I wanted to do this for the penpal trio for a while, and now that they're contracting to Zelda, may as well.
ChaldeaDex Entry:
Servant #62
Class: Caster
Gender: Female
Height/Weight: 160cm/49kg
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Origin: Mythology, Japan
Debut: Fate/EXTRA
Likes: Her tiny home
Dislikes: Looking back at the past
Line: “I will always be there for you! Your reliable Shrine Maiden Fox, Caster, has now arrived!”
Comment: "Yes? I'm a fox, and a shrine maiden. Is that a problem?"
Miko of Amaterasu. A shrine maiden who wanted nothing more but to be a good wife. She served Emperor Toba at the end of the Heian period and was known as the most beautiful woman of her day. Some say that she's actually the Nine-Tail Demon Fox in disguise, but it’s more complex than that. She’s an avatar of Amaterasu, Shinto Goddess of the Sun, who wanted to know how it was to be human, but in her misunderstandings, her worst traits came outside, manipulating those she was around with and bringing those around her to ruin in sadistic pleasure, until her execution.
One of the Three Great Yokai, she’s a kitsune who, in repentance for her sins, cut off her nine tails, leaving out many of the original Tamamo-no-Mae’s traits, and her full power as an avatar of Amaterasu. This is technically the “original” as she’s the one with the tail that was left, while all others took on a shape of their own that took other traits. Overall, this makes her very sensitive when it comes to her past, and she seeks now to repent, though the results in that may vary.
She prefers to stay reserved on what she truly wishes, but it’s clear she wants to settle with someone to be their wife, for which she trains daily.
Strength: E
Endurance: E
Agility: B
Mana: A
Luck: D
Noble Phantasm: B
Class Skills
Territory Creation: Rank C. The ability to build a special terrain that is advantageous to oneself as a magus.
Item Construction: Rank -. The ability to produce various magical items.
Nullified by Fox's Wedding.
Personal Skills
Divinity: Rank A. The measure to know how close one is to be a Divine Spirit.
Curse Arts: Rank EX. A type of magecraft designed to please one’s selfish needs, including methods to attain fortune or becoming influential, to even returning one’s pain to targets.
Shapeshifting: Rank A. The ability to borrow bodies and change appearance.
Fox's Wedding: Rank EX. A special variation of Item Construction, provided by one-sidedly declaring a wedding.
Cursed Layer: Broad Sunshine: Rank A. Being capable of using the Cursed Boundary Layer, a world turned inside out with hatred only to kill a target that could not get out of it unless the curse is removed.
Noble Phantasms
Eightfold Blessings of Amaterasu on the Weight Stone under the Sunlit Watery Heavens: Rank D (Downed from EX), Anti-Army type.
A mirror that is the temporarily released form of the Weight Stone of Tamamo, a sacred regalia. Once its function as a Noble Phantasm is activated, she summons a circle of levitating Ofuda surrounded by a number of glowing Torii, charges the mirror with energy, and stands in the middle of the circle to draw in the energy. The energy drawn in allows her to use her curses without the need to expend any magical energy for a limited time. It’s normally a divine treasure can even bring the deceased back to life, but she hasn't been granted the authority to use that power.
Attribute: Sky
Traits: Demonic Beast Servant, Non-Hominidae Servant, Humanoid, Divine, Weak to Enuma Elish
Notes: Originally Link's Servant, she later contracted with Zelda as an order from him. She has more loyalty to him, but sees her as a good friend. Often bickers with Nero, to which EMIYA has to interfere as a mediator; also gets along with other Sun-related people like Karna or Ozymandias.
ChaldeaDex Entry:
Servant #56
Class: Berserker
Gender: Female
Height/Weight: 158cm/41kg
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Origin: Legends, Japan
Debut: Fate/Grand Order
Likes: Honesty
Dislikes: Lies
Line: “Servant, Kiyohime. Even though I look like this, I'm a Berserker you know? I'll be in your care, Master.”
Comment: A woman who lives for love (self-proclaimed).
The Flame Dragon Princess. The Legend of Kiyohime is a tale that shows how she fell in love at first sight with a handsome monk named Anchin, as he was seeking lodging one night during his pilgrimage to Kumano. However, upon visiting Anchin late at night, Kiyohime was rejected. Even then, Anchin promised that they would meet again on his way home from the pilgrimage to Kumano. Fearing Kiyohime, Anchin broke his promise, and fled without seeing Kiyohime again.
Realizing his betrayal Kiyohime despaired, grieved, raged, then transformed into a dragon to chase Anchin. When she caught up to Anchin at the temple she burned him to death as he hid inside one of the temple bells. No records show that she had the blood of a dragon in her veins. The thing she does have is the endless pursuit towards the one she loves...
Due to this betrayal, she wishes for a world without lies.
Strength: E
Endurance: E
Agility: C
Mana: E
Luck: E
Noble Phantasm: EX
Class Skill
Mad Enhancement: Rank EX. A skill that raises all parameters at the cost of mental sanity and reasoning.
Personal Skills
Stalking: Rank B. A wild instinct that makes the user able to pursue and track down their beloved no matter how far the distance.
Shapeshifting: Rank C. The ability to borrow bodies and change appearance.
Flame-Colored Kiss: Rank A. If it means the user would be able to join her lips with their beloved, they would be willing to push aside every obstacle.
Shapeshifting (Fire Dragon): Rank C+. A further evolution of Shapeshifting, allowing one to turn into a flaming dragon out of sheer grief and anger.
Noble Phantasm
Transforming, Flame-Emitting Meditation: Rank EX, Anti-Unit (Self) type.
Transforming into a great fire-breathing serpent, a constricting or fiery attack is performed every turn. The strength of a dragon's breath is extremely potent, with its fire being a ranged, mass attack. Meanwhile, its constriction attack is a direct single target attack. Kiyohime cannot recall having ever mixed with the blood of dragons, instead it’s the result of pure obsession that "can be considered a representation of her sheer tenacity" and a "relentless, mistakenly-held obsession towards the man who lied to her."
Attribute: Earth
Traits: Hominidae Servant, Humanoid, Dragon, Weak to Enuma Elish
Notes: Has a contract with Zelda, but is not her beloved, albeit she still yearns for one. Thus she has yet to show her most obssessive habits. Despite everything, she has true friends in Tamamo and Osakabehime, and looks out particularly for the latter, encouraging her to be more social.
ChaldeaDex Entry:
Servant #189
Class: Assassin
Gender: Female
Height/Weight: 158cm/51kg
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Origin: Mythology, Japan
Debut: Fate/Grand Order
Likes: Games, Internet, online shopping
Dislikes: Hasn’t settled on what to dislike yet
Line: “Uh...um? Yes, yes, I'm Osakabehime, Assassin. So...um, can I go home now? I can't? Fiiine.”
Comment: What could be sweeter than staying indoors and the forbidden fruit of online shopping? Buying e-books by the dozen and painting figures is like sinking into a cozy morass. Real-life friends? Barely.
The Lady of the Walls. A powerful youkai who was enshrined and inhabited the Himeji Castle. Osakabehime left managing the castle to its warriors, and met with the caretakers only once every few years to give them half-hearted criticisms and fortune tellings, all so she could enjoy her shut-in life. Wars and even whole ages passed her by, and Osakabehime remained there, with few being able to prove her existence, and even less people that did so are now alive to tell the tale.
She may look like a black-haired, prim and proper maiden, but on closer inspection, one can see she is a gloomy, listless, and naturally lazy girl. She may act like a princess, but because her communication skills are frankly abysmal, she tends to just behave according to whatever tropes she knows offhand. Such feared yokai has become an example of an otaku.
Her wish is to just stay inside her room forever.
Strength: E
Endurance: E
Agility: E
Mana: A+
Luck: A+
Noble Phantasm: A++
Class Skill
Presence Concealment: Rank -. The ability to hide one’s presence.
Nullified by Presence Concealment (Shade).
Personal Skills
Presence Concealment (Shade): Rank B. One’s presence is hidden so long as they’re in closed spaces or buildings.
Territory Creation: Rank A+. The ability to build a special terrain that is advantageous to oneself as a magus.
Divinity: Rank C. The measure to know how close one is to be a Divine Spirit.
Shapeshifting: Rank A+. The ability to borrow bodies and change appearance.
Chiyogami Manipulation Techniques: Rank EX. Origami foldings can be turned into familiars and bemanipulated freely to attack, defend or even combine as a dovetail for decoy.
Castle Apparition: Rank A++. A collective term for the creatures who moved from the likes of Shrines into castles. The more one is inside a castle, the stronger they become.
Animal Control (Bat): Rank EX. One can fully control bats and turn them into familiars.
Four Gods Divination (Hakuro): Rank A. A Skill that came from the story four Gods are observing the Himeji Castle. By treating the surroundings as one’s own territory, they can increase the status of allies.
Noble Phantasm
Lord Hachitendo of Hakuro Castle's Hundred Demons: Rank EX, Anti-Fortress type.
A powerful magecraft that manifests a miniature version of Himeji Castle. This magecraft is superficially similar to a Reality Marble. Making use of her famed beauty and dignity, she provides mental support to her embattled allies. Was Osakabehime a more aggressive sort, she could easily turn the castle into a terrifying weapon. Thanks to her being a complete and total shut-in, though, it pretty firmly remained in the realm of defensive Noble Phantasms.
Attribute: Earth
Traits: Hominidae Servant, Humanoid, Divine, Weak to Enuma Elish
Notes: One of Zelda’s Servants, who she’s roommates with. In reality she’s a kitsune, a conflict with Tamamo before they knew each other well made her instead change her theming to bats. Makes doujinshi and is a popular streamer.
And because I have no self-control and stablished they could do this.......
ChaldeaDex Entry:
Servant #128
Class: Lancer
Gender: Female
Height/Weight: 160cm/49kg
Alignment: Neutral Summer
Origin: Mythology, Japan
Debut: Fate/EXTRA
Likes: Summer romance
Dislikes: Crabs, lobster, being ripped-off when buying souvenirs
Line: "Ta-daaa! I heard ‘beach’ and came right away. Who called for this honeymoon? Servant Lancer, Tamamo-no-Mae. I am ready to take your heart away♡ Would you like to go on a summer adventure with me?"
Comment: "Yes? Do you have a problem with a hottie in a swimsuit?"
Tamamo Shark. Everyone goes to the beach in the summer. And you have to bring a parasol with you. And that's where your dependable Shrine Maiden Fox comes in. This is common sense in Ashihara-no-Kuni. The sun is an explosion. Weaponizing her wet T-shirt and her cute floatie, Lancer Tamamo brings sunshine to the tropics!
She may be in a swimsuit, but she is still the same Tamamo-no-Mae. But since she is on vacation, she used up all her magical energy to turn into a beast of summer. That is one of the reasons why she has extremely high physical abilities. Since she is extremely relaxed, she is more graceful and high class than your typical Tamamo. She thinks of herself as an elegant mannequin, but a true lady wouldn't be so excited to run and play, nor would they carry a floatie.
A wish? Well, an eternal vacation with her loved one would be nice.
Strength: B
Endurance: C
Agility: A
Mana: E
Luck: A
Noble Phantasm: C
Class Skill
Magic Resistance: Rank -. Protection from magic effects.
Personal Skills
Riding: Rank A. The ability to master any mount.
Territory Creation: Rank A. The ability to build a special terrain that is advantageous to oneself as a magus.
Divinity: Rank A+++. The measure to know how close one is to be a Divine Spirit.
Beach Flower: Rank EX. The physical beauty of the person given form, attracting countless stares of the opposite sex while at the beach.
Midsummer Curse Arts: Rank A. A powerful charm ability. Although the enemy suffers from various debuffs, at the same time theirs moods are lifted.
Goddess Metamorphosis: Rank B. An evolved version of Shapeshifting of the highest form where one undergoes metamorphosis into a goddess.
Noble Phantasms
Tokonatsu Nikkou - Goddess' Love Parasol: Rank C, Anti-Unit type.
A play on words because a parasol keeps both the sun and the monsters away. It also carries the connotation of warding off any bad bugs that cling to Master. In certain parts of the world it's called the "Polygamist Castration Fist." Naturally, it gets an attack bonus on men. Robin Hood would (most likely) know more details.
Attribute: Sky
Traits: Demonic Beast Servant, Non-Hominidae Servant, Humanoid, Divine, Weak to Enuma Elish
Notes: Originally a separate Servant, she was a victim of Isis’s attack and her Saint Graph fused with Tamamo’s to survive, allowing her to access this form. Thanks to it, she’s learned to alter other Saint Graphs like Scáthach and has done to Osakabehime. Was friends with Lapis.
ChaldeaDex Entry:
Servant #134
Class: Lancer
Gender: Female
Height/Weight: 158cm/41kg
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Origin: Legends, Japan
Debut: Fate/Grand Order
Likes: Ringing bells
Dislikes: Seeing her loved one being approached by others so carefree
Line: “Hehehe, Master, your Kiyohime is here now! It is a little embarrassing showing my skin in public... But I am doing this especially for you.”
Comment: The woman that lives for a passionate summer love! (In other words, her usual self).
Flame Dragon Princess of the Beach. Kiyohime. In a swimsuit. Even more excited and aggressive than usual. She's going to stalk her beloved. Passionately. As she has been summoned as a Lancer, she carries a naginata, which admittedly is second-rate, but it is rumored she is unparalleled on the battlefield because of her overflowing bloodlust and mercilessness. While she would usually be embarrassed at wearing this, she’s more than willing to put it on just to charm her beloved.
...Well, she's still the same Kiyohime, but why not take the risk of complimenting her on her swimsuit for once? Summertime is brief... One may as well be trapped within Kiyohime's emotional wave. So please take this chance to compliment her swimsuit; it is sure to help her be at ease.
Her wish is for a world where beloved will solely and only look at her.
Strength: D
Endurance: D
Agility: B
Mana: E
Luck: A+
Noble Phantasm: C
Class Skill
Magic Resistance: Rank D. Protection from magic effects.
Personal Skills
Mad Enhancement: Rank EX. A skill that raises all parameters at the cost of mental sanity and reasoning.
Hot Summer of Passion: Rank A. Summer is the season of passion, as a result, the user has become much more excited than usual.
Bath Flip: Rank A. Willing to wear a swimswear even if embarrassed to get one beloved’s attention.
Pursuer of Love: Rank A. An evolved version of the Stalking skill. No matter in which place the other party is, she user wills themselves into a super-high-high-speed pursuit.
Noble Phantasm
Dojo-ji Bell Form 108 - Fire Dragon Mower: Rank A, Anti-Unit type.
A reenactment of Kiyohime’s murder of Anchin. She traps her opponent in a bell, piercing her naginata into the bell like a twisted game of shooting fish in a barrel. This is one of the more brutal and heat suffocating skills, especially since it is the dead heat of summer. Because of that, Servants that travel with her say she is the worst to be with during the summer.
Attribute: Earth
Traits: Hominidae Servant, Humanoid, Dragon, Weak to Enuma Elish
Notes: Originally a separate Servant, she was a victim of Isis’s attack and her Saint Graph fused with Kiyohime’s to survive, allowing her to access this form. Ironically, this has led her to become more mentally stable, though it might help she has yet to find a beloved…
ChaldeaDex Entry:
Servant #262
Class: Archer
Gender: Female
Height/Weight: 158cm/51kg
Alignment: Neutral Summer
Origin: Mythology, Japan
Debut: Fate/Grand Order
Likes: Video games (moreso battle royales)
Dislikes: Carbohydrates
Line: “S-sorry for causing so much trouble... I'm Archer Osakabehime... I tried my best to fit into a swimsuit... Wh-what do you think? Do I look good? I look good, right? I racked my brain picking it out... So if you can tell me that I look good in it, it'll boost my confidence...!”
Comment: She claims that she succeeded in losing 1kg...if you round down. But it can also be said that her Morph skill has not been affected either.
Trying Out a Revealing Bikini, But Written Nary a Page. After struggling for a little less than two years, she has finally done it. After making some changes to her Saint Graph, Osakabehime dons a swimsuit! Changing her class from Assassin to Archer has helped make her a bit more active. In particular, this Osakabehime developed something of an addiction to survival games, and spends her every waking hour hurling herself into every battle royale she can!
With the help of her friend Kiyohime giving her seventy percent encouragement, twenty percent support, and ten percent covering fire, Osakabehime finally managed to transform into a swimsuit of her own. And thanks to a certain boxing workout regime created by a boxing Servant who was also one of the original swimsuited Servants, she managed to lose a little bit of weight. All she has to do is to resist gaining back all the weight during the fall.
She wishes to maintain her ideal weight forever.
Strength: D
Endurance: E
Agility: B
Mana: A
Luck: A
Noble Phantasm: EX
Class Skills
Independent Action: Rank A. The ability to remain in existence without any magic source for some time.
Magic Resistance: Rank B. Protection from magic effects.
Personal Skills
Divinity: Rank C-. The measure to know how close one is to be a Divine Spirit.
Fortification Construction: Rank B. A variant of Territory Creation. The experience of being a guardian allows the user to build a stronghold.
Princess Summer Vacation (Fake): Rank A. “Why is there a (fake) in princess?? I am a decent and respectable princess!! Eh? Why is there a (fake) in vacation? What? I must finish my manuscripts? Eh? …… EHH?!”
Chiyogami Battalion Commander: Rank EX. By manipulating small animals made of origami, one can prepare for simultaneous shooting, support bombing, and shelling.
Noble Phantasm
Hakuro Castle - Thousand Forms Mili-Mili Night Fever!: Rank EX, Anti-Army (Battalion) type.
Volley firing, Tactile bombing, Main battery shooting that made full use of a single battalion of Origami (1000 sheets). It's the blinding raid's climax. Explode! There is a total of 1000 of Origami soldiers. At any rate, the miniature size solders are flying in the sky as aircraft, dashing through the land as tanks, it's a raid of cannon balls, commencing the assault. Not to mention, on top of the large quantity, being paper, they flutter out of the way of physical attacks. However, while the number is high, being paper, they are very weak against fire.
Attribute: Earth
Traits: Hominidae Servant, Humanoid, Divine, Weak to Enuma Elish
Notes: Her existence came as a result of her two friends already having Summer Saint Graphs making her want one. Additionally this form amps the number of views she gets on streams, to the wonder of no one.
Star: "Understatement of the century..."
Drakon wasn't eliminated, but we did ensure that his army could not leave the base...
-Watching the storm...-
-Current thoughts?-
Ralsei: "For what purpose?" -Curious-
Lily: "Thank you, Queen Boudica"
Boudica: "Awww, I had to"

Sideways: "Heh, that will be good for us"
-Indeed, Lusamine just a little better....-
Atalanta: "For what reason?"
Medea: "I think it could be good as an amotional support..."
Charlotte: "......I'm actually a double agent" -anime glasses shine and adjusting-
Zelda: "Great~!"

-it at least shows that Merlin isn't against the idea :V-
Azura: "My Servant?"
-And thus... Soon all three of them form a contract with her-
....Hold up, you aren't against it?
I'm an incubus. 
-What does Coyle think?-
Jeanne: "Right, you have contracted"
-Guifei drinking one too-
Penny: "Entering the Dark World has somehow made me...human?"
-She can't even wrap her head around it yet-
...-Sighs- Maybe I'll explain it another time...
Garnet: "Ugh, I have no idea what just happened"
Amethyst: "Some ghost freaked entered your head and made you attack us!"
-It's truly not necessary, she just needed the help...-
Sothis: "A strange oddity, even for a fellow oddity such as I."
-that's fair...-
Yang: "And I won a rematch."
Qrow: "All I did was give a push. Your actions are what made you happier."
Rin: "I don't know how that works either...."
-Hayate confused but doesn't delves into it-
-And the mummy then wraps up Amethyst again-
Viktor: "Sure, if you say so" -mocking tone-
Brynhldr: "It did still help a lot..."