(That's actually what I meant. See, these "evil clones" named the Materials debuted in a fighting game for the PSP, which is an alternate timeline where the original Reinforce survived, but as a result the remains of the Book of Darkness analyzed the main trio and as a defense system, made data copies of them. Basically it was a clunky licensed game with an excuse plot and they just existed to fill the roster with Echo Fighters.)
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(...Well, that was their original story, it gets a little deeper than that because the game sold enough to get a sequel which retconned things a bit so that they were the original programs and Reinforce an offshoot. In any way, despite their origin they actually did become popular and they even got to appear in movies and spin-offs later (with more retcons). But yeah, they still don't exist in the main Lyrical Nanoha timeline, which is what I'm tying the characters to.)
(That said, even before I had thought of having main Lyrical Nanoha characters in mind, I had the Materials in mind as potential antagonists, but given their origin I never found a way to.)
Rin: "And that's not even taking time travel in mind..."
Gai: "You know this is kinda like the evil Underground Empire Tube! Enemies of the 11th Super Sentai, the Maskmen! Only much more civilized from what I can tell..."
Monika: "Sweet there"

-It does, and Iri gets to materialize the Dress of Heaven!-
How did they snuck in without alerting anyone?!
-In another part of the ship, people were being attacked by a mummy-like creature-
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Nanoha: "Heheh, my parents taught me well then!"
Miyu: -Also helped bake-