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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Meta Knight: "A true warrior knows how to make the most with what they have."

Dipper: "I'm...not totally surprised. I kinda got the impression that she and the members of her court had been through a lot of conflicts and adventures, themselves..."


(Yeah, that was awesome!)

(You took that win like it was nobody's business!) :p
Byleth: "Precisely."
Emblem: "Oh, you have no idea..."
Blake: "You played well." :)


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-this just confuses the Bidoof more since there are plenty of "lizard monster" Pokémon-
-Even if the fact that this lizard monster is also wearing a lab coat is odd...Although not entirely odd given that some Pokemon like Hitmonchan, Sawk and Throh do wear clothes or at least have armor or fur that resembles clothing-

-Sigh- I-I honestly totally understand, most of the Pokemon here have been confused since they've never seen species that weren't Pokemon, humans or animals before... You and several other Pokemon here are probably still v-very confused by your new surroundings...
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Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
-Even if the fact that this lizard monster is also wearing a lab coat is odd...Although not entirely odd given that some Pokemon like Hitmonchan, Sawk and Throh do wear clothes or at least have armor or fur that resembles clothing-

-Sigh- I-I honestly totally understand, most of the Pokemon here have been confused since they've never seen species that weren't Pokemon, humans or animals before... You and several other Pokemon here are probably still v-very confused by your new surroundings...
-stomach growls-
[So how did I get here?]


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-stomach growls-
[So how did I get here?]
...S-Sounds like you haven't eaten or gotten water yet, either.

-Another nearby Pokemon at the medical wing, a Scyther, explains things a bit more-

Scyther: "(Long story short, some kinda parasite infected us all and brainwashed us into fighting for it. Some of the people here destroyed it and brought us back here to help us recover from it.)"


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
...S-Sounds like you haven't eaten or gotten water yet, either.

-Another nearby Pokemon at the medical wing, a Scyther, explains things a bit more-

Scyther: "(Long story short, some kinda parasite infected us all and brainwashed us into fighting for it. Some of the people here destroyed it and brought us back here to help us recover from it.)"
[I got picked?!]
-comically missing the point-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
[I got picked?!]
-comically missing the point-
Scyther: "(...If you mean "picked" by that parasite, then yes. Almost all of us here were...)"

-The Scyther at the numerous other Pokemon in the infirmary. Some are healthy enough to walk around and socialize with other Pokemon, while others are still sitting or laying down on hospitals beds, eating food served by Boudica and made by her and the rest of the kitchen staff (not like the Bidoof would know that last part)-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-All in all, it seems both of their visits actually went surprisingly well!-

Linebeck: "I guess that's one way to put it..."

-Now I'm even more curious as to what their deal is lol-

While each looking our best and most stylish. :p

Steven: "Well, then whatever song you choose, I think you can still go on stage and sing with confidence. Any of them will work as long as you be yourself. :) "

-One Hitmonchan was like "What?" then coughed up some of his food on accident due to not heeding that very advice- :V

-And I forgot to reply to the second thing, so fixing that now!-

Squirtle: "(Well, yeah, it's not like any of us have to have trainers...)"
Medea: "Now then, want to go buy something?"
Lily: "Can we?" :D
Medea: "For today" :)
da Vinci: "And that's just the tip of the iceberg on the people we house around here~" :p
-Might get to it in eventualityyyyyyyyyy-
Sakura: "I look great in anything, I know" :p
Rin: "Confident, good" :p
Mash: "Even then, I would still need to come up with a choreography..."
Boudica: "That's what I meant, you need to take a bit of time to evade that"
Jeanne: "No, you don't need to..."
Juri: "Have fun then." :p
-they gone now?-
Veyle: "Awwww~ I'm glad to be your friend~" :3
Byleth: "That does make sense..."
-Shuten nods and then tip-toes to the rest!-
-They gone now looking for hiiiiiim-
Sayori: "We'll hang more times after these then!"
Musashi: "So, you actually getting along with each other?"
-Tea time?-
Scáthach: "...Well, the setup looks lovely..."
M-Most of them retained just enough sanity to be able to recover enough to be with their families again...A-And despite everything all of them remembered their families, and as a result, who they themselves were as well.

Most of their families were shocked or mad at first...But after a little while,. they were just glad to be reunited with their loved ones again and to know they were still alive at all...


Star: "Okay, that's definitely relatable for me, too..."

-So no matter what, that Megazord is going down!-

-The Grid is a power that shouldn't be messed with...-

Until we learn whether she's in on that scheme or not, can we please leave stabbing a potentially innocent person out of the equation entirely? :glare:

-That probably went without saying, Ata- :p

Tetra: "it's far from a shock to me..."

-Virtually all of them have...-

YEP, that's Specimen 9 again, alright!

Specimen 14: "Get the elevator moving!" -Slams the elevator button with their fist, causing it to move down to the supposedly "final" 100 floors-

-Specimen 9 loses track of them as a result-
Lilith: "That's... sweet." :)
Emblem Chrom: "It was quite the fight. After all, Grima expected us to show up at the one weak spot. But we prevailed."

Emblem Sigurd: "Did I say something wrong?"
Dr. Coyle: We can't wait any longer... but I've gotten used to it more before doing this, unlike Drakkon. I'm sure I'll be fine.
Byleth: "We only get 'stabby' if she's hostile towards us."
Blake: "You didn't need to specify."
Kanna: "Anyway, let's see more of Anya." :)
Jaune: "This really cut it close... Thanks."
Marie: "So it seems to all have worked out in the end~"
Lily: "So even then he was prepared... Nice to hear you managed to pull through!"

Kiritsugu: "...I just can't help but think such ideals are... Childish..." -despite wanting to believe in them-
-Indeed, she won't be as narrow-minded as he was!-
Suzuka: "Okay, okay, geeeeez" :p
-She seems to still be speaking to Mary and the Dokis-
Atalanta: "Sorry, should have figured you'd understand"
Bunyan: "I have been entertained! Let's see more!"
Hayate: "On to it!"
-It starts with the OP!-
Mordred: "...That thing...What was it?! It looked like some floating head, but... It felt like it was even worse than that!"
-soon approaches a terrifying creature....one that fills people with dread upon witnessing it.....-
-a creature so horrific, there are legends of its awesome might and the destruction left in its wake....-
-a creature some rever as a diety and some as a harbinger of the end times....-

-The evil guys and the Decepticons all exploded simultaneously-
//Honestly not that much; so I'll just go in like I'm more fresh.

I may have Shadow return at some point, but not a priority since I wanted to semi-retire him after a while due to how I was handling him.

Bowser and Jr. (but especially Bowser) I definitely will have come back at some point just because everyone seemed to love how I handled him. If there's one thing I'm proud of in this RP, it's Bowser.

Plague Knight and Mona are more iffy since I'm less fresh on their characterizations but I won't make it a hard no.

Broly.....at this point I may just retire at this point and the excuse can be someone erased him out of existence out of fear.
And this will leave it open for me to introduce the new good boi Broly with his companions Cheelai and Lemo. Just so there's someone with great power but reluctance to actually fight unless forced to (or if it's just a friendly spar). Which yes, means he'd lose control sometimes but can be calmed down.

Anyone else is a case by case basis such as Miketrap since I feel the concept is completely irrelevant and outdated now and would rather go with a more canon Springtrap if I ever revist the idea.

I don't mind giving up control of Greg since I think it would be easier to have him play off Sans if controlled by the same roleplayer. At this point as much as I enjoyed being Monika, I can also be comfortable letting someone else use her since she's expanded more without me. Same with Mr. Fish who I honestly forgot about.
Not sure about the other various Pokémon and Digimon either depending on what has exactly happened with their partners/allies.

My only request with Greg is to keep him a Croagunk.

As for the new Bidoof, sure that would work.
You nailed Bowser so yeah.

Good boi Broly sounds interesting tbh.

Understandable with Mike.

Can't picture Greg evolving either, being a Croagunk is certainly big part of the charm.

Also Jalter has been revived recently, and Dantés... I haven't used him in years despite saying he's around, huh...
Last edited:


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
Scyther: "(...If you mean "picked" by that parasite, then yes. Almost all of us here were...)"

-The Scyther at the numerous other Pokemon in the infirmary. Some are healthy enough to walk around and socialize with other Pokemon, while others are still sitting or laying down on hospitals beds, eating food served by Boudica and made by her and the rest of the kitchen staff (not like the Bidoof would know that last part)-
-the Bidoof is still in innocent-like awe over something choosing her of all Pokémon to use for battle, even if some alien parasite, which shows just how....sad her life kinda is-


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
-The evil guys and the Decepticons all exploded simultaneously-

You nailed Bowser so yeah.

Good boi Broly sounds interesting tbh.

Understandable with Mike.

Can't picture Greg evolving either, being a Croagunk is certainly big part of the charm.

Also Jalter has been revived recently, and Dantés... I haven't used him in years despite saying he's around, huh...
Who did Jalter have again? I want to say it was BlackWarGreymon after having been revived by Miyu, but I am not sure.
....though if Jalter was killed, Black probably would have been too....again.
Though I suppose an excuse for Zwart D.

Dantes had Reapermon, I remember, but what would have happened to him in that time period?

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Who did Jalter have again? I want to say it was BlackWarGreymon after having been revived by Miyu, but I am not sure.
....though if Jalter was killed, Black probably would have been too....again.
Though I suppose an excuse for Zwart D.

Dantes had Reapermon, I remember, but what would have happened to him in that time period?
Yeah, it was Black no question.

And... Honestly I'm not certain about that, hmmm...


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Medea: "Now then, want to go buy something?"
Lily: "Can we?" :D
Medea: "For today" :)
da Vinci: "And that's just the tip of the iceberg on the people we house around here~" :p
-Might get to it in eventualityyyyyyyyyy-
Sakura: "I look great in anything, I know" :p
Rin: "Confident, good" :p
Mash: "Even then, I would still need to come up with a choreography..."
Boudica: "That's what I meant, you need to take a bit of time to evade that"
Jeanne: "No, you don't need to..."
-Huh, what will they go buy?-


Linebeck: "...Is that a compliment towards your group or...?"

-They seem like a Chaotic Neutral group if nothing else- :p

-The Crust Cousins are once again spying on the trio, and are still flabbergasted that these two young women in their 20s are hanging out with (who the Crust Cousins consider to be anyway :V) a robot freak like Jenny-

Steven: "Huh, I didn't think about that part...I thought I'd just go up there and sing." :ohwell:


Hitmonchan: "(G-Got it...)"

-A nearby Hitmonlee and Lucario were visibly holding back a laugh witnessing that-

Squirtle: "(But at the same time, everyone here has been really kind so far...)"

Vulpix: "(And some of us might end up going back to the wild alone...)"

-the Bidoof is still in innocent-like awe over something choosing her of all Pokémon to use for battle, even if some alien parasite, which shows just how....sad her life kinda is-
...Y-You seem to be taking the fact that you were infected by a parasite really well, a-at least.. :ohwell:

-Hasn't yet pieced together that the Bidoof is just awed that someone, anyone, even a deadly and dangerous parasite, chose her to fight for them-

Scáthach: "...Well, the setup looks lovely..."
// Only just now listened to that cover. Reminds me a lot of Ace Attorney.

Any tea table should! -Girl knows her tea-

Lilith: "That's... sweet." :)
Emblem Chrom: "It was quite the fight. After all, Grima expected us to show up at the one weak spot. But we prevailed."

Emblem Sigurd: "Did I say something wrong?"
Dr. Coyle: We can't wait any longer... but I've gotten used to it more before doing this, unlike Drakkon. I'm sure I'll be fine.
Byleth: "We only get 'stabby' if she's hostile towards us."
Blake: "You didn't need to specify."
Kanna: "Anyway, let's see more of Anya." :)
Jaune: "This really cut it close... Thanks."
Marie: "So it seems to all have worked out in the end~"
Lily: "So even then he was prepared... Nice to hear you managed to pull through!"

Kiritsugu: "...I just can't help but think such ideals are... Childish..." -despite wanting to believe in them-
-Indeed, she won't be as narrow-minded as he was!-
Suzuka: "Okay, okay, geeeeez" :p
-She seems to still be speaking to Mary and the Dokis-
Atalanta: "Sorry, should have figured you'd understand"
Bunyan: "I have been entertained! Let's see more!"
Hayate: "On to it!"
-It starts with the OP!-
Mordred: "...That thing...What was it?! It looked like some floating head, but... It felt like it was even worse than that!"
It really did...Still, it...w-wasn't easy for me. Telling everyone that their loved ones had become undying, merged messes, after they specifically sent them to me as their only hope of saving their lives...I-I was so afraid. And I felt immense guilt for causing them to become melted amalgamations to begin with...

...O-Once a friend gave me some advice, I finally found the courage to change that and go forward. They were reunited with their families, their families were just glad to have them back, and even if not all of them f-fully forgave me, I was still relieved, and everyone was willing to move on, myself included...:)

...That'snot quite the end of the story, either, though. There was...one other living thing I injected with DETERMINATION. A floweirng plant endemic to the mountain.


Star: "Even in the face of serious danger, you guys had hope and saved the day and kingdom. All you needed was a little guidance from another dragon, and you guys kicked evil's butt!"

-Excpet she'll totally end up making the same mistake as Drakkon anyway?-

She...hasn't seem to have causd anything resembling a viral infection so far. Or even a computer virus, for that matter. But Monika and the others might not even be affected since they're video games characters brought to life just like her...

...How's Frankenstein doing? Actually, how are all the human people she helped on the way here doing?


-Blake ldidn't consider it a big deal to begin with and just thought it was already clear, given Ata and Medea's interactions and the fact that the latter invited her on the trip to Mewni to begin with?-

Tetra: "I take it that must be the adoptive mother?"

Speicmen 14: "Something that's been around since World War 2...And suffice to say, it's room is always the 1000th. If we're gonna get to the Doll House..."

-Grits teeth- (Then we have to cross it's territory...)


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Who did Jalter have again? I want to say it was BlackWarGreymon after having been revived by Miyu, but I am not sure.
....though if Jalter was killed, Black probably would have been too....again.
Though I suppose an excuse for Zwart D.

Dantes had Reapermon, I remember, but what would have happened to him in that time period?
Yeah, it was Black no question.

And... Honestly I'm not certain about that, hmmm...
I remember Black being Jalter's Digimon, yeah.

As for Dantes, I don't think he ever died, at the very least.


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
...Y-You seem to be taking the fact that you were infected by a parasite really well, a-at least.. :ohwell:

-Hasn't yet pieced together that the Bidoof is just awed that someone, anyone, even a deadly and dangerous parasite, chose her to fight for them-
[Well....I suppose that part isn't so great. But it's nice to feel wanted. .....though I suppose technically it wasn't really "wanted" so much as "used"....but I guess I was seen as useful? Maybe?]
-she plops from hunger-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
[Well....I suppose that part isn't so great. But it's nice to feel wanted. .....though I suppose technically it wasn't really "wanted" so much as "used"....but I guess I was seen as useful? Maybe?]
-she plops from hunger-
(...How bad is this Pokemon's life that no one...or that she at least thinks that no one wanted her?)

Umm, l-let's get you fed before anything else...


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
I can't start a group DM with you, KingofPhantoms KingofPhantoms
I'm guessing it's a setting thing?
Oh, yeah, I forgot you couldn't do that since I haven't followed you yet and I only allow people I follow to start DMs with me. Changed it to that a few years back to avoid DMs from users I didn't know and also posts from bots.

I'm following you now so you should be able to invite me to the DM as of now.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-falls asleep from sheer exhaustion, unaware that her life would be changed forever from this point forward-
-Dark Samus infected and captured Pokemon from countless regions and even entirely separate planets, so even if the Bidoof wanted to go back to living in nature, she likely couldn't identify and return to her old home...-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Also Jalter has been revived recently, and Dantés... I haven't used him in years despite saying he's around, huh...
He's in a fighting game so we can say he sparred with Juri sometimes :V

-Bandana Dee nods in agreement...Then throws more spears!-



-Yang and Weiss' comments on this?-
-she did her side special again... but this time she moved forward while doing it, making its range even more crazy than usual-
Emblem Eirika: "Indeed. It wasn't easy, however, and I personally missed the first half of them."
Yang: "Thanks, Ruby!"

Weiss: "...."

-Shuten nods and then tip-toes to the rest!-
-They gone now looking for hiiiiiim-
Sayori: "We'll hang more times after these then!"
Musashi: "So, you actually getting along with each other?"
-ready to siiiiiing?-
-where he be?-
Veyle: "Yay~"
Sothis: "Indeed we are." :)

Scáthach: "...Well, the setup looks lovely..."
// Only just now listened to that cover. Reminds me a lot of Ace Attorney.

Any tea table should! -Girl knows her tea-
Byleth: -serving tea in cups- "I always want to make sure there's a good time when it's tea time." :)

Marie: "So it seems to all have worked out in the end~"
Lily: "So even then he was prepared... Nice to hear you managed to pull through!"

Kiritsugu: "...I just can't help but think such ideals are... Childish..." -despite wanting to believe in them-
-Indeed, she won't be as narrow-minded as he was!-
Suzuka: "Okay, okay, geeeeez" :p
-She seems to still be speaking to Mary and the Dokis-
Atalanta: "Sorry, should have figured you'd understand"
Bunyan: "I have been entertained! Let's see more!"
Hayate: "On to it!"
-It starts with the OP!-
Mordred: "...That thing...What was it?! It looked like some floating head, but... It felt like it was even worse than that!"
It really did...Still, it...w-wasn't easy for me. Telling everyone that their loved ones had become undying, merged messes, after they specifically sent them to me as their only hope of saving their lives...I-I was so afraid. And I felt immense guilt for causing them to become melted amalgamations to begin with...

...O-Once a friend gave me some advice, I finally found the courage to change that and go forward. They were reunited with their families, their families were just glad to have them back, and even if not all of them f-fully forgave me, I was still relieved, and everyone was willing to move on, myself included...:)

...That'snot quite the end of the story, either, though. There was...one other living thing I injected with DETERMINATION. A floweirng plant endemic to the mountain.


Star: "Even in the face of serious danger, you guys had hope and saved the day and kingdom. All you needed was a little guidance from another dragon, and you guys kicked evil's butt!"

-Excpet she'll totally end up making the same mistake as Drakkon anyway?-

She...hasn't seem to have causd anything resembling a viral infection so far. Or even a computer virus, for that matter. But Monika and the others might not even be affected since they're video games characters brought to life just like her...

...How's Frankenstein doing? Actually, how are all the human people she helped on the way here doing?


-Blake ldidn't consider it a big deal to begin with and just thought it was already clear, given Ata and Medea's interactions and the fact that the latter invited her on the trip to Mewni to begin with?-

Tetra: "I take it that must be the adoptive mother?"

Speicmen 14: "Something that's been around since World War 2...And suffice to say, it's room is always the 1000th. If we're gonna get to the Doll House..."

-Grits teeth- (Then we have to cross it's territory...)
-that sounds familiar to Marie?-
Emblem Chrom: "Pretty much."

Emblem Robin: "We're lucky none of us died, to be fair."

Emblem Sigurd: "There is nothing childish about having friends, Kiritsugu."
-it'll take a bit longer to show she was more prepared... but yeah, she'll make the same goof-
Byleth: "That's a good question. Let's find out."
Blake: "It's fine. You really don't need to overthink things with me. I'll always understand you." :)
Kanna: "That would be a good assumption."
Jaune: "...Would've been nice to know that sooner... But at least we know before it's too late..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-she did her side special again... but this time she moved forward while doing it, making its range even more crazy than usual-
Emblem Eirika: "Indeed. It wasn't easy, however, and I personally missed the first half of them."
Yang: "Thanks, Ruby!"

Weiss: "...."
-Bandana Dee is hit and launched yet again, but does Byleth get hit by any of the spears?-


Dipper: "That makes sense, I can't imagine that Alear or her allies would have had all the Emblems at first..."


(Are you okay?)

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Bandana Dee is hit and launched yet again, but does Byleth get hit by any of the spears?-


Dipper: "That makes sense, I can't imagine that Alear or her allies would have had all the Emblems at first..."


(Are you okay?)
-the lance actually clashed with the first spear right after it hit Bandana... but because Smash logic, it caused a clank and then led to Byleth being hit by the other two-
Emblem Eirika: "Queen Lumera used to but realized that hoarding them all to herself would be a bad look, so about half of them were given to the neighboring kingdoms. I was actually one of the ones she kept... but I was stolen early in Alear's adventures. Before I could be awakened."
Weiss: "I'm fine..."
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-the lance actually clashed with the first spear right after it hit Bandana... but because Smash logic, it caused a clank and then led to Byleth being hit by the other two-
Emblem Eirika: "Queen Lumera used to but realized that hoarding them all to herself would be a bad look, so about half of them were given to the neighboring kingdoms. I was actually one of the ones she kept... but I was stolen early in Alear's adventures."
Weiss: "I'm fine..."
-So Bandana landed two hits...But at the cost of getting launched a considerable distance, also because Smash logic-

Mabel: "Wait, so how did Alear's kingdom get all of them?"

(You don't exactly sound fine...)

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-Huh, what will they go buy?-


Linebeck: "...Is that a compliment towards your group or...?"

-They seem like a Chaotic Neutral group if nothing else- :p

-The Crust Cousins are once again spying on the trio, and are still flabbergasted that these two young women in their 20s are hanging out with (who the Crust Cousins consider to be anyway :V) a robot freak like Jenny-

Steven: "Huh, I didn't think about that part...I thought I'd just go up there and sing." :ohwell:


Hitmonchan: "(G-Got it...)"

-A nearby Hitmonlee and Lucario were visibly holding back a laugh witnessing that-

Squirtle: "(But at the same time, everyone here has been really kind so far...)"

Vulpix: "(And some of us might end up going back to the wild alone...)"
-Right now? Maybe a few clothes-
da Vinci: "I'll let you decide that" :p
-I'd say more in the Chaotic Good side of things at least- :p

-Now they're sharing some ice cream cones while speaking with her!-
Mash: "It's not that easy, I think..."
Boudica: "What's important is you learned" :)

Jeanne: "Not all of you belong to the same habitat, after all..."
-ready to siiiiiing?-
-where he be?-
Veyle: "Yay~"
Sothis: "Indeed we are." :)
-They would all-
Tamamo Cat: "Okay, I think we're ready, nya~!"
Altera: -Nods- I hope Paula enjoys the performance when I do it...
-On his ship in fact-
Yuri: "I've been having a great time too" :)
Draco: "I see you lack any pride... Makes things easier for me though"
Tiamat: "Uuuh..."
// Only just now listened to that cover. Reminds me a lot of Ace Attorney.

Any tea table should! -Girl knows her tea-
Byleth: -serving tea in cups- "I always want to make sure there's a good time when it's tea time." :)
Scáthach: "Plus I see a few snacks..."

-Who else got invited? All of Byleth's friends + Medb?-
It really did...Still, it...w-wasn't easy for me. Telling everyone that their loved ones had become undying, merged messes, after they specifically sent them to me as their only hope of saving their lives...I-I was so afraid. And I felt immense guilt for causing them to become melted amalgamations to begin with...

...O-Once a friend gave me some advice, I finally found the courage to change that and go forward. They were reunited with their families, their families were just glad to have them back, and even if not all of them f-fully forgave me, I was still relieved, and everyone was willing to move on, myself included...:)

...That'snot quite the end of the story, either, though. There was...one other living thing I injected with DETERMINATION. A floweirng plant endemic to the mountain.


Star: "Even in the face of serious danger, you guys had hope and saved the day and kingdom. All you needed was a little guidance from another dragon, and you guys kicked evil's butt!"

-Excpet she'll totally end up making the same mistake as Drakkon anyway?-

She...hasn't seem to have causd anything resembling a viral infection so far. Or even a computer virus, for that matter. But Monika and the others might not even be affected since they're video games characters brought to life just like her...

...How's Frankenstein doing? Actually, how are all the human people she helped on the way here doing?


-Blake ldidn't consider it a big deal to begin with and just thought it was already clear, given Ata and Medea's interactions and the fact that the latter invited her on the trip to Mewni to begin with?-

Tetra: "I take it that must be the adoptive mother?"

Speicmen 14: "Something that's been around since World War 2...And suffice to say, it's room is always the 1000th. If we're gonna get to the Doll House..."

-Grits teeth- (Then we have to cross it's territory...)
-that sounds familiar to Marie?-
Emblem Chrom: "Pretty much."

Emblem Robin: "We're lucky none of us died, to be fair."

Emblem Sigurd: "There is nothing childish about having friends, Kiritsugu."
-it'll take a bit longer to show she was more prepared... but yeah, she'll make the same goof-
Byleth: "That's a good question. Let's find out."
Blake: "It's fine. You really don't need to overthink things with me. I'll always understand you." :)
Kanna: "That would be a good assumption."
Jaune: "...Would've been nice to know that sooner... But at least we know before it's too late..."
Marie: This is where we get to that part...
Lily: "You must have planned and improved amazingly then!" -plus Lucina and other future people being there helped no doubt-

Kiritsugu: "What would that even bring though...?"
Koyanskaya: -Through telepathy- Hey, so how are things going now?
-So far they'd see that... All of those people, Fran included, are abolutely fine-
Atalanta: "Seems we're really some of the most compatible pairs around, then" :)
Hayate: "Yes, and she's absolutely awesome!"
Rin: "Can we distract it somehow?"
He's in a fighting game so we can say he sparred with Juri sometimes :V
Mayhaps :p
-didn't initially think about it, but yeah, now I'm making this old comic canon :V-
Ouch, but an understandable backstory.


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
I have decided to make Bidoof's backstory even more tragic :V
Bidoof will have had a Trainer before that used it as an HM Slave and didn't really care for her, not even taking the time to train her to evolve her so she could use more HMs, releasing her when they caught a fully evolved Bibarrel for the role :V
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