-Ata and Heshima still waiting to hear back from them-
Tetra: "Well, whatever it is, your mood still seems cheerful, at least."
And catch ourselves a ghost! Let's move!
-About five minutes after the ghost possessing the doll escaped, and one minute after they left the Tremorton Mall, Jenny received a call from her mother on her communication monitor-
Nora: "XJ-9! Something went awry with the city's power! The entire town's power had a brief but severe brownout, and it even took the power from the Skyway Patrol's prison security systems. Not like they have the budget or competence to maintain it anyway...But the point is, one of the alien criminals under their containment took advantage of the electrical failure to regather energy. Gigawatt has escaped!"
Gigawatt?! Okay, this is really, really bad...
-That says it all- :V
W-We remember that as well...What's his opinion on the matter?
EMIYA: "Well, well, it seems we're all going through the same path"
Tamamo Cat: "I think we all are, nya~"
Robin Hood: "Yeah, I want a break!"
Boudica: "Please, we need it..."
Hayate: "Is that really sooooo~?"

Rin: "Who is Gigawatt?!"
Luka: "Oooooooooh I now can see it~"

Lillie: ".......He really doesn't wants to see her again"
Yang: "Could come in handy for the kitchen staff, that's for sure."

Pandora: -chukling along- "Oh, very much so."

-neither would Byleth... as tempting as it is-
Camilla: "If you've seen him, you should know why~"
Artemis: "Yeah, I've tasted a good amount of bear meat myself~!"
Cleopatra: "Worthy of a Pharaoh's friendship"

-Overall enjoying it...-
-Yeah, it's not like she personally knows this girl...-
Irisviel: "Because he's a little cute?"
-It turned out he was actually preparing a healing spell, which he cast at Moon...who immediately used all her strength to cast an extremely powerful magic beam at the Storius duplicate while he was distracted fighting Susie-
The point is, you still have some level of affection for them. You said it yourself! Talk about you want about being a superior being because you're a robot with no emotional attachments, it's clear that isn't the case!
Star: "BYLETH!" -Tried to resist the headache to prepare another spell cast-
-And the two discuss the current situation?-
(A robot army?)
-Like something out of an anime!-
-so he goes for more punches!-
Coyle: -getting frustrated at Jenny breaking her logic and shoots more projectiles-
Byleth: "Oh no you don't!" -tries to have a hold on the arm grabbing her and uses it to try ans slam Mesagog on the ground in front of her-
-it's now srs bsns for BB-

-they wanna meet one who is awake?!-
-And this being Moon, it did some very serious damage to Storious, immobilizing it!-
-And the punches land!-
-It failed as he caught the arm and kept absorbing energy from her, glowing-
Mesogog: "All this power, you truly are an abnormal existence..."
Rita: "Oh hey, where have you been?"
Koyanskaya: "I went for the toy that was in repair. Isn't that the cloning room?"
Rita: "Some pests got in it, but I summonedsome boys to deal with them~"
-Some shooting various bullets at them!-
-Indeed it is, with BB typing furiously-
-Or from a fantasy book!-
Yuri: "...Why is she sleeping there though?"
Sayori: "This one sleeps a lot!"
Natsuki: "Huh... Then let's see one that is awake"
Tiki: "Well I am now"