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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Right now? Maybe a few clothes-
da Vinci: "I'll let you decide that" :p
-I'd say more in the Chaotic Good side of things at least- :p

-Now they're sharing some ice cream cones while speaking with her!-
Mash: "It's not that easy, I think..."
Boudica: "What's important is you learned" :)

Jeanne: "Not all of you belong to the same habitat, after all..."
-Practical traveling clothes or fashionable clothes for formal events?-

Linebeck: "..."

-Their dialogue about worlds "needing" to be destroyed is still worrisome lol-

Brit: "This has to be some sort of charade!"

Tiff: "You don't think they're actually...friends with her?"

Steven: "Uh oh, I didn't practice any dances or study any choreography, either!" :urg:

-The Hitmonchan grumbles in embarrassment before continuing to eat his food at a slower pace-

Girafarig: "(And some of the other Pokemon had families that aren't here...)"

Mudkip: "(What are we gonna do...?)"

-indeed, there was absolutely no going back...-
-And while neither she nor any of the other Pokemon are obligated to stay with Chaldea instead of returning to wild habitats and environments, either, she'll likely want to once she learns more about how the place is all about battling and, more importantly, how many Pokemon have found trainers, here-

-Heck, everyone taking care of the Pokemon here would even feel awful if she were to leave alone if they learn or figure out that she was abandoned and felt unwanted...-

I have decided to make Bidoof's backstory even more tragic :V
Bidoof will have had a Trainer before that used it as an HM Slave and didn't really care for her, not even taking the time to train her to evolve her so she could use more HMs, releasing her when they caught a fully evolved Bibarrel for the role :V
...That's far more tragic than even the comic itself.

Major oof...

-that sounds familiar to Marie?-
Emblem Chrom: "Pretty much."

Emblem Robin: "We're lucky none of us died, to be fair."

Emblem Sigurd: "There is nothing childish about having friends, Kiritsugu."
-it'll take a bit longer to show she was more prepared... but yeah, she'll make the same goof-
Byleth: "That's a good question. Let's find out."
Blake: "It's fine. You really don't need to overthink things with me. I'll always understand you." :)
Kanna: "That would be a good assumption."
Jaune: "...Would've been nice to know that sooner... But at least we know before it's too late..."
Marie: This is where we get to that part...
Lily: "You must have planned and improved amazingly then!" -plus Lucina and other future people being there helped no doubt-

Kiritsugu: "What would that even bring though...?"
Koyanskaya: -Through telepathy- Hey, so how are things going now?
-So far they'd see that... All of those people, Fran included, are abolutely fine-
Atalanta: "Seems we're really some of the most compatible pairs around, then" :)
Hayate: "Yes, and she's absolutely awesome!"
Rin: "Can we distract it somehow?"
W-While conducting my experiments to try and revive or save the dead using DETERMINATION, I wondered what would happen if I injected DETERMINATION into something that was alive, but lacked a SOUL. So I tested it on a Golden Flower, one from the castle throne room.

...To my surprise, the Flower developed a simple face, and became sentient.

...Wh-What I didn't realize at the time is that, without a SOUL, the Flowey lacked almost any capacity for morals or positive emotions...As well as that it's identity was not a new one that my experiments gave birth to...b-but the resurrected mind and being of a deceased monster child...


Star: "You guys must have had an entire army taking on the evil dragon!"

-Good so far from the looks of things?-

...Okay, maybe we've got nothing to worry about with Poppy herself after all...

-They've been friends and contracted for a long time for good reason- :p

Tetra: "Let me guess, she's also got a top secret job or power of her own?"

Specimen 14: "There's no way to distract it that doesn't involve it chasing after someone. All it cares about is taking the dead."

Steven: "Taking...the dead?"

Specimen 14: "...You'll see." -They get out of the elevator and pass through more rooms and hallways, using another shortcut to skip 50 more rooms, including every room that comrpises Specimen 13's area-


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
-And while neither she nor any of the other Pokemon are obligated to stay with Chaldea instead of returning to wild habitats and environments, either, she'll likely want to once she learns more about how the place is all about battling and, more importantly, how many Pokemon have found trainers, here-

-Heck, everyone taking care of the Pokemon here would even feel awful if she were to leave alone if they learn or figure out that she was abandoned and felt unwanted...-

...That's far more tragic than even the comic itself.

Major oof...
-though for now, priority is to make sure the Bidoof as well as the other Pokémon that were infected with Phazon recover their vitals-

But befitting Bidoof :V


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-though for now, priority is to make sure the Bidoof as well as the other Pokémon that were infected with Phazon recover their vitals-

But befitting Bidoof :V
-Thankfully the doctors and healing mages alike have been hard at work tending to the Pokemon to ensure that they heal up from the side effects of Phazon following Dark Samus' death, or any injuries or illnesses they received or contracted as a result of being infected with it, so by now only a few still need to be healed up and the majority mainly just need food and water-

Another good reason why HMs were removed. :V



Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
-Thankfully the doctors and healing mages alike have been hard at work tending to the Pokemon to ensure that they heal up from the side effects of Phazon following Dark Samus' death, or any injuries or illnesses they received or contracted as a result of being infected with it, so by now only a few still need to be healed up and the majority mainly just need food and water-

Another good reason why HMs were removed. :V

-in a process of recovering at this point-

-but in the meantime, among the groups of Pokémon is a strange egg that doesn't seem to belong to any of them....-


Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
I have decided to make Bidoof's backstory even more tragic :V
Bidoof will have had a Trainer before that used it as an HM Slave and didn't really care for her, not even taking the time to train her to evolve her so she could use more HMs, releasing her when they caught a fully evolved Bibarrel for the role :V
That's so meta I think it's really fitting.
-Practical traveling clothes or fashionable clothes for formal events?-

Linebeck: "..."

-Their dialogue about worlds "needing" to be destroyed is still worrisome lol-

Brit: "This has to be some sort of charade!"

Tiff: "You don't think they're actually...friends with her?"

Steven: "Uh oh, I didn't practice any dances or study any choreography, either!" :urg:

-The Hitmonchan grumbles in embarrassment before continuing to eat his food at a slower pace-

Girafarig: "(And some of the other Pokemon had families that aren't here...)"

Mudkip: "(What are we gonna do...?)"
-The fashionable kind in fact-
da Vinci: -Giggles- "Fascinating, huh~?"
-It's also something I intended- :p

-Who would want that? Besides other losers-
Mash: "Uuuuh, maybe we can think of something!"
Boudica: "There we go" :)
-Jeanne is trying to think of something too...-
-but in the meantime, among the groups of Pokémon is a strange egg that doesn't seem to belong to any of them....-

Irisviel: "Now, are we sure none of the Pokeémon has claimed this egg?"
Medea Lily: "It seems none are familiar with it..."
BB: "What a mystery~"
Shamal: "And highly concerning..."
Nightingale: "We have to see if it shows any vital signs as well"


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
That's so meta I think it's really fitting.

Irisviel: "Now, are we sure none of the Pokeémon has claimed this egg?"
Medea Lily: "It seems none are familiar with it..."
BB: "What a mystery~"
Shamal: "And highly concerning..."
Nightingale: "We have to see if it shows any vital signs as well"
It's perfect, ain't it? XP

-BB knows exactly what kind of egg it is due to what it's made of, but she won't tell :p-
-at least because no one would bother to ask her specifically~-
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The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-So Bandana landed two hits...But at the cost of getting launched a considerable distance, also because Smash logic-

Mabel: "Wait, so how did Alear's kingdom get all of them?"

(You don't exactly sound fine...)
Byleth: -does a taunt- :V
Emblem Eirika: "As in right now? Well, King Diamant, Queen Timerra, Queen Ivy and King Alfred all agreed it would be better if they were kept safe in the same location. With peace shining upon Elyos, our skills felt unneeded, so before coming here, we were part of an exhibit room."
Weiss: "I'm fine!"

-They would all-
Tamamo Cat: "Okay, I think we're ready, nya~!"
Altera: -Nods- I hope Paula enjoys the performance when I do it...
-On his ship in fact-
Yuri: "I've been having a great time too" :)
Draco: "I see you lack any pride... Makes things easier for me though"
Tiamat: "Uuuh..."
-Paula totally has a phone to record?-
-of course-
Veyle: "Yaaaaay~"
Sothis: "That was a bit rude..."

Scáthach: "Plus I see a few snacks..."

-Who else got invited? All of Byleth's friends + Medb?-
-just Scathach and Medb for now-

-Juri would definitely be a fan of his fighting style- :V

Marie: This is where we get to that part...
Lily: "You must have planned and improved amazingly then!" -plus Lucina and other future people being there helped no doubt-

Kiritsugu: "What would that even bring though...?"
Koyanskaya: -Through telepathy- Hey, so how are things going now?
-So far they'd see that... All of those people, Fran included, are abolutely fine-
Atalanta: "Seems we're really some of the most compatible pairs around, then" :)
Hayate: "Yes, and she's absolutely awesome!"
Rin: "Can we distract it somehow?"
W-While conducting my experiments to try and revive or save the dead using DETERMINATION, I wondered what would happen if I injected DETERMINATION into something that was alive, but lacked a SOUL. So I tested it on a Golden Flower, one from the castle throne room.

...To my surprise, the Flower developed a simple face, and became sentient.

...Wh-What I didn't realize at the time is that, without a SOUL, the Flowey lacked almost any capacity for morals or positive emotions...As well as that it's identity was not a new one that my experiments gave birth to...b-but the resurrected mind and being of a deceased monster child...


Star: "You guys must have had an entire army taking on the evil dragon!"

-Good so far from the looks of things?-

...Okay, maybe we've got nothing to worry about with Poppy herself after all...

-They've been friends and contracted for a long time for good reason- :p

Tetra: "Let me guess, she's also got a top secret job or power of her own?"

Specimen 14: "There's no way to distract it that doesn't involve it chasing after someone. All it cares about is taking the dead."

Steven: "Taking...the dead?"

Specimen 14: "...You'll see." -They get out of the elevator and pass through more rooms and hallways, using another shortcut to skip 50 more rooms, including every room that comrpises Specimen 13's area-
Lilith: ".......That seems impossible..."
Emblem Chrom: "Oh, it truly was a battle where everyone chipped in."

Emblem Sigurd: "Well, for starters, my strength relies on bonds. If you want to make the most of this ring's potential, it would be best if we got along."
Dr. Coyle: I'm ready to break through!

-Koyanskaya realizes this could be a Drakkon-like disaster or...?-
Byleth: -whispering to Jenny- "Any word on how long until symptoms appear?"
Blake: "Oh, without a doubt." :)
Kanna: "You'll have to watch if you want an answer." :p
Jaune: "I'd... rather not see..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-in a process of recovering at this point-

-but in the meantime, among the groups of Pokémon is a strange egg that doesn't seem to belong to any of them....-

-While Alphys makes sure she gets food and water as well-

-Will this egg be a good thing or a bad thing?- :V

-The fashionable kind in fact-
da Vinci: -Giggles- "Fascinating, huh~?"
-It's also something I intended- :p

-Who would want that? Besides other losers-
Mash: "Uuuuh, maybe we can think of something!"
Boudica: "There we go" :)
-Jeanne is trying to think of something too...-
-Lily especially happy with this because teenager?-

Linebeck: "I suppose I can't argue with that..."

-Well, it works lmao-

Brit: "We've got to show them what a loser and outcast she truly is..."

Tiff: "We ain't about to lose our popularity that easy!"

Steven: "Yeah, I'm sure we can think of something in time if we work as a team!"

-The majority of the Pokemon are eating properly or at least not carelessly, now-

-Although with some species it's hard to tell how they can even eat or drink to begin with- :V

-As is Patxi, for that matter...-

Byleth: -does a taunt- :V
Emblem Eirika: "As in right now? Well, King Diamant, Queen Timerra, Queen Ivy and King Alfred all agreed it would be better if they were kept safe in the same location. With peace shining upon Elyos, our skills felt unneeded, so before coming here, we were part of an exhibit room."
Weiss: "I'm fine!"
-Bandana Dee got launched beyond the border marked on the floor of the training room, so that probably counts as a ring out-

Mabel: "So much royalty..." :surprised: "Wait, you guys were-?"

Dipper: "A museum exhibit?"

(Don't worry about it, guys. Weiss is just surprised Yang suddenly won when she and Blake were in the lead instead.)

-Knows Weiss actually isn't totally fine with suddenly losing the match, but doesn't want her friends to press the issue-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Bandana Dee got launched beyond the border marked on the floor of the training room, so that probably counts as a ring out-

Mabel: "So much royalty..." :surprised: "Wait, you guys were-?"

Dipper: "A museum exhibit?"

(Don't worry about it, guys. Weiss is just surprised Yang suddenly won when she and Blake were in the lead instead.)

-Knows Weiss actually isn't totally fine with suddenly losing the match, but doesn't want her friends to press the issue-
Byleth: "Knocked out."
Emblem Ephraim: "We're literally rings."
Weiss: ...Thank you, Winter.

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-just Scathach and Medb for now-
Medb: "Well now, glad to see someone invited me so cordially~"
-Paula totally has a phone to record?-
-of course-
Veyle: "Yaaaaay~"
Sothis: "That was a bit rude..."
-She does, observing from the side-
-Unfortunately however, Spooky happened-
-So the whole place is flooded-
-Then what shall they doooo-
Arcueid: "I see that she still needs to learn some manners"
-Lily especially happy with this because teenager?-

Linebeck: "I suppose I can't argue with that..."

-Well, it works lmao-

Brit: "We've got to show them what a loser and outcast she truly is..."

Tiff: "We ain't about to lose our popularity that easy!"

Steven: "Yeah, I'm sure we can think of something in time if we work as a team!"

-The majority of the Pokemon are eating properly or at least not carelessly, now-

-Although with some species it's hard to tell how they can even eat or drink to begin with- :V

-As is Patxi, for that matter...-
-You bet that she would be!-
da Vinci: "Maybe you'll get used to it though, most here have~!"
-So you can expect this Tsukasa to soon appear in Basel- :p
-How will they do that?-
Mash: -Nods- "Maybe ask the others for advice too!"
Boudica: However their physiology works, it's doing well...
-It makes her ponder about it...-
W-While conducting my experiments to try and revive or save the dead using DETERMINATION, I wondered what would happen if I injected DETERMINATION into something that was alive, but lacked a SOUL. So I tested it on a Golden Flower, one from the castle throne room.

...To my surprise, the Flower developed a simple face, and became sentient.

...Wh-What I didn't realize at the time is that, without a SOUL, the Flowey lacked almost any capacity for morals or positive emotions...As well as that it's identity was not a new one that my experiments gave birth to...b-but the resurrected mind and being of a deceased monster child...


Star: "You guys must have had an entire army taking on the evil dragon!"

-Good so far from the looks of things?-

...Okay, maybe we've got nothing to worry about with Poppy herself after all...

-They've been friends and contracted for a long time for good reason- :p

Tetra: "Let me guess, she's also got a top secret job or power of her own?"

Specimen 14: "There's no way to distract it that doesn't involve it chasing after someone. All it cares about is taking the dead."

Steven: "Taking...the dead?"

Specimen 14: "...You'll see." -They get out of the elevator and pass through more rooms and hallways, using another shortcut to skip 50 more rooms, including every room that comrpises Specimen 13's area-
Lilith: ".......That seems impossible..."
Emblem Chrom: "Oh, it truly was a battle where everyone chipped in."

Emblem Sigurd: "Well, for starters, my strength relies on bonds. If you want to make the most of this ring's potential, it would be best if we got along."
Dr. Coyle: I'm ready to break through!

-Koyanskaya realizes this could be a Drakkon-like disaster or...?-
Byleth: -whispering to Jenny- "Any word on how long until symptoms appear?"
Blake: "Oh, without a doubt." :)
Kanna: "You'll have to watch if you want an answer." :p
Jaune: "I'd... rather not see..."
Marie: "But I can atest it happened. We encountered him"
Lily: "It must have taken so long but it was well worth it in the end..."

Kiritsugu: "...And if I don't?"
Koyanskaya: Do you have the right means to do it safely?
-According to the article on 'Game Syndrome', they should be almost immediate-
Atalanta: "Hm. Ah, we should get ready to bath and get breakfast soon"
Illya: "What she said!" -the episode starts with Franky crossdressing to see if he can pass as a mom, and both Twilight and Anya immediately agree that there's no way-
Mordred: "Whatever it means, sounds like it blows..."
-BB knows exactly what kind of egg it is due to what it's made of, but she won't tell :p-
-at least because no one would bother to ask her specifically~-
-Indeed- :p -Right now the rest are visually examining to try to discern what could come from it-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "Knocked out."
Emblem Ephraim: "We're literally rings."
Weiss: ...Thank you, Winter.
Bandana Dee: "Darn it..." -Standing back up- "...Good game!" -Cheerful expression, it's just made evident by his tone and eyes since again, no mouth-

Mabel: "You're ghosts who just live inside of rings!"


(I don't think I totally got how this board game works, either, but that was still an epic win!)


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
Viridi: "....We didn't go there yet? Must've been a happy dream. As for what you missed... a lot."
[....a dream...? How long was I out?!]

-While Alphys makes sure she gets food and water as well-

-Will this egg be a good thing or a bad thing?- :V
-appreciative of the care-

-inherently good, but could potentially be a bad thing much later on on grounds of being an (unwitting) component of something-
-but that would solely depend on the OTHER component existing and an outside force willingly causing them to merge-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-You bet that she would be!-
da Vinci: "Maybe you'll get used to it though, most here have~!"
-So you can expect this Tsukasa to soon appear in Basel- :p
-How will they do that?-
Mash: -Nods- "Maybe ask the others for advice too!"
Boudica: However their physiology works, it's doing well...
-It makes her ponder about it...-
-Newly released clothes and outfits with the latest fashion trends and modern styles!-

Linebeck: "Only most?"

-The others will be greatly concerned, and for good reason- :V

-In-universe, they're already scheming something up-

-I just need to think of what that scheme is- :p

Steven: "That's a great idea! The others who signed up have gotta have good ideas for dance numbers!" :b:

-If nothing else, most of them will either need trainers to look after them or a place full of natural resources and home to other wild Pokemon to socialize with...-

-appreciative of the care-
F-Feeling a little better?

-just Scathach and Medb for now-
Medb: "Well now, glad to see someone invited me so cordially~"
-And I forgot to reply to this before, but I can't think of anyone Undyne would invite to this besides maybe Alphys?-

Lilith: ".......That seems impossible..."
Emblem Chrom: "Oh, it truly was a battle where everyone chipped in."

Emblem Sigurd: "Well, for starters, my strength relies on bonds. If you want to make the most of this ring's potential, it would be best if we got along."
Dr. Coyle: I'm ready to break through!

-Koyanskaya realizes this could be a Drakkon-like disaster or...?-
Byleth: -whispering to Jenny- "Any word on how long until symptoms appear?"
Blake: "Oh, without a doubt." :)
Kanna: "You'll have to watch if you want an answer." :p
Jaune: "I'd... rather not see..."
Marie: "But I can atest it happened. We encountered him"
Lily: "It must have taken so long but it was well worth it in the end..."

Kiritsugu: "...And if I don't?"
Koyanskaya: Do you have the right means to do it safely?
-According to the article on 'Game Syndrome', they should be almost immediate-
Atalanta: "Hm. Ah, we should get ready to bath and get breakfast soon"
Illya: "What she said!" -the episode starts with Franky crossdressing to see if he can pass as a mom, and both Twilight and Anya immediately agree that there's no way-
Mordred: "Whatever it means, sounds like it blows..."
A-And his DETERMINATION levels gave him extraordinary powers that made him o-one of the most dangerous threats we ever faced...He went from a sentient flower to a gargantuan plant beast with the ability to manipulate t-time itself...Just like with the Amalgamates, I suspected that DETERMINATION could perhaps be used torevive someone using a vessel, b-but I never could've foreseen just how much power it granted him...

...I-It doesn't change the fact that I still caused all of that...


Star: "Geez, all of you guys really have been through a lot..."

-Nope, but Coyle mistakenly thinks she does so far- :V

According to this health guidline article about the virus itself, the symptoms should've shown up immediately if they were infected...

-Eeyup, they've still got a whole day ahead of them, including that hunting party with the King and Artemis!-

-Toon Link, Tetra and Medli all laughed at that-

-The older Crystal Gems, Heshima and Winter are starting to have their doubts on trusting Specimen 14, although the former three are opting to opting to wait and question the former human if things get too much more suspicious-

-Also throughout the mansion, the gorup would occasionally see pop-out cardboard cut-outs of cheesy-looking monsters that exist as a result of Spooky's earlierest attempts to scare people as a ghost-

-Most of them just look like cute versions of common horror monsters such as ghosts, skeletons, spiders and slime monsters, while others looked like food or other inanimate objects with cute faces. All of them are harmless, though they can be more startling as the noises they make vary from cute and silly sounds like 8bit beeps and meows, to legitimately starting and disturbing sounds like loud roars and menacing off-key organ notes-
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Medb: "Well now, glad to see someone invited me so cordially~"
-And I forgot to reply to this before, but I can't think of anyone Undyne would invite to this besides maybe Alphys?-
-Alphys might feel out of place among military and rulers?-

Byleth: "After hearing of your partnership, I figured it was a good idea to know you better."

-She does, observing from the side-
-Unfortunately however, Spooky happened-
-So the whole place is flooded-
-Then what shall they doooo-
Arcueid: "I see that she still needs to learn some manners"
-she excited?!-
-that's very bad...-
-I don't know...-
Sothis: "Let's teach her." :p

Bandana Dee: "Darn it..." -Standing back up- "...Good game!" -Cheerful expression, it's just made evident by his tone and eyes since again, no mouth-

Mabel: "You're ghosts who just live inside of rings!"


(I don't think I totally got how this board game works, either, but that was still an epic win!)
Byleth: "You fought very well." :)
Emblem Eirika: "She wouldn't have done it if we weren't okay with it."
Blake: "You really played well, Yang."

Yang: "I know that." :p

[....a dream...? How long was I out?!]
Viridi: "I... honestly lost track, but I'm so happy you're awake now~!" :b:

Marie: "But I can atest it happened. We encountered him"
Lily: "It must have taken so long but it was well worth it in the end..."

Kiritsugu: "...And if I don't?"
Koyanskaya: Do you have the right means to do it safely?
-According to the article on 'Game Syndrome', they should be almost immediate-
Atalanta: "Hm. Ah, we should get ready to bath and get breakfast soon"
Illya: "What she said!" -the episode starts with Franky crossdressing to see if he can pass as a mom, and both Twilight and Anya immediately agree that there's no way-
Mordred: "Whatever it means, sounds like it blows..."
A-And his DETERMINATION levels gave him extraordinary powers that made him o-one of the most dangerous threats we ever faced...He went from a sentient flower to a gargantuan plant beast with the ability to manipulate t-time itself...Just like with the Amalgamates, I suspected that DETERMINATION could perhaps be used torevive someone using a vessel, b-but I never could've foreseen just how much power it granted him...

...I-It doesn't change the fact that I still caused all of that...


Star: "Geez, all of you guys really have been through a lot..."

-Nope, but Coyle mistakenly thinks she does so far- :V

According to this health guidline article about the virus itself, the symptoms should've shown up immediately if they were infected...

-Eeyup, they've still got a whole day ahead of them, including that hunting party with the King and Artemis!-

-Toon Link, Tetra and Medli all laughed at that-

-The older Crystal Gems, Heshima and Winter are starting to have their doubts on trusting Specimen 14, although the former three are opting to opting to wait and question the former human if things get too much more suspicious-

-Also throughout the mansion, the gorup would occasionally see pop-out cardboard cut-outs of cheesy-looking monsters that exist as a result of Spooky's earlierest attempts to scare people as a ghost-

-Most of them just look like cute versions of common horror monsters such as ghosts, skeletons, spiders and slime monsters, while others looked like food or other inanimate objects with cute faces. All of them are harmless, though they can be more startling as the noises they make vary from cute and silly sounds like 8bit beeps and meows, to legitimately starting and disturbing sounds like loud roars and menacing off-key organ notes-
Lilith: "Sounds like it's something you should not have messed with..."
Emblem Chrom: "A lot of Emblems have... but through those adventures, we found strength."

Emblem Sigurd: "Then I'll never get stronger when you use my abilities."
Dr. Coyle: With Chaldea having broken through, it's now or never!
Byleth: "Then Poppy is harmless."
Blake: "Oh yeah, we're going on that hunt, right?"
Kanna: :laugh:
Ruby: How would he know that...?
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "You fought very well." :)
Emblem Eirika: "She wouldn't have done it if we weren't okay with it."
Blake: "You really played well, Yang."

Yang: "I know that." :p
Bandana Dee: "Thanks, I've been training and trying to keep my skills up for years! But you fought even better than I did!"


Dipper: "Oh, I already figured that."

Mabel: "But you guys really don't mind just...being stuck inside of ancient artifacts most of the time?"


(Now I wonder if we should try this game some time!) :b: -Waggling tail-

(That's...probably not a good idea.) 😅

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Bandana Dee: "Thanks, I've been training and trying to keep my skills up for years! But you fought even better than I did!"


Dipper: "Oh, I already figured that."

Mabel: "But you guys really don't mind just...being stuck inside of ancient artifacts most of the time?"


(Now I wonder if we should try this game some time!) :b: -Waggling tail-

(That's...probably not a good idea.) 😅
Byleth: "I suppose I had a lot of experience in combat to carryme through."
Emblem Eirika: "Not at all." :)
-probably not indeed-

-sitting up, feeling a bit sore-
[So where's that mutt?]
-I forgot what the mutt was lmao-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "I suppose I had a lot of experience in combat to carryme through."
Emblem Eirika: "Not at all." :)
-probably not indeed-
Kirby: "Even more than most of us..."

-And anyone familiar with the Star Warriors' adventures would know that speaks volumes- :V

Mabel: "Do you guys all just...kinda fall asleep while you're in the rings or is there like an inner-artifact world where all the Emblems hang out and chat?"

(It can't be that bad, right? It's just a game.)

(And at least it's not Mario Party...) -Inner thoughts-

-she's happily nomming an Oran Berry-
I-I'll take that as a good sign! :grin:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
The Avenger doggo Viridi was the Master of.
Viridi: "You're not gonna hurt him, right?"

Kirby: "Even more than most of us..."

-And anyone familiar with the Star Warriors' adventures would know that speaks volumes- :V

Mabel: "Do you guys all just...kinda fall asleep while you're in the rings or is there like an inner-artifact world where all the Emblems hang out and chat?"

(It can't be that bad, right? It's just a game.)

(And at least it's not Mario Party...) -Inner thoughts-
Byleth: "You really think so?"

Emblem Eirika: "The former."
-Weiss very worried though?-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "You really think so?"

Emblem Eirika: "The former."
-Weiss very worried though?-
Meta Knight: "Trust me, even I agree with that statement, and such a claim is one I wouldn't make lightly."

-If Byleth is familiar with even so much as Marx (due to him being a boss in WoL), she can get what Meta Knight means?-

Mabel: "You guys don't mind just being asleep for really long time?"

Dipper: "I guess it's kind of like passing on, in a more temporary way...You guys are at rest until you're called to help save your world again."

-You mean Winter or is Weiss herself worried either way?-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-there was a subtle movement from the egg-
Nightingale: "It's showing signs of vitality"
Medea Lily: "Oh, so it might hatch soon!"
Irisviel: "Not gonna lie, I'm a little excited~"
-Newly released clothes and outfits with the latest fashion trends and modern styles!-

Linebeck: "Only most?"

-The others will be greatly concerned, and for good reason- :V

-In-universe, they're already scheming something up-

-I just need to think of what that scheme is- :p

Steven: "That's a great idea! The others who signed up have gotta have good ideas for dance numbers!" :b:

-If nothing else, most of them will either need trainers to look after them or a place full of natural resources and home to other wild Pokemon to socialize with...-
-Yeah, they gotta get some of that!-
da Vinci: "Some were already all too wacky on their own" :p
-That's a good thing, yeah- :p
-Welp, so you know what now?- :p
Mash: "I'm not sure if all would be too easy to convince to tell me..."
-True, and they can provide it... Right?-
-she excited?!-
-that's very bad...-
-I don't know...-
Sothis: "Let's teach her." :p
-She VERY excited, given how much she loves Disney Princesses, this is similar enough!-
Morrigan: ".....Oh"
Lilith: "Geeeeez! What happened?!"
-Nor do I tbh...-
Arcueid: "I agree with that" >:3
Draco: "..." -stays quiet, knowing it'd be risky to face all at once-
-And I forgot to reply to this before, but I can't think of anyone Undyne would invite to this besides maybe Alphys?-
-Alphys might feel out of place among military and rulers?-

Byleth: "After hearing of your partnership, I figured it was a good idea to know you better."
Medb: "Oh, so it's because of her"
Scáthach: "Hmph" -sips after sitting down-
A-And his DETERMINATION levels gave him extraordinary powers that made him o-one of the most dangerous threats we ever faced...He went from a sentient flower to a gargantuan plant beast with the ability to manipulate t-time itself...Just like with the Amalgamates, I suspected that DETERMINATION could perhaps be used torevive someone using a vessel, b-but I never could've foreseen just how much power it granted him...

...I-It doesn't change the fact that I still caused all of that...


Star: "Geez, all of you guys really have been through a lot..."

-Nope, but Coyle mistakenly thinks she does so far- :V

According to this health guidline article about the virus itself, the symptoms should've shown up immediately if they were infected...

-Eeyup, they've still got a whole day ahead of them, including that hunting party with the King and Artemis!-

-Toon Link, Tetra and Medli all laughed at that-

-The older Crystal Gems, Heshima and Winter are starting to have their doubts on trusting Specimen 14, although the former three are opting to opting to wait and question the former human if things get too much more suspicious-

-Also throughout the mansion, the gorup would occasionally see pop-out cardboard cut-outs of cheesy-looking monsters that exist as a result of Spooky's earlierest attempts to scare people as a ghost-

-Most of them just look like cute versions of common horror monsters such as ghosts, skeletons, spiders and slime monsters, while others looked like food or other inanimate objects with cute faces. All of them are harmless, though they can be more startling as the noises they make vary from cute and silly sounds like 8bit beeps and meows, to legitimately starting and disturbing sounds like loud roars and menacing off-key organ notes-
Lilith: "Sounds like it's something you should not have messed with..."
Emblem Chrom: "A lot of Emblems have... but through those adventures, we found strength."

Emblem Sigurd: "Then I'll never get stronger when you use my abilities."
Dr. Coyle: With Chaldea having broken through, it's now or never!
Byleth: "Then Poppy is harmless."
Blake: "Oh yeah, we're going on that hunt, right?"
Kanna: :laugh:
Ruby: How would he know that...?
-Alphys can't help but think she's right?-
Lily: "And that must be why you were made Emblems!"

Kiritsugu: "......I see..." I hate how this man feels like... What I wanted to be.
Koyanskaya: Fine then, I need to evolve as quick as possible!
Suzuka: "Wait, so we just really do nothing about her?"
Atalanta: -Nods- "Don't expect me to spoil you though"
-So did most of the kids, really-
-Of course, Franky was like "HEY!" as Twilight ponders how is he gonna get a wife in less than seven days, ugh...-
-Makoto is amongst thus really doubting Specimen 14, and so is Mordred for that matter-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Meta Knight: "Trust me, even I agree with that statement, and such a claim is one I wouldn't make lightly."

-If Byleth is familiar with even so much as Marx (due to him being a boss in WoL), she can get what Meta Knight means?-

Mabel: "You guys don't mind just being asleep for really long time?"

Dipper: "I guess it's kind of like passing on, in a more temporary way...You guys are at rest until you're called to help save your world again."

-You mean Winter or is Weiss herself worried either way?-
Byleth: "I've seen one of the horrors you fight... I can trust your word."
Emblem Eirika: "Dipper gets it."
-I meant Winter oops-

[Why? Is that mutt responsible for my absence?!]
Viridi: "What? No! No way! You... um... well..."

-trying to think of a silly allergy lmao-

-She VERY excited, given how much she loves Disney Princesses, this is similar enough!-
Morrigan: ".....Oh"
Lilith: "Geeeeez! What happened?!"
-Nor do I tbh...-
Arcueid: "I agree with that" >:3
Draco: "..." -stays quiet, knowing it'd be risky to face all at once-
Palutena: "I did not expect that..."
Shez: "I'll raise you the same way my mother did." -sounds menacing but it's actually not :V-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Yeah, they gotta get some of that!-
da Vinci: "Some were already all too wacky on their own" :p
-That's a good thing, yeah- :p
-Welp, so you know what now?- :p
Mash: "I'm not sure if all would be too easy to convince to tell me..."
-True, and they can provide it... Right?-
-Plus, it might be a nice mother-daughter bonding experience for them to go shopping for new clothes-

-Speaking of, what new outfits do they try on and/or buy?-

Linebeck: "That false monarch alone is evidence of that..."

-Once everyone returns to Basel, at least, whether that's temporary or otherwise- :p

-They're planning on tricking Jenny into getting hit by a large splash of water or mud from a passing car to make her short-circuit or ruin her paint scheme to make her look abnormal and careless-

Steven: "...Yeah, I wouldn't exactly trust Shuten for advice..."

-Knowing Chaldea? It's not even a question-

-The real question is how many Pokemon are willing to get further help from them. Some are too stubborn, prideful or nervous to consider trying to make friends with non-Pokemon or leave the wild-

Byleth: "I've seen one of the horrors you fight... I can trust your word."
Emblem Eirika: "Dipper gets it."
-I meant Winter oops-
Kirby: "Dreamland and our neighboring planets and galaxies don't have it easy..."

Bandana Dee: "But we always manage to take down the threat!"

Mabel: "I...guess that makes sense. Still, I'm kinda not so sure I like the sound of being a ghost, now." :lol:

Dipper: "You wanted to become a ghost eventually before?"

Mabel: "I never really thought about it." :p

-Oh, knowing what Monopoly is like, she's definitely worried, mostly that her fellow Pokemon friends will just argue or get overly competitive if they try playing it-

-...Not like she blames them because she also gets extremely competitive with fights- :V

-and of course, drinking a Fresh Water-
-yes, she's drinking from a water bottle by sitting up and using the front paws-

(Just like most of the other quadruped Pokemon...) -Actually taking notes on this as it's a clear sign of high intelligence and evolution-

Lilith: "Sounds like it's something you should not have messed with..."
Emblem Chrom: "A lot of Emblems have... but through those adventures, we found strength."

Emblem Sigurd: "Then I'll never get stronger when you use my abilities."
Dr. Coyle: With Chaldea having broken through, it's now or never!
Byleth: "Then Poppy is harmless."
Blake: "Oh yeah, we're going on that hunt, right?"
Kanna: :laugh:
Ruby: How would he know that...?
-Alphys can't help but think she's right?-
Lily: "And that must be why you were made Emblems!"

Kiritsugu: "......I see..." I hate how this man feels like... What I wanted to be.
Koyanskaya: Fine then, I need to evolve as quick as possible!
Suzuka: "Wait, so we just really do nothing about her?"
Atalanta: -Nods- "Don't expect me to spoil you though"
-So did most of the kids, really-
-Of course, Franky was like "HEY!" as Twilight ponders how is he gonna get a wife in less than seven days, ugh...-
-Makoto is amongst thus really doubting Specimen 14, and so is Mordred for that matter-
...I-It really wasn't... :urg:


Marco: "Just like how people who made important accomplishments from throughout time became were made Heroic Spirits!"

-From the looks of things, Chaldea's mostly just observing the fortress from a distance and trying to hold the line...But they know for a fact that there are still some of their members as well many traitors amongst the Alliance itself within this very base-

All we should do is monitor her and our surroundings for now. Poppy really does seem to be a completely innocent and honestly super kindhearted person...But if her game cartridge ended up her, it's possible that the company who developed it had something to do with it or could track her down here, even without her knowledge.

-If they're on the same team, they'll totally work together to hunt effeciently?

TLink: "Are there no other secret agents assigned to look into the things Twilight is?"

-It doesn't take long before they reach the 1000th room...which leads to an almost completely white, gray and black area, covered with dust and a light fog-

Specimen 14: "Welcome to Specimen 9's room..."

Somehow this looks creepier than the rest of the mansion's rooms...

Steven: "It looks...kind of like an old abandoned asylum..."

Specimen 14: "There's a reason for that."

-Specimen 14 then leads them to an old recorder on a table. Said recorder then plays a message with the all too familiar deep and ethereal voice of Specimen 9 itself: The message in question is as follows:-

-"I'm taking all those "logs" they keep throwing out...And I'm nailing them together."-
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Alphys might feel out of place among military and rulers?-

Byleth: "After hearing of your partnership, I figured it was a good idea to know you better."
Medb: "Oh, so it's because of her"
Scáthach: "Hmph" -sips after sitting down-

(Alphys might feel out of place here...I'll at least ask her, but the last thing I want is for her to end up feeling nervous and the odd one out...)

What did ya think it was for, Medb? :p

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-it starts to crack.....-
-and soon the egg splits to reveal a small dandelion-like creature-

-All of the medics's immediate reaction was a "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~!!!"-
Palutena: "I did not expect that..."
Shez: "I'll raise you the same way my mother did." -sounds menacing but it's actually not :V-
Bunyan: I hope they make a great musical number~!
Morrigan: "Seems like severe bad luck has struck this place..."
Lilith: "Weknow nothing of this!"
-So what nooooow-
Tiamat: "Mo....Ther...?"
Musashi: "Oh right, you haven't tol d us much about her..."
-Plus, it might be a nice mother-daughter bonding experience for them to go shopping for new clothes-

-Speaking of, what new outfits do they try on and/or buy?-

Linebeck: "That false monarch alone is evidence of that..."

-Once everyone returns to Basel, at least, whether that's temporary or otherwise- :p

-They're planning on tricking Jenny into getting hit by a large splash of water or mud from a passing car to make her short-circuit or ruin her paint scheme to make her look abnormal and careless-

Steven: "...Yeah, I wouldn't exactly trust Shuten for advice..."

-Knowing Chaldea? It's not even a question-

-The real question is how many Pokemon are willing to get further help from them. Some are too stubborn, prideful or nervous to consider trying to make friends with non-Pokemon or leave the wild-
-None that I particularly have in mind as of now tbh-
da Vinci: "Though he's surpsisingly quite the trickster when fighting"
-Or maybe even during the attack- :p

-Ah-ha! Yeah, that should make her look so lame!-
Mash: "...I don't think anyone would"
-Though some don't necessarily need to take on trainers, they might still need to form some relationships-


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
(Just like most of the other quadruped Pokemon...) -Actually taking notes on this as it's a clear sign of high intelligence and evolution-
-though in this case, it appears the front paws happen to be like little hands as she's capable of slight bipedalism.....only slight-

-All of the medics's immediate reaction was a "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~!!!"-
-the small creature is startled at all the beings that are staring at it-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-None that I particularly have in mind as of now tbh-
da Vinci: "Though he's surpsisingly quite the trickster when fighting"
-Or maybe even during the attack- :p

-Ah-ha! Yeah, that should make her look so lame!-
Mash: "...I don't think anyone would"
-Though some don't necessarily need to take on trainers, they might still need to form some relationships-
-In that case, maybe they just get some fancy stuff for stuff like dining out, dances and royal events and the like-

-Either way, getting to browse the mall and trying on new clothes is a fun family bonding experience for them?-

Linebeck: "And obnoxiously enough knows how to play some sort of abstract newfangled card game..."

-Again, very concerned as to whether that'll be a good or a bad thing- :V

-They're planning to leave something on the sidewalk for Jenny to notice and go to, like a lucky penny or a backpack that she'd assume someone lost-

Steven: "But I bet some of the others would be happy to share advice!"

-Which as it stands, most of them lack outside of interacting with the medical staff, their volunteer assistants and other Pokemon here-

-though in this case, it appears the front paws happen to be like little hands as she's capable of slight bipedalism.....only slight-
Fascinating! Your species must have evolved to be able to be able to better grip items or perhaps even dig through the ground to burrow or search for resources!

-Still taking notes...most of which are scientific, but she also adds one side note mentioning how cute the Bidoof is-


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
Fascinating! Your species must have evolved to be able to be able to better grip items or perhaps even dig through the ground to burrow or search for resources!

-Still taking notes...most of which are scientific, but she also adds one side note mentioning how cute the Bidoof is-
[Hmm? I don't know about evolving to do that, but I know us Bidoof can evolve to do more water-based stuff.]
-taking mentioning of evolution to mean how Pokémon evolution works-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Palutena's cooking? :V-
Viridi: "You had a really bad reaction to Palutena's cooking..."

Kirby: "Dreamland and our neighboring planets and galaxies don't have it easy..."

Bandana Dee: "But we always manage to take down the threat!"

Mabel: "I...guess that makes sense. Still, I'm kinda not so sure I like the sound of being a ghost, now." :lol:

Dipper: "You wanted to become a ghost eventually before?"

Mabel: "I never really thought about it." :p

-Oh, knowing what Monopoly is like, she's definitely worried, mostly that her fellow Pokemon friends will just argue or get overly competitive if they try playing it-

-...Not like she blames them because she also gets extremely competitive with fights- :V
Byleth: "Galaxies? I've never had troubles of this scop before... besides Toffee, I guess."
-that sure sounds like Mabel-

Emblem Eirika: "Maybe ghosts are different than Emblems?"
-fair lmao-

Bunyan: I hope they make a great musical number~!
Morrigan: "Seems like severe bad luck has struck this place..."
Lilith: "Weknow nothing of this!"
-So what nooooow-
Tiamat: "Mo....Ther...?"
Musashi: "Oh right, you haven't tol d us much about her..."
-they wiiiiiillllll-
Palutena: "I didn't think it would be you either..."
Shez: "Oh yeah. Well, I don't really remember my birth parents, at all, but I remember my adoptive mother. She's the one who took me in and raised me."

Medb: "Oh, so it's because of her"
Scáthach: "Hmph" -sips after sitting down-
(Alphys might feel out of place here...I'll at least ask her, but the last thing I want is for her to end up feeling nervous and the odd one out...)

What did ya think it was for, Medb? :p
Byleth: "Actually, it's because of you, Medb." :)

-Alphys can't help but think she's right?-
Lily: "And that must be why you were made Emblems!"

Kiritsugu: "......I see..." I hate how this man feels like... What I wanted to be.
Koyanskaya: Fine then, I need to evolve as quick as possible!
Suzuka: "Wait, so we just really do nothing about her?"
Atalanta: -Nods- "Don't expect me to spoil you though"
-So did most of the kids, really-
-Of course, Franky was like "HEY!" as Twilight ponders how is he gonna get a wife in less than seven days, ugh...-
-Makoto is amongst thus really doubting Specimen 14, and so is Mordred for that matter-
...I-It really wasn't... :urg:


Marco: "Just like how people who made important accomplishments from throughout time became were made Heroic Spirits!"

-From the looks of things, Chaldea's mostly just observing the fortress from a distance and trying to hold the line...But they know for a fact that there are still some of their members as well many traitors amongst the Alliance itself within this very base-

All we should do is monitor her and our surroundings for now. Poppy really does seem to be a completely innocent and honestly super kindhearted person...But if her game cartridge ended up her, it's possible that the company who developed it had something to do with it or could track her down here, even without her knowledge.

-If they're on the same team, they'll totally work together to hunt effeciently?

TLink: "Are there no other secret agents assigned to look into the things Twilight is?"

-It doesn't take long before they reach the 1000th room...which leads to an almost completely white, gray and black area, covered with dust and a light fog-

Specimen 14: "Welcome to Specimen 9's room..."

Somehow this looks creepier than the rest of the mansion's rooms...

Steven: "It looks...kind of like an old abandoned asylum..."

Specimen 14: "There's a reason for that."

-Specimen 14 then leads them to an old recorder on a table. Said recorder then plays a message with the all too familiar deep and ethereal voice of Specimen 9 itself: The message in question is as follows:-

-"I'm taking all those "logs" they keep throwing out...And I'm nailing them together."-
Lilith: "Would you do it again?"
Emblem Chrom: "That would make sense..."

-all without being too much of a fool-
Dr. Coyle: Alright, let's do this!
Byleth: "Sounds like a plan."
Blake: "Why would I? You're not Artemis." :p
Kanna: "Seems not?"
Jaune: He knows way too much...
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