-Making it so when the person recovers their vision, it catches him!-
???: "Ah-ha! I got you!" -and the newborn Digimon would see this woman!-
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Taiga: "Hey, hey, heeeeey~!"
-I haven't used her in years LOL-
I wonder if I could become famous like this some day too!
-If you wonder, I do have a Super Bunyan thing in mind to do soon actually-
Morrigan: "That sounds fun"

Lilith: "Ahem!"
Morrigan: "Sure, we don't like seeing humans dying either, but that should be obvious"

Lilith: "Oh trust me, we're not"
Tiamat: "If Sothis has any sort of trust in you all, which she does, I'll trust you"
Draco: "I don't trust that goddess, nor you"
Tiamat: "She's rude though, needs a lesson"
Medb: "I just accepted the deal out of convenience"
Scáthach: "I... Kind of offered it that way as well"
Marie: "It was quite the turn out, wasn't it~?"
Lily: "And given how Command Seals work, oftentimes we'd be forced to obey in either way...."
Kiritsugu: "...Stop showing any concern about me"
Huh? What's happening now?
-The more she tries to get, the more overloading it gets!-
Suzuka: "Plus with the way she's dressed, she should stick from the crowd"
Atalanta: "Though the entrance is on-point..."
-Artemis did a peace sign and a wink at that-
-The discussion about getting a couple comes up again, all the clerks are either married or in a relationship, except for Yor who finally realizes that's sus to her country's officials-
-...So one of her co-workers, named Camilla, decides to invite her to a party that she could only go to if she has a boyfriend, just to be mean to her-
Rin: "...I don't know anymore...How can we stop Spooky? And can we kill that... Creature?" -says it out of pity for Specimen 9 as well as for the safety of her loved ones-
-And they get ice cream cones each!-
Lily: "Ah, sugary goodness...~"
Medea: "Not bad, hm~?"
Rin: "Are you okay?"
Sakura: "You didn't rust, right?"
Mash: "Oh, you're right..."
-Helena is giggling to herself, thinking about that-
Jeanne: "There's Boudica here, for example!"
Boudica: -Making sure to take back some of the empty plates-