If you have time, you should see for yourselves. I had trouble believing my own eyes at first as well...
-they would see the creature getting along with Lilith?-

Kiara: "Well, it's appreciated" :)
Lily: "Awwwww, you sound like you'd deserve some...."

Jeanne: -Chuckles- "I can tell we'll become the best of friends" :)
Sitonai: "I don't know who, but if she can do anything, that'd be helpful!"
Shiki: "The yokai is annoying, but powerful" -cuts one-
Natsuki: "Uh... What?"
-Atalanta a little impatient-
Tiki: "Maybe for little Anya's sake"
Takeru: "...I second that!"

Atalanta: "...W-Wha-?"
Rin: "No time to think!"

-Same old goofy, but ultimately friendly Papyrus- :p


Star: "Yeah, everyone deserves a proper room!" :urg:

That should buy everyone some time, at least...

Ooh, the mysterious super powerful Yokai lady mentioned in the Chaldeadex? Brilliant idea! -Sending magic spade projectiles at some of the copies-

Nothing bad, it's just that for the past half hour, you've seemed a little...on edge?

-The apple pie is served less than a minute later, and sure enough, the it turns out to be amazing!-

Medli: "If anyone can unite them, it's Anya."

Steven: "Count me in!" :crazy:

(I think count all of us in!) -Although she does at least try to freeze the tall doll before Ruby uses her Semblance, hoping to buy them more time to escape-

-Guarding stance- (Either the spirits trapped inside these dolls have been corrupted...or they aren't spirits of children at all.)
Kamui: "Though I could certainly use some more... one-on-one sessions in the future... Having so much support is nice right now but this is my fight against my blood, so it makes sense that I should gather the strength I need on my own... right?"
Emblem Chrom: "The rings and bracelets can act as our rooms. It's totally fine."

Emblem Celica: "I have the same feeling." :)
Ingrid: "Agreed." -about to give her a call-

Sothis: -got a few of them down with a simple magic blast- "Is that truly all you can do? I am hardly breaking a sweat right now!"
Byleth: "More like lost in her thoughts... What's on your mind?"
Blake: "That was so quick..." -impressed-
Kanna: "Maybe..."
-Weiss also tried to make an ice wall before the Ruby Express started again-

Blake: I still hate how it feels but it's either that or getting killed...


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Byleth has rarely struggled this much on a 1v1...-
Emblem Eirika: "Not for me... but there are people that were left traumatized by them... It's a terrible thing that hopefully, we've managed to get rid of."

-while Ephraim keeps up the pressure-
-relaxing in the warm waters-
-The fact that Meta Knight is still standing and putting up a tough a fight with more limited powers than her speaks a lot of his skill and resolve as a warrior...-

Can't yet be sure that you totally have?

-Yet Papyrus is able to block each of his attacks-

(This spring might be even nicer than the ones on Mewni!)


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
Lilith: "Oh, I think I understood that! You communicate through body movement rather than any spoken tongue. What an incredible dialect, Fishbunjin!

My name is Lilith, and while my outfit isn't exactly giving it away, I am the owner of this castle you landed on."
Ratbat: "(Are you lost?)" -then Alphys- "(Ah, so one of those that parasite kidnapped...)"

Shirou: "There we go, a little smile" :)

-Nope, they don't- :V

Luvia: "...Now we've heard of everything"
Martha: "Are you certain of this description?"
... -Solemnly nods at Ratbat's question-

If you have time, you should see for yourselves. I had trouble believing my own eyes at first as well...
Kamui: "Are you talking about me or Firebrand?" :)

-they would see the creature getting along with Lilith?-
-he looks up at the sky for a bit-

Translation: "I was traveling through space and ended up in this dimension."

[Yeah....though I don't really remember any of it....]

-Miyu always puts love in her baking-
-.....though occasionally she remembers Black and the wish she made....thinking of how it is broken now that he's gone again-
-or so she assumes-
-Occasionally Jalter gets these glitched visuals of him like he's calling out to her for help, but she doesn't know what they mean-

[Tell her I said thank you, Shirou.]


Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Kamui: "Are you talking about me or Firebrand?" :)
... -Solemnly nods at Ratbat's question-

If you have time, you should see for yourselves. I had trouble believing my own eyes at first as well...
-he looks up at the sky for a bit-

Translation: "I was traveling through space and ended up in this dimension."

[Yeah....though I don't really remember any of it....]

-Miyu always puts love in her baking-
-.....though occasionally she remembers Black and the wish she made....thinking of how it is broken now that he's gone again-
-or so she assumes-
-Occasionally Jalter gets these glitched visuals of him like he's calling out to her for help, but she doesn't know what they mean-

[Tell her I said thank you, Shirou.]

-The Rulers would see Fishbunjin, perplexing all the women by his appearance-
Luvia: "...Our eyes aren't being deceived"
Martha: "Yes, I noticed"

Ratbat: "(I see, from what I've heard, it would be for the best...)"

Shirou: "How about both?" :p -then to Firebrand- "I will, she's been very worried about you too"

Lily: "...That costed so much money..."
-Yeah, they'll be shocked-

-Especially Star- :p

Linebeck: "So let me guess, this one's the so-called master thief and crime lord, and this one is his assassin bodyguard and apprentice?" -Pointing at the pictures of Moriarty and Neo, respectively-

And that's good enough for me! :p -Proudly sipping some engine oil-

-Atalanta would then tell her that they wanted to meet some of the other members around the ship?-
Medea: "We'll do it tomorrow?"
Lily: "Tomorrow!"
Cú: "You got them well, they're under almost constant surveillance"
-Thus it's time for them to enjoy their time~!-
Atalanta: "They wanted to meet people around"
Fate: "I see..."
Azura: "Taking a nap?" :p
Palu: "You knew of Beast III but not that there were two of them?"
-Draco had trouble hiding her smile from enjoying them?-
Tiki: "I know of some comfy caves to sleep within" :p "But I went to speak to someone too"
Morrigan: "Only heard rumours that she had split, but now we see it's real..."
Kiara: "...Your voice and mine are, ummm..."
Morrigan: "I noticed, what an honor" :p
-To a very small degree- :V

-Same old goofy, but ultimately friendly Papyrus- :p


Star: "Yeah, everyone deserves a proper room!" :urg:

That should buy everyone some time, at least...

Ooh, the mysterious super powerful Yokai lady mentioned in the Chaldeadex? Brilliant idea! -Sending magic spade projectiles at some of the copies-

Nothing bad, it's just that for the past half hour, you've seemed a little...on edge?

-The apple pie is served less than a minute later, and sure enough, the it turns out to be amazing!-

Medli: "If anyone can unite them, it's Anya."

Steven: "Count me in!" :crazy:

(I think count all of us in!) -Although she does at least try to freeze the tall doll before Ruby uses her Semblance, hoping to buy them more time to escape-

-Guarding stance- (Either the spirits trapped inside these dolls have been corrupted...or they aren't spirits of children at all.)
Kamui: "Though I could certainly use some more... one-on-one sessions in the future... Having so much support is nice right now but this is my fight against my blood, so it makes sense that I should gather the strength I need on my own... right?"
Emblem Chrom: "The rings and bracelets can act as our rooms. It's totally fine."

Emblem Celica: "I have the same feeling." :)
Ingrid: "Agreed." -about to give her a call-

Sothis: -got a few of them down with a simple magic blast- "Is that truly all you can do? I am hardly breaking a sweat right now!"
Byleth: "More like lost in her thoughts... What's on your mind?"
Blake: "That was so quick..." -impressed-
Kanna: "Maybe..."
-Weiss also tried to make an ice wall before the Ruby Express started again-

Blake: I still hate how it feels but it's either that or getting killed...
Kiara: "It does, you've made a big advance by recognising that this is something that you must control on your own, even if some assistance to get there is necessary"
Lily: "Do you have like, very big spaces inside or something?"

-The two smiled warmly as it feels like they've bonded at least to an extent-
Yukari: -Received call- "My, you want my help right now?"
Natsuki: "...N-Nothing, just...Something small"
-Atalanta tasted it... And her jaw dropped-
Tiki: "She's cute, so no doubt she will" :p
-And Takeru shot at some, also hoping their spirits pass on, before Ruby also gets him out-

Atalanta: "...They aren't?"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Medea: "We'll do it tomorrow?"
Lily: "Tomorrow!"
Cú: "You got them well, they're under almost constant surveillance"
-Thus it's time for them to enjoy their time~!-
Atalanta: "They wanted to meet people around"
Fate: "I see..."
-What time in Mewni did they finish moving into the new house?-

Linebeck: "S"o my treasure hoard is safe? That's all I needed to hear."

-While the Crust Cousins swear their revenge while being bailed out by their respective parents...-

-...Their future pranks and schemes will fail, more so if Sakura and Rin are around- :V

Pichu: "(Your name is Fate, right?)"

-they would see the creature getting along with Lilith?-
-he looks up at the sky for a bit-

Translation: "I was traveling through space and ended up in this dimension."

[Yeah....though I don't really remember any of it....]

-Miyu always puts love in her baking-
-.....though occasionally she remembers Black and the wish she made....thinking of how it is broken now that he's gone again-
-or so she assumes-
-Occasionally Jalter gets these glitched visuals of him like he's calling out to her for help, but she doesn't know what they mean-

[Tell her I said thank you, Shirou.]

-The Rulers would see Fishbunjin, perplexing all the women by his appearance-
Luvia: "...Our eyes aren't being deceived"
Martha: "Yes, I noticed"

Ratbat: "(I see, from what I've heard, it would be for the best...)"

Shirou: "How about both?" :p -then to Firebrand- "I will, she's been very worried about you too"

Lily: "...That costed so much money..."
She and the majority of the other Pokemon have made a full recovery, but several of them are curious about Chaldea and the Bureau, s-so I've taken it upon myself to give this BIdoof a tour while Atalanta and some of the Riders guide some of the others!

Kamui: "Though I could certainly use some more... one-on-one sessions in the future... Having so much support is nice right now but this is my fight against my blood, so it makes sense that I should gather the strength I need on my own... right?"
Emblem Chrom: "The rings and bracelets can act as our rooms. It's totally fine."

Emblem Celica: "I have the same feeling." :)
Ingrid: "Agreed." -about to give her a call-

Sothis: -got a few of them down with a simple magic blast- "Is that truly all you can do? I am hardly breaking a sweat right now!"
Byleth: "More like lost in her thoughts... What's on your mind?"
Blake: "That was so quick..." -impressed-
Kanna: "Maybe..."
-Weiss also tried to make an ice wall before the Ruby Express started again-

Blake: I still hate how it feels but it's either that or getting killed...

Kiara: "It does, you've made a big advance by recognising that this is something that you must control on your own, even if some assistance to get there is necessary"
Lily: "Do you have like, very big spaces inside or something?"

-The two smiled warmly as it feels like they've bonded at least to an extent-
Yukari: -Received call- "My, you want my help right now?"
Natsuki: "...N-Nothing, just...Something small"
-Atalanta tasted it... And her jaw dropped-
Tiki: "She's cute, so no doubt she will" :p
-And Takeru shot at some, also hoping their spirits pass on, before Ruby also gets him out-

Atalanta: "...They aren't?"
But if anyone can beat a fight like this, Kamui, it's you.

Marco: "Or is it more like a mental space thing?" -Didn't mention Reality Marbles since the Emblems are likely unfamiliar with the temr-

-How long will Coyle's barrier remain frozen?-

-Lancer still trying to help keep the copies at bay with storms of magic spade bullets-

What is it?

Moon: "Well, what do you think?" :p

Tetra: "They've got ways to go, though. They haven't even gotten the kid enrolled in this supposedly high class academy yet."

-The Husks shot by Takeru are instantly destroyed, while the much taller and charred doll, known as Woormy Charles (yes, that's seriously it's name) is frozen solid and blocked by a frozen wall, which combined with Ruby using her Semblance to bring everyone out, means the tall doll monster doesn't even have a chance to catch up with them

-The sentient doll also leaves the pedestal once the group gets out of the storage area, causing the steel door to close back down and effectively trapping Woomry Charles within it-

Amethyst: (Good thing I'm already used to shapeshifting. This is like if I shapeshifted into a bunch of tiny particles, ha!)

(If they are, then something's causing them to attack on sight...And Ren's not here to verify what kind of spirit they are.)

-Some of the Husks try to attack Atalanta, targeting everyone at random and undiscriminatly-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-What time in Mewni did they finish moving into the new house?-

Linebeck: "S"o my treasure hoard is safe? That's all I needed to hear."

-While the Crust Cousins swear their revenge while being bailed out by their respective parents...-

-...Their future pranks and schemes will fail, more so if Sakura and Rin are around- :V

Pichu: "(Your name is Fate, right?)"
-About five hours-
Cú: "Sorta, there's been some thief guy around recently who is also kinda sketchy" -refering to Kaito-
-Mayhaps they will- :V
Fate: "..."
Atalanta: "He asks if your name is Fate"
Fate: "That's my name"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-About five hours-
Cú: "Sorta, there's been some thief guy around recently who is also kinda sketchy" -refering to Kaito-
-Mayhaps they will- :V
Fate: "..."
Atalanta: "He asks if your name is Fate"
Fate: "That's my name"
-I meant whether it was day or night by that point- :p

Linebeck: "Recently? Some new arrival or just a prisoner?"

-Would Rin and Sakura also reflect on how their visit to Jenny's home town has been while having dessert?-

Pichu: "(Is it really true that she has electric powers?)"

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-I meant whether it was day or night by that point- :p

Linebeck: "Recently? Some new arrival or just a prisoner?"

-Would Rin and Sakura also reflect on how their visit to Jenny's home town has been while having dessert?-

Pichu: "(Is it really true that she has electric powers?)"
-It was currently the day-
Cú: "The former, some guy whose goals just align with ours for now"
Rin: Dealing with super villains aside, this visit has been wonderful~!
Atalanta: "Now they wonder if you have electric powers"
Fate: "That's the element of magic I specialize the most in"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-The fact that Meta Knight is still standing and putting up a tough a fight with more limited powers than her speaks a lot of his skill and resolve as a warrior...-

Can't yet be sure that you totally have?

-Yet Papyrus is able to block each of his attacks-

(This spring might be even nicer than the ones on Mewni!)
-and also his experience fighting against people who would very likely be punching around the same weight class as Byleth in terms of abilities-
Emblem Eirika: "We're confident on it... but there's no guarantee they'll never rise again."

-much to his annoyance-
Weiss: "You really think so?"

Tiki: "I know of some comfy caves to sleep within" :p "But I went to speak to someone too"
Morrigan: "Only heard rumours that she had split, but now we see it's real..."
Kiara: "...Your voice and mine are, ummm..."
Morrigan: "I noticed, what an honor" :p
-To a very small degree- :V
Azura: "I'm curious now."
Palutena: "Oh yeah, you do..."
-everyone noticed tho :V-

-and they smirked :V-

-he looks up at the sky for a bit-

Translation: "I was traveling through space and ended up in this dimension."
-The Rulers would see Fishbunjin, perplexing all the women by his appearance-
Luvia: "...Our eyes aren't being deceived"
Martha: "Yes, I noticed"
Lilith: "You can survive up there? Impressive..."

[Tell her I said thank you, Shirou.]
Shirou: "How about both?" :p -then to Firebrand- "I will, she's been very worried about you too"
Kamui: -patting Corrin- "How were the cookies?" :)

Kiara: "It does, you've made a big advance by recognising that this is something that you must control on your own, even if some assistance to get there is necessary"
Lily: "Do you have like, very big spaces inside or something?"

-The two smiled warmly as it feels like they've bonded at least to an extent-
Yukari: -Received call- "My, you want my help right now?"
Natsuki: "...N-Nothing, just...Something small"
-Atalanta tasted it... And her jaw dropped-
Tiki: "She's cute, so no doubt she will" :p
-And Takeru shot at some, also hoping their spirits pass on, before Ruby also gets him out-

Atalanta: "...They aren't?"
But if anyone can beat a fight like this, Kamui, it's you.

Marco: "Or is it more like a mental space thing?" -Didn't mention Reality Marbles since the Emblems are likely unfamiliar with the temr-

-How long will Coyle's barrier remain frozen?-

-Lancer still trying to help keep the copies at bay with storms of magic spade bullets-

What is it?

Moon: "Well, what do you think?" :p

Tetra: "They've got ways to go, though. They haven't even gotten the kid enrolled in this supposedly high class academy yet."

-The Husks shot by Takeru are instantly destroyed, while the much taller and charred doll, known as Woormy Charles (yes, that's seriously it's name) is frozen solid and blocked by a frozen wall, which combined with Ruby using her Semblance to bring everyone out, means the tall doll monster doesn't even have a chance to catch up with them

-The sentient doll also leaves the pedestal once the group gets out of the storage area, causing the steel door to close back down and effectively trapping Woomry Charles within it-

Amethyst: (Good thing I'm already used to shapeshifting. This is like if I shapeshifted into a bunch of tiny particles, ha!)

(If they are, then something's causing them to attack on sight...And Ren's not here to verify what kind of spirit they are.)

-Some of the Husks try to attack Atalanta, targeting everyone at random and undiscriminatly-
Kamui: "Thank you... Both of you."
Emblem Chrom: "It's... hard to explain. It's not exactly big but we never truly feel cramped in there."

-that's adorable, Digi-
-until she literally punches it to break the ice-

Ingrid: "It's about a breach in the Grid. I assume you already know my location?" -expecting Yukari to try and spook her from behind-
Byleth: 🤨
Blake: "It's... a very good pie."
Kanna: "I'm sure they will..."
Ruby: "That was a close one..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-It was currently the day-
Cú: "The former, some guy whose goals just align with ours for now"
Rin: Dealing with super villains aside, this visit has been wonderful~!
Atalanta: "Now they wonder if you have electric powers"
Fate: "That's the element of magic I specialize the most in"
-So that gives them time to either visit the local market or prepare dinner, but yeah, better to surprise Moon and Star with a start to a fresh new day-

Linebeck: (...Maybe I shouldn't mention that's the same as my original reason for agreeing to help Link find the Ghost Ship.) "Great, so even on an advanced space-faring vessel with tons of security, I still have to worry about thieves..."

-Somewhat surprising due to all the advanced technology here?- :V

Pichu: "(Your powers are magic?!)" :b:

Pikachu: "(Most of the people including the doctors and nurses here use magic, sis.)" :p
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-and also his experience fighting against people who would very likely be punching around the same weight class as Byleth in terms of abilities-
Emblem Eirika: "We're confident on it... but there's no guarantee they'll never rise again."

-much to his annoyance-
Weiss: "You really think so?"
-Besides a few other combatants in the Smash tournaments, there's also been the vast number of powerful opponents and villains he and the other Star Warriors have fought to defend Dreamland and sometimes entire galaxies-

How'd they show up or get created in the first place?

-Well, he said he wanted a fight, not an easy win- :V

(I'm not sure which spring has the better temperatures, but this indoor building spring is a bit nicer than just a cave system.) :p


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
-The Rulers would see Fishbunjin, perplexing all the women by his appearance-
Luvia: "...Our eyes aren't being deceived"
Martha: "Yes, I noticed"

Ratbat: "(I see, from what I've heard, it would be for the best...)"

Shirou: "How about both?" :p -then to Firebrand- "I will, she's been very worried about you too"

Lily: "...That costed so much money..."
She and the majority of the other Pokemon have made a full recovery, but several of them are curious about Chaldea and the Bureau, s-so I've taken it upon myself to give this BIdoof a tour while Atalanta and some of the Riders guide some of the others!
Lilith: "You can survive up there? Impressive..."

Kamui: -patting Corrin- "How were the cookies?" :)
-flexes pecs-

Translation: "I have done many a battle with other hunks in space and asserted my dominance."

(Referencing the game he came from, Space Hunks, where he was a secret unlockable hunk and was the most broken of them)

-Ratbat can see immediately what Undyne and Moana had seen and see Alphys as the perfect Trainer for this Bidoof?-

[What's she been up to lately anyway?]

Oh no...
-curls up defensively out of guilt-


The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Besides a few other combatants in the Smash tournaments, there's also been the vast number of powerful opponents and villains he and the other Star Warriors have fought to defend Dreamland and sometimes entire galaxies-

How'd they show up or get created in the first place?

-Well, he said he wanted a fight, not an easy win- :V

(I'm not sure which spring has the better temperatures, but this indoor building spring is a bit nicer than just a cave system.) :p
-and yet Byleth proves to be a tough fight for him?-
Emblem Eirika: "Dark magic."

-he tries to strike again-
Weiss: "It really is... It's also very large. We could have all our friends here at once..."

-flexes pecs-

Translation: "I have done many a battle with other hunks in space and asserted my dominance."

(Referencing the game he came from, Space Hunks, where he was a secret unlockable hunk and was the most broken of them)
Lilith: "Well, you certainly look very strong..." :)


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-and yet Byleth proves to be a tough fight for him?-
Emblem Eirika: "Dark magic."

-he tries to strike again-
Weiss: "It really is... It's also very large. We could have all our friends here at once..."
-One of the toughest since his showdown with Galacta Knight...-

-I can tell right away that they wouldn't trust Eclipsa at first- :p

Sounds like the work of an aspiring conquerer or some twisted cult...

-Only for Papyrus to block it yet again with one dagger while making a jab attack with the other-

(Now that you mention it, I wonder what some of them are up to now that Chaldea's just moved here.)
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-One of the toughest since his showdown with Galacta Knight...-

-I can tell right away that they wouldn't trust Eclipsa at first- :p

Sounds like the work of an aspiring conquerer or some twisted cult...

-Only for Papyrus to block it yet again with one dagger while making a jab attack with the other-

(Now that you mention it, I wonder what some of them are up to now that Chaldea's just moved here.)
-which showdown?-

-yes- :V
-not necessarily, they're very open with Veyle in spite of her magic :V-

Emblem Eirika: "That... wouldn't be wrong."

-Ephraim tries to do a kick-
Weiss: "Probably getting used to the new place."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-which showdown?-

-yes- :V
-not necessarily, they're very open with Veyle in spite of her magic :V-

Emblem Eirika: "That... wouldn't be wrong."

-Ephraim tries to do a kick-
Weiss: "Probably getting used to the new place."
-His fight ever duel with him in Meta Knightmare Ultra-

-I don't care what anyone says, that mode and it's story are canon as far as I'm concerned- :V

-Also, what's the yes in response to?-

-I forgot she was also a dark mage...-

...Which one was it?

-It would make Papyrus stumble back-

(Oh, I wouldn't be surprised, I don't think any of us are totally used to the new base or have seen all the buildings here yet...)

-Only reason they're event at the hot springs now is because they asked Lilith herself if the base had one-
Last edited:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Lilith: "You can survive up there? Impressive..."

Kamui: -patting Corrin- "How were the cookies?" :)
She and the majority of the other Pokemon have made a full recovery, but several of them are curious about Chaldea and the Bureau, s-so I've taken it upon myself to give this BIdoof a tour while Atalanta and some of the Riders guide some of the others!
-flexes pecs-

Translation: "I have done many a battle with other hunks in space and asserted my dominance."

(Referencing the game he came from, Space Hunks, where he was a secret unlockable hunk and was the most broken of them)

-Ratbat can see immediately what Undyne and Moana had seen and see Alphys as the perfect Trainer for this Bidoof?-

[What's she been up to lately anyway?]

Oh no...
-curls up defensively out of guilt-

Jeanne: "...You're saying this...Person, came from space?"

Ratbat: "(I see... She seems to feel secure with you, hmmmm)"

Shirou: "Mostly hanging out with the rest of her friends"

Taiga: "...Weeeeell, everyone commits mistakes!"
Azura: "I'm curious now."
Palutena: "Oh yeah, you do..."
-everyone noticed tho :V-

-and they smirked :V-
Tiki: "Remember what I said before about a certain dancer~?"
Morrigan/Kiara: "What a thing..."
Lilith: "There's two of her now?!"
Draco: "UGH, now what?!"
Arcueid: "Nothing~"
-So that gives them time to either visit the local market or prepare dinner, but yeah, better to surprise Moon and Star with a start to a fresh new day-

Linebeck: (...Maybe I shouldn't mention that's the same as my original reason for agreeing to help Link find the Ghost Ship.) "Great, so even on an advanced space-faring vessel with tons of security, I still have to worry about thieves..."

-Somewhat surprising due to all the advanced technology here?- :V

Pichu: "(Your powers are magic?!)" :b:

Pikachu: "(Most of the people including the doctors and nurses here use magic, sis.)" :p
Medea: "You are well-familiarized with the town now, right?"
Lily: "Of course! I've come here more than once!"
-tbf he's much more amicable than Kaito, that's for sure-
Cú: "Well, have you told many people about it?"
-She's not ruined anything, yay~- :V
Atalanta: "Correct, a lot of people use magic around here!"
Fate: -Nods- "I've been learning since I was created"
But if anyone can beat a fight like this, Kamui, it's you.

Marco: "Or is it more like a mental space thing?" -Didn't mention Reality Marbles since the Emblems are likely unfamiliar with the temr-

-How long will Coyle's barrier remain frozen?-

-Lancer still trying to help keep the copies at bay with storms of magic spade bullets-

What is it?

Moon: "Well, what do you think?" :p

Tetra: "They've got ways to go, though. They haven't even gotten the kid enrolled in this supposedly high class academy yet."

-The Husks shot by Takeru are instantly destroyed, while the much taller and charred doll, known as Woormy Charles (yes, that's seriously it's name) is frozen solid and blocked by a frozen wall, which combined with Ruby using her Semblance to bring everyone out, means the tall doll monster doesn't even have a chance to catch up with them

-The sentient doll also leaves the pedestal once the group gets out of the storage area, causing the steel door to close back down and effectively trapping Woomry Charles within it-

Amethyst: (Good thing I'm already used to shapeshifting. This is like if I shapeshifted into a bunch of tiny particles, ha!)

(If they are, then something's causing them to attack on sight...And Ren's not here to verify what kind of spirit they are.)

-Some of the Husks try to attack Atalanta, targeting everyone at random and undiscriminatly-
Kamui: "Thank you... Both of you."
Emblem Chrom: "It's... hard to explain. It's not exactly big but we never truly feel cramped in there."

-that's adorable, Digi-
-until she literally punches it to break the ice-

Ingrid: "It's about a breach in the Grid. I assume you already know my location?" -expecting Yukari to try and spook her from behind-
Byleth: 🤨
Blake: "It's... a very good pie."
Kanna: "I'm sure they will..."
Ruby: "That was a close one..."
Kiara: "That's right, you're quite the strong-willed person" :)
Lily: "Like... Some sort of living room?"

-Indeed... For now, time Emblem Corrin and Sieg have a talk themselves-
Yukari: "I am busy now watching over something else, but I will send Ran and Chen, they should be enough help"
Natsuki: "Just... Don't worry about it, please..."
Atalanta: "It's magnificent! Never have I tasted such a delicacy not even the Gods have ever relished on!" -her feline ears perked up-
-Speaking of that, it's time they prepare for the interview! 'Loid' served cookies, which Anya says she made, but really she just got covered in flour and ate peanuts afterwards-
Takeru: "Phew.... Sorry for that ruckus..." -to the doll-

Atalanta: -Dodged an attack- "I hope you're right they're children..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Medea: "You are well-familiarized with the town now, right?"
Lily: "Of course! I've come here more than once!"
-tbf he's much more amicable than Kaito, that's for sure-
Cú: "Well, have you told many people about it?"
-She's not ruined anything, yay~- :V
Atalanta: "Correct, a lot of people use magic around here!"
Fate: -Nods- "I've been learning since I was created"
-Being Star's bestie and Servant alike-

Linebeck: "...Actually, outside of the security here, no, I haven't mentioned it's presence much..."

-Sakura relieved?-

Pichu: "(That's amaz-Wait, created?)" :confused:

Kamui: "Thank you... Both of you."
Emblem Chrom: "It's... hard to explain. It's not exactly big but we never truly feel cramped in there."

-that's adorable, Digi-
-until she literally punches it to break the ice-

Ingrid: "It's about a breach in the Grid. I assume you already know my location?" -expecting Yukari to try and spook her from behind-
Byleth: 🤨
Blake: "It's... a very good pie."
Kanna: "I'm sure they will..."
Ruby: "That was a close one..."
Kiara: "That's right, you're quite the strong-willed person" :)
Lily: "Like... Some sort of living room?"

-Indeed... For now, time Emblem Corrin and Sieg have a talk themselves-
Yukari: "I am busy now watching over something else, but I will send Ran and Chen, they should be enough help"
Natsuki: "Just... Don't worry about it, please..."
Atalanta: "It's magnificent! Never have I tasted such a delicacy not even the Gods have ever relished on!" -her feline ears perked up-
-Speaking of that, it's time they prepare for the interview! 'Loid' served cookies, which Anya says she made, but really she just got covered in flour and ate peanuts afterwards-
Takeru: "Phew.... Sorry for that ruckus..." -to the doll-

Atalanta: -Dodged an attack- "I hope you're right they're children..."
And after everything else you've defeated, we know you can beat this, too! -Toothy grin with a thumbs-up-

Star: "Or a magic plain?"

-Jenny immediately tries to overheat Coyle's artificial ARMS with a blast of fire-

XJ-6: "If you say so, I guess..." -Visibly weirded out-

-Moon is visibly proud-

Star: "Gotta admit, mom's pies are the best." :p

Tetra: "Pffffffft-"

-The doll maker clicking sounds in morse code for "No worries"-

-Sakura lighting's lightning slays the Husks and turns them into melted piles of plastic and hlood-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-flexes pecs-

Translation: "I have done many a battle with other hunks in space and asserted my dominance."

(Referencing the game he came from, Space Hunks, where he was a secret unlockable hunk and was the most broken of them)

-Ratbat can see immediately what Undyne and Moana had seen and see Alphys as the perfect Trainer for this Bidoof?-

[What's she been up to lately anyway?]

Oh no...
-curls up defensively out of guilt-

Jeanne: "...You're saying this...Person, came from space?"

Ratbat: "(I see... She seems to feel secure with you, hmmmm)"

Shirou: "Mostly hanging out with the rest of her friends"

Taiga: "...Weeeeell, everyone commits mistakes!"
As far as we're aware thus far, at least, yes...

Y-You really think so?

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-His fight ever duel with him in Meta Knightmare Ultra-

-I don't care what anyone says, that mode and it's story are canon as far as I'm concerned- :V

-Also, what's the yes in response to?-

-I forgot she was also a dark mage...-

...Which one was it?

-It would make Papyrus stumble back-

(Oh, I wouldn't be surprised, I don't think any of us are totally used to the new base or have seen all the buildings here yet...)

-Only reason they're event at the hot springs now is because they asked Lilith herself if the base had one-
-I was trying to make a joke-

-"which showdown? yes :V"-
Emblem Eirika: "A little of both..."

Weiss: "This place could house an army... I wonder if it's enough to handle all of us..."

-blinks as means to acknowledge her compliment-
Jeanne: "...You're saying this...Person, came from space?"
Lilith: "It sounds like this is what it is."

Tiki: "Remember what I said before about a certain dancer~?"
Morrigan/Kiara: "What a thing..."
Lilith: "There's two of her now?!"
Draco: "UGH, now what?!"
Arcueid: "Nothing~"
Azura: "You went to see Olivia?"
Palu: "There are already two of them."
Sothis: "You enjoy this, don't you~?" :p

Shirou: "Mostly hanging out with the rest of her friends"
Kamui: -hugging Corrin- "So cute~!" -then pats Firebrand-

Kiara: "That's right, you're quite the strong-willed person" :)
Lily: "Like... Some sort of living room?"

-Indeed... For now, time Emblem Corrin and Sieg have a talk themselves-
Yukari: "I am busy now watching over something else, but I will send Ran and Chen, they should be enough help"
Natsuki: "Just... Don't worry about it, please..."
Atalanta: "It's magnificent! Never have I tasted such a delicacy not even the Gods have ever relished on!" -her feline ears perked up-
-Speaking of that, it's time they prepare for the interview! 'Loid' served cookies, which Anya says she made, but really she just got covered in flour and ate peanuts afterwards-
Takeru: "Phew.... Sorry for that ruckus..." -to the doll-

Atalanta: -Dodged an attack- "I hope you're right they're children..."
And after everything else you've defeated, we know you can beat this, too! -Toothy grin with a thumbs-up-

Star: "Or a magic plain?"

-Jenny immediately tries to overheat Coyle's artificial ARMS with a blast of fire-

XJ-6: "If you say so, I guess..." -Visibly weirded out-

-Moon is visibly proud-

Star: "Gotta admit, mom's pies are the best." :p

Tetra: "Pffffffft-"

-The doll maker clicking sounds in morse code for "No worries"-

-Sakura lighting's lightning slays the Husks and turns them into melted piles of plastic and hlood-
Kamui: "Thank you..." :)
Emblem Chrom: "Something like that, I suppose."

Emblem Corrin: "So you know the other me?"
-Coyle vanishes before it happens-

Ingrid: "I was hoping for your affinity with boundaries... I suppose they could relay the information to you..."
Byleth: "I'm going to be concerned regardless... You seem so bothered by something..."
Blake: "You've always really liked apples." :p
Kanna: :laugh:
Ruby: "What are these noises?"

Weiss: "Sounds like code..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-I was trying to make a joke-

-"which showdown? yes :V"-
Emblem Eirika: "A little of both..."

Weiss: "This place could house an army... I wonder if it's enough to handle all of us..."
-I actually kinda figured, but wasn't sure lol-

So an evil cult led by an evil overlord. Got it...

-This time he blocks it and tries to counterattack with a slash!-

(Ingrid probably wouldn't have suggested it as a new base if she wasn't confident that it can...Right?)

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-Being Star's bestie and Servant alike-

Linebeck: "...Actually, outside of the security here, no, I haven't mentioned it's presence much..."

-Sakura relieved?-

Pichu: "(That's amaz-Wait, created?)" :confused:
Lily: "This is a new start, don't you think?"
Medea: "Let's make it worth it" :)
Cú: "Then it's likely safe!"
Kaito: -Heard everything-
-Indeed, so for now she just enjoys the foods-
Fate: "...Are they okay?"
Atalanta: "They're confused you used the word 'created'"
Fate: "Ah"
Azura: "You went to see Olivia?"
Palu: "There are already two of them."
Sothis: "You enjoy this, don't you~?" :p
Tiki: "Bingo~! And I told her about you!"
Lilith: "I meant of my sis!"
Morrigan: "You know what you are, right?" :p
Lilith: "You two get what I mean!"
Draco: "It's simply a convenient way to feed on!"
Yang: "Coco does~!"
Draco: "Who are you calling 'Coco'?!"
And after everything else you've defeated, we know you can beat this, too! -Toothy grin with a thumbs-up-

Star: "Or a magic plain?"

-Jenny immediately tries to overheat Coyle's artificial ARMS with a blast of fire-

XJ-6: "If you say so, I guess..." -Visibly weirded out-

-Moon is visibly proud-

Star: "Gotta admit, mom's pies are the best." :p

Tetra: "Pffffffft-"

-The doll maker clicking sounds in morse code for "No worries"-

-Sakura lighting's lightning slays the Husks and turns them into melted piles of plastic and hlood-
Kamui: "Thank you..." :)
Emblem Chrom: "Something like that, I suppose."

Emblem Corrin: "So you know the other me?"
-Coyle vanishes before it happens-

Ingrid: "I was hoping for your affinity with boundaries... I suppose they could relay the information to you..."
Byleth: "I'm going to be concerned regardless... You seem so bothered by something..."
Blake: "You've always really liked apples." :p
Kanna: :laugh:
Ruby: "What are these noises?"

Weiss: "Sounds like code..."
Kiara: "You're letting more people in your life again compared to when we started"
Lily: "Okay, not like we can look inside..."

Sieg: "Well, only a little bit..."
Yukari: "I've been teaching Ran for when a day like this, trust her"
Natsuki: "Well just stop it!"
Atalanta: "It's been really well-earned~!" -noms-
Artemis: -Munched- "Hmmm, pretty good!"
Miyu: "That's not how you do it..."
-Now 'Loid' tells them that Eden Academy values the social upstanding of the traditional family, so they need to make sure they're convincing enough-
Takeru: "I think it's assuring us it's fine..."

Sakura: "They look more like souls in current torture to me..."
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