so sedda you think mango is better at melee than isai/jouske are at 64?
Or m2k is better at melee than boom is at 64?
and you think im crazy cause i think its the other way around?
I should've elaborated, but I was just making fun of you because you still weren't getting what I was saying, so I'm sorry about that.
When you say things like "a player who has been playing melee x amount of years can take a stock/games/whatever from [insert top 5 player here]," you have to consider a whole lot of factors.
imo, here are the two BIG factors:
1- Both 64 and Melee are very different games because of the technical stuff that I mentioned before. shieldstun is different, there's spot dodging, there's DI and SDI, there's wavedashing, the ****ing physics and percentage/knockback properties are different, air dodging. All of that reflects on how important 'taking stocks' really is, and that's why I used the example of soccer/basketball.
Another example: a couple of years back, I was watching some of brawl top 8 at apex, and one of the commentators said something along the lines of "m2k has a great big lead" while both players had two stocks, but m2k had a 60% lead. It's funny, I know, but that's the significance of taking stocks in Brawl at HIGH LEVEL.
2- How much good competition someone gets. Another problem I have with your "2 years experience" deal is that 2 years for someone who plays against boom regularly isn't the same as 2 years for someone who doesn't. There are people who have taken stocks/games off mango when he lived in socal, land of constant high level competition, so that makes total sense. However, I don't think HE even knows the amount of locals he's won in socal (with great top 20 players in attendance) throughout the last 6 years.
You kinda know m2k.. ask him how many Melee tournaments he's won. There's a reason why Hax is so good and has shown a lot of potential against the top players, and that's because he was #2 for all of the YEARS that m2k was number one dominating tristate. Even though he has all that experience, he STILL hasn't been able to break through the "ceiling" of Melee, because the ceiling itself (the top 5) keep pushing themselves more and more and people still can't catch up.
We're NOW seeing players who can do well against Isai consistently. Some Japanese players are up there, boom is up there, some of the peruvians are up there, but we've had ZERO tournaments with all these people together. The US has the best Melee players in one country where it's relatively easy to get from one state to another, and they've been competing for a long time. They're just waaay better at their game and have a lot more experience at everything; from organizing their tournaments to actually playing the game.
The top 5 get first at pretty much all tournaments they go to, and I can't recall one where they didnt off the top of my head ( other than Leffen winning against Armada after he "retired.") Armada has been destroying Leffen again after that.
I do think m2k is better at Melee than Isai is at 64, and the stakes are/have been much higher for melee for a very long time.
I think you're thinking Isai/Jouske/boom/gerson are better at 64 than melee players are at their game because they absolutely decimate their competition, but honestly, their competition is a ****ing joke. Melee players actually have to worry about people watching videos of them, studying them closely, and losing their spot as the best whenever they grab a controller. Their competition is scary as ****