The Stoopid Unikorn
Spiciest of Guacamoles
-definitely not there, that's for sure-Kirby: "Huh, where is she?"
-Another changed Spin Dash-
-Mama Hasselback tells the bitties that it serves them right, dismissing them as "ltitle runts" and telling them that they have even worse things planned for them...until Hopediah is heard playing a harmonica, then calmly greeting them by saying "Ma'am" standing on the desert horizon in front of the sunset wearing a flat, black Clint Eastwood-stkye hat-
-Mama Hasselback says "Well, look who decided to show his frauddy old face again. Ya back for more punishment?"-Hop Pop just fearlessly declares " I'm back to do what's right. Stand up to bullies like you."-
(Teach them some manners, Hop Pop!)

-Yang expected it and hit Amethyst's fighter with a smash attack-
Weiss: "Whoa..."
Ruby: "Can I have some too~?"-Indeed, the kiddos share the snacks~-
Yuri: "Hmmmmm..." -examining her-
-Shirou does think that, so does Iri who snaps another pic-
Draco: "Hmph... Let it be clear... I will find a ay to go around all of you and complete my goal!"
Arcueid: Awww~ She's trying to look brave~
Guifei: So cute~
-the two women (and Merlin) would look over things-
Sakura: "A-Am I being judged?"
-Kanna does a big grin at the camera-
-it'll eventually become "I'll eat all of humanity... except for you four" though she'll never admit it- ~~just like Bender~~
Shez: "Don't you literally need me right now? Kinda hard to take your threats seriously when I could just snap the contract, y'know."

Tiki: "I don't know how long has it been for you, but we sure wanna surprise her"
-Well, of Super Sentai at least, since Rita still has Kaito's stolen Rider Cards deck to make more copies herself-
-Speaking of she did now, sending a copy of Kamen Rider MadRogue-
-The MadRogue copy used various punches filled with energy as it was doing motions of cackling like a madman, clearly like the previous Ouja copy, mimicking traits of the original person-
Stacey: "I need to get my powers back, this gun is mine and I need to use it!"
Kaito: "I'm just here to snatch the treasures"
Natsuki: "Hey! What's the need to be rude?"
Jeanne: "But what matters is Medea taught you to"
Atalanta: It would be a good idea...
Mata Hari: "Awwww, how sweet~" -pats her-
Lilith: "Hey, you baloon thing! You're part of this too, so do it!" -since it got kinda glossed over she got the top hat and cane too-
-Elizabeth is doing what she can now while grumbling-
Nel: "Well, if it truly is you four, I see no issue with you meeting the Divine One. And that would mean those little ones following you are people you trust, so they may come in as well."(They seem to go way back.)
-Not good news at all...-
Noelle: -To Kaito's explanation- "...Huh. Uhh, w-well, okay, then we just need to buy you two some time to escape! And for us to escape, too!"
Steven: "Hey, I am already part of this! Connie and I were assigned to be their tour guides! Can you at least hear us out?"
Moon: "I suppose she really did...One can always count a good friend to help set their path straight."
-Chaldea in general getting a healthy amount of time to relax is overdue, so they've all wanted more days off like this one...-
-Young Azura happy?-
(Wait, what?! I didn't sign up for this! Ugh, well, I'll show you!) -Frantically trying to dance to keep up with the rhythm-
-that stoic woman managed to sneak out a small little smile, one that her seemingly old friends have immediately picked up on-
Camilla: "That's an adorable smile, Nel~"
-and how's progress on Coyle's plan? her expertise in making technological things at least makes the initial virus as a framework easy-
Viridi: "You started it by calling us gremlins!"
-Steven can't deny Viridi had a point?-
Kamui: "That's very true. I don't know where I would be without Azura... Wish I had brought her but she insisted that Jeanne and I being on vacation was already enough given all the work that's under the Rulers' belt. I... honestly can't disagree."
Blake: We'll keep it in mind once we get the tower back.
-she's very happy, and it looks utterly adorable-
Azura: "Now what are we waiting for? Let's go gather some sweets." -really behaving like the child she is now-
Camilla: Huh, so Azura can do that now... I'll keep it in mind.
-eventually, a fake grenade causing a confetti explosion and smoke would appear and Deadpool, disguised as Lord Raptor from Darkstalkers (guitar included) started performing along with the song-

Dunno who's cultured enough to have my theme song but good for you!
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