Kamui: "I know, right? She's so incredible!"
Byleth: "That's her, alright." -not even surprised that Monika knows; Shez loves bragging about being adopted into the Eisner family :V-
-very much so!-
Sothis: "You may take your time."
Tiki: "So your world's Fire Emblem isn't just your Crest, it's the heart of a... Should I really call her a goddess?"
Monika: "She's quite boisterous"
-Palutena's thoughts?-
Tamamo: "Okay, could take some days, but I'll manage, mikon~"
Marco: "Being safe and knowing how to fight practically go hand in hand! I'd say just try to help them learn some combat when they think they're ready."
Nora: -Hits the upstairs floor with a broom- "Mind your language, XJs 1 through 4 are two young to have curse words in their vocabulary!"
And yet you're still letting us watch a movie with violence...
Nora: "...Touche."
-This logic is also why she hasn't called out anyone for swearing during the mission to Phaaze below- :V
???: "Good afternoon. Oh, you're some of Steven's space pirate friends, right?"
-They've been worried about her amnesia especially, and were relieved to hear that she at least made a full recovery in terms of physical health-
Lily: "Okay! ...I dunno when that will be, but okay!"
Rin: "...Sorry"

Gai: "That's right! My name is Gai and this is Joe-san!"
Joe: -Just gave a brief look-
-Which da Vinci explained-
Lusamine: "Oh, my memories. In full honesty, I still can't recall who I used to be"
Their leader recently perished, along with the individual who hired them to begin with, but in their place, many others have risen in the ranks to take control of it.
A-And we aren't yet even entirely sure what they're planning...
Extremely wholesome idea!
Tasque Manager: -Accepted the handshake- "A pleasure to meet you then, Ms. Eisner!"
-What Digi asked?- :V
Specter: "You have a strong family, so you have plenty of positives influences who can teach you combat."
And I'm already picking up some lifesigns nearby...
I'm down for that challenge!
-and now I need to think of costumes for other characters-

Peridot: "What do you mea-Oh, look, she's helping her calm down!"
Azura: "But for now, let us focus on the current task at hand."
-Blake was nervous and tried covering her blushing face-
Shez: "Likewise, um..."
Byleth: "Tasque."
Shez: "...Really? That's the name?" -_- "Well, likewise, Tasque."
Kanna: "I believe in you! But for now... movie time?"
Phosphy: "That's probably her."

Link: "Nice. And I don't need my arms for this one so I'll be fine."

Cute, right~?
Bumblebee: "Okay, that's bad. We'll help you in what you need, but... You remember Grimlock, right?"
Jeanne: "The one that turns into a tyrannosaurus"
Bumblebee: "Yes! He jumped at their headquarters a while back and we haven't seen him since"
Kiritsugu: "So how do we proceed?"
Nanoha: "Ah, but my sister said there's cake for us..."
Arisa and Suzuka: -Quickly climb the stairs and come backwith vampire and mummy costumes- "Let's go"
-No, this is different. It ain't Phoenix, nor the Lugia-
Tamamo: "Go, go, Link, mikon~" -dressed as Yae Miko also from Genshin because fellow fox-
-Yuri calls herself a weird and awkward person, a part of herself she knows. She just can't connect with people, she doesn't gets how it can be so easy to make arbitrary conversations for others. She can speak for hours of what she's into, but she has no idea on anything else. She gets that's how she is, she can't help it, so whenever she's confronted in a new social situation, she feels she's either ignored, being made fun of, or taken pity on, and Sayori falls into that third category-
-Monika says "she's what? you think Sayori is taking pity on you?" and Yuri nodded-
Mash: "Now it all falls into place"