-That's all thanks to meeting Star, and later Chaldea as well-
Keep searching the base for now...
-How is she doing after some time swimming?-
-Her family is still here, along with herself. That's all that matters-
(We need to tell the other Servants...)
-And the funny thing was how the latter was by chance-
-Nightbird does, trying to get anything else of interest...-
-Her mind is a little more calmed...-
-Blake incuded on that, who should be with her team now-
Chen Gong:
Good suggestion.
-and smiled-
Azura: "Oh... I do. Why do you ask?"
Byleth: Cute smile.
Sothis: Yours or Arcueid's?
Byleth: .......yes.
Shirou: ".....I don't know, I wish I could have an answer to this, but I don't...."
Good, they don't remember my previous embarrassment.
Good Luck With That. Should Be Entertaining
Oh Yeah, Admiral Whatshername
Your Time Space Administration Bureau Spacefleet And Crew
Random Red-Haired Robot Girl
I Actually Don't Know What Any Of You Can Do
That's A Problem Intend To Resolve Immediately
Uploading Virus Minions To Capture Or Eliminate You All As We Speak Lmao
Peridot: "Is the entirety of the game's lore all real?!"
Well, it's not like I'm going anywhere. 
-It's a difficult question...-
Weiss: "Well, I guess we're being attacked then..."
Deadpool: "Ask her."

-and he seems happy to listen...-
-everything about Bryn is complicated-
Lindy: "We shall pre- Wait, did she say Virus Minions?"
Medea: "Oh, right, she exists here..."
Shamal: "The four of us were offshoots created as part of the Defense Program to protect the Masters that the Book of Darkness would have over the centuries, our duty was to be obedient servants that would fill the book with mana"
-Yes, there's no doubt... But she does need a friend-