The Spook Factor
Star: "We can't worry about losing battles we've already won, Lily..."Lily: "...My adult self too..."
-A better body than Knock Out's drone, but still!-
Aya: "No threats so far, will tell if there's any"
-Just as good as the chefs are~-
Charlotte: "Yes! ...That's the girl in the other room, right?"
-It's not the ideal vessel he had planned for!-
That's a relief, s-some of G-Ganon's monsters are still out there on other islands...
(Chaldea's kitchen staff never fails.)
Kris: "...If you were there, then yes."
"...If you weren't, then,"
Star: "Wait, really? Even I didn't know that!"Zelda: "He was already besting fully-trained soldiers in swordplay when he was merely 4 years old. Link is a true prodigy."
-Star didn't know that part?-
-her excuse would be that she didn't want to ruin any of her other outfits :V-
River: "Just like how Star was being trained to fight monsters by the knights of the castle when she was just a toddler..." -Crying at the precious memory-
-Isn't that the excuse Rin uses for usually wearing Ishtar's armor in battle?- :V
Byleth and Sothis: -to Rin- "It's complicated."
-while they wore similar outfits, it was still easy to tell Byleth and Sothis apart; from Byleth wearing leggings and sandals while Sothis's legs are fully bare to their hair, with Sothis's having far longer, fluffier hair of a darker shade of green than Byleth's... also their voices were nothing alike but still, they practically look like they're related to each other-
Weiss: "Penny..." -takes out her Scroll and takes a pic to show Penny her changes- "You wouldn't believe me unless you saw it yourself..."
Deadpool: "That's not a good defense when tropes are universal."
Kanna: "This'll be so much fun~!"
(Don't you have like, hundreds of different Keys? How could they all possibly be completely different now?!)Illya: "Really seems to be..."
Rin: "And what is complicated exactly?"
Nanoha: -Testing Raising Heart, which now has Wolverine-like claws too- "Woooooaaaaahhh..."
Marvelous: "...Okay, how did we turn to this?"
Luka: "...What happened to our Keys?" -has some in her hand and now they look entirely different-
Marvelous: "...Did they turn into Metal Hero Keys?"
Don: "Oh goodness, this place really changes even our gear!"
Monika: "A little bit"
???: "Humans? I am interested..." -the voice had an echo to it-
Brynhildr: "I'll look over you..."
-Penny was perplexed, but decided to look at the photo in the scroll-
Peridot: "Cut me some slack! I think that's a human expression, I've heard Steven mention it before..."
Steven: "It is."

Then gather your allies and visit these coordinates. Some of these humans are powerful, but many more are mere civilians... (This guy's got a terrifying voice. He's perfect for the job!)
-He'd give the current coordinates of the Arthra ship-
(Thank you, Miss!)