You know, I always see people talking about how melee is so much harder to play than 64 and that it requires so much more tech skill. That line of thought always gets me thinking a little bit about several things.
Like how we have to destroy our joysticks to bounce off of a wall and maybe survive an edgeguard, but they only have to push a button to tech the ledge, cancel all momentum, and instantly be able to act.
Like how they can control the angle they're sent flying at just by holding the joystick while we still have to destroy our joysticks to wiggle around enough to escape a combo.
Like how we have to memorize specific jump techniques or practice weird timings with characters like fox shine, yoshi and ness double jump, etc. just to get perfect landing on platforms while they get to use this thing with a huge margin of error called a wavedash.
Like how the magnets on their ledges are bigger and allow bigger range to ledgegrab.
Like how their ledge invincibility actually stays after they let go of the edge, making it easier to ledgestall.
Like how they have this magical yellow stick on their controllers that acts as a complex and context sensitive macro that does the following:
- while shielding it acts as an input buffer for rolling left or right, making it easier to escape shield pressure
- Is also an input buffer for spot dodging, making it easier to escape shield pressure
- Is also an input buffer for shield jumping, making it easier to escape shield pressure
- Automatic smash DI just by holding it
- Smash attacks on the ground
- aerials while in the air without controlling momentum and regardless of direction of regular joystick (fastfall uairs take zero practice)
- allows any smash attack to be done while crouch cancelling
Like how on most of their moves with knockback, it even gives them 20 frames of input buffering for a jump immediately after escaping hitstun.
But alas, Melee has a harder shield drop and their Lcancelling windows is 4 frames shorter so melee requires much more tech skill than 64.