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Social Social Thread - Talk About Anything (You Are Allowed to Talk About)!


Smash Apprentice
May 12, 2013
i played basketball today and i'm pretty sure i blocked an entire team of dominicans

we shut them down 12-1. lost our first game then went and won 5 in a row. i'm extremely sore.

my defense today was so goddamn on point, and i even had some shining O moments

ahh i love when the weather isn't garbage
You forgot to mention that those dominicans were 7 years old and participating in their local school's Hoops for Hope event to support their families back in the D-Rep.

That being said, you did the right thing. Was it a JV 11-stock? Taught them a lot about the real world I'm sure.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2012
what the hell is a jv 11 stock in basketball

i think i made second point after they made their first, making it 2-1, then we just went on a ****ing rampage and scored 4 straight, turnovers, 5 straight, turnovers, 2 straight

we had a kid on our team who had tobe like 12 years old, had no idea how to look up and pass the ball or do anything but airball. i figured i couldn't explain anything to him so i was just glad we won and he left and we picked up someone good


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Fencing is a god-tier sport

I bet none of you peasants even have your USFA A-ratings

Probably not a single one of you finished in the top 5 nationally for club fencing



Smash Master
Mar 13, 2008
disproving indeterminism
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Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2009
World Traveler
If Cobr's not lying, if Ballin' and myself can make it, Clubba plays, and Smasher is actually 6 foot 4, then WATCH OUT APEX 2015 BASKETBALL CREWS.


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2011
New York

Despite the recent change to a very friendly and cheerful avatar, I've actually just been informed of some seriously terrible news.

My German professor- the women whom I've bestowed my heart to… my soul mate and one true love- yeah, well turns out she has a boyfriend…

It's over boys. There's no going back for me. I have decided to sever all of my attachments to females and live my life pure of their manipulation. I see now that women are truly deceptive creatures and enjoy nothing more than trampling on the emotions of innocent men. They are evil masterminds and exist solely to wreak havoc.

My soul has been ripped out of me. I've been torn open and emptied of all faith. Friends, be wary of these monstrous demons. I only hope that none of you experience the betrayal that I have.

-Kero the Heartless



Smash Master
Mar 13, 2008
disproving indeterminism

Despite the recent change to a very friendly and cheerful avatar, I've actually just been informed of some seriously terrible news.

My German professor- the women whom I've bestowed my heart to… my soul mate and one true love- yeah, well turns out she has a boyfriend…

It's over boys. There's no going back for me. I have decided to sever all of my attachments to females and live my life pure of their manipulation. I see now that women are truly deceptive creatures and enjoy nothing more than trampling on the emotions of innocent men. They are evil masterminds and exist solely to wreak havoc.

My soul has been ripped out of me. I've been torn open and emptied of all faith. Friends, be wary of these monstrous demons. I only hope that none of you experience the betrayal that I have.

-Kero the Heartless

Welcome to the real world.


Herbert Von Karajan

Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2014
Banned from 64

Despite the recent change to a very friendly and cheerful avatar, I've actually just been informed of some seriously terrible news.

My German professor- the women whom I've bestowed my heart to… my soul mate and one true love- yeah, well turns out she has a boyfriend…

It's over boys. There's no going back for me. I have decided to sever all of my attachments to females and live my life pure of their manipulation. I see now that women are truly deceptive creatures and enjoy nothing more than trampling on the emotions of innocent men. They are evil masterminds and exist solely to wreak havoc.

My soul has been ripped out of me. I've been torn open and emptied of all faith. Friends, be wary of these monstrous demons. I only hope that none of you experience the betrayal that I have.

-Kero the Heartless
Dude you shoulda listened to me. All language professors are like that; they are just trying to get you to register for the next level for the next semester. Remember what i said earlier about it?


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2011
New York
The enjoyment I get from hooking up with a girl is a mere fraction of the misery that a guy feels when his girlfriend cheats on him.

I don't get with girls who have boyfriends.

Admittedly, it's bothersome and sometimes I wish it wasn't that way, but you don't get to be Lord FlipDog Rosevélt by being selfish. I would never put someone through that pain for my own satisfaction.
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Smash Master
Feb 8, 2012
this is a legitimate topic of discussion. i've hooked up with a girl who had a fiancee, as tommy always likes to point out when we're in mixed company. but it's not like i forced the girl to do anything or seduced her. she just wanted it. and wound up in an extremely sticky situation with me and five other people.

homeboy shouldn't be with a girl who's unfaithful. homegirl shouldn't be with a guy who's unfaithful. i don't know why people stay when their sig others cheat, and i don't know why they'd get with someone who's sketch like that.

if you're with a girl and she's got a boyfriend, welp, don't see how that's your problem if you **** her. of course you could let your morals come into play, say you don't want to hurt someone like that. but some girls get off on that kind of ****. aaaand if her dude ain't doing it for her...well, i'd be more than happy to. call me heartless more than yourself if that's the case, but that's just how **** happens.


She had a man, I had a girl
I broke up with mine and around that same time
We was hangin out she never laid a hand on me
But I could tell from the way she glanced at me
Her looks said baby boy somethin hampers me
And it would go down but I got my man with me
Lord how can it be?
You know I never been the dude to come and break up a happy family
And these 2 looked so happy on the outside
They could've only been happy on the outside
We eventually started creepin'
But for me it's just sex
For her it's cheatin'
It went down, one time, two times, once more
Talkin real passionate, every time it jumped off
I'm in deep y'all she's more than a jump off
We both catchin' feelins, both startin to want more
But guess what, she can't leave him
Must be somethin' I don't know about, maybe she needs him
Means I still gotta front like we ain't sleepin'
Still gotta shake his hand, I still gotta see him
How's he supposed to look, supposed to feel for me
He gotta know I'm feelin you, and you feelin me
How am I supposed to look at that man with respect
With Bleek singin 'Is That Your Chick In My Head'
Dru Hill - 'Somebody Sleepin In My Bed'
Aaliyah - 'If Your Girl Only Knew' reversed, but look
Here's why I'm down and out
I'm kinda worried y'all
I ain't heard from him much since he found out
needin what wasn't mine y'all, she's still in the brain
And I know wherever she's at, she's feelin' the same
So 'till my fantasy dame pop up
Everytime the cell rings I'm prayin that her name pop up, for real
I know y'all, I ain't supposed to wife her
But it's God's fault, I wasn't supposed to like her
Sometimes I think, why'd I have to meet chick for?
And some times dog, be careful what you wish for
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Smash Master
Apr 27, 2011
I would never hook up with a girl that had a S/O. She may be willing, but her S/O is almost certainly not. No one wants to be in a relationship with a cheater, it just seems like common courtesy to not let that happen when you can. If some girl I knew had a S/O came onto me, I'd probably tell the guy one way or another. Do unto others as you would others do unto you, right?


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Lol I love the douchebag defense

"That's just how it goes, dog"

AKA I want to do it so **** everyone else

Gotta have some COMPASSION, dude. Some common decency.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2012
i'm not saying what i'd do is right or that it's the other person's fault

but i think most people would, of course, say they would never do it - and few people can follow through 100% of the time. i just openly admit that i'd probably **** a chick with a boyfriend. and considering my ex was a ****, i know exactly how hard it is to be with someone with that trait. so i'm on both sides of the coin here.

did it before. had it happen to me before. **** happens, dunnit?


Smash Ace
Apr 13, 2013
you guess can avoid the terrible fate of having to make that decision by just not being attractive. works for me 100% of the time.

edit: guys not guess i'm apparently really bad at typing
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Banned via Warnings
Jun 6, 2012
Isle of ゆぅ
do we have a new mod or is that Krynxe disguised? oh no, haven't seen Sangoku lately, did they switch...

"significant other" is the ugliest expression

today I read some old posts of mine. man, skipping words and bad grammar all around. ):
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Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2011
New York
I never thought i'd be happy to see Bangoku... :smirk:

**** outta here, Aerodrome. You have no right to infract my people!!

Bangoku is home! He's the only mod we accept!
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