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Social Social Thread - Talk About Anything (You Are Allowed to Talk About)!


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2011
Kingdom Hearts 1 or 2?

actually replace Earthbound with Fallout New Vegas, i got stuck in Earthbound with those starmen?( I think that's what they're called) and never played again.


Smash Lord
May 3, 2008
Woodhaven, MI
I like 1 a bit better. Outside of those two I've only played 3D, which I liked a whole lot, but the story was getting convoluted at that point.

Can't wait for 3 though


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2011
I really hope 3 is on Wii u or PC, I really don't want to get a xboxwhatever or a PS4 ; __ ;


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2009
melbourne, australia
1. Diablo 2
2. Smash 64
3. Modern Warfare 2
4. Maplestory
5. Conkers Bad Fur Day
6. Fifa (series)
7. League of Legends
8. Guitar Hero (series)
9. Pokémon Blue
10. Minesweeper


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2009
Training Mode
My Favorites/My honorable mentions

1. Harvest Moon 64/ whole franchise
2. SSB/ Melee
3. Conker's BFD

4. Star Tropics/ part 2
5. Mario Party 2
6. Mario Kart 64/ MK Wii
7. Ecco II/ part 1
8. Super Mario Bros/ Lost Levels
9. Super Mario 64/ Galaxy 2
10. Perfect Dark/ GoldenEye

Not really ordered between tiers.

Really hard to compare diff gens and I know I forgot a bunch.
NES & 64 > all.
Could probably make a top ten of each.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2010
Brownsville, Texas
just thought i'd let you guys know that i pwnd komo in pokemon stadium's magic karp splash minigam. (me 6 frames, him 1 frame)

muy facil


Smash Rookie
Jan 30, 2014
Hi I'm new.

My favorite games are SSB and Starcraft.

Don't really play much else. Maybe Civilization IV and V.


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2008
ok ok

top 10 favorite foods

1. cheesesteaks (if ur from philly u know wat i mean)
2. chicken tikka masala
3. cheese fries
4. lamb gyro
5. jalapeno peppers
6. grilled cheese
7. broccoli
8. hummus
9. whole wheat pita
10. macaroni and cheese
11. italian hoagie

i don't eat 1, 3-4, 6, 10, and 11 a lot tho because i do not want to be obese like

most other americunts


Smash Apprentice
May 12, 2013
This was your favorite Zelda game?! If you made an objective less game with nothing but the tedious sailing of Phantom Hourglass, you would still have something better then the Oracle games.
awwww, someone couldn't figure out the wittle puzzles...


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2011
I recently became a vegetarian, so my list would be pretty boring. I basically just eat salads, oatmeal and cereal lol
Me and Frog both pwned Mint in Pokemon Stadium. It was pretty special.
I forget is it you or frogles that can't count.


Smash Apprentice
May 12, 2013
Not only were they the least challenging of the Zelda games, the story lines were the least engaging. Solving the puzzles wasn't a problem.
didn't know you were an authority figure on the series. anyway i enjoyed the games. and i was just joking about the puzzles, the game was made for young kids...


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2011
New York
Hey guys.

Lately I've been thinking about KeroKeroppi. I've been thinking about the player that I am, but more importantly, the player that I want to be. As most of you know, my goal is to eventually be the best SSB player in the world. Admittedly, I joke about about it a lot, but the truth is, I want it more than anything. It's my dream. When I joined the community in late 2011 I was really bad at this game. All I wanted was to be the best but I just kept losing. I was a nobody and it killed me. I ended up maining Pikachu because he gave me the best results. I kept training and I was surprised with how well I was getting a hold of the game. I got more into the tournament scene and picked up Kirby to deal with match ups I didn't like. I also learned new stages solely so that I could counter pick people there. Before I knew it, I had developed a total "play to win" mentality. I did what I had to do to get the victory because winning was everything to me. I eventually started doing pretty OK in tournaments and it was awesome. But at the end of the day, I always felt that there was something missing. I've always known what it was, and I've tried bringing myself to do this several times. I think I'm ready now.

I don't like the way I play. I don't really camp or anything, but my play style is simply average. There's nothing special about me as a player. I'm just an ordinary top-tier-main and if I quit the game right now I'd bet that my matches would never be watched ever again. I know it sounds stupid, but one day I want to be someone's favorite player. I want people to get excited if they hear that I'm playing a match. I want people to actually enjoy watching me play. How can I hope for something like that if I don't even like watching myself play? I hate me as a player. I'm not exciting or cool or interesting at all. If I was watching one of my tournament matches from any of your points of views, I sure as hell wouldn't root for me.

I've become so obsessed with winning lately that I've lost touch of what makes this game beautiful: being yourself. This game is an art to me. I look at each stage as a canvas, and although I'm only limited to 12 different colors of paint, there are an infinite number of things I can create.

My attitude and views about this game, they simply aren't present in the way I play. I know I come off as an annoying troll on smashboards, but this is how I really feel.

Having said all that, I'm done using Pikachu and Kirby in tournament; definitely not permanently, but for a while. I have nothing against Pikachu or Kirby, but they just simply aren't me. I want to experiment with new things and spend some time developing myself as a player. I have a long smash career ahead of me and want to enjoy it to the fullest extent. I realize now that the journey is just as important as the end result.

So yeah. That's that. This is probably the only time you're ever going to see sensitive Kero, so if you've been dying to like call me a whiny girl or a queer or something, now would probably be the best time to do it lol.

-Kero the Great


Smash Master
Mar 13, 2008
disproving indeterminism
Hey guys.

Lately I've been thinking about KeroKeroppi. I've been thinking about the player that I am, but more importantly, the player that I want to be. As most of you know, my goal is to eventually be the best SSB player in the world. Admittedly, I joke about about it a lot, but the truth is, I want it more than anything. It's my dream. When I joined the community in late 2011 I was really bad at this game. All I wanted was to be the best but I just kept losing. I was a nobody and it killed me. I ended up maining Pikachu because he gave me the best results. I kept training and I was surprised with how well I was getting a hold of the game. I got more into the tournament scene and picked up Kirby to deal with match ups I didn't like. I also learned new stages solely so that I could counter pick people there. Before I knew it, I had developed a total "play to win" mentality. I did what I had to do to get the victory because winning was everything to me. I eventually started doing pretty OK in tournaments and it was awesome. But at the end of the day, I always felt that there was something missing. I've always known what it was, and I've tried bringing myself to do this several times. I think I'm ready now.

I don't like the way I play. I don't really camp or anything, but my play style is simply average. There's nothing special about me as a player. I'm just an ordinary top-tier-main and if I quit the game right now I'd bet that my matches would never be watched ever again. I know it sounds stupid, but one day I want to be someone's favorite player. I want people to get excited if they hear that I'm playing a match. I want people to actually enjoy watching me play. How can I hope for something like that if I don't even like watching myself play? I hate me as a player. I'm not exciting or cool or interesting at all. If I was watching one of my tournament matches from any of your points of views, I sure as hell wouldn't root for me.

I've become so obsessed with winning lately that I've lost touch of what makes this game beautiful: being yourself. This game is an art to me. I look at each stage as a canvas, and although I'm only limited to 12 different colors of paint, there are an infinite number of things I can create.

My attitude and views about this game, they simply aren't present in the way I play. I know I come off as an annoying troll on smashboards, but this is how I really feel.

Having said all that, I'm done using Pikachu and Kirby in tournament; definitely not permanently, but for a while. I have nothing against Pikachu or Kirby, but they just simply aren't me. I want to experiment with new things and spend some time developing myself as a player. I have a long smash career ahead of me and want to enjoy it to the fullest extent. I realize now that the journey is just as important as the end result.

So yeah. That's that. This is probably the only time you're ever going to see sensitive Kero, so if you've been dying to like call me a whiny girl or a queer or something, now would probably be the best time to do it lol.

-Kero the Great
You forgot an animal picture.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
i have no idea how i recognised poutine

1. pork ribs (lamb is good too)
2. scallops (any sort, honestly)
3. fried oysters
4. roast duck
5. fried rice (as simple as possible, chinese sausage, egg, shallots, a sprinkling of salt, nothing else)
6. cauliflower bake
7. eel of most sorts, grilled/broiled is best
8. eggplant/mince claypots
9. good fried chicken
10. neenish tarts

This was your favorite Zelda game?! If you made an objective less game with nothing but the tedious sailing of Phantom Hourglass, you would still have something better then the Oracle games.


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2009
Training Mode
Hey guys.

Lately I've been thinking about KeroKeroppi. I've been thinking about the player that I am, but more importantly, the player that I want to be. As most of you know, my goal is to eventually be the best SSB player in the world. Admittedly, I joke about about it a lot, but the truth is, I want it more than anything. It's my dream. When I joined the community in late 2011 I was really bad at this game. All I wanted was to be the best but I just kept losing. I was a nobody and it killed me. I ended up maining Pikachu because he gave me the best results. I kept training and I was surprised with how well I was getting a hold of the game. I got more into the tournament scene and picked up Kirby to deal with match ups I didn't like. I also learned new stages solely so that I could counter pick people there. Before I knew it, I had developed a total "play to win" mentality. I did what I had to do to get the victory because winning was everything to me. I eventually started doing pretty OK in tournaments and it was awesome. But at the end of the day, I always felt that there was something missing. I've always known what it was, and I've tried bringing myself to do this several times. I think I'm ready now.

I don't like the way I play. I don't really camp or anything, but my play style is simply average. There's nothing special about me as a player. I'm just an ordinary top-tier-main and if I quit the game right now I'd bet that my matches would never be watched ever again. I know it sounds stupid, but one day I want to be someone's favorite player. I want people to get excited if they hear that I'm playing a match. I want people to actually enjoy watching me play. How can I hope for something like that if I don't even like watching myself play? I hate me as a player. I'm not exciting or cool or interesting at all. If I was watching one of my tournament matches from any of your points of views, I sure as hell wouldn't root for me.

I've become so obsessed with winning lately that I've lost touch of what makes this game beautiful: being yourself. This game is an art to me. I look at each stage as a canvas, and although I'm only limited to 12 different colors of paint, there are an infinite number of things I can create.

My attitude and views about this game, they simply aren't present in the way I play. I know I come off as an annoying troll on smashboards, but this is how I really feel.

Having said all that, I'm done using Pikachu and Kirby in tournament; definitely not permanently, but for a while. I have nothing against Pikachu or Kirby, but they just simply aren't me. I want to experiment with new things and spend some time developing myself as a player. I have a long smash career ahead of me and want to enjoy it to the fullest extent. I realize now that the journey is just as important as the end result.

So yeah. That's that. This is probably the only time you're ever going to see sensitive Kero, so if you've been dying to like call me a whiny girl or a queer or something, now would probably be the best time to do it lol.

-Kero the Great
Glad to hear buddy =)
And finding your playstyle doesn't happen over night, and playing other chars will DEF help you find that.
My advice/Smash-fortune-cookie for you right now:

Stop playing seriouslies and start playing friendlies!


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2011
What is that white stuff, it looks like popcorn or actually butter now that I look at it closer lol

anyway the whole thing looks disgusting


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2012
food as in MEALS

1. chicken parmigiana cooked like i make it with lotssss of hot pepper
2. bbq ribs cooked like i make them with ketchup, bbq sauce and maple syrup
3. full blown steak with the works in terms of vegels and side****
4. chicken wings and pork fried rice from any chinese place ever
5. chicken soup hands down
6. taylor ham, eggs, bacon, toast and pancakes - aka the best jersey breakfast in the world, i feel sorry for you weak ****s who don't have taylor ham
7. veal parmigiana
8. i could also murder seafood buffet ****, like shrimp, scallops, crabs, mussels, clams, and crab claws
9. there's this concoction my mother makes with chicken cutlets, cream of mushroom soup/cream of chicken soup, and mushrooms that's just amazing
10. gonna have to go with the fat *****

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
I forget is it you or frogles that can't count.
It was me lol, and I SWEAR TO GOD it was registering two presses for one on my ****ty hori sometimes. Like I'm pretty sure I can count to 5 >=[

Good luck Kero. Personally I don't understand why becoming the best is so important to you, but good luck in whatever path you decide to take.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2011
yeah that's what they all say, my sisters a pre-school teacher she can help you.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
I uploaded some videos of me playing Touhou :)

1 2 3 4

Got a computer so I can actually, like, record stuff now. Some random Smash videos coming soon.


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2011
Just so tank and Pete know, I started playing card last night because this convo made think about how tank said the game was awesome a while back. So far so good.

Mint you couldn't beat the starmen? At least tell me star man Jr wasn't a problem! L2 tbsg n00b


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2011
Of course i got past the first battle lol. Idk what tbsg means
I uploaded some videos of me playing Touhou :)

1 2 3 4

Got a computer so I can actually, like, record stuff now. Some random Smash videos coming soon.
That game looks really hard, how do you move through those things, its like surgery.


Smash Master
Oct 27, 2005
Edmonton, Alberta
continuing top 10 game list:

1. SSB(of course)
2. Starcraft: Brood War
3. Super Mario World
4. Hexen
5. In The Groove
6. Legend of Dragoon
7. Final Fantasy 7
8. Worms Armageddon
9. Mario Kart 64
10. Left 4 Dead 2

top 10 too hard

Honorary mentions(not in order): Krazy Racers, Runescape Classic(lol), Kirby Superstar, Paper Mario 64, Crash Team Racing, Crash Bandicoot 2, Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes, Kid Dracula, Warcraft 2, Mario Tennis 64, Super Mario Land 2: 6 Gold Coins, Sonic The Hedgehog 2, Dragon Ball Z: Legacy of Goku 2, Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga, Streets of Rage 2
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